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Scout Name ______________________________________________________________ Unit # ____________ Date ____________

Pathfinder Scout Rank Worksheet

For a period of at least five-(5) months as a holder of the Explorer Scout Rank.

Requirement 1
Satisfy your parents and Scout Leaders, that you are doing your best to live by the Scout Oath and
Law and the Senior Scout Code.

Signature of Parent ______________________________

Signature of Parent ______________________________

Signature of Scout Leader ______________________________

Signature of Scout Leader ______________________________

Requirement 2
Produce satisfactory evidence from your spiritual adviser that you have been continually faithful to your religious obligations.

Signature of Religious Adviser ______________________________

Requirement 3

 Demonstrate the general rules of conduct in using the telephone, calling at another’s home, respect due to elders and women, and
proper behavior during meals, dances, and other social occasions.

Requirement 4
 Earn, through your own livelihood project, and keep in a savings account the equivalent of at least three day’s minimum wage.

Three-days wage PhP ___________________

Your Livelihood Project ________________________________________________________________

Where do you have a savings account? ________________________________________________________________

How much were you able to save? ________________________________________________________________

Discuss with your Outfit Advisor a three-(3) year plan for a vocational career path (in the Air, Sea, or Land area of specialization) you
will pursue after earning the Pathfinder Rank.

Vocational Career 1st Choice: _______________________________

Vocational Career 2nd Choice: _______________________________

1st Year

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Scout Name ______________________________________________________________ Unit # ____________ Date ____________

2nd Year

3rd Year

Requirement 5
 Plan and conduct a safety and accident prevention inspection of your school or community.

Identify safety hazards and remove them in coordination with your school or community officials.

1. Safety Hazard: ___________________________________________________________________________  Removed

2. Safety Hazard: ___________________________________________________________________________  Removed

3. Safety Hazard: ___________________________________________________________________________  Removed

4. Safety Hazard: ___________________________________________________________________________  Removed

5. Safety Hazard: ___________________________________________________________________________  Removed

6. Safety Hazard: ___________________________________________________________________________  Removed

7. Safety Hazard: ___________________________________________________________________________  Removed

8. Safety Hazard: ___________________________________________________________________________  Removed

9. Safety Hazard: ___________________________________________________________________________  Removed

10. Safety Hazard: ___________________________________________________________________________  Removed

Requirement 6
Demonstrate first aid for:

 Poisoning
 Simple Fractures
 Compound Fractures
 Heart Attack

 Demonstrate the procedure for cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

 Demonstrate the standard procedure for the transportation of the injured.

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Scout Name ______________________________________________________________ Unit # ____________ Date ____________

Requirement 7
Send accurately by International Morse Code (using sound device) a message of at least 50 words over a distance of 500 meters.

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Scout Name ______________________________________________________________ Unit # ____________ Date ____________

Receive accurately by International Morse Code (using sound device) a message of at least 50 words over a distance of at least 500

Requirement 9
On a hike or in camp, find and identify five-(5) different edible fruits and roots:

1. ___________________________________
2. ___________________________________
3. ___________________________________
4. ___________________________________
5. ___________________________________


Five-(5) wildlife explaining the following:

1. ___________________________________

Habits: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Habitat: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Care so that they do not become extinct: ________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________

Habits: __________________________________________________________________________________________

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Scout Name ______________________________________________________________ Unit # ____________ Date ____________

Habitat: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Care so that they do not become extinct: ________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________

Habits: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Habitat: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Care so that they do not become extinct: ________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________

Habits: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Habitat: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Care so that they do not become extinct: ________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________

Habits: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Habitat: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Care so that they do not become extinct: ________________________________________________________________

 Demonstrate your concern for animal life in the town by caring for birds, dogs, cats, chicken, etc.

List type of animal life you are caring for:

1. ___________________________________
2. ___________________________________
3. ___________________________________
4. ___________________________________
5. ___________________________________

Requirement 10
Identify four main types of clouds and how they help in weather predictions.

1. Type of Cloud: _________________________ Weather Prediction Help: _________________________________________

2. Type of Cloud: _________________________ Weather Prediction Help: _________________________________________

3. Type of Cloud: _________________________ Weather Prediction Help: _________________________________________

4. Type of Cloud: _________________________ Weather Prediction Help: _________________________________________

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Scout Name ______________________________________________________________ Unit # ____________ Date ____________

Requirement 11
 Point to the North without using a compass during daytime.
 Point to the North without using a compass during nighttime.

With the use of a compass, lay out an orienteering course of at least one kilometer using compass azimuths and distances and which
requires measuring distances, heights, widths, (rivers, trees, etc.). Use the space below to sketch your orienteering course.

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Scout Name ______________________________________________________________ Unit # ____________ Date ____________

Requirement 12
 Demonstrate your ability to swim at least fifty-(50) meters using any stroke.

 Float as motionless as possible in deep water for at least one minute.

 Demonstrate three-(3) non-swimming methods of rescuing the drowning person.

Explain the eight-(8) point safe swim defense plan.

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Requirement 13
 Demonstrate your ability to cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner for one crew in camp, observing the proper methods of preparing
cooking fires, serving the crew, and cleaning up mess.

Write down what you cooked:

Breakfast _____________________________________________________________________________________

Lunch _______________________________________________________________________________________

Dinner _______________________________________________________________________________________

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Scout Name ______________________________________________________________ Unit # ____________ Date ____________

Requirement 14

Plan and go on a hike and weekend camp.

 Present yourself suitably clothed.

 Suitably provisioned for the weather and place of camp, list down below your provisions:

 While in camp, demonstrate correct methods of caring for food, drinking water, proper tentage, and waste disposal.

 Break camp in such a way that nobody will know you ever stayed there.

Requirement 15
Citizenship in the Community Date Earned: ________________________

Filipino Heritage Date Earned: ________________________

First Aid Date Earned: ________________________

Ecology or Tree Farming Date Earned: ________________________

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