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lnt�nahonol Moster MILOS JOVI(I(

"White is Better!"

"White is Better!"


..... __

The World t@J of Chess

"White is better"

The Autlum ofEnglish Issue

International Master MILOS JOVICIC


International Master BILJANA DEKIC

The Inventor



I 1000 Beograd, 29. novembar 80

[cxr composition
:Mbden Durie

First printinJI 20. Febmary 1994.

---- .
·-- ··- ···- . - -·-- . .

All ri gh ts reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or lr;wsmillcd

in any..fonn or by any means: ele.ctronic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying,
rec.:.ii·cling or otherwise, withoul prior permission in writing fi·om the puhfishc-r.

Repertoire of opening luu to be considerably extellsive!

One of the mandatory requirements to achieve In this book none of the ways to avoid certain
succe ss in modem chess is to adopt a considerably openings has been considered eKcepl Seme Slav
extenstve Repertoire. Of course, the main goal is to Defence. One of the main principles was to recom­
muke very diffkult for opponents to prepare. This mend the lines that lead to conquer the center with
can be achieved in two ways: white pawns. In that way practically all variation with
- implement different openings or
fianchetto were eliminated, except in Dutch Defence.
- :tpply the different lines or opening
Resides that, unifation of the openings and li nes
What doe!: dual practically mean?
was done and mutually compatible systems were
After l .d4li)f6 2.c4 e6 white can choose betwe­
chosen. What does that mean?
en ltiJc3 allowing Nillllo-lndian Defence with
3 O.b4 or l/1)f3 or 3.g3 which leads to Queen's
. . •
The selection of Samisch variation in King's
Indian or Bogoljubow Indian Defence. On the other Indian detennined the plan adapted for Old Indian
hand after selectingNim»lndian with �b4 Defence. How does this work?
white is in position to decide which lines he wants to Let us consider the following variation: 1.d4
follow: 4.a3; 4.f3; 4.e3; 4.Q'lf3; H!rc2; 4.1LgS etc. Q'lf6 2.c4 d6 3.lbc3 eS 4.lbf3lbbd7 and if white
A considerable advantage for a player is to embrace
decides to play S.e4, which is considered in theory as
more variety of this openings or variations on his
the best move, black has option to transpose to Kings
Indian with the continuation S. . g6. But as white's
Those players that are capable to choose from
knight is already on square f3 Samisch Variation is
the first move between the type of openings: open or
avoided. That's why we recommend thecontinualion
same open games after l .e2-e4 or dosed giiiiCS after
l.d2 t.l4; l.c2-c4 1 2)gl-f3 or some other rarely s.Ags and eliminate this option for black.

imposed move are in th.: best prosperity. We have to acknowledge that in the previous
In d� systems depending on the sequence of variation after placing the knight on d7 black does
moves it is possible to tran.�pose from one to an other not have the possibility to choose Mar-del Plata
type of op�ning. In modem chess these possibilities variation? But, will come back to this subject in an
play a significant role and are commonly used to other issue o f "Mod em Chess" edition. Definitely we
<�void certain openings or transition to some other have to recognize lhat every move and continuation
op�nings or variations.
has advantages and disadvantages.
But. undoubtedly the main move in closed sy­
�t,·ms is 1.!14. Othrr moves. by rule are "variations
At the end, bare in mind that this book has been
on the same theme" and are used to avoid some updated on 31 of December 1993 and all available
openings, mainly Nimzo.lndian Defence, Bogolju­ information was included. Do not forget the advice
bnw Opening. Grunfeld Indian Defence or Benoni. that was brought to your attention in the fint issue.
The compleKily of !he task and the aim to narrow Even the conclusion of the greatest authoriiie. m not
the scope of the book made significant difficulties forever.Check every lhinkeven the"ModemChess"
anJ hopefully they were successfully overcome. system!

Irregular Openings

Seldom playc·d systems are briel

f y ying Samisch variation. That is the reason
analyzed in this chapter. Some of the con­ why in the position aftt•r l.d4 d() 2.e4 0/'fi
I inuat ions like for example: I .. .b6: we propose 3.f3 with tile ideu to play
! .. . b5: I . .. Z?\c6; I . . . e.'i lead to the ope­ Samil't'h variation after J...gfi 4.c 1 .0..g7
nings that could be c/asj·ijied as lrre.�ular. 5.tLic3.
The other continuations .wc:h as: / ...c5: This explanation leadj· to condu.1·ion
I . . .d6; I ... efi; ! . ..g6: will he transpmed hnw important is the order of move.\' and
to commonly known system.\'. how one should be extremely careful whe11
Proper reaction is required from the responding to I .. . e6, I ...g6 and similar
white if the opponent wants to move from moves where black tries to keep his op­
the well known schemes. This requires a tions opened, as long as possible, aboul
knowledge of a lot of finesses and if whi­ the selection of the openings. The best
te's repertoire is narrow it could cause a known promoters of this systems are En­
plenty of unpleasant dilemmas. The ove­ glish grandmasters TonyMi/es andJona­
rall repertoire is usually the restriction than Speelman.
and the constraint how to respond on such
moves. For example after l.d4 d6white is A40-l.d4
faced with two fundamental decisions.
First option is to transpose to Pirc Defen­
ce with 2. e4, considering the continuation
2 . .. e5{3 Cjy6 and possibility to con­
vert to Philidor defence. The second alter­
native is ''orthodox" continuation 2.c4
1:'/licli leavel· plenty of possihilitie.1· ./(Jr
black: 2 . . ·4}/6; 2 ...g6; 2 . J5 or 2 e 5
. . . .

A.r it looks like that white it not able to

gain any adl'antage after 2 . . e5 3.de5 The·

re is again in a dilemma \t'hr:ther to con­

tinue with either 3.0,c3 or 3.1){3 and
divert to a di(ferent types of I) l ...e5?!, II) l . . . tl\c6, Ill) l ... h5,
h11rsting posiTions. IV) I .. .b6, V) 1. ..c5, V J) I. . .e6, VII)
On the other hand if whiTe wants to I. ..d6 and VIII) I ... c6
omit '! . .. e5 anJ continues w.i th l.d4 dfJ
: . .'Z:·p hyper modern 2 . .. .$i.g4 must be I) 1.. .eS?! 2.deS '.!llc6 3.'t..lf3 'f/e7
,·onsidt•rni as ll'eil as 2 .. .-?f6 3.c:.J g(j, 4.�dSf6
that rranspusrs to Kings Indian Defence. 4.. . d6 5.J..g5 �e6 6. �e6 .1.t.e6 7.ed6
B!tt i11 thaT case �.dtl 8.4Jc3± Lundin-Spielmann, Stoc­
as the Knight is already
011 square f3 There is nOK' way of emplo· kholm ICJ32

S.ef6 .!DI'6 6.'t!Yb3 d5 7 .:L)cJ d4 8.ti)bS 14 ...gf6? 15.'Lle5!! fg5 16.�h5 lli5
.ig4 9 ..!Dbd4 tl)d4 10.�d4 0·0-0± 17.Af5 ef518.'8t7'it'h8 19.lf:lg6! 1:0 Vo­
ENC lovik-V.A.Kozlov, SSSR ICJR7

II) 1 ..� 2.c4 eS

lS.�c4± Ulybin, Volovik
2 ...d5-D07 IV) I...b6 2.c4
3.dS �ce7 2.e4 J..b7 3.Ad3;t
3 ... .1b4 4 .tild2 (i)c e7 5.a3 Ad2 l... Ab7 3.d5 e6 4.a3 tfh4
6 .0.d2 f5 7.e3 [7.d6!?Gufcld)�f6 8.Ad3
. 4...�6 5.�c3
d6'le2t c6?! 10.dc6 bc6 11.0-0 0-0 a) 5...J.. d 6 0-0 [6...ed5 7.cd5
I Ltc3 c5 Ji.e6 14.f3 '8 c7 0-0 8.Ag5 .§.e8 9.e3 Ae7 10 . ..0.c4 h6
IS.Ilc I �h8? 16.�c2 <'/)d7 17.f4± Fur­ li.!Lf4tl'lh5 12.Ae5 Af6 13.Ad4 Aa6
man-Bokocava. SSSR 1971 (13 ... tt:lf4!? 1 4.0-0 tl)g6 Ave r b a ch;
4.e4ti)f6 15.'Wd3;t Analyse) 14.Aa6 tl)a6 15.0-0
4 ..ti)R6 �.g3 j,(_c5 6.h4 d6 7.h5 �f'H
c5 16.Af6 tllf 6 17.'4jd3;t Karpov-Miles,
!!.tt:lc 3 'fYf .0.g4 10 ...te2 h 6
6 Las Pa1mas 1971]7.Ag5 Ae7 8.Af4/l)h5
II.I!h4 .0..d7 12.'l!\fd3 g5 13.hg6 ll)g6 9.Ag 3 A f6 10 .tl"ld4 e5! ? [10 ... c5?!
14.I!h 2± Resh evsky-Mik enas, Stoc­ l l.tLldb5 tllg3 12.hg3 ed5 (12.. .Ac3
kholm (ol) 1937 ed5 14.cd5±) 13.e3 h6
A b2?! 15.!lbl a6 b c 7 Ad5
4...d6 5.CL\c3 f5 6.f4 ef4 7.ef5 Af5
1± Sosonko-Pianinc, Ljubljana­
8.Af4 tLlg6 9.�_g3 'J#Je7 10.J..e2 ttJeS
11.J..e5 �e5 12.tLlf3 \'§'e3 13.'8d4 1!Vd4 Portoro! 1977 ) ll.tLlc2 d6 12.e4 g6co
ENC; 13.Ae2 tLlg3 [13 ... tllf4 14.Af3 t:.
14.tLld4 J..d7 15.tLlcb5;t/± Honfi-St.Ni­
h 4 , '8 d2] t 4.hg3 Ag5 t5 .g4 tll d 7
kolit, H ungary-Jugoslavija 1968
16.tfd3 !�±Analyse ll)g6 6.h4 � b4
b) 5...ed5 6.cd5 g6 [6... Ac5 7.Af4
6 ... h5 7.J..g5 [±Uhlmann] d6 Lete­
0-0 8.e3 a5 tlla6 IO.Ac4i Larsen-·
lier-Rosseto, Mar del Plata 1959; 8.Ae2!
Cardoso,Manila 1973]7.g3 [7.e4!?) J,g7
.6 8 ... Ae7 9.�f6 .if6 10.g3± Analyse
8.Ag 2 0-0 9 .tllf3 c5 10.0-0 d6 ll.e4
7.'&b3 'tl#e7 tLlbd7 12.Af4 tfe7 13.h3 tileS 14 .Ag5!
7... .ic3 8.'8c3 .i)e4 9.�e3 f5 10.h5 J..f6 15..1Lh6 J,g7 16.Ag7 Wg7 t7.llet
tLle7 l l.h6± a6 18.a4;t Ogaard-�ahovit, Stockholm
8.hS l.tJf4 9.h6 glt6 1975n6
9...CL\e4 10.hg7 Ilg8 I I.Il.h7± c) 5... Ae7 6.g3 [6.e4!?] b5 ed5
8.Af4 d6 9.c5 0-0 10.cd6 cd6
lO.g3 ti'!g6 li.J.g2± Uhlmann
tl)c6;;!; T.Petrosjan-Keene, Bath
III) 1... bS 2.e4 ii.b7 3.Ji.d3 tL\16 1973
4. "tWel e6 s.�fJ a6 6.a4 c5 7.dc5 Acs Acs 2 b4 9.e5 ti:'ldS 10 .!De4 Ae7

5... �c4 6.e4 '4§'c5 V isier-Garcija Pa­
ll.j_gS! 0-0 ll.ti:ld6 -�c6 dron, Las Palmas 1977; 7.Ag5 Met:=
12...�c7? 13 ..'t:\b7 �b7 14.�e4+-; ENC
12 ..\tg� 13..:1Jb7 "tic7 14.g3±
. . .
6.e3 edS 7 .tL\fJ '$'hS 8.cd5 �16
13.h4!? 16 1 4.ef6 �f6 9.Ac4 0-0 1 0.0-0 Il.e8 ll.b4 .i.d6
12 �.b2 aS 13./.i)bS c,\c4 J 4.'�Yd4 f6 giqu e (ch) 1 9 93; 9.i..e2 �g6 10.0-0 tba6

JS.b3;;t Ornstein-Roehm, Le Havre 1977 ll.lle1 � c7 12.a4 a6 13.�d2 b6

ftbS 15 ag4±1±] 7 .a4 :U6 Karp-M oul­

V) A43-l . ..c5 2.d5

d ers,Bruxelles (zt) 1993; 8.113 ('Je7 9 .4.Jf3
<1.Jg6 I O A e2 0-0 1 1.0-0 fteS I2.'t!Vc2

'Lld7 13.t2Jh2!?;!;; Analyse

6.e4i..g7 7.'t!fa4!? .\ld7
7 ...lbbd7 8 af4 �e7 9 .<i'lb5+- Ana­

8.�b3 �c7 9 .i.f4 t;)f6\13 0-0•

11 li) d 2 l,;:\hS 12 .ie3 fS

. . •

12...i./.<.14 t3.Q.\h5! �h5 14 lib5 a6 ..

15.,�e2 ..te3 16.l!fe3± Klinger

13.efS gfS
2...c6 13 .. . ,tf5?! 14.Ae2±
2 . ./5 3.tbc3 etlf6 4...Q.g5 �b6 5.Yb I
. 14 .te2 .tea

d6 6.t;_�h3l.i)a6 7 .tllf4 tbc7 8.e3 lt:\g4 9.h4 14 f 4 I 5. A c 5! f 3 [ 15...�a6 !?

. . .

1J..d710.h5±Funnan-K ir ilov,SSSR 1971 16 ..ta3] 16.�f3 I�f3 [16...�c5?!

2. . .b5 3 .e4 a6 [3 . .. \Wb6 4.Ae3 <.16 17.l'Lide4! .i.c3 18.b c3 ideS 19.0-0 'f/Jc7
5 ../\d2 .:ba6 6 .a 4 il.d7 7.ab 5 tbc7 -20lifel!IIe4 2 1.lle4�g7 22.Uc4!�b6
(7...12.b5? 8 /.b5 '&'b5 9.c4+- Analyse)
... 23.Yb4 �<.18 24.ilb7+- Bellon-Klinger,
8.c4 a6 9.b4±V.Cruz-Tr ompowsky,Brn- La Habana 1985] 17.ti.Jf3 �c5 18.0-0
sil 1938] 4.c4 b c4 5...a c4 <.16 6.i.d2lbf6 �b6 Legkij-Dolmat ov, SSSR 1983;
7 .\We2 g6 8.J�.c3 ,.ag7 9.tllf 3 M oses- 19 ..:iJc4!;;!; Dolmatov
Trompuwsky, Brasil 1938; 9 ... ..\1g4 IS.q)f3 h6
iO . ?-bd2.:'tJbd7 1l.h3 .af312.lbf3±Ana-
15...f4 16 ...ad2 V!fic7 17.0-0! tt'ld7
lyse f l 7 ...�.c3?! 18.Ac3 �e2 19.'�'i'b7 �a6
2 d6 3..:4 g6 4 .:t:lc3 .ag7 5.e4 �f6 Lputj an -S a n Chi kag o 1983; 20.\¥1a8!
. . . . ,

[5....�';a6 6. ·�_d3 -?Jc7 7.:{Jge2 e6 8.0-0 �d7 2i..f1.fel �)c6 22.dc6!±] J8.!lel

:Je7 9.�g 5 0-0 JO.'iWd2 ed5 l l.ed5 �h8 .!i_]e5 Lputja n, Legkij; 1 \J.'1) e 5 �c5
: I f6 13.:U4;;!; Pomar-Rocha, Ma - 2(J.�b7± Analyse
l.lgn 1965: 5 .. . $.c3 6.bc3 �a5 7.�b3"± 16.-1�\bS .ibS
·\na/y,,,] 6.f3- A65/E81
16. .t!]e7 17.-:i'd6 ·�d6 18.�b7 iJJ7
2...e.; Je4 d6 4.t:Jc3- I . 'tJf6 2 .c4 c5
. . .
19.\@aS f4 20.t,(d2 .�<.15 2 U&a7 11ekcr.
1 ... -'Y6 :- ..:4- l ...:�r6 2.c4 c5 Abramovic; 22. !i.e I ! ..ib2 (22... �n
�.c4 ed:' � cdS d6 s.:�c3 g6
23.gf3 't&d3 24.0-0 'te'd2 •.bhR
:t . . . :-'el fi.l!4 ·8d7 7>jf3 �1g6 8. �.c2] 23.�c5 -:''1•;6 2t).CJ-0±/+-
.:;.e"' 9.0-0 0-0 O.� e l h6 I .�.gS Ana/;.1·e
!2.:-;.fl.;;_cl 13.·�cl �f6 14.a3:=Ivk1Jv­
17.��h5 a6 18.'{/qd3!+ (irucuhcrg­
WesLI!linen. Raach 1969; 7.Af4!? .:t. 1g 6 ·
Agzamov, Potsdam J 9H'i
8 . �g3 .-:..e7 1).�f3 0-0 I O.I.L\d2± Analyse

5 . . .::.e7 6.e4 a6 [6 . . �.f(j 7.h3 tiJ'.;'l

. . VIJ 1.. .c6 2.c.:4
8.�iJf3 0-0 Meu l d er s Vand e rwaere n Bel-
- . 2.c4 d5 3.�::5±
(I L -::.)c6!'!;t Ejngorn; 14 . .i.cb hc6
15.tl_�d3;!; Ano/y.H.') 14.dc5 dc5 15.a3 Ej­
ngnrn-A.Pelrusijan. M:mil:t (oil 1992:
15 ... ;�ctl 16 .. 0.c6 hc6 I Vbd3± Jijngom
h:!\ f> . .0-0 7 . .ag:! .i.c3 R.Ac3 .!)c4

9.frcl db I O.d5 .?)dS l l .de6 .'t)cb

12 .Jlb4! Ad7 [ 1 2 . . .'�Yf6 l3.'�c2 tt::l6cS
14.0-0;t; 1 2 . . . aS 13.Aa3 �cS 1 4.0-0
Ad7 1 S.lbd4;t Kramnik, Ce§kovskij]
1 3.ll)e5!? 'b6c5? [ 1 3... 'f!Vf6 1 4.Ae4 'fWeS
1 5.Ab7 '4tb2 16.llb 1 tWa2 1 7. .tas liaS
·2 . . . .tb4
I S . 'tWb3 '4ta6;t Kramnik, Ce§kovskij]
2 . . .f5 3.g3 - A<JO; 2...d5 3.t;)c3 -
1 4.lbd7 lild7 1 5.0-0 aS 1 6.Aa3 IDeS
D3 1 /38; 2 . ../1)J'6 c S 4.d5-A65;
1 7.b3 b6 l S.Ab2liadS 1 9.'4td4± Kram­
3 . . Q.b4 4.�c2- E32139
. .

nik-Uiybin, Chalkidiki 1 992

2 . . . b6 3.dS!? .�.b4 [L.�.b7 4.a3-
l . . . b6- IV)] .Q.d2 S .'ttYd 2 Ab7
3 . . . as 4.lilf3 d6 S:lbc3 fS 6.�c2 lilf6
[5 . . . lbf6] 6.lbc3 lbh6!'? 7.ti)f3 0-0 S.g3 7 .e3 0-0 S.Ad3 lilc6 Bareev-Ejngom,
.::'tla6 9.Ag2 lbfS 10.0-0 lbd6 1 1 .'8d4!? SSSR (ch) 1 9S 7; 9.0-0!?;t Ejngorn;
'8f6 1 2.'8f6 gf6 1 3..::'i)d2 fS 14.liac 1 c6 9 . ..the7 1 0.liad 1 6. 1 l.lbe2 Acl2 12.lid2
IS.dc6 Ac6 1 6.llfdl lifdS 1 7 .b3 �f8 6.ll'lf4;t Analyse
I S .tt::l f3 �7 1 4 Ag2 20.�g2;t 4. '&dl b6 s.�c3 ii.b7 6.e4 ltlh6
Cu.Hansen-Miles, Biel 1 992 6 . . . l!)f6 7.Ad3;t
3 �d2 .O.d2
.• 7.f4fS
.1.. W/e7 4.g3 e,;�d1 7 ...0-0 s..td3 '4th4 [S ... rs 9.lilf3 fe4
a) s ... �.d2 6.�d2 �b4 7.e4!'! �d2 IO.ll)e4± 6. 0-0-0 Sir ov] 9 .g3 'lihS
R.,'?1d2;t Chemin I O.Ae2 1/!Vg6 1 1 .lilf 3 ! fS [ 1 1 . ..Ae4
b) 5 .. . '2Jf6 [-E II] 6.-'Lid
1 2.ll:lh4 Ah1 1 3.lilg6 hg6 14 .dS! Ag2
1 5.g4!+- Sirov] 1 2.e5 lilc6 1 3.0-0-0 aS
14.h3! �f7 1 S.lihg 1 a4?! 1 6.d5 lbaS
I Vt:)a4± Sirov-Miles, Biel 1 992
8.e5 !iJrT 9.0-0-0 gS lO.lLlfJ! lig8
10 . . .g4 1 1 .-t)gS!? lOgS 1 2.fgS Yg8
13.h3!±; IO . . JJ./3 1 1 .gf3 g f4 1 2.h4±

li.J.el tt::la6
1 l . ..gf4 1 2 .'8f4 llg2 1 3.lihgl Kar-
Il.h3 gf'4
bl) 6. . . �.d 7 .. 0.c3/.f\e4 !t'tYc2 tL'Ic3
. .

1H111d '&b4 I 0.'LI.Yb4!'! .'1)h4 ll:�t;d2 d6 1 2 ... '#J!Je7 1 3.g4 fg4 1 4.hg4± Karpov
t I 1 ... b6 I 2 . .t.'.g2 .0.h7 1 3.a3 .!/\l'6 l3.'8f4 'Wie7
l·t·.!fc3;!; Ejngorn) 12.:·:·.g.?.•Ji'e7\el! 1 3 ... lig2 1 4.llhg 1 lig6 1 5.lDh4 ligS
(6 14.a3 {!,c6 15. 0..c6 Ejngorn) c5?
. 16.Ah5+- Karpov

14.g4 fg4 l5.hg4 '-2Jg5 16.d5 �i)f3 H Q.e3 �.d6 9.t[je2 We7 I O.i-2:;<.12 a6?!

t7."tf3 0-0-0 18 .}lh6± Kurpov-Miles, I l.a4 �c6 Hertneck-Lutz, Muenchen

Bif':l 1992 1993; 12.a5 il.b4 13.c3 .�a5 14.G.jc4 .O.b6
15.lbb6 cb616.Ab6± Hertneck
VII) 8 07-1.. d6 . 2.e4 �i)f6 3.f3
S .. jLcS
8 ... �.d6 9.'it>e2 'it>e7 IO. .ie3 ti)c6
3 . . .e5
ll.c3 b5! [I 1...h6?! I li:)c6 12.c3
3. ..g6 4.c4 Ag7 5.Q:Jc3 0-0 6.J�.g5-
g5?'lf2 .llhg8 Alterman-Akopian,
E81; .J... c.'i 4.d5 [4.1.:3-822) g6 5.e4-
8ecr-Sheva 1992; 14.b4 g4 J 5.fg4ltlg4
16.'-Lig4 ilg4 17.g3 h5 IR . ..Q.C2 � h3,
3 ...d5 4.e5 t,.jfd7 L.H.Hansen-Adams,
t;')f3±]12/i'\d2± Altnman
Wijk aan Zee l'J93; 5.14 c5 6.c3 l-822]
,-t)c6 7 ..�.el cd4 H. cd4 l,l)b6 9.{/'lc3 j)J5 9.4\f2.af210.Wf2lilc61l.. �e3 c,.'!.e ' 7
I O.Q)f3 e6 I 1..\!l.d3 fl)c4! [I 1 ... il.d3 12.·�a3 a6 13.c3 llhd8 14.'<�·e2 h6
12.�d3 lbc4 13.. �c l ilc8 14.0-0 ..g,vd7 15.t2Jc2lld716.!Ihdl l'1ad817 .tld7 El.d7 •

15.b3 lbb6 16.Ad2 J.e7 17.IH2± Sma­ 18.tbel ti)e8 19.tbd3 tl:\d6 20.11..12 M
gin] 12..�.c4 dc4 13.a3! .�.d3 14 .\tlf2 a6 21 ..Q.g3 tbf722.a4 aS 23.[\cl •J"if6 24.h4

15.ii1e l.�g6!6.d5 ed5 11.�d5±Analyse .§.d8 25.b5 4..1e7 26..Qf2 llb8 27.c4 cS
4.de5 deS 5.'&d8 'i$Jd8 6 ..�c . 4 .ae6'lc5oo/± Jusupov-Christiansen, Las
6 . .<otle8 7 ..�.e3 lL!bd7'ld2 Ac5 Palma.o;1993

9.�g5 h6 IO ..��h4 .ae7 I I...Q.f2 ..0..c5

VIII) 1 . . c
. 6 2.d4 bS!? Af2!3.4..1f2 'i!te7 14.0-0-0 lbc5
!5.b4 lba4 16.-'l_b3 lt)c3 17.!tdel �e6 2...d5 3.tbc3- DIO
18.�b2lt:\b5 lt)d7 20 $.e6 'it>e6
3.cb5 cbS
21.a4 t;;)d 6 22.c4 b6 23.c5 bc5 24.bc5 Kakageldiev-Rogers, Mani Ia (ol)
.!iJb7 25.4Jb3 ti)b8 26.t;:)b4 a 5 27.c6± 1992
Kramnik-Speelman, 8iel (izt) 1 993 4.Af4!? ,tb75. '{Wb3 a6 6.a4±1± Ana�
7 ..te6 fe6'lh3
• lyse

Kings Fianchetto

This opening could be classified in the d111g on the black's decision to transpo.1·,,
systems where in the early phase of the to Kings Indi an the recommended sy!ilem
game black abandons the fight for initia­ enabfe.r transition to the StJmi.\·ch Varia­
rit•e concentrating on chance.1· in the mid­ / ion.
dle game. The pawm; structure i.r very Kin!( Fiunchello could t�ftr�n he met i11
similar to King s Indian Defence and the the Rame.f of ex- wor ld champion N1111t1
main difference is that black pmlo ng.I Gaprindalvilli and Yu�oslav grand mu­
with the development oft h e night on squa · ster Miodraf.: Todorcevii.
re g8. That is reason why white is in
A42-l.d4 g6 2.e4 �.g73.c4 d6
dile mma how to tr anspose the game to the
preferred Kings Indian Variant. Depen-

3.. . c5 4.d5 d6 5./\1.:3 .Qd?! [5 . . . t;;:)f(, 17. �c4 �d7 18.d6 c6 19.h4± Kortchnoi­

6.1'3- ACl5. E!! I] 6.hc3 tia5 7.�h] <f\f(l BClehm, Nederland (ch) 1977
8 Q.d3t.
7 /i:\ge2 �b6
4 . :.:i c3
7 . .t!1e2 8 . ..0.c2 �2:lf6 9. 0-0 0-0 1O.f4 a6

l l .a4llb8 l 2.h�.Q.d713.g4(-)e814.�d2
;:?Jc7 15.a5 b5 I 6.ab6 .§b6 l7.lla2 tfb8
18.e5 lL'Ie8 19.•.1::le4± Mikenas-t�eljan,
SSSR 1970
8.tLla4 �aS
8 ... tfb4? 9.Ad2 @c4 10.�ec3 tfb4
l l.lbb5+- Zsu.Polgar
9 .idl �a6

9... tfd8= ENC; IO.J.c3±

10.tLld4 iJ..d4 l l.'tlc3 .id7
II... �b6 12. ..0.d3! tfb2?! 13.llbl
1) 4 . f5. II) 4 ...cCJ.
. . Ill) 4. t'Dc6. IV) �a3 14llb3± Zsu.Polgar
. .

4.. . I.Lld7 ami V) 4.. . e5 ll.Ad3ltlf6 13.0·0 0-0 14.t'Del bSI?

n 4 . .rs s.ers . .trs .
14. . �_b2 15.llb l oo;15.J.e5 16.f4

"td4 1 7 -'�d4 cd4 1 8.e5oo/± Analyse;

5 .. g f5 6. '&h5 ;,I? fR Keene, Bot terill;

14...J,.g415 ..\!l..h6! llfb8 16.h3;;!;; Levitt

7 .Qd3 �.;lf6 R.\WG;t Analyse

6.00 iL\h6 7.�.c20-08.0-0 .�})a6 9.d5

1S.�d4! bc4 16.ttlc6 Ac6
cS 10.·7'lg5 ti:\c7 ll .. �i,d3 ,ad7 12.1.oe2 16... cd3? I 7.t}Je7 'i;g7 18.Ac3 Levitt
:t:Jn 1 ].!bn nn 14.a4 \'Wnl
l7 ..icl iJ..d7
14 .. e6! '! Portisch; 15.de6 lL'Ie6
Levitt-Efimov, Amantea 1991
16 ( �· 3 �a5 17 . ·:i.c4 .·�.c6 I 8...0.d'i;t Ana­
18.f4!oo/i Levitt
lyst' IV) 4 ...�d7 S-AgS!? f6
l5. ,�e3 t'6 l 6. de6 tl:)e6 17 .�dl;:!; 5...0,gf6 6.f3- E8 1; S. . .h6 6.J.e3 c5
ENC 7.d5 t}Jgf6 8.f3- E81; 6 ...e5 7.d5 l'Dge7
Ill ·L.c6 5.':')�t·2!'� :';ibd7 8.g4 0-0 9.�cl 'l!;>h7 IO.h4 f 5 [10 .. . (0g8
�.. .'!'\ft> t..tJ- u; 1
I l.h5! g5 I Vt)h3 Af6 13.f3± t:. Ae2,
0-0] I l h 5 f4 12.hg6 t}Jg6 I 3 .J.d2 t:. f3,

tl. -;': g5!? h6

"fjc2, 0-0-0±1±
t,_. __''\_g!'6 7.f3. E!\1
6 ..te3 eS
'1.: c3 l'� s.��d.! f5
Roge rs-Kosten, Lon don 198 9;
S . '\t'6 llD��/:i
6 . . ).:'\h6?1 7.d5;t/±
1}.f.' ,':'\�l'tl lll.d5 c5 l t.:�cl;:!; Ann/y.l'e
7 .�d2 i'f)e7 8. l0 ge2 rs 9.f 3 o-o
Ill) 4 ...:[,ell S.dS ��d4 6.�_c3 cS tO.Ah6!?
6 .. e5 7.<�gc2 f,)e2 8._ae2 f 5
[ H. . ';;\1'6 'J.0-0 0-0 IO.b4 �1)e8 ll.c5 1'5
. 10 . . .f4? ! l l..\tg7 Wg7 12.deS deS
12.13± Boleslavskij)9.ef5 gf5 I O.f4 Cjje7 13.��0± [� 14.g3; 13 ... tfe8 14.t}Jb5)
I 1. f c 5 do..:·s I :! \J.g5 tfd7 1 3. c5 0-0 Analyse
. .

14.Y�tJ3 ·.t;•hX I �'i.Cl-0-0 �;')g6 16..i..b5 'fjf7 V) 4... es S.deS deS

5 . . . .0.t.:5 (1.·�·10 .O.g7 [6 . . ..(.l g4 H. ..·�L\d49:�1'2ti)l'3 IO.gfJ f611.�e3
H!1'a4± l7. .ag5± Vag;mjan c6 12.lid l 17e8 13.h4 Q)h6 i4.fe5 fe5
6.WtdK �idK 7.f4 -�\c6
1s.hs liJI7 16.�h3, v.hJ I7.Dh3 .O.f6
1 1 'tle7 19.hg6 hg6 20.1lh8 lbh8
7. ..l;)d7 X.'-N3 c6 9. .\:i..e2 f6 \0.0-0 2l.c;t·e2± Suba-Ivkov, Las Palmas 1979
ot•e8 II.g3 'bh6 12.<;.t>g2 C.:"'\17 13.i..e3
8 ... J..g4 9.fe5 �.1'3 f9 ...lZ.\e5 10..1i,g5
.tf8 14.nad 1 b6 15.a3 .Q.e7 16.Cl:)eI il.cS
�e8 JI.i.e2±] I O.gf3 .�e5 I I..Ag5 We8
17.0.c2 .ae3 18.lbe3 h5 19.b 4 ± Hubner­
12.0-0-0 tLld4? [ 12 . . . h6 13.�.e3:;!; Matu­
Boenke. Budapest 1976
lovic]13.f4liJe6 14.fe5.."i)g5 Tarjan-Ma­
K.[.;)f3 h6 lulovic. Novi Sad 1975; 15.lt1d5! li'le6
8 . . .f6 9.�.e3 .ie6 IO.Yd I 'o.�/c8 16 . � h3 ilcK 16.Ilhfl !± Matulovic
[I 0 . . . �e8 l l .fe5l'e512.4\d5 D.c8 13.c5! 9...0e3 ef4
!:::. i. c4±] QJh6 12.fe5 lbeS 9... 0/6 10 .0-0-0 .td7 ll.g3;;!;;
13.tLle5f e514.0-0 tLlg4[14... c6? 15.nd6 9 . . .f1Jge7 10. 0-0-0 Ad7 11.g3;;!; Pctur­
!le8 16.i.h6 .1i,h6 17.ne6 !le6 18 tg4 sson .•

.te319.'�;>hl Wd7 2 0.tLld5 cd5Vaganjan­ 10.0-o-o ..id7 ll . ..tf4 g5 1 2.Ag3

Mestel, Skara 1980; 2l.cd5 \t>d6 22.i.e6 lbge7 13 .lod5 I!c8 14.e5! g415ll.:\f6 �.f6
ne8 2 3.fin ne7 24.fif8+-] 15...G�cl 16.ef6gf3 17.fe7r;!le718.Ah4f6 19.gf3;;t
.1i.f8 ! 16 .nd5!± Vaganjan Petursson-Ivkov, New York (open) 1988

J.d4 t;jf6 2.c4

In modem tournament practice after this o peni ng is that J.d4 qy6 2.c4 a6
l.d4the move 1 .. . W6 is the most common
· 3.Ci)c:3 c5 4.d5 b5 5.cb5 ah5 leads to the
respon.1·e. This is a log i cal and elastic variation of Volga's Gamb it characteri­
move and after 2.c4 black is able to choo­ zed with di ver.l'e and amhivalet!l M a m e.
se one of the great va riety of fines. Follo­ This pro blem has been .wlvnl hy trampo­
ll'in g a rc some seldom emplnyed .l'in� the gume illfo tlu' hnp._li.lh openinJ.;
continuations wh ich, excludin� �:amiJit where white maflll�:e.\ to at1ai11 the advfln·
with 5.. . e5. have mai nly "old lndianjla­ !age.
l'Or". Positions that oro.1e i n th is ope n ing

gil'eJ Mack sligh t ly passive but very solid l.d4 li'lf6 2.c4
constellation. The m ai11 odl'ice for white
ill srtch tyJlL' r�f openings is persistence .
Try ro amid rut h less attacks because that
is what black i.t looking for.
lr's \\'(1/'lh contemplating 2 . .. a6!? a
.flexible and at the some time cunning.
Holl' :o plu\· agaimt such systems in wh i ch
2 ...o6 in a seme depi cts the ignoring of
one of the basic principles of chess �:ame
- prompt development. The main idea of .

I) 2 ... h6, II) 2. ..e5. III) 2...d6, lV)
2. . . c5 and V) 2 . .. a6
I) t\50-2 . .. btl 3.;.)
• c3 e6
3 . . . 1l.h7 4.e4 e 6 5...:..d3-
4.e4 :� b7
4 ...d5 5.cd5 ed5 6.cS <i)e4 7.j.d3
.� h4 R.c.i'\c2:!. ENC
4.. . Ji.b4 5.c5 ·.t'le4 6 .�, g4 l.f:\c3 7.a3
ii.fH P . ...C..aS �- ·�4Jg7 .'.1)c4 9.h 4 llf8
I 0. �:. h6+-l X.\;, g5 .�_e7 1 K... f6 9.ef6 gf6
I 0.'�fh5 }ie7 I l..(iJ(i +··j 9.�e7 'f!Je7 Il-l) 3 ... ·::t)e4 and 11- 2) 3... ti)g4
I!U11g7 'l:'1'1ll I U�\'I'X nrs 12. bc3± Vo-
11-1) AS 1- 3... tDe4 4.lL!13 �c6
5.�_d3 .0.h4 6.�c2 .�c3
4... d6 S.�c2 .Q.fS 6.�c3 dS 7.cd5
r,. . .cS 7.d5 ed5 [7... b5!'! ENC; H.b3-
.tb4 8.'�� b3!± ENC
Analysel H.ed5 h5 9.b3 0-0 IO.ltle2 d6 4...b6 5.t;)bd2 �b4 [S ... .Q.b7 6.�e4
1-1.0-0 hc4 12.b c 4 �:;)bd7 13.f4 ReS _tj_e4 7.'t/tld4±] 6.a3 .Q.d2 7.ti)d2± ENC
14 l)g3± Rubinstein-Janowski, Marian­
4. .. .�.b4 5 td2 i.c S [S... �d2

ske Lazni 1925 6 .l.i:'!bd2 lt:\c 6 7 . a 3 .0.d 2 8 .�d2±-

7.bc3 d 6 4. ...!tlc6] 6.e3 ti)c6 7.�c3 ti)d2 8.\!i'd2
0-0 9.ii:) d5 aS 10. .Q.e2 �e8 ll.�c3 .1&.b4
7 .. . d5 8.cd5 cd5 9.c5 �e7 lO.ll.le2\b4 ab4 13.�d2 f#e7 14.0-0 �cS
·L'lfd7 ll.!l .() .:t,)c6 l2.a4 0-0-0 13 .J..a3
�c8 14.f4 :i)a5 IH5 cS 16.,!t\f4± Botvi­ IS.�dS �dS 16 .cdS �eS 17.Itfc l c6
nik-SchOJrsin, SSSR 1925 IS.Q)eS lieS 19 ..Q.f3± Opocensky-Zita,
Karlovy Vary-Marianske Lazne 1 9 48
ltQ)e2 cS
8\c6!'11).0-0 .::[)d7 IO.f4 iLJa5 Vo­
ronkov; ll.·:!\g3 .�.a6 12.�d cS 13 ...Q.e3 S....Q.b4 6.a3 lDd2 7 .Ad2 Ad2 8.�d2
�e7 9.�c 3 0-0 [9 ...b6 10.e3 .Q.b7
ilcX I 4.ilacl t Anlll)'.\'t'
li.J.e2 0-0 12.0-0 Itfe8 13.1Ifdl Itad8
9.11-11 �t\c6 lO.f4 '@e7 ll.d5 !baS
14.HdS! it::laS 1 S.b4 !± Szabo-Macelle,
12/[)g3 11-CI-0 13.�e2! hS 14.e5 !.iJe8
Hungary (ch) 1 946] IO.Hd1 lle8 ll.lidS
14 ... -�c.J7 15..:2:lc4 deS 16.fe5 .:Jes
h6 1 2.e3 Ab7 13. .Q.e2 1Iad8 [13... �aS
17 . J�.g 5 f6 18.o1Jf6!+-
14.b4±] 14.0-0 tLlb8 1 S.Itc1! .Q.dS 16.cdS
15.ed6 .L\d6 d6 [16 ... cS 17 . .Q.bS a6 1 8 .d6 �e6
15 ...�d6 16.f5 ed5 17 . ..Q.f4 �c6 I 9.Jl.c4 �fS 20..Q.dS ttlc6 2 1.Ac6 dc6
I K.cd5 �d5 19.l\adl± 22.h31±] 17..Q.bS! 1If8 18.e4 a619.Ad3
16.f5 c.·5 17.f6: gl'6 l8.�h5 e4 deS [19... llfe8 20.e6±] 20. �eS Smislov­
18 ... f 5 IIJ.C/)g7! e 4 20.8f5 •Lif5 H.Steiner, Groningen 1946
21.J]f5 �d6 22.'/1Vc4+- Botvinik-Silic, 6.a3a5
6 ...d6 7.b4 lDe6 8 ..Q.b2± ENC
19.t;)f6 '&e5 20.h3 tWc3 2 Vt)e4 ttie4
6... 'ti'e7 7.e3 tl)eS 8.ti)e5 �eS 9.�f3
22.�.e4 ltlc4 23 \�.g S± Botvinik
'iff6 1 O . .Q. e2 Ae7 [10. ..b6!? ENC;
II) ASI/52-2... eS 3.de5 li.Hbl;t Analyse] ll.ltld4 ti)e6 12.ltlbS

0-013.0-0 'i!)Yh6 [ l 3 o o d6 ! ? ENC ; !4o'&c2
o 8 . .Q.c3 V/Jie7 9.Ae5 '&e5 1 Ooe.;)d d6
c6 l 5o�c3 6. b3, Ab2;!;1± Analyse] 14.e4 [ 10 . . .!t\c6 1 l.e3 b6 1 2 ..�e2 A b7 13oJ�f3

.V.g5 l5og3± Rejtir-K.Richter, Praha (ol ) 0-0-0 1 4.'�a4 'i.tb8 1500-0-0± S;r.igeti­
1911 Boros, Hungary (ch) I 937] I l .e3 Ae6
Vj,b3 !i:\e6 I 2o'@b3 lild7 [12 . . . b6 _adS
7. 0 oh6 Ko.Q.f4 t;)e6 'Jo..Q.g3 0��:5 I Ooe3 1 4.cd5± l v kov-Drimer, Raach 1969]
d6 ll.ed6 �f6 1 2ott:lc5 �c5 Uodc7 �b2 1 3o�b7 llb8 1 4.'tfc7 llb2 I S .llc l 6.
l4oAe5! �b3 15.J..g7+- Bogoljubov­ .te2, 0-0± ENC
K . Ric hter, Deutsch l and (ch) 193 1 ; 4 .iJ.b4 5.-1)d2 d6 [5 . . . f6 6.lN'3 1�c6
o o o

70 0 .j._e7 Ac5 9.Ag5 .ae7 1 o.Af4 7.ef6±] 6.ed6 V!fffi�h3 ! lbf2 !'t�f2
0-0 I l.e3 f6 Kottna uer-Seidl 1 9 3 7; Ah3 9 . g 3 ! J.fl [9 . . ..t.c5 IO.c:� g5
12.Ad3± ENC l l.ti)e4! �b2 1 2.t"Ve2 'tWa l (12 ... �1tc2
8.Ad2 a4 d6 10.Ac3 Ad7 ..te2 gf4 l 4ott:lc5±) 1 3 .J..g5 !oo/± .la ko-
u.�d3�aS vic] lO.llfl V!fd4! [10 . . . g5 l l . t'bc4+-;
I I . . . Ae7!? 6. 0-0 ENC; 1 2.e3 0-0 10. . . $i.d6 ll. tt:\e4+-; 10 . . . iJ..d2 l l .�d2
13.Ae� Analyse ' g5 l 2odc7 �c6 1 3 . �d6+-; 10. . . .i1...c.'i tt:lc6 13.e3 deS 14.ti)eS tt:leS l l .e3 g5 I V�)e4 �b2 1 3.'efe2 �e2
lS .\':i..eS± H uebner-Pedersen, Athens 14.®e2 gf4 1 5 . Q.)c5± Jakovic) l l .�f3!

1 %9 J.. d6 [ l l . . . cd6 12.l't:le4 '@b2 1 3.llb l +-

- Ja kovic] 1 2.�e4 ! '&dl 1 3o!!ad l �.f4
11-2) A S 2 -3...ti)g4 4.Af4
1 4.gf4± Ja kovic-Sareen, Jamshedpur
1 990/91 .Ab4
5 . . .J..c5 6.e3 f6 [6 . . . V!fe7 7.a3 lt:\ge5
8.liJe5 t;Je5 9ob4 Ad6 I O.�c3!± ENC]
7 .ef6 W.Vf6 8.�d2 d6 9.�c3 �-e6 l'le4
�f5 l l .t:Llc5 �c5 1 2.J..e2± Dohias-Zilcl,
Praha 1933
50 .f6 6oef6! �f6 7.'&d2 �h4\c3
.Q.c3 9.bc3 d6 10oe3 b6 [I 0 . . . ti..e 6 l l.l;)d4
.it.d7 I 2.Ae2 tDge5 1 3 . 0-0± van Scheltin­
4 . . ot!Jc6 ga-Larsen, Beverwij k 1 9 6 1 J I I . Ae2 .ih7
4 .. f6 5oe3 Ab4 6.':Bc3 h5 [6 . .. ;t':e5 1 200-0 'i)e7 1 3 . liJd4 �)e5 Eliska.�es-Ho­
goljubov, (m) 1 939; l 4o�jb5 !± ENC
7 0Ae5 fe5 8 .'tVh5+- ENC] 7 o.:Uf3 .1\e5
8.t;Je5 fe5 9o.lte5 W!le7 1 Ooll.c7 !2Ja6 6.�i.ibd2 V!Je7
I I . Af4 g5 1 2 . 'Wd4 !US 1 3 . j_e5 d6 6 .. . r6 7.e f6 �f6 8 . g3! �b2 9 ..tg2Jfl
l 4o,ag7 1rf7 15 ..1t.h8± R attmann-Ke res, I 0.0-0 0-0 [ 10 . . . ££.f5 !? ENC; I l.t;)b1
corr. !934 �c2 1 2. �d5± Analyloe]ll.tDb3 �l6
4. . g5 5. �.d2 �je5 [5 . . .Ag7 6o�cl 1 2.t4)g5 h6 n .l.l)c4 'f!Jf7 l 4oa3 .0.a5

h6 7oh4 gh4 8.�c3 f!/e7 9.e6 fe6 10.'�1!/14 I�.C/...�a5 �a5 16.h3 t4)�� 1 7 . c5! �5
h5 II . �c7 �c6 I Z..:L)f3± Haberditz-Ko­ l 8o.�.d2 !± Rubir•stein-Tartakowcr, Kis­
scielak, corro 1935] 6ott:lf3 .Ag7 (60 ..·�f3 singen 1 928
7 . gf3 Jl.g7 80J..c 3± ENC] 7.ct)e5 Ae5 7.e3 Cbge5 S.t;)eS '-DeS 9.�.e2 0.0

9 . . . d6 10.0-0 -�d7 [10 .. .0-0 Ill) A53/55-l . . .d6 3.t;)c3
I L.:�b3±: 10 V..d2 Episin; ll.�d2 0-0
. . .•

1 2.b4;!;Ant�fyse] ll.a 3 ..0�d2 12.'tltrl:2 f6

13.h4 Hd 8 14 Q.h5! <cif7 [J.I...g6

I �-.0 e2±: 14.. . ;)Jg61S.cS ±Epi§in] 1S.cS

.O.b� 16.gfdl dS [16 . . . ..ta4'? 17.lldcl
dl:5 1 8 .t!'lb2± Episin] 17.e4!! Aa4
[/7.. .x6' ghS 19.£rel '-LieS 20.AeS
fc� 21.LeS �::'eS 22.Ilel±; 17...d4
IS.eS!± Epism) IS.edS .Q.dl 19.lldl 0-0
20.d6 cd6 2J.cd6 �e(l 22..0.1'3 �h8 lva­
n�uk-EpiAin, Ten·asa 1991; 23.Ab7 ti\e5
24..1!i.c5 feS 25.d7 �b6 26.�.c8 §.c8
J... eS
27.dc8'@± Episin
10.0-0 d6 3 . . .ll:lc6 4.d5 ll:le5 5 .e4 g6 [5 .. .e6
6.Ae2 i.e7 7.f4 ll:lg6 8.ll:\f3 ed5 9.cd5 0-0
10...</-.,g6 IJ..v:.g3 /td6!'?;.t Rogers;
I 0 .0-0 c6 ll.dc6 'bc6 12.ll:ld4 f!Jc7
I V'll1'3 .(i.g3 13.hg1 d6 14.-:;;)d;J!Analyse
13.Ae3± Rab ino vi�-IIijin :lenevski,
IO.. ..fJ.d2 ll.�d2 d6 12.llfdl!'! b6
SSSR (ch) 192S] 6.f4 Cbed7 7.ll:lf3 Ag7
13.b4 .O.b7 14.cS! deS I S.bcS ll:lg6
8 ..i.d3 0-0 9.0-0 e6 I o.Ad2 ll:lc5 11.Ac2
[1S ...ilad8 16.'@c3±; I S . .. 'l:l9cS 16.l!acl
c6 12.de6 fe6 13.�hl± M alich-Troeger,
Y/!!e7 17.�c3 -:'Dg6 18.� ' c7 V!!Jc7 19.Ac7;.t
Munchen (ol) 195 8
Rogers] 16.'@d7!? '&d7 17.l::td7 ll:lf4
3...c6 4.A g 5 ll:lbd7 5 . '/tYc2 fja 5
1 8.e f4 !rac8 19.cb6! ab6 20.llc1± Ro­
[5 ... e5 6.ll:lf3-) 6.ll:lf3 h6 [6 . . . e5 7.e3-]
gers-Dreyer. Auckland 1992
7.�.d2!'?;;!;; Analyse
10. .aS ll.a3! Ad2 [1l. .. Ac5

12.b4! � ab4 13.ab4 lia1 14.'8al Ab4

3... 4Jbd7 4.Ag5 h6 5 ..th4 g5 6.Ag3
ll:lh5 7.e3 ll:lg3 8.hg3 Ag7 [Bron§tejn­
15 .. �e5 -'l.d2 1 6 . .1i.g7±) 12.'itd2 d6
T.Petrosian, Zurich (izt ) 1953; Uhlmann­
[12 ... a4?! 1 3. 't\� c 3 d6 14.c 5! ± �
Najdorf, Varna (ol) 1962] 9.Ad3!'? e6
14 .. Jbg6 15.l·d6 ;'_:")f4'? 16.de7 ll:le2
1 O.Q)ge2 [� g4, ct)g3-h5 M.Gurevich]
17.<i;h I ..-·�.:3 l�.d'8�-,--]J3.b4;t �ipov
V/#e7 [1 0 ...ll:lf6!'? l l.'«td2 '¥!Je7 12.0 -0-0
ll.,;'£�h-' btl l :!.a3 ;icS 1J,.;2Jc5 bcS
Ad7tYJ � 0-0 -0 M:Gurevich; ll.dS!;;!;;
t 4.b-l! �L\d7
Analyse] ll.g4 ll:lf6 12.ll:lg3 .�d7 13.'4!fe2
14... l·h-1 l:'i.a�± karpov c 5!? 14.0-0-0 0-0-0 M.Gurevich-Tal',
15.�g4! .. � Barcelona 1992; 15.d5!'? ed5 16.Af5 dc4
IS.. :>If',; I h.Jlc8 !iac8 17.bc5 dc5
11 .Ad7 V!!/d7 18.ll:lf5 iUS 19.ll:ld5! tai5
IIU'�'d� .:"lg<1 19.�gS ±; 15 . ..CiJb6 [19 ... �e6 2 0 .f!Jc4 h 5 21.f3 llg8'?
16 0J.U Karpov
22.ll:lce7±/+-] 20 .lld5 b 5 21.llhd1 �c6
16.�.d7 i.d7 l7.bc5 deS 18.V!!/d5! 22. V!!/ f 3 rj;c7 23.e4 f6 24.ll:le3 Ae7
lla6 19.'&e5! lle6 25.llf500/± Analyse
19... �fe5 20 (l..e5 .0.e6;t Karpov;
.• 3 . ..1JJS 4.f3 e5 5.e4 ed4 6.'t!id4 ll:lc6
21.ilfcI;!; Ana/y.1·e [6... Ae6 7.Ad3 ll:lc6 8.V!!/e3 ll:lb4 9.ll:ld5
20.Wc7 lieS 2 1 . 't:W b 7 ! ± Karpov­ ll:\d3 I O.V!!/d3 ll:ld7 11. V!!/c2 g6 12..i.d2
Short. Li nares (m/1 ) 1992 Ag7 13.Ac3 Ac3 14.'�c3 0-0 1S.ll:le2
bl:K 1 6.0-0 L:6 1 7.l'bdf4 ii?Jb6 1 H :�h I l 3 .�a6t Uhlman-Jongsma, Am sterdam
'&c5 1 9.EnL: I t B al a so v- Tal ' , Mo�kva 1 970
I < )7 I J 7 .'111/d I �'.c6 H . .'&.d3 g6 .0.g7 h) 6 . . . g6 7.c5 iJ..g7 8.cd6 cd6 F.Por­
1 0 . .0.g5 0-0 1 1 . 0-0 tt:\e5 1 2.b3 h6 LUi..e 3 ti sch-Ozsv ath, Hungary 1 96 7; 9.Jig5 ! ?
c() 1 4 .[,c l � R ade v - Su ba, Sofia 1 977; h6 I O.j)_f6 �.f6 1 1 .Ab5 .Q.d7 [ 1 1 . . .�1'8
l . .i . . . cl 5 1 5 .'� d5 cd5 1 6.8f4 fe4 1 7.�e4 12.a4 6. 8d2±] 1 2.a4 0-0 1 3 .lbd2;!;; Ana­
,;; \e-1 1 9..:t)e4;\; Analyse lyse
4..!;)1'3 �i\bd7 c) 6 . . . l/Jg6 7 .h3 [7.g3;.t;] .ae7 � ..\Tt.e3
4 . . .'�#e7 5 0.g5 c6 6.e3 h6 7 ..a.h4 h6 9.�d2 c5 1 0 0.d3 .11i.d7 ll.Qle2 t;i)h�
.• .•

:�.g 4 H Qe2 g5 9 . .�.g3 q)bd7 I O .h4 tl \h5

.• 1 2.ilg I tt:\h4 1\h4 ..l).h4 1 4.g3 -��.g5
I l...()..h2 gh4 1 2.de5 de5 1 3. l.; \e5 .te2 1 5 . f4 e f4 1 6 . gf4 i.h4 1 7.<j;d J li.. f6
1 4.\:Wd7 �d7 1 5.Q)d7 �d?t Baumbach­ 1 8 .lL\ c 3 �a5 1 9 .e5 de5 2 0 . '&e2 e4
Nezmetdinov, DDR 197 0 2 1 .lLle4 .ta4 22.Ac2 0-0-0 23.�h5+­
4 . . . ed4 5.ltld4 Lutz-Jongsma, Tilburg 1 993
a) 5 . . . .te6 6.g3 tt\bd7 7 .'L:le6 fe6 4 . . .e4 S.CM2
8 . .0.h3 V{/ic7 9.tbb5 tlJb6 l O. tlJd4 e5 a) 5 . . .'t!!ie7 6.e3 !? g6 7 te2 h5 8.0-0

l l .ttJe6± van S chel tinga-Jongsma, Am­ .l1Lh6 9 . f3 ! .te3 [9 . . .ef3 1 0.�f3 .l1Le3
sterdam 1 958 l l .�h 1 lt)g4 (1 1 . . . 0-0 1 2.�e I; I 1 . . . .td4
b ) 5 . . .Ji.e7 6.g3 0-0 7.Ag2 c6 8.0-0 lt:lde4) 1 2.ttJde4 I .Sokolov] I O.�h I 0-0
fie8 9.b3 a5 I O.�.b2 lLJa 6 1 1 .e4;!;; Reti­ [ HJ . . . ef3 I l . �f3 iih6 1 2.lLJde4 tlle 4
Spielmann, Marianske Lazni 1925 1 3.lLJe4 �e4 1 4.Jih6 �h6 1 5 .'tl�Vd3+-;
�) 5 . . . -:t)c6 6 .8c6 bc6 7 .g 3 il.e7 JO . . . iid2 1 l .Jid2 e3 1 2.�c l 0-0 1 3 .�e l
8. -�.g2 .O..d7 9.0-0 0-0 1 0.b3 E'.b8 l l .h3 6. -tfl I .Sokolov] 1 1 .tLlde4 .ac l l 2.�c l
�c8 12.'G.i?h2 �d8 1 3.e4 Ae6 1 4.'�e2;!;; ct)c6 1 3.'l1Wd2 lLJh7 1 �d8 1 5.f4 f5
Kavalek-Kowmara, Sarajevo 1 967 [ 1 5 . . . £/.e6 1 6.1'5 iif5 1 7.Eif5 gf5 1 8.lbef6
d) 5 . . . d5 6 . .Q.g5 dc4 [6 . . . Ae7 7.e3 c6 rJ;;g7 19.lLJh5 cJi;h8 20.4:\df6+- I.Soko­
8 .'1\l!l cl 0-0 9.�e2 dc4 lO . .ac4 �a5 lov] 16.1Jg5 tt'le7 1 7..af3 c6 1 8.4 lc7 �c7
l l .�.h4 b5 1 2 ...ib3 ± Najdorf-Lisboa, Sao 1 9.Euc1 �g7 20.d5 lLJg5 2 1 . fg5 c5
Paulo 1 957] 7 . e3 �e7 [7 . . . c5 8. �'Lldb5 a6 22J�e2±/+- I. S oko l ov (Jheorghiu, Ka­
9. ill'd 8 �d8 I 0.0-0-0 tljbd7 1 1 .t:t.Jd6 .�d6 vala 1 990
1 2 .�d6 \�e7 13 . � d2 .:t:lb6 1 4.e4 r�e8 b) 5 . . . .�.f5 6.c1
I :'i .e5± Hasin-Nezmetdinov, SSSR (ch) b I ) 6 . . . d) 7.J;..e2 d5 [7 . . . :�.c7 8 .g4
I Y:i7]·4 0-0 9.'�c2 c5 I 0.:'2Jf5 .�f5 � g6 Sl.g5 ·.:tJg8 1 0.tlJde4 j_g5 I I . t[)g5
1 1 . \'#' f� ,;� c6 1 2 .0-0 �d7;!;; Tol u � - Kla­ '&g5 1 2.h4 WJe7 1 3.h5 �rs 1 4.f3± Mul­
mJn. SSSR (ch) 1 957 wing-Boey, Moskva (ol) 1 9561 8.�b3
../ . . . ti:Jc6 5 .d 5 ·2Je7 [5 . . . CiJb8 6.e4 Si.e7 -J!!id7 9.f3 ef3 .ad6 I l .�e5 �e5
�b . . .c:i 7. h � ..�.e7 s . ..ad3- A56) 7.h3 0-0 1 2. d e5 c't:)g4 [ Gi igoric-Schmi d , Zurich
S.�.c3 �e8 ? ! 9.g-t c 5 I O.�g l a6 l l .g5 1 96 1 ; 1 2 . . . dc4 1 3 .'�fc4 ii..e6 1 4.�h4
-:� t'd7 1 2 .h4 .-�rs 1 3 .h5 b6 14 . .t.'Jh4 g 6 �g4 1 5 .'�g3± Gligoric-Trifunovi�. Sko­
I :".�f3.:t Alj e hi n- K i en i nger 1 94 1 ] 6 . e4 p lje 1 9 5 61 I J . c d 5 "i)e5 f l 3 . . .cd5
a) 6 . . . h6 7 .c5 ! �g6 [7 . . L:6 8 .' � a4± I4 .'�'t d'i+ ] 1 4.c4± AnalyJe
Ghlmann] � - �- b 5 .1 d 7 9 . f# b 3 d c 5 b2J () . . . g6 7 .�_e2 h5 Christianl>eu-Shi­
I O . .ad7 t2ld7 I l . �b7 .Q.d6 1 2.0-0 0-0 razi, USA (ch) 1 985; fl .�b3 ! 1'11/di 9.1'1

Christiansen; 9 . . . en IO. ..Qf3 lt)c6 I 1 .0-0 �.ct7 20.B.a8 !laS 2 J .,:�a4 �g5 22.�h2
,�g7 1 2.-::i:) d5 0-0 1 3 .�c� !± !:::. 1 4.t2'l f6 ��ft' n :�t'l6 f::.f R 24.?;-g I AcR 25 .lla I ±
.:/J6 1 5 . �: c6 hc6 1 6.e4+- Analy.�e Keres-Bron�tejn. Moskva 1 967
5 ..�g5
..:) 7. . . �a5 8 . .1ld3 h(l [8 . . . a6 9.0-0 hti
J O.�h4 0-0 l i ..Ilfd I ricH I 2.aJ;t l\1i iL•v­
Minic, Vama (ol) 1 96 :! : 8 . . -� 9.0-0-0±
ENC] 9 . li..h4 0-0 1 0.0-0 lieS l l .a3 'Wic7
1 2.b4 b6 1 3.llad l a5 1 4.b5 J4b7 1 5.�d2
!iad8 1 6.llfe I cb5 1 7 .lL!b5 'twb8 Plato­
nov-Bronstejn, SSSR 1 97 1 ; 1 8.Af5 ! ..ac6
1 9.�b I Boleslavski

6 . . .4',gR 7.$Le7 lL!e7 8.Ae2 0-0 9.0-0

cd4 I'ld4 l'hc6 I l .li)d5 li)d4 1 2. �d4 a5
( 1 2 . . . l.�b6 1 3 . .i.f3 li)d5 1 4.cd5± Gulko]
1 3.f4 �e8 1 4 ..i.f3 tt�c5 1 5 .e4 c6 1
5 . . . .0.e7 ci.)e6? 1 7 . 'Wid2 'ti\Vf6 1 8.f5 !± Gulko-Ko�i­
5 . . .116 6.. �J6 '&f6 7 .e3 g6 [7 . . . c6 Ni­ jev, Lvov 1 978
kolac-Bertok, Opatija 1 95 3 ; 8 ..�.c2±
7.'8'cl c6
Analyse] 8.�e2 JJ.,g7 9.0-0 0-0 I O.b4
�d8 l l . '&bJ a5'?! 1 2.a3 b6 1 3 .ID'd l .�b7 7 . ..tiJe8?! 8.h4 !? f5 [8 . . . f6'? 9. .i.d3
1 4.nac l ab4 1 5.ab4 F-te8 1 6.d5 ! ? [.6 e4. h6 IO ..i.h7 �h8 l t .Ah6! gh6 1 2.'Wig6]
�e l -d3, !ia l , c5 Alburt] e4 !? 1 7.tL!d4 9.c 5 ! e4 10.Ae7 'Wie7 l l .lL!d5 'Wid8
.act4 ! ? 1 8 . I:id4 •'Ll f6 1 9 . lld 2 ! 'fle7 1 2.lL!g5 lt)df6 1 c6!? 1 4.0-0-0 li)c7
20.!L\b5 Ea6 2 1 Jla2 �-� a:! 22.�a2 �c8 1 5.cd6 t!Vd6 1 6.�bl li)fd5 1 7 .Ac4± Go­
2 3 . � a 7 .O..g4 24.�fl £:c8 25.c5 bc5 relov-Kremenickij , Moskva 1 985
26 .bc 5 �;Jd5 � 7.�1-17 cfl 28 .t'te7 c/)e7 7 . . . ed4 8 . tl)d4 li)e5 9 . Ae2 ll\g6
2�UL!d6± Alhurt -Dzi n:tkhash v i l i , l .m:
I O.h4! c6 I I .GL\f5 .i.f5 1 2. '@f5± Flor­
Ange lcs l lJ\.1 I
T.Petrosijan, SSSR (ch) 1 949
5 . . .c-fi 6.e3 '&a5 H'd2 J.e7 8 .. 0..dJ
H.O·O·O �c7
0-0 9.0-0 -�h8 IO.�c2 E.eR l l .a3 'W/c7
1 2 . .i.h-t h6 1 3 .hJ 'L'Ih5 1 4 .).l,,�7 Ye7 B . . . 'f!JaS 9 . Ad 3 nes I O .g4 ! lt)f8
1 5.,l;ad I ;t Ni klllaL··Cuartas. Am�>terdam t t .Af6 J..f6 1 2.g5 Ae7 1 3 .!idgl Ae6
1 97 1 1 4 . � b I b 5 1 5 .d5 c d 5 1 6.cd5 .i.d7
6.l'3 0-0 1 7 .ii.h7!? tt:lh7 1 8.g6 fg6 1 9.t!Vg6 .i.f6
6 . . .c6 7.'1\!,'lc2 Brameyer-L.Espig, DDR 1 973 ; 20.h4 !:::.
a) 7 . . . -�h5 S . . · . e7 t.Yfe7 9 . .i.e2 g6 2 1 .ttJg5± Matich
1 0 .0-0-0 ��)hffl ! l . :'�g5 0-0 1 2 .h4 d5 a . . . h 6 9 . h4 ! ? 'ti'a5 t o ..ad3 b 5 ? !
l .' .h5 ±1± N ieveq;el l- P i l n i k . Beograd l l .de5 .:'t)e5 1 de5 1 3.<;&b I ! J.e6
1 954 1 4 .. !J6 ! Af6 1 5 .ll\e4 Ae7 ? ! 1 !
b ) 7 . . . .:�g4 S . h 3 �gf6 9 .:�e2 0-0 bc4! 17 ..i.h7 ! <;&h8 1 8. Af5 Af5 1 9. 'WI f5
I 0.0-0 . kX I I . ·>l'7 'ffc7 1 2 .b4 ! �'/,c7 �g5 20.hg5 Ilab8 2 1 .!1c 1 ! 1!id2 22.llc2
l l . c 5 d5 1 4. lk 5 �r5 1 5.<1.1d4 �h4 �d3 23.g4!± Kasparov-Larsen, Tilburg
1 6.ilud l a5 17 .a3 ab4 1 8.ab.l .i.{eS 1 9 .ila l 1 98 1

'). tl.\ ; , •.N I ll.��! ·.- IA4',' ! I I . h '/ 1 \ . '1 ,,._\ \''¥ h(l 1-l.�·� c t · . ' \" I I :'i .',; \11�!
• Uh8
, i'1hX I.!.L(h J.-: 1 .'.•\I'M I J \�d.\ .' > �-: 5 1 -J. �·\g:i ( l :i . . . ·�· , f6 1 6 . g J ed S 1 7 . l: d 5 :.'.·\ LI S ?

-�·\116 1 5.; (�-:.\ ) (l!7 1 6.Ild�l Jl.d7 1 7.�d l ! 1 8 . .�g2 Qlc3 1 9. 1/1Yc3 .0. b 7 20.Ct\c4 ! +-.1
1.\ \'Mfh5-h6, 0 ·d 7, llgB Miles 1 6.nb3 \t!/Jc7 1 7 .ilb8 �b 8 1 8 . g3 edS
17 . . .f6 1 8.r.;)�e4 cd4 1 9//)f6! '1�Jta5 [ 1 8 . . . e5 1 9 .� .h3±] l lJ .cd5 0-0 20 .. <!l.h3 !
20. �·1cd5!+- M i les-Jamieson, Australia �c5 [20 . . . fle8 2 1 .0-0 ! He2 2Vi1c4 f6
1 992 23. � / d I 6 .�.fS±; 20 ... 4:\f6 2 1 .0 -0 t:: ·,ds
:!2 . ii)c4± ] 2 1 .0-0 ��h4 22."�·k� 1'4
I V ! 2 . . . c5 3.d5 eS 23 ..:�. g2 fg3 24.hg3 .O.g4 2S.L'!c I �c3
3 . . .bS 4.cb5- A57 ; J . . .e 6'lc3 ed5 [25 . . . DhH 26:&e 3] 26.bc3 !l.b8 2 7 . 1'4
S .cd:i d6 6.c4- A65; 3 . . .t/6 4.l'nc3 g6 5.e4 C/Jd7 Cem in-1\lburl, S uhotica (izt) I 1)87 ;
.O.g7 6 n 0-0 7 .AgS- A8 1 28 .��� 1'2 ! l./)f6 (28 . . . �t;rs :,_H).Q\c4 'iJe7
4.:i.'Jc3 d6 S.e4 Ji.e7 3 0.F.l.a l ±] 29.ti.:\c4 1'1h3 3 0 . ilc I ti)eK
S . . . g6 6.f3 .1Lg7 7 . .�..gS- E 8 I 3 l . e4± Cernin
6.h3 0-0 S.t;Jd4
6 . . . t'Llbd7 7 . �.e3 lDf8 8.�d2 lt'Jg6
9.g3 .Qd7 I O ..te2 a6 l l .h4 h6 1 2.h5 t;Jf8
1 3. f4 ·?t'Jg4 1 4.�g4 �.g4 I S.t1:'\d l �d l
1 6.Jad I CiJd7 1 7 .t'Llf3 Ji.f6 1 8. �f2 b5
l 9.b3± Samkovic-Lebedev, SSSR 1 960
7 . ..te3 et:\a6 8.,.0.d3!? 0,c7 9.\@d2
cJ:ih8 10.�ge2! �bg8 11 .0-0 a6?!
I I . . . h6 1 2. f4 ef4 ! 3.�.f4 .fi.gS l 4.e5
de5 1 5 0.g5 hg5 l 6.tbe4± Altennan;

1 2.a3! h6 13.b4 b6 14.llabl il..gS

1 5.ilb2
± Al terman s . . . e6
15 . . . Jlc3 16.�We3 tla7 1 7..l�Ubl l:i:le7 .'i . . . eS 6 . C/ )c2 t.;i)c6 7 .g3 b5 8.i.. g 2
1 H. :L'lg3 :1)g6 19.·4:lce2! ��f6 20.t1)1'5 :�.fS .0.h7 9.-'<.gS hc4 IO.ti \c3 TibiS I I .O-O I1\t14
21.ef5 1:Jf4!?
1 ilb7 1 3.ll lc4 >J,!!Jc7 1 4 .if6 gf6
A l terman-Miles, Debrecen I �Y2; I S .b3 ± G.Garcija-Gild. Garcija, Bogota
21 . . . .:':Je7 22 . .ljg3± Alterman 1977
22.��g3 '!f/gS 23.l.fl !deS 24.bc5 bcS 5 . . .dS 6.t;·lb3 ! ? dc4 [6 . . . e6 7.cd5 ed5
2!'.1?;b8± Alterman 8 . g 3 tt)c6 9 . .0.. g 2 .0 c6 1 0 .0-0 Jle7
V) 2 . . . a6 3.!21c3 cS 4..';.:Jf3 cd4 1 L.ae3 0-0 1 2.4Ja4± Raskovski-Cehov,
4 . . .g6 5 .e-l cd-1 n. ;�d-1 d6 7 . .1:..e2 Jlg7 SSSR (ch) 1 976 1 7.'8d8 !Ct>d8
8.0-0 0-0 9 ..�,e3 b6 ! O.�c l !J..b7 1 1 .f3 �bd7;;!; ENC; 9 .g3 ± Analyse
.::JbJ7 1 :!. �d2;;:;;/± Analyse 6.j_g5
-1 . . . e6 5 . d5 b5 6.�g5 b4 [6 . . . bc4 7.e4] 6.g3 ! ? 'f!lc7 7 .iJ.g2r.t:.;- A3 1
-;- . -�'le-t J6 [7 . . . .$le7 8.Af6 �J6 Lerner- 6 . . . 4)c6 7.e3 �e7
G urgen idze. S S SR (ch) 1 985; 9.tfc2± 7 . . . ·�aS 8 . .0. 1'() g f6 9 . �e2 J.i.. g 7
ENC] s. :..:Jf6 gf6 9 Ad 2 ! f5 I O.a3 ba3 [ 9 . . . .0_ b4 ! ? ENC; I O.'f.fd2;!; Anuly.1·eJ

I I . �a3 .Z..g7 1 2 . .�c3 [ 1 2.�c2 !'!] .0.c3 I O . t;) b ] � g 5 1 1 .0-0 fS 1 2 . f4 'U!ie7

I 3 . �t d2 0-0 Pomar-Lc n gyel. Amsterdam 1 4.e4t A nalyse) 1 2 . ..0..f6 g f6 1 3.�d2 Iia7
1 969; 1 4 . 1?adl !± ENC 1 4 f4 ! <t�h8 [ 1 4 . . . . f5 1 5 .llcd l �l-8 1 6.e4

8.�.c2 0-0 fe4 1 7 . f5 ! .;l.g5 1 8 .'t\le l e f5 1 9.Lf5 �. d 7 .

8 . �a5 F urman- Tal ' . SSSR (ch) .:!O.!;fd5± Lautit�r) I 5. · 2�c-t ..l&.e� 1 6.llcd I
. .

1 97 'i : Y . . o-.h4 ·!2\e4'l � 1 0. ;_e7 .t)c3 1 J .!bc6 !ld7 1'd! ilg8 1 8 J�+- Lau t ier-Pin­
hc6 1 2. '&d2 ?:e7 I � bc3;;; 9 . . 0..0 1 0.0-0 ter, France 1 99 1

J6= Tal ' ; l l . ·�.:;· u 2 ± A nalyse l l.�l'd2 �c7

9.11-CI d6 I O.cic l !l:'ie5! 1 1 . . . b6? 1 2 . f4 -i:\g6 1 3 . -!.:\l· 6 t'fc7
l fJ . . . 'IJ!Jc7'! l l .�.m �- 1'6 1'\d5 ± ; 1 l/!!l e7 15 ..\H6 gf6 1 6.llcd I ± Lau­

1 0 . . 1\d4 '! I I . ''!J d 4 '!'-1 c 1 L l l . . . h6 lier

1 2.i1fd l ± /\ Ll .-0.111. I J.(oW4J 1 2.llfd l 12 .b3 h6 13 .1l.. f4 b6 1 4 ..tg3 .tb7 •

)Jd8 1 3.lba4 L.{b8 1 4 .�·\YhCl± L:�utier 1S.f4 �ed7 16.b4 Uac8 17.a3 �b8
JO. . . iul7?! I I /Jb3! b6?! [ I 1 . . .'-t'ltB?
. Kortchnoi-Psakhis, Manila (ol) 1992
I 2 �14±; 1 1 .'t\Vc7? 1 2.'&d2 fifd& 13 ..�.f6
. .. 18.Ad3Z?
.Qf6 1 4 . �d5 ed5 1 5 .cd5 ± ; I I . . . V!Jb8 Kortchnoi
1 2.'�d2 Hd8 1 3 Jl.fd I �e S t Lautier; . 18. . . '5'a8 19.Ah4i Analyse

Dutch Defence

Dutch Defence brings interesting and I O.lic 1 ! ? c 6 1 1 .0-0 �e7 1 2.'§'e3± Alje­
sharp game where black tries to take an hin)
action 011 the Kin,r;: 's side. At some stage
thi.s opening waJ not considered as sound
and correct. Hmrner. i: wa.f on the reper­
toire of.mch act' t1.1· M iC'hae/ Botvinik, who
1•ery .tllcces�fu/ly 1'011/llerfeited Dutch Sto­
newall. NOII'(IdtiJS thai' ore some Lt·ss
.1'/ICce.\'Sjtll aut·mpt.l· by N.Siwrt and Pr.Ni­
ko/ic. C11rrent/y Leniugrad'.f variation is by M.G11reviC'h, Rarcel', Jusupov
am/ a lot ofother .�trong p layers i.1· a trend.
Common characteri.l·tiC'for all recom­
memletl systems in t/u.1· ofJenin,r:
6 . .d5 7.0-0 c6 [Go1dberg-Ragozin,
is that .

Knight unceasiugl" goes to h1. Th is s_r­SSSR (ch) 1 94 5 ; 7 . . . lt:lc6 8.�c2!? ENC)

slems are adopu·d by the .Hrongest world 8.�e5 lt:lhd7}df3± Analyse
chess play�rs KasJ>nrm· tmcl Karpov. 6. . . l2Jc6 7.0..0 j_d2 8.�d2 d6 9.b4 e5
1 0.de5 �e5 1 1 .lLle5 deS 1 2.'«td8 Ild8
\ 80J9 9
.· - I d4 rs
1 3 . .ib2 e4 1 4. f3± B orisenko-Hasin,
I . . . e6 2 .c4 [2.e4 J5 J .e5- C02] f5 3.g3 SSSR (ch) 1 96 1
.·�r6 4. ..C..g� �h4 5 . -�d� 0-0 [5 . . . <1:le4 ?! 6 . . . d6 7 . 0-0 -'L d 2 8 . .t d 2 'Jf/ e 7
6.a3 �d� 7 . ..ld:! �J: X . \':.ll' d2 0-0 9.•7:\h3 ! [8 . . . ci::J e 4 9 . ii.e 1 lt:l d 7 I O .'�c2 lLldf6
d5 Alj�hin -Turtakower, Sun Remo 1 930; 1 1 .lt:ld2 ;'Dg5?! 12.f4 tt:�n 1 3.e4 d5 1 4.e5

f.::'le4 I 5.Cilel\ dc4 I 6.ild I c6 1 7.g4 ! g6 S . . . d6 6.tbh3 c6 7.d5 eS 8.de6 9.e6
I 8.gf5 gf5 J lJ.�d h6 2!l.'t-'#h3 b6 2 1 ..0..h4 9 :JIJ4 ..tc4 I O.�d6 �d6 l l .Jll.d 6 I.L)bd7

V!!id7 2:!.-;Y-;h I •J;>h7 23.Ug l ± Vladimirov­ 1 l ..'f.)b6 1 3 .b 3 .v.n 1 4.0-0 ct:�rds
G ::t v ril uv , SSSR I Y7 1 ] 9.'/!:Yc2 e5 I O.de5 I S.lbds ·.O..ds t 6.lLlf4 .�.g2 1 7 . \&g 2 wn
deS l l . b4 ! c5 ! 1 2.bc5 (;�c6 1 3 .'t!'/h2 l/le4 1 8 . .!lfu 1 Ah6 1 9.h4 Uhd8 20.e3 t2Jd5
1 4.llad l ! ·'i�d2 1 5.·'!1d2 c4 ! 1 1 5 . . . \I.YfcS 21 . .� eS±I± Gretarssun-(�ernjajev. Gau­
1 6 .jl.d5 <J',> h 8 1 7 . CN3 ±] l 6.lbb3 f4 sdal (open) I 993
1 7 .'��\' c 2 f3 "! [ 1 7 . . . e 3 ! 1 8 . fe3 '& e 3 6.�h3 d6
I 9.'iit?h ! ;;!;;] 1 8 . e f3 e f3 19 . P.. fe I 'J!!J f7
6 . . .e6!? 1.0-0 d6 8.b3 c6·2 e5
20.jJJJ �g4 V.Salov-Kamsky, Linares
I O.deS deS I l .Aa3 lieS 1 2.llad I ., lb d I .

I 99 I ; 21 .CL\d4± V .Salov
1 3. i.d6 ti)g4 1 4.c4 f4oo LauLier-M-Gurc­
6 . . . b6 7 .ll.:\e5 4.1e4 [7 . . . c6 8.0-0 Ji.d2 vich, Munchen 1 993: 7.Q\f4!? d 6 [7 . . . g5
<> .£i..d2 li)e4 1 0 ...\!l.e I ±Analyse] 8.0-0 �.d2 ;!;] 8 . e4 fc4 ( 8 . . . c5 1).de5 dc5
9.Ad2 Ab7 Gel ' fand-Episin, Wijk aan I O.�d8 ild8 1 l .�fdS±I±J�e4 t))c6
Zee 199 2; I O. b4 ! ? d6 l l . l/.)d3 'f!ie7 1 O.lLle2 e5 l l .d5 CL\d4 1 2 .h4 !±1± A nalyse
1 2.Af4 g5 [ 1 2 . . . cS?! 1 3.bcS deS 1 4 .dcS
6 . . . lLlc6 1 .l:lb l ! ? d6 8.d5 �eS 9.b3 a6
bcS ( I 4 . . . tLlcS? 1 S.'-LicS �.g2 1 6 . ..0,.d6
I O . a4 c 5 1 1 .0-0 .fibS 1 2. �.d2 ! �.d7
'll!lf1 17 .Wg2±!+-) 1 S .llb1 �c6 1'le5
1 3 .' � c 2 [ 1 3 .' � c l ! ? !::. .a h 6] t.;)e8
Q:)c3 1 7.lbc6 t;Jc6 I 8.�d3±] 1 3 0..c 1 ± .•

1 4. Wh 1 ! b6 [ 1 4 . . . lLlc7 I S.aS±] I 5.,!lbe 1

A nalyse
-l:£::,c7 1 6. f4 tbf7 [ 1 6 . . . lbg4 1 7 .e4 bS I S.efS
2.g3 lLlf6 ll.fS I 9 ..ae4±] 1 7.e4 bS 1 ! e6!
2 . . . 0.c6 3 .dS t:l)eS 4.b3 g6 S.�b2 [ 1 8 . . . e5 1 9. .!bd3±] 1 9.de6 �cerbakov­
�.g7 6. �c I Af6 7 �.g2 c6 8.Q:)c3 e6 Kramnik, SSSR 1 99U; I 9 . . . ll\e6 20.ef5

9.dc6 bc6 1 0.ttJh3± Gruenfe1d-Nimzo­ t!L\d4 2 I .�d1 22 C'.e4± INF .•

wi tsch 1 92S ; 2 . . .b6 3 .,Ag2 CL\c6 4.d5 �e5

7.d5 c6
S.b3 !::. .O..b 2, ·.t:) h3, c4± Gmenfeld; 2 . . .g6
3.Ag2 d6 [3 . . . c6 4.c4 d6 S.dS; 3 . . tJ.g7 .
7 . . . Ci1a6 8.0-0
4.•'2:)h3 d6 S .dS] 4 . d S ; 2 . . .d6 3.dS- a) 8 . . Ad7 9.!!b l c6 [9 . . . cS J O.b3;±;]

J.c�g2 I O. b 4 ! ? [ I O.lbf4] Hc H I J . �b3 ) lh�

1 2 . t;)f4 "!1e8 [ 1 2 . . . �)c 7 1 1 . b 5 1J
I :l . .i.d ! ? gS Gavnkov-Schw:utzmaw,
S a n Rernard ino I 'lJ(J; 1 4 . '7\d] ! '! cd S
1 5.'�)d5 �.a4 I 6.'t?I<J3 .0 c�2 f I (, . . . ITc4'! !
I 7.4.)b2 ,.:t:id5 l 8 . �J c 4 '1.Je3 I 1J .t.ue3±]
I 7.Jlbc l Jlc4? 1 8.Q.}b2 l1cl:! 1 9.�1'6 .U.f6
20.-'tb?+ - Gavrikov
b) 8 . . . �c5 9.0-0 e5 I O.de6 c6 I J .llb l
lt.Je6 I 2.b4 (l)e8 I 3. �/.¥d3 '1''116 I 4.'-/. ,a4
-i:�f4 I s._af4 .ae6 I 6.bS rcH J 7.hc6 bc6
I S. �fc 1 IJ§e7 1 9 ..:t.:lc3 .11.c5 20.�.h6 Il.f7
2 1 . f4 Ag7 22 . �_g7 ?Jg7 23.e4±1± Hueb­
n 3 . . . g6 and Ill 3 . . e6
ner-Danner, Schwitzerland 1 �93.
I) AS I -3 . . . g6 4.c4 �g7 s.:t)c3 0-0 7 . . . tlJbd7 B.lib1 ''1 't)e5 9.b3 · 6 . . . C/_iw
7 . . .c.5 H . ..;;_)l4 :';;:la6 Lcvi ll-Piskov. Gel­ I l- l ) 4 . . dS S.cdS edS'4 Ji.d6

senkirchen 1 99 1 : 9.0-0 ./�c7 [9 . . . gbR 7.Ac5t. Bel_javskij

I O.E.b I ·:':i:\g4 I I /;�h5 �]il:1(1 1 2 ad2 .·:�c5

1 3 . b3 .�,d7 I �:&e I ! :;)b4! '! Faragi-Ho­

Il-2) 4 . . . L"6 5.•7.\hJ d5
.i . . - -�.h-1 6...:0d2 d6 7.0-0.ans 8.c5 dc5
�·111. Hungary ( >csterrt"idl 1 97 5 : 1 5/�d4 !
�·d4 l 1 5 . . . i(',a2 1 6 . . � .1:'i ·�;·:tCI 1 7 .�!)de6+-)� -Lia6 I O.• c2 -.e7 1 1 .·7.,c4 1J...c7
1 6. �.b4± Flori:lll] 10 :·'h I .bbS l l .a-J a6 l l l . . . tlfc5·.• 1 2.Ae3+- 1 1 2.l.�d6 .td6
1 3.cd6 �'df\ 1 4 0.f4 c� 1 5 .ll fd l lt\d5
.• .
1 2 . b-+ ! cb4 1 3 .!1M ::jd7 l -+ . .¢.d2 a:'i
[ 1 4 . . . ..'t te5 1 5 .a5 ! -iHt8 1 6.<Jn-+ ..ld7
I o . e 4 ft··� I i . \�e4 0-0 1 8 .Ae5 tie7
1 9 . :':� f4 :?lf4 2 0 . A f4 t\Ve4 2 l .Ae4;1;
1 7.c5±J 1 5 . ft b l -/1eS 1 6 . �ri' b 3 -21a6
Kir.Georgiev-P.Nik oli6, Debrecen 1 992
1 7 . -.:l_')dJ J.d 7 [ 1 7 . . . /)t!J I H.ed3 :,; ic5
1 9.'l§'c2 -'�.d7 2o. ::· lh5±J J 8.4,h5 ! h6 5. . .d6.'? [Psak his] 6.0-0 Ae7
I 9 . '!'fc2 �cH 20.l.•'1a1 ! j; Uhhnann-1':1- 0-0 8 .e4- 4 . . . JJ..e7
chll., l lallc I 1J74 6. 0-0 .i!l..d6
H. :/.)f4 eS 9.de6 Wte7 lfl.0-0 . �l_e6 6 . . Ae7 7 .'1!Wc20-0 8.�f4 �e8 9.�d2
. .

a5 I O . Q)t'3 b5 I l .cb5 cb5 12.�e5 Ad6

I 0 . . :; ,:,6'.1 l l .d fc4 1 2. .::'le4 '-.i)e4
1 3.-:t)fd3 -�a6 14.Jid2 b4 1 5 .�c6 �b8
n. :;;_c4 .� c6 1 4 . '(k ! ..!. M.Gurcvich
1 6.t;)b8 l!b8 1 7.Af4 it.f4 1 8 . lbf4 .ta6
l l .!l.\c6 ��1'c6 J2 : H '&{c4 13. ¥Wd6

1 9.Ufc I llc8 20.@'d2 �d7 2 l .a3 llc I
0)a 6 J4.l:1f d I ':\hS!'? 22.ftc l �e4 23 te4 de4 24..litcSi/± Po­

Kasparov-M.Gurevich, Amsterdam lugajevsk i j-Short, M onaco 1 993

1 99 1 7 .1\.f4 1J..e7

15 .�e5 !? .ii.•S 1 6.':'j'e5 r:ae817. 'tVd4 7 . . . .0.. f4 8 .� f4 0-0 [8 . . . dc4? !

'&d4 18. lld4 ;!)1'6 9.tba3±] 9.'*'c2;t Analyse
Hjartar�.on-M.Gurcvi::, A msterd am 8.�d% 0-0 9. 'Wc2 h 6
1 91) 1 9 . . ll\bd7 I Olt)fl h6 l i .Gbe5;!;

l9.�a4! rtcH 20.Hd l± r A e3, .:HI ) 1 0 �..b8! llb8 l l. lbf4 .id6 1 2..t!)d3

M.Gurevil'h Ji..d7 13. �f3 Ae8 14. b4 !? gS 15.a4 a6

1 6.;'l)f e5 �e7?!
J l ) A 9 1 - .l . . . dl 4.cJ 16 . . . 'i)d7!? 1 7 .-tJd7 t\Vd7 1 8.e3 J.g6
I 9.cS Ac7 20.f4 !::. !itb I , b5;!; Koful
17. c5 Jic7 18.b5 ! cb5 1 9.ab5 JibS?
1 9 . . . ab5 20.l!a7 �d8 (20 . . . Ji.c6?
� l .lt)c6 bc6 2V't�e5±: 20 . . . tbd7 21. ltlc6 !
hc6 22.hc7±] 2 1 .llfal ti:)d7 22.tbd7 Ad7
23.e3 [6 .an , t�b4, Ad3Joo Koful
20 .!;)g 6 �g7 21 .tbf8 &!f8 2.2. !lfbl±

Ko!ul-Bareev, B iel 1 99 1
11-3) 4 . . - �.e7 S.ti:)h3 0-0 6. 0-0 d6
6 . . . d5 7.t\Vc2 tl)c6 8 . .litdl;!; Karpov
7. tt)c3 't!Ye8
I l - l l 4 . . . d5. 1 1-2) 4 . . . c6, J l-]) 4 . . .. 0.c7 Karpov-Short, Linares 1992; 7. . . tl)c6
;ulll l l -4) ·1 . . . . >�·.h4 K.d5;t/±; 7. . . e5 8.de5 de5 9.t\;Vd8 AdS

l lJ
[9 . . JJ.d8 I O/iJd5±] 1 O.b3 [ 1 O.c4± Ker��s) 9.;,0e4 ·7le4
c6 1 1 ..aa3± ENC7 . c6 H .b3 aS (8
. . e5
. . . 9 . . e5 I O.deS �je4 1 l .�d5±

9.ue5 deS I O.e4 l/Jc4 I U;)e4 re4 1 2.'t!d8 I O.Jt.e4 c5

iui R 1 1 . Q, g 5 ��. g 5 1 4 . .0. g 5 ( f5 l ll.. .lt:\c6 l l .d5±
I � U.1Jc I t/± A nalyse ! 1J.e4 l'e4 J 0.1.\e4 a4 1 1 .lt'lgS _AgS 12 ..tgS �jc6

1 1 .5.b2 c5 1 2.dc5 dc.'i J 3.!.i\hg5 'ti1!d I ± Karpov

1 4.:GI'd I .�J5 1 5 .it.c5± Uhlmann-Johan­! Wb8 1 4.de5;t/± Analyse
sson, Halle 1963
11-4) 4 .£l.b4 5.lnhd2- I
. . . . . . e6 2.c4 f5
8.e4!? f e4
3 .g1 .O.h4 4.l'hbd2
8 . . . e5 10.de5de5 l l .efS


Volga Gambit
Volga Gambit i.1· considered as an opening where black has a very active game. In
return for pawn sacrifttion black achieve.1· .l'peedy and harmonious concurrent deve­
lopllleilf. Rooks a re 011 Jlle open a and b files and the "dragon" on g7 practically
disable.\ the movement ofJlawn surplus o11 the Queen 's side. Besides black constantly
has wctical tllreaJ\· aml 1j'manages to capture either a or b pawn accomplishes a bet ter
1/owever in tlu· raomnrended .1·ystenr white declines to accept pawn 's sacrifice.
'/'Iris .1·)'.\'tem is often u.1·eJ by such player.\· a.1· Bareev and M. Gurevich who don 't like to
lei hlack affain an active game for the pawn 's sake , but rather try to conquer a center,
as quick a.1· possible. and gain the initiative promptly.

A57-l.d4 .;'2)f6 2.c4 cS 3.d5 bS 4.cb5 a) 8 . . . Cl:)e8 9.'Dc3 Cl:)d6 1 0..1ie3 abS
l l .J.cS ll"lb7 1 2 ..1id4± Dlugy-Aljburt,
4 . . . e6 S . Q)c3 edS 6.AgS d4 [6 . . . .1ib7
Jacksonville 1 99 1 .
7 . e 3 ! !:-:, tt:l h 3 - f4 ±] 7 . QJ d S �.e 7
[ 7 . . .'�VaS ? ! 8.b4! cb4 9 .'�d4±; 7 . . . .ab7? ! b ) 8 . . . e6? ! 9 .tl:lc3 edS [ 9 . . . d 6 1 0.]
8 .�. f6 gf6 9.e4 AdS l O.edS t!:VaS l l .t!:Vd2 I O.Cl:)dS abS l l .t:bhS .1ia6 12 . .1ig S ! .1ibS
'&d2 1 2.�d2 .�.h6 1 3.'lt>c2 d6 1 4.lbf3 1 3.�bS �aS 1 4.b4 t!:VbS 1 S . .1if6 'Dc6
. ::Jd7 I �'Unh4 :1\h6 1 6.!bfS .0.f8 1 7.g3:!.: [ 1 5 . . ..l�.a3? 1 6.V§'cl !+- Chernin-Bellon
V arnus1.-Fi lep, H ungary 1 970] 8 . .$/.f6 Lopez, Benidorrn 1 993] 1 6 . .1ig7 Wg7
.�.fl1 9.�c2 d6 I CJ.g3 .0.b7 I I ...ID.. g 2± ENC 1 7 . a4 '8'c4 1 8 .l;ic l V§'a2 1 9 .Ii.c2 da4
20.bcS± Chemin
4 . . . a6 5.r�
7 . itJ c::l .t g 7 8 t g 5 0 - 0 9 . a4 h6

I O .. �.e3 e6 l l . de6 .O..e 6 1 2 .ll:lge2 d5

1 3.J/.cS .§.eH 1 4.lbf4 o7.\bd7 1 5 ...Q.e3 de4
1 6.0:Je6 .!le6 17 .j,.c4 li.e8 1 8 . f4 V§'c7
1 9 . '@e2 ± Kortchnoi-Aiterrnan, Beer
Sheva 1 992.
7 . . . 1J..g7 8.tLla3 0-0 9.lbe2 abS
9 . . . e6 1 0.de6 .1ie6 I I .'Df4
10.Y:\b5 t:be8 1 1.t:bec3 'Dc7 12.�g5
:t)ba6 1 3.Ac4 .§.b8 14.0-0 h6 15 . .iLe3
1J..d7 16.'&d3 �h7
l l .'i . . . gh. l l l L .c6. 1 1 1 ) 5 . . .'�Jia5 and
1 6 . . . ctJb5 1 7.ab5 'Dc7 1 8 .Ii.a7±
I V l :'i . . . ah:'i
1 7.f4 lObS
I I 5 . . . �6 (1.l!4 d6 1 7 . . . f5? ! 1 8.e5 deS 1 9. fe5 .1ie5 Bare­
t• . . _0.g7 7.!/\:t3 ! 0-0 H . .:/ \e2 cv-Adarns, Munchen 1 993; 20 . .1ih6! .1ih2

2 1 .'T..�-th2 "'tlhb 22.t'We3 '."-ig? 23.V!!'e 5 Hf6 I l . . . d4 1 2 . b a 6 ..O.. a 6 [ 1 2 . . �a6

24.11ae J +- Adams 1 3.·-L:le4] 1 3 .' «.Ve4 Q)c6 I 4 . �.:-. 6 I1a 6

1 8.ah5 Y.�c7 19.l}a7± Adams 1 5.ltJcd5 Ci)ge7 1 6.0-0 ltJd5 1 7 .l;Jd5 .O.e7
1 8.�g4 c)�e5 1 9.'�g7 ct)g6 [ I 9 . . . Af6?
l l) 5 . . c6 6.e4 edS
20.·1\f-6 � f6 2 1 ..1l.h6! +- Piskov, Glek]
6 . . . ab5 7 v. b5 .G:. a6 8 . (L)c3 .�. b 5 20.'@1h6 l1d6 2 1 .�h5 0-0 22.ltJe7 � 7
. .

9. t:\b5 �aS I c4 1 1 .'«?1e2 �b4 23.'�c5± Piskov-Kisnev, SSSR 1 985

1 2.loh3 .tc5 1 3.tbf2 0-0 1 4 ..Q.g5 ed5
1 5 . � f6 d4 1 6. a 3 ygth3 1 7 . � d2 g f6 !? �b6?! 13 a4! ah5.

I 8.�g4 �h8 I Hg8 dc3 I 3 . . . tbf5?! 1 4 ...":�\f4 ! t;)d4 1 5//.JcdS±
2 1 .bc3 'it;g8 22.'@/g5 o;t7h8 23.�c5+-·
14.t/.)b5 li\Jt(, 1 5.1'4 ! )\c6 16.f5 0-0·tl
Vajser-Kumaran, London 1 99 1 .
7.e5 �e7 8.'t4Ye2 ·�i.)g8 9.'-i:lcJ 0. b7 .
16 . . . (:,gc5 1 7 .ffl! gil l !<.lilf'4 �dH
lO.[Dh3 �d8 1 9.'-nd5 lrc8 20.g3+-
10 . . . d4?! I I .(zJe4 .te4 [ l l . . . '�e5? 1 7 .fg6 h g6
1 2. jl.f4 �e6 1 3 .tbhg5 '&e7 14.4Jd6 +-; 1 7 . . . lae8 1 8 . a5 ! �d8 1 9.gf7 tlc6
l l . . d3 1 2.'�e3 ! �e5 1 3.lL\c 5!± Glek­
[ I 9 . . . Ite5 2 0 . li:) a7 +-] 2 0 . a6 .� a S
Annageldiev, SSSR 1 989] 1 2.V/Be4 d5
2 I .'it;d I !+- B .Lalic-I.Marinkovic I 990
1 3.'�d5±
JO . . . c4 1 1 .�.e3 ab5 [ l l . . . V/Be5 1 2.0- 1 8.tDf4± Lalic
0-0 4..:\f6 I 3 . �f2 1J.. e 7 I 4 . .t f4 � f5
III) 5 . . . �aS 6 .�d2 �b5 7.tba3 �b7
1 5 .f:le I ! 'itf8 1 6.'�b6 .tcs 1 7 .2.d6+-]
1 2.0-0-0 7 . . . 'f§b2 '@lb7 9.e4± Chemin
a) 1 2 . . .' t'(fe5 1 3. f4 ! 'f!Je7 1 4.!id5 ! d6 8.e4 e6 9 .i.c3 edS

[ 1 4 . . . .0.d5'! 1 5 .tl:)d5 'f!Je4 I 6.tLlc7 WdR

9 . . . d6 I O.' �a4 (.)bd7 1 l .de6 fe6
1 7.tL'Ia8 �aS 18 ..tb6 �c8 1 9.�e8 �b7
I !± Chemin-R.Mainka, Polanica
20.'it'ffs c;t;b6 2 1 :t'Bg?+-J I 5.!tb5 Q)f6
Zdroj I 992
1 6. 1�d2 d5 1 7 . Ac4! dc4 1 8.Ac5! "'d7
[ 1 8 . . .' t'f!c5? 1 9.£e J +-] l 9 .' @'c3 ��� c6 IO. �f6 gf6 I I .ec.JS VWb2 1 2/i \<:4 t�cJ

20. .:;.b7 �e3 2 1 j e 3 + Dlugy-Al jburt. I J.'.\o"if'2 �-h6 1 4.'i¥/e l .t Chemin

. . -

US (ch) 1 9 9 1
l V) 5 . . abS 6.c:4 '(/9 aS 7.�_d2 114

b ) 1 2 . . . �b4 Klein-Waitzk i n , US/\

1 9 9 3 ; ! 3 . ;!Jf4 tij e 7 1 4 . � f2 � '1 •1.1a f1 7 . . . �b6 � L � b 3 ..0. a 6 9 , 4 J u 1 h4
1 5. �d2± A nalyse I O . .ta6;;l; Remon
10 . : fJh4 l i .g3 '@lb4 l 2.Ad2 �b2
8.�a3 d6
D.�b l ��c2 1 4.ba6! £.a6 1 5.gbs± Pi­
8 . . . �.a69.lLJc4 11Jtic1 I O.ll:\h3 d6 I l .a3
skm -Arbakov, SSSR 1 9 85
�c4 1 2 .JLc4 ba3 I 3.lra3 Ua3 14.ba3 g6
l l . �f4

I 5.'�a4 lbbd7 I 6.'�a8± M.Gurevich-Mi­

l l . .� g5 � ? .'!e7 1 2.Ad2 d6 1 3 .e6! f5
Ies A., Mani lu I 990.
1 4.'�d3 ..'i)f6 1 5 .�g5 0-0 1 ab5
1 7 0..d3 g6 l 8.'B'h3 b4 1'le2 tl:)c6 20.f4
8 . . .g6 't'Jc7 J O.a3 ba3 I I .ila3
..Q.a6 2 I .Aa6 laa6 22.0-0 laa7 23.f5 !± la a 3 I 2. ba3· M . G u revich-Hertneck,
Browne-Manion, Philadephia I 993 Muenchen 1 993.
1 1 . . . -'Le7 9.4Jc4

1 7. 'tWa I !c:c/1: Analyse
IV-2) 9 . . . \�c7 1 0.a3

I V - I 1 9 . . . tv,�a7. J \i -2) 9 . . . 'l!#c7 and lV·

� � ' l . . . Vi-l'dM

I V- I ) 9 . . . '&JI7 IO.a.l
a) 10 . . . e6 I l .de6!?
I 0. . IZL.d3 [!6 I I //\c::.! .�-!!.7 1 2.0-0 '/)fd7
1 1 ..ags .I:J..g7 1 2 :de6 fe6 1 3. �d6 !?
1 3 . t"Y c .:l .1!i.u6 1 4 ; 1 1 0-0 1 5 .0th l .�_c4
M . G u re v ic h
1 6. .1;).c4 ,:7'\h6 1 7 . 0.h5 baJ 1 8 ..fla3 '5'h7
l l . . . �e6 12.�f4
1 9.lib3 �c8 20 �' 116 ..O.h6 2 1 .'t!\:Vh6 c4

1 2.ab4 tla l 1 3.�a l d5 1 4.ed5 tt:ld5

22Jlc3 ila5 23.f4:.!: J .Piket-Hodgson,
1 5 .'t!\:Va4 ! ? �d7 1 6.'t!\:Va5 {i)c6 1 7.'�a8
Groningcn 1 993
't!\:Vb8 1 8 .'t!\:Vb8 QJb8 1 9.'Lle5 cb4\d7
10 . . . g6 1 J ..ad3
lt)d7 2 1 ..Ab5 .tc5\e2 r:t;e7\g3
1 l .•t:Je2 ! ? � g7 1 2.�2lc l 0-0 1 3 .tt:\b3 .'t.Je5 24.Wdl lib8 25.!ie l f6 26. .tc4tt:\b6
ba3 1 4.!ia3 �b7 1 5 A�ba5 "f§c7 1 6.Ac3± 27.�b3 r:t;f8 28Jle4 lidS 29.Wc2 tt:\c6
Analyse\f5± Altopian-Leko, Wajk aan Zee
1 1 . . . �g7 1 2 . .::1e2 0-0 13.0-0 ba3 1 992.
1 4.ITa3 �b7 15.!t)d li1a6 12 . . . 1la6
G e l ' fa nd - A d am s . M u nche n 1 99 3 ; 1 2 . . . Ac4 1 3.Ac4 .�.e7 Chernin-Fo ·
1 5 . . . HaJ 1 6.ha3t: garasi, Oesterreich 1 993; 1 4.l'be2 0-0
1 5.0-0 ·�)c6 1 6.'t!\:Vd3± Fogarusi, Roevid
13.Jib4 IJ.a1 1 4.'t'§al cb4
Lcvin-I.Marinkovic, Podgorica 1 993
lS.'tM,raS!? 't§'aS l6.lL)a5 J.e7 t7.lbe2
0-0 Jlc8 19.tL'Ie6 fe6 20.Ad3±
b) 10 . . . ba3 l l.IJ.a3
l l .tt:\a3 !? 't!\:Vb1 [ / / . . . g6? 1 2.ll:lb5+- ;
I I . . . 't!\:Va7 1 2 . .tc3 g6 Henley-Ernst, New
York 1 990; I 3 .b4 ! ? cb4 't!\:Vb7
( 1 4 . . . bc3 1 5 J.la7 fl.a7 1 1 5 .'l:ld6
1 6.e5!? deS ed6 1 6..,af6 !ial 1 7.1/Wa l lig8 1 8.Ac4±1
J6 . . ...�'i)e8 1 7 . r4 l'bb4 1 8 . Ae 4 ± ; 1 2.< 8 c4 Iia I [I 2 . . . 'Llbd7 1 3 ..�.c3 g6
/6 . . . 0JJS 1 7 . ed6 .:!:) d 1 8 tc3 i. c 3
.• 1 4 . G:Da5 't!\:Va7 1 5 J�a3±] 1 3 . 'tW a l g6
1;t 1 4 . b4 ! ? cb4 [ 1 4 . . . 1.'b b d7 1 5. bc5 'LieS

( l 5 . . . dc5 1 6. .Jt.c3±) 1 6.tlJd6 ed6 1 7 .§1f6 1 7 . . CiJ e S I S . ..O.. e 5 fe5 1 9 . �b l ± ;

lag8 ( 1 7 . . .' &b 1 1 8.Wf2 4Ju3 1 9.�d3 1 7 . . . .i.a6 1 S .lab 1 ttJb6 1 9 ..Aa5 ! ttJa4
�d3 20 ..i.a5 +-) 1 8 . 11/.aS±] 1 ed6
. 20..i.c7± M.Gurevich
1 6.�f6 J;1gS 1 6.V!i'b2 q)a6 1 7.JJ.a6 '&ta6 1 8.ef5 gfS 1 9.'&'c2 �eS 20.�e5 deS
1 S.tDe2± Analyse 21.tbg3±/-f- M . G u r e v i c h -Hertneck,
1 1 . . . I!a3 12.ba3 g6 Muenchen 1 993
1 2 . . . e6 1 3 .de6 .Ae6 1 4 .Af4 ..O�c4
IV-3) 9 . . . '1I!Yd8 10.a3 e6 l l.de6 .'&.e6
1 5.j.c4 JJ.e7 1 6.ttJe2 0-0 1 7.0-0 i2Jc6
1 2.ab4 I!a1 13.'tial dS 14.ed5 lbd5
1 S .a4 ttJa5 1 9 . .1i. b5 c4 20.�d2 lacS
2 1 .�c3± Vajser-Koch, France 1993 Ki�nev-Claesen, Antwerpen, (open)
13.'�a4! ttJfd7 1 993
1 3 . . . .Ad7? 14 .'#l!YaS .Ag7 1 5 ..1i.a5 '�!YeS 15.�a4 1i.d7 16.b5 t't)f4 17.f4
1 6.ttJb6+- M.G urevich 6. t'Df3, Ae2oo Moulders
14 .tc3 f6 15.i.d3 .ih6 l6.(j)e2 0-0
• 17 . . . .te7 18.ll)f3 0·0 l9.i.e2 �e8
17.0·0 fS?! 20.0·0 Af6 2l.ti)ce5;;!;/± A nalyse

Modern Benoni

Modern Benoni is an opening adopted- These positions could be transposed

by players keen to have complex and com- from the Samisch Variation of King 's ln­
p/icatedposition and aim to pushfor a win dian Defence also covered in this book.
even with black pieces. That 's why this
A65-I.d4 (j)f6 2.c4 cS 3.d5 e6
opening was employed by suchfighters as
J . . . t'De4?! 4-'fi'c2 �aS 5 .t'Dd2 ttJd6
Tal ' and Fischer.
[5 . . . ttJd2 6. .Ad2±] 6.e4 g6 7.ttJgf3 .Ag7
The main characteristic of this ope- S .Ad3 t'Da6 9.a3 bS 1 0.0-0 ttJb4 I J .ab4
ning is an asymmetrical pawn structure, 'fiVal 1 2.cb5 cb4 13 .e5 �b7 1 4.tLlb3 �a2
ll'here black has majoriry on the Queen 's 1 5 ..Af4 ttJc5 1 6.lbc5+- Suba-Narciso,
side while white has advantage in the Andora (open) 1 993
center. 3 . e5 4.ltlc3 d6 5.e4- A54; 3 . . . bS
. .

The recommended system is extraor- 4.cb5- A57; 3 . .d6 4.e4 g6 5.f3- E8 1


dinary in a sense. Firstly, white takes care 4/l.)c3 edS

about the center and does not give chan- 4 . . . b5'!± ENC
ces to black to take up action and counter- S.cd5 d6 6.e4 g6
play and later prepares the action in the 6 . . . JJ..e7 7 . tb f3 0 - 0 S . JJ. d 3 lle8
center, on King 's side and even on Quee- (S . . . ..ag4 9.h3 .A h S I O. .tf4 t/Jbd7 1 1 .0-0
n 's side. The mostfamous protagonists of lL)eS 12. '!We2 ,tf6 1 3.g4 ! .,O.g6 14.llac 1 ±
this way of play are Jusupov, Gulko and ENC) 9.h3 A fB 1 0.0-0 �a6 1 1 .I'Le I (i)c7
Christiansen. The experts in this system 1 2..S.b 1 b6 1 3.a3t Langeweg-Kanko, La
Grand Master D. Rajkovic and lnternatio- Haballll (ol) 1 966
nal Master M.Desporovic wrote a very 6 . a6 7 . f4 b 5 [7 . . . g6 S .e5 t;)fd7
. .

interesting book about this opening. (R 'f/Je7 9.�f3 tLlfd7 I O.�e4 deS I I .d6
• . .

'3'd8 1 2 ..C.c� + -·) 9 . :?Jf3 .� .g7 1 0.·8�::4 de5 b .� I � - .'£)b2 ..';)c5 1 9.4.:)c4 'Wi/c7 2 0.a 5 Ub8
l l .-�d6 ;t f H 1 2.-Zlg5 e f. l 1 f7 �f6 Spassky-J.Polgar. B udapest (m/9) 1 99 :1 ;
( l � . . �e 7 l -l..�.e2 �e5 1 5.�t:\h8 �'g5 2 1 .�::a 1 [6 L.lbl Aulasov] �d7 22.ilfb l
1 6.0-0± S m i 1 nr. \ -Volon;:'. SSSR 1 9601 ::J�� � ·.• 23 �h6;t;± A nal_nt•

1 4. J :f4± � i sk i n -VolonL S S S R J QfiO] b l iJ . . . a6 1 0.a- L�bd 7 l lO .. . It'i Gulku­

� - •:5 -� g4 9. .�_e2 ( .: 2 I 0. ��gc2 -dd 7 C h i ll ll g . B e rn 1992 ; l l . l. e 2 ! '.' - ;I )]
l l. c6 ::i!f(, 1 2 . f5 ± Lac h m a n - Pfei ffn, 1 1 ...;.e2 h S ? ! 12..>!. g 5 'f!/c7 1 3. W' d2;!;
ARD 1 95H Chrisllansen-Fedorowicz, San Francisk o
6. . . -:;_d6 7 . � 1 'J-IJ :-1. � .g2 ile8 9.{i)hJ 1 99 1
a(l I 0.:,4 -�-c" I ! .1 J ll rlfi I V'N4 '-/ ihd7 c ) 9 . . . .:/ja(j I O. ..�e2 !?Jc711.0-0 �b8
M:Ji an.J u k - M ic t i • .. I Lunhurg (open) l lJCJl; 1 2.j/_f4 [12.a4 !?] .lle 8 13.'f!/d2 [ 13.a4 !?]
I J.� "tfe:!:t i\ na 1 \ _,.t . h5 14 .' �/ h l [14.!iac l ; 14.Ji.h6] hS '!!
7J:\ .0 1!,7 I I S ... b4 1 I S . .O.gS 'f!/d7 16.!iae l b 4
116 .. . ·:1:\ h7? 1 7.�_h4 6. f4-fS C hristian-
scn] l lt:\bS 18.Ac4 lt::\ d4?!\e2
(�)e2 20.He2 V!!Jc7 2 l .eS! !ieS [2 1... deS
22.d6 \�c6 23...tf6 �f6 24 .lt:lf2 6 lt:\e4 ]
22 .I�eS deS 23.d6 'f!/c6\ e3 Aa6 t[)dS 26 �dS �d 7 27.!iel !ie8

C hr i s tians en-Nunn, Munchen 199 1;

28 ac6 \�c6 2 9.d7 �a8 3 0 . d 8 'f!/ !idS

3 1.'ti'd8 Wh7 'f!/e7!± C hristiansen

8 . . . 0-0 9.�d2

R.:>::l gc2 � ? 0-0 9 . ."?)g3

I ) IJ . . . 1le8. 11) 9... a6, lll) 9... h6 , IV)

Y... lt::\ lx17, V) � ... lt::\ a6 and VI) 9... b6
I) 9. . . !ie8 10.Q)ge2 a6 l l.a4 t;)bd7
a) 9 . . . 115 10 . ·-:i.c2!? ,�;_ lhd7 I I O . . . h4 I I.. . �aS\ g 3
I I. :;If! ·:/\h7 ( I I . . .<>1h5 12.g 4 ! ) 12.-�eJ a) 1 2... hS 1 3. ..te2 lt::lh 7 14.ii.f4 h4
rs 1 3 . ef 5 � fS 1 4.14_1,:4± INF] l l.jj.gS ! I S.'-t)f l 'f!/d8 16.g4! 'f!/e7 17.h3 t;�d 7
'er a S [ l l .. . a6 1 2. a4 �c 7!? Ba la�ov] 18/t.le3 lt:leS\ g 2 !ib8 2 0.0-0 Ji.d7
12. �:1Yd2 a(• 1 :H l-0 h5 1 4.a4 b4 I\d I c4 2 1 .u5:t/± Despotovic-Schmidt, Beograd
I h.Hc I! �.· 3 I I h. . . tYa4 1 7Jlc4±] 17.bc3 197 7

b) 1 2 . . . b5 1 3 . ..ae2 b4 1 4.lbdl ttlbd7 13 . . .hs 1 4.0-0 ttlh7 1 5.$.h6 !? Ad4
1 5.0-0 'JJ1ic7 1 6.a5 ! ? ttlf8?! 1 7 .t/Jf2± De­ 1 6.Ae3 h4 17 .tbh 1 Ah8 1 8.1.2\1'2 'bdf6
spolovic-Reino, corr. l 978 1 9.f4 6. .Af3;t/± Mageramov-Weingold,
1 2 .!l)g3

Ta�kent 1 983
14.0-0 b4
1 4 . . . ba4 1 5 l'ta4 �b6 1 6.Ae3 .1Lb7 ?!
1 7 .!ifa I 'W:/c7 1 8 ..'Z)fl 4.1h6 I Q.[(4a2 c4

20.tLla4± Despotovic-Nen. Ristic. Jugo­

slavija 1 98 1
lS.tDdl c4!?
1 5 . . . tLlb6 1 6.c;t>h l h5 1 7.�3 ! ? tbh1
l 8.Ah4 .td7?! 1 9.f4 c4 20.lbc4 ttJc4
2 l .Ac4 �c5 22.!iacl 'l\)'b6 23.b3 f.Df6
24.e5 de5 25.f5 tLlg4 26.d6+- Gd' fand­
Basin, SSSR 1983; 1 8 . . . g5 [oo D.Rajko­
vic, Despotovi c] 1 9 ..:�ef5 gh4 2U .LL\g7 .

12 . . 'W'a5
�g7 2 1 .lL\h5 �g6 22J400/± Analy.�e
12 . . . Wic7 13 ..te2 16 ..fi_e3 lL\b6 17.Ad4 .fi.d7 18.ll:\e3
a) 1 3 . . . b6 1 4.0-0 c4 1 5.ID"c 1 Wic5 !? l'(ac8 19 llfcl ± Despotovic-Lazic. Jugo­

1 6.c;t>h1 ttJe5 1 7.Ae3 Wlb4 1 8.lLlbl a� slavija 1 982

1 9.�b4 ab4 20.lLld2!co Toth-Gheorghiu,
II) 9 . . . a6 1 0.a4
Biel 1 983; 1 6.1t.e3 �b4 1 7.lLlbli; Analy-
. I O.lbge2 b5 !? l l .ttJg3 t;Jbd7 1 2.Ae2
lle8 [ 1 2. . . c4 1 3.0-0 �c7 1 4..!lfc l tLlc5
b) 1 3 . . . c4 1 4.0-0 tDc5?! 1 5.�c4 tLlfd7 1 5.It.ab I 1Jfd7 16.0::ld l lb5 1 7.l2)f2 f5
1 6.B.a3 ! ttJe4 17 .ttJce4 '(glc4 1 8. .te3 �c7
1 8.b4 tba4 1 9.f4 lLlf7 20.Ah4 aS 2 l .ef5
1 1 �b8 20.�d4 id4 2 l .�d4 f5
gf5 22.tbh5oo Salov-011, SSSR 1 983)
22 ..!lac3 ! fe4 23.ttJe400/± Dorfman-Pere­
1 3.0-0 't!/Je7 1 4. Ah6 ..\:J..h 8? [ 1 4 . . ttJe5

nyi, K islovodsk 1 982

1 5 . :�· g7 ':tig7 1 6.b3±1± Analy�·eJ 1 5 .ttlf5
c) 1 3 . . .Il.b8 1 4.0-0 c4 15.Ae3 'ifJdB 1 6.lLld6+- Chernin-Yermolinsky,
c l ) /5. . b6 1 6.!Uc 1 �b7 1 7.ii.c4! b5 Groningen 1 993

f 1 7 . . . �c4 1 8.ttJdl �b3 1 9. .!la3] 1 8.�_a 2

�a5 19 .ab5 ab5 20.Ab3± Berkovic-Ker­
nazicki, SSSR 1 986
c2) /5 . . . b5 1 6.ab5 ab5 1 7.b4! tLlf8
[ 1 7 . . . cb3 I 8.lLlb5) 1 8 . .!la7 ��d8 1 9.IDa I
�e7 20. Jl7a5 ,l;,eb7 2 1 .j,fl ± Seir a wan­
Hardarson, Reykiavik 1 986
1 3.Ae2 bS
J3 . . YJ/ib4?! 1 4.0-0 c4 1 5.lLldl �d2

1 6.Ad2 tbc5 1 7.Af4 ! J.d7 I 8.tLlc3 tLlb3

1 9..!lad 1 b5 20...td6 Af8 2 1 .Af8 �rs
22 . .!lf2 !±/+- D.Rajkovic-Ma sic Jugo­ , 10 . . �85

sla vija (ch) 1 98 1 1 0. . . ct..lbd7 l l .�h3t

lfJ . . . �c7 I I O.h6 lt)bd7 1 2 ag 7
. • .•
I I . . .nes 1 2.ti.)g3 lbbd7 1 3 ..1le2 a6
�g7 1 3.lf.)h3 !ibfl l .t.b3 '!'lfa5 I SJlbl b5 1 4.a4 ·7\c5 1 5 .0-o Elb8 1 6.h3 &5'.'! 1 7.f4 !
1 ab5 I 7 .01"2 7'\cS 1 8.Ar:! "·' gf4 I R.llf4 �g6?! 1 9..Jlf2 lle5 20.!lafl

1 9 ."t'icd I -�. a6 :20. ?le3 !Ia 8 2 l . f4 <:�ed7 �.d7 2 J .,'L\f5± Pytei-Filipowic�. Pl�tanica

22.0-0 J.e2 I�fe8 24. !:)c4 �c7 25.'&'b:! Zdn'j l lJ8.:!

;+;g!h� Ja kt•�<;en-Mestel, P lovdiv 1 983: 1 2.a4 .::")bd7 1 3.�cJ
1 4 . �.e2 'if:fu5 1 5. 0-P;; Ana/.nt>
/fJ . . . .:le/1 l l .�gc2 -1:)d7 1 2..:'i)d l ! '? h6
l l .:...c3 �:c5 1 4 . .i: .ed �h7 Jov�ic-Po­
luljaho\ , Jug•>'>lilvijc, 1 993; I 5.�1�Arra·
l l.k!aJ Y�c:7
I I . . . t.;\hll7 Dcspot(lVic-Draskovic.
CI IIT 1 979; I :!. i,l)h3;t 1\1/a/y,\'('
12. �;\gt•2 -�i'lhd7 1 3.�;)Rl c4 1 4. >il.t'2
-�'e5 15 .. (-.d! ItS 1 6.0-0 £!.d7 17.aS Hfc8
I Jk �.h6;t/ '. Polugajevskij-Nunn, London
1 984 1 3 . . . llb8
/J . . . '8a5 1 4..!e2 0eS [ 1 4 . . . bS 15.0-
l tn 9 . . . h6 I O Q.e3
• .
0] 1 5.0-0 .td7 t 6.llfc l ! 1!Vb4 1 7.aS IUb8
[17 . . . �4 1 8 . .i c 4 Wc4 1 9 . 0a4± ;
1 7. . . b5 1 8.ab6 ttb6 J 9.lba4 ttb7 20.b4!
D.Rajkovic, Despotovit] 1 8.lba4! ed2
I 9 �d2± Psakhis-Zapata, Cienfuegos

1 983
JJ . . .'ftc7 1 4 . .ic2 Itb8 I 5 .0-0 c4
1 6.llacl [ J 6.lifc l !?] 0e8 1 7 .� 1 h5
1 8 J l fd t �e5 1 9.f4 0g4 20. .i.g t h4
2 1 .•'Lift h3 22.gh3 e£cf6 23.h4± Beljav­
skij-Cehov, SSSR I 982
IJ . . . ."iJeS 1 4.h3 !? ttaS I S.f4 lbed7
1 1 1- 1 1 10 . . . .::wr. 1 11-:!l 10 . . . lle8. Ill­ 1 6.:Sa3 lieS 1 7..i.d3 �b6 1 8.0-0 \'fb4
·' ' ltl . . .\'\'h7. 1 l l --t l IU. . . :t(•. lll-5) IO. . . h5 1 9.�h l �Lk4 20. .Ac4 ttc4 2 1 .Itcl±I+­
Agdenstein-Honell. GroninF,n 1 983
1 1 1 - n w . . . :;,h7 1 1 ..:���2 1 4.�.el Cile8 15.0..0 �e7 1614 b5
1 1 1 - 21 l fl . . . ilt!8 I J ..;'l�e2 a6 l l.a4 1 7. ab5 ab5 18.e5 de5 19.15 e4 20.lQce4
.a b 7 2 t .l1a 7 !1!3/± Dukit-Schmidt,
lilb d7
NmiJ..: m. -l .oginov. SSSR 1988
VmjaCka Banja 1 98 1
1 3.kh6!? '·'le4 14. �;w4 8h4 IS.g3 JD-4) IO . . . a6 1 1.a4 c!bbd7
\\l� h f• I f•. ��-� h l• _ ,;_, h f• 1 7 . t.'ild6 lieS l l . . . tt'lh7 1 2.ltlge2 ll.)d7 l J.ll.)d l ! ?
U «.-�w4 !'! J!:dS f 'J.f4o;.(; D.Rajkovic, Dc­ (tJeS 1 4.JZ)ec3 fS IS . .te2 Ite8 1 6.0-0 lbn
spotovic; .!: .1naly.� 1 7.l!)f2 .id7 1 8.� 1 Itc8 1 9.Itae l lt)f6
1 1 1- 3 ) IO . . . ,!;'h7 1 l.·�ge2 a6 20.efS .tfS (Foisor-Cvitan, Tbilisi 1 986;

20 . . . gf.'i 2 1 .4)h3 1\ �lf4 Foisor] 2 1 .g4 ! ? J u s u p ov - D o l m at ov, Wijk aan Zee
.O,d7 22.f4 b5 23 . ab5 ab5 24.�.J3 b4 lm/8) 1 99 1
25. t\ce4;;!; Foisnr 28.'tM!c5!± Jusupov
1 2�;')h3 4'e5 1 3.'-bf� Analyse
1V ) 9 . . . "tJ
r:..bd7 10 .c,
..J ...
l l l-5) 10 . . . h5 l l.QJge 2'-.Ubd7 1 Vbcl

10 . . . a6
1 2 . . . ct:JeS JO. ..h6 l l.�e3 tLleS 1\f2
1 2 .. . a6 1 3.a4 ne8 14.�c2 .llb8 1 5.0-0 a) 1 2 ... �d7 13.�e2 g 5 ! ? 1 4.f4 gf4
�c7 J 6. �h l b6 17.nb l fbe5 18.h3 c4 -
1 5.�f4 W'e7 16.�d2 h5 17.Ag5 ± ulko; �
1 9.b4 h4 20.f4 �d3 2 1.tLld3 cd3 22.�d3 16 . . . Wh7 ! ? 1 7.h3 !? (�g6 1 8.�.g3= A na­
llJe4'le4 .lf5 24.Af3 'Jjfje7 lyse
b ) 1 2 . . h5 1 3. �e2 a6 14.a4 llb8 15.0-
..Q.e4 26 ..i.e4 t\fe4 27.�b6±/+- Kozlov- .

Fedorov Mosk va 1 986 I I :&.d7 1 6.h3 ! b5 17 .ab5 .ab5 [ 1 7; . . ab5

13• • ,ie2 llJh7 1 8.f4 tt)c4 1 9.�c4 bc4 20.e5!± V.Rai�e-

vic] 1 8.tLlb5 ab5 1 9.b4 ll)fd7 20.!1ac l c4
1 3 . . . h4oo Jusupov; 1 4.g4!?;;!; A nalyse
, V.R at"evt"-
s:4 .±
2 1 .1·
·x ·.( BrenJO, Jugos1avtJa · ·

14.0-0 f5
(ch) 1 99 1
I 4 . . . l!e8 1 5.nb i f5 16.b4 c4 1 7.a4
l l.a4 �Yc7
fe4? .5-.:Je4 �f5 1 9.tLla2 Ae4 20.fe4 tLlf6
11 . .IJ..e8 1 2 ..Ae2 ribS 13.4:\f2 �1Nc7

2 l . .dc3;;!;/± Cebalo- Tal ' Taxco 1985

1 4.0-0 b6 1 5.nac I c4 16.b4 b5 I 7 .ab5 ab5

1 5.f4 �fi
J S .B.a 1 ± Chandler-Hakki, Manchester
1 5 . . . l2'.g4 1 6. � g 4 hg4 [ l 6 . . . fg4 !? 1
D. R ajkovic. Despotovic; l 7/1Jd3;;!; Ana-
l l. .c4 l 2 . tLl f2 YJI/c7 J3 . .Yc l llbR
lyse) 1 7.e5 de5 1 8.�c5 Te8 19.fe5 �e5
J 4..�c2 b5 J 5 .ab5 ab5 l 6.b4 ila6 1 J
20_.'2Jd3± lcinov-A.Kuz'min, SSSR 1 9R7
ITa!\ 1 8.0-0 it)b6 1 9.�h6 .�M 20.�h6
16.e5 deS 17 ..1c5 �e8 1 8.'bd3 -:t:)a4 2 1 .�'d2 liJd7 22..(s.dJ ± Rukavina-
! R . .-�b3 [�� d6 \lc4] ef4 1 9.d6 Tal '
. •
Nicevski, Jugos1avija 1 98 I
1 8 . . . e4 J J . . 'f!la.� 1 2 . ll a 3 c 4 I 1 2 . . HhH
. .

Ernst-Tul ' , Subotica (izt) 1 987 1 1.4.Jf2 <tle5I 4.Ae2 '8c7I 5.0-0t:4 J 6.b4
19 .!2\e] .�'/6 20.·�c2 �.d7 21.h3 �c7
• cb3 1 7.ITb3 '-l':fd7 18Jlc l � ·,c"i I IJJ1hb l
22.�e3! b6 23.)_d4 bS! 24.�ac l �b7 .!;Ie8 20.�_1!3.± Rratcev-Kuzmin, SSSJ�
25. �)b4! aS 26. .!tic6 b4 27.�J6 J.f'6 . 1 9k3J 1 lf2 @c7 1 4 .;l,e2 llbH 1 5.0-0
28 ..;;� a4 .:acs
• b5 r J 5 . . W't:5'! 1 6.ke3 'fi'h4 1 7.a5 l/)c5

1 8. '!!!/ c 2 �VLl7 1 9.Ii.b 1 2· ·1!5 20.�a4 ·:U b.J 10 . . �d7

2 1 . r4 ?Jt1 7 22 . _l,_ c4 ·-i:1 a:'i ::'.3 . .it. fl b5 I 0 . . . h6 l l . ..C.. e .J \:i;h7 [ l l . . . h5

24.,jj._d2± Georgad ze-Bouziz. Hanover I 2 . ..C..g5 ! ? Analyse] I ::! . g4 ! ? ClJc7 I .].c'�g3
1 983] 1 6.ab5 ab5 1 7.b4;t D.Rajko vic'. Dr­ .C.d7 1 4.g5 ! hg5 1 5 ..C'.g5 �e8 1 6.0-0-0
spoto vi( J-.:;.hs 1 7.h4 �g8 1 8.h5 !:!· F ti mov-Nunn.
1 2. -��f2 f�b8 Hradec Kralove 1 9 !!3
1 2 . . L\c8 1 3 . �.e2 c4 1 4 .0-0 b6? !
. l l ..."dg3 llb8
1 5 .rifc I J1b8 I 6 . il.t:4! \:YJc4 1 7 4Je2 b5
. . ' l l . . .' t\Vb6? ! 1 2 . .i.e2 .liac 8 1 3 . 0-0
I S.Ec4 bc4 J9.f.l.c l •1Je5 20.ti)d4± B ar­ �h8 1 4.,liael ClJg8 I S.'�h l •b4 1 6 a3 .

kovski-Morsulen. SSSR 1 986 '&/d4 1 7 .'�c l h6 1 8.1l.f4 'ti'f6 19.1l.a6 ba6

13 .. �' e2 c4 1 4.0-0 bS 1 5.abS abS 20.e5 deS 2 l ..te5 �b6 22.1l.g7 �g7
1 6.b4 ab3 1 7.nb5 �b6 1 H (cc3 -/�cS •. 23.0'\ge4 .life8 24.d6± Ubilava-Kapen­
Conguest -Larsl'n, Hasti�s 1 9X(, gut, SSSR 1 9!!2
I 9.Zl.ah I ! '! .�d7 20.:'�:•3!'?± D: Ruj­ l2.1l.e2 b S 13.'�f4! f!re7 14.0-0 c4
kuv ic, Despotov ic D.Rajkovi�- M artin, London 1 989
lS.I!ael!? 6. �h l , '&h4, eS D.Rajko-
V) 9 . ·��:16 I ll. '· \�e2
. .

vic, Despotovi�; ool± Analyse

VI) 9 . b6 10.a4 lDa6 l l.�h3 �b4
. .

1 1 . . . Jl.h3 1 2.1l.a6±
12.ClJfl h6 1 3.Ji.e3 hS 14.Ji.b5 Ji.a6
S adler-Arachamia, Hastings 1 993/94;
1 4 . . . a6 1 S.Jl.e2±
1 S.'t\Ve2!? .tb.S 16.abS± Analyse


l.d4 dS 2. c4

Opcming line.\' sporadically employed 6.el)c3 tlJc6 7 .e4 t;i"'c3 8.cf5 .!;,dS 9.a3
in modern toumament practice are ana ly­ �d6
zed in this segmmt. In accordance with 9 . . .'�d7 I O.�b7 11.bM 1 1 .�:�6 efS
che.l's tlwm�r h/ack can not count to equa­ 1 2 Qb5 llb6 I J.•?.1c5 ! +-- Funnan-Sum:�­

liZl' iffollowing these lines. However, whi­ ev. SSSR 1 954

te: has to be very aware ofall possibilities
10.'!tfb7 llb8 l l.'/:Wa6 JJ..e7 l2.Ji(b5
in order to avoid pitfalls.
bt.b6,c6 I!c6 14.�d3 ef5 15.0-0 0-0
D06/09- l.d4 d5 2.c4 16 .' ¢WfS± Lipnickij-Bondarevskij, SSSR
(ch) 1 95 1

III ) B06-2 . . . c5 3.t;Jc3!? dc4

3 . . . 0,c6 4.cd5 �d4 5 .e3 i.'Z)f5 6.e4±;
3 . . . cd4 4.'�d4 dc4 S .'&td8 Wd8 6.e4;t/±;
·3 . . . e6 4.cd5- 032
4.d5- D20

IV) B 06-2 . . . Ji.f5 3.cd5 � bl

3 . . . �d5?! 4.�c3±
4.'1tfa4 c6
IJ 2 . . . g(l, I l l 2 . . . ti)f6, JII) 2 . . . c5, IV) 4 . . . �d7 5 .ti'd7 l/)d7 6.l!b l �gf6
2 . . . �fS, V) 2 . . . :L!c6 an d VI) 2 . . . eS 7 . .2\f3 0Jb6 8.c3 Q\bd S Euwe-Tylor, We­
ston 1 9 2 6; 9.a3 ENC; 9 . . . e6 I O.J:.d3 11..e7
ll B 06 -2 . . . g6?! 3.cd5 �·ds
I I ..\li.d2 0-0 1 2.we2 cS 1 3 .e4 '-L!b6 1 4 .uc5
·' . . . ..'i) f6 ·l �a4± ENC
�,cS 1 5.b4 .lf.i..e7 ! 6.Ehc I ti± llna/
4.:i)c3 �aS 5.-W .ig7 6.;.d2 c6
7.e4 �b6 8.£c4! .�d4 9.t.ud4 �d4 5.dc6 1.)e6 6.ilb 1 c5
1 0.\$'h3 VJ!jg7 1 1.0-0± Stah l berg-Aie:: h i n , 6 . . . I/!Vd4 7.�d4 t/:t.l4
Kemeri 1 937
II) B06-2 . . . .:Uf6 3.cd5 1./.Jd5
3 . . . � d5 4:�)c3 �aS S.�. d 2 � ± ENC
4 ..:!Df3 .�f5
4 . . . e6 5.e4 :i)f6 6.ttJc3 cS 7 .d:'i ! ? ed5
8.e5± ENC; ./ . . .g6 S.e4 ·1i h6 6.•-?! c3- D8'5
5:tt'b3 c6
5 . . . ·2lc6 f)_,;.2Jbd2! tl_")b(i 7.e4 .C..g6 8.d5
<:Jb8 9.a4± Takacs- Havasi, B udapest
. ! 926

S.d .:�'lc6 9. �b5 :ks I O L)G e6= .• 1 4/�)b5 Ab5 1 5.Jl.b5± Euwe-Tartako­
Sirov; S.£.d2 ! ? iacR 9.e3 .?\c6 I O.!lc l ;!; wer, Nottingham 1 936
A naly.\·e 3 . . . e6 4.tbf3 Ab4 [4 . . . ..2)f6� ed5
7..�.d2 'f:li'd4 6.Ag5 Ae7 7 .e3 0-0 !Uk I ;t Analyse]
7 . . . cd4 S.g3± Siro'' S ..i.g5 f6 6.Ad2 l!)ge7 7.e.l 0-0 S.a� .tc3
8.�J/d4 ed4 9.�c3 QJfS I O.'t!Yb3± Bondarevskij-Ter-
p ug ov, SSS R (ch) 1 95 1
!l. . . 'L\ d4 K u z m i n - S i ro v , M o s k va
1 91J I ; 9.e3! ·:tJc6 I O. .O .b5 3 . ..Ci:lf6 4. 0/J
a l /O . . . EcR I I .. :7\ fJ f6 [ I I . . . Ad6 a) 4 . . . Af5 5.'�a4 't!Yd7 6.e3 a6 7.cd5
1 2 . ..0..c � ! ffl l 3.(•)d2-l: Sirov] 1 2.Ve2 ·�h6 tiJd5 't!Yd5 9.Ad2 b5 I O.'t)Yb3 e6
1 3 . ntu: I ,f)J7 1 4.J.c4 .\l.d6 1 5.Ad5 <t-Jc7 Ree-D ueckstein, Graz 1 979; 1 1 . .ae2! !:::.
1 6.Hc4 Ec7 1 7. i! tx: l HhcS 1 8.ilh4 E!hR 0-0, ilfc l ;!;; Cvetk ov ic
DrL'l"v-Malaniuk. Ti lburg 1 9'n: I IJ.Ha4t b) 4 . . . Ag4 S .cdS lt)dS 6 .e4 lt)c3
1\nalr.H' [ 6 . . . Ci.)b6 ?! 7 . d5 ·�e 5 ? S .�e5 ..\!Ld l
h J /0 . . . .) c/6 1 1 .. 0.c6 hc() 1 2 .i;!HJ </'Ie7 9 . . \!l bS +- E N C : 6 . . . .if3 7.gf3 lt:lc3
1 3.c4;t Sirov (7 . . . ti)b6 S.d5 '-LlbS 9.Af4 c6 I O.'�b3
9.g3 aS I O.�g2 $..b4 l l.lL:IhJ ,!i)ge7 lt:l8d7 l l .lidl 'tWcS 1 2. Ah3± Keres-Ter-
12.:[)f4 0-0 1 3.a3 -� d2 1 4.<t>d 2 a4 pugov , SSSR (ch) 1 95 1 ) S.bc3 e5 9.lib l !
15.fihcl .§.a5 1 6.1\c4 Yfa8 17.!lbcl llb5 A d 6 (9 . . . ed4 1 0 . � a4 ! ± ; 9 . . . li b S
18.ft l c2 lt)a5 1 9.:§.b4 Q)bJ 20.WdJ± Ti- 1 0.'8'a4!± ENC) IO.d5 lt:lbS ( J O . . . lt:le7
sdaii-Rausis, Gusdal 1 993 l l .'�a4 't!Wd7 1 2.�d7 'it>d7 1 3 .Ah3± Ri-
bli) 1 l .ligl ! g6 1 2.lib7± Ribli-Witt-
V) B07 -2 . . . !i.)c6 3.tbc3 mann, Dubai (ol) 1 9S6] 7.bc3 e5 S.d5
lt:lbS 9.'�a4 tiJd7 I t\Yf6 l t .lt:lg4
'@lc3 1 2 . 'it> d l � a l 1 3 . A b 5 ! 0-0-0
14 . ..0..d 7 lld7 1 5 .'�a7 c6! 1 6.<;!;le2 't!Ybl !
1 7.�aS 't;c7 I S..tf4 Ad6 1 9..Hb 1 ! liaS
2 0 .e5 .fia2 2 1 .'it>fl .trs 22.e6 J1d6
2�.,:�e3;!;; Pein, Fler
c) 4 . . . dc4 5 . e4 .tg4 [5 . . . QJa5 6.]
Af3 [6 . . . e6 7.V.!!Ya4 ct:\d7 S.'t!Yc4
6 . ..ie3
tt::�b6 9.'t!Yd3 .an w.8n 'l1Wf6 u .r4 o-o-o
1 2.0-0-0 g6 1 3.Ag2± de Boer-de Roode,
Wijk aan Zee (open) 1 9S6] 7 .gf3 e5 S.d5
3. . . dc4 ct:\e7 9.'lJa4 ·�d7 J O.d6 cd6 l i .Ac4 d5
[ I I . . . lt)c6? 12.1MVb3+-] 1 /i)c6
.J . . . e5?!'\ :)d4 5 .e3 Qlf5 6.e4

1 3.lig I ! lieS 1 4 ..tidl ! 't!Ya5 15.i'ta5 lt:la5

.::)d6 [6 . . . .:?\h4 7.g3 c:;!g6 8 . ..0.b5 Ad7
9 . � h 3 lih8 I O . .,� e3 c6 l t . .ac4 c S 1 6.-tfl lt:lc6 17 .J.. h3 lt:ld4 I S . .td4 ed4
1 9.lid4± Ligternik
12.dl l 1 ± Tartakower; 6 . . . t;:Jd4 7 . f4 �.d6
S.�;�h5 !± ENC 6 . . . ·'/)fe7 !? ENC; 7 ..te3;!;; 4.d5 lt:le5
A11alyst•] 7/�11 .\lg4'? ! (7 . . . f6 !? Alehin: 4 . . . ttla5 5.�a4 c6 6.b4 b5 [6 . . . cb3
Ill 8.'�a4 :�.. d7 l).'�Yh� f6 I O.Ae3 lt:le7 7.ab3 e6 Lebedev-tigorin, corr. 1 990;
I l . [k I ��t:C8 1 2. ..Q..ll3 }J.c7 1 3.0-0 0-0 S . ..\:t.d2 !± ENC] 7.'t!Ya5 �as S.ba5 b4

C)_.:,;\d I IIJ.e4! e6 l l .�\e3 '-Df6 1 2.ed5
cd5 feld-Tartakowcr, Karlovy Vary 1 923;
�:,) g2, ·7\e2 ENC: ± A nalyse
ed5 I J . g :l ! ? 9 . . ...tf3 1 ? Tartakower; I O . .�.f4± A naly­
5.\�!1d4 �;,�()
se] 8.lL'\bd2 .0.g4 9. '/tVb3 VJ/ic7 I 0.0-0 0-0-0
5 . . J6 6J4!? ENC: 6 . . t/)g6 [6 . . . t;)J7
I J . lle l l/) g 6 1 2 . h 3 .A e 6 [ 1 2 . . . .af3
7:t:\ilc4 'Dd6 8."11/;Yb3;;t] 7.'/!!ic4 a6 H O.g2
n ..�tg6! hg6 I 4.l:Df3±1 n .Ae4 lL\ge5
[8,jl.h 3l?] e6? ! 9.de6 Ae6 I O.'&e4 !± 1 4.�e5 �e5 1 5.CLlf3 ! �c5 1 6.. tf4! .Ad6
A nalyse 1 7 . .ac6! bc6 1 8. ..Q.d6 :S.d6 1 9. !L\e5± Ta­
6.e4 e5 7:�c4 .td6 rasch-Tartakower, Berlin I 920
Go!' din-Morozevic, Sankt-Peterburg 5.g3
(zt) 1 993 ; 7 . . . a6\f3 �.e7? 9.h4 ! i:Lh4
I O.d6! cd6 [ 10 . . . c6 1 1 .\'!tc5 !±] l l .lt:\d5±
Ccjtlin-Nuramiev, SSSR 1 973

5 . . . JJ..g4
5 . . �c5 6. ..Q.l4 lt'Jge7 7.�g2 tDg6

8.g3!'? 8.QJbd2 f6 9.ef6 lbf4 I O.f7 r...iJf7 l l .gf4 h6

6 Ji.g2, Q)ge2;t Morozevic 1 2.t;)b3 �d6 1 3 .lL!e5 !± Sterk-Adams,
8 . . . �f6 9.i.,g2 0-0 10.QJge2 h6 1 1 .0- USA 1 943
0 a6 12.lldl tl:le7 13.b4 c6 14.J..e3;t Ana­ 5 . . . ll.lge7 6..Ag2 ltlg6 7 .$J..g5 'f!Vd7
lyse 8 .0-0 ·!t)ge5 9.t!Jbd2 Jie7 1 o..te7 VJ!/e7
l !.ii: )b3 /.t}c4 1 Vi.)fd4 li)6e5 1 3 .�c l !
VI) 2 . . . c5 3.de5 d4
lt)b6 1 4. a4 a5 1 5.'8c3 t;)ec4 16.thc6!±
3 . . . dc4 ? ! 4.YWd8 �d8 5. ,�c3 .ae6
Smit-Balogh, corr. 1 975
rs . . . ·�•C6 6.J..g 5 iJ..e7 7.0-0-0 .Z..d7 8 . .fif4
a6 9.�d5::: Pillsbury-Mieses, Monte Car­
5 . . j6 ().cl6 t'.Vf6 7.i.Lg2 -�-g4 !t�bd2
0-0-0 ( H . . .d3 'J.ed3 Jt.b4 1 0.0-0 0-0-0
lo 1 903] 6.�g5 $..e7 7.0-0-0 lt'Jd7 8.lL!f3±
1 1 .'-Lle4 �f5 1 2.i.f4±] 9.h3! J.i.h5 1 0.0-0
d3 l l .cd3 i.1d3 1 2 .g4 j_g6 1 3.�a4±
4 .!L\f3 .':Jc6

Gruenfeld-Schoenmann, corr. I 9 I 9
4 . . . c5 5 .e3 tDc6 6.ed4 cd4 7 .,Ad3
.:t)ge7 [7 'LJe5 8 .�e 2 f6 9.lL!e5 �a5
. . .•
5 . . . iJ..b4 6 . lt'Jbd2 .tig4 7 - �. g2± -
I O.�d I ! fe5 I l .!le l ± Tarasch ; 7 . . . JJ.. c5 5 . . . �g4
8 .0-0 ;;:.'\ge7 9 .,�g5 h6 I O.t!)h7 !± Duz-Ho­ 5 . . . �J5 6 . Ji g 2 d 3 7 . e 3 tll h 6
t i m i rskij - Tartakower, Karlovy Vary [ 7 . . . Qlge7 8.0-0 lt'Jg6 9.ltJd4 lt:\d4 I O.ed4
1 9 1 1 ; 7 . . . Ji.g4 8 .0-0 �c7 9.h3 Af3 �d4 I I ...Qb7 lidS 1 2.'ttl f 3± ENC] 8.0-0
l 0. '&G -::Je5 I I . be I ..td6 1 2. ..tf4 11J.e7 ii..e7 9.�c3 0-0 IO.b3 'f!id7 I I .Ab2 liae8
1 3. �.e5 ,.te5 1 4. �t)a3 a6 l 5.c5!± Grun- I'Jd5 }lc5 [ J 2 . . . Ad8? 1 3 .�a3 .te7

1 4. ,2Je7 ,!_,e7 I .:' . :'\J4:!. Cigorin-Aibin. 7.0-0 0.0-0
Nu mberg ! "96] 1 3 .;.�3 ••5 I · + �d ::: ENC
7 . . . .�:'ge7 8 . b4 ·::'1h4 q.c6 �t"Cl I tlt?'\e�
5 . . .J.i.. e6 IJ . '� h d :! ']' d 7 [6 . . . l:.b4 �cS l l . �a4± Tll l li � ·H l'fllf'. Hastin�s
7 . '1,.5<.: 2 :'.:Jge7 S.�.g2 :1g6 9.0 -0 �d7 1 953/54
I 0 . ".:Jb3 0-0-0 I L�g 5 .�.e7 1 2..�.e7 -��f�
7. . .h5 8.aJ h..J K � f4 hg.� I O..Ag3
1 3.\'f;;' d2 �e7 1 4 .•2\a5i; Hou gh-Tapper, -'?Jge7 l l .b4 �;)1"5 1 2.:.!:lbJ2 -��gJ I J.fg.�±
USA 1 984] 7 . . (._g2 Soko l'skij-Simagin, SSSR 1 953
7. . .JU.J 8 . e 6 .t e6 9. t'Ya4 0-0-0
[9 . . . .� c 5 I O.a3 .i.b6 l l .lt)bd2 �eS
12.'&d7 .!bd7 13.b4 c5 1 4 .l/)g5± Rnda­
s h k o v i t c h - K up rej l! i k , D u b n a 1 9 7 0]
I O.lld I a6 ll.�c3! �f6 1 2 ..1J.. g5 Jl..e7
13.�.f6 -". f6 14.tbd5 llJe5 [ 1 4 . . . Ad5
l .'i .cd5 !S'u5 16.�d4 ti'n5 I 7 .li)c6 !+- Li­
hcr.wn] 1 5 .'�d7 !ld7 1 6.'bd4 lbc4
17.'i)f6 gf6 1 8. e3± Dzindzichashvili-Ma­
nevich, Israel (ch) 197 M
a) 7 . . . 0-0-0 8.0-0 •:/)ge7 [H . . . �.h3
9.�a4 h5 I O .e6 ! .C.c6 l l . b4 'it>b8 1 2.b5
'Dce7 1 3 .·:))b3 !.N5 1 4.·:t)bd4± Dzai lov­
P ikan, SSSR 1 9H4] 9.'�Ya4 a6 IO.b4 h5
ll.b5 lbb8 12.tbb3 ·:t)fS 1 3.Ag5 Ae7
1 4 ..0..e7 'f!Jc7 15 J�fd l ± Gl igoric-Leban,
Jugosl avij a (ch) 1 965
b) 7 . . . f6 8.ef6 <�\f(, 9.0-0 .Q.hJ I O.Q)b3
0-0-0 I l .Ag5 '&g4 1 2 .'eYd2 .Ad6 1 3.�.f6
gfb 14 .�h6± Gligor ic-Ljubojevic, Pono­
roiJLjubljnna 1975
c) 7 . . . �: , ge 7 S .0-0 '� g6 [S . . . lld!! 8 . . . !2)ge7
l) :01g5 ! '! ENC] 9 . �b.1 ghH [9 . . . .L\a5
.• R . . . . �hJ? 9.e6! Ae6 I O.�e5 1Wd6
I O.'�� b 5± ENCJ 1 11/:,g:; .":Jgc5 l l ..!i.Je6 I l.ll\c6 bc6 1 2 .'8a4 '&c5 I 3 . ltla3 1Wb6
fe6 [11 . . . �1!h l :? . .'}d5± ENC] 12 . f4 tbg4 14.J/"c6 An3 15.bn3 .'1Je7 16 ..abs c6
1 3J'l1e4 Ji.e7 l l.O.hJ (1h6 15 . .� d2 0-0 17..�.a6 r�d7 1 8 . .0.f4+- Spas sky-Forin­
l (J.Ead I ± Smyslov-Smeuerevac, Pola ni­ tos, Soci 1 964
ca ZU.roj 1966 8 . . .hs 9.E[d1 ! b6 1 4 h4 l t .'bc3
6. .agl �d7 1 2...tf3 g5 13.�b5 lt:)bB 14 .WVd7
6 . . . }�.b4 7.0'\hu2 .:1)ge7 [7.. .' �e7 8.0- lld7 1 5 .e6 fe6 I 6.�5 ..tg7 17 .Ag7 E[g7
0 0-0-0 9.n3 .O.d2 I O . .lld 2 �e5 l l .'be5 18 . l:Id4± Silnkov-Hannin, SSSR 1 964
'a'c5 1 2 .�b3 c6 13.Af4± Euwe] 8.0-0 8 . . . t;)aS 9 . �d3 1L f5 I O.e 4 de3
.Qd2 9..�d2 t;)g6 IO.h3 ..tf5 l l.e3 de3 l l . �e3± ENC
12 ..ie3 0-0 I'ld4± Cantero-Thielle­ 8 . . . '1/!ifS!? 9 .lldl tl:lge7 B egov nc­
ment, Lug n no (ol) 1968 D z i e n i s z e v s k i , Jelen i n Gora 1 9 7 7 ;

I 0.2.,f4 Cbg6 l l .Q)d4 ! ,lJd4 1 2.:Sd4 t'bd4 1 2 . . J!e8 1 3 . e 3 ±
1 3 .' t!V b7 Wd8 1 4.'&dS± A nalyse 13.gf4 g6 14.'t!Vf3 f6 IS.ef6 �fS
9.fidl .1t.f3 I O."�f3 �g6 J l .'t!VhS 16.t[)d2 �f6 17.ttJe4 �If'S 1 8 .b4± Kor­
'hb8 12.�f4 ti.'lf4 tchnoi-Weinger, Beer-Sheva 1 978

Accepted Queen 's Gambit

Accepted Queen 's Gambit has always I) 3 . . . bS, II) 3 . . e6, Ill) 3 . . . tl.J�.:6. I V J
been udopted by the world's best players. 3 . . . 'Llf6, V ) 3 . . . c5 and VI) 3 . . . eS
It 's worth mentioning that it was very
I) 3 . . . bS 4.a4 .¢:.b7
successfully employed by Tigran Petro-
4 . . . c6 5.b3±
sian in his world championship mateh
S.abS Ae4 6.lL!c3 �.b7 7,Cl.Jf3 c6
versus Michael Botvinik. Thanks to this
S...tc4i ENC
lines Short managed to beat Karpov in the
recent match. It has even been employed II) 3 . . . e6 4.J..c4 1.l.Jf6 S.l.l.Jc3 cS 6.d5;!;;
in the last match of the legendary Boby - 3 . . . .c5
Fisher versus Boris Spassky. Today, it is � e 3 !';--.
Ill) 3 . . . Cbc6 4 ..Jit.. "!..l111:.
adopted by plent)' of players � �ne of-

4 . . . e5 S.dS Cbce7 6.i..c4 .:t)g6 S irov­

the greatest follower of these fl.nes IS Ro-
Murshed, B rno 1 99 1 ; 7. � b 3 ! .Q.d6
bert Huebner.
[7 . . . ·�f6 8.d6! ±] s . �.bS 17f8 9.ttle2
Recommended system with 3.e4 is one ttJ8e7 1 O.t[)bc3;t S irov
of the most fashionable and could be S.Cbc3 eS
found on the repertoire of Karpov, Tim­
5 . . .ttJg4 6.e5 !?
man. M.Gurevich, Bareev and other lea­
6 . . . 1:i.Je3 7 . fe 3 e6 8 . tiJ f3 ! tt'l a S ?
ding players. One of the remarkable
[ 8. . . ..ie7 9...ac4 0-0 I O.a3 ;!;;] 9.�a4 �.:6
features is that black has no chances to
[9 . . .'�C6 I 0. .2.c4 $;..c7 1 1 .0-0-0±) I O.b4
transpose to Semi Slav Defence and on the
cb3 l l .ab3 b5 [ / / . . .'J!!Ib 6? 1 2. �aS 'f:l!a5
other hand it complies with the selected
1 3. l:i a � �.b4 14.ftcS ! +- Makarov-Kara­
system in Slav Defence.
sev, S S S R 1 9 8lJ; 1 / . . . b() J 2 . b4 /.tJh7
D20- l .d4 d5 2. c4 dc4 3.c4 1 3.tk6 't!Vd 7 14 . .Q.b5 I:] 1 2 . ';tJb5 l:i.Jb3
1 3. �b3 cbS 14 . .(i.h5 ,�u7 J S.dS ! .!bS
[ I S . . . e d 5 1 6 . e 6 ! fe6 1 7 . ..0. <1 7 V/Hd7
1 8 .·�ieS±] I 6. 1$'b5 '&d7 1 7 . :!1<1 7 Wd7
1 8.d6± Makarov
6 . . JJ..j5! 7.Ac 4 c6 R ftV3 ·�)e3 9.fe3
.O.e7 1 0.0-0 0-0 I l .a 3 ':i 1b8 � rAJterman­
Kramnik, SSSR 1 990; 1 1 . . y 1aS'! 12.J.a2
cS 1 3. 1.15 ed5 1 4 .. �_d5 -�.c6 1 5.e4± Alter­
man) 1 2 . ut�b 3 ! '! t./i d 7 ' U . �19 b 7 l! b H
1 4 . �11/ a7 Ub2;!;; Kram n i k ; J 5 .l1 fc l ±l±
A nul)'.\e
ft.dS .�)e7 � �---�d5±J 1 4 .de6 t\!'d l 1 5 .llfd l .:On
6 . . . t.!d4 ?! 7 ..a\:4 ! c5 8.dc6 bc6 9 . .')8 1 6.gD fe6 1 7 �b7 ribS 1 8 . ..Q.c6 \t.'n
. ..

-2lf.l 1 0.�-tl] .�.b4 [ I O . . . .!e7 1 1 .0-0 0-0 1 9.h3 !;!;; Glek-Koz)(l\', Fnmze 1 9RR
1 2. h3±l l l . ! l - • ) 0-0 1 2.h3 �� e b '? 8 . . . (•6 9.a3 ! '.' <"iJc=7 I O.�d3 J.'-�6 1 1 .0-
[ 12 . . . '!!i c7?! U. :;:,e:!±: /2 . . . ]id! 1 3.bc3 0 ::)g6 l � �e3 .v.e7 L I 2 . 'Z:Jh4 13 ..'L\h4 .. . ..

'ltc7 1 4 . b.g5 i; . e6 I 5 . Aa6 �.c 8 ! ;t ; �h4 1 4.f3± Razuvaev) J 3 .!lc I l2:'\h4?!

. .

1 6 �.eRr feR 1 7.Jl b 1 Eah8 J 8.\'feJ;;t ( 1 3 . . 0-0 ! ? 1 4 . .:'be4;!;] 1 4 . lbh4 .ah4


Analyse] 1 3 . t..e6 fel) 1 4 . 'iWe2 ! i.cJ I 5 �g4 g6 1 6..Q.h6± Razu•aev-Fomi­

. .'

1 5 . hc J 1:'!e4 r J S . . . 'l':'?e7 1 6 . c 4 +-] nyh, Novy Smokovec 1990


1 6. 'i�Yg4 ��d5 1 7.c4! 'ltVc4 1 8.litad l h 5 6.�d3 ll:lc6 7 .tel •

I IN . Jl{dR 1 9 . 0.. h 6 g6 2 0 . � h 4 +- ;
. .

' s . nrs 1 9.n Pr4 2n.�r4 lt)rc, 2 1 . �figs

. .

ef:l 2 � . t&c5+- Dautnv] 1 9 .'�� h 5 !.i)f(,

.�ll. 'i�Yt·5 ·�a:!. 2 1 .nc1r, ' - Dautuv-<.':'chnv.
Dresth:n 1 1JIN
7.i•.c4 �j ·,gt; s .:. ·JJ ..

IU!l.h5 ·"·cl7 9. 1/"!f'bJ bC• I O.IJ .�.d6

I I . �:; )ge:2 !Hl 1 2.0-0 a6 1 3 ..�1.d7 Wid7
1 4.-?'ig3 ti.)e7 Sirov-P.Nikol ic. Gron ingen
1 99 3 ; J s . r� a c l h 6 1 6 . !ia d l l1 f b S
1 7Ld:?;;!; Analy.,·e
H . . . �d6 9. �b5 .:�. icl7
7 . . . .ae6
9 . . . �d7 I O.t�'h3,;, Hali frnan
7 . . -�b4 8.$.e4
I 0.0-0 U-0

n) 8 . . . c6 9.lbc3 �.e6 I O.ll:)ge2 �d5

i o . . . ilh ! ? I I .. /.e2 0-0 t: !..."1d2 tN6
1 1 . 0 0 "*!d7 [ 1 1 . g6 1 2.1tc J ..Q. g 7
1 1. :.<_g5 h6 1 4. � I� \"·�lh 1 7 ..C'.g4J; A rwl_r-
- . .

l .l ,;,. h6 0-0 1 4. . 0.g7 ·�g7 1 5 . f4;;1;; Beljav­

� k ij. �·1 i hal 'cisin] 1 2.ll'\c I !? f5 1 3 .ef6 ef6
I I . (l' l a(, 1 2. ;:- n I .�1\f(, I J.h :' b5'! !
I <1 . :�· \dJ 0-0-0 1 5.. �·e�no Bcljavskij, Mi­

1 4. :· .d2 .· · ,t•7
lnl 'l-isin: ;t Analyst�
1 4 . . . :>.h7 ! .'• . a4 ' h·l l fl . .', ·, , ·) t;(, J7.dch
h} l:i . . . 1'5 9.el'() el6 I O.a3! f5 l l .ab4
� ��· 1 )\ ·, •!!-� 1 !· l bl i fman ·

·'1 h4 I 2.·->�cJ !e4 1 1 2 . . . V!!/c 7

I .S.n4! h4 1 6. � \e2 t•(, J'T.ckfl :. It'(;
J J . ..IltdJ f4 1 4.�h5 •bd8 1 5.'-brJ fe3

l lt: tl' l ! :. ,aS'!!

l ri.0-0.-t Tmguhovj 13 ."'h5 �fR 1�
I IL . � . b7 1 1). ·:·,gJ ut l lal i fmau
h l l 14 . �1!fe8 1 5 .�h4 .trs 1 6.0-0

J9.'i·,�J ·-�· ('(, 20/ J5 .ILJ5 2 1 .ef5±

. .

..O.c3 1 7.'i)c3 ll:)c4 1 8 .'4Wf4 ..'t)d6 J9.F.r.a5

Hal i fm•m · Mas.:ariw!-.. Manila (ol) 1 992
�Vfi' 20.f3 Ag6 2 1 ...h4 'tlc4 22. fe4 4.:)a5
I V) .1 . . . :<: 11'6 .J.eS <t)d5 S.�.c4 t;)b6 2 � . �ct5 c6 24.l:ln .a.n 25.'ti'e7 �g8
5 . . . •:ikM•. :: It:� I 6.!l�c2 !? .:'bh6 7 .�,.d3- .
26. �f6 I :0 Tregubov-Staj�i�. Harkany
5 . . . ";)b6) ,:;,b6 7 .tb!i _td7 8 lbf3 . . 1 992
8 . . . a6 9.i! u 1 ..V.g4 JO . .te4 e6 1 1 .0- b2) 14 . . ·&15 1 5 .0-0 �6 1 6.tWh4

1 1 ! '' _v_e7 1 2. (i.t·� �.h5 I I � . . . 0-0 l lf..: I !? .tlg4 � ! [ / 6 . . . J.f5 1 7 . f3 ! ±; J6 . 'lle8 . .

\11\'d7 1 4. d :'l ! ± : 1 .'\ . . . �.115 14.·;2la4 ,;�d5

1 7 . Q.g5±; J 6. . � e7 11 .!LgS± Tregubov]
. .

l :'i. -:k5±.J l :l . d 5 ! ,:: ,�·5 ( 1 3 . . . cd5 1 7.��g3 ..te7 1 8.ltlge4 Af5 19.1Vf4 Ae4
20.lbe4± Tregubov-ZvJagincev, Rossija 1 8 . li:le6 l[)e3 1 9 . fe 3 lle8 20. a4+-)
(ch) 1 992 1 3.l[)f4 � ltJg6± Lautier
7 . . .g6 8.lf.:lc3 it..g7 9.lf.:lge2 0-0 [Por­ c) 1 0 . . .'�d7 l l .b3 Aa6 1 2 .h4± Lau-
tisch-Spraggett, Wijk aan Zee 1 98 5 ; tier
9 . . . lf.:lb4 1 0.1l.e4 c5 1 l .dc5 �d l 1 2.lf.:ld 1 ! s . . . iL.dS 9 . ltJf3 e6 1 0 .0-0 Ac4?
Fta�nik) I 0 . 0 - 0 lf.:l b 4 I l . .i.e4 c5 [ 1 0 . . . Ae7 1 l . ltJd5 l[)d5 1 2.a3 �d7
[ l l . .. lt::l4 d5 1 2.�c l t) 1 2 . d 5 $Lf5 1 3.fiac 1 ;t Salov, Ionov] I I .Ac4 lbc4 Sa­
[ 12 . . . .ll.e5 1 3 . .ll.c5 tt)a6 1 4 . .il.d4l;] 1 3.a3 ! lov-Huebner, Haifa 1989; 1 2.d5 !
.ll.e4? 1 4.ab4 .il.g2 1 5.'1!tg2 cb4 1 6..ll. b6 !±
a) 1 2 . . .ltJe3 1 3.fe3 ed5 1� .ll.c5
1 5 ... b3 ! tLie7 1 6.l:Iad 1 lbdS 1 7 .l:Id5 ..e7
8.tLic3 li)b4 1! .ll.e3 19.'fle3 �4 20.e6! 0-0
8 . . . 'fld7 9.t;Jf3 2 1 .ef7 l:If7 22.�f7 �f7 23.Ild7 'l!tg8
a) 9 . . . li)b4 1 0. Ae2t Karpov 24.�e5 'flf6 25 ...f6 gf6 26.llc7+-

b).9 . . . .il.g4 1 0.h3 . tf3 1 1 .'1:!Vf3 e6 b) 1 2 . . . ed5 1 t'/d7 1 4.�c 1 lf.:le3
1 2.�d 1 0-0-0 1 3.0-0 ltJb4 14± Kor- 1 5.fe3 0-0-0 1 6.e4 'l!tb8 17.-.b3+-
tchnoi-Huebner, Ti1burg 1 987 c) 12 . . . . t;J6e5 1 0Je5 14.'t\Vh5
c) 9 . . . 0-0-0!? I O.h3 ! ? t;Jb4 l l .ltd6 1 5 . .td4 0Jg6 1 6 .Ag7 o1.\f4 1 7 .�h6
f5! 1 2.0-0 h6 1 3.a3 lb4d5 1 4.ltJel li)c3 l:I g8 1 8.de6 l[)e 6 1 9.�fe1 tvd7 20.lbe4
( 1 4 . . . g5? ! 1\d3± 6 l[)c5 Karpovr il... e7 2 1 . � ad 1 � c 6 22 . .2. f6 ! � g 6
1 5.bc3 .i.c4 1 6.ltJd3 e 6 1 7.a4 g 5 1 8.�c2 23.�h7+- Sa1ov, Ionov
�c6 [ 1 8 . . . l[)d5?! 1 9.l[)c5 �.c5 20...tc4± 9.ii.e4 l[)4dS
Karpov] 1 9.�fc 1 ! .il.d5 20. ..t f1 lbc4 9 . . . c6 1 O . li)g e 2 l[)4d5 Timman -
2 l .Ad2 Ilg8 22.l[)b4 .il.b4 23.cb4 li)d2 Spraggett, Wijk aan Zee 1 985; 1 1 .0-0
24.�d2 .. d7 25Jla3!± Karpov-Ivancuk, �d7 1 2.l[)c 1 !;t Analyse
Reggio Emilia 1 9 9 1 /92
lO.t;JfJ .. d?
8 . . . g6 9 .Ae4 ! .ltc4 I O.ltJc2
I 0 . . . "l.. .w.
"']c4? 1 1 .�:�e2 c6 12. o-o+ M .Gu-

a) 1 0 . . . e6 l l . h4 ! 'tl# d7 [ l l . . . lbd5 revich

1 2 . h 5 il... g 7 ( 1 2 . . . .&ig8 1 3 . hg 6 h g 6
l!? g6
1 4 . ft h 7 :: ) J 3 . � a4 ! .ae2 ( 1 3 . . . Aa()
1 4. �d5 ed5 1 5 _;�f4±) 1 4 :.t>e2 �d7 I l . . . ..O.f5 ! ? 1 2 . t;)d5 t;)d5 1 3 .'�b3
1 5.hg6 hg6 ( 1 5 . . . fg6 1 6.I:l.h7+-) 1 6.ilh8 .ae4 14.�e4 0-0-0 1 5.0-0;t M.Gurevich
Ah8 1 7 .l:Ih l 0-0-0 1 8.Eh7± LautierJ J �'fe6 13.U-O f5!? 14.1Lf3 �3
1 2 . h 5 0-0-0 1 3 .hg6 fg6 1 4 .a3 ! li:1dS 15.fe3 ii.h6 16.�e2 c6 17.b3 �A¥d7J
1 5.•L)d5 AdS 1 6.'�d3 0Je7 1 7.Ag5 ! h6 1 7 . . . �d5 t 8 ..Q.d5 cd5 J IJ.�5 ..c6
!{ I
1 8. d .lte-t 1 9.�e4 �g8 �e8 20.�c6 bc6 2 l . ciJf2 6 (iJa4i M.Gure-
2 1 .$,e7 "f!Je7 22.�d3 !±I± Lautier-Adian- vich
to. Novi Sad (ol) 1 990
18.�4! t;Ja4 19.ba4 e6 20Jlfd1 0-0
b) I 0 . . - -�-g7 l l .b3 .aa6 1 2.h4 h5 21.l:Iac1 Iif7 22 . .§c3 !idS 23.e4 fe4
C/2 . . . 0-0 1 3 . h 5 tLlb4 1 4 . h g 6 h g 6 24.Jie4
.ttl 2S.h4!;t M.Gurevich-Hueb­
1 5.,�f4+- ; 1 2 . . . V!!id 7 1 3 .h5 0-0 1 4.h6
ner, Muenchen 1 993
Af8 I 5.d5 ! Qle5 1 6.�d4 f6 17 . .:t:Jf4 lLlg4
( 1 7 . . . c 6 I S . I! c l 'l!t b 8 1 9 . <1Ja4+- ) V) J . . . cS 4.d5

man. Vaisman: 1 3 . . . He8 1 4.'&d2 ..tg4
1 5.llfe I ! :;!; A nalyse
9. 'f'•Ye 2 �c7 HUt-0-0! bt'4
10 . . . \\'-Je2 I U�.c2± Alterman
I I. �d2! �d8 12.�13 �b7
1 2 . . . .1l,g4 ! ? 1 3 .l,i)a4 ! a5 [ 1 3 . . . tt)e4
1 4.'th5 �c8 1 5.-?:lb6 �b7 1 6.tba8+-]
1 4 . ..tb8 llb8 [ 1 4 . . . Af3 1 5 .d6! 'f!fe6
1 6. .ic7+-] 1 5.d6 ! �a7 1 6.ll)e5 !± Alter­
I 3/i�eS Ars 14.ilhel 'it;lc8! 15.g4!
4 . . . e6
J) g6?!
4 . . . •1.')"6 5/;\�:1 l:J 6 . .0.1"4 t7a5 ! ? 7.a4! 1 5 . . . .id3 ! 1'ld3 ! cd3 1 7.ttd3 ttb4
�·W4 [7 . . . h4 ".' ti . >lh5 _::;--,a(I IJ CI.C4 .;_; \C·l
I R.'�f5 'it}b7 1 9.g5 6. lle4± Altennan
1 1l.�';'e2+ · KamshJ 8.(/'lgc::! li)d6 9. a h 5 1 6.g5 .!l)hS 1 7.d6!+- Altennan-Afek,
'i 1�bfi I 0 . . 1j.d6 ed6
Israel (ch) 1 992
a) I O . . . e'd6 1 1 . .1'Jg3 lt)d7 [Azmajpa­
rasvili-GranJa. Gron i ngen 1 993: l l . . . g6
VI) 3 . . eS 4 .:..�13
. •

1 2 . .1!l.c4 .J;.� 7 1 3.0-0 0-0 1 4 . .':)ge4;t Kam­

skyJ 1 2 �.e4 gfi I � - :''ge4± Analyse

h l I O . . . l·dh l l . ;!" g3 /J.e7 1 2 .Ac4 0-0

1 3 .0-0 .O.J('o ! 1 -l . '/'fc2 ! a6 1 5. -'l.d3 g6
1 6/�ge4 .�.g7 1 7. > ·� d2 .O.b7 I S.ct'lc4 �c7
1 9.b6! \'li.Yd� ::?O.Efd l !± Beljavskij-Kam­
sky. Linares 1 99:\
.J . . . b5!? 5 a-1 ·\f6\d::! h4 7 .. O.c4 g6
X . l· 'i ! ? .;:l fd 7 I S . . . ..'!)d 5 9 ..:';\1!4 J!t b 7
( 9 . . . 1j e6 I I I . _ ; h '> ·7HI7 1 1 . £7\c S +- l
I O .. (. g5 !+-· j •J . e C, fe 6 I O . d e 6 (; l e 5
1 1 ...0 M -':l h c h I � . Y"k � .)J.g7 I J .�c6! V I - I ) 4 . . . l/V6. VT-2) 4 . . . ed4 and VI-
-/)1:6 1 -l_ �j !J �A�l((l 1 5 . �17 't�d:-i 1 6.�g7 3 ) 4 . . . .�.b4
'@fc:C, 1 7 ....�'d l ; '.gN I X.'t/£'h(, .!la6 1 9.'l'!fc3 V 1 - 1 ) 4 . . . 'Llf6 S.�eS!? tt)e4 6 .i_c4•

�·\M5"'C Efim, •v; 20.'a'e4± Analy.w! lb4'!!

�- h·.a -��f6 6 . . . �d6;;!; Portisch; 7 .Ab3t Analyse
.:' . . �·d:' <•. -.;: _JS �c7 [b . . . .O.d6? 7.e5 7.CL!c3! 0.0
� . :' -: : _ ,- ,-·, .,_. 7 ll.\':IJ' b3:': Veresov-Nei­ 7 . . . ·;,i)c 3? 8 . jl_f7 �8 9. bc3 �c3
� l .l,lL SSSR I %5 1 7. ?\cJ �i)f6 R.·.2Jge2 I 0. jj'fl 6 11.a3+- Portisch
.�· d ! ' , ,. · . -i ;, (, I l l . f-l h'i J J .e 5 ! bc4 8.0-0 .',Ud6
1 2 ., ·1 C·�i l { : l � k m ,, I, q- :\ . Pclrosjan. S SSR R . . . 2\c3 9.bc3 Ac3? IO.Af7 E:n
1 1fl l 1 1 ��bJ :ta l 1 2 : � n ®h8 1 3 . ..1g5+-
tt. · \l"J t•tl:" 7.NIS a6 H .IH4!? h5"! !
• Ponisch
:-< . . 0 d(,1? • > '!'1'l·2 ·.J;-fH I O.JhV b5 9. t b3 ��c6 I O.lbd5! Aas l l.�hS g6
I I . ':'.h.� gh 1 2. ·; \LI ,�,g7 1 3.0-0;t Alter- 1 2.'f'1'g5! �l(gS l3 .0.g5 tt)f'S •

1 � . . . t.;/.ld4! ? 1 4 . 0.e7± Purtisch
. 25 .�e4+- Boensch-Cehov, Halle 1 9-87]
1�c4!± Port isch- P. N i ko l i c . A m­ 1 9.�e3;1;;
slcrd<�m 1 984 7 . . . .!J_d2 8 . ..Q. d 2 tt:'l g e 7 [8 . . .ae6

9 . .1J..e6 fe6 1 O.�b3 �d7 l l .!:iacloo/;!;; Mi­

VI-2 ) 4 . . . ed4 5.J..c 4 j,b4
les-Ulrich, BRD 1 983/84] 9 .tt:'lg5 ! tt:'le5
5 . . . tt:'lc6 6.0-0
I O. .tb3 h6 l l . f4 hg5 1 2. fe5 .1J..e6 [ 1 2 . . .0-
6 . . .g6 7 .e5 .1J..g7 8 .'/!';\lb3 'llild7'lg5 0? 1 3 .llf7 ! nn 1 4.�gs �r8 1 s .�hs
tt:'ld8 I +- Lehmann-Belon Lopez, .1J..d7 1 6.e6+-] 13 . .te6 fe6 14 . .tg5± Xu
Malaga 1 970 Jun
6 . . . iJ.c5
7 .tt:Jg5 £2lh6 8.t1:Jf7± �tej n ­
7 . . il.e6 8 . J.. e 6 fe6 9 . � b 3 '®' d 7

Kratkovskij, SSSR 1 959 [ 9 . . . e5 ?! 1 o.<tJe5 ! ± : 9 . . . t't16 I O .lnfd4

6 . . . (o�h6 7 .�.d5 &f6 8.e5 �g6 9.l/)l14 t;�d4 (I 0 . . . Q)e4 l l .'&h5 g6 1 2.'iVg4 l/)d4
//�d4 I O.'�Yd4 t.:6 l l <i�d ! . 0.t!7 12 .. ae4 1 3 .'&e4.± M i lcs - R i v as Pastor, Monti lln
/.t)f5 1 3 .'�h4± Shamkovic- Alatorcev, 1 97 H ) l l . lt.'ld4 �d7 1 2 .lbe6 ! ? �e6
SSSR 1 95 1 1 3.1/!Ua4 �n 1 4.�b4 V/Be4 1 5 .'�b3 '&d5
6 . . . �g4 7.1$'b3 �d7 8 . � f7! ± Pyte l 1 6.�c2 � d7 ? ! 1 7 .l!dl lt:)d5 1 15 .b4±

Kastro, Dortmund 1 977 M . G u re v i c h - G u rgeni dze, S verd l u v s k.

6/)Jbd2 tt:'lc6 7.0-0 1 984] I O . tt:'lbd4 lbd4 l l . 'i!';\l d 4 �d4
1 2.lbd4 �f7 1 3 .tt:Jf3;!;; Tajmanov-Peter-
- sson, SSSR I 964
8.e5 lt.ld5
8 . . tt:J g4
. 9 . h 3 tt:J h 6 I O . tt:'l b 3 tiJfS
l l...�.bS;!;; lbb6
9 . . . 0-0 I O.l[)bd4;!;; Dorfman-Barua,
Delhi 1 98 2
l O .igS f.J... e 7 1 l.�e7 �e7

I I . . . tt:Je7 1 2 . ..1] d3
12 . . 1Jj5 ?! 1 3. �lfd4 .�.d1 1 4. �·itfd3 0-0

7 . . . �6 I S .fiad l �d5 l (i.'f!Je2 �c.:6 P6 . . t?cu:J!-1 .

7 . . . :tYI6!? 8 � b3 .�.g4 9.�d5± Kor- l\f5 +- '&e(i I X . � 1hd4 �d7 l 9.c6


chnoi-Mestrovic, Sarajevo I 96 8 't#J e 8 2 0 . (I.Y g4 t.i Jg (, 2 1 .e7 ; /6 . . .'�c4

7 . . . tj)ge7'lg5 t;; :1eS 9.'�'b3± K l u­ 1 7 .vt;"c4 Cf\C4 1 8 .Ilc l t/ 1t:S 1 9.lk7 t.;)tJ5
ger-Buljovcic, Hamburg 1 965 2o.TI b1 afb8 2 J .D. bK ribs 1 ci\b4
7 . . . '1/!J/6 8 . e 5 't# g (i 9 . tt:'l h 4 ·� g 4 23.a1 li)bd3 24. f!d2± Beljavskij-Tal ' ,
I O. ..'t:ldf3 ..\te6 I l .h3 'i!';\le4 12.�d3 �d5 Reykjavik 1 988] 1 7.t1�c6 W#c6 1 8.lba5
I 3 .:�g5 �e5 1 4.-1Jhf3 �d5 1 5 . .1J..e4 YJ!jd7 'i!';\la4 1 9 .CL\b7 �a2 P .Nik.olic-Hucbner,
lf1 �c6 b c 6 [ I 6 . . . �c6 I 7 . tt:'ld4 '&fd7 Barcelona 1 990; 20.Fc l l1adl 2 l .Yc5±

I S .,?lge6 fe6 1 9 . �'g4!±] I 7 . ,t:Je6 fe6 Huebner

1 8.,':jd4 ! ,t:Jf6 [ 1 8 . . . 0-0-0? 1 9.'�a4 ! ! �d4 12 . . il,g4 I 3./.1)bd4 4Jg6 I 4.h3 .�IJ

20 . ..:.e.' �b:2 2 1 . ,l;ab I 'i!';\la3 22.Wc6 ! tiJe7 1 5.lbt3 0-0;!;; Huebner; I 6 .'�J c 2;!;; Analy.1't'
23 �e6 ,gd7 24.�b3 Wa2? (24 . . . ��a4 1 2. �. d 7 13 . �_c6 Jlc6 14.0'\fd4 .

2 5 . � fb l ,2Jc 6 2 6 . YJfi e 4 aS 2 7 . a 3 ± ) AdS

1 4 . . . �.d7 1 5.,llc l c6 1 6. .?\c5± Hul'il-

7 . . �c6

7. . .cS 8. �a4 lt:lc6 [8 . . . ltld7 9.e5!?)

9.c/)e5 'fYaS I O.An �1'8 l l .�aS ltlaS
1 I ;!; ENC
1 5 . . . 11-0
7 . . .liV6 Ke5 ltlg4 [8 . . . c!Od5 ?! 9.\'ib3
c6 I O ..�.d� cdS I I .tbd4± Bagirov-Radu­
1 5 . . . g 6 '! ! 1 6 . li fd 0-0 l l 6 . . . :oi.e6
lov, Vrnjacka Banja 1 974) 9.h3 ltlh6 1 0.0-
1 7 . ·' ;)e6 feh ( 1 7 . . . �e6 1 8 .'&e6 fe6
0 -� fS [ I O . . . lt:lc6-7 . . . ltlc6) I I .tbb3 0-0
1 9 .<-'i)cS 0-0-0 2 0 . .:t)e6 !id2 2 1 .b3±)
1 2.t;)bd4± Silakov-Toprover, SSSR 1 972
I S. .!lac I ltld5 1 9 '2:\cS -$;f7 20.!/ )b7 l\ab8

7 . . . CM6 R . 0-0 cS [8 . . .0-0 9.tbb3 \'ie7

2 1 . lt)c5 !Ib2 22. �a4±] 1 7 tt:\f5 �d8 .

I O.�d4 tLlc6 l l .'t'f'c5;!; Zilber§tajn-Bagi­

[ / 7. . . �e6? 1 8 . .:t:\ b d 4 +·- ; / 7. . . 'f!ld7?
rov, SSSR 1 973) 9.tbb3 'fie7 I O.Jlc l b6
I R/f:\h6 �g7 1 9.'t'f'g5 f6 20.ef6 !lf6 Ka­
[ I O . . . l.'Jd7 l l .�c2 0-0 (l l . . .b6 1 2.Ad5
s p a r o v- H u ebner, S ke l l e ft e a 1 98 9 ;
JabS 1 3 .0bd4 !±) 1 2 . .ads;t Bagirov-Gur­
2 1 . :,�d4 .�.e6 2 2 .!Iad I ��d5 23.1le5 c6
genidze, S S S R 1 9 65] l t . ..acts Ab7
24.[;dc I . : 17 25.-1.'1df5 ·;v:·fR 26. .§.d5+­
1 2.t;_')c5! bc5 1 3.'�a4 «t>f8 14.!lc5 tba6
Huebnerl I N.r;,tdl �hR I Y/�d c6 20.f4
I S.ra�i Partos-Miles, Biel 1 97 7
r� � u�,�·� 't!:J'r:7 2:!. �•2± l luebner
8.0-0 �'bf6
t u� �'� � ·: 1 1. -�.rs r1:·cri IK. '>,h6 �'g7
8 . ..!i.)ge7 9.•i)g5 ltJeS I O.itb3 Ag4
1 9.�¥� � hJ r 1 o . . . h6 l l . f4±1 1 1 lt:ln t 2.'«fg4
/0 . .j'fi? 21h·fh Ff6 2 J . .::)d4 ! I .Soko­ ��g."'i 1 3 .�g5± Brameyer-Frank DDR
lov; IIJ . . . VI1tla'l 20/�f:'i ·,<, hH 2 U_; \e7 + ·
l %5
l s,·
l\lltly X . . . ti)h6?! 9 . <'Li h 3 0-0 [9 . . . Ag4?
20.:•h-' \I'.YdH 2 1 .·-�;)fS .,v ..h8 22Ji,e7 1 0 .. 0 b5 ! j IO. � fd4! 4.Jd4 l l .�d4! '«fd4
(o)dS 2.\. :i ,d5 \'t�d5 24. r:: a"· l v�b3 25.Y��f(, 1 2. :/)t.l4 Hd8 1 3.llad I iJ.d7 1 4.fid2! �8
�g8 26. , ·, c7 Had8 1 5.ilfd l •-j;e7 l 6.h3!± ENC
U1 . . Fac8 27.fkH Hc8 28.h4co I.So­ 8 . . .'eff6!? 9.b4 !
kolov: .<./;!; Anafyse a) 9 . . . a6 l O.e5 '/Wg6 I I .tbb3 Ag4
[ I L . . l.?\ge7 1 0-0 I 3J:ie I itg4
27.h4 , (d2 z:t�t.·h r \v.vb2 29.-e;-gsOCJt
1 4. �b3 !;!; b. 1 4 . . . l:lad8 1 5 .e6! Sirov)
L Sokolov-l l uebner. Haifa 1 989
1 2. ..Qd3 ! 'fih6 [ 1 2 . . . \'ihS 1 3.Ae4 ! ltlge7
v t-3 1 4 . . . ·j b4 s. �� d z v.d2 6. '�bd:.
. 1 4.h3 .0..f3 1 5.�f3 '«feS t 6.itc6 bc6
l'd� 7. � d 1 7.1i:e l 'MVd6 1 8.�e2 ! �f8 1 9.�ad l +]
t 3.h3 .an 1 4.'�f3 l1Jge7 1 5.1/We4 l!d8 Sombor 1 96R] l 4.lifd 1 ..ars 1 5.1@f4:;!;
J 6.a3 ! �g6 [ 1 6 . . . f!Ve6?! 1 7 .ll)c5 �e5 Bukic-Matulovic, Vrsac 1 975
J S/[Ib7 t!Ve4 1 9.Ae4 l!bS 20.l!fel 0-0 1 0.�b3!?
2 1 .4.'lc5 l!fcS 22.Ilac i +- S irov-Zsu.Pol­
gnr, B mo 1 99 1 ] 1 7 .l1Jc5 �e4 1 S ..ae4 b6
1 9.·7\a6 •.'f)e5 20.tbc7 �d7 2 J .l1Jb5 f5
22.i.c2 d3 23 . .aa4± S irov, Epi�in
h) 9 . .l1Jge7 1 0.b5 l1Jd8 1 1 .e5 �g6

1 l1Je6 1 3.l1Je6 .te6 14. .lic 1 .lidS

1 5 ..�.e6 1/We6 1 6 .f!Vc2 0-0 1 7 .l1Jf3 c6
1 S.lLJg5 ! �h6 1 9.f4 cb5 20.f!Ve4!? t!Vb6
2 l .W h l t!Vg6 2 2. f!Vg6 hg6 23 .e6 f6
24.t/:'.f7 lieS 25 ..licd1 llc6 26.life1 lieS
27.g4± M.Gurevich-Romani�in, Barcelo­
na 1 992.
lO. . . lL\aS
9.e5 l:iJdS Anand; JO ..f:Uce7?! I I . Q�e4 0-0

9 . . . �g4 I O.h3 l1Jh6 1 1 .lbb3 0-0 1 2 . .liad l ±; 10 . . Ji.e6 1 1 . � b7 l1Jde7


[l l . . .tli'5 1 2.jl,b5 �d5 l 3.lL\bd4 l1Jd4 l 2 .Ae6 fe6 1 3 .f!Vb3± Radashkovich­

1 4.!2:ld4 0-0 1 5.ll.c6 bc6 16.lie 1 :;!; Zak­ K1ovans, SSSR 1969
MakariCev, SSSR 1 964] 1 2.lL\bd4 lL\d4 l l.'�a4 tbc6 12.J.b5 J:.d7 13.J.c6
1 3.' �d4 t!Ve7 [ 1 3. . .�d4 1 4.CLid4 lieS j.c6 1 4 . 1/Wd4 0 - 0 l S.I!ad l ! ? f!/e7
1 1 �f8 1 6.g4 !? K1uger-Bu1jovcic, 16.f!/g4:;!; Analyse

Slav Defence

Nowadays Slav Defence is a widespre­

(ld opening allll it could particularly be
_!(lund on the repertoire of one of the most
J II"Omising yo11ng Russian players Vladi ­

mir Kramnik. The recommended syrrem

ll'ith 3. .7)c3 followed by 4.e3 avoidl· Semi
Slav considered as a very solidsystems a.l'
ll'eil as Botri11 ik-Makaganov variation ,

'' hieli leads to very .I'harp and well analy­

zed systems. This sequence of mnves i.l'
adopted by Boris Gelfand, Anatolij Kar­
pov and a lot ofother well known players.
I) 3 . . . dc4, II) 3 . . . e5, Jll) J . . . tlif6 and
D I O- l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.�c3 IV) 3 . . . e6

J l 3 . . dc4 4.e4

11.t.b6 /t:}b6 11� 16
Karpov-Salov. Wijk aan Zec 1 993
14.14!? re5 15 t)e� 0-0 16.!ldl± Kar-

II) 3 . . . e5 4.de5 d4 5.ti)e4 t&d
Ud2! 1!re5 7.tDaJ c5!?
1 . . :flt16 8 .ti)f3 it:}f6 9. 1!fc2 �.e7
(9. . . te6 1 0 � ! Kasparov) 10.0-0-0 0-
. .

0 l l.e3 de3 1 2.fe3 1!rc7 13 ..tc3 ..tg4?

4 . . .t•!i [ 1 3 . . lila6! 14.a3� Kasparov) l 4...td3

t;)bd'7 I S . .tf5 JLfS [ I S . . .ilad8 1 6..Q.g4

4 . . . b� '\.:14 .
tDc4 1 7 .�.g7 li'\eJ 1 K . 1!Pd2 ! ! ·�g 7
:1 1 '\ . .b4 h/·l11:! e� 7.-!ilt:l .i.e6 K.�

( 1 8 . . . /t:}d l I CJ.l;.)f5 lilc5 20 . .!Ld4! f6

<; \ It • 1). JLc4± Addi:.nn-Benediktsson.
2 1 .ec$! �n 22.1Jh5 ��� 23.1!rg4! '\tin
lkyk.Ja\ ·ik 1 968
24.lld l+-) 19.'8e3± Kaspuov] 1 6./t:}(S
h) 5 . . . �a5 6. �.d2 b4 7.·�2 e6 B .tc4
. •

llfe8 17 .Q:}a7! 'io�g7 1 8.1!ff5 it:}tl 19.h4!!±

(;'f(, '>.�c2 l'!'bd7 10.-'t".\CI .b6 l l .it:}b3
Kasparov-P.Nikolic!, Manila (ol) 1992
�h6 1 2.e� -� 13.aS 8b7 14.lbf3 J.c4
l 5.�c4 '!'!NbS 1 6.8b5 cbS 1 7.lk1 .te7 7. . .fi::/1 8.�f3 1!fd6 9.1!rc2 J.e7 10.0-
1 8.'�ie2i Lengyel-Rukavina, Sombor 0-0 0-0 1 1 .e3 del 1 2 . .tc3 1!fc7
1 974 [ 1 2 . . . er4 ! ? Kraaenkov ; 1 3.JI.d3��
c) s . . . d 6.:tlf3 ed4 7.ed4 •d4 Allalys•) 1 3 . fe3 /t:}a6 [ 1 3 . . . .tg4-
8.ll:\d4 b4 9.tMI Aa6 I O..tf4! W6 l l.f3 7. . .ecl6] 14.&3 � [14 . . . ..te6!? Kra­
0-0 1 l c3 1 3.bc3 a6! 14.��fd7! aenkov; 1 5./t:}gS!?� 6 tDh5 Analys�]
1 5 .cb4 .O.b4 1 6.�.d2 cS 1 7.Q:}b2 .tn 1 5.b4 it:}cd7 1}f5 Jle8 1 7 .cS b5 !
1 8 . �"2) f l fS ! ? ( 1 8 . . a5 1 9 ./t:}c4 lL!c6
[ 1 7 . . ./t:}tl? 1 8.�7; 1 7. . ...tf8?! 1 8.Ac4]
.:!O.��,feJ± Maka�·�·ev] 1 9.efS rtrs Kaspa­ 1 8 g4 !± Knaenkov-Janovskoj, Hastings

nw-Huhner. 8t•lr�'l1 j t)88; 20.�lactlt (open) 1 992193

Mak.u·�·�"' l.tnD •c79.trcl� 10.0-N J.d6
�.de5 t'!'di 6.J;dl b57 Q.e.• -l'td7LI4
1 0 . . . �16 ! ? Obuhov ; 1 1 . e3 fe3
1 2..te3 J.e7 1 b4 1 4.1!fe� Ana­
S . .rS!'! K;u"J'U"; 9.g3 _l).cS IO.«i!i'e2:
" "'''Y·'-r; 11 . . tnes 9/t_,n f6!'! Karpov;

I 0. �•.c 2 h4 l l ...tcS ! ? .fLc5 [ l l . . .bc3 l l.el fi:lae7 1l.�.A.I4 13 .te2! 0..0 •

1 2.h4±J 1 2/i)d l JJJit I J bJ cb3 14.ab3

. IJ .. . O·tl-0 1 4 .�d4+-; JJ. . .�
A I I 15 .ilfl fc5 I ft. neS .O.d4 1 7�;t/± 1 4.£d3 6 �; ]J . . . J/3 14 ..tf3 04{)
A t�t11.r.,·e 1 5.�td± Obuhov
9 .Ve1!

14.� .tiS 15-&41 il.a6 1'-114 b6
± Karpov 17.115 .A.e4 11./t:}e4 15 19.&15 it:}f5
9 . . nS IO.t!.'IJ tne7 1 U5! ..tb6
28..ta4! f'On7 21.W.a1± Obuhov-Tre­
I I . . 0.. 6 4 1 2 .a3 .1tc3 1 3 .bc3±; gubov, Rouija 1 992
. .

l l . .U 1 2.ti)a4 .Q.eJ 1 3.«i!i'e3 .A.a6 14.b3


c3 1 5...ta6 !la6 1 6.fiad l ± Karpov ID) l . . .M 4.e3

7 . . .,WS 8 . A f5 gf5 9 . cd 5 cd5
[9. . . llldS I 0.1!Vb3 b6 I t .Ilel tbc3 1 2.bc3
lDd7 1 3.e4;t Jano�evi�-Panov, Skoplje
I 967] 10.1Wb3 b6 l l ..Q.d2 .!tJc6 1 2.11fc l
!lc8 1 3.lac2 'tfd7 t4 .:acl e6 15.Wb5;t
Tarjan.;S8jfinkovich, Lone Pajne 198 1
7. . . 9.'1rf3

111- 1 ) 4 . . .dc4, III-2) 4 . . . g6, Ill-3)

4 . . .J.g4, lll-4) 4 J.f5, Ill-S) 4 . . .a6 and
. . •

III-6) 4 . . . e6
Ill- 1 ) 4 . . . dc:4?! S .i.c:4 e6 6.�f3±


m-2) 094-4 . . . g6 s.tMJ .i.g7 6..i.d3

6 . . . .Q.f5 ! ? 7 . .Q.f5 gf5 8.cd5 lt)dS - a) 9 . . . e5? 10.de5 lt)fd7 1 1 .cd5 �
[S . . .cdS 9.Wb3 b6] 9.0-0 e6 1 2.'f!'dl ! cdS 1 3 . .Q.e2 li)bc6 Itc8
I O.Irc2 l()d7 1 1 .e4 fe4 1 "f!lc7 1 5.e4± Kotov-Ragozin, SSSR (ch) 1948
1 3..Q.d2 lll7f6 14.nfe1 lDe4 1 5.'8e4 'ffe7 b) 9 . . .'avd6 10.Itd1 Ild8 [IO . . .lt)bd7
16.Itac t h6 1 7.a3 0-0-0 1 8.b4i Kor- Cemin,M.Gurevi�; 1 1 .cd5 cdS 12.lllbS
tcbnoi-Hort, Bad Kissingen 1 981 'f!'b6 1 3.a4 a6 14.aS '8c6 15.loc3 eS
7.0.0 1 6 . .Q.c2 ! ?i Analyse] I I ..Q.d2 li)bd7
1 2.cdS cd5 [ 1 2. . . lbd5!? Polgar, Knde­
vi�; 1 3 .llle4!? 'W/c7 14.ll)gSi Analyse]
1 'tfb6 1 4.a4 11dc8 I S .aS fld8
1 6.a6± Cemin-Dra�o. Stary Smokovec
1 984
c) 9 . . . lie8 1 0.Adl Wdfl l l .e4 de4
1 2 ..Q.e4 !!Obd7 Ribli-Smyslov, London
(m/8) 1983; 1 3.b3! Ribli
d) 9. . .e6 JO.l!dl tDbd'7 l l .b3 fle8 12.1fl
d I ) 12 . . . a6 1 3 ..tb2 'fle7 1 4.llac 1
!ladS 15.'.We2 hS 1 6.!'/c2 �bf) 1 7.£l.d3
7 . . .tt:lbd7 tnc8 I Vt:lb J ± Kortchnoi-T.Petrosjan,
7 . . .e6 8.b3 tt]bd7 9. .0..a3 11e8 l Velden (mi l ) 1 91:10
b6 ( I 0. . . eS I J .de5 .'tJe5 I I!eS d2) 12 . . .A/'8 13.Ab2 j,.d6 14.e4 de4
1 3.cd5 <t)d5?! 1 4/i.Je4! Ji.fS 1 5.�6!± 1 5.<1)e4 lDe4 16.ti'e4 'VIe7 17.Uab l l1udR
ENC] J l .�e2 .ab7 1 2.!Udt Wb8 1 3.h3 1 I t Portisch-Hort, Reggio Emiliu
a6 1 4.e4 de4 I S .lt)e4 ll)e4 16.Ae4;t; ENC 1 984/1:15

d 3 ) 12 . . .'f/c7 1 3 . � b 2 llad8
1 4.llac l ;!; Pytel-Kuligowski. Polanico
Zdroj 1 9R4
d4) J2 e5 1 e4 1 4.1S'e2 .Qd5
• • •

JS .-tJdS cdS l6.�bS li:\bb 1 7.,la3 a6

J 8.1!faS llcl 1 9.�ac l �f6 �JlcS !;t Ri­
bli-Smyslov, London C m/6) t 983
7 . . . ';;.tl 8 . h l -� b d 7 S ! c d S
l fU! �hl e5 l l .d e5 : neS 1 2.h.e2! ct}C6
13J1d I ± I vkov-�imo. Novi Sod I CJ72
5 . . . .AI5
1 . . .66 8.cdS eelS 9.b3 li�6 IO ..Aa3 5 . . . Ae6 6.cdS ! cdS 7.e4!± Lukacz
ii.h7 J Lit c l a6 1 2.r.)a4 Q'd7 1 3 .Ilc2 S . . 6.cd5 cdS 7.e4! de4 8.fe4 e6
@rb8 14l!)g5! h6 I !tll1h3± Kntov-Leven· (8 . . .e5 9..J.bS i0fd7 Farago-Mokry,Pola­
fil. � (ch) 1949 nica Zdroj 1 986; IO.ll)f3! ed4 1 1.Wd4
7. . . JJ.e6 8 . b 3 ·:!.1bd7 9 . .aa3 tfaS � 12 . .tc6 bc6 13 ..tf4! 6. 0-0-0± Lu­
I 0.� cl r!Jdl l l .cd!l ccJS 1 2. '8b2 J.fS
kasz] 9.!J\f3 J.e7 I O.J.d3 0-0 l l .cSi lDciS
1 2.0-0l()c6 1 3.a3! Wb6?! [ 1 3. . .fS 1 4.effi
1 3 . ..te2 .¢.g4 14.Iiac l a6 I S.h3 .tf3
J.f6 I S.J.c4!± Lukasz]l 4.'it'hl J.d7
1 6...�'.1"3 e6 1 7 .!1c2!! Ponisch-Hort Lu­,

1S.J.e4! lDc3 1 6.bc3 lDaS 1 7.tilgS! h6

zem (on 1 982
1 8.tnh7 J.c6 19 . .tc21± Lukacz-Mokry,
1. . .c5 8.dcS dc4 9,Ac4 .aS I O.lDbS Polanica Zdroj 1 986
.:t)e4 I I .1JdS a6 1 2.•e4 abS 1 3.J.b3 6.&4!
�c7 1 4.�4 lDa6 IS.lDbS 1!rcS 1 6.�3 6 ..ta61?7.Wb3!?1Wb68.gSVi!mana­

Ji.d7 1 7..td2.tc6 18.fig4W'd8 19.Dadl;t vin; 8 � 9.cdS c:dS lO.IbiS± Analyse


Konchnoi-S.Duri� Tirov..t 1984 7.a5 f;Jfd7

7 . . . lllhS 8.f4 &6 9.cdS cdS 10..Ag2 e6
8.cd5 ti)d�
l l.lDge2 ll lDa3: Vy!manavin
8 . . 9.@fel llr8 I a6 l l ..i.b2 IS4 e6 9.�fl h6 10.cd5 cdS
b5 1 2.llfdl i.b7 1 3.�)e� .'�S 14.deS 'CJJ7 haS IUs! .A.e7 13.0-0 M?!
I H4± Bocvinik-Ragozin. Moskva 1936 13 . . . /J..gS 1 4.lDgS 'WgS IS.e4 '8h4
CJ.e4 l/)d IO.bcl �s 1 6.Af4!� Vy!manavin; �±
13 . . .Q)&61 1 4.e4 de4 I S.lDe4 lDb6oo
J CJ . . . eS l l . �g5 "J!!l c7 1 2.8d2 l:l.
Vylmanavin: 16.�eS! � Analyse
-".h6.±. ENC
14.e4 de4
l b6 � Moskva(qa)l992
l l . . . :a6 1; l !!lc7 I J.e�± Botvinik, 15.� lDg6 16.lDe5: Vylmanavin (m) 1 9:\7 IU-4) 4 . . . J.IS 5.cd5 tDciS
ll.�d �b7 13...i.ll6 \Yel 14..A.b7 s . . .cdS 6.1!Pb3 J.cs [6. . .Wb6 7.0dS
.b7 IS.eS± Estrin �5 I.WdS •b4 9.J.d2 !rb2 1 0-:c t
J.d7 1 1./()13 e6 I 2.•c4 l()c6 1 3..te2±
m-J> 4 . .' w Tat• -Fuc:hl. Kislovodsk 1 964

7 . . JJJS 8 . AfS gfS 9 . c d S cdS

[9 . ll:)d5 1 0.�3 b 6 1 1 .liel ll)c3 1 2.bc3

. .

ltld7 1 3.e4;t Jano!evic-Panov, Skoplje

1967] 1 0.'8b3 b6 l l .$.d2 t0c6 1 2.ID'c l
!lc8 1 3.nc2 'Wid1 . .1 4.nacl e6 l S .VJfbS;t
Tarjan-S11l'tnkovich, Lone Pajne 1981
7 ... J,�'j.f3

III-I ) 4 . . . dc4, III-2) 4 . . . g6, Ill-3)

4 . . . .i.g4, nt-4) 4 ... .i,fS, ID S) 4 . . . a6 and

ID-6) 4 . . . e6
lll- 1 ) 4 . . . dc4?! s.JJ..c4 e6 6.�13±
ID-2) 0944 . g6 S.M JJ..g7 6..td3
. .

6 . . . JJ.. fS ! ? 1.JJ.. fS gfS 8.cdS ltldS - a) 9 . . e5? 10.deS liJfd7 1 1 .cdS b5

[8 cdS 9.VJfb3 b6 IO.bS�] 9.0-0 e6

1 2.ffd1 ! cdS 1 3.JJ..e2 ltlbc6 14.tDd5 gc8
1 0.'8c2 ltld7 l l .e4 fe4 1 2.� 'f§c7 IS.e4± Kotov-Ragozin, SSSR (ch) 1948
13.JJ..d2 ltl7f6 1 4.nfe l b4 1 S t¥e4 VJfe7
. b) 9 . .VJfd6 10.ndt gd8 [10 . . . tDbd7

16.nac t h6 17.a3 0-0-0 1 8.b4� Kor- Cemin,M.Gurevi�; l l .cdS cdS 1 2.ltlbS

tchnoi-Hort, Bad Kissingen 1981 1Wb6 1 3.a4 a6 1 4.aS '8c6 1 5 �3 eS.

7.0.0 1 6.JJ.. c 2!?;t Analyse] l l .JJ..d 2 tbbd7

1 2.cdS cdS [ 1 2. . . ltld5!7 Polgar Kneie­

vi�; 13 .ltle4!? 'W/c7 14.ltlg!ii;t Analyse]

1 3 ltlb S 'W/b6 1 4.a4 ndc8 J S .aS '8'd8

! 6.a6± Cemin-Dra!ko, Stary Smokovec

1 984
c) 9 . J.ie8 JO.lldl 'W/dtl l l .c4 de4

1 2.JJ..e4 ltlbd7 Ribli-Smyslov, London

(m/8) 1983; 1 3.b3;t Ribli
d) 9. e6 to.nat lL!bd7 t Lb3 nes tWt
. .

d l ) 12 . . . a6 1 3.JJ.. b2 'fle7 1 4.1lac l

!Iad8 J S.�e2 hS 1 6.!¥c2 ltlM 1 7..!l.d3
7 ltlbd7
. . . � 1 8.ti)b 1 ± Kortchnoi-T.Petroajan,
7 .e6 8 .b3 ltlbd7 9.j,a3 lle8 IO.l!c l
. . Velden (mi l ) 1 980
b6 { I 0. . . eS l l .deS ltleS 1 2.�eS lieS d2) 12 . . A/8 I 3.JJ..b2 ,td6 1 4.c4 de4

1 3.cd5 �5? ! J 4/Lie4! .ar5 1 5 .lt)d6 !± 1 5.<1)e4 tile4 16.t¥e4 'JJ6e7 1 7.Uab l l'1adR
ENCJ J l .�e2 .ab7 12.nrd t '8b8 t 3.h3 1 8.11c I ;t Portisch-Hort, R eggio Emilia
a6 1 4.e4 de4 15 .t£Je4 lQe4 16. JJ..e4;t ENC 1 984/85

d3) 12 • • • V!!/ c 7 1 3 .Ab2 l b d8
1 4.1Iac l ;;!; Pytel-Kuligowski. Polanica
Zdroj 1 9R4
d4) 11. . .d 1� e4 14.1!l'c2 .'t)d.4i
I S . �dS cdS 1 6.�S �bb I 7 ..ia3 a6
1 8.tWaS Ilc8 1 9.�ac l �f6 :!O.llcS!� Ri­
bli-Smyslov, London C m/6) 1 983

1 . . . i:.IIJ 8 . h 3 .i� b d 7 9 .cd S ! cdS

l tJ." �hl eS l l .de5 : neS 1 2.h..e2! t;�()
1 3J1d I ± I vkov-�'IOiimo. Novi Sad 1972
5 . . .J.IS
1. . .b6 8.cdS cdS 9.b3 �6 I O.Aal S . . ..ie6 6.cdS! cdS 7.e4!± Lukacz
..ih1 l l .llc I a6 12.(.)84 Q\d7 1 3.l'!c2 S . . . .lciJ 6.cdS cdS 7 .e4! de4 8.fc4 e6
trb8 l4.�g5! h6 I± Kotov-leven­ (8 . . . eS 9..A.bS �fd7 Farag�Mokry, Pola­
fil, SSSR (ch) 1949 nica Zdroj 1986; IO..ltlf3! ecl4 1 1 .1!ld4
1 . . . Ji�6 8 . b 3 ·'� bd7 9 . .aa3 t'JaS � 1 2. .ic6 bc6 13.Af4! 6. 0-0-0± Lu­
I O."�c l l"tl'cR l l .cd5 cdS 1 2.'8b2 JiS kuz] 9.ll)f3 .A.e7 I O.J..d3 0-0 l l .eS! lt:)dS
1 2.0-0 li)c6 13.a3! •b6?! [ J 3 fS 14.ef6

1 3. Ae2 . ¢.g 4 1 4.Iiac I a6 I S.hl .a.rJ

.i.f6 I S . .i.e4!± Lukasz]1 4.�hl Ad7
l 6. . 0J3 e6 1 7 .11c2!± Portisch-Hort, Lu­
1 S .A.e4! l0c3 16.bc3 lt:)aS 1 7.l�gS! h6

zem (ol) 1 982

1 8.�7 ..tc6 19 ..ic2!± Lukacz-Molcry,
1. . .eS 8.dcS dc4 9�c4 •., Polanica Zdroj 1 986
·'tle4 1 t .!rdS a6 12.We4 abS 1 3..A.b3 6.&4! .idl
'W/c7 1 4.1()d4 lt)a6 WcS 1 6.lbc3 6 . . ..ig6tn.. eblt?� aas vWnana­
j,d7 1 7..A.cl2.ic6 18.t1g41Ud8 1 9.:.dl1 vin: 8 fi:JM/ 9.cdS odS 10.0dS± Analyse

Konchnoi-S.Du� 1984 �d7

7 . . . ll)b5 8.f4 g6 9.cdS cdS 1 O..A.g2 e6
8.ed5 Q'ld!;
l l.lbge2 6. lt}g3� Vylmanavin
8 . . .cd.4i 9.@el ile8 I O.b3 a6 l l..ib2 1Lf4 e6 h6 10.cd5 ed5
bS 1 2.1lfd l ..tb7 13.-.',!)e.� �?lc5 14.deS {jy;J7 hgS u.r.s J.e7 13.0-0 M?!
I �J4± Bolvinik-Ragozin. Moskva 1 936 13 . . . .tg5 1 trgS IS.e4 trh4
9.e4 /.l\d I O.bel tS 16.Af4!0!5 Vylmanavin; �± Analys�
13 . . . '0&61 1 4.e4 de4 I lt:)b6oo
10 . . . es I I . �.g5 �c7 1 2. 8d2 6
Vyfmanavin; 1 6./tleS!?1 Analyn
.111.h6.!: F.NC
14.e4 de4
l l.Aal h6 v� Maikva(qJrD) J 992
l l . . . :a6 1 2.Uc I f!/c7 1 3.e5± 8olvinik, 15.� lbc6 16.ltle5:t Vylmanavin ( m) 1 9:\7 ID-4) 4. . ..liS 5.ed5 l0d$
ll.�el i:l..b7 ll..i-116 \Yel 14 ..tb7 • s . . .cdS 6.trb3 Ac8 (6 trb6 7.lildS

'ti'b7 lS.eS± Estrin IbiS 8••dS 1tb4 9 ..td2 '8b2 JOltcl •

Ad7 I I .Qlfl e6 1 2.ec4 l0c6 1 3�e2±

111-3) 4 � 5.13
. . .• Tal '-Fuc.., Kislovodsk 1 964

6 .0.c4 e6 7.Q)ge2 tl'ld7
•. tchnoi, Wien 1986; 1 6. . . c5 1 7.dc5 bc5
7 . . Ag6 8.e4 ll.lc3 9.f.Z\c3 b5 I O. ..td3
1 8.b4±1 17.�c3 tL!eS 18.Ite5! Karpov
t!Wd4 1 l.l'hb5 Ab4 1 2:be2 @e5 1 3.'8c2 d) 7 . . . cS 8.dc5 tLlcS 9.tLlc5 i.cS 1 0.0-
0-0 1\c3 f5 15 .f3 t;.)d7 1 6 ..te3± Polo
. ­ 0 0-0 1 l .�e2 h6 [ / / .. . �c7 1 2.Ag5 Ae7
vec-Ryikov, SSSR 1975 1 3.Itadl lldB 1 4.J.d2 Ad7 15 .J.c3j;
8.e4 lDcJ �g6 10..Ae3 b5 BNC; // . . .b6 1 2.AgS Ab7 13.llad1 'W/e7
ll..i.d3 a6 12.0.0 c5 13.lad� Furman­ 14.�e5± Oruenfeld] 1 2 Ad2 b6 1 3.J.c3

Fior. SSSR 1962 .ab7 t 4 .ltad 1 lidS 1 4 . J.d2 J.d7

1 5.J.c� BNC
ID-5) 4 . . • a6 5.b3!?- 0 1 5
4. . /5 S.jj4 �f6 6.e3 Jl.e7 [6 . . . .ltd6
tn-6) 4 . . . e6 5.� 0 45 7 ..td3 0-0 8.'ttc2 .if4?1 9.ef4± 1\ 0-0,

l:lfe1 Analyst•] 7 ..l!l.d3 0-0 lt,c2 �4

IV) 03 1 -3 . . .e6'3
9 . g4 1 ? lba6 [9 . . . fg4 1 0 . tll e 5 ti) f6
(10. . �f2? 1 1.�) 1 1.�0-0 6. litdg 1±

Analyse] 1 0.a3 '#WaS 1 1 .�e2!? tbc3?!

1 2.bc3 tLlc7 1 3 .c5 tLle8 14.IDtgl �h8
1 5.liJ2 tLlf6 1 tLle4 1 7 .gf5 ef5
[ 1 7 . . . tLlc3 l B!i&fl] 1 8.llg7 Af6 1 9.J.e5
J.e6±/+- Uma-Giarde1 li, Sao
_ Paulo (zt) 1 993
4 . . . J,.d6?! 5 .e4 de4 6.lbe4 J.b4
[6. . .Ae7 7.Ad3 W6 8.0-0 o-o 9.tLlf6
M6 1 0. .tc2 tL!d7 1 l .'W/d3 g6 12.Ah6±
PiUsbury-Marco, Numbers 1 896] 7 .J.d2
4 . . .dc4 Ad2 8.'(Wd2 lbf6 9.J.d3 tLle4 JO.!Le4±
4 . . .!CA7 5.e4 de4 6.lbe4 lbgf6 7.J.d3 Pillsbury-Walbrodt, Wien 1 898
a) 7 . . . ..tb4 8.J.d2 �aS ?! 9.lbd6± Pil-
4 . tt:/6 045
. .

Jsbury-t igorin Numberg 1896


5.a4 .tb4 6.e3 bS 7 ..td2

b) 7 . . . J.e7 8.0-0 � 9.J.e4 llJ£6

1 O. J.c2 0 - 0 [ 1 0 . . . b6 l l .�e2 .£i.. b 7
1 2.J.f4 0-0 13.!iadl �c8 1 4.J,g5 lle8
1 5.-tleS± Schlechter-Kaufmann, Wien
1916] 1 1 .-tgs b6 1 2.�d3 g6 13.lbe5
J.b7 1 4.'l/lVf3 �c8 1 5.llad l �g7 1 6.�h3
•!lg8 1 7. ..Q.e3± Gruenfeld-Orienter, Wien
1 946
c ) 7 . . . t0e4 8 .J.e4 lZ)f6 [8 . . . ..tb4
9.J.d2 \\!!'aS 1 0.0-0 J.d2 I 1 �d2 0-0 .

1 2.'8c2 Vjh5 ( 1 2 h6 13.e5± Vajser­

• • .

Oejkalo, Tallin 1 986) 1 3.!!fe l lle8

1 4.lle3± Schlechter-Cigorin, Ostende 7 . .aS

1 905) 9.J.c2 J.b4 10.J.d2 �aS 1 l .a3 1. . . Wib6 Lautier-Granda, Biel (il.t)
.i.d2 1 2.�d2 �d2 13.�2 �e7 1 4.IUte l 1 993; S.tlleS! Lautier; 8 . . .Jl,b7?! 9.¥:!rh5
b6 15.tLle5 -tb7 16.0 :t)d7 [Karpov-Kor- g6 10.'8f3± A nalyse

7 . . . �7 1.113 GS (8 . . .c:b3?! 9.Wb3 13 . . . �7
.Qc3 (9. . .•aS IO.Ilbl !)± Sprag­ 13 . . .Ju4 1 4..A.e4 � t s .•c:l W6
geu] 9.bc4 bc4 �f6 1 1 .0-0 0-0 [ I S . .� 1 6.dS ! o-o 1 7.0-0 edS 1 8.1lrd l

1 2.We2 c:S 1 3 .dd �bd7 1 4.c:6 .tc:6 •ca 19lldS �6 lO.IDeS IDeS 2 1 .lleS±
I S.�d4 .tb7 1 6.l1rc: l •e7 17 ..A.M;t Nejkirh-Minev, B" lgarija (ch) 19S3]
Spragett-Kiinger. Wien 1986 1 6.e4 0-0 1 7.h4 �fd7 18.lL\gS eS ( 1 8. . .h6
7. . .!C/f 8.ab5 Ac:3 cbS I O.b3 1 9.e5+-J t9.cS ec:1 2o.r4± SCem-Bied­
0-0 I J .bc4 bc4 12..1c:4 flc7 13.•d3 aS nov, corr. 1983
14.0-0 .A.b7 IS.litrc: l lUc:6 Bagirov-Ku­ 13. . .0#4 14.ea4! '1ttf8 [14. . Ac6 .

prej�ik, L ' vov 1 984; 1 6 .trel �e4 l S.tfc:l fS 16.1De5± ; 14. . .d7 ts.'i!rc:2

I 7. .te I ;t Basimv r5 1 6.�eS± ENC] 15 •cl r5 J6.0-0 ibl7


7 . . . 'WI•7 8.ab5 .tel 9.i.c:3 cbS IO.dS 1 7.dS !± Gligori�-Abrahama, Hasting•

W6 r 10 . . .r6 I I .�!± ENCJ l l .de6 re6 1 95 1/Sl
[ 1 1 . . . .l!l..e6'!! ll.tal4 0-0 13. WfJ AdS 14.0.0 flc7
1 4.�g3± G runreld] 1 2 .�d4 0-0 1 4. . .lla7?! ts.lle l eaB 16.e4! a4?!
[ 12 . . .'t'!b7 1 3 te2±; 12 . . . iu/7 1 3.'8f3
[ 16 . . . l&4 1 7.dS ltlecS I B . .A.g7 llg8
-'l\cl5 1 4.ti'l�±; I 2 i.ll6 1 3.b3± ENC]
. . .•
1 9.�d4 l:l. 20.1De5, 20..A.h7±; 16 . .Ae4

1 3.<�b.S ll\e4 1 4 A�4 �1'2 I S.WthS t;)e4

1 7 ..ie4 Q}e4 1 8.d5 �ec:5 19.Wd4!±
[ I S . . . :;:\h I ? 1 6.�.d3 llf'!'i !'! 1 7..trs efS
Kir.Georgiev] 17 .d5 �c:5 [17 . . .o-o 1 8.e5
1 8.CL\c7 !± Euwc-Koomen, Amsterdam lt)hS 1 g6 20.de6 fe6 l l.ltle6±
1 94 21 1 6.!ln nn t 7.'i!lfl ·l\c:J 1 8.bc:3 Kir.Oecqiev) 1 8.Ad4 �d7 19.�!±
�c6 J 9.Wg l ;t van Sc:heltinga-Aiexan­ Kir-Oeoqiev-Antunea, Manila (ol) 1992
clar. Hilversum 1947 e5
8.ab5 Ad 9 .id cb5 IO.bJ ll.b7

1 5 . . . 0-0? 1 6.f4 ! a4 l llfd8
I 0 . . . �6 l l .bc4 �4 1 2 . .i b2 b4 18.•el ltlf8 19.e4 b3 20.�bl eb6 Vile­
1 3 .Q.d3 fS 14.Ae4 fe4\dl .h4 1 6.0- la-Ruban, Santa Clara 1 99 1 ; 2 J .e5!± Vi­

0 0-0 1 7.g3 \Yh3 1 8.t!)c4 a4 1 9.1la4 .A.b7 lela

20.d5 lla4 2 l .!!'a4 edS 22.Wa7 de4 16.l:lel
B.t'-Y:�7 �d7 :!4.'\'t'c4 I :0 Hertnec:k-Kai­ 1 6.0!?
scr. Deutschland I ':)l)O
.,_ . o.e J7.MI? m•

l l.hco& b.S ll �bl ·!.'.1'6 13 17i.d3

•. •.

1 7. . . a4 1 8.de5 lt)e5 1 9..Q.e5 We5

II.D e4
11 . -�t:d1! 1 9.d5 .A.b7 (/9. . .a4?

20.14 a3 l l .dc:6 tt) d 2l . .A.e5+-;

19.. .0,c5 20.(4+-) 20.�g3± Aasev-Tre­
gubov, Sol!i 1993; 11 . . .0)611 Aseev;
1 9.de5 lt)c:4 20.ec2 1ld3 ll .effi± Antily.

19.�e2 � fl3 2LeD±

Meran Defence

For 1hi.r actual opening recommended 5 . . . Jul6 6.i.d3 0-0 7.e4 de4 8.ClJe4
is a modern but not entirely explored .ry­ lbe4 9 . Ae4 i.b4? ! I O.�e 2 ! ? lbd7
stem with 7.g4. TluJugh this move is rather l t .i.f4 lbf6 1 2.i.c2 lle8 1 3.YWd3 i.d6
peculiar the re.rults achieved by Shirov 1 4.lbe5± Judovi�-Gergely, SSSR 1970
and Krasenkov in this variation can really 5 . . .J.1,4 6.•c2 lbbd7- S . . .lbbd7
be considered al· recommendation of this 5 . . . llle4 6.cdS lbc3 7 .bc3 cdS [7 . . .edS
system. 8.Ad3 lbd7 9.•c2 lt)f6 I 0.0-0;t) 8.jt,dJ
Ae7 9.'ffc2j; ENC
D4S-l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6�c3 � 4.e3 · 5 . . JLe? 6.•c2 0-0 7.b3! b6 s.J.d3

.. �b7 9. .0.b2 .!i.'!bd7 I Oltd I ;t Analyse
D I S-4 . . . a6!? 5.b3 !?
5 . . .a6 6 . b 3 j_ b4 7 . Ad2 0 - 0
5. .b5 6.'�'c2

[7 . li)bd7 8 ..0..d3 0-0 9.0-0 �e7 (9 . . . b5?

. .
a) 6 . . .Ag4 7. .td3 e6 8.lbge2 �d6
1 O . ttld5 li)dS l l .cd5 j,d2 1 2.de6±;
9.0-0� 6 f3, e4 Analyse
9 . . . ..td6 1 O.e4 dc4 I I .Ac4 e5 1 b5
b) 6 . . .e6 7.lbf3 lbbd7 8.Ae2 .i.b7 1 3.Ae2 Ab7 1 4.Ycl c5 I S.d5 h6 1 6..tf6
9.0-0 llc8 I O.c5 g6 l l . b4 .i.g7 1 2.a4 0-0 lL)f6 1 7 .lbd2 llc8 1 8.a4!± Panno-Unzic-
1 3._.Q.b2 tOeS 1 4.ab5 cbS 1 5 .'t\Vb3 l0c7 _
ker, Goeteborg (izt) 1 955] 8.Ad3 bS? !
1 6.Q)bl Q)b8 1 7 .Q)bd2 l0c6 18.lbe5 l0e7 9.cd5 cd5 I O.a4 ba4 1 J .lt.)a4 lbc6 1 2.0-0
1 9.Ac3 f6 20.l0d3 ttlc6 2 l .f4 't\V d7 i.d6 1 l ± Bondarevskij-Gorenstejn.
22.YWb2 llce8 h6 24.h3;;!;; Cher- SSSR 1 958
n in-Skembris, Beer Sheva 1993. ·
6.'&'c2 .td6
5 . . . J,g4 6.YWc2 e6 7 . .i.d3;t; 5 . . . e5?! 6 . . .a6 7.b3 bS 8.i.d3 1J..e7 9.0-0 0-0
6.de5 1J..b 4 7 . Ad2±; 5 . . . J./5 6.Ad3 1 0. .ab2 �.b7 l l .c5 '&lc7 1 2.lne2 'it>h8
[6.tbf3 !Llbd7 7.Ae2 e6 8.0-0 ..O.d6 9.Ab2 l3.tL!g3;;!; Har itonov -Barcza y, So�i l lJ79
h6 I o Q.d3;t].ad3 7. \'j'd3 e6 s.,1Jf3 �bd7
6 . . .dc4 7 ..,�c4 b5 8 ..� .c2 .ah7 9.0-0 a6
Q . O-O . tb4 [9 . . . .Q.e7 1 0.e�;;!;] ! O.Ad2 0-0 [9 . . . 1Ic 8 I O. a 3!?t Skembris] J O.Ldl !'!
l l . a3 A e 7 1 2 . � fd l .Ge8 1 3 .e4 de4 c5 [ l O . . . llc8 1 J .e4;;t L\ cS±) I J .dc5 �cS
1 -+ -�e4 �'2lt!4 1 5 .'�e4;;!; Analyse I Vl.ieS lfitb6 t 3.4:)d7 �ld7 l 4 .a4 b4 1 5.a5
5 . .2:lf3 '!}JJa7 f15 . . . b3 1 6.�d3 ��c7 1 7.!i'la4�t:
15 . . . V!IIc6 t 6 . A f3 ±J 1 6 . �J a 4 ! ? r:J a
1 7 . /.1 \a2 �a8 ! ? I R.t/)h4 0- 0 ! ? l 1J.�I I
(iJ e5 20 . .t d 2 ! .ti. J J 2 1 . :U d c I .rJ.t. d 6
22.j.c3;t Skembris-Nci, Kulcri n i l 'J'J2
6 . . . JJ.e7 7.b3 0-0 H ..ih2 b6 !J . .�.d3-
5 . . . JJ.e7
6 . . . .it..b4 7.Ad3 0-0 8.0-0 �c7
dc4 1 0.11..c4 Ad6 ! '! [Krasenkov-Se.rpcr,
SSSR (ch) 1 99 1 ; I O. . . e5 1 I .Ab3 ! �.d6
(1 1 . . .e4 I Vi:�gs+-; 1 1 . . . ed4 1 2.ed4±
Psakh i s ) 1 2 . h 3 ! h 6 ? ( I 2 . . . -�-c7
5 . . . t'tJbd7 I 3.llae I ;t) 1 3.tLlh4! lle8 14.ti.)f3 YWf8

1 5 .de5 Jte.5 1 6 f4 A.c7 1 7.!if3 -�"·5 lopenl 1 992; 1 7 .1LaS ! �7 r 1 1 . . . Jtd!'i
. .

1 8 ...2Jh6 gh6 1 9.�g6 @g7 20.J..I7±1+ - 1 8 . 0.LIS �d8 1 9.llg7 -i)f6 20JL\e.5+-] .

Ps a k h i s-J.C.Fernandez. C ien fueg o s 1 8 ...\).dS l1d8 1 9..0.c6 f4 2 0. @'c2 ! ± 6

1 983] I I ..O.b3;;!; Krasenkov 20 . . . t:d5 2 1 .�.b7 fcJ 22.A.dS INF ·

7.�4! ? b) l l . .< � f8 ! '? I NF; 1 2.gg2 llg8


1 3.flg8 1.;g8 1 4 .Ad3 6 Cit'c2, Il g I ;;!; Ana­
c ) l l . . lbf8 1 2.lbe4 fe4 I 3.�S Wf6

14.ng2 ��6 1 �.lbg6 hg6 t 6.o-o-o 1s

1 7.Jle2 1lh3 1 8.lldg I Ad7 1 9.IlgS 0-0-0
20�.c I ilh I 2 1 .l1h I •., 22 trt oo Ka­ .•

kageldyev-lesiege, Biel (izl) 1 993;

1 2.Rg2 '8f6 1 3.t�O-o ..td7 1 4.�bt lbg6
I S . O.e I ;;t 6. I S . . . 0-0-0 1 6.cdS lbc3

17 ..tc3 ed5 1 8.Ad3 f4 1 9.e4oo/;;!; Ana/y.r�

B . . hS 9 h 3 lbh6 I O.e4 de4 l l .lbe4
. .

I)7. . .�4. II) 7 . . . h6, UI) 7 . . ..tb4, . .tb4 1 2. .td2 A.d2 1 3.•d2 �irov-Ako­
I V ) 7 . . . 0-0 and V) 7 . .dc4 . pian, Oakham 1 992; � INF; 1 3 . . . Q:)fS
[ 1 3 . . . t0f6 1 4. Q:)c3-] 1 4 .0-0-0 Q:)f6
I ) 7 . . ;'/)g4 8..§.11 �

I S.llJc3oc/;t Analy.r�
8 'fi/6 9. llg4 �f3 I O . .§.g7 ltlf6
. . .

9.Adl! W/e7
I I J�g I cee4 1 2.lL\e4 t!re4 I H!fe4 de4
1 4 .. v.g 2 rs 1 5.f1 hS 1 6 .th l ef3 1 7 �.n
. .•
9 . . tl)fS 1 0.0-0-0 lbf6 l l .e4 de4

h-1 I S.hJ . O.d7 1 9.Ad2;;!; Fedorowicz­

1 2l!)c4 0-0 1 3 . a.c3± �irov . .

Vu�ic. New Ynrk (upen) 1 993 I O e 4 de4 l l .lbe4 Q:)ft 1 2.0-0-0


,' ( , . "N1Z 9 .-!:\h2 ..0..h 2 I O.llg7 lL!fM �ft.?!

[ 1 1 1 . :J;fs I I .I.��:? :)_J6 1 2. 0_d2oo �imv:
. .
1 2 . . . hS± Sirov; 1 3.cb5 cb.5 1 4 tb5 .•

1 2 1'-'l'h·l l .tll-0-0 i\ e4(;C/:+: t\lltl/.\'.f rl

. .
11-0 I � Ul1.d± A na/y.rr

I I Yi�� . :.: . ..:7 I I I . . . �.df1 12 . ')..d2 _(�l.d7

. . I :\.lNta \M6
I \ . 1 1- 0-0 01h l � .l'� r�cl\ I �Jic I _v__�7 1 6 J. I I L . gf6 1 4 0.d3 �d8 1 5 \ifS ef.5 .• ..

h) 1 7 , · :'i d d l s . .;:,e� f5 G:.n:ia l lundain­ 1 6.llge I 'fjc7 1 7.d5 cdS 1 8 ..0.c3+- Sirov
l l k s l.. : l s (\•nl o o a . L!!un 1 992 : 14.J).g5 '8g6 15.c5 JJ.c7 16.Q:)e5 twh5
1 '> .-.}.· :? !x/± INF) 1 2.c4! :·;'lgfi [ l 2 . . de-l
. .
1 6 . . . ..Q.e.5 1 7 .de5 f6 1 8 .ef6 gf6
1 3 . ':'l'l'•Vc Djurhuus: I J . .�e7 1 4.�.g.5 f6
1 9.�c 3 ! 0-0 20 h4 ! h6 2 1 ..ih6 twg l .

! 5 . >ht•"<:/:!: .-l na/y.1·t': 12 . .dc4! ? Djur­ .

22 .0J8+- �imv
lwus: I .:' . hf'IX:.'± A nalyse} 1 3 ¢.g5 ! r6 ..
t 7.h4 .ads ta.'8e4 o-O t9..teZ ..a.�:s
1 -1 . :. hh . . \h� I �.0-0-0 -�1!:! 1 6. �.g2 dc4 .
20.hg5 �h4 21.r4-'4'± Sirov-Bangiev,

I I IJ! �:::J· e7 ! 1 8 C.h5 \-v.'dK 1 9.c5! t1g8

. ..
H am burg 1 993
�ll. ·:,,•4 1:': Djnrhun�-Gronn. Oslo 1 992
8 f'i <!. h_� _:,gf6 I O.f.i�7 .::'M.·� I I O. d �
. . .. .
II) 7 . . h6 8 .§gl !'? dc4?!
. •

;1 1 I I . . ·�·· : 1'6?! I :!.ng� hCt I J. �AY:t�!

. ��?t'7 B areev : 9.h4! ?oc/i Analyse;
R. .

: h7 1 -l nl5 h5 l l ·l cd5 1 :' ) :16!± /\

. . . H r.'i 9 c d 5 ../_'dS? ! 1 0 . � .�b4 I I .�.d2
• . . .

l 'i . h :'i H• Y·:';I:'i 1 1 5 . :·�h5 ! �h'i l 6. •).h5

. . . .
,.).d2 1 2.'�d2 'f!/e7 1 3.0-0-0 ed4 1 4. �d4
'i . d :-: 1..: r : I SI.' I I k l l \ - F i l i pc u l\ u . Musk v a ?17 f(, 1 5 0.d3 -:,c4 1 6.. �e4 .!lll'6 1 7 . ltc2
.. .

J1.e6 Tukmakov-ll leskas, Gro n i ngen jan] l l .lL!dS cdS 1 2.Ad5 de3 Krasenkov-
1 993; l lth4± Analy.,·e Dohojan, Deutschland 1 993; l 3.�e4
9..ac4 bS 10.Ae2 Ah7 l l.e4! eS V!!/e7 1 4.'�e7 �e7 I S.Ae3 lbb6 16.ke4
1 2..Qc3 1le8 17.0-0-0 lL!c4 1 8.Ad4 �f8oo Doho-
1 2.h 4!? hS! 1 3.gh5 /tlhS l4.Ag5± jan; I S.Ac3mi± Analyse
Analyse 8. . . (i)d.5 9.t:;)e4 Ae7 1 0.Ad2 b6 1 l .h4
12 . . .ed4 13.tbd4 Ahl 14.Iih1 'f/c7 Ab7 1 2.llh3 'fl/c7 1 3.0-0-0 cS 1 4.dc5
1S.gS hgS 16.tllcb5 t'fl»8'lc3 cS!? tllcS I S..i.bS .1.c6 1 6.Ac6 1!rc6 1 7.lL\e5\D a4 19.tL\hl llh2 �c7 18.(j)c5 WcS 1 9.V!!Ic S .A.cs 20.g5
Dreev-Bareev, Biel (izt) 1993 llc8 2 I .c;&lbl .A,d6 22.lDd3 0-0 23.e4 0.c7
lOJthl! �hl l1.0-0.o± Bareev 24.Ac3 llfd8 2S.hS� Marin-M.Gurcvich,
.!c3 Tilburg 1993·
lii) 7 . . . ,ib4 8.Ad2 aS 9.gS .
10.-tcl tiJe4 U.l1g1 'ifie7 1:Z.Ad3 lbc:3 8 . . .b69.gS t:;)dS I O.t:;)e4 Ae7 I LV .t12
13.'tVc3 tvb4 Ab7 Akopian- Kir.Georgiev, Tilhurg
c;S 1 4.dc5
Krasen kov-P ekarek' Deu tschlan d 1993 ; 1 2.h4 !? '4fc7 1 3.llh3
1993 ltJcS 15.-tbS _tc6 1 6. .tc6 t+'c6 1 7.4:Jc5
14.cS!- + Analyse 1!!/c7 1 8.t:;)c5 '«<cS 19.'ifc5 .icS 20.0-0-0-
8 . . . lOdS; 20.¢te� Analyse
IV) 7 . . .0..0 8.gS (j)hS 9 .i\.d2 bS!?

9.Ad3!? Ab7 lO.gS t:;)dS U.Q)e4
9 . . ./5 1 0 . g f6 t:;)hf6 ! [ 1 0. . .' 8f6- .te7 12.Ad2 '@fb6
� �
J l .j..e2 � e4 ] 1 l .t:;)gS e8 1 2.0-0-0 h6
12 . . .E[c8 1 3 .�e2!? cS 1 4.dc5 t:;)cS
1 3 . h4 .1.b4 . [ 1 3 . . . hg5 . 14.hg5 lL!e4
I S .A bS t:;)d7 [ 1 5 . . . �f8. .-16.lL!c5 £lc5
1 4 de4 1 6.V!!/e4 llfS 1 7 .c5 +-]
17 .V!flb3 AgS 1 8.l;thd t ±i 1 6.1ta�±
14 ..fLd3 Ac3 1 5 ..1.c3 hgS 1 6.hg5 l2Je4
��:= �� � �:'� 2�:.� :::

llJ!d ttlb4
23.e4± �irov-Th.Thorhallsson, Reykja- 1 �
3 . . . ?-0-0! ? 1 4. c5 l2Jc5 J S.dcS
'IJ!/c7oo �arov; 1 6.l;tg l .. � llg4, e4oot.!;
vik 1 992
9 .a6 I O.e4 dc4 1 1 .e5 Ae7 1 2.i..c4 Analyse
. •

cS 1 3."'Lle4 cd4 1 4.�g3 g6 I S .tlJhS ghS b4 J.b4 J S.'rt-e2 e5 16.a3 c4

1 6 . Ad3 .:Z:.c5 17 . .1h7 't;g7 1 8.b4 d3 17. ab4 J.dS
1 9. 'tWc4 'fldS 20. �f4 Ji..d7 2 1 . iJfl llg8 1 7 . . .cd3 1 8.'1Vd3±
22.g6 fg6 23.�g6 1 :0 Lima-Lesiege, Biel 18.l0fdl 0.0 19.Ybgl e.5?!
(izt) 1 993 19 . . . 'it'h8 !? 20.b3 ! '! cd3 2 l .�d3 eS
lO.cbS cS!? 22.�cs±
D.Gurevich-Lesiege, Bie1 (izt) 1 993 lO.deS ladS
l l.e4!?;t/± Analyse 20. . . t;jeS 2 J.ll)f6
V) 7. . .dc4 8 .ic4 bS
•!f6! tDf6 ll.AIS! � 23.Ah7
8 . . .e5!? 9.g5 lL!dS ! 1 0. Ad2 ! ed4 'i!lb8± §irov-Akopian, Biel, (izt)
[ I O . . .t:;)b4? I UWb3 ed4 12 ..()e4! Doho- 1993

Queen's Gambil
During the "reign " ofAnato/ij Karpo1· 8••g4 ��� 9..t.c4 .te5 IO.de5 1!Vd4
Tartalcower �·ariatioll of Q,_en 's gambit l i.J.d5! c6 12.�e4 �e4 JJ ..te4± ENC

was e:ctremely trent(v. ln this opemng "'hi­

te ha.\ no dwnces to complicate the game Jm D31-l . . . .,tb4 4.cdS ed5
wuihas rcJtln r to M snti.l/it:d with a mini­ � . . . \'jd5 s ..'2)f3±
lllol ptHitim:ul adranta��:. 5.. 11'4 -UI6 6.e3 c5
1/,J .,.,.,' , r- r, t/ �·:hit� lru1· 1111 imemirHI to 6 . . ..tJe4 Safin-Nenalev. Bi �kek (zl)

al'fJid Nim::o lmlirm I Je./en.\·e, "'' it is the 1993; 7.1lc l! Nendev: 7 . . 0-0 [7 . . .cS

can: in tJUr re(Wrtllire, it i.� oUT "PIJOrllmi­ 8.Ab8 I!b8 9.@a4) 8.Ad3 .trs 9.�2 cS
ty j'tJr an exchtm�t' of vuritllitHI where [9 . . . �3 IO.bc3 Ad3 t l ..rd3 .A.d6?!
position could become im·reasingly l'harp 1 2.Wb5±) 1 0.0-0 cd4 1 t ed4 �c6 .

aruJ c:onsidering the ,·ur"nt .ttatM.c in the 1 2.lL!bS ! 6. 13: Atralyse

theory wllite gains an ndwmur�. 7.-ldl � &.lt)e2 cd4 9.ed4 .li4?!
Some of the affectitmate follower... of .9 . 0-0 10.0..() I!e8 l l .aJ;t Hertneck

tlu.� -��·stem are Ka.cpart11', Timman. Bare­ IO.D Ae6

ev, Gel 'faml and 101.'0 t�{lllher.c. I 0. . . Ah5 1 1.0-0 6. AgS Hertneck
1 1.0-0 0-0 Ae7?!
D3 1 -37- 1 .d4 d5 l.c4 e6 l.�l
1 2 . . ..i.d6 13 ..i.d6 •d6 1 4.b4;t Her­
13.b4 �el!? 14.lba4 .!.16 15.'i!;lbl
li)d6 16.f0c5 .tel
1 6 . b6!? 17.� fe6 1 U!rc2 �
. .

1 9.Ah7 �h8 Ad4 2 t.Ad6 @d6

22.1ladl eS 23 . .i.d3;t Hertneck b6
1 7. . Jle8 1 8./0:3 ! Hertneck
18.@a4! �bl!
ll. .ti)/141 1 9.�4 .i.d4 20.Wc6±:

18. . . �7'!! 19.lba6 6 f8c7

1 \ .l. . . d"·-t ln � . . . bf\. lll) L flb4, IV)
19.1Udl!? bc5 18.dc5 tl'l5 Zl.c6
� . a (, \' ) .� . . �· � . \' J j 3 . . . c6, V II)
, .
�e7! ZZ.Wb5�/;t Hertneck-Lautier,
.\ . . . �.d and V I II) L . .:)f6
Munchen 1 993
I) .\. . . dc4 4.e4-020 IV) 03 1 -3 . . . a6 4.cd5 ed5 5..A.f4 �
I I) D3 1 -l. . . b6 4.�'D 0.b7 5.cd5 edS S. . . :;w76.e3 c6 7.1!rb3 !±: S c6 6.e3 . • .

6.e4 de4 ..0..d6 7.Ad6 tfd6 8...td3 �7 9.•c2 6

6 . . . Ctlf6 7 .e� /.i)e4 s .tbS c6 �ce2% ENC

fH . . . t;) d 7 '! CJ . e 6 ! re6 I O.�e4 de4 6.e3 Ad6 7 .i.d6 ed6 l..i.dl �•

1 1 .-4 le5+-] 9 . .�.J3 •:1'\c3 I O.bc 3± ENC 8 . . . 0-0 9.lLice2 l:le8 I 0.0-0 c6
7.'-.i)e5 .0..d6 I Lll b I ;t Pldunan
7 . . . '�ll1 8.j),l:4± 9.� 0-0 'h7 II •cl � •

I 1 . . . b6'! ! Eu we-Alechin, Z u ri ch. 1 5.�b3 lbd4 1 6.ed4 .i.e6 1 7.'t;\Vb2 t.:.:\d5
1 934; 1 2.c1 ! de4 1 3.�e4 l/le4 1 8.l0d5 !? ladS [ 1 8 . . . .i.d5 1 9..£Lf4 Act6
'7\d5 1 5 0.h7 �;h8 1 6.Ae4± ENC
.• 20..i.g4 �b8 2 l .�fel YJih4 22.j,d6 lld6
1 2.0-0;!; Analyl·e 23. YJH a3 llg6 24 . .i.f3± Prudnikova]
19. .tf4 .ad6 20.J.d6 tfd6 2 1 .llfb1 b6
V) 032/34-3 . . . cS 4.cd5 ed5 22.a4± Prudnikova-Vojska, Azov (izt)
4 . . . cd4 5.\Wa4 1 990
S.l0f3 ltic6
s . . .lt:lf6 6.J.g5
6. . . � 7 ..i.f6 gf6 8.e3 J.e6 9.J.b5
lacS? 1 0.0-0 Ae7 l l .e4± Oipslis-Petke­
vil!, SSSR 1 970
6 . . . JJ.e7 7.dc5 ..te6 I 0-0 9.�J6
M6 1 0.e3 '{'Na5 l l .a.J lt)c6 1 2. Ad3±
Marshaii -R ubinstein, L.odz 1 908
6 . . . J.e6 7.e3 ltlc6 [7 . . . '0bd7
8.J.b5 !? cd4 9.tai4 1J.e7 10.f42;; Lasker­
Schlechter, Berlin 1 9 18] 8.J.e2 h6 9.J.h4
5 . . . b5?! 6.1t'd4 l0c6 [6 . . . b4? 7.l0b5
$,e7 10.dc5 .i.c5 1 1 .0-0 0-0 12.lac It
a6 (7 . . . ed5 t'9d5+-) 8.de6+-] 7.'it*d2 ed5 ENC
8.'�Yd5 .i.d7 Bareev-Ljubojevi�. Linares
1 993; 9..i.g5 lLif6 1 O..tf6 �f6 l l .e3±
5 . . . iJ.d7 6 . 'fYd4 ed5 7 . 1t'd5 ltlf6
[7 . . .lL\c6 8.lL\f3 lOffi 9.1t'dl] 8.1t'dl l0c6 Ac5 [9. . . .tb4 IO..i.d2 0-0 1 l .e3±;
9 . . .YJHa5 I O...td2 0-0-0 1 1 . a3 .£Lg4 1 2.e3
8e5 1 3 .Ae2 j,f3 1 4.gf3 �b8 1 5.1t'c2±
A latorcev -II' i n-Zene vskij, SSSR 1 934;
9 . . . vtib6 I O . e 3 0-0-0 1 1 . i d2 .i f5
1 2 .ib5 Ji.b4 1 3 .�a4 IDleS 1 4.0-0 ltJc4

1 5 . .'L!e4 l!e4 1 6. .1c6 bc6 1 1.�11c l �b7

1 8.lL,b4 lab4 1 9. �a3 Ilb2± Ghe­
orghi u-Westerinen, Haag 1 96 1 ] IO.e3 6 . . . ttlfli
'f/fe7 [ 1 0 . . . 0-0 l l .J.e2 'U!/e7 ( l l . . . �e6 6 . . .c4 7.Jl.g2 .ilb4 !W-U tllg1"7 1J.e4 !
1 2� a4 a6 13.0-0 b5 14.t':'ih4 b4 1 s.nd 1 de4 (9 . . . Ad I O.tx.:3 de4 l l .t;i)d2 i1..1:6
�a5 1 6.t'Lle4± Petrjaev-Ravinskij, SSSR 1 2 . l/)e4 b6 1 3 ..0.g 5 f6 H . �. r6 gf6
1 % 1 ) 1 2.0-o .tf5 1 3...td2 nad8 14.�c l :t 15.lllf6± Kondrat'ev-Tajrnanov, SSSR
Lisicyn] I I . Ae2 0 -0-0 [ 1 1 . . .g 5 1 2.�d4! 1 955; 9. . ..0-0 1 0..!Lld2 .te6 o o. . .�d4
g � ?! n ,,?)c6 Ac6 14 ..tb5± Bagirov-Ku­ 1 t .edS ..te3 t 2.bc3 lObs t J. tfo �d6
dtja�ov. SSSR 1 969] 12.0-0 g5 13.l0d4 g4 14.a4 ..tf5 1 S.J.a3 lic8 1 6.IDe l ±) l l .ed5
[ 1 3 . . . h5 1 4.a3 g4 15.b4 .td6 1 ltld!5 1 2.�de4 ;t) I O.ltle4 0-0 1 U lVe2
�b8 17 . .ilb2 :'Z:)e4 1 8.tfc2± Novotel '­ ltl fS [I I . . . J.g4 12.tfc4 Af3 1 3. .1f3
nO\'·Spassky. SSSR 1956] 1 4 .b4 .£Lb4 'iVd4 14.1t'b3 lOaS 1 5.1ta4 �ac6 1 6.a3

..Q. u 5 1 7 . � b J � b 6 1 8 . ���' u 2 .{Jd4 14 . .0,.d4 �a3 I S ..afti .Q.f6 1 6 t)f6 gf6 .•

1 9. .lg2;;\; S. Vukovic-Kostic, Jugoslavija 1 7. @'h5± Boleslovskij-Stoltz

( c h ) 1 9 4 6 ; / J . . . ii e 6 ! ? 1 2 . a3 .id6 b) 8 . . . Ac5 9/�b3 .�h4 1 0.0-0 Ac3
1 3 . -�Jc5 ..&..c5 14.dc5 Ad5co Beljavskij : l l .bd ..tg4 1 2. h 3 Ar6 I J t)c5 .Q.cS.•

1 5 . .§ d l � a 5 1 6 . � e 3 ;!; A11alyse; 14.M6 �f6 1 5.�d5 �c3 1 7.!ifd t h6!

I I . . . ·1J d4 I V'Lld4 '/!bd4 1 3 . a 3 ii.. a 5 lS.�ac l �b2 19 .e4± ENC
1 4.Hd i ::CI± A naliseJ 1 2.tid l I!eS?! 1 3 .d5
8.0-0 0-0 9.dc5 Acs
�u5 1 4.�c2 'Jt!ie7 1 5 .ii..d2 !± Beljavskij­
9 . . . d4 I O.lL:\a4
Xu J un. Manila (ol) 1 992
6 .tl)ge7 7.dc5± ENC
. .

6 . . .1.tg4 7 . .ag2 �.f3 s . � f3 c d 4


9..:.';'\d5 (L\gc7 I O /lf4 ! g 6 1 1 .0-0 i;.g7


1 2.t:'!d1 0-0 I U : lg5± Mikenas

IS . . . _\i.e6 7.i,l_ g'2 .1.e7 1Ul-O .lJ.cX' ! 9.dc5
0 c 5 I0 ':7'lg5 ! -�;11'6 l l .li\e6 fe6 1 2. A h 3

1 3. !Lg5± R u hinstcin-Capablanca,
�11J l'7
San Se bastia n l l) I I
6 . . .cd4 7 ;:)d-l t'/b6 [7 . . . .Q.c5 S.lL:\b3

O.b4 9 . ..Q.g2 .:iJge7 1 0.0-0 Ae6 l l .lL:\b5

0-0 1 :! ..:l£4 Si magin-Mikenas, SSSR (ch)
1 965) 8 .:Uc6 bc6 [S . . . .Q.c5 9.lL:\d4 .Q.d4
10 . . . .Q.e6 l l . b4 ! ? ii.. c 4?! 1 2.a3 Ab5
I O.e3 .Q.c3 l l .bc3 C£Je7 1 2 . .Q.a3±Hueb­ 1 3.tie l lL:\e4 14.�c2 .Q.f6 1 5 .'t'te4 ii.. a4
ner-Penrose , Paiquton 1 970) 9 . .Q.g2 1 6 . .Q.b2 tieS 1 7.�d3 a6 I S .�d2 llcS
lL\£6± ENC; 1 0 .0-0 .ae7 l l .Ci:Ja4±1± Ana­ 1 9 . .Q.h3 tic7 20.e3 !± Podgaec-Nikitin,
lyse SSSR 1 969; 1 1 . . . lL:\b4 1 2.llb1 ;;!;; ENC
7. <lg2 JJ.e7 JO . . . b5 l l .cb6 ab6 1 2.lL:\d4 1 2.lL:\d4
7 . . ii..e 6 IW-0 h6 9.b3 lieS J O. .Q.b2
lL:\d4 1 3. ii..aS Aa6 14 .J.f3 b5 1 5 .lL:\c3 b4
.U.c 7 I l .dc5 .ll.c5 I :!.lie I 0-0± ENC 1 6.ltJa4 �b5 1 7 .b3± Euwe-Steiner, (m)
1 95 2
7 . . . :� g.J �- _;:: L'J cd4 [8 . . . c4 9 . 0-0 Si.e7
I 0 :;1c 5 -�- t'iJ l l . b 3 ± E N C' : 8 . . . .�3
. •
10 . . . it..g4 l l . a3 tt:J e 4 1 2 .b4 .Q. f6
11 . ,) IJ � hl 7 1 0 . 0 - 0 Ed8 l l . '!Wa4 c4 1 3 . .Q.b2 a6 1 I ,l:leS1 5.,l:le 1 ± Anetba­
( I I . . .�e7 1 2 . d c 5 d --1 1 3 . .lJ fd l .lie S ev-ltkis, SSSR 1 972
1 4 . .0.g5 li..c7 1 5 . ..';\hS ± ) 1 2 . .ags lL:\d4 10 . . . !.J.,f5 I I .Af4
U . t\la 7 .7'\ L\ 1 - L c n d4 1 5 . A f6 gf6 a) 1 1 . . . b5 1 2.cb6 ab6 1 3 .a3 b5 1 4.tic l
1 6. 11 ft:J iJ.. e 7 1 7 . .l1ad l 0-0 I S. tie4± ticS 1 5 ..E'i.c6 llc6 1 6.lL:\d4 tia6 1 7 .lL:\c3
Sdl\varz] IJ.tild--1 1.!1 b4 I 0.0-0 0-0 I l .tic I ..td7 l S.lL:\db5± Averbach-Steiner, Stoc­
firR 1 2 .-7'\cb5 '@c.l7 1 3.<'?1c6 bc6 1 4.i!tJd4 kholm (izt) 1 95 2
l.l a c H I S - '�'\ h 3 .i h 3 I C1 . .'�. d 4 .t g 2 b) 1 l . . . lL\e4 1 2.b4 Af6 [ 1 2. . . lL:\b4
1 7. •,..-l,>g2± Taj 11 1anov-Baumhach, Kapfen­ 1 3.lL:\d4 ..\1l.g6 1 4.llb l lL\d5 1 5.tib7 lL:\f4
herg 1 970 1 6.lL:\c6!± Pachman-Stoltz, Sal tsjoeba­
7 . . . cd4 H.::;jd4 den (izt) 1 948) 1 3 .b5 0.e7 14 . ..te5 ..teS
a) H . . . �h6 9.lL:\c6 bc6 10.0-0 .Q.e7 1 5.ttJe5 �d5 1 6.lL:\d3± Fine-Horowitz,
l l . c 4 d e 4 I l . .�le3 �b2 1 3 . lL:\e4 0-0 New York 1 940

c ) l / . . . il..e 4 1 2 .ITc l �d5 1 3 .�b3 �g5 18.llc2 llc8 19.gei=.t± Damljano­
\"b3 ! 1 3 . . . \�h5 1 4.h3! .acts ( 1 4 . . . Af3 vic-Miljanic, Jugoslavija (ch) 1 990
15 ...,1j.f3 't'#h3 1 6.�b7±) 1 5.'&h7 lZ'le4 b) 12 . . . !reS?! 1 3.nci tt:\e4\d4
1 6.g4 'f/fg6 1 7.4.,d4 !!feR 1 8 .l'i1f5 h5 '-2Jd4 IS.'I:!Vd4 Af6 16.llc8 i.c8 17.�a7
1 9.f3:i Peterson-Koblenc, SSSR 1964) bS 18..i.f6 �f6\b6 .te6 20.a4 tt:\d2
1 4.ab3 HadR 1 5.'-L)e l Ag2 1 6 .'�g2 tt:\d7 21.lldl Vl!VeS\dS!±J+- Jovi�ic-Ze­
1 7 .4..ld3 1J.c8 1 8.ilfd l b5 1 9.cb6 ab6;;!;; l�ic, Caorle (open) 1 99 1
VI) 3 . . .c6\f3.. D 3 1 /D45
VII) 3 . . . 1J.e7 4.cd5 edS S.M4

IO . . . .te7
Vll- 1 ) 5 . . c6 and Vll-2) 5 . . . tt:\f6

I 0 . . . .tb6 I l .tt:\b6 ab6 1 2.Ae3 lieS

VII- I ) D3 1 S . . . c6 6.'dt'c2 i.d6
1\d4 tt:\g4 [13 . . . .ti..g4 1 4.lle I �d7
1 5 .lL!b5± Bukic-Lutovac, Jugoslavija 6. . .g6 7.f3!? ..tgs [7. . . W6 s ...th6! ;
1 963; 13 . . . Ae6 1 4. b3 tt:\g4 1 5 . ..tf4 tt:\ge5 7 . . .f5!? 8.e4 lL!f6 S i rov; 9.ed5 tt:\d5
1 6.l2\b5 lie7 1 7.�d2 f6 1 8.lifd l ± Johan­ I O . tt:\d5 ed5 ( I O . . . �d5 l i . J.. e 5 ± )
sson-Petersen, Leipzig (ol) 1 960] 1 4.J.f4 l l .Ae5 0-0 1 2.f4 lt)c6 1 3 .tt:\f3 �a5
·-Lld4 I 5 .'{Wd4 lie2 1 6.llac I !± ENC 1 4.Wf2;t Analyse] 8 Ji,g5 �gS 9.tid2

't'Ud2 I O.<ot>d2;!;; Sirov; ICJ . tllf6 I J .e3

. .

l l.b3!? J:,g4 12.j,b2

aS ! '! 1 2 . .i d 3 tt:\afi J 3 .llc J .il.c r,
1 4.tljge2;t Analyse
6. . . 0/6 7 . c 3 0 - 0 x . .t d 3 ti1 h d ?\ge2 !ie8 I O.h3 ltJ fR l l .g4 .idf1 1 2.0-
0-0;.!; Analyse
7.iL,g3 t'iJe7 8.e3 IdS 9.'&b3 �.g3
IO.hg3 �b6 I J.}Le2! tt:\d7
1 1 . .t1.�a6!? B aree v ; 1 2 . g 4 Ag6

1 3 .f4;!;; Analyse J J . . . 'fib3 1 2.ab3 t2)d7

1 3.b4 a6 1 4.b5±1± Analyse
12.g4 ..ie6
1 2 . . . Ag6 ! ? Bareev; 1 3.ti)h3;t Analy-
a l 12 . . . �e8 13.1:lcl tLle4 14/od4 se
:L!d4 IS.�d4 b5 1 6.tLlb2 $diS 17.ttld3 13.tLlh3 0-0-0?!

13 . . . .7Jg 6 ? 1 4 . f4 t"5 1 5 . -'2l g 5 +- ; S S S R 1 98 6 : 1 4 . b 3 .\).b4 1 5 . t.!:la4 b5
1 3. . .' �h3 1 4.ab3 a6 1 5 . -.'2lf4 .7Jg6 1 6 !.)e6 1 6.<'2Jc5 .�.n 1 7 .a4 a6 1 8/::'lh4±

fe6 1 7. f4;t: 13 . . j6 14.tDf4 �n;;t; Baree,·; 7.·-'Ll�c2 0-0 8.t)..')g.3!? -� l'6

1 5. �cl3;!; Analyse 8 . . . '�. � 6 '? ! 9 . h 4 hh I O . h " _ah7
1 4.'�aJ! .§.hl'H I I . .Jl.liJJ:: /+
1 4 . c 5 I � . Ik l oj,'I'IK 1 6. 0 - 0 �h t .• 9 �dJ c.·!' IO.dcS � c.'S 1 1.11-0 4)c6

1 7.'&M cb4 18 .:� ,a-l± Bnrcev

. 12.1lcl .<51 d6
J S/·'If4 h6 1 6.b4! ·,t btl 1 7. Ub l t.!.)g6 1 2 . . . d4 ! ? 1 $>.b6 1 4 .c4co Ka­
t 8..��d3 Z:c8 19.0-0 �1Jd8 20.b5± Barcev­ sparov; colt. Analyse
Hal i fman . SSSR (ch) 1 990 13.�h5! .A.e7!
1 3 . . . l/)h5? 14 td6 '8d6 1 5 .'�h5 g6

v 1 1-2) OJ'i-S . . . ti'l6 6.e3 ��rs

1 6.'8h4 I/We5 1 7 ..tb5 ! d4? 1 8.ll\e4 'li'b5
6 . . . 0-0 7.:&.d3 c5 H.tilf3 c'Dc6 9.0-0
1 9.l.Ic5 W/b2 20.ll\f6 <i;g7 2 1 .liJh5 !+­
9 . . �-R4 I O.llc5 � c 5 1 l . h 3 .tf3
l 1 1 . . . _\;,:_h 5 '! 1 2 . g4 ! _0_g6 1 3 . ..tg6 hg6
14.(.\bSl �hS?!
\ 4.g5± Kasparov] 1'f3 d4 13.�
1 4 . . . a6!? 1 lbd4 1 6.ed4 itc8
a ) / 3 . . (i:Je4 1 4.Ae4 de3 U.fe3 ! ?
1 7.itc8 '8c8 1 8. .ile1 ;t Kasparov
't!Yb6 1 6.:£.ac l ! f5 [ 1 6 . . . Bae8? 17 . .1Lh7 !
15.@115 ,g6 16.1!ff3 lic8?1
'.!i'h7 1 8 .'�h5 �g8 1 9 .'�c5± 6 1 9 . . .'�b2
1 6. . . a6 1 7.t()d4±
20. .ild6+- Hjartarson] 1 7 .AdS �h8
17.ID'd1 �d7 18.h3 .ilfd8 19.'18'g3
1 8 .ll c3 Ilad8 1 9 . .1Lc6 bc6 20. .te5 !±
lt)b4 20.lbc3 l2Jd3 21.!id3 .trs 22.lld2
HjarLarson-Arlandi, Debrccen 1992
�e6 23..§.cd1 hS
b) 13 . . . JJ..e 7?! 1 4 . !hd 1 ..W a 5 !
Kasparov-Jusupov, Linares 1993
( 1 4 . . .CiJd5 1 5 . .1Lh2 �b6 ( 1 5 . . . d e 3 ?
24.ttJdS !idS 25.l!d5 h4 26.'fYf3 JJ..e4
1 6 . .1Lc4+-) 1 6 . �d6 ! ± : J 4 . . . 'f/b6
27.lld! Kasparov; ±
1 5 . Ad6 ·1:1d5 ( l 5 . . . Ad6? 1 6 .tM6 gf6
1 7 . � g4 ·t.>h8 \ 8 . '@ f5 +-: 1 5 . . . lt)e4? VIII) 036/37-3 . . . �6 4.cd5 edS
1 6. �c7! )lfcf< 17 ..1Le4 l1e7 1 8 . .1Lc6 bc6 4 . . . �d5 5.e4 lbc3 6.bc3 c5 7.itb1
J l)JJ.d4 +-) 1 6.�fc; Jl.d6 1 7 .lf:ld6 lbf6 a) 7 . . . cd4 8.cd4 llx:6 9.Ab5 Ad7
I H. .'; \c4 �c7 I 9 e4t Kasparov] 1 ! [9. . .iJ..e7 I 0.� � 1 1 .().{) .td7 1 2.Ad2 a6

tle3 1 6. fe3 1L,a2 ! 1 7.(V:i �c6 1 8 . .1Lh6! 1 3.2.d3 b5 14..1Lc3 b4 1 5..1Lal a5 16.ltlg3 6.
.:;�)ef< 1 9. �h5 ! g6! 20.�g4 ii.1e5 ! Kaspa­ ds± Teschner-TrifunoviC, BRD-Jugoslavija
rov- Karpov, London/Lcnjingrad (m/8) 1956; 9. . . a6 10.Ac6bc6 1 l .ll\f3 c5 12.0�cd4
1 9Rt!: 2 J ...:l)e7 '{/;'e7 22 ..!).f8 ·.9f8 23.'8f4± 1 3..1Lb2! .te7 14.tM4 .td7 15.'18'g4! J.f6
Kasparov 16llidl V!!Jc7 1 7.Aa3± lSokolov� San
9 . . . cd4 1 0. 0\d4 �.g4! [Dohojan-Gol '­ Bernardino 1988] IO.M JJ..b4 I l .JJ..d2 .td2
din, Sevastopol' 1 9X6; I 0. . . -:1)d4 l l .ed4 12.'tlVd2 0-0 13.0-0 !ic8 14.f!fel �7 15..i.d3
.:�.g4 I 2 . f3 !;;!; Go!' din. H:�sin] t l .i.e2 Ac6 16.h4! b6 [16. . .l2Jg6!? 17.g3 h6 18M
.Jle� 1 2. 'bde2 [ 1 2 ..1)ce2 t. '@a4, .!lei ] lbe7 I Sokolov; 19.d5t/± Analyse] 17.h5 h6
W'b6 J :' .�a4 ! .U fd8 1 4.Yfd 1 h 6 Veklen­ 1 8.-.wr4 .hB 1 9.llb3 '8c7 20.�e3 'it'h8 1So­
kcw-Mnkarcw. SSSR 1 987; 1 5.Ag3 ! 6. kolov-Miles, Amsterdam II 1988; 2l.d5! ed5
.Jlh4, lt)f4± Ruban 22b6± I.Sokolov
9 . . . c4 1 0. .te2 lL\h5 I I . A e 5 f6 b) 7 . . . Ae7 8.lbf3 0-0 9..1Lc4 tt:lc6
I 2 tlg3 .'t)g3 1 3 .hg3 .lle6 Salov-Kruppa, I 0.0-0 ..Wc7 1 1 .'4:!t'e2 b6 Polugajevskij-Pe-

1 rosjan, SSSR 1 970 ; 1 2.d5 ll)a5 1 3.de6 6 . . . JJ.e7
it.c6 14.�c6;!; Petrosjan 6 . . . .A.d6 7 .e3 0-0 8.$.d3i; 6 . . .h6
••5 (1.g5 ct. 7.Af4t; 6 . . .g6 7 .f3!?;!; Analyse
S . . . ti.e6 6.e3 cS 7 ..�b5 �c6 8 ..l:JJ6
gf6 a6 I O.i.c6 bc6 1 1 .0-0 Ilg8 6. . .t'Qa6 7.e3
1 2.�h 1 f5 1 3.dc5 Ac5 1 4.lDf4 Ad6 a) 7 . . .�c7 8.Ad3 i:J.e7 9.lDge2 �e6
1;t Furman-Spassky, SSSR (ch) I O.Ji.h4 g6 [ I O. . . �h5 l l .Ae7 wge7 1 2.0-
1 958 0-0;t;; Kouatly) l l . f3 0-0 1 2 .0-0 b6
.S . Ae7 6.e3 0-0 7.Ad3 c5 [7. . .lDbd7-
[ 1 2. . . c5'?! 1 3.dc5 Ac5 1 4.�d5 ! t'fd5
5 . . .c6] 8.dc5 wga5 lL!bd7 I 0.0-o ltlcS t 5.ilf6 Ae3 l 6.<�h l .i.h6 1 7.Ae4 wgcs
l l .b4! 't!Va3 1 2.lL!d5 tatS 1 3..ah7±�erba­ 1 8.GJc3 .Ad7 19.lL\d5 !± Kouatly} l 3.�h l
kov-AZajcev. SSSR 1 959
.tb7 1 4.11adl !lcR ( 1 4. . . c5'? 15 .dc!'i bcS
S . J.b4 6.e3 c5 7 ..itd3 ll)c6 8.lDge2
. .
1 6 tc4± Kouatly) I !'i."�c 1 ! llc7 1 6.c4

cd4 9.ed4 0-0 I 0.0-0 it.e6 1 t .a3;t Analyse

de4 1 7.fe4 !ld7 1 8.e5 liJd5 19.Ae7 �e7
S. . .tiJbd7 6 . e3 Ae7 7 . Ad3 0-0'ld5± Kouatly-Piket, France-Neder­
[7 . . . lDf8 8.�f3 !'? �e6 9.Ah4 g6 1 0.0-0
land 1 990
o� 1 l . b4 �g7 1 2.b5 M5 1 3.lDe5 Ad3
1 4.�d3;t Gligori�-Medina, Palma de b) 7 . . .lt:)b4 8.wgd l MS 9.!lc 1 �a5
Mallorca 1 967) 8.�ge2 _ [9 . . . a5 1 O.a3 lD a6 1 1 . wgb3± Short)
a) 8 . . . !le8 9.0-0 �f8 I O.b4 ! '? ll6 1 0.Af6
[ 1 0 . . . Ab4 1 t .Af6 gf6 1 ! wgd5
1 3.�a4 Ah3 14.�f4 �a5 15.wga5 AaS
1 6.�h3 tbe6 1 7.!lfdl;;t Kasparov] 1 l .a3 c6
12.'tWc2g6 1 3. f3 lDe6 14..ih4 � 15.Ae7
!le7'?! 1 6.wgd2 b6'? ! 17.Iiad1 Ab7 1 8.Abl
�hg7 19.e4 !lc8 20.Aa2 !ld7 2 I .�f4!±
Kasparov-Short, London (m/15) 1993
b) 8 . . . b6 9.�g3 �b7 l'lfS !le8
J l .t:i:Je7 W/e7 1 2.0-0 cS 1 3.Ab5 !ledR
I 4.wgn �r8 1 5 .Af6 wgr6 t6.trf6 8rfi
1 7.dc5 bcS 1 8.�fd I;!; Gulko-Mikhalev­
s ki, Beer Sheva 1 993
b l ) JO. . . Ci:Ja2 l l .�h4 iLb4 1 2.'Wid2
�c l 1 3.�cl 0-0 1 4.l;")f3 bS 15.Jl.c2-:.<i; ;t;; Analyse
b2) 10 . . .8{6 1 l .'lld2 l'ba2 1 2.�a l
�c3 1 3.!la5 t2Je4 Ehlvest-Short, Manila
(ol) 1 992; 1 4.�dl Ab4 J.5.c,tJe2 Aa5
1 6. n �d6 1 1.c.ttf2 o-o-o 1 8.Ad3 Jl.g6tx;,
S hort; 1 6. 1!V a4 ! '? 1t.b6 1 7.l!lf3 �d6
1 8.tbd2 !?;t;; 6. g3, Ag2, Itc I Analyse
7.e3 � Ud3

de El E�corial (m/1 1 ) 1 993; 22.llac3 Tim­
man; 22 . . . Q)e6 23.h3 h4 24.t;)e2 'ti'd6\g I ;t Anal)'.fe
c2) /2 . . . � 1 3.h3 0-0-0 1
t;)f6 1 5 . ..'t:lc5 t;)fd7 1 6.QJb3 �b8 1 7 .a3
llc8 1 8.llcl t;)c4 1 9.QJf4 QJd6 20.g4llc7
2 l .llhe I b6 22.f3 trf6 23.trh2lld8 24.e4
de4 25.fe4 .i.b3 26.e5 trg7 [26 . . .'ii'e7
27.QJg6+-] 27 .ed6 llb7 28.t:IJe2 �f8
29..Jlc6 llbd7 30.A.a6 t;)e6 3 1 Jlec I 'f'M8
32.t!rg2 I :0 Bareev-VIadimirov, Tilburg
8 . . . 0.0 1 993
R . . M lJ ..if4 a6 IO.l/)[:1 0:0 l l .g4±
. .
9.ti)ge2 lle8 10.0·0
U h l m n n - M u l ler. DDDR (ch) 1 974;
8 .. . '�)b6 9.Q'lge2 tDh5 I O..i.e7 'Wle7 1 1 .0- VIII- I ) 1 0 . . . t;)e4, VIII-2) I 0 . . . h6,
0-0;t -8 . . . li)h5 Vlll-3) 10 . . . t;)f8 and Ynl-4) 1 0 . . . g6
8 . . . tf:18 9 .lDge2 ltJe6 I O . .i.h4 g6 V III- I ) 1 0 . . . QJe4 1 1 . J. f4 fS?
l l .h3 t;)g7 1 2 .g4 0-0 1 3.0-0-0 b5 Beljav­ 12.QJdS± ENC
skij-Korzubov, Minsk 1 983; 1 4.f3 ! '? a5
1 5.e4;!;; Analyse Vlll-2) 10 . . . h6 ll .A.h4 t;)e4 12.J.e7
B . . t:ohS!? 9.1J..e7 'f!Je7 10.t;)ge2
�e7 13.llae1 QJdffi 14.13± Gurgenidze­
Ubilava, SSSR 1 97 5
VIII-3) 10 . . QJI'8 1 1.0 t:ohS

11 . . . bS 1 2.1J..h4 a6 1 3.1J..f2 .i.b7 Gel'­

fand-Beljavskij, Beograd 1 99 1 ; 1 4.e4 de4
1 5.t;)e4!;;!;; Gel ' fand
ll . . CD6d1 1 2 .1J..e 7 W/Je7 [ 1 2. . . lle7

J 3.'ii'd2 ] 1 3.e4 Ivancuk; ;;!;;/±

11 . . . ti)g6 1 2.lladl
a) 12 . . . h6 1 3.1J..h 6! gh6 14.1J..g6 fg6
1 5.'�g6 r;tlh8 16 .QJf4! .tf8 1 7.e4! V/Be7
1 8 . ! He l A. g 7 [ 1 8 . . . V/Bg7 1 9. e5+-]
a) I 0 . /�h6 1 1 .0-0-0 g6 I Vi!i'bl -
. 19.ed5 ! �e l ! 20.llel lle l 2 1 .'i!?f2
1 0 . . g6
. a 1 ) 21 . . . lle7? 22.d6 lid7 23.t;)e6
b) I O . . . .��f8 1 1 .0-0-0 �g4 1 2.Wb l t;)g8 24.t:IJe4 b6 25. �e8+-
"�.e-2 1 3 . �'.Yt"� .::jf6 I ·Hic l 0-0-0 1 5 .llc2 a2) 21 . . . lie/ 22.t;)ce2±
\-{,'h� 1 6:\bl l ��e(l 1 7 .!lb I �'d6 1 8.g3 a3) 21 . . 'E.h1 22.d6 1J..d7 23.'@n lld8

.L.he8 19 .'lli' f l ± Antosin-Cistjakov. SSSR 24.h4±

1 960 a4) 21 . . . llal 22.d6 1J..d7 23.1/Wf7 llg8
c) I O g6 I I .O-O-O lt:)b6 12.'itt b l
. . . [23 . . . lld8 24.h4 !'? b5 25.g4 b4 26 ..:t'le4!
d ) /2 . . . �:·,g7 l .l.:t'lg3 ..td7 l t;)e4 27.fe4 1J..d4 28.'�g2+-] 24. QJce2 !::,
0-0-0 l 5 /l,a4 4.:\a4 1 6. '5'a4 \�Jb8 1 7 .I!c3 �g6-e5± INF
htl J 8.Ua3 .ile8 1 9.'�c2 �c8 20.Yc I Ad7 b) 1 2. . . QJh5 1 3.A.e7 'ii'e7 14.e4 de4
2 1 . �d2 h � Ti mman-Short, San Lorenzo 1 5. fe4 Ae6'?! [ 1 5 . . . .i.g4 !? Ju.Markov;

1 6.e5t 1\ nalyse] 1 6.e5 !± Ju.Markov­ 1 4 . . Ag4?! 1 5 .e5! llad8 1 6.lbe4 lt:lg6

P.Horvath, Harkany 1 99 1 1 7.llad l ! nrs 1 8.h3 Ae2 1 9.�.e2 lt:lhf4

I I . i.e6 1 2.I!ae I J.lcK Lutz-Jusu­
. . 20.Ac4± Ivancuk-Jusupov, B rux.elles
pov, Tilb urg 1 99 3 ; 1 3 .� d2 ! ? C.16 d7 (m/3) 1991
14.Ae7 �e7 1 5.e41 Analyse 1 3.'t!Ud2! t;�e6 14.!iadl g 6 lS.'it'hl
12 .i.e7 lle7!?
• f1d7 16.f4! ti)eg7
1 2 . . . '(.!Ue7 I J.e4 de4 1 4.fe4 1 6. . . f5 1 l l::. lt.'lf3-e5 Timman
14 . . . �)/6 1 5.e5 liJdS 1 6.Qld5i Bareev 1 7.f5 � gS 18.e4 �d2 19.lld2 de4
/ 4 . . iJ.. e 6 1 5 . la f2 ! li) f6 [ 1 5 . . . c5
. 20 �.e4 "i''e8! 21.g4 �hf'6 22.Af3 gfS

1 6.t;;)d5 .,ads 1 7 .ed5 cd4 1 8.l0d4co Bare­ 23.g5! tj)g4

ev; cott. Analise] l 6.h3 I{ad8 [ 16 . . .c5? Timman-Short.. Amslcrdam 1 992
1 7 . e5 l.'�d5 1 8 .tt:\d5 .O.d5 1 9 .tiJc3 +-] 24Ji\f4! I!e7 25.ti)g2!± Timman
1 7 .lla fl t'Dg6 ! 1 8 .a3 llf8 1 9.b4 a6?
VIII-4) 1 0. . . g6 l l. f3 14Jh5 12..0.c7
[1 9 . . . a5= B areev; 20.�b l 1 Analyse]
'fte7 13.e4 �b6
20.ll)a4t B areev-Ahlander, Naestved
Timman-Short, San Lorenzo de El
1 98 8
Eskorial (m/1 3) 1 993
14.11� Timman


Grunfeld Indian Deje11se

11utnb to Grand Master Gari Kaspa·

rov ami his extremely auccessful employ­
lllt'lll of (iruc·nfuld Indian Defense in the
matt·h with Anatolij Karpov this opening
i.� quite common spread in modern tour­
�rament pral'lice. A.ffectlonaJe and remar­
ko/Jiy pronrinent.followers ofthis lines are
J�rwmt'uk, 1'imman, Kamsky t•tc.
White mnnot find unblemi.fhed and
harmless wa�·s to achieve the advantage.
However, recently many of the famous
7 . . toc6?! 8 . dS a6 [8 . . . WaS 9.a4!

gra11d masters, namely Bttreev, Kramnik

(9.Wa4 f!Vc3 IO.�e2 .i.d7 l l .dc6 bc6
unci Kortdmoi were extremely prospe­
1 2.Ac6 l:r.d8 13.W� tval 14 . .lb2 •bl
rou.r after: l.d4 {l:/6 2.c4 g6 3.(i)c3 d5 WhJ 1 e6 17 ..i.d7 l:r.d7
4.cd5 :al5 5.e4 {fjcJ 6.bc3 Ag 7 with a 1 8.Wb8 l:r.d8 t 9.WbS �e7 20.tvb7 �6
peculiar nro\'e 7.fJ.h5. This nowadays ex­ 2 1 .Wn �g5 22.(fjf3 1 :0 Jusupov-Mo­
tremely foshionable sy.rtenr is recommen­ renz, G raz 1 9 8 1 ) a6 1 0 . .i.e2 li.Jd4
dc•dfor yo11r repertoire. ( l O . . . li.JeS l l . .i.d 2 ) l l . Ad2 li.Je2
D85- l.d4 -�f6 2.c4 g6 3 .'�c3 d5 4.cdS

1± I.Sokolov] 9 ..le2 li.JaS I O..i.e3
e6 l l .li.Jf3 edS 1 2.edS b6 [ 1 2 . . . .tg7?
.L\d5 5.e4 .':')d
1 3..i.cS .i.c3 14.�fl � 1ta4-e4] 1 3.0-0
� . . }i)I:'IO 6.h.� �g7 7 !)13 0-0 8.Ae2
J.g7 .i.d7 1S .•e4 'f!Je7 16.1te7
:;,cb [lL ._\lr6 9.0-0 .ac4 I O. ..lc4 -�c4 �e7 17.l:r.ab t ;t I.Soko1ov-H.01afsson,
l l .�h·2 .:;"\hh I ::!.!IJ I !L\8d7 1 3.Ag5 c6 Novi Sad (ol) 1 990.
1 - t.a-1 !± Plllugar\'skij-Dorfman, SSSR
7. . . �')d7 .lg7 9.0-0 0-0 1 0.a4
("'h) 1 978 1 9._.,:; _c3 f5 [9 . !tln5 1 0.0-0
. .

a 6 [/0 . . b6 1 I .eS cd4 l2.cd4 .tb7


,::)ac4 1 1 . �.1'4 ! ·7\b2 1 2.ftl/h3 c5 1 3.dcS


I J.t;)gS ! ..0.d5 14.�g4 �b8 1S.Wh4 h6

·-:t.cl1 1 4. t'Yb2 C,)a4 I S.Gt\:t4 S/.h2 l 6.l;')b2
16.l;Je4 Cf:lc6? ( 1 6 . . . �h7 1 7.Aa3± Petur­
�_,a5 1 7 . .(,_e3± Gefenas-Grodt.enskij,
sson) 1 7 0.h6! ! .i.h6 1 8 . Wh6 J.e4

cor,-. 1 983] 1 n.ef5 :�_f5 1 1 . tfb3 'it>hR

1 9.Ila3 Ag2 Thorsteins-Arnason, Island
1 2.!15 t;_)c5 1 1.(• \c5 .er.cs 1 4.ldd l ;t Chri ­
(ch) 1 98 1 ; 20..�.c4! e6 2 1 .�g2 � l:r.h3+­
sti:mscn-Caslru, Torrcmolinos 1 977.
Petursson; /O . . cd4 l l .cd4 �f6 Petur­

(,.bcJ . ag7
sson; 1 2.l:r.e I Jl.g4 1 3.Ab2 1tb6 1;t
6 . . . c5 7 . .fth!' Analyse] I I �c4 'IJ!Jc1 1 2.We2 b6 1 3.eS

c6 1 4.4lg5 J:i.b7 1 5.f4;!; Stejn-Karpov, Ac6 1 9 . iJ.. e 3 ± ; I 4 . . . b6 1 5 . !l fc I e 6
SSSR 1 972 1 6. Jlf4 ! QJd7 1 7.!lc4 b 5 1 8.llc7 l2\f6
7. . . �d7 x . .Q.c2 .O..g7 'J.ct\f3- 6 . . . .1.J�g7 1 9.�d3 kifc8 20.bbC I !lc7 2 1 .Ec7±
7 .. �b5 .�.d7 H ..1Le2 c5 I) Kramnik] 1 5 . fl.b7 Ac6 1 6. l;lc7 Ae4
7.Ab5!? 1 7.ltJg5 ..Q.d5 1 8.Ab4 !idS 1 9. Ab5 !+­
Kram n i k-Lputjan, Dortmund (open)
1 992.
1 1.1!4;Vd3 fS!?
ll . . . Ci\d7 1 2.i1b l f5 [ 1 2 . . . a6 L l0-0
0-0 1 4.d5 il.b5 1 5.�e3 ..O..e2 ( J � . . .' �as
1 6 . .ad2 �a2 17 . .ltb5 ab5 I x . U h 5.1:)
1 6.�e2 b5 1 7.a4! ba4 1 8. �a3 lle!S Plllul­
jahov-Neverov, Katowice 1 992; 1 9.Dfc I !
l'be5 ( I 9 . . . e6 20.d6±) 20.QJd4± Polulja­
hov] l 3.�b3 [ 1 3.ef5 ! ? 'fUa5 1 4.iJ.. d2 �f5
I ) 7 . . . iJ..d7, IT) 7 . . . l'bc6 andll) 7 . . . c6 1 5.�f5 gf5 I 6.Ac4] 'tJb6! 1 4.ef5 �b3
1 5.!lb3 gf5 1 6.Q)g5 !
I) 7 . . . .td7 8.Ae2 cS 9.l'bf3 cd4
9 . . . tbc6 I O.h3 ! 0-0 I 1.0-0 cd4 1 2.cd4 a) 1 6 . . . tbf6 1 7 .iJ..b5 l'bd5 l 8.�.c6 bc6
b 5 ? ! [ 1 2 . . . e5 1 3 .d5 l'be7 1 4. -'t.b2;!;] 1 9 . !l f3 iJ.. d 4 [ 1 9 . . . 0-0 2 0.l'be6 l'!f6
I 3.Jie3 �a5 I 4.!lcl 'Llc4 1 5 .iJ..c4 bc4 2 t . l'bg7 �g7 22 . ..Q. a3 labS 2 3 . �ti'd2]
1 6.d5± Gavrilov-Henkin, SSSR I 987. 20.!lf5 Ac3 Levin-Ernst, Groningen
9 . . .0·0 I 0 . 0 - 0 'Llc6 [IO . . . �a5 (open) 1 99 1 ; 2 I .'i!?d l;;!; Levin
Neb . R istic-Pejcic, Jugoslavij a I 99 3 ; b) I6 . . . Ads 1 7.Ah5 'i!?d8 1 8.llb5
l l. .�d2;!; Analyse] l l .h3 �c7 I 2.Ag5
..Q.a2 I 9 .Af7 .1t.fl 20.t;)f7 'i!?c7 2 )h8
.\:lfd8 1 3 .!lc l Ae8 1 4.�d2 CL!a5 I H�Ye3
..Q.h8 22.Af4 'i!?c6 23.!lf5 ..Q.d4� Ble�s­
b5 1 6..lifdl cd4 1 7.cd4 ·::Llc4 1 8.iJ..c4 bc4
van Mil, Wijk a an Zee I 992; 2 1 .d5 ! '! .ldfK
1 9.�a3 �d7 20.d5 lacS 2 I .Ae7 c3 22.d6±
22.l'bg5 !CXS/;;!; Analyse
Henkin-Neverov, Voskresensk 1 990
9 . . . l.g4 I O . .li b I cd4 l l .cd4 A f3 J J . . . (�Ja6 1 2 . !lb i f5 1 3 .ef5 'f#a5
1 2 ..tf3 �d4 [ 1 2 . . . �d4 1 3 .�b7t INF] 1 4.Ad2 �f5 1 5.'-/JVfS gf5 Dohojan-A .Mi­
Knjdanov-Kudtin, Reno 1 993; 1 3 . .l;b7 ! ? hal 'ciiin, Klajpeda 1 988; I 6 . .af4;!; A na­
� d l 1 4.�dl .:t:ld7 I 5 .Aa3;!; Analyse lyse
10.cd4 Ac6 1 1 . . .0-0 1 2.0-0 e6 [ I 2. . .<t:ld7 1 3.lib l
Jo . . . o-o J J .o.o Ag4 1 2 .!ib i .an e6 1 4. .1La3 lleR J 5.d5 1 ed5 1 6.ed5 �.d5
I 3. �f3 j,d4 I4.lab7 £c6 1 5.�a4 �d6
1 7.�d5 �e2 I S.�fd l +- A.Mih11l'ci�inJ
I 6.�b5 ! Ae5 1 7.!ld5 �f6 1 8.-'.e3 .Sfc8
1 3.j,g5 'f!/aS 1 4.�eJ tt:ld7 1 5 .h4 Hft�X
1 9 . .ae2 !:::!: Halifman-Vahidov. Ta�kenl
1 6.h5 f6 1 7.jj_f4 gh5 1 8 .e5 .tt.n 1 12: 1 12
I 987.
10. . . VJ/iaS I l ...Q.d2 �a4 I 2.0-0 0-0 Zs u . Polgar· Kortchno i , Royau I 1J H H ;
[ 12 . . . �d I !? 1 3.l:iJd I e6;;!;] I 3. '/&a4 Jt.a4 1 9 .."-. f3 fc� 20.de5 l/)e5 2 I . i.b7 rtadR
I 4.&.ab i ! e6? [ 1 4 . . . -'i:.c2 1 5. �b7 -'t,e4 22. '�g3�/! A naly.l'e
1 6 . � e 7 A d S 1 7 . l'be5 tfjc6 1 8 .l'bc 6 12.ef5 'i§aS 13.�d2 �f5

Ill- I )S . . . 0-0. In-2) 8 . . . b� and TD-3)
!L . a!i

In-1 ' R . . . 0-0 9.�:,,.1

14.'f�e:\! li.dS
1 4 . . . :i \d1 U arcc v ; 1 5 . J.c4 l/.�b6

l 6. ).c6 !'!e4 1 7.0-0;t AntllyJr


1 5.0.0 � l6.t{abl ! 0.0?!

16. . .b6t! 1 7 .a4;!;: 16 •d7 Bareev;
. . . .
9 . . b6 .

1 7 . a4 0-0 1 8 .aS ! ? ..\ll'3 1 9.Af3 /tJd4 9 . .c5 10.0-0


20.. 1lb7� Analyse a} 1 0 . . .cd4 l l .cd4

1 7.llb7 lhbl a l ) l l. . .b6 1 2.Aa3 .A.b7 1 3.0 lt)c6
1 7 �d4 1 8.ltld4 �4 19.Wd4 .tl.b7
. . .
1 4.dS lUaS l .A.a6 1 6..i.b4 llc8
20.i.c4 :n 2 1 .1Ie l ± Bareev 1 7.llc8 'frc8 1 8.Ae7 •c4 1 9.lle l llc8
ll.llbl! Yb8 20.d6 Af8 2 1 .Af8 nrs 22.Ab3±1+­
Aieks.androv-Swoi,C::estohova (open)
Bareev-I.Gurevic, Hastings 1992/93
1 9.Tc I lit� I ! Bareev; = Analy.r�
al) IJ . . . !ilc6 12 ..A.e3 e6 1 3.Ilbl /DaS
19 .icJ;!; A nalyse

14 ..A.d2 �6 l5.Ac3 'irh4 16.'trc2 lild8

II) 7 . . :�c6?! 8.00 0.0 9.0-0 ltla5
. 17 .llfd 1 Ad7 l 8 .g3 'ire7 1 9.dS edS
1 O .i.eJ b6 l l.�cl .A.b7 ll .tdJ •d7
. • 20.1lb7± Xu, J Dvojris Biel (izt) 1993
- ,

lJ.�eZ �fd8 J4.!lrdl !lacS 15.c4 c5 b) J O . li)c6 l i ..A.e3

. .

1 6.d5 �6 17 . J.dl edS?! 18.cd5 c4 b l } J l . . li)aS 1 2.llbl !


19.Abl c3 20 .te3± Beljavskij-Filipo­

• bt l ) /2 . . . d JJ.deS±: b12) l2 . . . cd4
,.il;. JugO!II.a\lija 1 993 H.cd4 b6 14.d5 t6 JS.JJ..d2! J..a6 16. Ab4
t!dS 1 7.ed5 Ji.c4 1 B.JJ../8 J.f8 /9 1lb2 'fldS .

I l l ) 7 . .� M..ia4

20. '8d5 .idS 2/.Ildl .A.c4 22.ltJcl!±

Duulm·-Labundij, SSSR /989,· b 1 3 )
1 2 . . . {;"\c4 /3 . tg5 a6 14. .A.b�: b l 4)

1 2 . .A.d7 IJ. Jt.d7 'f!ld7 I 4.deS± Dautov

. .

b2) JJ . . . V!!Jc7 1 2 lilc l e6 1 3 . .A.f4 !


•e7 1 4.'8d2 Ad7 1 5.dc5 eS 1 6..A.gS f6

1 7.�c3 .!le6 1 8.Ab3 litad8 1 9 ..A.d5±
Kr.amnik-Moutousis, Oakham 1992
9 . . .d 10.0-0
a) 10 . . . 1th4?! l l .f3 ! Ild8 1 2..A.e3
h6?! 1 3...c l 'it'h7 14. .A.b3 ed4 1S.cd4

�c7 1 6JJ.b l ! b6 1 7.lld l .�.b7 1 8.eS± 1 7 . . . li:lc7? 1 8.'&igS h6 l 9.l2:lh5 <tJh7
Rajskij-Odccv, R omani ja 1 99 1 20. '&ff6 ! ghS 2 1 .eS+- Bareev-I.Sokolov,
b) I 0 . . . �d7 1 1 ..1i.b3 ! ? �c7 1 2.'&ic2 Debrecen 1 992; 1 7 . . . edS 1 8.edS l2:lc5
1de8 1 3 . f3 tt:lb6 1 4.a4 jLeli I S .aS .�b3 1 9..1i.bS±
[ 1 5 . . . �c4 1 6 . '&i a2 tt:\d6 1 7 . .1i, a 3 ;±;] 18 ..A.b5 llac8 19.'#Wg5 <it'h8 20 .i.a6;;t;

1 6.'&ib3 �c8 1 7 . .te3 'J/Bc7 1\g3 ftd8 Bareev

1 9.deS i..eS 20.f4 fJ.g7 2 1 .eS .§.b8\e4
b6 23.ab6 ab6 24.c4± Kiselev-Rogozen­ III-2) 8 . . . b5 9.Ab3 b4
ko, Bucuresti 1 993 9 . . . 0-0 1 0 .lDe2 aS 1 1 . 0 - 0 lDd7
c) 1 0 . . .'8e7 1 l .Ac2 .lld8 1 2.a4 il.e6 1 2 . .1i.gS li:lb6 1 3 . a3 '8c7 14.'tbd2 c5
1 3. �n3 �e8! [Kramnik-Stohl, Chalkidi­ 1S ..th6;t Kramnik-Kasparov, Paris 1 992
ki 1 992; 1 3 . . . '&fc7 14.f4 ! ? ed4 1 S.cd4
..llg 4 1 6.eS oo/±] 1 4 . ft b 1 b6 1 S . ..Il d 3
[ 1 S .h3 tt:\d7 1 6 . ..1ld3;t Kramnik] tt:\d7
[ 1 S . . . fS K i � n e v ; 1 6 . � c 2;!;; Analyse]
1 6 .' � c 2 ! '<t h 8 [ 1 6 . . . ed4 1 7 .cd4 fS?
1\f4 fe4 1\e6 ed3 20.'J/Bb3+- Ki­
!nev] 17.f4 f6 18 .l:lf2! ef4 ? ! 1\f4 cS
20 ..1i.bS '&ie7 2 I ...Ilc6 .§.ac8 Ki�nev-Smej- _

kat; 't?e6 24...1ldS± Ki!nev

9 . . b5 1 0..1i.b3 ..llb7 l l .O-O [ I I te3 ! ?
. .•

c S 1 2.f3;t) c S I 2.dS lt)d7 13 .�_gS h6

1 4.Ae3 VJ!/c7 1 S.'f!Vd2 '<th7 1 6.!:i.acl lt)f6
1 7.f3 llid8 1 8.c4 e6 1 9..§.fd1 edS 20.cdS IO.Ab2
c4 2 1 . ..1lc2 lDdS?! 22.edS lldS J.Hjartar­ JO. Ae3!? bc3 1 1 .llc 1 li:ld7 1
son P.Popovic, Manila (izt); 23.lDd4+­
Aa6 1 3.eS ! ? e6 1 cS 1 S.f4 0-0
Hjartarson 1 6.h4 �as 1 7 .'it'f2 ftad8 1 cd4
9 . . . ii.e6 1 O.h4 ..ll c 4 I I . A b3 ..ll b 3 1 9 . .1i.d2 �b6 20.hS .i.b7 2 1 .tt:lgS h6
1 2.�b3 '&fb6 1 3.hS eS 1 4.hg6 112: 112 22.hg6 hgS 23 . .§.h8 .1i.h8 24.WihS-:�;;/;t
Kramni k - Kamsky, Dortm u n d 1 99 3 ; Vyzmanavin-Vahidov, Luzem 1 993
l l . h 5 ! ? ..lil.. e2 [ l l . . . c S 1 2 . h g 6 h g 6 JO.cb4 'lid4 1 1 . 'lid4 it.d4 1 2.Ii.b I
1 3 . �h6uc/;t] 1 2. �e2 !?! Analyse Aa6 1 3. ..1lb2 .1i.b2 1 4.l1b2 lt)d7 1 S. f4 0-0
1 0.0-0 .ib7 l l.l,g5 cS 12.d5 �d6 1 6.eS e6 1 cS 1 8 ..§.d2 c4 J Y . .I;.d7
13.'&'d2 e6 cb3 20.ab3 l:i.fd8 2 1 .Il.c7 fr.ac8 22.ilcH
13 . .e5 1 4 . c 4;t; 13 . '4_)d7 1 4.l'rad l
. . .
Ac8 23.'i;e2 <$.a6 24.1;l2i Atalik-Tuk­
- �;eS I S.f4 ..'2\c4 1 6.�c l ± makov, Ti lburg 1 993
14.!'radl c4 10 . . . bc3 l l.�c:3 lhd7
1 4 . . . edS I S . .itf4 !± I I . C,.�afl J 2.'�d2 0-0 1 �'c7
. .

1 S ..Ith6 ;;2Ja6
• 1 4 . 0 - 0 tl 1 b S I S . JLaS 'W/d7 1 6 . c 5 e fJ
JS . . !:Dd7 1 6. �g7 't;g7 l 7.'1/Jfd4 c5 J 7.ilac I 1..h7 1 8.l1fd I '1Jc7 1 9. �e2 j, _:tr,

1 8 . '&i c 4 8 1 9 . '&f b4 ;t ; 15 . . .W.6 20.�c2 thdS 2 l .tt'lgS tnr4 22.lld2±1i


1 6. �h6 1 6.'@' h6 eS;t l.SIJkolov-Alterman, Groningen 1 993

16.i_g7 i}g7 17.!l'!g3 eS 1 2.. elf3 CiJcS 1 3 ..tc2 .ia6 •

1 8 . . .'l'!fc4 1 9...'i)e4
19.'&e6! �c4 20.�d5 �dS 21.dc5
nc:s 22..id4 o-o 2J.�e2 h6 24.-l:)h3 nrs
25.'t!.'e3 gS
25 . . . .ae5? 26.A.e5 .§.e5 27.Wd4 6 g4-+-
26..§.acl .§.c:6 27..§.c:3;;!;;/± Kortchnoi­
Tseitlin, Beer Sheva 1 993
III-3) 8 . . . aS 9.Q\e2 bS 10.J.b3 a4
1 1.J.c:2 0-0 12.1i.a3 l'Lia6 13.0-0
1 3 ..§.b 1 !? :Sb8 1 4. li,d3;;!;; Analyse
1 4.h4! ? 13 . . . c:S 14 . .§.b1 Ilb8 1S.dc:S �c:7
1 4 .�d2 0-0 I �. h4 h5 1 6.(•\g5 't'.lid7 16.�d3 lid8
1 7.0-0-0 t;)e6 I !< ..0 h:1 tbg5 1 9.hg5 l1abM

1 6 . . . lbc5 1 7.1J..c5 '@c5 1 8 . .i.a4±
20.Hh3 '@'b7 2 1 . '@e3 �b5 22.f4 e6 17.'�e3 1i.e6 18.1i.d3 �d7 19.l'Lic:l �c:6
2 3 .t'if2 fifeS 24.!id2 ..tf8 25.g4 hg4 19 . . . J.. a2 ? 2 0 . c 6 +- ; 19 . . . J..c3?!
2 6 . 11h I .O.. g 7 2 7 . '@ h4 c5 2 8 . f5 ef5 20.Ab5 .§.bs 2 I ..§.b5±
29. �h7 'it>ffi 30.1/!!i g? I :0 Kortchnoi-Huz­ 20.�e2 .§.deS 21..§.d1 J..f8
man, Beer Sheva I 993 21 . . . lbc5? 22 . .i.c5 'tWc5 23 ..§.d8+-
14 . . . rs 15.eS tbe4 22 ..§.d4 lbc:S
1 5 . . . tt:le6 1 6.l'Lig5±1±Analyse Kortchnoi-Gulko, Beer Sheva 1 993
16.1i.e4 fe4 17.iiJgS �dS 18.�g4 c:S 23.1i.f3± A nalyse

Nimzo Indian Defence

Nim;:,o Indian Defence is considered to played by Karpov, Gurevich, Bareev,

he the opening based on the most objecti­ Timman etc.
\'t' chess principles tmd it can be found on
E321391.d4 t;::)f6 2.c:4 e6 3.ll)c:3 J.b4
thl' repertoire of the top world's grand
masters, ptlrtic:ularly Anatolij Karpov.
lltmever , this could be the rct1son that it
i.1· 1101 l'l'l)' ojfm met in modern tourna­
mem practice tmd majont)• of the players
11void thi.1· l· r.�rmz l l ' ith the continuation
Rm when thi.� systt'/11 is adopted white
111c>st!'OmmoiU.\' employed the continua­
tion 4. \'}�c2. am/ opposes the idea ofNim­
COI'ic to lwve the n·hites pawn structure
The best known.follower of this system
is Gary KasparO\!, and very often was

l l .J . d( • . I l l · l . . . h(,, l l l l -1 . . . 115 . I V ) U.a4! a5 1 4.c5! hcS 1 5.Eah l -�i"\b6
� . . o o. Vl · I . . ··id•. V I ) ·L . d 'i and V I I ) 1 6. d5! c4 17. .0.l'2 �c5 18.0'Jh l ± Koually
4 . l' 'i

I II) E32-4 . . b5 5.cb5 a6 6.e3!? ab5


IJ E:\2-4 . . .d 6 S.�gS l.i�bd7 7.�h5 i..b7 8.�f3;!;; Matsukevich

5 . . . h6 6.�.h4 c5 7 .dc5 dc5 8.e3 lt:lbd7 IV) E32-4 . . . 0-0 5.a3 �c3 6.'1SVc3
9 .a3 .�.c3 1 0.�c3 0-0 [ 1 0 . . . �e7 1 1 .1i.d3
bri 1 .i.b7 1 3 .f3 0-0-0 1 4.0-0-0;;!;
Barecv] l l . f3 fie8 1 2.0-0-0 e5 1 3 .lt:lh3
a"i'' 1 1 3 . . .'t�e7 1 4.�f2 a6 6 ilb8. b5 -b4oo
Barccv; 1 5 .'�� c 2 llb8 1 6.<1)e4;;!; Analy.l"ej
1 4 . .(•.c'2 liu6 1 5 .Wc2 ! ? �c7 I 6 .li)f2 ld8
B a n.:cv-Gco.Tirnosenko, Moskva 1 9!:19;
1 7 .g4 ! t;)g6 1 8. J�.g3 (6h4, g5±) c!Df4
1 9.�J l ! Bareev
S . . . cS 6.e3 h6 7 . 1i.h4 lt:lc6 8.dc5 dc5
9 . u 3 .0.. c 3 I O .'�Y c 3 e5 1 I . .i. d 3 � a 5
1 2.i.L\c2 J..e6 1 3 . ..tf6 1 /2: 1 /2 Grunfe1d­
Srnyslov, B eer Sheva 1 990; 1 3 . . . gf6 6 . . . b6
1 4.fic I !? 0-0-0 1 5.1i.e4;;!; A nalyse 6 . . . b5 7 .cb5 c6 [7 . . . tt.Jd5? ! 8.�c2 f5
6.e3 c5 c6 (9 . . . a6 J O.ba6 �6 l l .g3 ±)
6 . . . b6 7 ad3 .tb7 8 . f3 A1ehin-Nirn­ I O.a4 J.b7 1 1 .e 3 cb5 1 2. �.b5 �f6 1 3.0-0

zowitsch, New York 1 927; 8 . . . c5 9.CL\e2;;!; fig6 1 4. Ae2± Gel ' fand-Adarns, Palma
ENC de Majorka (open) 1 989] 8. Ag5 cb5 9.e3
7.dc5 tt:lc5 i.b7 I O . c!D f1 h fi I l . .i. f6 [ l l . i.. h 4 a6
7 . . . dc5 8 .0-0-0 .i.c3 9 . \Y11 c 3 W!Je7 1 2. Ad3 lL\c6 1 3 . 0-0 4la5 1 4.j)_f6 gf6
1 5 .e4;;!; Thorste i n s- Admjan, Akureyeri
I O.�_d3 b6 l l . f3 .ah7 1 ENC
1 988] � f6 1 2 . ..Q. e 2 .ll c R [ 1 2 . . . �g6?!
8.�ge2 $l.d7 9.0-0-0 0-0 I O.r.t>bl
1 3. �c7! .ili.. d5 1 4 . 0-0 ti_k6 1 5 .ITac l HacK
i.c6 1 1.13 aS 12.e4 lL\cd7 1 3.a3 �b6
I ri. W/d6 !± Hju11arson-Amuson, Reykja­
14. :· ,a4 ''R}a7 1 5.-:t:l d4 !ifc8 1 Ci)J.'6
vik 1 984] J:ql§d3 al1 1 -1 .0-0 .�U I � . ..0J3
1 7. a h4 a b4 18 .�c6 TI.c6 1 9.e5 tL\dS
L<J7 I 6.a4! ba4 1 7.11:14 iJ.. a c7 I H J! b4 d5
20.'l'b3± A l te r rnan - C . H an se n Gronin­ ,

I 9. . 0.e2 �dH 20.VIja:l 11c.:l 2 1 . g :l 't!ldr,

gen 1 993
22:t,g2 8 I c2 ?! 2 3 . .iJ.. d 1 ild2 24.ilc4 !::.!:
Il l E32-4 . . . b6 5.e4 �c3 Salov-Rivas. Madri d 1 993
5 . �b7 6 . .2.d3 lL\c6 e5 8.d5 6 . . . CiJe4 7. 'f}c2 f5 8 .g3 bfi9 . \'J.g2 il.b7 .

.:�e7 IJ.a3 .'�.c3 10.�1c3 �g6 1 1 .0-0± Fa­ I O.�f3 'IJ/Je7 I 1 . 0-0 c5 1 2 .dc5 bc5 1 3.b4
ra�,,-Kurlsson . Esbjerg 1 9 8 1 d6 1 4.lUg5 cb4 I 5 . ab4 d5 1 6.t2)eA dd
ft.bc� J,b7 7.�d3 d6 8.f4 e 5 9.�f3 1 7.�a3 :Sc8 1 8. b5 ± Bareev-Rornani§in,
.'�bd7 1 0.0-0 YJ!ie7 l l.fe5 deS 1 2.�g5 Beograd "ln vestbank a " 1 993
0-0-0 6 . . .' �e8 7 . CL.Jf3 d 6 8.g3 u5 [ 8 . . . bri
I-.: L1 u a t l � - H u l a k , Dubai ( o l ) 1 98 6 ; 9. ..tg2 �.b7 1 0.0-0 lt:lbd7 l l .b4 lt'Je4
12 . . . h6 1 3.�f6 gf6 1 4.�h4 0-0-0 1 5.a4± 1 2.'tl' c 2 f5 1 3.lL\g5 "t!i'g6 1 4.41h 3 c5 1 5 .f3
I\'F ct:jef6 1 6.ttlg5 �ae8 I 7.d5 co 1 f!..uh3±

Kortchnoi-Lerner. J .ugano 1 989} 9.b3 a4
1 2..C g:' .i�d5 1 3.0-0
I O . b4 b5 l l . c5 . .:.h7
:��cC' I ·L�.b2 �'0,e7 M.Gurevich-Adams.
P ;�hna de Majorka ( Opt"n) I QR9: 1 5.-?id2;i.
fi . . .d6 7.g3

12 . . . liJ4f6 1 3.d5 ! ? e5 1 4.ll:le1 a5 1 5 .f3

ll!g5 1 6.llb 1 ab4 1 7 .ab4 Ac8 1 8.Ab2
@e8 1 9.�h 1 1 I.Sokolov-Halifman, Ma­
nila (ol) 1 992
12 . . .@e8 1 l '#Wg6 1 4 . f3 (i:}g5
1 5 . .i.b2 W6 1 6.ll:ld3 f4 ! 1 7.l0e 1 ! tfc2
1 8.l0c2 fe3 1 9.h4 ! ll:lf7 20.g4 ! e5 2 l .d5
ll!h8 !�e3 l0g6 23.l0g2 b5 24.h5 lilf4
a) 7 . . . as 8 . h 3 Ad7 9 . .i.g2 Ac6
25.l0f4 ef4 26. .i.f6 llf6 27.cb5± I.Soko­
1 o.,;;:)f3 Ae4 I 1 . 0- 0 Q)bd7 12 ..i.h3 b6
lov-Hellsten, Limhamn 1 993
1 3.Gd2 .tb7 14. �c2� Beljavskij-Quin­
12 . . . a5 1 3 . .i. b 2 lOgS 1 4 . l0 e l
teros, Mos kva (izt) 1 982
[1 4.l0d2i) ab4 1 5 .ab4 llal 1 6.Aa1 e5
b) 7 . . . .:'tJbd7 8.Ag2 lle8 9.l0f3 a5 [ 1 6 . . . li)h3? 1 7 .'it?h 1 ± I.Sokolov) 1 7.de5
1 O.b3 e5 ! ! .deS de5 1 2.0-0 t;'e7 13 . .tb2 de5 1 8.f3 t;'e7 1 9 .t;'c3 l0e6 [ 1 9 . . . c5
tLle4 1 4 .'�� e 3� C ifuentes-Panno, Santiago 20.l0c2:tl 20.l0c2 f4 [20 . . . c5 2 I .lld1
1 989 f4? ! 22.t;'d2 lld8 23.'8'd6oo/± I.Sokolov]
�) 7 . . . 'f:ie7 8.!2111 fie8 9 . ..1t'.g2 e5 1 0.0- 2 l .c5 ! bc5 22.Ac4 Wh8 23 . .i.e6 Wt'e6
24.bc5 t;'c6 25.e4!± I.Sokolov-Xu Jun,
0 L:5 I l .de5 dc5 1 2.:�g5 ..'2)c6 1 3 .Lt:\d2
Biel (izt) 1993
-�)d4 1 4 . tlae I± Huzm11n-Rala�ov, Mo­
skva I IJIN 12 . . . '@jrJ I .Sokolov-van der Wiel,
Wijk aan Zee (open) 1 993; 1 ! 6
d) 7 . . . lle8 � ..>lg2 c5 9 . de5 de5 I O.b4
tJ;t; van der Wiel
..'.i'\c6 I I . ..ii h 2 a5 1 2 . :'�f3 ab4 1 3 .ab4 lla l
12 . . . llflS Rubineti-Smislov, Luzern
1 4 ..olil l t M11ri n-Ejngom. Talin 1 989
1 985; 1 llg6 1 4 .f3 ± Analyse
e) 7 . . . e5 8 . d c5 de5 9 . -".. g 2 lle8
7 . . . �.b7
I O . ..Od a'i J J.(o�f3 t!/ e 7 Sei mwan-Hen­
7 . . . h6 8 . ..Q. h 4 c 5 [8 . . . .i.b7 9.f3-
lcy, New York 1 990; 1 2 . b3 .:'Dg4 1 3 . ..0.c l
7 . . . .i.b7] 9.e3 d6 ! ? [Bareev-Polugaev­
.:1'c6 I 4. h3 l/.) f(, I 'i . ll .e3;t Dlugy
skij, Hastings 1 992193; 9 . . . ..Q.b7 10.f3]
7. 1i,g5 J O.dc5 bc5 1 l .l0f3 ! ? a5 1 2.lod2 .i.b7
7 . .'t:\ f3 .ilh7 8 c 3 d 6 9 ..Q.e2 Lt:\bd7 1 0.0- 3. Ae2- 7 . . . c 5
0 -1)�::4 l l . �d f5 1 2.b4 7 . . . Aa6 8.e3

29.lae6-l- Dao Thien Hai-Magyar, Buda­
pest 1 993
a2) 10 . . . .fi.. b l l'l d2 h6 1 2..�_h4
tt:lbd7 Dao Thien Hai-De Firmian, Til­
burg -1 993; 1 3. f3 �e5 1 4.Ae2 fieS 15 . 0-
0� Analyse
b) 9 . . . ll\c 6 I O . e 3 h 6 [JO. . . lf\e4
1 1 \!LdS lbc3 1 2.Ac7 ti)e4 1 3 ...bl3±;

10 .. .JJ..b 8!? Smagin; l i . Q)d2± Analyse]

l l ..th4 g5 1 2. .1g3 ti'le4 1 3.'�c2 f5 1 4.0-
0-0 '&f6 [��--oo Srnagin] 1 5.�_c.l3 lt'g3
a) S . . . d5 9.�f3 ti.)bd7 I O.cd5 .(;.I JJ
( 1 5 . . . d 5 ! ? S m ag i n ; 1 6 . cd 5 e d 5
1 1 .lafl ed5 1�e5 ltJe5 1 3.de5 �4
1 7 0.. b5 ! ?;!; la d S 1 S . tt)d2;i; AIItJlyse]

1 4.AdS ll\c3 1 5 .Ac7 lDb5 1 6.Ad6;;t Ba­

1 6. hg 3 labS 1 7.Ilh5 g4 !? 1 ! �e5
reev-Farago, Roma 1 990
1 9.Ae2 Ab7 20.f3 ! gf3 2 1 .gf3 !l..c 6
b) S . . . h6 9.Ah4 dS I O.ll)f3i
[21 . .. �n? 22.f4 !±] K i r.Georgiev-S ma­
c) S . . . d6 9.Ad3 ll\bd7 10.ll\e2 c5 gin, Dortmund 1 99 1 ; 1 9.lldh 1 ! ? tt)d3
1 1 . b4 h6 1 2.Ah4 cd4 1 3.ed4 llcS 1 4. I/Wb3 20.�d3 '@b2 2 l .�dl laf6 22.1/Wd600/;!;;
e5 1 5 .b5 [ 15.lac 1 ! ?;;t; Analyse] Ab7 Sa­
burin- Wirtensohn, Grand Prix Suisse
c) 9 . . . Ji.b7 1 0.�d2 ! ? lbc6 [10 . . . d6
1 993; 16.Af5 !?;t Analyse
1 l .e3 aS 1 2.J.e2- a)] 1 1 .e3 [ 1 1 .0-0-0! ?]
1 . . .c5 S.dc5 bc5 9.lbf3 ! ?
h6 [ 1 1 . . . d5?! 1 2.cd5 ti) d5 1 3.J..dS '-Llc3
1 4.J.c7 .YacS 1 5 .Ag3 lDd5 1 6.ll\c4±]
1 2.J.h4 d6 1 3.Ae2;!;; Analyse ·
BJ3 d5?!
8 . . .h6 9...th4

a) 9 . . .d6 1 0.e3
a ! ) JO. . . a5 1 1 . ·8 d2 ! '? Ab7 1 2.Jt.e2
.::Jbd7 1 3.f3 ..aa6 [ 1 3 . . . �b6 Hardicsa y;
1 4. l.h4! ? dS 1 5 . .i.f2�Anal_vse] 1 4.0-0 d5
1 5 .� fe 1 �eS 1 6 . h ac i h6 1 7..�.h4 g5
18 . .l f2 a4 1 9. 'a'c2 liJb6 20 . e 4 lac S ! a) 9 . . . c5 10.dc5 bc5 I l .e3
2 1 .�..£ I de4 [2 1 . . . d4 22.e5 ! ] 22.tile4 '.i'\e4 aI) / / . . . ttJc6 ?! 1 2 . 0 - 0 - 0 IT c H ?
23. f{e4 f5 24. 'i!ft'e5 VJ!/c1 ? ! [24 . . .'�We7 L J2 . . . 'tWe7 1 3.j.f6 gfti 1 4 . .!1WH- /\ S f4-
Hard i cs ay ; 25.lred 1 Ci)a8 26.f!d6 tilc7 h5; I 2 . . . ttJe4 l 3.�e I g5 I li 1g3
27.�e2 L ..ldl � Analyse] 25.�f6 '1/je7 1 5.'@g3 !± Llh4 Hjart;u·sun; n . . . til f6 !'!
26.�h6 1Jn 27.h4 .l:lh8 28.�g5 "«+'b7 Hjartarson 1 4.�)h3iAnal_y.l·eJ l :utfti gfti

1 4. ·,,';h I '± Hprl •" �••n -Sp!.'l' h n;•n. l{t•) lq.1 l'-" I I\ Lid.!.!. l lorl'lllilll 1\ o •t l d anui, l 'nl:aui
v i k 1 99 1 ea Zdroj l lJlJ2
a�) / / . . . c/6 ?.1 1 2.0-0-0 ;J5 1 3 . ;�.1'6 ! g.fh b) lJ . . . :Obd7 10. ..0 d.\ l'." l l .t.i)l'2 He!'\
1 4 . i)hJ
., 111111 1 5.Qlf4 ·�d7 l ll. .:::)h5 lieS 1 2.t'�J !? h6 I J . .ll. h4 d5 1 1 .4 . . .cd4 I �.cd4
1 7 . . � .tl� �;fl'! I ILO.c2 a4 1 9. .fid2 ·�-:c7
d5 1 5.0-0� �.:at. 1 � .l.11.d3 17 .'�d3 ed5
20.£(hd I ·:�:·..:.7 2 1 .e4± S.lvunnv-Kisnjcv.
1 8-':!Jd; 14 . . . eS!? 1S . .tfS gSoo Razuva­
Berlin I 992
e v; 1 6 . J H2 ;t Alltllyst) 1 4.cdS .i.d5
a3) / / . . . a5 1 2 . ..0�d3 d6 1 3 . ti)e2 -Nxt7
I S.�dl cd4 1 .i.c4 [ 1 6 . . . �c5?!
1 4 . 0 -0 •tth6 1 5 Jlac.J I llfe8?! [ I � . . . dS
1 7.Ac2 e S 1 8 .�f5± I.Sokolov) 1 7.0-0
I fkC 12 �· af,;t; LHibN Laulier: 1 7.lld2:t
Anuly.wd I fl . ll c.1 2 ! cJ S I 7 . .i f2 ..t a 6 a6?! 1 8.uc l bS ? ! 1 9. .i.c4 llc4 20.llc4
I H.l1fd I Hac K 1 1J . .�· 1f-1t l .a u l i('r K . Spra�� hc4 2 1 . �a4± I.Sokolov-Kir.Georgiev,
gcl l . Manila (ol) I 'Nl Burg:1s 1 992
b) 9 . . . d5 I O. e3 t;)bd7 l l .cd5 ti)d� 9.e3 tiJJ4I lO.cdJ edS
I l l . . . ed5 1 2 . .'td3 lle8 1 3.tbe2- 8 . . . d�] 10 . . . lOdS 1 1 .Ad8 � 12.Ac7 lOdS
1 2 Q.d8 .:))c3 1 3.J.h4 ll\c:IS 14.j,.f'2 f5 !?
1 3 ..i.f4 Kasparov
[ 1 4 . . . c5 1 5.c4 Cl'le7 1 6.AbS ti)c6 I 7 .ti)e2
1Hc 8 M . G urevi�-Pol ugajevskij, New 1 1..ld3 lle8
York 1 989; 1 8.dc5 ctJc5 1 9.b4;t Analyse) 1 1 . . . c5 1 VtJe2 h6 1 3. ..i.h4 l:lc8 1 4.0-
1 5.Ac4 ! f!adl 1 6.�e2 c5 1 7 . Ab5 nn o .e7 Kir.Georgiev-Hjartarson, Thesalo­
[ 1 7 . . �.c6 1 8.Aa6 �ce8 I 9. Ac4;t] 1 8.0-
niki (ol) 1 988; 1 S.Wd2� Kir.Georgiev
o a6 1 9 . .�d3 b5 2 0 .I:ac 1 !? c4 2 l .Ac2 eS
[M . G urevich- Karpov, Linares 1 99 1 ; 1 Z.�l ll6 ll..A...4! c5
2 1 . . . a 5 ? ! 2 2 . tDc 3 b4 2 3 . a b 4 a b 4 J J. . .fld � 1 4. A f6 ! �f6 1 S .Ah7;
24.t?)b5±J 2 2 . e4 fe4 23 . A e4 ! e d4 13 . . . ttle4� 1 4 ..i.d8 �c3 1S . .i.c7 l:le3
24. 9.d4i M.G urevich [ 1 S . . .�a4 1 6.b3�] 1 6.�2+- Kaspa-
8 . . . 0&6 9.c3 h6 1 0. .0.h4 dS l l .cd5 rov
·7id5 1 2 . .\idH ·t)C3 1 3.Ah4 1Jd.4ii 1 4 ..i.f2
f5 1 5 .il<�c l f4 !? 1 1 5 . . . a6 1 6..0�c4 llad8
1 7 . 0 1c2 )} fcM 1 8 . :�·)d±l I 6.c4 li)c3 1 6 . . . cd4 1 7.ed4! l0e4 1 8 .fo& de4
l 7. :· \c2 C.• ifl '!! (Gel' l�lnc.I-Ljubojcvic!. Li­ 1 9. .i.hS;t
n : u l· s 1 9'J0; 1 7 . . . Tiad !r! l ll ...'t\f4 :�fl 17/i)c3! �tl liJllel � 19 .AW! •

l � - )�cf'+-; 1 7 . . . e� '! ! I K. d 5 .:!)(U 1\d4

��� lO. .trJ Jld7 21 .tcl .tc6 2Z.lladl

ed4 �ll.'�c.l:!! rla..:S :! l..ll b5±] l lt'it'fl !? •• n.wa :cdl l4.hJ �' 25.dc5
Gel' fund: 1 8 . . . lladS l lJ.h4 h5 [ 19 . . Jld7
ltd l6.e4!± Kuparov-Timman, Linares
:!O.h5 6. .th4} :!OJ.:k\ f'.. gJi Analyst
1 993
S . . . c.� '>.deS he� 1 0.e3- K . . . h69.1t..h4 cS
8 . . . d6 l.J.L'3 V) E33-4. . . Q:)e6 5.�D d6
u) 9 . . . c5 I O.Jc5 bc5 l l .Ild 1 !? tDc6 5 . . . 0.0 6.Ad2 cl-' 7 .e3 l:le8 8.&3 J.fB
[ I I . . a5 1 2 . .\!l. f6 gf6 1\h3±) 1 2.Ct::Jh 3 ! 9.Ad3;t Kramnik

[ttl" 1 3.i<.c2 �.u8 1 4.11-Q h6 l�.�h4 lle8

s. . .ds- vn
( 1 5 . . . !/) e 4 1 6 . 8 e l g 5 1 7 . fe4 gh4
I I U1f4!+ Durfm;m) l6.-�f2 g S 1 7 . . tg3 6..tdl
ft�e7 [ 1 0. . . ttld4 1 J .;.t)d4ed4 1 2.��.d4 ·!iJe4
1 3. .Jl.d3] l l .g3 l/")g6?! 1 2.h4!± Kramnik
9.e3 e5
9 . . . aS 1 O..td3 eS I I.deS deS 1
h6 13 .t'tle4± ENC
lO.deS de5
I 0. . . •'tleS I J .tl)eS de.ti 1 2. ..1le2 Iie8
1 3.0-0 Ad7 14.b4 't!/e6 I S.!Iadl l.lac8
J 6.Ild2 a6 1 7.}ifd I ;!; Euwe-Vander Berg,
Amsterdam 19SO
l l.b4 .ta4 l l .tel e4 1 3.b5 ef3

6. . .0.0 14.gD .i.d7

6 . . .d 7.deS deS 8.0-0-0 Ac3 9.Ac3 1 4 . . . ,.a f3 ? ! I S tf3 lDeS 1 6 . .Q.b7

V!!Je7 1 0.e3 Ag4 1 1 .h3 AhS 1 2.'1Vb3 labS Iiab8 1 7.Ab4 cS 1 8.bc6 lt)f3 1 9.'i!tfl±
1 3.g4 Ag6 1 4.llJh4± Ragozin-Lisicin. Flor-Keres (ch) 1947.
SSSR (ch) 1 944 1S.bc6;t ENC
6. . . 't!/t1 7.a3 Ac3 8 . .Q.c3 aS [8 . . .eS
VI) 4 . . .dS S.c:dS
9.de5 deS I O.b4 Ag4 ( I O. . . e4? l l .b5 ef3
1 2.bc6 fe2 1 3.Ae2 b6 14.0-0 aS 1 S.lliel -
�e6 i 6..af3 lld8 1 7.lleS 0-0 1 8.�b2!±
Gerusei-Langeveg, Krefeld 1 967.) l l .e3
e4 12.ttid4 £LleS 1 3.h3 Ad7 14.Ae2;1: �aj­
tar-Prucha. Praha 1 943] 9.e3 eS I O.Ae2
0-0 1 1 .0-0 Ag4 1 2.b4 Iife8 ( 1 2 . . . e4
1 3.ltlh4 dS 1 4.bS llJd8 1 S .Ag4llJg4 16.g3
c6 17 .llfb I ;t Euwe-Henneberger, Zue­
rich 1 9S2 ] 1 3.deS lbeS 1 4.�h l ab4
I S.ab4;t Euwe-Szabados, Zuerich 1 952.
7.a3 Ac:3 8.Ac:3 YJ!Je7
R . . . �8 9.b4 eS 1 0.deS lt)eS l l.e3 VI- I ) S . . . !fdS and VJ-2) S . . . edS
�. e4 l � )tie5 deS 1 3 .f3 .ahS 14 . .i.e2 Ag6 VI- I ) E34-S . . . �dS 6.t0t3 c:5
I :;� �bl ti:ld7 1 6.0-0 f6 I 7 .cS '.w.i e7 6 . . . 0.0 7 . Ad2 lt.c 3 8 . .Ac3 b6
1 8.IUd l l:ed8 19 ..ael =t:J� 20.gd8 lld8 [8 . . . ll:Je4 9.e3 lt:1c3 10.'8'c3 ttJc6 I J .b4±
2 1 . '&bJ: Euwe-Kramer. Nederland (ch) Smislov-Ajrapetov, SSSR 1948.] !
1 9S2. Ab7 1 0.0 't//g S l l .e4 llJc6 (1 1 . . :8e3?
8. . .aS 9.e4 e5 l O.deS deS I l .�eS 1 2.Ae2� 1 3.<(Jfl ; / l . . . �bd7 lb3 cS
�e8 (1 1 . . .-'t)eS 1 2...l eS �e8 1 3.�d l 1 3 .�d2: J . Sokolov] 1 2 .tt)b3 aS
�e7 1 4.l.f6±] 1 2.f4 .tJeS 1 3.-".eS tt'Jg4 (12 . . . lbhS 1 3.'&d2! �h4 1 4.g3 �e7
J 4.j.d4 .ars J S.�d3 �e4 1 6 . .:.t.e4 rs 1 S.g4 '8'h4 16.'4Wf2 t J.Sokolov] 13.'&1'2
I 7.0-0-0 'tl'e4 1 8.'tie4 fe4 1 9.h3 �6 I!fd8 14.ildl a4 1 5.(' lc l a3 ! 1 tl. h1 e 5
�O.g4! Boleslavskij 17.h4! Y!Wg6 1 8.dS l.i\d4 l9.Ad4 ed4
8 . . .a6 9.e4 eS ! [9 . . . �e7 J O.eS deS 20. ..€i.d3 !± I.Sukolov-l<urnani�in, H:trce­
l l .de5 ·!tld7 12.�d3 h6 1 3.b4±] l O.dS lona 1 992

6 . . . \�fS 7 . '(''''1":' t> f� Bdjani..i i . J� ,,ma- fJ \11Ydfi 7.d :.�,··1 1\ .�f-l \Wc7 ll._¢ d <
11 i si 11. G a1 11 i 11ge11 I 1N ·' · :-\ . � J-1 ' · • l'l• I':' 10. ·:'\c .' !l-0 1 1 .0-!kC' l � . f.l .'?\,·J I • .h,·.l
(R . . . lf.)d5 Q.Jl.d2;!;) �.a .ti� Ana/y_,.,. :ld1• l ·t . ·J.dh �d6 1 5.t'-l •- Slahlherg-t\ lt·
7.�.d2 <lcJ 8 ..c;, d b6 hin. Pra!! (ol ) 1 9.\ 1 .
H . . . IJ-IJ 9 . d (; 5 �c5 I O.c4 -:�·)ell 1 l .1�:'i 6 . . . .i1.e6 7 .c3 h6 8 . ..0..h 4 0-0 �.a3 JJ...c7
�'Lld5 J V7\g5 g6 1 3.li_)e4± Euwc I O.ti::)f3 r.!:\bd7 l l .�e2 Il,c8 1 2.0-0 c5
8 . . ��)c6 9.!1d l .2.d7 [9 . . . 0-0 I O.a.1 1 3.'&tb3 .:tlb6 1 4.a4 ltle� Ragozin-Bot­
cd4 l l .ll:Jd4 ·�d4 1 2.1ld4 '&\lc6 1 3.e4 e5 vinik, SSSR (m) 1940.
1 4. Gc4 t'e6 1 5.gc5± Capab lanca- Naj ­ 6 . . .c5 7.dc5-
dorf, Margale I 919) I O.d(;5 '1!;'(;5 l l .e4 e5
7 c5
J 2 .'11¥h l .0.�4 L l.(t.e2 .iLf3 1 4. .(L.n o- o
1 5 .0-0 I Najdorf Bolhochan, Mardcl Pla­ 7 . . .g5 8 .�.g3 �e4 9.e3 h5 [9 . . . c6? !
Ia 1 '>·1 1 I O . . Cl.. d 3 t;)g3 l l .hg3 .te6 1 2.a3 ! Jl.f8
1 3. f4 ! gf4 l 4.gf4 Ag4 1 5.Af5 ! AfS ?!
8 . . ct/4 9.t'i)d4 e5 [9 . . . ll:)ctl l 0.e3 c/)d4
l l . _,j_d4 .�.d7 1 2 . �c5 '&c5 1 3.Ac5 .ac6
1 6. 'UBf5 CiJd7 1 7.e4;t Kasparov-P.Nikoli�.
Beograd 1 989] 1 O.f3 t;Jg3 l l .hg3 �d6
1 4 . f3 :!)tl7 1 5 .i.d6 f6 ! 6.�.c4 �f7;!; Ala­
[ l l . . .�e7 1 2.�] 1 2 . g4 h4 1 3.a3 Ac3
torcev-Smy�lov. SSSR (ch) 1 945: 9 . . . 0-0
1 4.bc3 Ae6 1 5 .lL!h3 W/ie7 1 6.®t2 lL!d7
I O.e3 e5 I I /£)f3 �c6 1 2.Ae2 it.g4 1 3 .h3
1 7.c4;t Sakaev-Or1ov V. SSSR 1 990.
�"h5 1 4.0-0 .ilg6 1 5.'�b3 £:feB 1 6 .Ac4t
Flor-Leventis, SSSR 1 939] I O.tbf3 lhc6 S.dcS t'Dc6
I 1 . Il,d i •!ltf c 5 1 2 . e 3 0-0 [ 1 2 . . . l;Jd5 8 . . . 0-0?! 9.e3 t'Dbd7 1 0.Ad3 �a5
1 3 ·.:D e5 ! !Uc3 ( 1 3 . . . tbe5 1 4 .'&d2 !±) l l .tbge2 .i.c3 1 2.t»'c3 �c3 1 3.tL!c3 tOeS
1 4.c'Llc6 �Jljc6 1 5.bc3 ..te6 J6 ..t;,d3 ncs 1 4 ...0..c2 gS 1 5.Ag3 Ae6 1 6.f3 a6 1 7 .h4
1 7 0-0 �d 1 8 . � a4 ?J·e7;!; Marovic-Ja­ grcs 1 8.hg5 hg5 1 9. 0-0-0 tbcd7 20.�b1
nosevic, Jugoslavija Cch) 1 962J 1 3 . .�t·2 <j;;g7 2 1 .. Qb3± Kasparov-Kortchnoi, Til­
.O.g4 14.0-0 i:�acH 1 5.��b3 V;�Jic7 J ll.h.1 burg 1 989.
}h5 1 7. �a41 Levcnti�-Botvi 11ik. SSSR 8 . . .g 5 9 .it.g3 -'i�e4 I O.e3
( I l l ) 1 ()� 7 .
a) 10 . . .'��f6 I I ..QbS JJ_d7 1 7
9.dc5! Y"YcS IO.b4 '{/!J c 7 1 1 .'14Yhl '&ic7 C!)u7 1 3 .-'i_,e2 .Qd 1 4 .bc3 0-0 1 5 .gd I
l l . t· � o-n 13 . �: dJ 6.b7 1 4.11-n \ (dl' �e6 1 6.h4 g4 Goldin-Lautier, Palma de
1 5. ����'t· 2 : •)hd7 l6.a.\ �·:ad\ Majorka 1 989; 1 7.lL!f4 ! ? t»'e8 1 8.l0d5
Hcljavsl-.. i-J .,·mcr. SSSR t.:h) l lJ�LJ. ..::jg 3 1 9 .fg3 ± A nalyse
1 7. ��.b2:·� ·'it'M 1M . .:: \d4 .:�g6 1 9.f-'±
b) 10 . . . '�a5 1 l .t'Dge2
l .•· rn a
b l ) JJ . . . .1.f5 1 2 .Ae5 0-0 1 3 . (1Jd4
V l-�l 1::: ." :' :' . . . ed:' fi. . �g:' h6 .�g6 1 4.-'Llb3 t2lc3 1 5.Ac3 Ac2 1 6.ClJa5
6 . . . 0·0 7.c� h6 � .. :h� �:;.c:S 9 ..ad3 c5 .�c3 1 7.bc3 b6 1 8.®d2 baS 1 9.�c2 :Lc8
I ll.:_:),• 2 �4 l l . ..lh; �-{�h� I � . . . i5± Duhi­ �O.h4:tl± Kasparov-Short. London (m/9)
ai11-Lapik. corr. 1 '>5 7 1 993
6 . . . c6 7 . t' .' 0-0 s . . ·:.JJ h6 9 . ..Qh4 h2) I I . . . CDc6 1 2.f3 t'Dg3 1 3.hg3 .tcs
.'�t-d7 I 0. ·�'t' 2 !}�8 I 1 .0-0 .':)f8 1 2.a3 .ae 7 1 4.�d2 jle6 1 5.lL!d4 t'[)d4 1 6.ed4 .i.b4
U . h4 a6 l 4.:tla4 �?'le4 1 5 . �.e 7 'f!Je7 Alterman-Kortchnoi, Groningen 1 993;
I t\.�;�l·:'i;t Keres-Lopez. Buenos Aires (ol) J 7.,ab5 1 ? t:$ie7 [ 1 7 . . . �b5 1 8.l0b5 Ad2
I •H9. 1 9:�d2;!:;] 1 8.Ad3 .Eic8 1 9..Eic l ;!; Analyse

8 . . . d4 9 . 0-0-0 � a 5 I 0 0.. f6 g f6 14 . . . 0-0 1 5 . 1l b 5 Jl d 2 1 6 . � d 2 '&a4

I I .4:1e4 ��1 c6 1 2.a1 4'\c6 I .l ;.�b4 r.'/)b4 1 7 . .ad6t Analyse


I 'U)1dfi r,v;-J'!< 1 5 .t/\h7 '!M/a6 l 6.'�fc4 '0'!c4 lS. .§.hS �a3 16 .§.b3 .ad2 17.�d2

1 7:.�td2 �d5 I H .I./1d6 �c5 1 9. tvi : 4 ± Sai­ '@aS

tek Sparc-llala.�ov, Muenster (opt: n l I 993 Spassky-Fischer. Sveti Stefan/B!!o­
9.e3 gS JO.jLg3 '#YaS grad ( mi l 0) 1 992
1 0 . . . Ci)e4 l l .QJf3 �f6 1 2 . .0.b5 i.1lc3
[ 1 2 . . . 0- 0 1 3 . 0 - 0 c:t) c J 1 4 . b c 3 't\'l c 3
1 5 .'� e2 ! ? Kasparov; 1 2 . . . .�.c3? 1:\.hcJ
\'!4' d ? 1 4 . � c 3 lLic 3 1 5 . � c 6 b c 6
1 6 . .Q e�+-] 1 3 . Ac6 bc6 ? ! [ 1 3 . . .'�c6
1 4 .bc3 .Q.c5 1 5 .0-0;t) 1 4.a3 ! g4 1 5 .. 0..e5!
4'Je4 1 6.ab4 �f5 1 L�h8 gf3 1 8.llg I
� g4 ? ! [ 1 8 . . . fg2 1 9.'&e2±) 1 9.�d l !±
Kasparov-Spassky, Linares 1 990.
l lli:IO tt:le4 1 2.lL\d2 tt:lc3
12 . . . J..e6 1 3 . tt:l b 3 ± ; n . . . ws
l3.Ad3±; 12 . . . f.Od2 1 3 . � d 2 .\te 6 18. .§.c3!?ool± A nalyse
1 1 d4 1 5.ed4 0-0-0 1 6.a3 tbd4 1 7 .ab4 -
VJn E38-39-4 . . . cS S.dcS

VII- I ) 5 . . . '1!1Va5, VII-2) 5 . . . Ac3, Vfl-

I S '.:Jbl ! tijf3 ! ? 1 9.gf3 !:;.d2 20.�d2 3 ) 5 . . . 0 - 0 , V I I - 4 ) 5 . . . tLlc6, V I I - 5 J

�es ! ·� 2 L �.e2 g4 ! ? [2 1 . . . �b2 2 1 . lib l 5 . . . "J!/c7, VII-6) 5 . . . . acs and V I I - 7 J

�c3 22.c6 bc6 2 3. 0-0±) 22.0-0 ' ? •;!tid2 5 . . . ·�a6
23 . ..ib5 ! .i.d7 24.lafd1 �d l 24. !;. d l ..�.b5
2 5 . fg-+ .ae2 26 . .Sd4 �f3 27:<tfl ti± A na- VII- 1 ) S . . .' �aS 6.j_d2 'iVcS 7.e3 dS
lyse 8.a3 Ac3 9. lLc3 dc4 lO.J.b4±. V u n
Scheltinga-Golombek, A msterdam 1 950
l3.bc3 �c3 14.llbl �cS!
J.l . . . a6? 1 5 . .ad 6 ± G l e k - J u fc ro v , VII-2) S . . . lt.c3 6.�c3 l,i)c4 7.V/rl'd�
S S S R 1 9 8 9 : 1 4 . . . J:.,f5 1 5 . '@ f5 �. d 2 �?1ia5 M.',vJd J fS 9.0 f1.)1(, IO.�.d2 \'I.Yaf•
1 6 . �d L : : U . . . !.. b4 1 5 . .1d6 h fi 1 6. h4 � ? l l.e3 0-0 l 2.�.d 3± Florian-Barcza, Huu­
g � I i .:J3 ! �a3 1 8 . .ib5 �d7 1 9.0-0;!;;; g ary 1 Y47
VII-3) 5 . . . n-o 6.a3 �c5 V1 Jf3 Zahorebelnyj. Bclgomd 1 9S9] 1 7.0.e3 !? rs
H> .b4! V .Salov
7 . . . �'c7 H . .l-:�.g5 :�. . �7 Hubner-Miles.
Oslo 1 984; Q. l'.� a6 I 0 .. � d3;;!; Analyxe
7 . . . 't�b6 S.e� .�c7 9 . . 0.d3 d6 I O. g4 ! ?
g6 l l .g5 ..'i)h5 1 2 . :�.d:! J�.d7 13.lit�l lt)cb
1 4. .::")e4 ria�8 I S . .i.d e5 1 6.�h4 'l:'+.;hX
1 7 . . �e2 .l)g7 I S.!id I -'�)f5 1 9.-t:Jf5 .:lf5
20. .ag4 ..Q.g4 2 1 .!lg4 'tl/c7 22.lid5 l:icdS
23. t1Vd3 lieS 24.f3i Lazarov-Dragoma­
recki, Alusta 1 993
s..ags ltlc6
7 . . . b6 s . . . .Q.b7 9.e4! h6 (9 . . .Ae7 IO.lid 1
7 . . .d$ R.cd5 ed5 9.�.g5 .O.e6 I O.e3 h6 e1c6 1 I .Ae2 a6 1 2.0-0 V/!/c7 1 3.lLld5 ! ed5
1 1 . .9l.h4 .;;)dl 1 2.Hd I fJ.e7 1 3 . .0.e2 f!cS 1 4.cd5 !lacS 1 5 .dc6 dc6 1 6.e5 lLld5
1 4.0-0 � Boh m - Rumanisi n. Polanica 1 7.'tl/e4!± Petursson-Guljko, New York
Zdroj 1 9H6. 1 99 1 ] I O . .i. h 4 .$..e7 I I .J.e2 li)h5 ? !
7 . . ti)c6 S . . �g5 ..::)J4 rs . . . h6-7 . . . b6]
. [ l l . . . d6 6. �)bd7� Seirawan; 1 2.l:id 1 ;;!;
9 . �d4 O..d4 I O.c3 t'la5 l l .ed4 �g5 Analy.\'e] 1 2.Ae7 'tl/ e 7 1 3 .'�d2 lidS
1 :!.\Yfd:! 'i��d2 L \.'i!.tJ2 1 4.!'!d I lt:lf6 1 5.e5 c!t'leS 1 6.lLlb5± Seira­
a ) 1 3 . . . d6 1 4.�d3 j._d7 1 5.b4 b6 wan-Kveinys, Manila (ol) 1 992.
l l 5 . . . n.t£·8 t 6 . f3 � rs 1 7 . I! h e J h 6 9.!ld1 1J.e7
I S . :L\dl � Suba-Nogueiras. Lugano 1 9S7; 9 . . . Ab7 l O.e4 Ae7 I I .Ae2 lieS
15 . . . e5 1 6.f3 ed4 1 7.lLle2 l=!feS 1 S.lLld4i 1 2. 0-0 'fic7 [ 1 2 . . . 1 3 .lid4 h6
Nogueiras-A.Sokolov. Belfort 1 9S S] 14.Ah4d5?! 1 5.ed5 ed5 1 6.lifd 1 ± Seira­
1 6.!lhbl }�.,·6! Sei rawan-Gnrenfeld, Za­ wan-Kudrin, US (ch) 1 9S4) 1 3.lLlb5 'tl/bS
!!n·b 1 9S7; 17.f3.t 1 4.Af6 Af6 1 5 .l:id7 lLle5 1 6.Ilb7 V/!/b7
N 1 3 . . . b6 t 4 �d3 <\>ao
.• 1 7.QJd6 �'c7 1 S.t:bcS lL!f3 19.Af3 l:icS
h i ) N . . . �./•7 1 5. f3 llfdX [ 1 5 . . JifcS J .Horvath-Rechlis, Hai fa 1 9S9; 20ie2�
J (l.h-t �.ah l 7.c 5 �..d3 1 S.�;d3 bc5 1 9.dc5
. AnalFe
dh 2o.�·d<, .-.:l�s 2 1 :�e4 !ldS 22.llhd l rs
1 O.e3!? Ab7 1 1.Ae2 d6 1 2.!ld2 Vlb8
2 3.::--,�5 .Ud6 2·h.t>c4 r:$;f7? 25.l1d6!±/+­ 1 3.0-0 h6 14.Ah4 l:id8 1 S.m'dl lLlaS
B a ree v - D . R aj k o v i c , B R D 1 99 1 ; 15 . . .a6? 1 6.V/!/b3 �c7 1 7 .lLla4 lLld7
2-t . . . lladR 25 .r!d6 lld6 26.Ila2;!; B areev] I S . .O.e7 0.e7 1 9. l:id6 b 5 20. l:id7±;
1 1' . 1,-l dh 1 7 Jlhh I J).c6! 1 S .c1'id I g6 15 . . . ltie5 1 6. lLle5 d e S 1 7 .lldS AdS
I "· ::·.,,·.�:t V.Salov-U. Anderson. Reykja­ I !UH3� Kortchnoi
vik 1 1)tl J
l6.b4 £:'1c6
b :! ) 1./ . . . . �.af' 1 5 . f! h c I llac X
1 6 . . �.f3 1 7. gf3 lLlc6 1 S .c5� Kor-

l l :" . . . :::Jd\ l h . .::)d l d6 ( 1 6. . . fic7 1 7.b4

}]at"X 1 x. .:�d -�-b7 Sa�·�enko-Brodskij,
l7 ..Q.g3 .!DhS 18.�gS! hgS

l ll'rsun 1 9!oi'J; I 'J.a-L;!;; ) 1 7.b4 i.b7 I S.f3;t
A. R ihovskij-G I igori�. Beollrad l 9SS] 1 8 . . . �f6 1 9...'Llge4± Kortehnoi
l h. ;�\d l ·7'1h5 l l o . . . d6 1 7. o:'be3;t Jako\'ic- 19.AhS .!LieS?

1 () . . . a5 20.b5 t;Ja7 2 1 .tila4± Kor­ /6 . . . d5 1 7 .c5 j.d3 1 8 .'it'd3±] 1 7 . f3±
lc.;hnoi Kir. Georgiev-Rogers, San Bernardino
20. �.eS! deS 21.�d8 Xl.d8 22 .l:1d7± • 1 98 8
Kottchnoi-Tivjakov, Tilburg 1 992 7 . . . 0-0 -VII-3)

VII -4) 5 . . }))c6 6.t'l)f3 8 ..lld l li!g4 9.e3 1ib4 lO.Ae2 lt)ge5
l l . .�J4 tt)f3
I I . . .�c3 ? ! 1 2.bc3 thf3 1 3 .gf3 c5
[ 1 3 . . . 0-0'?! 1 4.J!l.d6 lieS 1 5.f4± Stefan­
sson-Romani�in, Moskva 1 989] 1 4. ..0.g:l
0-0 Petursson-Xu Jun. Novi Sad (01)
1 990; 1 5.f4 '@c7 1 6.'�e4 d6 1 7.c5 ! deS
UU'c5 .0.e6 1 9.f4± Petursson.
l 2.gf3 e5 13 0_g3 d6 l4.f4± Savcen­

ko-Romani�in, Herson 1 989.

VII-5) 5 . . . VJIJc7 6.a3 i.c5 7.g3!?
6 . . . �c5 7 . . . a6 8.Af4 d6 9.Ag2 t;)bd7 1 0.0-0
6 . . .' �a5 7 ..Qd2 �c5 8.e3 e5 [ 8 . . . d5 0-0 l l ..lla dl h6 1 2. a3 lL!h5 1 3.Ac l lL!hf6
9.a3 .Q.c3 I O .'&c3 0-0 1 l .b4 �e7 1 2.b5 - 1 4 .b4 $i.a7 1 5 .�d3 Ab8 1 6 . � f4 e5
li)e4 1 3.'@b2 Cbd2 1 4.'@d2±) 9 .a3 j�c3
1 7. ii.e3 b6 1 8 .�h4 .1i..b 7 1 9.j.b7 '@b7
1 O ..ac3 a5 l l .b3± Forintos-Cosulich, 20.lL!f5 �c8 2 1 . '@d2 �c6 22.�d5 h5
Madonna di Campiglio 1 972; 6. .0-0- 23 . ..tg5 lL!h7 24.Ae7 �h8 25.lL!c3± Ba-

7 .a3-VII-3) reev-Tazuvaev, Til burg 1 993

7.Ag5 �as
7 . . . b6 8.Af4 '@c6 9.Ag2 .tb7 1 0.0-0
7 . . .d5?! 8 ..lld l d4 9.e3 '@b6 I O.�f6 0-0 l l .e4 JJ.e7 1 2.e5 lL!h5 1 3 . .£l.e3 f5
gf6 J l .ed4 ('tld4 1 2.lL\d4 .1i..d4 1 3.�d2t/± 1 4 . 4:\e l '@c8 1 5. f4 �.g2 1 6.
'@g2 lL!a6
Marovic-Spassky, Talin 1 97 5 1 7 .'t!'/c2 g6 1 8.lld 1 I! d K 1 9/i1f3 Ci'lc7
7 . . . JL.e 7 8 . e4 'l? a 5 9 . .�_ d 2 V/Y c 7 20.l1d3 1./icR 2 J .ilft.l l tlf1 2 2. h l±I± Bare-
1 0.�1!2 0-0 1 1 .0-0 d6 1 2 . �ac.; I �d7 c v-Judasin, Groningt:n I (iJ3
I 3.:.;,fdl ;;; Rubinstein-Tarasch, Bad Kis-
6 . . .i.c5 7.b4 5 e7 8.�.Jb5 V!#c6 9.11 13

singen 1 928
7 . . ·�4 8::t:ld4 Ad4 9.c3 1M.Ja5 I O.ed4

9 . . a6 I O .ti.!fd4 �b6 l l .c 5 � c.J S


·�g5 I J .'tl}'d2 1�d2 1 2.c.!id2 t.l6 1 3 . .id3 b6

I 2.'-l�ldfl !:Ld6 1 3 _c.;t.l(> 4.)c6 J 4. .�b2;.t
[ 1 3 . . . Ad7 1 4.�he 1 0-0-0 1 5 .b4 'hbfl
1 6.a4 g5 1 7.f3 h5 1 8.QJe4 tL!e4 1 9.fe4 f6 JO.•!/ )fd4 '&d7
20.a5 �hf8 2 1 .�e2 ID7 22.:Zfl ± Byhov­ I 0 . . . �b6 Grctarsson-Gipsl is, Gau­
skij-Xu Jun. Beograd 1 988) 1 4.-the l 0-0 sdal (open) 1 993; l l .e3 !'! a6- I \c3 tilc6
I 5 . b-+ �a6 [ 1 5 . . . .1i..b7 ! ? Kir.Georgiev; 1 !? 0-0 1 4.�,b2 �c7 1 5.A.d31 6
I f;.f3 a5 1 7J��ab 1 Ac6 1 8.ba5 ba5 1 9.gb6 -�e4 Analyse
�fc8 20 .d 5� .�d5 (20 . . . ed5 2 1 .�f5 iJ.c7 I I.�b2 a6
�2.,)b5±) 2 1 .cd5 .llc 3 22.de6 fe6 23.�d6 1 1 . . . b 6 ? ! I 2 . 1l d I .a b7 [ 1 2 . . a6.

:.; a 3 2 4 . �..:-4± Analyse] 1 6 .a4 ! �b7 1"Jc3 J...b7 1 4.e4;t) l 3.�f3 d5 1 4.e4
( l(l . . . �ac8 1 7 . -2J b 5 J. b 5 1 8 . a b 5 � ; 0-0 1 5 .e5 �h5 1 6.cd5 JJ..d 5 1 7 .lL!c3±

Dorfman· Ta!j . 13atwlona l 992] I �. .::J.:3 2 1 . ::-:Jg.� .�. .:b 2 2 .e:'i ! ± R.s��·rbakov­
�Yd n .e4; � I.Gurcvi�·h. Hel1'inki l l)!)�l
1 1 . .::ld \l/f/c7 B.��� Dorfman 1 9 . ..':\eS� R.Sl"erbakl' '
VJI-l\l S . . . . .;·.c5 6. .'·\f.' VIJ-7) S . . . �:\at. 6.u.1 �d
6 . . .'�!ia!i!? 7 .j)._ d 2 ,:;)c:'i R . (o \ f3 do
[8 . . . ..\ld 9 � d '@a4 I O .' � a4 tiJa4

1 1 .-".eS d6 ( l l . . . t;Se7 1 2 J[d l ti)e8 1 3 .b4

d6 1 4.Aa l uS 1 5 .e4t) 1 2.Ad6 �e4 ! ?
( 1 2 . . . lL!b2 1 3 .e3 lt)a4 14.i.d3 lL!d7 1 S.O­
O tL\a c5 1 6.J.c2 f6 1 7.a4 b6 1 8.lL!d4 rj;n
1 9.1Jib l ± Pejceva-Fischdik, Novi Sad
(ol) 1 990) 1 3 �eS f6 1 4. b3 feS I S .ba4 0-0

1 6.g3 �12 1 7 .'�-9f2 e4 1 8. �3 ef3 1 9.ef3

Ad7 20.�.h3;tt±; 8. . . 0-0 9.0-0-0! Ac3
I O.Ac3 '5'a4 I 1 .�a4 lL!a4 1 2.Af6 gf6
6 . . . '/!'b6 1 ! 6. lLJe4 Gol'din] 9.t0bS !? Ad2
6 . . .tiS 7.cd5 <i1dS 8/hdS �dS d 2 I O. Q)d 2
�CC1 I O.e3 .'it.e7 l l .a3 a6 1 2 ...0.d3 �.f6
I J . :tLJ .C.c 3 1 4.�c3 0-0 I S.0-0;!;; Bole­
slavskij-Va!o.i l 'cuk. SSSR 1 9S 6 ; 6 . . . �c6-
5 . . . t,0.:6
6 . . . 116 7 . . CI.f4 0)c6 [7 . . . b5 8.cbS abS
9.e.H) 8.r�d l b5 ! ? [8 . . . 0-0 9.c4±] 9.cb5
abS I O .e3 �uS l l . Ab5 .:'tlh4 ( I I . . . Q\d5
1 .� . ' l (! tk6 1 3.0-0;!;; ] 1 2 . i';"b3 li)bd5 �'!
l L' . . ':'\a2'! l. lHa l �b4 14 . .£l.�.:4 ! + - j
I \ . a4 , :��� M . Gurt"vich-1\ naslasian. Mo­
� 1--. \'a ( open) 1 1)112: 1 4.Hd 5 � '.' ,·,15 1 5 .'tYd5
: \d I Cl.�.,..\'l'� J;_..:7 1 7.h,- � · . 1-' M . li un:­ a) 1 0 . . . 1/!!tb6 l l .b4 �cd7 l2.f!d1 a6
-. il' l l 1 3 .{/)c3 �c6 ! ? [ 1 3 . . . aS 1 4 .lL!bS ab4
7 . d 't..ilfl·7 K.a3 1 5 .ab4 dS 1 6 .e3 0-0 1 7 .cS;l;; ] 1 4.e4 0-0
I S . .lle 2 b6 1 6.0-0 Ab7 1 7.�d3;!;; M.Gu­
l'i h.\ ! '? a6 9. . �.b2 :�.c7 I O.g-+ d6 1 1 .0-
0-0 ·;\l:6 l .:!.g:'i :··\d7 1 3.:i'\d5 t•dS 1 4 . c d S revich-Kortchnoi, Amsterdam 1 99 1
..':') Li c :'i 1 5 . .::)1.!5 Lid 1 6 . d c 6 �. g 4 b) 1 0 . . .'�·d8 1 1 . b4 a6 1 2 .ti)c3 t0cd7
1 7._-) g 2 !:'\:/+ 1\·lozc=tk�-Tivjakol'. Beograd A k op i an-Gold i n , Novosi birsk I 993;
· · 111\'Cslhank:t" I <N:� 1 3.�d l V!!ic7 14.e4;l;; A nalyse
S . . . :l6 9 1�.cU -�.e7 10.0-0 dt. l l.b4 b6
•. 7.�c3 �:ucs 8.b4 ttJce4 9.'ttbl dS
1 2. � h1 .0 b7 1 3.�c2 .::)hrt7 1 4.h3! 0-0 9 . . . 0-0 I O.f3 t0d6 1 I .e4i t0fe4
1 5.,·-+ � TriM 16 ..�'tac l !;lacK 1 2.fe4 �h4 1 3.�'f2 �e4 l 4.'�e 2 b6
1 C1 . . . :\,·:i J 7 .,�e5± 1 5. '&e4 tt::le4 1 6 . t0 f3 ±!+- Dra§ko-Gli­
1 7. \Wft'.\ \�·:'h8 IK.��c2 :.1)�5 goric, Cetinje 1 99 1 .
I S . . . d5 ? 1 9 . c d 5 t: d 5 2 0 . l' 5 ± : lO.cS h6
IS . . . u5'!! l lJJ.tfd l a b4 20. ah4 1) rK ? � I 0. . . d4 I l .e3 !

a) I I . . . �g4 1 2 . .1!i,h5 •.!if!� I 1 2 . . . ..Q..d7 1 6.ed4±l 1 5.0-0 0-0-0 [ 1 5 . . . de3 1 6.�e3
1 :' . :·\ u7 �d7 l 4 . 1J 4:'!ef2 1 5. fg4 iiJh 1 f6 1 7.!lad l 't!Ve6 1 8 .'t!Vc2 tbe3 l 9.fe3±]
1 6. 't';'d4 �c7 1 7 .ll.\f3±) 1 3 . lt_) h 3 de3 Remlinger-tehov, Gausdal 1 99 1 ; 1 6.h3 !
1 4 . f3 ! �h4 [ 1 4 . . . q;ef2 1 5 .4J f2 ef2 h5 1 7.ed4 ed4 1 8. .if4± tehov
1 6.'�2 a6 1 7.Aa4 l!Jf6 1 8. .0.g5 .�d7?
l l.f3 CDgS 12.Af4
1 9. .0.f6 gf6 20.!lhdl !l..a4 2 J .!id8 f!d8
22.®f6 .O.b5 23.<ilf2 !id2 24.�g l I :0 12.h4! lL!g h 7 1 3 . A f4;;!;; M o k ry ;
Hoeksema Eri k-Grosar A.,Groningen 12.�e3!? 6. 1 3.Ad4;;!;; tehov
(open) 1 99 1 ] 1 5.<t,>fl tt\ef2 1 6.l'bf2 4:\f2 1 2 . . . l;)h 5 13.e3 fS t 4. i.d3 0·0
1 7.ilg l .± 1 5.ti.)e2 0.f7 16.0-0 Ad7 17.�e5 a6
b) I I . . . e5 1 2. .0.b5 .li/.d7 1 3 .Ad7 W'd7 18 .. lD..d4 fie8 19.0.f4 ti)f6 20 .if6 gf6 •

1 4 . ·�\1'3 l/'\g4 [ 1 4 . . . 0-0-0 1 5.tbe5 W'c6 2 l.c4;t/± Dra§ko-Pajknvic. Celinjc I C)C) I .

Kings Indian Defence

Kings Indian Defence is an opening successfully implemented by Jusupov and

that leads to extremely complicated game, Van der Sterren.
full of strategical and positional moti­
- E80/8 1 -l.d4 ti.)f6 2.c4 g6 3.ti.)c3 ..tg7
ves.ln the majority of variations of this
4.e4 d6
system, by rule, blackattempts toorganize
4 . . .0-0 5.f3
attack on the Kings side while white sees
his chances on the Queen 's side. It is S.f3
employed by players who even with black
try to gain initiative and seek a chance to
win the game. Experts for this opening
were Fischer, Geier and Gligori�. A long
time after their era Kings Indian Defense
1ras seldom met in the tournament practi­

ce. because the trend was dictated by Kar­

pnv · .1· choice ofNimzo Indian and Queen '.r
G am bit. With the arrival of Gary Kwpa­
rov on chess throne, heaps offres h ideaJ

were introduced in this particular ope­

ning. and King '.r Indian came into the 5 . . . 0-U
strongest tournaments in a big way.
5 . . . '4. lbd7 6.{,)h3 !'' c:'i 7.d.� 0-0 k.·1 lf2
The recommended system is one ofthe
a6 9.�e2 ''!hc7 I !W-O c6 I l .a4 cd'i 1 2.cd5
fwnnd1es ofSamisch Variation with deve­
ITe 8 '! ! 1 3 . j. e 3 ! il b 8 1 4 . \j!q tl 2 l1 1 b6
!opmmt ofthe bishop on g5 square. White
1 5 . .�h6 .ahB I 6 . f4 0.fd7 1 7.a5 ttJaH
tries to get the chance to attack black 's
1 8 . c 5 ! ±/+- Gl i g o ri c -Tringov, Osijck
1\ing. but he does nor restrict the possibi­
1 978
lity of an aNion on a Queen ·s side, and
5 . . .b6 6.Ag5 c5 16 . . . h6 7.fJ.e3 c5
<TL'II in rhe center. This system was very
8.d5 a6 9.�d2 ti.\bd7 Saidy-Stejn, Tal liun

1 97 I : I O.t2\h�;l;; ENC; 6 . . . lt)bd7 7 .�d2 1 6. ltJdbS;t Ti mm an-va n der Wiel, Am­
eS 8 .l�ge2 (8.dS ! ?) aS 9.dS 8cS 1 0.0-0-0 sterdam 1 987
.G.. d7 l l .h4 h6 1 2 .i.e3 hS 1 3 . .Q.gS VM'b8 e) 6 . . . c6 7 . Si.g5 .:?) b d 7 [7 . . . �aS
1 4.QJb5 ttJh7 1 S ..:'Ll ec3 c2JgS 1 6. hgS fS 8 .' � d2 t;)bd7 9 . d S c d 5 I O . c d S h 6 ? !
1 7.efS �.fS 1 8. ,\il.e2 0-0 1 9.g4i Jusupov­ I I .Ae3 a 6 l 2.�g:l hS 1 3 . .D d3 t,;"'h7 1 4.0-
Karner, SSSR 1 98 1 ] 7 .d5 e6 h6 0 0-0 1 S.a4± Kortchnoi-Balasnv, Moskva
9 . �_e3 c d S I O.cdS ..\l.a6 I l . a4 tt'lbd7 1 97 1 ] 8.'tvd2 a6 [ 8 . . . ed4 ! ?;!;; ENC]
1 2.?lbS lt..bS 1 3 .ab5 0-0 1 4.4::\c 3 t2\e8 9. d S cdS I O.cd5 bS 1 l .g4 ! ? [ I Ubg3 ·'Db(,
1 S . 't'#d2:t Psakhis-Kamer, Tallinn 1 987 C h e r n i n - Za p a ta, A m s t e rd am 1 9 8 7 :
S . . . a6 6 ..� . u� CDfd7 7 . .!bge2 eS 8 . ..te3 1 2 . ..\l.d3 h 6 1 3 .iie3 �c7 1 4.b3 li:)bd7
cd· l (J. 0)d4 �hc6 I O.�e2 0-0 1 1 .0-0 tt'lc5 I S.fic l tL\cS 1 6 . ..\l.b 1 ± Chemin]
1 2.'tVu2 Hb8 1 3 .fiad I .td7 l4.G'bd5 .!be6 e l ) JJ . . .b4 1 2.0.a4 �a5 1 3 .b3;!;;
1 5.((\b3 f5 1 6.ef5 IUS I 7.f4 ltf7 Tal ' ­ e2) 1 1 . . . lt)c 5 1 2.b4 li:)a4 1 3.t[)a4 ba4
S . Duric. Tal linn 1 98 1 ; 1 8 ...\l. G ;t S . Duric 1 4.'bc3 ..\l.d7 1 5.a3;t
5 . . . e.'i 6 ..7)ge2 e3) 11 . . . h5 1 2.gh5 ti.h5 1 3.h4 !::. 'bg3±
e4) 1 1 . . . 0-0 1 2.li_:)g3 0,c5 1 3. b4 ltJa4
1 4.lDa4 ba4 I S . bS h6 1 6 . ..\l.e3 ..11l. g4 ? !
1 7.fg4 lDg4 1 8. .ag 1 +- Analyse
e5) 1 1 . . . 116 1 2 ...\l.e3 h5 1 3.g5 'bh7
1 4.1lg l 0-0 15 .0-0-0± Analyse
f) 6 . . . 0-0 7 . ..11l. g5 c6 8.�d2 lDbd7 9.0-
0-0 �a5 I O.�b l a6 l l .d5 cd5 1 2 .0.d5
�d2 1 3.0.f6 J/J6 1 4 �d2 t'Llc5 1 5 . ..11l.e 3

lld8 1 6.'bc3 li:)e6 I 7 .ltJd5 ..11l. g5 1 8 ...11l.g5

li:)g5 .l.1b8 20.cS±/+- Van der
Sterren-Nij boer, Niederland (ch) 1 993
5 . . .lbc6 6.d S ttJe5 7 . f4 tbed7 8.0.f3
a) 6 . . . ttlc6 7 .d5 0.e7 8 . ..\l.e3 c5 9.g4
0-0 9 . ..11l.d 3 c6 1 0.0-0 li:)c5 1 1 . .ac2 V§b6
h5 1 O.g5 t[)h7 1 1 .!2:\c I a6 l 2.'�d2 ..G.d7
1 2.Wh1 ..11l.g4 13 .1lbl cd5 1 4 .cd5 !lacS=
1 Jh4 fti 1 4 .� e2t T.Petrosian-Gurgenid­
Jusupov-Spasky, Linares 1 983; 6.0,ge2 a6
l.t:. SSSR (ch) 1 9S9
7 . ..\l.g5 Ilb8 8.�d2 2..d7 9.0.d5- 7 . . . 0-0
ttl 6 . . . c5 7 . deS deS 8 .' �d 8 Wd8
5 . . . cS 6.d5 [6.dc5;!;;] h6 1 0.0-0-0 .l$'" d7 l l ...\l.h4 cl)c6
6 ..\l.g5

1 2 .�b5 b(l 1 3 .� b l g5 1 4 . .Q.f2 l?)d4

1 5 .c'2) g3± B ronstcjn-Boenke, Portoroz
(.il.t) 1 958
c ) 6 . . . .:�j fd7 7 ltc1 .li.hfi !Laf2 0-0
'.>.h4 c5 I O.dS Tie8 I l . g4 ct'\a6 1 2.gS .?i.g7
l J :,: \g3 ;l)c7 1 4.-lld ii:\f8 1 S.'t\ilc2 D.b8
1 6. a � b6 1 7 .b4;!;; B ronstej n- K rogi us,
SSSR (ch) 1 95 8
J ) 6 . . . li\hd7 7 . ..Q..g5 a 5 8 .' &d2 h 6
tJ.Jld ti.'\h(, I cd4 l l .tDd4 a4 1 2.fid I
ab3 U.ab3 0-0 ! 4 . ..0.e2 �Jh7 1 5.0-0 !.Llbd7

1 ) 6 . . . h6, 1 1 ) 6 . . . li\bd7. TJI) 6 . . . c6, IV) 10 .i.g7 �g7 l l.lL!f2 eS,e2 bc4

6 . . . a6, V ) 6 . c5 an d VI) 6 . . . '.:t\c6

. . 1 2 . . . lL!h5 1 3.g3 bc4 1 4.Ac4 �f6?!
15 ..1le2 ed4?! 1 6.ttlg4± I.Sokolov
I) 6 . . . h6 7 . �c3 eS 8.d5 lL!hS

13..i.c4 �b6
8 . . . c6 9.1/jd2 cd5 I O.cd5 a6 J J .jLd3
I.Sokolov-Piket, Manila (ol) 1 992
lL!bd7 1 2.ltJ ge2 h5 1 3.0-0 lL!h7 1 4.a4 ..O.f6
14.de5 �eS 15 .i.e2! dS 16.f4 lL!eg4

1 5 . b4 Ag5 1 6 . a 5 J..c 3 1 7 . '&e3 b5
17.lbg4 lt)g4
1 8 .ftac l ± Despotovic-Vajs, corr. 1 977
9.�d2 ...t' h 7 10.0-0-0 a 6 1 1 .'i!>b1 1 7 . . . .i.g4?? 1 8.e5
'tWe8?! 12.ftcl �e7 18 .i.g4 .i.g4 19.h3;!;/± I.Sokolov

1 2. . .f5 1 3.c5± V) 6 . . . c5 7.d5

13.lL!ge2 ll:)d7 14.h4 ll:)b6 1S.i..b6!
cb6 'tWd8 17.�e3± Szabo-Bukal,
Sarajevo 1 972
II) 6 . . . ltlbd7 7.'tWd2 eS 8.d5 a6
9.ti)ge2 h6 10 .i.e3 �h7 1 1.g4 lL!g8 12.0·

0·0 ll:)e7
1 2. h4 !? tjJe7 1 3.h5 g5 14.Cbg3 Af6
1 5.Ae2 a5 1 6.0-0 b6 1 7. b3 Cbc5 1 8.ftfc l
Ad7 1 8.Ad I 6 a3-b4± Analyse
13.lL!g3;!; T.Petrosian-Camara, Nice­
(ol) 1 974
7 . . . lL!bd7
I I I ) 6 . . . c6 7.�d2 a6 8.Ad3 bS
1 t:Da6 8.'i¥d2 lL!c7 9.a4 a6 I O.Ad3
. . .

9.lL!ge2 lL!bd7
f{b8 l l .a5 b5 1 2.ab6 llb6 1 3 .f4 .id7
9 . bc4 I O . .i.c4 d5 l l ..i.b3 de4
. .
1 4.lL!f3 lL!h5 Psakhis-Minic, Banjaluka
1 2.fe4;!; Tal'
1 985; 1 5 .f5 ! ± Psakhis
9 . . .eS I O.d5 bc4 [ I 0 . . . b4 l l .tl\d I cd5 1 . . .a6 8.a4 fte8 9. 'tWd2 �a 5 I O.ttlgc2
1 2.cd5 a5;!;] l l .Ac4 h6?! [Tal ' -KoCijev,
e6 1 1 .tllg 3 t Gulko-Geller, Biel (izt)
SSSR 1 978; I I . . . c5 1 2.a4!?t] 1 2.Ae3
1 976
�h7 1 3.dc6 .:.!:\c6 1 4.lld l ± Tal'
1. . .' t!la5 8 . �d2 a6 9 . tl.�ge2 b5 '! !
10.0-0 .�.b7 l l.b3 eS 12.d5 b4
I O.Cbg3 tllbd7 l l .cb5 llb8 1 2.a4= Bubo­
1 :! . !iJc5 1 3 .dc6 �c6 1 4.�d5t I.So­
. .
cov-Golz, Leipzig 1 965
1 . . I!eB 8.\'Wd2 '\t'a5 9.tllge2 a6 I O.a4

13.,!2Ja4 aS 14.a3 cS 14.�b2 �c7

b5 [ I O . . . e6 1 l .lbg3; I !c i -A65 ) l l .ch5
15.a4 ! ? hS 16.�c2 Etae8 1 7.h3 4Jh7
ab5 J 2.Cbb5 �b5 1 3.ab5 I!al 1 4.t;)c 1
18.l.e3 h4?! 19..i.h6 �d8 20._1g7 ·.tg7
lLJfd7 ( 1 4 . . . e6 1 5.dcfi �e6 1 6.1§d6 t; )bd7
21.f4= I.Sokolov-Kozul. PorLoroi l 993
1 7.J.e2 6 0-0;!; Li ZunianJ 1 5.�d3 '1 1c:'i
IV) 6 . . . a6 7.�d2 ��:lbd7 8.l'.i)h3 c6 1 6.0-0 �Jd3 1 7 .l!.Jd3 lla 2 I K.l:lb I (; d7 . .

9.J..h6! ? bS [ I� . . . c4 1 9.lL!b4 c 3 ! 20.�c2 Eb2 2 1 .l1h2

9 . . . e5 l . S o k o l o v ; I O . .Z.. g 7 ·Jrig 7 cb2 22.tlld3 Ad7 23.t;)b2.t Li Zuniau I
I J .�'Llf2 �b6 1 2 .de5 [ 1 2 . . . tile5 1 3.ilc2�1 1 9.lL!c I l1a4 20.b4!;!;. Li Zunian- Velirni­
de5 1 3 . 0-0-0 l.t.Jc5 1 4 . �'1' d6 ! '1 '-l.l fd7 tovic, Duhai (ol) 1 986
I 5.h4;!; A nalyse 7 . . . e6 8.'�d2

a) 8 . . . h6 9 . .0.h6 !? (9 . ..ae3- A 6 5] ttJe4 I O.�c l tz:lh7 I l . .\le3 f5 1 2.QJd3 c6 1 3 .0-
I 0/t:\e4 �h4 I l .g3 "e\Yh6 1 2."�h6 �.h6 0-0 cd5 1 4.cd5 $J.d7 1 5 .<;t>b l �f6 1 6.h3
1 3.�'Lld6 ed5 1 4 .cd5 'Lld7 1 5. f4 '-Llb6 1 6.0- Ii.c 8 1 7.iJ.,g5 �b6 1 8.Jle1 Il f7 1 9.Q.)c l a6
0 - 0 � d 8 1 7 . �c8 ( 1 7.�"t:le4 ! ?] laac8 20.2.dJ;t I .Sokol ov-Smirin, GI'Oningen
I 8 ..ah3 f5 1 9 ..:1Je2 .O.. g7 20.g4.fid5 2 l .gf5 1 993
g f5 D reev -G e l ' fa nd, T i l burg 1 99 3 ; c) 8 . . . �d4 9 . .!bd4 ed4 I 0. �d4 h6
22.t!dgl ! ?± Analyse 1 l . .t f6 .t f6 1 2 . �d2 c6 [ 1 2 . . . c5?!
h) 8 . . . ed5 9.cd5- Benon i-A65 1 3 . .td3 1J...g 7 1 4.0-0 f5 1 5. f4 a6 1 6.llael ±
H.�d2 IieH D.Rajkovic, M. Despotovic] 1 3 . .td3 �b6
R . . . t;Je5 9 .f4 tl:)ed7 J O.QJf3 �a5 1 1 .e5 1 4.0-0-0 .tg7 [ 1 4 . . . a5 1 5.'�b l a4 1 6.a3
de5 1 2. fe5 tl:)g4 1 3 . ..Q.. e7 t!e8 1 4.d6 Ah6 Ag7 1 7.h4 �d4 1 8.'�c2 cd5 19 . .if! !
1 5 . t;:\g5 ':)ge5 1 6.h4t/± Analyse �c5 20.lid5 �c6 2 1 .llb5 ..Q.d7 22.h5 g5
9,c'L\h3 e'a5 IO.Jie2 afi 1 1 .a4 2 3 . <t:) d 5 ± T . Petro s ian-Ko�iev, SSSR
1 1 . 0 - 0 t B o l e s l a v s k i j ; I I . . . li\e5 1 97 8) 1 5 .Vb l lib8 1 6 .lihe l .'td7 1 7 .lic l
1 :?. :: , ["2 c()·..o
.• �a5 1 8.l1c2;1; Timo��enko-Yrjola, Hel­
I I . . . ·�eS 1 2.. ��f2 cfi 1 3.11a3 ed5 sinki 1 986
1 4.cd5± t\ na!Y.I"l' 7 . . . lieS 8 .' �d2
VI) 6 . . . <.'1\cfi 7.t2)ge2 a) 8 . . . e5 9.d5 ti)d4 I 0.0-0-0 c5 1 l .dc6
bc6 1 2.QJd4 ed4 1 3 . �d4 <t:)e4 1 4. .td8
..td4 1 5 .C.�je4 ..Q..e3 I 6.'�c2 I!d8 Seira­
wan-van der Wiel, Grand Manan 1 984;
1 7 ..§d6 �f5 1 8 . ..Q..d 3 ..Q.. e4 1 9.lid8 lidS
20.fe4± van der Wiel
b) 8 . . . a6 9.0-0-0 [9.d5 <t:)e5 1 O.<t:)d4±-
7 . . . a6] b5 1 O.h4 QJa5 [ I 0 . . . llb8 !? Ceba­
l o ; 1 1 . h 5 ±1± A nalyse; 1 0 . . . h5 ENC ;
l l .<t:)d5 !?;;!: A nalyse] l l . ti)g3 c6 1 2.h5
V/Jic7 Cebalo-B.Ivanovic, B udva 1 98 1 ;
1 3 . A h 6 .£i. h 8 [ 1 3 . . . e5 1 4 . 1J... g7 �g7
7 . . . all 1 5 . h g 6 fg6 1 6 . 1J... e2 6 f4 ± A nalyse]
7 . . . efi 8.d� 1\f5 6. g4 Ceba l o ; oo/t Analyse
a \ 8 . . . :l)U5 9 .h3 ! l.l/�gJ:t ENC] c5 H.'ill' d 2
I 0.�4 a6 I I .<i1g > )_d/ 1 2 . h4 EhH l :l . a4
116 1 -L0_d2 ;;1h7 15 . . �1.d.l [ 1 :'\. h 'i ! ? .�: \g5
( 1 � . . . ).: 5 1 6 .l_lh l 6 h-l:-1 ) l (l . .0.L•2<X./:;t
.\nulrs d . �J6 1 6. -��t'L'2± l ! us i - V t H II"t:IIJa,

Tal l i u 1 96.1
h) 8 . . . ..:t:\c7 9.\\�� d:?. h:'\ l lJ . . . U(l JO . .. ::�g�
O. d7 l l . �_d3 11bS 1 2. h-J -�dl 1 3.0-0 f6

1 -J �.cJ 15 1 5 .e f5 ..':� rs 1 6 . .� g5 �f6

. •

1 7 �\ge-J 1J...g 5 1 8/�g5 .:�eg7 1 9.c5 �e7


2ll.�?\ge4 ''2ld4 2 l . .Eiae I C:lh5 22 . .tc4±

G a !� ri n d a� v i l i - Veroe c i , Jaj c e 1 9 84]

V I- I ) 8 . . . D.e8, Vl-2) X . fibS and Vl- i;;)a7 1 4.'�a5 llb7 1 5.b4 'tWd7 1 6.g3;!;;
. .

3) H . . .0.d7
b) I I . . . lbd5 1 2.bc6 ti)b4 !? 1 3.d5 .lib2
VI- I ) 8 . . . .lJ.e8 9.0·0-0; 9.d5- 7 . . . a6
14.llb 1 ± Analyse
8 .'4Wd2 1le8
1 1.A.h6 il..h 6 12.'tWh6 e6 bS!
vi-2) s . . . nbs 9.h4 1 3 . . .' �f6 14.0-0-0 V!Vg7 1 5.V!Vg7 Cft;g7
9.d5!? lbe5 1 0.t;Jd4 ! c5 [ 10 . . .ii.d7? 1 6.Q)c3 l:,. g3, f4, Ag2;!;; Piket
l l .f4+- Dreev] 1 1 .Cbc2 b5 [I I . . . e6 1 2.f4 14.0-0-0 bc4
Dreev; 1 I . . . t;Je8 Meulders-Kovalev, Bel­ 1 4 . . . 'fWf6 1 5 .cb5 ab5 1 6.d5 ti)e7
gique 1 992; 1 2.f4co/i Analyse] 1 2.cb5 17.'4Wf4 '4Wf4 1 8.ltlf4 e5 19.ti)d3;t Piket
ab5 1 3.ii.b5 nbs 1 t;Jc4 1 5.'4We2 1S.g4 hg4 16.f4! 'I!Yf6
�as 1 6 .�f2 c.i)b2 [ 1 6 . . .V!Vb5 1 7.b3J 1 6 . . . f5 !? 1 7.lbc3
17 .a4 e6 1 8.J-d2 V!Va6 1 9.1lhb l ti)h5 a) 1 7 . . .�h8 1 8.ii.c4 t;Je7 1 9.h5 li)g8
2o.na2 t;Ja4 2 1.'4Wc4 tLlb6 22.V!Vb3 !±/+­ 20.'�g6 t;Je7 [20 . . .1lf6 21 .e5] 2 l .ef5 Bo­
Dreev-Smirin, Biel (izt) 1 993 ersma
9.!!.dl !? h5 [Jusupov-Zueger, Alten­ b) 1 7 . . . V!Vf6 1 8.d5 !? ed5 1 9.h5oo Bo-
steig 1 993; 9 . . e5 I O.d5;!;;; 9 . . . b5 1 0.tLlc l ersma; 1 9 . . . g5 20.'4Wg600/;!;; Analyse

bc4 l l .ii.c4 tLla5 1 2.ii.e2 c6 1 3.b3;!;; De­ 17.h5 gS 18.'�f6 ti"J6 19.fg5 tLlh7
laune-Olesen, Philadelphia 1 992] I O.CL:lc l 1 9 . . . tLle4? 20.ii.g2 d5 2 J ...ae4 de4
tLl h 7 [ 1 0 . . . e5 1 1 .tLlb3;!;;] 1 Lii.e3 e5 22.tLlg4 tLlb4 23.t't.)f6 'i!;>h8 24.}ldg I !± Pi­
1 2.tLlb3;!;; Jusupov ket-Nijboer, Groningen 1 992
9 . . . h5 lt)g5 21.1ag1 'lt>h8! 22.lbc300
9 . . . b5 1 0.h5 bc4 l l .hg6 fg6 1 2.Cbf4 Piket; oo/;!;; Analyse
tLla5 1 3 .b4! nb4 1 4.tLlcd5 1lb5 1 5.a4!+­ Vl-3) 8 . . . ..td7 9.h4 hS 10.0-0·0 bS
Armas-Pecorelli, Canto 1 986 11...th6 e5 Ah6 13.�h6 bc4
10.tLldS! ? tLlh7 1 4.g4 t;JdS 1 5.ed5 t;Jb4 16.tL'Ig3 c3
1 0. . . b5 Piket; l l .cb5!? 17.t;Jh5! gbS 18.gh5 Ag4 19..§.g1 fS
a) l l . . .ab5 1 2.fl.c l ltJ d5 [ 1 2 . . . .lid7 20.fg4 f4 21.bc3+- Sadler-Nunn, Ha­
1 3 . .lif6 ef6 1 4. g4 hg4 1 5.h5?:J/±] 1 3.ed5 stings 1 992/93


Repertoire or opening has to be considerably extensive!

Part one
- I n·egular Openings l .d4 ( I . . es,.t)c6, b5, b6, c6, c5, e6,d6)
. 4
- Kings Fianchetto l .d4 g6 2.e4 Qg7 3.e4 8
· l .d4 ·'2'lf6 2.c4 (2 . . . b6, e5. d6, c5. a6) I0
- Dutch Dcfctwe l .d4 f5 2.g3 17

Part two
- Volga Gumhit l .d4 {zjf6 2 .c4 c5 3 .d 5 b5 4.cb5 a6 5.f3 21
- Modem Benoni l .d4 {zJf6 2.c4 c 5 3.d5 e6 4./.Dc3 ed5 5 .cd5 g 6 6.f3 24

Part three
- l .d4 d5 2.c4 (2 . . . g6, tbf6, c5, .0..f5, 4Jc6, e5) 30
- Accepted Queen's Gambit l .d4 d5 2 .c4 dc4 3.e4 34
- Slav Defence J .d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.tbc3 (3 . . . e5, dc4, QJf6, e6) 40
- Meran Defence l .d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.tbc3 tt:\f6 4.e3 e6 5 .tbf3 46
- Queen' s Gambit l .d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.lL\c3
(1 . . . dc4, b6, �.b4, a6. c5. c6, Si.e7, 1.2Jf6) 49

Part four
- Gruc n fcld indian Defence
-��f6 2.c4 g:C' 3 . 2\d d5 4.cd5 QJd5 5.e4
l .d4 . 57
- N i mzo Indian Dl' i".:n.-1.! l . d4 <�f6 2.c4 e6 3.t.j c3 .ab4 4.�c2 61
- K i ng� I ndian De l"encc i . J.f .2'.f6 2.c4 g 6 3 . :tJc3 $i..g7 4 .e4 d 6 5.f3 72

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