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In compliance to the Department of Education memorandum-------------series of

2019, entitled ----------where in this program aims to strengthening students to
pursue the career emphasizing that choosing career is not being influence but
it is a result of decision. Students also shall have experienced careers they are
aiming at match their interest with the possible career in a given choice,
identifying career fitted to one’s interest -------------.
In connection with this, SUMILIL NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL conducted a Career
Fiesta 2019 with the theme “PATHWAYS TO CAREERS”, last July 24,2019 at 8 a.m.
held at the school’s PTA Hall.
The first part of the program was the parade were the students wore their future
career choice. The students have fun parading their costumes. After the
parade we have presentation of different future career attire. Some came in a
physician’s outfit complete with stethoscope around their necks, there were at
also who came in as chefs, flight attendant, teachers, soldiers, police officers,
agriculturist and automotive.
Afterwards, the program started with the opening remarks given by Jennifer
Marcelino, Grade 10 adviser. She highlighting all about the theme of these
year’s career fiesta. After the intermission of the selected grade 9 students. The
school guidance coordinator, Cheril O. lozada will give her rationale about
career guidance. She points out the importance of this program. The guidance
coordinator also invited a resourceful guest speaker Ma’am Laila Gaya- Gaya
who share their experiences and also who gave students a much needed
inspiration and guidance on their way to achieving their future goals. Later on,
we proceed to the career lecture with the Teacher –in Charge of the said
school, Mr. Romeo E. Cabanayan. Everyone participated in his short lecture
and his visualization exercises. Students were both entertained and motivated
by a lively presentation. We have also a speaker coming from our Barangay
Council, Kagawad Roselie Menendez. She energetically delivered her message
to the students. And also she has a unique way of capturing the young
audience’s or the student’s attention and getting her message across.
Our school guidance coordinator, Cheril lozada picked the best dress to be
awarded during the closing program.
Through these program, the students gained awareness, ideas of what is all
about career guidance. The esteemed speakers also inspired students to keep
an open mind and heart so they can cultivate their skills and interests toward a
future career.

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