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Systems of treatment

Globally, the health care industry serves patients through various systems of
treatments. The choice of system depends upon a host of factors ranging from
literacy to availability to purchasing power. Now most developed countries
have opted for allopathic treatments for diseases such as cardiovascular,
neurological, oncology and ophthalmology while partially relying on alternative
systems for select problems. Most developing countries, meanwhile, have a
health care system that relies equally on allopathy and alternative systems of
medicine. In India, for instance, rural population relies on the Indian systems of
medicine due to non-availability of allopathic treatment and lack of purchasing
power. In China too, traditional systems are popular. The alternative healing
systems are taking off in developed countries too because of negligible side

Treatment systems prevailing in different countries

Treatment System Major Countries

Allopathic Popular worldwide
Indian Systems of Medicine India, Middle East, Europe, Canada &
Rest of Asia
Traditional Chinese Medicine China, Rest of Asia, USA, Europe &

Allopathic treatment
Allopathy, based on science, is widely-practiced medical system throughout
the globe. It is a systematic scientific approach consisting mainly of therapies
and surgeries. It is also known as the Modern System of Medicine, whose
development has been largely driven by the Western hemisphere. In allopathy,
treatment is based on drugs having opposite effects to existing symptoms.
Each drug in allopathy is a result of extensive research. Allopathy has been
responsible for increasing life expectancy worldwide.


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In allopathy, diseases are addressed through medicines, surgeries and other
techniques like laser treatment. Most public and corporate hospitals follow
this system of treatment. In this system, treatment is based on the disease,
sex, age and physical attributes such as weight. The maternity hospitals, for
example, specialise in delivery cases while paediatric hospitals focus on
children. Similarly, eye hospitals focus on eye diseases while cancer hospitals
specialise in treatment of cancer.

Indian System of Medicine

In addition to allopathic treatment, increasing number of patients is relying on
Indian systems of medicine such as Ayurveda, Homoeopathy and Unani. The
Indian systems of medicine are recognised by the union government. Most
states are actively involved in colleges that teach Ayurveda, Homoeopathy and
Unani. In addition, many traditional systems prevail in India particularly in rural
and agency areas. Typically, the local priest or village head administers
medicines made of locally-available herbs. While the Indian systems of
medicine certainly have their advantages, a majority of rural population relies
on these systems due to lack of allopathic facilities, low purchasing power and
illiteracy. The Indian systems of medicine largely rely on herbs from the foot
hills of Himalayas, tropical regions of Vindhya Mountains, Western Ghats and
the north-eastern part of India. These herbs form the basis for a range of
medicines such as decoctions, powders and liquids. In addition to herbs, other
sources are also used to prepare medicines in the Indian systems of medicine.
The drugs in the Indian systems of medicines are as follows:

1) Ayurvedic treatment: The plants, animals and minerals are the sources of
raw material for these medicines. About 600 medicinal plant products, 52
minerals and 50 animal products are commonly-used in preparing
ayurvedic medicines.

2) Homeopathic treatment: Remedies made from many sources including

plants, minerals and animals are prescribed based on patient
symptoms and personality.

3) Unani treatment: Drugs of herbal, mineral and animal origin are used to
treat patients. Drugs are used in crude form as single drugs and
compound form.

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4) Yoga treatment: Physical exercises and postures for keeping the body
healthy and assisting in curing of diseases. Various forms of yoga are
available to patients.

5) Siddha treatment: The system has developed a rich and unique treasure of
drug knowledge in which use of metals and minerals is advocated.

6) Naturopathy: Treatment involves exposure to sun light and use of natural

foods such as raw vegetables. It takes into account personal factors
such as lifestyle and environmental factors.

This is an ancient system of treatment in India. Ayurveda is a science of life

system, which deals with causes, symptoms, diagnoses and treatment based
on all aspects of well-being: mental, physical and spiritual. Ayurveda, which
started as a supernatural-cum-religious practice, matured into a fully
developed medical science with eight branches that have parallels in the
modern system of medicine (see box).
Presently, the system is re-orienting itself to modern scientific parameters.
Furthermore, scientists are studying Ayurvedic remedies for lifestyle-related
diseases, degenerative and psychosomatic disorders.

Diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis involves examination of physical appearance, pulse, urine, face,
tongue, skin and ears. The treatment of the disease includes the avoidance of
factors responsible for disequilibrium in the body or constituent parts through
Panchkarma procedures, medicines, suitable diet and controlled activity. The
treatment aims at restoring equilibrium and strengthening body mechanisms
to prevent or minimise future occurrence of the disease.

Global acceptance
India is trying to popularise Ayurveda in other countries through awareness
campaigns and linkages with tourism. Kerala, an Indian state, is positioning
itself as a destination for Ayurvedic treatments. Many foreign countries have
already shown interest in Ayurveda. Indian missions in USA., UK, Russia,
Germany, Hungary and South Africa are catalysing interest in Ayurveda
through awareness campaigns.

Homoeopathy is also one of the oldest systems of treatments in India. The
word ‘Homoeopathy’ is derived from two Greek words, ‘Homois’ meaning

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similar and ‘pathos’ meaning suffering. Homoeopathy involves treating
diseases with remedies, prescribed in minute doses, which are capable of
producing symptoms similar to the disease when taken by healthy people.
Today, Homoeopathy is a rapidly-growing system, known all over the world. In
India, Homoeopathy is popular due its safety and lack of side effects. A study
indicates that about 10% of the Indian population depends solely on
Homoeopathy for health problems. The system is older than a century and a
half, well integrated into the roots of the country. Small wonder, it has been
recognised as one of the National Systems of Medicine. Homoeopathy plays an
important role in providing health care to a large number of people. Its
strength lies in its holistic approach towards sick individual. Homoeopathy
promotes inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels.

Drug Optimisation: Drugs are prepared in such a way that they retain
maximum medicinal powers without producing any toxicity in the body. When
diluted drugs are powerfully succussed, they develop lasting medicinal powers.

Different Methods

• Water Therapy

• Air Therapy

• Fire Therapy

• Space Therapy

• Mud Therapy

Naturopathy is a system of healing science, stimulating the body’s inherent
power to regain health with the help of five elements of nature: earth, water,
air, fire and ether (box). Naturopathy is a call to return to a simple way of living
in harmony with the self, society and environment. Although basic nature cure
deals with Pancha Mahabhootas only, the recent developments advocate the
practice of drugless therapies such as massage and electrotherapy (see box).

Treatment focuses on body. The physician helps in nature’s effort to overcome
disease by applying correct natural modalities and controlling the natural

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forces to work within safe limits. This system involves many treatment
methods. The method of treatment and the duration of treatment will depend
upon the disease. The treatment of skin-related diseases, for instance, involves
chemo, magnetic and mud therapies.

Yoga is an ancient Hindu system of philosophy and spiritual practice. It aims at
deliverance from disease and pain through meditation to affect a reunion with
the universal spirit. It includes the practice of various postures static and
moving, breathing exercises, disciplined diet and meditation—which tone up
the body, mind, and spirit.

Meditation lessens mental stress and strain. Diseases such as central nervous
system disorders, cardiovascular, gastro-intestinal, hypersensitivity and allergy
can be addressed through yoga. Usually, continued mental and physical stress
result in the breakdown of an organ or a specific system. The diseases in which
yoga has shown good results include high blood pressure, duodenal ulcers,
bronchial asthma, diabetes and obesity.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Both traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and western medicine figure in the
health care services in China. TCM, with its unique diagnostic methods,
systematic approach, abundant historical literature and materials, has
attracted the attention of the international community.
TCM is well-recognised for its effectiveness in offsetting the side effects of the
chemical treatment of cancer in the western medical system. In these systems,
Acupuncture is one of the important treatments. Most drugs are prepared
from herbals in different forms for treatment such as herbal tea, herbal
dictation, herbal oil, herbal powders, etc.

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