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Traditional marketing models have approached campaign deployment in the following manner:
• Finding the right consumer insights, triggers & barriers
• Segmenting the markets based on demographic factors and finding a target group
• Designing 6P mixes tailored to the target group & its consumer insights
• Taking the mix to the consumers using efficient mass-marketing advertising
However, the Digital Age has changed this. While mass marketing mediums are still relevant,
the smartphone & content revolution has meant that consumers have more control on how they
interact with advertising. Today’s consumer journey has changed from being “linear”, “funnel
like” to being “non-linear” and “complex”. This control also means that they get frustrated by
mass marketing practices. The need for improved consumer engagement and relevant
messaging has never been more evident.
From the days of one-way manufacturer led mass communication, brands need to move to a
more customised, targeted communication suited to needs of the consumer. The broad
segmentation must evolve into a much sharper hyper-segmentation & techniques have to be
devised to target these hyper-segments at scale.
The answer lies in precision marketing.
At its core, precision marketing is about:
• Activating multiple audience segments at scale through marketing and communications
• Targeting each ‘consumer cohort’ or hyper-segment with specific creatives
• Resulting in increased reach, relevancy & engagement
In this case, young managers of brand Dove (you) have been given the task of creating a precision
marketing campaign approach for campaigns in two categories- Dove hair care & Dove skin

The proposal needs a one-slide summary that covers the following:

1. Consumer journey for each of the categories which affect decision making by consumers
2. Outlining variables which you have used to ‘hyper-segment’ the market
3. Logic for each of the consumer cohorts created
4. The right consumer insights, triggers & barriers for the cohorts
5. Unique messaging for each of these consumer cohorts
All plans should have content specific to their precision cohorts created
6. A final precision marketing plan
Remember a good precision marketing campaign, follows these principles:
• A minimum of 4 consumer cohorts
• A unique message to each of those consumer cohorts
• Minimum overlaps between the consumer cohorts

Dove Masterbrand
Dove believes that beauty is not one dimensional; it is not defined by your age, the shape or size
of your body, the colour of your skin or your hair – it’s feeling like the best version of yourself.
Authentic. Unique. Real. We invite all women to realise their personal potential for beauty by
engaging them with products that deliver superior care. Dove products are cruelty-free
accredited by PETA.
Dove Skin Cleansing
“Real Beauty from Real Care” - Cleansing is an act that every woman everywhere does, but it is
one moment universally overlooked when it comes to the beauty routine. Dove Beauty Bar
encourages women to care about care as a part of their cleansing ritual, to look and feel more
beautiful, and, consequently, feel happier. Unlike ordinary soaps, only Dove has 1/4th
moisturizing cream that gives softer, smoother glowing skin in just 7 days.

Dove Hair
Hair is often seen as a shortcut to beauty. But the possibilities this opens, and in turn the
disappointments it can cause, can also make hair a great source of anxiety. Dove Hair's mission is
to make beauty a source of confidence, not anxiety, for women everywhere. To ensure hair is a
constant source of happiness that pushes women forward (and never holds them back).
Dove Hair believes that when it replenishes hair with the nourishment it needs, it can free up
women to love and enjoy it.


A cohort is defined by attributes. The attributes available for precision marketing depend on the
information that each digital platform gets from its audiences. These are a combination of login
details, claimed interests/likes and browsing/engagement behaviour on the platform. Here are
the attributes (targeting filters) available on Facebook and YouTube, two of the largest digital
marketing platforms in the country.
Facebook advertising

Targeting Option What it Does

Demographics Defines basic user information such as age, gender, education,

workplace, relationship, language, and location.

Interests Target users who have identified specific interests from personal
finance to bodybuilding.

Life Events Ads can be targeting on recent life events like anniversaries or
starting a new job.

Lifestyle & Financial This option targets users living a certain lifestyle, including travel
frequency and event attendance.

Connections This targeting option creates an audience using friends of your

Facebook fans.

Behaviours Targets users who have recently taken specific action advertisers
select from a list.

Retargeting Targets users who have previously clicked on an ad or visited your


To read more:

YouTube advertising

Targeting Option What it Does

Demographics Choose the age, gender, parental status, or household income of the audience you
+ Detailed Demo want to reach. Reach users based on additional broad, shared traits, such as college
students, homeowners, or new parents.

Interests Pick from available audience categories to reach people interested in certain topics,
even when they may be visiting pages about other topics.

Affinity Audiences + Raise brand awareness and drive consideration with your video ads by reaching
Custom Affinity people who already have a strong interest in relevant topics.

Life Events With custom affinity audiences, you can create audiences that are more tailored to
your brands, compared to our broad, TV-like affinity audiences. For example, rather
than reaching Sports Fans, a running shoe company may want to reach Avid Marathon
Runners instead.

In-market Audiences Reach potential customers on YouTube and Gmail when purchase behaviour shifts
and brand preferences change during life milestones like moving, graduating from
college, or getting married.

Custom Intent Audiences Select from these audiences to find customers who are researching products and
actively considering buying a service or product like those you offer.

Video Remarketing Built with performance advertisers in mind, custom intent audiences allow you to
reach viewers as they’re making a purchase decision based on the keywords, they’ve
recently searched on

Content targeting Reach viewers based on their past interactions with your videos, TrueView ads or
methods let you define YouTube channel. If you've linked your Google account to your Google Ads account
where you want your ads already, Google Ads will create custom lists for you automatically
to show • Placements: Target channels, videos, apps, websites, or placements within
websites. For example, you can target an entire high traffic blog or just the
homepage of a popular news site. Placements can include:
• YouTube channels
• YouTube videos
• Websites on the Google Display Network
• Apps on the Google Display Network

Topics Target your video ads to specific topics on YouTube and the Google Display Network.
Topic targeting lets you reach a broad range of videos, channels, and websites related
to the topics you select. For example, you target to the "Automotive" topic, then your
ad will show on YouTube to people watching videos about cars.

Keyword Depending on your video ad format, you can show your video ads based on words or
phrases (keywords) related to a YouTube video, YouTube channel, or type of website
that your audience is interested in.

Devices Target users using computers, smart phones, mobile devices, and TV screen devices
like Chromecast.

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