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Kirsten Pollock

Ann Fillmore
English 1010
July 8th, 2019
Early Morning Scare

“Its 2017 and you’re still a HOT MESS!” I say to myself after I dropped all my
sandwiches on the floor for the Starbucks case. “Its 5:18 and you need to get your shit together
before 6.” I yelled. I was behind and was opening the store alone that day.
Suddenly I hear the front door open and shut. I nervously shout “HELLO!” and no one
said anything it was silent. I shouted again “WE ARE NOT OPENED!” It was so quiet in the
store and thought to me “You’re in the freezer and if its someone that shouldn’t be here how are
you going to get out?” I started to panic and go through scenarios in my head.
“If they come in here maybe I rush them and try to get past before they try to grab me.”
“I could throw all these boxes down and they might hit them, and they get startled I can get out
of the freezer.”
“Maybe I can push this shelving over and that would really hurt them, and I can get out of the
freezer, the store, and call for help.”
That’s when I heard footsteps coming towards the freezer. Not only was I stuck in a
freezer freezing I completely froze. My heart was racing, and it felt like my feet were cemented
to the ground. I finally took a deep breath and lunged for the door. I grabbed the safety handle of
the door, put one leg up and held onto to the handle for dear life. The footsteps were getting
closer. I finally had a plan and told myself “Once they try to pull open the door a couple of times,
I’m going to press the safety handle in and open this door so hard it hits them. They will fall and
I will run as fast as I can out the doors. I will not stop running until I’m safe and call the cops.”
The footsteps were right by the door and that’s when I felt the first tug on the door. I was
getting ready for the second tug on the door when a soft feminine voice said “HEY! Are you
okay in there? It’s Betsy and I’m working with you today.” I immediately let go of the safety
handle and opened the door. Standing there was this beautiful woman and I blurted out “YOU
DIDN’T ANSWER ME WHEN I YELLED! I seriously thought I was going to be murdered!
“She looked at me so sincere and said “I am so sorry I didn’t hear you yell. You must have been
so scared! Are you okay? Do you need to sit down for a minute?”. Immediately my eyes started
to water, and I said, “No I am fine, I’m just so happy that I’m going to live another day.” She let
out a small giggle and grabbed my shoulder and said “YUP! You are going to live another day!”
I smiled and laughed. I was so relieved that it was just my co-worker coming in for her shift that
But little did I know that this early morning scare would lead me to my best friend. It’s
now a story we talk about often and laugh about. It’s funny that such a scary moment for me
turned out to be one of the best days.

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