AS Biology: Unit 2 Notes:: The Voice of The Genome

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AS Biology: Unit 2 notes Najla

*Link to folder containing IAL notes (Unit 2, 4, 5):


Topic 3: the voice of the genome

Phylogeny: The study of the history of the evolution of a species or group, especially in
reference to lines of descent and relationships among broad groups of organism
Phylogenetics is the study of evolutionary relationships among biological entities

feature Bacteria Archaea Eukarya

DNA, RNA, Yes Yes Yes


Nucleus No No Yes

Membrane- No No Yes

Cell wall Yes- made of Yes- no peptidoglycan Some yes but no

peptidoglycan *phospholipids in peptidoglycan (i.e;
however membrane have plants and fungi), some
branched hydrocarbon no (i.e; animals)
tails and ether bonds

Antibiotics Not resistant to Resistant to antibiotics Same as Archea

antibiotics that affect bacteria
*also live in harsh

Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells:

Eukaryotic cells:
 found in Eukaryotes; Animals, plants, protoctists (i.e; Algae), many fungi
 Contain membrane-bounded organelles; A nucleus, Mitochondria, chloroplasts etc…

Prokaryotic cells:
 Found in Prokaryotes; most bacteria, green-blue algae
 Do not contain membrane-bounded organelles (no mitochondria, ER, golgi body and
 do not have a nucleus. They have a single strand of DNA coiled to form a loop in the
centre- the nucleoid
 Cytoplasm contains enzymes, ribosomes and food storage granules
 will sometimes have additional genetic material in rings called plasmids
 Respiration takes place in a special part of the cell membrane; a Mesosome
 Photosynthesizing prokaryotes will have a form of chlorophyll. *Not in chloroplasts

Eukaryotic cell ultrastructure:

The cell membrane surrounds a cell acting as a boundary which holds the cell together and
controls what goes in and out. *Partially permeable
Intracellular membranes make up/surround organelles and serve many functions.

The protoplasm

jelly-like liquid containing organelles

The nucleus
 Largest organelle, between 10 and 20 micrometres
 Controls events in cytoplasm because contains genetic material of cell; Nucleic acids
(DNA and RNA). Also contains proteins. *when cell is not dividing DNA bonds with a
protein to form chromatin- tiny granules
 surrounded by a double nuclear membrane or, envelope, which has many nuclear pores
allowing for the movement of chemicals
 Contains at least one nucleolus; dense area of almost pure nucleic acids and proteins

 Surrounded by inner and outer membranes. Inner membrane folded to make cristae
which is surrounded by a fluid matrix
 contain their own genetic material; to replicate themselves during cell division
 Function: Releases energy from food in the form of ATP using Oxygen in a series of
biochemical reactions → aerobic respiration
 More found in cells requiring more energy, i.e; muscle cells

 Two found in each cell. Each a bundle of nine tubules.
 Function: Pull apart to form a spindle of microtubules in mitosis

Dynamic, 3D, web-like structure made of microfilaments (protein fibres) and microtubules
(protein tubes)
Function: gives cytoplasm structure and keeps organelles in place

Mostly found in plant cells. Formed and lost as needed in some animal cells. i.e; white blood

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

Rough ER:
 Network of sac-like cavities (cisternae) covered with ribosomes
 Function: Protein synthesis occurs in ribosomes- rER isolates and transports these
proteins as transfer vesicles pinch of the cisternae and travel to the Golgi body
 Large SA for synthesis of many proteins
Smooth ER:
 Tubular cisternae- no ribosomes
 Function: Synthesis and transport of steroids and lipids (i.e; oestrogen)

Golgi body
 Made up of stacks of flattened, parallel, membrane pockets called cisternae, found near
the nucleus. Transfer vesicles from the sER fuse to form these
 Function: Modify, store and transport proteins received at the cis golgi from the rER.
Carbohydrates can be added to proteins to form glycoproteins.
 Secretory vesicles containing proteins bud off the cisternae at the trans golgi
 some fuse with the outer cell membrane to release proteins, i.e; extracellular enzymes
 Involved in formation + secretion of lysosome

Vesicles containing a powerful mix of digestive enzymes. Used in phagocytosis.
Can rupture to destroy damaged cell- known as apoptosis.

The organisation of cells:

1. Tissues: Groups of similar cells carrying out a specific function- They do not operate on
their own
Four main tissue types:
 Epithelial: form the lining of surfaces, inside and outside the body. i.e; squamous
 Connective: Main supporting tissue in the body mostly made up of collagen. i.e; bone
tissue, blood
 Muscle tissue
 Nervous tissue

2. organs: Different tissues, grouped into a structure so that they can work effectively
3. Organ systems: Organs working together as a system to carry out large-scale
Cell cycle and mitosis:
Stage 1:
 G1: cell synthesizes mRNA and proteins
 S (Synthesis): DNA replication and cell growth + centrosomes replicate
 G2 (gap 2): final cell growth takes place. *At checkpoints, small proteins called cyclins
build up and attach to CDKs to allow the cell to move on to the next stage
A form of cell division which results in two identical daughter cells being formed.
*Allows for growth, asexual reproduction in some organisms and for damaged tissue to be
replenished after injury by replacing damaged cells.

 Chromosomes coil and condense by winding around positively charged histone proteins
and each appear as two chromatids joined by a centromere. (X shape)
 Nucleolus breaks down
 Centrioles move apart and begin to form the spindle

 Nuclear membrane breaks down
 Spindles made of microtubules have been formed (by the centrioles) and chromosomes
line up at the equator of the cell where each is attached to a spindle fibre by its

 The centromeres separate as the sister chromatids are pulled towards opposite poles,
shortening spindle tubules

 Spindle fibres break down and nuclear membranes form around two sets of
 Nucleoli and centrioles also re-form. The chromosomes unravel, becoming less dense

Cytokinesis: Final stage; division of cytoplasm to form two individual cells.

Gametogenesis: (meiosis)
Meiosis is a process where a single cell divides twice to produce four cells (sex cells or
gametes) containing the haploid number of chromosomes.
-It consists of two stages;
 Meiosis l
 Same process as mitosis; two diploid cells produced
 Crossing over occurs during prophase (during synapsis); homologous
chromosomes wind around each other at the chiasmata and sections of each
chromosome switch places; genetic information is shared between the two →
genetic variation even between siblings
 independent assortment occurs as a result of the alignment of homologs during
metaphase I, determining which maternal and paternal chromosomes assort to
each daughter cell. Each pair of alleles separates independently of every other
pair of unlinked alleles leading to a new combination of chromosomes.

 Meiosis ll
 Same process as mitosis (prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase) but DNA
is not replicated
 Only one of the four cells produced becomes an ovum; the others are polar

Structural adaptations of mammalian gametes:


Spermatogenesis (in testes) → spermatids → differentiate into mature sperm within about two
months. *occurs from onset of puberty throughout a man’s lifetime.
Secondary oocyte

Cortical granules contain enzymes which are released once a sperm has penetrated the egg,
known as the cortical reaction → Zona pellucida forms hard barrier preventing polyspermy
(the fertilisation membrane)

Oogenesis: Primary oocytes are formed from oogonia (female germ cells) following repeated
mitotic divisions. At puberty meiosis resumes from prophase l and eggs at metaphase ll are
released. The second division of secondary oocytes to produce mature ova is only completed
during fertilisation.

1. Sperm move through the female reproductive tract and the acrosome region matures
2. Sperm cluster around ovum (secondary oocyte)
3. Heads of sperms touch surface of ovum → acrosome reaction
4. One sperm eventually wriggles through the weakened barriers and touches the surface
membrane of the secondary oocyte
5. The oocyte undergoes second meiotic division to provide a haploid egg nucleus
6. A tough fertilisation membrane is formed to prevent polyspermy following the cortical
7. The head of the sperm enters the oocyte and the tail is left behind; the male and female
chromosomes fuse and a diploid zygote is produced

1. If the molecules on the surface of the pollen grain and the stigma recognise each other
as being from a different plant from the same species the pollen grain begins to grow or
2. Pollen tube grows through stigma into the hollow style
3. Nucleus of pollen tube divides to form two male nuclei and the tip of the tube eventually
passes through the micropyle of the ovule *growth of pollen tube is very fast due to rapid
elongation of cell
4. Two male nuclei pass into the ovule
5. Double fertilisation occurs → one male nucleus fuses with the nuclei of the two polar
bodies to form the triploid endosperm nucleus and the other fuses with the egg cell to
form the diploid zygote

Stem cells
Stem cells are undifferentiated cells (Totipotent, Pluripotent or multipotent) which have the
potential to differentiate and give rise to different specialised cells such as muscle cells.
These cells are present in some organs where they will divide to replace and replenish
damaged tissue.

Stem cells are either:

•Totipotent: can give rise to any type of specialized cell.
•Pluripotent: Can give rise to any type of specialised cell other than placental cells. i.e;
embryonic stem cells, taken from the blastocyst
•Multipotent: Can give rise to more than one type of specialised cell- more limited than
pluripotent stem cells. i.e; adult stem cells

Uses of stem cells:

•The main two types of stem cells are embryonic cells, which are derived from the
blactocyst (a ball of cells which developes 3-5 days after fertilisation) produced under
IVF or fetal tissue, and adult stem cells which are taken from adult tissues such as the
bone marrow.
•Due to their unique regenerative abilities (They are capable of continuous cell division
and technically have no hayflick limit), stem cells can be used to treat several
diseases including type 1 diabetes- where they can be induced to become insulin
producing beta cells.

Problems with using stem cells from donors:

 You need to find a suitable match which can be difficult
 Risk of rejection
 Risk of transmission of disease
 The recipient would have to take immunosupressant drugs to prevent their body from
rejecting the stem cells making them vulnerable to opportunistic diseases
 Can cause cancer to develop

Stem cell ethics:

 Is it okay to create and destroy life for scientific purposes? Sometimes extra embryos
from IVF are used, they would be thrown away anyway
 Is it okay to ‘alter’ humans?
 What if stem cell therapy heralds damaging effects on humans in the future?
 Embryos should have the same human rights as a fully grown adult
 Stem cell research offers the hope of curing millions of hopeless people suffering from
illnesses like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
 Use of adult stem cells is ethically less sensitive

Cell differentiation/differential gene expression

 external/internal stimulus (i.e; hormones, chemicals) triggers diff. Genes to be
 Diff. sections of dna are transcribed; active mRNA produced + translated into
 Proteins are made→ control cell processes and determine cell structure and

Genetic variation
 Alleles are alternative forms of the same gene that occupy the same location
(gene locus)
A phenotype is the result of an interaction between genotype and the environment (e.g.
animal hair colour, human height, monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) and cancers). For example,
about 400 genes contribute to human height, however, environmental factors which determine a
child’s nutrition and overall health also affect it. The data on the relative contributions of genes
and environment is often difficult to interpret.

Gene locus
A locus (plural loci), in genetics, is the specific location or position of a gene, DNA
sequence, on a chromosome.

Phenotype and gene interactions

Some phenotypes are affected by many genes at different loci (polygenic inheritance) as well
as the environment (e.g. height) and this can give rise to phenotypes that show continuous
variation. Polygenic inheritance occurs when one visible characteristic (phenotype) is controlled
by two or more genes at different loci. Often the genes are large in quantity but small in effect.
Examples of human polygenic inheritance are height, skin color, eye color and weight. These
characteristics do not seem to follow mendelian rules in their inheritance patterns.

When there are large numbers of genes involved, it becomes hard to distinguish the effect of
each individual gene
Topic 4: Biodiversity and natural resources
All living organisms are divided into three domains (established by Woese in 1990); bacteria,
Archaea, Eukarya which stem from the last universal common ancestor (LUCA).
*Bacteria and Archaea, are both single-celled prokaryotic microorganisms with no nucleus.
Despite this, Archaea are known to be more closely related to Eukarya.
feature Bacteria Archaea Eukarya

DNA, RNA, Yes Yes Yes


Nucleus No No Yes

Membrane- No No Yes

Cell wall Yes- made of Yes- no peptidoglycan Some yes but no

peptidoglycan *phospholipids in peptidoglycan (i.e;
however membrane have plants and fungi), some
branched hydrocarbon no (i.e; animals)
tails and ether bonds
Antibiotics Not resistant to Resistant to antibiotics Same as Archea
antibiotics that affect bacteria
*also live in harsh

Initially, scientists used morphology, or the physical appearance of organisms to

identify the degree of similarity or differene between them and in turn, grouping them
into species, genus and so on. A species is a group of closely related organisms which
can interbreed to produce fertile offspring.
Some organisms may look similar while they are actually very different. The new
science of molecular phylogeny uses the analysis of the structures of many different
chemicals and genes to identify how closely related organisms are and in turn back up
or even disprove the relationships based on morphology. This is done with the evidence
from DNA profiling and analysis of the sequence of bases in DNA and RNA as well as
amino acid sequences.

The theory that there are three domains; two prokaryotes (Archea and bacteria)
and the eukaryotes developed as a result of analysis of ribosomes, enzymes and
chemicals such as DNA and RNA under molecular phylogeny. The three domain
system, remains a source of debate and uncertainty, however, as some scientists argue
that archaea are not more closely linked to eukarya and that the evolution of organisms
would be better represented by a complex web of life rather than a simple tree.

Plant cell structure:

Because plant cells are bounded by cell walls, they appear as more rigid and uniform in shape
than animal cells. *Plant cells contain the same features as animal cells (except centrioles) as
well as some distinguishing features

Plant cell walls

Middle lamella:
 first layer
 Forms after cell division
 Made of pectin, calcium pectate
Primary cell wall:
 Build up against middle lamella
 Made up of cellulose microfibrils, pectin and a matrix of hemicelluloses and other short-
chain carbohydrates which act as a glue
 Flexible as cellulose microfibrils oriented in a similar direction (parallel)
Secondary cell wall:
 Develops as plant ages
 Cellulose microfibrils laid densely at diff. angles to each other → gives cell wall strength
 More rigid + hemicelluloses harden it further
 Some are lignified, i,e; wood
middle lamella
Holds cell walls of neighbouring plant cells together, acting as a glue. Made mainly of calcium
pectate and hemicelluloses which hold the cellulose matrices in place.

a narrow thread of cytoplasm that passes through the cell walls of adjacent plant cells and
allows communication between them.

Pits are cavities in plant cell walls that allow water to be transported more easily.

Organelles unique to plant cells:

Large central vacuole

Space inside cytoplasm filled with cell sap (substances dissolved in water), surrounded by
membrane called the tonoplast.
Functions: Allows water to enter the cell by osmosis → key in maintaining turgor pressure and,
in turn, cell structure. Storage of different substances. i.e; Betacyanin in beetroot cells

 large organelles, biconvex shape
 Contain granum made of thylakoid membranes suspended in a liquid called stroma
 contain their own DNA and have a double membrane, like mitochondria, giving a large
SA for reactions to take place
 function: site of photosynthesis; contains chlorophyll- green pigment that traps energy
from light

colourless, like chloroplasts, develop from a plant stem cell known as a leucoplast.
function: store amylopectin. Found in large amounts in starch-storing areas; potato tubers

 Cellulose is made up of long chains of beta glucose joined by 1,4- glycosidic bonds-
cellulose chains.
o One of the monomer units has to be inverted so bonding can take place.
Hydroxyl groups stick out on both sides of the molecule → cross-linking can
occur between parallel chains. These hydrogen bonds make cellulose and plant

fibres very strong.

o They have a high tensile strength meaning they cannot be easily broken by

B-glucose → cellulose molecules →cellulose microfibrils arranged at 90 degrees to each other

→ matrix strengthened by hemicelluloses and in some cases, lignin

How is it different from starch?

 Starch is made up of alpha glucose joined by 1,4 and 1,6 glycosidic bonds, not b
glucose joined by 1, 4 glycosidic bonds
 Cellulose is used for structure and support whereas starch is used for energy storage
 Cellulose is made from straight, parallel chains which form cellulose
microfibrils whereas starch is made up of spiralled amylose and branched amylopectin

The tissues that make up the stem:

 Epidermis: outer layer of the stem is the epidermis, protects the cells beneath it. A waxy
substance called cutin is secreted to reduce water loss
 Parenchyma: Made up of parenchyma cells- unspecialised cells. Can serve many
functions, i.e; storage and photosynthesis, some can be modified into collenchyma and
 Sclerenchyma: Type of modified parenchyma- for support. Develop around vascular
bundles in older stems, to support bigger upper weight of plant. Sclerenchyma cells have
strong secondary walls made of cellulose microfibrils laid out perpendicularly to each
other. Some form fibers; very long cells found in bundles/cylinders. Lignin is deposited
on the cell walls of fibres. Position: outside phloem

 Vascular bundle:
Main functional units; hollow, lignified, xylem vessels made of dead cells with no end
Function: transport water and dissolved mineral ions up the stem
Phloem: Living tissue made up of phloem cells which transport sucrose (the product of
photosynthesis) to where it is needed for growth or to be stored as starch.

Cambium: a layer of unspecialised cells between xylem and phloem.

Importance of water and inorganic ions to plants:

Mineral ion Function Deficiency


Nitrate Needed to make DNA and amino acids and, in turn,

· Stunted growth
proteins. Essential to growth and reproduction · Yellow older leaves

Phosphate Needed for phosphate groups in ATP and ADP and· Very dark green
nucleic acids; essential to energy transfers and leaves
growth · Purple veins
· Stunted growth

Calcium Combine with pectin to form calcium pectate found· Growing points die
in middle lamella of plant cells + important to back
permeability of membranes · Yellow and crinkly
younger leaves

Magnesium Part of chlorophyll molecule + essential for · Yellow areas on

activation of plant enzymes needed for older leaves
photosynthesis + synthesis of nucleic acids · Growth slowed

Uses of plant fibres

Plant fibres have a high tensile strength- a lot of mass has to be applied to them to break
them/pull them apart. This makes them very suitable for making cloth, paper, ropes etc…
Plant fibres and starch are renewable resources unlike oil which is limited and becomes
increasingly expensive. They are also biodegradable and are of better quality in some cases.
Plant resources can be carbon neutral; they take in carbon as they grow and release it as they
are burnt or used. Thus, these contribute to sustainability.

Short, single fibres found around cotton seeds are spun to form long, continuous threads with
are then woven together to make fabrics.

A composite material made of lignified cellulose fibres embedded in hemicelluloses. Wood has
a very high tensile strength at is quite flexible making it suitable for weight-bearing in buildings,
making furniture and making boats.
To make paper:
 Soak in a strong alkali such as caustic soda
 Pulp consisting of cellulose and lignified cellulose left in water
 Thin layers of pulp pressed onto frames
 Layers of pulp dry to form paper

Bioplastics vs oil based plastics:

Oil based plastics are non-biodegradable; they cannot be degraded by naturally-occurring

microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. They accumulate in the environment, particularly
aquatic environments, and can cause marine life to die through intoxication, following ingestion
of the plastic, or entanglement in the plastic fragments.
These conventional plastics are also non-sustainable as they are produced from non-renewable
resources; petroleum and natural gas.

Bioplastics are made from renewable biological resources that at the end of their useful life
rapidly biodegrade and return nutrients back into the system.

Historic drug testing Vs contemporary drug testing

William Withering's digitalis soup
 discovered that an extract of foxgloves could be used to treat dropsy (extract contained
the drug digitalis.)
 CHANCE OBSERVATION ; a patient suffering from dropsy recovered after being treated
by a traditional remedy containing foxgloves.
 Tested different versions of the remedy with different concentrations of digitalis.
 TRIAL & ERROR; too much digitalis poisoned his patient, whilst too little had no effect.

Contemporary drug testing

Animal studies and laboratory studies on isolated cells and tissue cultures assesses safety and
determines whether the compound is effective against the target disease.

Clinical Trials:
A small group of (usually healthy) volunteers are told about the drug and given doses. The trial
confirms whether or not the compound is being absorbed, distributed, metabolised and excreted
by the body in the way predicted by the laboratory tests.
*They must be of the same age/gender and they must have the same general health
levels and lifestyles

Small groups of volunteer patients e.g. 100-300 people with the disease, are treated to
determine the drug’s effectiveness.

Large group of patients (1000-3000 people) are selected and divided into two groups. One is
given the compound being investigated; the second is given a placebo (in some cases an
existing treatment is used rather than a placebo). A placebo is an inactive substance that looks
exactly like the drug but doesn't do anything.

If the results show significant improvements in the patients receiving the treatment compared to
those with the placebo or standard treatment then compound being investigated is effective.
Often a DOUBLE BLIND TRIAL is used which is when neither the patients nor the doctors know
who is having the compound under investigation and who is having the placebo.

The variety of organisms present in a given habitat
 Species richness: The number of species present in a habitat in a given time.
 Species evenness: How close in numbers each species in an environment is.
 Genetic diversity (within a species): The variety of alleles in a gene pool of a species;
the more genetic variation the better bc. Higher chances of survival

How to measure biodiversity:

 Using quadrats: *quantitative sampling, simplest way
 Place a quadrat of a suitable size (i.e; 1m by 1m) at random co-ordinates from a
number generator
 Identify plants or animals (useful for organisms that don’t move much)
 Count how many species present
 Repeat at different locations; obtain mean number of species and multiply out to
give total number of species in a particular habitat (the more areas included the
more reliable the results)
 Using transects
The ecological state of a species being unique to a defined geographic area (in the wild) where
they are not found anywhere else.

Concept of Niche
A niche is the specific role or function of an organism in its habitat which is a result of its
physical, anatomical and physiological adaptations.
 Behavioral; The ways an organism acts
 I.e: bird calls, migration
 Physiological: processes that take place inside an organism’s body
 I.e: Making venom, secreting slime
 Anatomical: Structural features of an organism
 I.e: long beaks, sharp claws
Natural selection:
The differential survival and reproduction of individuals due to differences in phenotype.
This is a type of directional selection which shows a change from one phenotypic property to a
new one more advantageous in the circumstances.
*This often begins with geographical isolation which changes the selection pressures on a
1. There are genetic differences between organisms within the same species which results
in different phenotypic traits.
2. Some traits are favourable; they make organisms fitter as these adaptations make them
better suited to their environments
3. Many favourable traits are heritable, meaning they can be passed onto offspring
4. The fitter animals are more likely to survive and pass on their advantageous phenotypic
traits to their offspring

Mechanisms of evolutionary change:

 Natural selection; *cannot operate unless there is genetic variation
 Genetic drift; *Cannot operate unless there is genetic variation - The chance
dissapearance of individuals who die or do not reproduce
 Mutation; a source of genetic variation
 Migration; As genetically different organisms join a population; their alleles become more
frequent in that population

Charles Darwin Identified this as a key mechanism of evolution, the change in heritable traits of
a population over time. Under the idea of the survival of the fittest, organisms with favourable
traits are most likely to reproduce and pass on the alleles that code for these traits as they give
them an advantage in a particular niche. Over generations, the alleles that mark their variation
become more frequent and eventually whole populations change. This can also lead to
speciation whereby new and distinct species are formed in the course of evolution.

Conservation refers to the maintainance and protection of a living and changing environment in
order to maintain biodiversity.

Animal species at risk of extinction can be saved in different ways:

 Regions can be established as national parks or protected areas to prevent the further
destruction of habitats by human activity
 Zoos can use captive breeding programmes;
 Individuals of a species are bred in zoos and parks *stud books and DNA profiles
are kept
 Genetic diversity is maintained as sperm can be swapped with other zoos (for
artificial insemination)
 Reintroduction programmes:
 Captive-bred animals can be reintroduced to their natural habitats in the wild to
restore the original populations
 Reintroduction is most successful in national parks or other protected areas. The
Californian condors have been saved in this way.

Problems with captive breeding and reintroduction:

 There isn’t enough space or resources in zoos for all endangered species
 Reintroduction programmes are very expensive and time consuming and they may fail
 Unless the reason for animals being pushed to the brink of extinction is removed,
reintroduction to the wild will be unsuccessful
 It is difficult to provide the right conditions for animals to breed, some are reluctant
 The gene pool of animals held may be reduced
 Animals that have been bred in captivity may struggle to adapt to living unsupported in

the wild

Seed banks can perserve many plants by storing live seeds:

1. These seeds are collected from the wild, removed from fruits and cleaned.
2. They are screened using x-rays to ensure that they contain fully developed embryos.
3. Then they are stored in jars at very low temperatures and at low humidity to prevent
them from germinating and to prevent microbial growth.
4. Most plant seeds store well and are capable of germinating for up to 200 years.

Scientific research is carried out by zoos and botanic gardens which work closely with university
departments. Education regarding the impacts of falling biodiversity and the principles of
conservation can help to raise awareness of conservation issues including the need for
conservation and the available opportunities for it.

*Core practicals; tensile strength, plant mineral deficiencies, antimicrobial properties of plants

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