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BUSN302A -Good Governance and Social Responsibility

2nd Semester A.Y. 2017-2018

Instructor: Mr. Pedrito V. Famorcan III

Course Description

This course focuses on the basic concepts, principles, frameworks and practices of good governance and social
responsibility. It aims to cultivate students’ general awareness, enhance decision-making action and inspire students
to be socially responsible citizen and entrepreneurs, and effective business leaders through theory-based discussion,
case analysis and evaluation of business framework that guides corporate social responsibility and business practices.

Upon the completion of the subject the students are expected to:

1. Defined and summarized the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

2. Reviewed alternative definitions of CSR, and their strengths and limitations.

3. Assessed comparative needs for CSR and distinguished between the applications of CSR in various practical

4. Appreciated the significance of CSR and evaluate the impact of good governance.

5. Conducted a Research about Good Governance and CSR topics.

6. Presented a Research Paper on a Symposium on Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility.

This is your class; make our class a laboratory to develop new awareness and hone your competencies as to
knowledge, skills and attitude.

Open Source, Other Readings and Cases

Various books, e-books, handouts, articles, readings, and case studies.

*Simply indicate the source that you’re using (APA Format)

Class Participation
Class Participation is defined as active involvement in all classrooms and learning discussions and activities, full
attention when another person is speaking or presenting, and asking content-related questions.

Written Assignment
At the end of the class you will be given a written assignment. The purpose of this assignment is to build on the skills
and interests you have developed or expressed in class.

Make sure have at least 6 additional articles on the assigned topic aside from the assigned material.
Grading & Assignment Evaluation and Feedback
Below is an outline of how I assess, evaluate and grade written assignments:

Subject Matter

-Key elements of assignments covered

-Content is comprehensive/accurate/persuasive

-Displays an understanding of relevant theory

-Major points supported by specific details/examples

-Research is adequately/timely

-Writer has gone beyond textbook resources

High-Order Thinking

-Writer compares/contrasts/integrate theory/ subject matter with environment

-At an appropriate level, the writer analyzes and synthesizes theory/practice to develop new ideas and ways of
conceptualizing and performing.


-The introduction provides a sufficient background on the topic and previews major points

-Central theme/purpose is immediately clear

-Structure is clear, logical and easy to follow

-Subsequent sections develop/support the central theme

-Conclusion/recommendations follow logically from the body of paper


-Citations/reference page follow guidelines

-Properly cite ideas/info from other sources

-Paper is laid out effectively – uses, heading and other reader-friendly tools

-Paper is neat/shows attention to detail


-Rules of grammar, usage, punctuation are followed

-Spelling is correct

-Sentences are complete, clear, and concise

-Sentences are well constructed with consistently strong, varied structure

-Transitions between sentences/paragraphs/sections help maintain the flow of thought

-Words used are precise and unambiguous

- The tone is appropriate to the audience, content and assignment.

Oral Presentation Evaluation:

Below is an outline how I/we assess, evaluate and grade oral sessions:


- Presentation content clearly follows the written paper upon which it is based (if applicable)

- Topic is relevant and addresses assignment specifications

- Content presented is comprehensive, accurate, and believable

- Key points are noted

- Topic is researched adequately

Structure – Organization – Style

- Presentation is well organized, clear, and effectively structured

- If this is a group presentation, it is integrated rather than being disjointed series

- There is an introduction to gain the audience attention and explain the purpose of the presentation.

- The presenter(s) involved the audience and solicited feedback.

- Questions from the audience are effectively addressed and answer correctly.

- Good eye contact, appropriate gestures, audible and modulated delivery is important.

- Visual aids are used where appropriate.

- Visual aids are appropriately professional given the presentation’s context; they are easy to see or read.

- Visual aids contribute to the overall effectiveness of the presentation.

- Media are used correctly – i.e. overheads, videos, computer generated slides, charts, etc.

- Content knowledge/ confidence are evident

- - Time was used well/not rushed

Daily Requirements
You will pre-choose one of the following topic as it relates to the course. You will complete a well written paper/review
based on the topic as well as an oral presentation to the class. The written version of the review should be a well
written Master-standard paper (recommended length is 3-4 pages, handwritten, size A4). An oral presentation (5-10
minutes) will also be shared with the class. You may use any available resource including books, published articles
which gives a good overview of the concepts and offers additional resources. You must use at least five additional
resources (personal).

Individual Requirement
Written Review/Synthesis on the previous meeting subject to oral presentation.

Each of the topic has various parts that you will address in your written and oral presentation as

Prelim Midterm Semi finals Finals

Good Governance Introduction to CSR Ethical Issues and Performance

(components) Problems in Business Evaluation and
Defining CSR:
and Corporate World Performance Reporting
Good Governance and Contested Terrain
Advocacy CSR in NGOs and Non-
The Context: Failure
Developing Good work Profit Organization
Decision Making and and the Need for CSR
Ethic *(Roa)
decision making Globalization and
The Principles of CSR
processes Stakeholders and Regulation
The Social Contract: issues
Conduct (issues and Stakeholders and
Moral Obligation or
codes) Issues Concerning Protest: Challenging
Sustainability Corporate Activity
Financial Governance
Ethics, CSR and
Corporate and CSR and Strategy
Planning Governance Corporate Behavior
Managerial Behavior
CSR and Leadership
Agency Theory and



40% CLASS WORKS: Case Analysis, Oral Presentations, Review/Synthesis, Quiz, Attendance

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