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At the end of the 60 minute lesson, the students are expected to be able to;

- Discuss the parts and function of the Respiratory System;

- Show cooperation in the group activity
- Give the importance of the Respiratory System in the Human Body.



b. MATERIALS: Illustration Board, White Board Marker, Lung model
Pages 2-10




“Good morning class!” “Good morning Mam!”

“Before we start our lesson for today, we will be Students will remain standing and one of the
having first a short activity.” students will lead the prayer.

“This is a game called Four Pics, One Word.” Students will answer the following:
“I will group you into two. I am going to show
you group of pictures and identify the theme. INHALE
Below the pictures are blank spaces indicating LUNGS
how many letters are in the answer. You will be OXYGEN
given a slate board to write your answer. The
first group to raise the correct answer will gain 5
points. The group with the most number of
points wins the game.”

“Very good class, you were able to identify the


“Now, what comes to your mind when you “Those pictures show about respiration
encounter those words or those pictures shown ma’am”
to you?”

“Very good. What else?” “Those words pertain to Respiratory organs

“Yes, you are correct!” ma’am.”
Now let’s start our class with an activity, the Students will identify and the label the parts
teacher will ask for volunteer students and will be of the model on the board.
given labels of the different parts of the lungs.


“Based on our activity, what do you think would “Our topic is about Respiratory system
be our lesson for today?” Mam.”

“Exactly! Our lesson for today is about the

Respiratory System.”


Let us start off by breathing in and breathing out. The class participates.
Notice your chest and belly moving and feel the soft
air. Let us feel the air moving from our nose into the
throat, through the air tubes and into the lungs.

“How do you feel class?” “We feel good mam.”

Let us define Respiration- it is the term for the

exchange of oxygen from the environment and
carbon dioxide from body’s cells.

“There are two processes occur during respiration; “Inhalation is the process of taking air into
inhalation and exhalation. So who can define the lungs ma’am.”

“Correct! How about exhalation?” ”Exhalation is the process of breathing out

of air from the lungs Mam.”
“Very Good!”

“Let’s proceed first to the main or primary organ of “The lungs Mam.”
the Respiratory System. Do you know what it is

“Yes, you are correct. So, what do you know about “It is located in the chest Mam.”
our lungs? Who can answer? Where could we
locate our lungs?”

“Anyone who could tell me the key parts of the “Mam they are the nose, nasal passages,
respiratory system? trachea, bronchi and alveoli.”

“You are correct. Thank u very much for your


“Most normal breathing takes place through the

nasal cavity, but the oral cavity can be used to
supplement or replace the nasal cavity’s functions
when needed.”

“So, do you have any idea on the instances where do “We use our mouth usually when we are
we need to use our mouth when breathing?” having colds, because of nasal congestion.”

“That is a very good observation. What else?” “It is the passageway of air”


“We have here the right and the left lung. Can u tell “The Left lung is smaller than the right.”
the difference?”

“The right lung has three lobes. While the left lung
has two. For you to not forget. Right-three
(Remember the ‘R’)

“This part now is the trachea, where the air coming

from the nose/mouth pass through. Trachea is called
the windpipe. If you will look closely, you will notice
some rings around it. These rings makes it stronger
and hold the muscles together.”

“After trachea, what do you notice here?” “Mam there is a splitting tube. It is called
“Very good. Yes, this is the right and left bronchus
we say bronchi in plural form. It looks like Y. After “Smaller tubes mam.”
that, what do you see?”

“Nice observation. Those are bronchiole (smaller

bronchi). These tiny branches hold these tiny bunch “Mam, they are the alveoli”
of grapelike structures. Can u name them?”

“Exactly! Alveoli are tiny sacs within our lungs that “It is the destination of air that we breathe
allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to move between in.”
the lungs and bloodstream.”

“This is the main muscle used when breathing, the ”The diaphragm flattens when we inhale and
Diaphragm. So class, what do you observe in our goes back to its original shape or position
diaphragm when breathing? “ when we exhale.”

“Precisely! As a person breathes in and out, the

diaphragm contracts and expands, forcing air to rush
into or exit the lungs.”

“Very good class.”

“So class, what is the importance of our Respiratory “It delivers oxygen into our bodies, which we
System to the Human Body? need for our cells to live and function
“Correct! Any more idea?”
“The Respiratory System also facilitates the
“Exactly!” sense of smell and it produces speech.”
“In general, the Respiratory System is vital to the
whole functioning of the body.”

Please go to your respective groups and you will do
the activity entitled :

Bottled Balloons
Explain how the lungs work
Describe how the movement of the diaphragm helps
the air go in and out of the lungs

1 two-liter empty plastic jar
3 balloons (1 big, 2 small)
1 sturdy straw
1 pair of scissors
5 rubber bands

1. Create two holes that are apart from each other
at the bottom of the empty plastic jar. Make sure
that each hole is just big enough for a straw to fit
2. Stick the two straws through the two holes.
3. Place one balloon on the end of each straw, and
secure them with rubber bands, as shown in the
figure below.

4. Seal the holes around the straw so there will be

no space for air to enter.
5. Stretch out the larger balloon and place it over
the open bottom of the jar.
5. Secure it with the rubber band as tightly as
possible. Refer to the diagram of the finished lung
model below.
6. Pull the larger balloon down; that is, away from
the bottle, in order to blow up the two small
7. Push the larger balloon towards the bottle in
order to let the air out of the two small balloons.
8. Write down your observations.

Guide Questions:
What does each part of the constructed lung model
What happens as you pull down the balloon at the
bottom of the model?
What happens as you push up the balloon?
How does the movement of the diaphragm cause
the air to go in and out of the lungs?
What might happen if you prick the balloon?


Air enters the body through the nose, nasal

passages, and then through windpipe or trachea,
which divides into two branches, called bronchial
tubes or bronchi. The bronchi subdivide many times
inside the lungs, forming hairlike tubes called
bronchioles. At the end of the bronchioles are tiny
bubble-like structures called alveoli.

When you breathe in or inhale, the diaphragm

muscle contracts. When you breathe out, or exhale,
the diaphragm muscle relaxes. The diaphragm helps
the air go in and out of the lungs.

Air first enters your lungs and then into the left part
of your heart. It is then pumped by your heart into
the bloodstream, all the way through your body.
Once it reaches the cells, oxygen processes the
nutrients to release energy. Carbon dioxide is the
waste material given off during this process. The
blood delivers carbon dioxide into the right portion
of your heart, from which it is pumped to the lungs.
Carbon dioxide leaves your body through the lungs
when you exhale.

Please get ¼ sheet of paper and we will have short quiz.

1. Which of these is the job of the respiratory system?

A. Holding up the body and giving it support and shape.
B. Gas exchange between the external environment and the body's circulatory system.
C. Breaking down food for it to be used by the body.

2. The two major organs of the respiratory system where the gas exchange takes place and carbon
dioxide is given off, and oxygen is taken in.
A. Kidneys
B. Lungs
C. Intestines

3. Small air sacs in the lungs where many capillaries exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen taken into the
A. Bronchi
B. Alveoli
C. Trachea

4. The windpipe:
A. bLarynx
B. Adenoid
C. Trachea

5. A large muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity and helps with breathing.
A. Larynx
B. Trachea
C. Diaphragm


Name at least three problems associated with respiratory systems and take note of the measure how to
avoid them and take care of our health.

Prepared by:
De Leon, Iris S.
Teacher 1

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