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Submitted to B.K.V.M. (HPE subject teacher) for the partial

fulfilment of HPE (practicum) class 10.

Submitted by:
Name: Preezal Thapa
Class: 10
Section: Chamelee (A)
Roll no:32
This project work was done for the partial fulfillment of
the requirement of curriculum of HPE (practical) of class
10. It was done to report the information obtained from
total female population of the tole ( Diyalo tole).This was
done or the data were simply collected by the direct
sampling of the women population of the tole. The
completion of this project was done by compiling the
obtained information and data, and was finally printed.
This report contains information about the situation of
women (education and employment status of women) of
the particular tole.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Bal Kalyan

Vidya Mandir for providing me this opportunity. All the
people who helped for the completion of this project were
five a warm "Thank You" (including women who were
surveyed).Yes, a special thank you goes to our respected
sir, Mr. Komal sir for giving us such a great idea about each
and every dos and don'ts of this project work. Finally, a
great thank you for those who supported and co-operated
du-ring the project.
Preezal Thapa
BKVM School

S.No. Particulars. Page no.

1. Introduction (1)

1.1. Background of the study 1

1.2. Statement of the problem 1

1.3. Objectives of the study 1

1.4. Significance of study 1

2. Methodology (2)

2.1. Study area 2

2.2. Sample selection 2

2.3. Questionnaire design 2

2.4. Source of data 2

2.5. Data collection 2

2.6. Research tools 2

3. Analysis of women education and employment situation (3-4)

3.1. Education status: i. Women's educational status. 3

ii. Pie-chart of women's educational status.

3.2. Employment status: i. Women’s employment status. 4

ii. Pie-chart of women's employment status.

4. Summary, conclusion and recommendation (5-7)

4.1. Summary 5

4.2. Conclusion 5

4.3. Recommendation 5

4.4. Appendix 6

4.5. Bibliography 7
1.1. Background of the study.

As subjected in the project's dos, Diyalo tole was selected. This was because we were said to know and analys the
status of women education and employment of our own tole (the tole in which we live). Diyalo tole was actually
selected because of its captivating features such as women and men with good behaviours, variety of
employments, entrepreneurs and better educational condition along with supportive family members.

1.2. Statement of the problem.

This project was especially done to know, learn and improve the the status of women education and employment
of the tole (Diyalo tole). It also dealt with the identification of active and inactive women population of the
sampled area and also qualification and potentiality of the sampled women population.

1.3. Objectives of the study.

This project had its various objectives/aims/goals or even targets. The objectives of this project are given below:

• To fulfill the requirement of the curriculum.

• To know the situation of women education and employment of the tole.
• To help to make base for future research works.
• To provide some recommendation/suggestions about the current situation of women education and
• To conduct awareness programs against its bad features.

1.4. Significance of the study.

This study holds a great importance Its importance is mentioned in the following points:

• It will fulfill the requirement of the curriculum.

• It helps us to know about women's literacy status and employment conditions.
• It is also useful to carry out future researches or works.
• It also gives us motivation about giving recommendation /suggestion about the situation to the
organization or institution.
• It also helps to carry out different awareness programs against its bad features.

1.5. Limitations of the study.

This project had its various limitations. The limitations of the project are given below:

• We weren't able to get much information as expected.

• Locals didn't trust us well because our school team was not with us at that time.
• Few families didn't cooperate well.

2.1. Study area.

Diyalo tole had good economic condition of men but the status of women education and employment
was still not learnt well. It is a place filled with people with the softest heart and melting soul along with
the variety of employment opportunities still available.

2.2. Sample selection.

Random sampling was done and the data is collected from the sampled area.All women(55) out of 27
families (108 men and women) were surveyed. According to this, 55 women were selected from 27
households. Women were cooperative, friendly and understanding along with their supportive family
members.100% effort was given to carry out the processes for the completion of the given project.

2.3. Questionnaire design.

Questionnaire was designed focusing on the information to be collected or the requirements and needs
to be fulfilled of the project. It was also done based on the things which are required to collect all
information required to know or get full information about the status of women education and
employment of the tole. Usually, closed ended questions were used in questionnaire design and some of
them were open ended.

2.4. Source of data.

Data were collected from the primary source on the basis of survey.

2.5. Data collection.

Data were collected through the direct interview of the women population of the tole.

2.6. Research tools.

Some tools were required for the stud of the tole and yo prepare the report which are given below:

i. Random sampling.

ii. Closed ended questionnaires.

iii. Mathematical tools.

iv. Stationery materials

3.Analysis of women education and employment situation.
3.1. Education status.

i. Women's educational status.

Level of No. of women. In percent (%)


Basic 20 36.36%

Secondary 16 29.09%

Higher 14 25.45%

Total educated 50 90.90%

Uneducated 5 9.09%

Here, we came to know that Diyalo tole had high literacy rate of women.

ii. Pie-chart of women's educational status.

.•.The above pie-chart shows women's educational status of Diyalo tole.

3.2. Employment status.

i. Women's employment status.

Employment No. of women. In percent (%)


Employed 19 Agricultural job:7 34.5%


Unemployed 33 60%

Left 3 5.5%

Here, we came to know that employment status of women is quite low (bad).

ii. Pie-chart of women's employment status.

.•. The above pie-chart women's employment status of Diyalo tole.

4. Summary, conclusion and recommendation.

4.1 Summary.

Diyalo tole was a tole with majority of female population (mostly educated). There are more
number of educated female population, majority of unemployed females and extremely less
or no number of entrepreneurs. It was culturally diverse but had a peaceful environment. It
needs to develop its area. Despite having some limitations of the study, we were successful
to collect much information as needed and we are able to know about women’s educational
and employment status of the tole as well.

4.2 Conclusion

We can conclude that Diyalo tole was a tole full of kind hearted people with good behaviors.
Yes, I thought it will be difficult for me to collect much information for this project as my
school team was not with me at that time. But, the results or the expectations went beyond
best.Though most of the females were educated, the employment rate was extremely low.
Therefore, it really needs to work more on its employment features (job opportunities and
entrepreneurship skills).

4.3 Recommendation

I would like to recommend many things which the tole members and even the government
really need to work on. Some of them are given below:

• To encourage people to be engaged in whatever jobs they get.

• To provide or expand more opportunities of employment.

• To give a complaint to the government for its carelessness towards the tole (budget
fund, loan facilities).

• To provide facilities of education even to the old-age uneducated people by the locals.

• To encourage females to be less dependent on their males and even get their further
higher education.
4.4. Appendix.

1.Who is the head of your family?

Name: ______________

Sex: ______________

Caste: ______________

2.How many members are there in your family?

Total male: ______ Total female: ______

3.Are male members educated?

a. Yes b. No c. Some are, some aren't.

4.Are female members educated?

a. Yes b. No c. Some are, some aren't.


1. Name: ________________

Relation with Family Head: ________________

Age: ________________

2.Have you studied?

a. Yes b. No

If yes, how much?

a. Basic b. Secondary c. Higher

3.What is your occupation?

a. Agriculture b. Non-agriculture c. Unemployed

1.What suggestions would you like to give to the concerned people about women empowerment?


2.What suggestions would you like to give to me?

4.5. Bibliography.

Health, Population and Environment (HPE).


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