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Applied Thermodynamics, ISSN 1301-9724

Vol.4, (No.1), pp.1-18, March-2001

Second Law Analysis of Diffusion Flames


Dept. of Engineering Thermodynamics, Polytechnic University of Bucharest
Splaiul Independentei, 313, Bucharest-Romania
Tel: +410 01 3140097, Fax: +410 11 17
Yalcin GOGUS
Middle East Technical University, Aeronautical Eng. Dept.,
Ankara, 06531-Turkey
Fax: +90 312 210 1272

The objective of this paper is to investigate the sources of volumetric irreversibilities in
both laminar and turbulent diffusion flames. The theoretical background of analysis
relies on the local exergy transport equation, which allows the microscopic formulation
of the well-known Gouy-Stodola theorem. For laminar reacting flows, the volumetric
entropy generation rate expression includes the viscous, thermal, diffusion and chemical
components. Their expressions show that the corresponding irreversibilities are
uncoupled if the combustion process occurs at constant pressure. The numerical
simulation of a methane-air combustion process shows that the thermal, chemical and
diffusive irreversibilities represent, in order of enumeration, the predominant
irreversibilities in the laminar diffusion reacting flows. In the case of turbulent diffusion
flames, the viscous, thermal, diffusion and chemical mean components have to be
expressed in accordance with the combustion model. Two combustion models are used:
the multi-species approach based on the eddy-break formulation of mean reaction rate,
and the assumed probability density function for a conserved scalar that relies on the
flame sheet model. For a diffusion methane-air jet flame, the distribution of mean
irreversibility components is presented. Taking into account the technical importance of
diffusion flames, the analysis could serve to improve the combustion geometry and the
flow condition.
Key words: Reacting flows, entropy generation, diffusion flames, combustion methane-

1. Introduction entropy. This method can be easily applied, but it

hasn’t enough accuracy and it doesn’t emphasize
In the field of power generation, the
the peculiarities of the exergy dissipation.
chemically reactive flows have a significant
Because of the great complexity of the chemical,
relevance. The flame sheet is the place where the
mass and heat interactions, the continium level
chemical fuel exergy is transferred to thermal
represents the only reasonable approach in the
exergy of the fluid in an irreversible manner so
second law analysis of a reacting flow. This level
that a fraction of the exergy is always destroyed.
of analysis was first formulated by Bejan (1983),
At the bulk level analysis, the well-known who applied it in the case of laminar single-
Gouy-Stodola theorem establishes the liaison component flows. It was also used for the single-
between the lost exergy and the generation of component turbulent flows (Sciuba, 1994),

Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed.

Int.J. Applied Thermodynamics, Vol.4 (No.1) 1

(Stanciu et al., 2000*) where specific dissipation both include the energy of formation of the
mechanisms are generated by the fluctuating species involved, the kinetic energy and the
field (Stanciu et al., 2000). In this paper, we potential energy of the flow. This equation,
extend this method to both laminar and turbulent which represents the general volumetric
diffusion flames. formulation of first law of thermodynamics for
multi-component systems, can take various
2. Second Law Analysis of Laminar forms. In low speed flows, it is customary to
Diffusion Flames adopt the static enthalpy as the variable
The first step in performing the second law characterizing the energy content of the fluid, so
analysis is to obtain the mathematical model of that Eq. (4a) is replaced by:
laminar reacting flow. Based on it, the local
∂ ⎡ N ⎤
exergy balance equation will be derived. This (ρh ) + ∂ ⎢ρuαh + ρiϑ(αi)hi + q& α ⎥ = ∂P (4b)

equation establishes the liaison between the ∂τ ∂xα ⎢⎣ i =1 ⎥⎦ ∂τ
volumetric entropy generation rate and the local
dissipation of the flow exergy. In the following Eqs. (1)-(4) must be completed with the
step, the general expression of the volumetric definitions of diffusion velocity ϑ α , heat flux
(i )
entropy generation rate will be put in an
applicable form. Finally, the importance of each q& α , and viscous stress tensor τ βα
. With some
irreversibility mechanism on the exergy losses classical assumptions involving the diffusion
will be numerically investigated in the case of a phenomena and the absence of radiation, Fick’s
diffusion methane-air jet flame. law, Fourrier’s law and the Newtonian mixture
2.1 The mathematical model of diffusion hypothesis lead to:
reacting flow
(i ) ∂Yi
Let us consider a laminar chemically ρi ϑα = −ρD im (5)
∂x α
reacting flow of a multi-component gaseous
mixture. For the sake of simplicity the flow ∂T
chemistry is described by a single step reaction: q& α = −λ V (6)
∂x α
ν 1′ A 1 + ν ′2 A 2 + ........ +
(R1) ⎡⎛ ∂u ∂u β ⎞ 2 ∂u ⎤
+ ν ′N A N → ν 1′′A 1 + ν ′2′ A 2 + ........ + ν ′N
′ AN (V)
τ αβ = µ V ⎢⎜ α + ⎟ − δ αβ γ ⎥ (7)

⎢⎣⎝ ∂x β ∂x α ⎟ 3 ∂x γ ⎥⎦

where ν ′i , ν ′i′ represent the stoichiometric
coefficients of reactants and products and Ai where µV is the molecular viscosity, λV
stands for the chemical species. The represents the thermal conductivity and Dim
mathematical model of the flow consists in the stands for the diffusion coefficient of i-chemical
continuity (1), species (2), momentum (3) and component in mixture. In order to close the
energy Eqs. (4a). Their conservative forms are system (1) - (4) the equations of state must be
(Libby and Williams, 1993): added. In these conditions we restrict our
analysis to an ideal gas mixture for which:
∂ρ ∂ (ρu α )
+ =0 (1) N
∂τ ∂x α Yi
P = ρR M T ∑ (8)

[ ]
(ρYi ) + ∂ ρu α Yi + ρ i ϑα(i) = (ν ′i′ − ν ′i )M i ρω
i =1

∂τ ∂x α
( )
i=1,N (2) h * = ∑ Yi h i(o) + h i(s) + 12 u α u α =
i =1

[ ] ⎛ ⎞ (9)

( )
ρu β +

∂x α
ρu α u β + Pδ αβ − τ βα =0
⎜ (o )

= ∑ Yi ⎜ h i + ∫ c p,i dT ⎟ + 12 u α u α
i =1 ⎜ ⎟
β=1,3 (3) ⎝ T0 ⎠
where h i represents the energy of formation of
( ) ∂ ⎡ N

ρe * +
∂x α ⎢⎣

⎢ρu α h * + ρ i ϑ (αi ) h i + i-specie and RM is the universal gas constant.
Although the ideal gases mixture hypothesis
i =1
+ q& α − τ αβ u β = 0 (4a)
restraints the generality of the analysis, its
important role in the technical combustion
processes is well - known.
Of course the total energy e* and the total
In this formulation, the mathematical model
enthalpy h* appearing in the energy Eq. (4a)
of reacting flows includes all the chemical

2 Int.J. Applied Thermodynamics, Vol.4 (No.1)

components of gaseous mixture. For this reason, YO,1
it will be named the multi-species model. It is ξ st = (14)
ν ′O M O
valid for both diffusion and premixed flames but YF,2 + YO,1
has the disadvantage of using N+4 equations, ν ′F M F
which may be expensive from the computational
point of view. c p ,O ⎛ c p, F c p ,O ⎞
Tf (ξ ) = T1 + ⎜ T2 − T1 ⎟ξ (15)
In the case of diffusion flames, the number cp ⎜ cp cp ⎟
⎝ ⎠
of equations can be dramatically reduced using
the Shvab-Zel’dovich approximation that allows In the above expressions, M represents the
the definition of mixture fraction ξ. For a single atomic mass, HF stands for the lower heating
irreversible reaction that reads: value of fuel and H(x ) is the Heaviside step
function. Subscripts F, O, in and pr denote the
ν ′F F + ν ′O O + ν ′In In → Pr (R2)
fuel, the oxidizer, the inert and the product
involving the fuel F, the oxidizer O and the inert species of chemical global reaction (R2) and
specie In as reactants and the products Pr, the subscripts 1 and 2 identify the streams of the two
mixture fraction is defined as: feed system. Of course, this model involves
some approximations that alter its accuracy, but
β − β1 has the great advantage of solving only four
ξ= (10)
β 2 − β1 partial differential equations.
2.2 The exergy balance equation
where β is the coupling function and the
subscripts 1 and 2 identify the fuel and the A bulk level analysis shows that reaction
oxidizer streams of the two feed system. (R1) performs the conversion of chemical exergy
into a thermal one. Of course, the Gouy-Stodola
Assuming a single diffusion coefficient and a
theorem establishes the liaison between the lost
Lewis number equal to unity for all chemical
exergy and the conversion irreversibilities.
components (meaning D=Dim=const. and Lei=1), Because of the high complexity of the processes
the species and the energy equations take the occurring in the chemically reactive mixtures,
same form, so they can be replaced with that of the bulk level exergy analysis cannot emphasize
mixture fraction: the peculiarities of the lost exergy mechanisms.
So the goal of this paragraph is to derive a local
∂ (ρξ ) ∂ ⎛ ∂ξ ⎞ balance equation modeling the transport and the
+ ⎜ ρu α ξ + ρD ⎟=0 (11)
∂τ ⎜
∂x α ⎝ ∂x α ⎟ conversion of the exergy.

For a multi-component system, the balance
Finally, in the Burke-Schumann approximation equation of the entropy can be written as:
(Burke and Schumann, 1928), all the thermo-
chemical variables can be recovered from the ∂ (ρs ) ∂ ⎡ N ⎤
mixture fraction solution: ∂τ
∂x α

(i )
⎢ρu αs + ρi ϑα
⎢⎣ ⎥
si + q& α T ⎥ = S& (gen (16)
i =1 ⎦
⎛ ξ − ξ st ⎞ The above relation is multiplied with reference
YF (ξ ) = YF,2 ⎜⎜ ⎟H(ξ − ξ st )
⎟ temperature which is taken equal to the
⎝ 1 − ξ st ⎠
environment temperature T0 and the result is
⎛ξ −ξ⎞
YO (ξ ) = YO,1 ⎜⎜ st ⎟[1 − H(ξ − ξ st )] (12a,b)
subtracted from the total energy Eq. (4a). In
⎟ order to emphasize the influence of the chemical
⎝ ξ st ⎠
reaction on the exergy transport mechanism, the
Yin (ξ ) = Yin ,1 + Yin ,2 − Yin ,1 ξ) enthalpy, entropy and internal energy of the
gaseous mixture are split into their reference (o)
Ypr (ξ ) = 1 − YF (ξ ) − YO (ξ ) − Yin (ξ ) (12c,d)
and difference (s) parts:
⎧ HF h = h ( o ) + h (s ) ; e = e ( o ) + e (s ) ;
⎪Tf (ξ) + M ν′ c (ξ) YO,1 (1 − ξ) for ξ ≥ ξst

T(ξ) = ⎨
O O p
(13) s = s ( o ) + s (s ) (17)
⎪T (ξ) + HF
YF,2 ξ for ξ ≤ ξ st The same decomposition is used for the
⎪ f
⎩ M F ν′F c p (ξ) mixture’s components. By the ideal gas
assumption the reference entropy s(o) (T0, P0) can
where ξst is the stoichiometric value of the be expressed as:
mixture fraction, and Tf represents the frozen
∑ [s i(o ) (T0 , P0 ) + R i ln X i ]
mixture temperature that read: s ( o ) (T0 , P0 ) = (18)
i =1

Int.J. Applied Thermodynamics, Vol.4 (No.1) 3

where P0 represents the reference pressure, Xi is the balance between the rate of chemical exergy
the mole fraction of considered specie and s i(o) release, which increases the flow physical exergy
and the rate of volumetric entropy generation,
entropy of pure specie at Po, To. Using the above which destroys it. We focus at this time on the
decompositions and some algebraic volumetric entropy generation rate that, in the
transformations, the exergy transport equation most general case, can be expressed as (Vilcu,
reads (Stanciu et al., 2000): 1988):
∂ ⎡ N
[ρ(ex )] + ∂ ⎢ρu α (ex h* ) + ∑ ρ i ϑ α(i) (ex h )i + τ ( V ) ∂u β
&S (Ω) = βα +
λ ∂T ∂T

∂τ ∂x α ⎣⎢ gen
i =1 T ∂x α T 2 ∂x α ∂x α
( ) ]
+ Ex Q α + (Ex τ )α = Π (ex ) − ∆(ex ) (19)
1 N (i ) ⎛⎜ ∂µ i ⎞ Aω

T i =1
∑ρi ϑα ⎜ ∂x
⎟ +
⎟ T
Eq. (19) is written in the general form of a scalar ⎝ α ⎠T
conservation law. It shows that the variation of
the exergy in each point of the flow is due to the where µi is the chemical potential of the i-
convection and diffusion fluxes of exergy and to component and A represents the mixture’s
the exergy source term. The components of the affinity. In the case of an ideal gas mixture, the
convection flux, which is performed by the chemical potential relation is (Bejan, 1988):
transport of exergy with the flow velocity, are:
µ i (T, p, X i ) = µ i i (T, p ) + R i T ln X i =
( X =1)
Fα(c) (ex ) = ρu α (ex h* ) = = g i (T, p ) + R i T ln X i

= ρu α h * − h (o) − T0 s − s (o ) ( )] (20) where gi is the specific free enthalpy of the i-
component. In this case, the derivatives
The exergy diffusion flux appears because of the (∂µi/∂xα)T can be easily calculated and the
mass, heat and work interactions. Its components expression of the volumetric entropy generation
can be expressed as: rate (24) becomes (Stanciu et al., 2000):

Fα(d ) (ex ) =
∑ ρiϑα(i) (ex h )i + (Ex Q )α + (Ex τ )α =
S& (gen ( ) + (S& ) + (S& ) + (S& )
= S& (gen
( Ω)
gen Q
( Ω)
gen D
( Ω)
gen CH (26)
i =1

∑ Dim ∂x αi [hi − h i(o) − T0 (si − si(o) )]−

∂Y The first term of the above relation:
= −ρ (21)

i =1
∂T ⎛ T0 ⎞
⎜1 − ⎟ − ταβ u β
(S& )
gen V =
τ βα ∂u β
T ∂x α
>0 (27)
∂x α ⎝ T ⎠
represents the viscous part of the volumetric
Finally, the exergy source contains both the entropy generation rate. It models the flow
volumetric production and the volumetric irreversibilities due to the shear stress tensor. The
dissipation rates. The volumetric rate of chemical following two terms:
to physical exergy conversion:

{ [
Π (ex ) = − ∆G (o) + R MT ln K p (T0 ) ω > 0 ]} (22) (S& ) + (S& )
gen Q
gen D =
∂T ∂T
∂x α ∂x α
N ⎡ R ∂Yi ∂P R i ∂Yi ∂Yi ⎤
is proportional to the chemical exergy of the
reactants, ζch=-{∆G(o)+RMTln[Kp(T0)]}, which is
+ ∑ ρD im ⎢ pi + ⎥>0
∂x α ∂x α Yi ∂x α ∂x α ⎦
i =1 ⎣
released at a rate equal to the chemical reaction
rate, ω. But more important for our goal is the model the irreversibilities due to the heat and
volumetric rate of exergy dissipation, which has mass transfer interactions. Although the diffusion
the expression: phenomena due to the pressure and temperature
gradients were neglected in Fick’s law (5), these
∆(ex) = T0S& (gen
>0 (23) irreversibilities are still coupled through the
product (∂Yi/∂xα . ∂P/∂xα) which has an
showing that it is proportional to the volumetric unknown sign. But neglecting the diffusion due
entropy generation rate. Of course the relation to the pressure gradients, as in Eq. (5), means
(23) represents the local formulation of the that:
Gouy-Stodola theorem.
dP P << dYi Yi
2.3 The entropy generation rate exp-
ression The above hypothesis has a wide validity
Eq. (19) shows that at each point of the because many engineering applications of
flow, the exergy variation depends strongly on combustion processes happen at P≈const. In this
4 Int.J. Applied Thermodynamics, Vol.4 (No.1)
case, the thermal and diffusion irreversibilities The flame chemistry is modeled by a single
uncouple so that: step chemical reaction like (R1) and the reacting
flow is governed by Eq. (1-4b). The numerical
(S& )
gen Q =
∂T ∂T
T x α ∂x α
∂ 2
>0 (28) calculation was performed with the computer
code FLUENT 5.1.
Distribution of the viscous part of
(S& )
R i ∂Yi ∂Yi
gen D = ∑ ρD im
Yi ∂x α ∂x α
>0 (29) volumetric entropy generation rate has very
small values so it wasn’t plotted. Of course the
i =1
highest dissipation rates take place near burner
Finally, the last term in the expression of the entrance region because of the inlet velocity
volumetric entropy generation rate: difference between the two coaxial jets. A
viscous dissipation of the same magnitude also
(S& )
gen CH =
Aω ω N
T i =1
(ν ′i − ν ′i′ )µ M,i > 0
∑ (30) occurs around the adiabatic wall of the burner
where the non-slip boundary condition generates
high velocity gradients.
model the chemical irreversibilities due to
Figure 2a presents the distribution of the
reaction (R1). It can be seen that this term
thermal component of volumetric entropy
depends on the chemical reaction rate, and the
generation rate. By far this kind of dissipation is
molar chemical potential µM,i of each species. more important than the viscous one. The
2.4 Numerical simulation of laminar extremely high temperature gradients in the
diffusion flame irreversibilities flame front proximity generate the maximal
thermal dissipation in this area. Another place of
As an application of the above relations, let
significant thermal dissipation is located around
us consider the coaxial jet diffusion flame of
the fuel entrance because of the heat transfer
methane-air laminar combustion. Burner
from the flame. As expected, the maximal values
geometry and boundary conditions are presented
of thermal irreversibilities decrease along the
in Figure 1. The fuel, having the inlet velocity of
front of the flame due to the cutting down of
0.5 m/s, enters into the burner through a circular
temperature gradients. The diffusion component
inlet with diameter d=2 mm and the surrounding
variation of the volumetric entropy generation
air meets the methane jet with an inlet velocity of
rate is presented in Figure 2b. As in previous
0.05 m/s. The two coaxial jets are bounded by an
cases the most important diffusion dissipations
adiabatic outer wall.
are located around the flame front, but their
values are smaller than in the previous case.
Figure 2c shows the distribution of chemical
volumetric entropy generation rate. The highest
values of this irreversibility component are found
in the flame front where the most important part
of the chemical transformations happens. It can
also be seen that in the sites where they take
place, the chemical irreversibilities remain the
most significant among the flow irreversibilities.
The distribution of the total volumetric
entropy generation rate is presented in Figure 3.
It is easy to point out that around the flame front,
this distribution is identical with that of the
chemical volumetric rate, which rules in this
area. Along the normal direction at the front of
the flame, the methane’s concentration
continuously decreases and the reaction rate
slows down. As a consequence, the chemical
dissipation becomes smaller and smaller so that,
in these sites, the shape of the volumetric entropy
generation rate is formed by the thermal
component of the irreversibilities. It is surprising
that the diffusion part of volumetric dissipations,
that are greater than in the case of premixed
Figure 1. Burner geometry and boundary flame (Stanciu et al., 2000), doesn’t seriously
conditions for laminar flame calculation affect the shape of irreversibility distribution.

Int.J. Applied Thermodynamics, Vol.4 (No.1) 5

Figure 2a. Thermal irreversibility component Figure 2b. Diffusion irreversibility component

Figure 2c Chemical irreversibility component Figure 3. Computed distribution of volu-

metric irreversibility for a laminar diffusion

6 Int.J. Applied Thermodynamics, Vol.4 (No.1)


(S& )
gen V
(S& )
gen Q (S& )
gen D (S& )
gen CH S& gen

[W/K] [W/K] [W/K] [W/K] [W/K] [%]


1.3x10-9 0.02477 0.00266 0.0197 0.04713 0.04672 0.87

For the sake of clarity, the smallest values of 3.1.1 The multi-species model
volumetric entropy generation rate were removed This model uses the average of full reacting
from Figures 2 and 3. flow equations. At this moment it is widely
Reacting flow irreversibility model, as well accepted that Favre decomposition of all
as the precision of calculation can be verified instantaneous properties, except density and
with the aid of the entropy transport Eq. (16). pressure, provides the most convenient way for
Taking into account that vertical boundaries are obtaining the averaged continuity (32), species
adiabatic and the outlet boundary is far from the (33), momentum (34) and enthalpy (35)
flame front, the integral of this equation reduces equations which become:
∂ρ ∂( ρ~ uα )
r v (Ω) + =0 (32)
∫∫ ρsu ⋅ ndΣ = ∫∫∫ S& gen dΩ (31) ∂τ ∂x α

where ∂ΩC denotes the boundaries of

∂ ~
( )
ρ Yi +
∂ ⎡ ~ ~
∂x α ⎢⎣

ρ u α Yi − Φ i(,Vα) + Φ i(,Rα) ⎥ =

computational domain Ω. The values of the ~
= (ν ′i′ − ν ′i )M i ρ ω
entropy generation rate components on Ω and the
entropy flux value through ∂Ω are presented in i=1,N (33)
TABLE I. It can be seen that the error between
the two sides of the above equation is less than
0.9%, but more important than that, the thermal
∂ ~
( )
ρu β +

∂x α
⎡ ~ ~ (V) (R) ⎤
⎢⎣ρu α u β + Pδ αβ − τβα + τβα ⎥⎦ = 0
and chemical irreversibilities are responsible for β=1,3 (34)
about 95% of the laminar flame dissipations.
3. Second Law Analysis of Turbulent
Diffusion Flames
∂ ~
( )
ρh +

∂x α
⎡ρ~ ~
& (V) & (R ) ⎤
⎢⎣ u α h − q α + q α ⎥⎦ = ∂τ (35)
Although the turbulent combustion is by far For the sake of simplicity, in Eq. (35) we used
more complex than the laminar one, the the assumption Le=1. In the above equations:
requested steps in deriving its second law
analysis are the same. The differences come out ~
from the turbulence and combustion closure Φ i(,Vα) = − ρ D im (36)
∂x α
models that strongly influence the averaging
methodology of volumetric entropy generation
⎛ ∂~
u ∂~
uβ ⎞ 2 ∂~

rate expression. (V)
τ βα = µV ⎜ α + ⎟ − δ αβ (37)
⎜ ∂x β ∂x α ⎟ 3 ∂x γ
3.1 The mathematical model of turbulent ⎝ ⎠
reacting flow ~
µ V ∂h
There are many ways in modeling the q (αV ) = (38)
turbulent reacting flows of diffusion flames. All Pr ∂x α
of them are based on the time average of Eqs.
denote the mass diffusion mean vector, the
(1)-(4b) at which a turbulence closure model and
a combustion closure model must be added. The viscous mean stress tensor and the mean heat
difference among the models consists in the flux vector, while:
computation of the averaged thermochemical
~ ~ ~ . In this paper Φ i(,Vα) = −ρu ′α′ Yi′′ (R )
τ βα = −ρu ′α′ u ′β′
flow variables as Yi , h and ω
we used two distinct models: the multi-species (R )
q& α = −ρu ′α′ h ′′ (39a,b,c)
approach, and the assumed probability density
function for a conserved scalar.

Int.J. Applied Thermodynamics, Vol.4 (No.1) 7

represent the corresponding Reynolds quantities. 3.1.2 Assumed probability density
In order to solve the system (32)-(35), a closure function model for a conserved
turbulence model for expressions (39) and a scalar
combustion model for the mean reaction rate ω ~ The above model has the great
must be added. disadvantage of involving all the flow and
thermo-chemical variables. In these conditions it
Although it has been widely criticized, the needs a lot of computational time, especially for
turbulence closure model based on gradient complex flow geometry that often requests a fine
transport techniques is very practical for discretization. At the opposite extremity is
engineering calculation. This model relies on the placed the assumed probability density function
Boussiesq hypothesis, which connects the (PDF) approach for a conserved scalar. This
Reynolds stress tensor τ βα and the mean strain
(R ) model relies only on the averaged continuity (32)
and momentum (34) equations at which a
rate tensor through the turbulent viscosity µT. turbulence closure model must be added. For this
Most often it is computed using the Prandtl- paper we used the standard K-εK turbulence
Kolmogorov relation, accomplished by the two model, adapted for the round jet calculation with
equations K-εK turbulence model, with a wall Launder’s correction (Launder et al., 1972). All
function treatment of the near wall region. It is the mean thermo-chemical properties, including
well-known that the model fails in predicting the here the averaged mass fractions and the mean
separated and swirling flows or the spreading temperature, are computed with the relation:
rate of round jet, which are most often used in
combustion processes. In order to improve its 1
~ ~
behavior, some corrections on ε equation, or φ = ∫ φ(ξ )f (ξ )dξ (40)
some modifications of model constants Cµ, 0
Cεand Cε2must be added, but they depend on the where φ(ξ) is a generic instantaneous flow
flow type. Another option is to use an improved variable whose solution results from the Burke-
formulation, like the RNG K-εK model (Fluent Schumann approximations (12)-(13) and f(ξ) is
Inc.), which enhances the prediction accuracy of the PDF of the mixture fraction. Assuming for
swirling flows, or the Realizable K-ε model of PDF a clipped Gaussian distribution:
Shih (Shih et al., 1995) that clearly improves the
spreading rate simulation of both planar and f (ξ ) = α 0 δ(ξ ) + α1δ(ξ − 1) +
round jets. Using the same gradient transport ⎡ 1 ⎛ ξ − µ ⎞2 ⎤ (41)
model closure, the Reynolds mass diffusion + exp ⎢− ⎜ ⎟ ⎥[H(ξ ) − H(ξ − 1)]
σ 2π ⎢⎣ 2 ⎝ σ ⎠ ⎥⎦
vector Φ i ,α is related to the mean mass fraction
(R )

gradient through the turbulent diffusion the local parameters σ , µ , α 0 and α1 are
coefficient DT, and the Reynolds heat flux vector determined functions of mean mixture fraction
q (αR ) is connected to the mean enthalpy gradient and mixture fraction variance (Elghobashi,
1977), (Lockwood, 1977) for which the
using the turbulent heat transfer coefficient λT . corresponding averaged transport equations are
These turbulent quantities are computed with the added.
aid of turbulent Schmidt and Prandtl numbers.
For standard and realizable K-εK models, these 3.2 The mathematical model of turbulent
turbulent quantities are constant, (i.e. ScT =0.7 reacting flow irreversibilities
and PrT=0.85), while for RNG K-εK model they The first step in modeling the flow
vary following an algebraic relation. irreversibilities is to average the instantaneous
In the case of diffusion flames, the entropy Eq. (16) which leads to:
characteristic chemical kinetics time is much ~
∂ (ρ ~s ) ∂ ⎡ ~ ~ N
∂Yi ~
smaller than the turbulent mixing time so that the
mixing always controls the combustion rate. The ∂τ
+ ⎢ ρ u α s + ρu ′α′ s ′′ −
∂x α ⎣⎢
∑ ρ D im
∂x α
si −
i =1
eddy break-up models are mixing controlled
combustion techniques that determine the mean N
∂Yi′′ ⎤
reaction rate ω~ as a function of mean mass − ∑ ρD im
∂x α ⎥
& (Ω)
s ′i′ + q& T ⎥ = Sgen (42)
~ i =1 ⎦
fraction field, Yi and the characteristic time of
turbulence, K/ε. For this work we selected the It is not very easy to model the correlations
well-known eddy-break formulation of appearing on the left hand side of the above
Magnussen and Hjertager (Magnusen and equation. But as in the laminar case, with some
Hjertager, 1976). simplifications imposed by the boundary
conditions, it can be used for checking the

8 Int.J. Applied Thermodynamics, Vol.4 (No.1)

veridicality of irreversibility model as well as the the same mechanism. The following term,
accuracy of numerical calculations. containing the dissipation rate
The averaged form of the instantaneous
exergy Eq. (19) is not presented here because it
ε K = τ βα ( )
∂u ′β′ / ∂x α ρ of turbulent kinetic
is not used in computations. But it leads to the energy K = 12 ρu ′α′ u ′α′ ρ models the proper
very important conclusion that: viscous irreversibilities generated by the flow
& (Ω) turbulence. Continuing the averaging procedure
∆[ρ(ex )] = T0 Sgen >0 (43)
and dropping the serial decompositions of
~ ~ ~ ~
which constitutes the theoretical basis of second T −2 = T −2 (1 + T ′′ / T) −2 and Yi−1 = Yi−1 (1 + Yi′′ / Yi ) −1
law analysis of turbulent flames. Indeed, the at the first term, the following two components
above relation shows that the destroying rate of of volumetric entropy generation rate (44) can be
Favre averaged volumetric exergy is proportional expressed as:
to the Reynolds averaged volumetric rate of
entropy generation. In this condition, an accurate ⎛⎜ S& (Ω) ⎞⎟ = ⎛⎜ S& (Ω) ⎞⎟ + ⎛⎜ S (Ω) ⎞⎟

⎝ gen ⎠ Q ⎝ gen ⎠ QM ⎝ gen ⎠ QT
determination of mean entropy generation (46)
~ ~
& (Ω) λ ∂T ∂T ρ c p
rate, Sgen becomes crucial for both the second ≅ ~V + ~ εθ
T 2 ∂x α ∂x α T 2
law analysis of turbulent reacting flow and the
lost exergy computation.
⎛⎜ S& (Ω) ⎞⎟ = ⎛⎜ S& (Ω) ⎞⎟ + ⎛⎜ S (Ω) ⎞⎟

Including the thermo-chemical properties ⎝ gen ⎠ D ⎝ gen ⎠ DM ⎝ gen ⎠ DT
and their gradients, the averaging procedure of ~ ~ (47)
volumetric entropy generation rate expression R i ∂Yi ∂Yi Ri
needs to take into account the mathematical
≅ ∑ ρ D im ~
Y ∂x α ∂x α
+ ∑ Y
(i )
~ ρε ψ
i =1 i i =1 i
model used for reacting flow. In the following
sections we present the averaged expression of where:
the volumetric entropy generation rate for both
mathematical flow models used in this work. ε θ = (λ V / ρ c p ) ρ(∂T / ∂x α )(∂T ′′ / ∂x α ) ρ 
3.2.1 Averaging the entropy generation represents the dissipation rate of fluctuating
rate for the multi-species model
temperature variance K θ = 12 ρT ′′ 2 ρ and:
The Reynolds average procedure applied to
the instantaneous entropy generation rate
expression (26) leads to: ε (ψi ) = D im (∂Yi / ∂x α )(∂Yi / ∂x α )

& (Ω ) ⎛ & ( Ω ) ⎞
Sgen = ⎜ Sgen ⎟ + ⎛⎜ Sgen
& (Ω) ⎞
⎟ + ⎛⎜ Sgen
& (Ω ) ⎞
⎟ + ⎛⎜ Sgen
& (Ω ) ⎞
⎟ (44) is the dissipation rate of fluctuating i-component
⎝ ⎠V ⎝ ⎠Q ⎝ ⎠D ⎝ ⎠CH
mass fraction variance K (ψi) = 12 ρYi′′ 2 ρ . As in
In order to find the averaged expressions of the previous case, the first terms of the right hand
volumetric entropy generation rate components side of Eqs. (46) and (47) model the mean
(27)-(30), the instantaneous temperature, as well motion field irreversibilities, while the second
as the instantaneous mass fraction, are terms take into account the mean dissipations of
decomposed into their mean and fluctuating fluctuating field. For instance, the mean chemical
parts. So using the hypothesis T ′′ T << 1 , and source term is modeled as:
dropping the serial decomposition of
−1 ~ −1 ~ −1
T = T (1 + T ′′ / T ) at the first term, the (S& )
gen CH
~ N
≅~ ∑
T i =1
(ν ′i − ν ′i′ )µ~ M,i (48)
following expression for volumetric viscous part
of entropy generation rate is obtained: where the mean chemical potential is simply
⎛⎜ S& (Ω) ⎞⎟ ≅ ⎛⎜ S& (Ω) ⎞⎟ + ⎛⎜ S (Ω) ⎞⎟

computed as µ
~ ~ ~ ~
M ,i = h M ,i − Ts M ,i T, p, X i  )
⎝ gen ⎠ V ⎝ gen ⎠ VM ⎝ gen ⎠ VT
(45) Correlating the irreversibility model and the
~τ ( V ) ~
βα ∂u β ρε mathematical formulation of diffusive reacting
≅ ~ + ~K flow, it can be seen that only the mean motion
T ∂x α T
irreversibilities, denoted by subscript M, and the
The first term of the above expression models the turbulent viscous one, identified by subscript VT
viscous irreversibilities of mean motion field due can be computed. For both thermal turbulent and
to the gradients of averaged velocity. It is the diffusion turbulent irreversibilities, the
homologue of the term modeling the laminar mathematical formulation of reacting flow does
viscous irreversibilities because it is generated by not give any information, because its procedures

Int.J. Applied Thermodynamics, Vol.4 (No.1) 9

in computing λT and DT rely on the classical PrT where ~
χ is the mean scalar dissipation rate of the
and ScT determinations, which either are mixture fraction, defined as:
assumed as constants or are computed with some
algebraic relations. In this case, the equilibrium ~ ~
~ 2⎡ ∂ξ′′ ∂ξ′′ ⎤ ∂ξ ∂ξ
turbulence feature can be invoked for which the χ = ⎢ρD ⎥ = 2D (53)
ρ ⎣⎢ ∂x α ∂x α ⎦⎥ ∂x α ∂x α
production and the dissipation terms appearing in
(i )
Kθ and K ψ equations are equal. This leads to: Based on the Burke-Schumann chemical model
(12)-(13), we can now describe all instantaneous
(S& ) ρc p ~ ~ mass fractions and instantaneous temperature
(Ω) λ ∂T ∂T
gen QT = ~ ε θ ≅ ~T (49) derivatives as follows:
T2 T 2 ∂x α ∂x α
⎧ YF,2
(S& )
N N ~ ~
Ri R i ∂Yi ∂Yi dYF ⎪ ξ ≥ ξ st
gen DT = ∑ ~ ρ ε (i )
ψ ≅ ρ D T∑ ~
∂x α ∂x α

= ⎨1 − ξ st
i =1 Yi i =1 Yi ⎪0
⎩ ξ < ξ st
The above approximations may be removed if ⎧0 ξ ≥ ξ st
the transport equations of Kθ and K (ψi) are added dYO ⎪
= ⎨ YO,1
at the mathematical reacting flow model. Then,
dξ ⎪ − ξ < ξ st
⎩ ξ st
the dissipation rates appearing in their source
terms could be computed as dYin
= Yin ,2 − Yin ,1 (54a,b,c)
(i ) (i ) (i )
ε θ = C θ (ε K / K )K θ and ε ψ = C ψ (ε K / K )K ψ , dξ
avoiding the use of additional transport equations ⎧ Hi
for εθand ε ψ .
(i ) ⎪− Tf − M ν c YO,1 ξ ≥ ξ st
dT ⎪ O O p
=⎨ (55)
Being capable of separating for the first dξ ⎪ Hi
− Tf + YF,2 ξ < ξ st
three irreversibility components the mean motion ⎪ M Fν Fc p

part from the turbulent part, the model reveals
almost all the structure of flame dissipations. Utilizing the conserved scalar model, the
Even if it may be less accurate in predicting the chemical component of the volumetric entropy
mean flow properties, this model is useful for generation rate (30) can be put in the following
studying the influence of turbulence on flame form (Isvoranu, 1999), (Isvoranu et al., 2000):
ρ~ ⎡ 1 N d 2 Yi ⎤
⎛⎜ S& (Ω) ⎞⎟
∑µ i (ξ ) ⎥ f (ξ )dξ (56)
3.2.2 Averaging the entropy generation
rate for assumed probability density function ⎝ gen = χ
⎠ CH 2

T (ξ ) d ξ 2
0⎣ i =1
model of a conserved scalar
As in the previous case, averaging the For a single step irreversible reaction (R2), the
instantaneous entropy generation rate expression second derivatives of the mass fractions
(26), the relation (44) is recovered. As in the appearing in the above relation can be expressed
previous case, the viscous component of as function of stoichiometric coefficients only,
volumetric entropy generation rate is computed for example, fuel second derivative:
with relation (45), because the mean motion field
d 2 YF YF,2
of the flow has the same model. The differences = δ(ξ − ξ st ) (57)
between the models appear for the following dξ 2 (1 − ξ st )
components of volumetric irreversibilities. So,
extending the PDF function of conserved scalar where δ represents the Dirac function. Using this
(41) to the thermal and diffusion volumetric relation, the chemical entropy source term (56)
components of the entropy generation rate, and becomes:
averaging their instantaneous expressions (28)
and (29), it results in (Isvoranu, 1999), (Isvoranu
et al., 2000):
(S& )
gen CH
ρ ~ 1 YF, 2
= st χ
Tst 1 − ξ st
⎛ N

⎜ µ ν ⎟f (ξ ) (58)
∑ i i⎟ st
⎝ i =1 ⎠

( ) ⎛ dT ⎞ f (ξ )
1 2 where the subscript st denotes the stoichiometric
& (Ω) ρ~
= χ
2 ∫
ρc p ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ dξ ⎠ T 2 (ξ )
dξ (51) conditions.
0 Unfortunately, the expressions (51), (52)
and (58) include both the mean motion and the
(S& ) ρ ~ ⎡ N Ri
1 2⎤
⎛ dYi ⎞
⎥ f (ξ )dξ
∫∑ turbulent parts of volumetric irreversibility
gen D = χ ⎢ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (52)
2 ⎢ Y
0 ⎣ i =1 i ⎝ dξ ⎠ ⎥

components because this model doesn’t have the

10 Int.J. Applied Thermodynamics, Vol.4 (No.1)

ability to separate them. But the assumed PDF 3.3.1 Flame irreversibility simulation
approach gives more realistic results in with multi-species model
simulating the reacting flow properties than the For multi-species model, the numerical
multi-species model so it is widely used in simulation of diffusion flame was performed
diffusion flame simulations. Combining the with the computer code FLUENT 5.1. The flame
conclusions revealed by the two models, some chemistry was described by a single step
important conclusions concerning the irreversible reaction, like (R1) and for turbulence
irreversibility structure of flame dissipations may models both RNG K-ε and Realizable K-ε
be obtained. formulation were selected, which led to similar
3.3 Numerical simulation of turbulent results. In both cases, the accuracy of the
diffusion flame irreversibilities numerical solution was improved by adapting the
mapped grid, used for this simulation in
As an application, let us consider the
accordance with the mean temperature gradient.
combustion occurring in a Delft piloted diffusion
flame burner that was designed to yield a stable The agreement between the numerical
axial-symmetric turbulent non-premixed flame of solution and the experimental data is acceptable
methane burning in a co-flowing air stream. The for both turbulence models. For example, at
fuel jet exit has an inner diameter of 6 mm and y=0.05 m and y=0.15 m high from the burner the
the fuel pipe is about 1 m long, sufficient to computed radial temperature distribution is
establish a fully developed turbulent flow at the reasonable, but at y=0.25 m its simulated
nozzle. Two air streams are involved. The distribution exceeds the experimental data with
primary air is issued from an annulus around the over 200 K. This happens because the spreading
fuel nozzle with an inner diameter of 15 mm and rate of fuel jet is over-predicted so that the jet
an outer diameter of 45 mm. The bulk velocity of penetration is lower than in the real case.
the primary air is of 4 m/s while for the methane Besides, it cannot be forgotten that eddy-break
/nitrogen mixture we have 20 m/s. Figure 4 up models relate the mean reaction rate to the
shows a cross section through the burner. The turbulent time scale, which is K/ε. It seems that
annular air is surrounded by a low speed co- in the middle of the flame this approach leads to
flowing air stream of about 0.4 m./s, just higher values of mean reaction rate than the real
sufficient to avoid external recirculation zone. A one.
throat, yielding low turbulence levels at the As previously emphasized, the
entrance of the combustion chamber and irreversibility model relying on the multi-species
reasonably flat velocity profile, issues this approach is generally capable of distinguishing
secondary air, which is kept at room temperature between the characteristic mean motion
(295 K). The burner is 58 cm in diameter and dissipations and those induced by turbulence.
150 cm in length to allow major simplifications The distributions of all irreversibility
for boundary conditions and a geometrical point components are presented in Figure 5. We note
of view, which is axial-symmetric flow and that the thermal turbulent and the diffusion
homogenous Neumann outlet conditions. turbulent components were computed with the
expressions (49)-(50) and the clarity of
representations was improved by removing the
smallest values of volumetric entropy generation
rate components. In order to compare the
influence of fluctuating field on volumetric
dissipations, the mean motion and the turbulent
parts of viscous, thermal and diffusion
irreversibilities are plotted together in the same
figure. The common feature of all irreversibility
components is that their maximal values occur in
the near burner regions and, due to the
convection processes, decrease along the front of
the flame. On the other hand, it can be seen that
the turbulent parts of flame irreversibilities
always exceed the corresponding mean motion
ones. There are also some peculiar features of
each irreversibility component. For example, as
shown in Figure 5a, the viscous mean motion
and viscous turbulent irreversibilities are higher
near the burner rim where a small recirculation
Figure 4. Delft burner geometry (Peeters, 1995) zone appears. The difference between these

Int.J. Applied Thermodynamics, Vol.4 (No.1) 11

distributions occurs on the fuel side and at the seriously affected by this kind of dissipation is
mixing plane where the fuel-oxidizer interactions greater than in previous cases.
strongly affect the production and the dissipation Now having determined the volumetric
of turbulent kinetic energy. The mean motion components of entropy generation rate, we can
and turbulent parts of thermal irreversibility, of proceed to verify both the accuracy of numerical
which distributions are plotted in Figure 5b, act simulation and the veridicality of the
in both fuel and oxidizer sides because of the irreversibility model. As in the laminar case, this
heat transfer, unfolding from the front of the goal can be achieved by checking the closing
flame to the methane jet and primary air stream. precision of the entropy transport Eq. (42).
From Figure 5c it can be seen that, as in the Theoretically, this verification may be applied at
previous case, the mean and turbulent parts of the local level for each control volume, as well as
diffusion irreversibility have similar at global level for the entire flow domain. Due to
distributions, but their action takes place in the the complex task of modeling the correlations
mixing plane between the expanding fuel jet and revealed by Eq. (42), we restrict the verification
the primary air stream. Special attention must be only at the global level. Taking into account the
paid for the chemical component of flame flow boundary conditions, for the steady state
irreversibility of which distribution is displayed adiabatic systems the entropy Eq. (42) becomes:
in Figure 5d. Of course, the chemical
irreversibilities are concentrated in a thin region ~~ r & (Ω)
bordering the front of the flame, but their higher ∫ ρ s u ⋅ ndΣ = ∫ Sgen dΩ (59)
values lie from the burner rim until the middle of
the flame. In this condition the spatial domain

Figure 5a. Viscous mean motion and viscous turbulent volumetric irreversibilities

12 Int.J. Applied Thermodynamics, Vol.4 (No.1)

Figure 5b. Thermal mean motion and thermal turbulent volumetric irreversibilities

Figure 5c. Diffusion mean motion and diffusion turbulent volumetric irreversibilities

Int.J. Applied Thermodynamics, Vol.4 (No.1) 13

The left hand side of the above equation 3.3.2 Flame irreversibility simulation
represents the mean entropy convection flux with assumed PDF approach for a
passing through boundaries and the right hand conserved scalar
side stands for the mean entropy generation rate In this case the discretization of transport
in the entire volume of the thermodynamic equations was carried out in a finite volume
system. TABLE II presents the results of approach on a non-staggered, 50x50 nodes, non-
integration and the closing error of the entropy uniform grid, following a semi-implicit
Eq. (59) for the two turbulence models used in numerical scheme. More details can be found in
this paper. It can be observed that the two the work of Ferziger and Peric (Ferziger and
turbulence models give similar results Peric, 1995). Due to Launder’s correction in the
concerning both the entropy generation rate εK equation, the agreement between the
values and the closing error of the entropy Eq. numerical simulation and the experimental data
(59), which is about of 6.5%. The most important (Isvoranu et al., 2000) is by far better than in the
conclusion revealed by this table is that the case of the multi-species model.
thermal turbulent and the chemical The distribution of irreversibility
irreversibilities are responsible for 38% and 57% components does not differ very much from the
respectively, of the flame dissipation, while the previous case. Taking into account the model
diffusion irreversibilities destroy only 4% of the cannot make the separation between the mean
exergy. The relative importance of chemical motion part and the turbulent part of each
dissipation could be a little over estimated irreversibility component; all the viscous,
because the eddy break-up model of Magnusen thermal and diffusion distributions of flame
and Hjertager (1976) gives higher values for the irreversibility have the carriage of corresponding
mean reaction rate. On the other hand, these turbulent irreversibilities that was previously
results may change in the case of recirculation presented. Some differences appear in the
and swirling diffusion flames, where the viscous distribution of thermal and chemical
and diffusion irreversibilities could increase. irreversibility components, but they do not
seriously alter the general aspect of variation. For
this reason, the distributions of irreversibility
components are not presented here, but under the
& (Ω) & (Ω )
form of ratios ( Sgen ) K /( Sgen ) , where subscript
K stands for V, Q, D and CH can be found in
(Isvoranu et al., 2000). Figure 6 displays only
the spatial contours of volumetric entropy
& (Ω)
generation rate Sgen . It can be seen that the
viscous irreversibilities border the spatial domain
where the dissipations occur. In this domain, the
relative importance of each mechanism is the
changing function of the considered position.
This importance can be estimated combining the
results revealed by Figures 5 and 6. For example,
in the fuel side at y=0.4m high from the burner,
about 75% of the total dissipation is due to the
thermal irreversibilities (including the mean
motion part with 1.5% and the turbulent part
with 98.5%) and about 25% belong to the
diffusion irreversibilities (mean motion part with
0.4% and 99.6% for the turbulent part). On the
primary air side, the diffusion irreversibilities
have a contribution of 5% to the total dissipation,
the viscous ones only 2% and the thermal
irreversibilities are responsible for the rest - 93%.
Figure 5d. Chemical mean motion As in the previous example, the turbulent parts of
volumetric irreversibility irreversibility components make the rule.

14 Int.J. Applied Thermodynamics, Vol.4 (No.1)

⎛⎜ S& ⎞⎟ ⎛⎜ S& ⎞⎟ ⎛⎜ S& ⎞⎟ ⎛⎜ S& ⎞⎟ ⎛⎜ S& ⎞⎟ ⎛⎜ S& ⎞⎟ ⎛⎜ S& ⎞⎟ &
Sgen Entropy Error
⎝ gen ⎠ VM ⎝ gen ⎠ VT ⎝ gen ⎠ QM ⎝ gen ⎠QT ⎝ gen ⎠ DM ⎝ gen ⎠ DT ⎝ gen ⎠CH flux
Model [W/K] [W/K] [W/K] [W/K] [W/K] [W/K] [W/K] [W/K] [W/K] [%]

RNG 8.1 x10-6 0.0011 0.456 28.499 0.0283 2.896 41.967 73.847 69.397 6.4
K-εK 8.9x10-6 0.0019 0.508 31.752 0.0304 3.0486 39.824 75.16 70.792 6.1

Finally, the closing error of the entropy 4. Conclusion

equation was computed. For the entropy flux, the In this paper we have investigated the
Favre averaged specific entropy was determined irreversibility sources in both laminar and
with the same assumed PDF expression (41), turbulent diffusion flames. The theoretical
because of its dependence mainly on mixture background of this investigation is done by the
fraction. The result of flux integration (the left local balance equation of exergy (19), which
hand side of the entropy equation) was 92.04 relates the volumetric rate of exergy dissipations
W/K while the integration of volumetric entropy to the volumetric rate of entropy generation. This
generation (the right hand side of the entropy is nothing other than the local formulation of the
equation) led to 77.2 W/K. As in the previous well-known Gouy-Stodola theorem, linking it to
model, considering the entropy convection flux the general concept of exergy dissipations from
as a reference value, the relative error was about the second law formulation. It becomes obvious
16%. Comparing these values with those of that one could wish these dissipations were the
TABLE II, the results show that the mean smallest possible, but in order to do this it is
entropy flux is over-predicted. The main cause is imperative to know what generates them and
probably the average procedure of specific which is their structure and magnitude.
entropy or the simplicity of the turbulence
closure model. The second law analysis of laminar
diffusion flame represents the first step in
understanding the basic mechanism of
dissipations in non-premixed combustion. The
volumetric rate expression of entropy generation
(26) shows that the viscous, thermal, diffusion
and chemical components of the irreversibilities
uncouple only under the hypothesis
|dP/P|<<|dYi/Yi|, which is valid for most of the
engineering combustion applications. As an
illustrative application, we performed a
numerical entropy generation analysis for a
laminar diffusion flame of co-flowing methane-
air jets. The results point out that all the
irreversibility components reach their maximum
values at the flame front and, more importantly,
only the thermal and chemical irreversibilities
have significant contributions in the laminar
reacting flow dissipations.
Most important for engineering applications
are the turbulent diffusion flames. By its
fluctuating field, the turbulence gives rise to new
kind of irreversibilities, increasing the flame
exergy dissipation. Although the multi-species
approach does not prove great accuracy in
& (Ω)
Figure 6. Distribution of log 10 [( Sgen )]
simulating the reacting flow, it is able to separate
the mean motion irreversibilities, which are the
computed with assumed PDF approach for a homologues of those ruling the laminar flame,
conserved scalar from the proper irreversibilities of turbulence.
Int.J. Applied Thermodynamics, Vol.4 (No.1) 15
The numerical simulation of a turbulent co- its consistency and robustness based on this
flowing methane-air flame shows that the Second Law approach, so that they do not
turbulent viscous, thermal and diffusion produce locally a negative source of entropy. In
irreversibilities are considerably greater than addition, it can be emphasized that the precision
those generated in the mean motion field. But as of any numerical solution can be checked, by
shown in TABLE II, among them, the thermal verifying the closing error of entropy transport
turbulent irreversibility, in addition to the mean equation.
chemical one dominate the exergy dissipation
process occurring in the diffusion flames. Nomenclature
Making the distinction between mean and A Chemical affinity
fluctuating dissipations, this model emphasizes Ak Chemical specie
the two opposite effects of turbulence on
cp Specific heat at constant pressure
combustion. On one side, the turbulence strongly
augments the mixing and the reaction rate, D Single diffusion coefficient
allowing the flame stabilization at higher Dim Diffusion coefficient of i-specie in
velocity than in laminar case, on the other side, it gaseous mixture
dramatically increases the dissipations. e Specific internal energy
The assumed PDF approach for a conserved ex Specific exergy
scalar is more precise in describing the mean f Probability density function
flow properties, so that its joint irreversibility g Specific free enthalpy
model is more accurate in simulating the flame G Free enthalpy
irreversibility distributions. Unfortunately, these h Specific enthalpy
distributions include both the mean motion and HF Lower heating value
the turbulent parts of irreversibility components H(x) Heaviside step function
because the model does not have the ability to K Turbulent kinetic energy
separate them. But it is known from the previous
approach that the turbulent parts of Kθ Fluctuating temperature variance
irreversibilities prevail on the mean motion ones, K ψ( i ) Fluctuating mass fraction variance
and more importantly that the thermal turbulent
components play a very important role in of i-component
dissipations of flame exergy. Kp Equilibrium constant
The knowledge of irreversibility component Le Lewis number
distributions, revealed by the two models M Molar mass
presented in this work, can represent a powerful N Number of mixture’s species
tool in order to alter some geometrical, inlet or P Pressure
boundary conditions, so that the global entropy Ri Specific mass constant of ideal gas
generation rate, in other words the exergy loss, RM Universal constant of ideal gas
diminishes. Practically, this means to optimize s Specific entropy
the thermodynamic process which, in our case Sc Schmidt number
for example, would be reflected in obtaining the
same maximum temperature but with a smaller S&gen Entropy generation rate
entropy generation. T Thermodynamic temperature
In spite of the differences, the two uα Velocity component
irreversibility models developed in this paper q& α Heat flux component in α direction
have a strong resemblance because each of them
involves the dissipation rates of some fluctuating Xi Molar fraction
properties variance. We were able to set forth Yi Mass fraction
that these dissipations should be commonly Greek symbols
related to the volumetric entropy generation rate
so they get the theoretical foundation of the α Spatial direction of system coordinate
Second Law Analysis. Becoming strongly related β Coupling function
to a physical meaning, all the dissipation rates δ Dirac function
appearing in the volumetric entropy generation δαβ Kronecker symbol
rate expression, but the scalar dissipation rate
with priority, did not remain mathematical ∆ Dissipation term in conservative form
artifices anymore. of a transport equation
∂Ω C Boundaries of computational domain
The final remark deals with the necessity
that any numerical discretization scheme or εK Dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic
chemical mechanism should be investigated on energy
16 Int.J. Applied Thermodynamics, Vol.4 (No.1)
εθ Dissipation rate of fluctuating Bejan, A., 1988, Advanced Engineering
temperature variance Thermodynamics, John Wiley & Sons, New
ε (i )
ψ Dissipation rate of fluctuating mass
Burke, S. P., Schumann, T.E.W., 1928,
fraction variance of i-component “Diffusion flames”. Industrial and Engineering
Φ (αi ) Diffusion flux component of i-specie in Chemistry, 20, pp. 998-1004.
α direction Elghobashi, S., 1977, “Studies in the prediction
of turbulent diffusion flames”, Studies in
ϑ (αi ) Diffusion velocity component of i- Convection, Vol. 2, B.E. Launder, Ed., Academic
specie in α direction Press.
ν Stoichiometric coefficient Ferziger, J. H., Peric, M., 1995, Computational
µ Viscosity Methods for Fluid Dynamics, Springer Verlag
µi Chemical potential of i- specie New York.
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