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"To say I don't want NO RELIGION to stand between me and God, is like saying I don't want NO

GOVERNMENT to stand between me and the people," Bishop Fulton Sheen said.
I add, "it's foolish to put Christ in opposition to His religion. No faithful husband would say 'MY
MARRIAGE' is a hindrance to the GREAT LOVE I HAVE FOR MY WIFE! Marriage binds, love frees!
One might find funny my statement above, but it is the probable CONSEQUENCE for rejecting
RELIGION since Christian marriage is rooted in the bond between Christ and His Church (Eph. 5:25-33). That
is why it is no coincidence that when Henry VIII approved divorce, what follows was his creation of a 'new
sect' he called the CHURCH OF ENGLAND in opposition to the ONE CHURCH and ONE BRIDE OF
CHRIST. His adulterous affair led him to the creation of his own sect. This is the result of his so-called desire
to be FREED FROM THE BONDAGE OF MARRIAGE in order that he could 'FREELY LOVE' again, not
once but many times.
Christ's Church is definitely a religion because it binds us to Christ as a body to a head (Col. 1:18), as a wife to
a husband, as a sheepfold to a Shepherd (John 10) as a branch to a Vine (John 15). Hence, it is a FALSE
DICHOTOMY to pit Christ against His religion much like asking whether food or water makes one live.

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