Respiratory Consequences of Preterm Birth

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Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology (2006) 33, 280–284

Moss Publishing,
Symposium Ltd.

Proceedings of the Australian Physiological Society Symposium: Environmental and

Respiratory consequences of preterm birth

Genetic Influences on Respiratory Health


Timothy JM Moss
School of Women’s and Infants’ Health, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, Western Australia, Australia


1. Approximately 8% of Australia’s 250 000 annual births
Preterm birth is defined as birth before 37 completed weeks of ges-
occur preterm (before 37 weeks completed gestation). Preterm
tation and can be further defined according to severity: very preterm
infants represent 75% of all neonatal deaths in Australia, with
births are those before 34 weeks gestation and extremely preterm
the vast majority of these deaths caused by pulmonary disease.
births occur before 27 weeks.1 Delivery before 22 completed weeks
2. The respiratory consequences for survivors of preterm birth
of gestation is usually fatal, but there are reports of infants who have
include the immediate challenges of breathing with underdeveloped
survived birth after 21 weeks and 5 days of gestation.2
lungs, usually manifest as respiratory distress syndrome (RDS),
In Australia, preterm birth occurs in 7.9% of pregnancies (rates
and, in the long term, with persisting pulmonary abnormalities.
for individual states vary from 7.0 to 11.3%), representing 20 000 of
Therapies to prevent neonatal lung disease now permit survival
the country’s 250 000 annual births.3 The incidence of preterm birth
of preterm infants born as early as 22 weeks gestational age, but
is similar in most developed countries. In recent years, there has been
not without consequences.
a rising trend in preterm birth rates.1 This is likely caused, in part,
3. Preterm infants are at risk of developing chronic lung dis-
by increased rates of intervention, but the fact that rates of very pre-
ease/bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). The lungs of infants
term and extremely preterm births are increasing demonstrates that
dying from BPD are inflamed and have fewer, larger alveoli than
changes in clinical management are not the sole cause.
normal and exhibit abnormal pulmonary vascular development.
There is now a growing appreciation of the contribution of intra-
uterine inflammation to the aetiology of BPD. CAUSES OF PRETERM BIRTH
4. Impaired airway function is commonly reported in follow-
In 1947, Eastman recognized that, ‘… only when the factors causing
up studies of children born preterm. Decreased expiratory flow
prematurity are clearly understood, can any intelligent attempt at pre-
rates have been associated with preterm birth per se, but airway
vention be made’.4 Our failure to predict and prevent preterm births,
function appears more affected in survivors of RDS and BPD.
despite a great deal of effort in the intervening decades, reflects the
Observations in survivors of BPD suggest persisting abnormalities
complex and varied causes.
in the structure of the lung parenchyma and airways.
There are several factors associated with preterm birth: multiple
5. Follow-up studies of preterm infants into adulthood are
gestation, previous preterm birth, maternal/fetal complications, low
lacking, as are experimental examinations of the long-term
socio-economic status, drug use and assisted reproduction all increase
physiological and anatomical effects of preterm birth. Both are
the risk of preterm birth. The mechanisms responsible for these well-
necessary to understand the causes of the long-term respiratory
established associations are incompletely understood. In recent years,
consequences of preterm birth.
elucidation of at least some of the mechanisms of preterm birth has
Key words: bronchopulmonary dysplasia, fetal development,
appeared promising as a result of the growing recognition that intra-
lung development, preterm birth, respiratory distress syndrome.
uterine infection or inflammation is common in cases of preterm birth.5


Correspondence: Dr Timothy JM Moss, School of Women’s and Infants’ The cost of preterm birth is immense. Data from the US indicate that
Health, The University of Western Australia, M094, 35 Stirling Highway, babies born preterm (9% of live births) account for US$5.8 billion
Crawley, WA 6009, Australia. Email: (57%) of the total US$10.2 billion annual cost of neonatal care in that
Presented at the AuPS (AHMRC) Symposium Environmental and Genetic country.6 Costs for individual infants vary according to gestational
Influences on Respiratory Health, November 2004. The papers in these
age (it costs approximately US$250 000 to support a single infant
proceedings were peer reviewed under the the supervision of the AuPS editor.
The papers are being published with the permission of AuPS and were initially born at 25 weeks), but the rates of preterm birth vary in a reciprocal
published on the AuPS website fashion, such that (in the US) total costs are US$38 000 000 for all
Received 28 October 2005; accepted 8 November 2005. deliveries in each gestational week age group from 25 to 36 weeks.7
Respiratory consequences of preterm birth 281

The high costs of support for extremely preterm and very preterm
infants parallel their requirements for ventilatory support.7


Respiratory disease is the single greatest cause of illness and death
in preterm infants. The immediate respiratory consequences of preterm
birth can result from pulmonary prematurity per se, abnormalities
in prenatal lung development arising from factors associated with
preterm birth, and the medical management of the preterm infant.

Respiratory distress syndrome

Structural and biochemical maturation of the fetal lung does not
normally occur until late in gestation. Surfactant deficiency and
structural immaturity of the preterm lung both contribute to neonatal
respiratory distress syndrome (RDS); this is reflected by the association
between gestational age at delivery and the incidence of RDS.7
Symptoms of RDS include tachypnoea, chest wall retraction and
cyanosis and a ‘ground glass’ appearance of the chest on X-ray.
Fig. 1 Stages of structural lung development. Shaded vertical bars indicate
Extremely preterm birth corresponds with the canalicular stage of periods of gestation corresponding to preterm birth (light shading), very
lung development (Fig. 1), during which vascularization of the preterm birth (medium shading) or extremely preterm birth (dark shading).
dense mesenchyme is only beginning and there is little differentia- Adapted from Pringle.8
tion of airway epithelial cells into types I (across which gas exchange
occurs) and II (the surfactant-producing cells). Very preterm birth
coincides with the saccular stage of lung development; the pulmonary
blood –air barrier has only commenced thinning at this stage, vas-
cularization is incomplete and type II epithelial cells are immature.8 from three randomized controlled trials certainly demonstrates
None of these developmental stages is consistent with independent that antenatal corticosteroids do not reduce the risk of BPD.9 The
ventilation and the vast majority of infants born at these ages requires ideal strategy for inducing preterm lung maturation remains to be
ventilatory support.7 discovered.
The recent realization that many preterm births are associated with
intrauterine inflammation,15,16 and that intrauterine infection / inflam-
Prevention of RDS
mation is associated with a reduced risk of RDS in some cohorts of
Two strategies used in perinatal medicine have contributed drasti- infants15,16 prompted us to examine the effects of intrauterine inflam-
cally to reducing the incidence and impact of RDS. Administration mation on lung maturation in sheep. Using a model of chorioamnionitis
of antenatal corticosteroids to women at risk of preterm delivery based on intra-amniotic administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
reduces the risk of RDS in their offspring by approximately 50%9 from Escherichia coli, we have shown that fetal lung inflammation
and surfactant administration to preterm neonates reduces the sever- causes striking improvements in preterm lung function,17 caused
ity of RDS, the progression of respiratory disease and the incidence primarily by increases in pulmonary surfactant18 (remodelling of the
of death.10–12 lung parenchyma also occurs). Lung ‘maturation’ induced by intra-
amniotic LPS is likely caused by locally produced mediators of the
inflammatory response19 acting directly on the lungs,20 rather than by
Induction of preterm lung maturation
increases in endogenous corticosteroids.21,22 Intra-amniotic injection
Evidence from experimental studies in animals indicates that of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 has similar inflam-
corticosteroid-induced functional ‘maturation’ of the preterm lungs matory and ‘maturational’ effects on the preterm lungs to intra-
is caused primarily by structural changes and that increases in sur- amniotic LPS,23 but tumour necrosis factor-a does not.24 Activation
factant are relatively slower to occur and exist only transiently after of distinct ‘maturational’ pathways by inflammation and corticos-
corticosteroid treatment.13 Thus, surfactant deficiency (the principal teroids is suggested by augmentation of responses when treatments
contributor to RDS) may not be adequately treated by antenatal are combined;25 however, observational data from humans suggest
corticosteroids; this is reflected by the fact that RDS is prevented that the reduced risk of RDS associated with chorioamnionitis is not
by antenatal corticosteroids in only 50% of cases. further reduced by corticosteroid treatment.26 Exploitation of inflam-
The structural changes induced by antenatal corticosteroid treatment matory pathways for inducing preterm lung ‘maturation’ in humans
result in thinner alveolar walls and fewer, larger alveoli than normal.14 appears a distant possibility; the reduced risk of RDS associated with
Although beneficial in the immediate neonatal period, these struc- inflammation is accompanied by an increased risk of BPD in
tural effects may have longer-term adverse consequences because humans16 and we have observed BPD-like changes in lung structure
this phenotype is characteristic of the chronic neonatal lung disease and the surfactant system in preterm lambs after exposure to intra-
bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). Meta-analysis of available data uterine inflammation.27
282 TJM Moss

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia ical investigations of CPAP for support of preterm neonates. Our
own investigations have shown that there is less initial inflammation
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia was first described in 1967 by Northway in the lungs of lambs supported from birth by CPAP than in mechan-
et al.28 as a form of chronic lung disease of preterm infants, attribu- ically ventilated lambs.42 Recent studies of CPAP support for pre-
table to the injurious effects of high oxygen levels and airway pres- term baboons have demonstrated that its use is associated with
sures used during mechanical ventilation.28 Experimental studies avoidance of significant lung disease over the first postnatal month.43
using preterm baboons established the role of these factors in the Perhaps most importantly, these studies showed that lung structure
aetiology and pathology of BPD.29 This classical form of BPD is rare in 28-day-old baboons, delivered very preterm and supported with
today because of the use of antenatal corticosteroids, surfactant CPAP, was comparable with that of a group of unventilated late-
and gentle ventilation strategies. Instead, a ‘new BPD’, defined as the gestation fetal baboons.43 These results demonstrate that preservation
requirement for supplemental oxygen at 36 weeks postconceptional of normal lung development in preterm infants is a possibility and
age,30 has emerged, affecting the most premature of infants. These provides encouraging results for the more routine application of CPAP.
infants may have very mild or no respiratory disease initially, but
develop increasing needs for ventilatory support. Pathological invest-
igation in fatal cases reveals lungs with fewer, larger alveoli than Surfactant dysfunction in BPD
controls and impaired vascular development.30 This ‘new BPD’ In addition to surfactant deficiency and pulmonary structural imma-
phenotype is observed in ventilated very premature baboons, despite turity (and/or abnormalities) associated with preterm birth, the com-
the use of surfactant and relatively gentle ventilation.31 position and function of surfactant that is present in the lungs of
It is becoming increasingly evident that BPD is often associated preterm infants may be abnormal. The levels of surfactant protein
with pulmonary inflammation originating during fetal life.30,32 Tra- (SP)-A, SP-B and SP-C in tracheal aspirate samples collected from
cheal colonization by micro-organisms at the time of birth, reflecting 2-day-old preterm neonates are only a fraction of concentrations in
prenatal colonization, is associated with an increased risk of BPD15,33 preterm infants older than 1 week, which are comparable with adult
and, as mentioned previously, our experiments in sheep demonstrate levels.44 In preterm infants with deteriorating respiratory status,
BPD-like changes in surfactant and lung structure after exposure to levels of SP-A, SP-B and SP-C are reduced and surfactant function
intra-amniotic LPS.27 Preterm baboons delivered after intra-amniotic is compromised.45 Although administration of exogenous surfactant
injection of Ureaplasma urealyticum and ventilated for 14 days had improves outcomes for preterm infants, surfactant function is not
impaired lung function and more severe histopathology than controls, normalized by synthetic surfactants.46 Exogenous surfactants extracted
demonstrating that prenatal infection worsens postnatal respiratory from animal lungs contain SP-B and SP-C, which are important for
outcomes.34 conferring the surface-active properties of surfactant and these pre-
The pathological features of BPD suggest that structural develop- parations appear superior to synthetic versions that lack surfactant
ment of the lung has been arrested at an immature stage and that normal proteins.47
septation and alveolarization has been inhibited.35 In the neonatal lung,
alveolarization can be inhibited by inflammation, corticosteroids and
hyperoxia.36 Each of these is a consequence of standard management LONG-TERM RESPIRATORY CONSEQUENCES
for many preterm neonates. Prenatal insults can also inhibit alveolari- OF PRETERM BIRTH
zation; maternal corticosteroid treatment and intra-amniotic LPS There have been several studies examining lung function in children
injection both result in fewer, larger alveoli than normal in the lungs born preterm, but there is little information on the consequences in
of preterm lambs.37 Interestingly, the fetal lungs appear to have a capacity adulthood of preterm birth. The general impression from studies of
to normalize their development after a period of inhibition of alveolari- children is that those born preterm have higher rates of respiratory
zation if delivery does not occur until late in gestation.14,39 Unfortunately, illness than those born at term;48,49 respiratory flow rates are lower,50,51
normalization of lung structure after preterm birth is more elusive. diffusing capacity may be reduced51,52 and airway reactivity may be
increased.49,50 These adverse effects of preterm birth appear to be
PRESERVATION OF NORMAL LUNG exacerbated by RDS53 or BPD.49,52,54 Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
DEVELOPMENT AFTER PRETERM BIRTH in infancy is also associated with airway obstruction and reactivity
in adolescence/early adulthood.55 These adverse respiratory conse-
In recent years, a variety of ventilatory strategies have been deve- quences of preterm birth are likely the consequence of persisting
loped for the management of preterm infants, aimed at reducing lung pulmonary structural abnormalities.
injury and avoiding BPD. Studies of preterm baboons have shown
that high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) results in better
respiratory function and less inflammation than gentle positive pres-
sure ventilation (with low oxygen levels and volumes), but inhibition Normal lung development requires a series of carefully orchestrated
of alveolarization occurred using both strategies.39 Clinical data are events that can be compromised by a variety of prenatal and postnatal
consistent with these findings; meta-analysis of randomized controlled factors associated with preterm birth. Given the substantial financial
trials has shown that HFOV does not reduce the risk of BPD.40 cost of respiratory illness in preterm infants and the likely lifelong
Comparison of rates of BPD in different intensive care units in North burden of respiratory disease associated with preterm birth, there is
America in the 1980s showed that the use of continuous positive a critical need to identify the mechanisms by which lung develop-
airway pressure (CPAP) at Columbia University was associated with ment is altered in preterm infants and to develop management strat-
the best outcomes for preterm infants and the lowest incidence of egies for preterm labour, and means of providing support to preterm
BPD.41 This observation led to several recent experimental and clin- infants, that have minimal impact on lung growth.
Respiratory consequences of preterm birth 283

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