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Reflection on Montessori Principles

Andrea Edbauer
July 27, 2019

What is it and under what conditions was it created?

I created this artifact to summarize a learning experience that I have recently engaged in. I was
frustrated with my children’s behavior, particularly my 2-year-old’s. Rather than learning how
to “fix” his behavior, I looked for answers on how to change my thinking, and how I react to his
undesired behaviors. This led to learning more about how to incorporate Montessori principles
into my home.

Why did you select it for this section?

I placed this artifact in the Lifelong Learning section of my portfolio, because it shows how I
recognized a problem, and sought to discover new ideas to find a solution. I also made
connections to teaching throughout the learning process. In this paper, I described some of
those connections, and how I plan on incorporating my new learning into my future classroom.

Growth and change?

This artifact is an example of how learning can give rise to joy. Learning more about Montessori
education has motivated me to change my approach to parenting my children. I have made
many positive changes in our home environment. Every area of our home is now a “yes space”
for my children, which has fostered independence, and decreased frustration. I have been more
present for my children, which has allowed for close observation. Perhaps the biggest change
has been a shift in how I view their undesired behaviors. Tantrums are often a result of a
disruption in their sense of order. Instead of getting immediately frustrated with them, I now
have the tools to help them work through their emotions, while being respectful to their needs.

While embarking on my new learning journey, I have been reflecting on ​how​ I learn. When we
guide students through the inquiry process, there is usually an end result. They create
something to show us what they have learned. My learning journey started six months ago, and
is still not complete. I think this is an important point to reiterate with students: just because
you create a product to share your findings, that does not mean the learning has to stop. I also
recognize the importance of allowing students to decide what they create. For example, if I was
told that I had to create a website about everything that I have learned, I would be frustrated. I
would prefer to make a video about what I have learned. Allowing students the freedom of
choice is more motivating.

Sub-areas addressed: ​Learning, pedagogy, content

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