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The first question we should ask ourselves is what are the main problems with the company's jacket?

We had many feedbacks from consumers: good and bad.

The main problem is that the jacket does not do what the advertising says it will do: it's warm in the winter but it's
too hot in the summer even when customers take the inner layer out of it

The jacket doesn't fit well for thin people and it’s not fashionable: black is a dull colour

On the other hand, it’s Perfect for canoeing and snowboarding and some find its aspect good but there’s still
problems: the zip is awful; the hood difficult to fold; the jacket too bulky to pack neatly, it was hard to find and the
delivery was slow

Therefore, how should the company deal with these problems?

Product: We need to change the material to make it cooler to wear when the lining is removed. We should use
brighter colours, improve the zip and the hood, reduce the number of pockets to 4 and we should add a small size
for man and woman.

Price: Our price is very competitive. At the moment it is the lowest among competitors. However, we believe that we
should raise the price slightly to give added perceived value and to cover the cost of the new material.

With regard to Promotion: The slogan 'A jacket for all seasons' is good, but the advertising should be clearer. We
should show not only the outside of the jacket but also show technical diagrams of the material used in the jacket,
and of the lining. We should advertise on internet through a social media campaign to reach more people: it’s

Place: Lastly, for orders on the Internet and by mail order, we must only work with reliable suppliers. We should
keep using our current shop retailers, but we should also use supermarkets.

With these changes, I am sure that the XWS will be a successful product.

Thank you.

Ziani Aksil / class C8 / Thursday 10H12H./

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