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#Ophiuchus ascendant http://lulu.

com/astrology #16suns #Ofiuco #1008planets #Astrology |||

Warning: the following (as purported by NASA ephemerides ); may prove to be shocking

to the majority of “people” who wikiknow everything about anything ever after and before.

a) As the Sun does not determine “the” zodiac, moreover standing for faux ego; it seldom

(gold, cardiac issues...) features in analysis. Nevertheless, for general information: here

are its main positions; as generally unknown to public.

b) In the (present) Aeon of Cetus, the Sun is (ditto) in Cetus for spring equinox.

c) The Sun is generally in Orion for (and thus around) summer solstice.

d) Orion is notoriously known for the (Osama) 9-11 Moon.

e) Around 9-11, (also due to New Moon there) the Sun is considered to be “in Sextans”.

f) Around winter solstice, your zodiacal error may overreach seven (7) “signs”.

g) Said massive error has nothing to do with the Stargate of Hell (or zodiacal Scutum),

since the Sun's appointment with Witchallow and Ophiuchus remains fairly “fixed”.

h) At any epoch, the stress being on “any epoch at all”; the Sun fairly remains in Orion,

around summer solstice; yet another definition would have it “at the Stargate”.

i) The term “generally” may encompass epochs. Pisces II follows upon AEON CETI. The

next epoch will introduce e.g. Delphinus (and zodiacal Pegasus) ascendant. All planets

(and Pluto, Eris...). Present means now +- e.g. 1500 years or so – depending on context;

e.g. nobody you know may ever have an Aries ascendant for the present epoch. Ditto

means as already said. Orion is a normal zodiacal ascendant much as Cetus, Hydra or

Ophiuchus. The Sun being faux ego is least important in any or most analyses.

j) What do we make of zodiacal ascendant Sextans? Much as aforementioned Cetus,

Orion, Hydra, Ophiuchus and others; Sextans is valid n a zodiacal ascendant (ditto).

k) Does the Sun enter Sextans? All planets do enter Cetus, Orion, Ophiuchus and so forth;

but what do we make of New Moon in Sextans? Possibly with Tekton, Orcus (real

estate) Mercury (Keanu Reeves) and Moon there? The portent may me pertinent as they

generally apply to Vatican and Russia, therefore important (if not shadow) politics

movers (both “socialist” at this epoch: Sextans is a Masonic zodiacal ascendant,

therefore a few notches above neophyte, {in an (RTRRT) Initiation} indeed.

l) Every planet (among #1008planets) traces its own zodiac; e.g. The Moon does not travel

with Venus at all “la donna e' mobile”. Venus does not enter Auriga.

m) That Moon can be conjunct Venus e.g. in Sextans (but not in Crater or Corvus or...) is

coincidental since they may cross paths (zodiacs) once in a while; but they evidently

don't travel selfsame path at all.

n) Much as Pluto will never enter Aries, Eris will always largely avoid Taurus.

o) These and more unpopular facts can be found here:

Can two people by any chance (or nations, banks, perchance alien

solar systems) go together well? #synastry #RTRRT #Astrology #Relationship #Parenting

a)Is there a chance in a trillion that husband and wife can “go together well”?

b)Michelle: my belle?

c)What – if anything – does it take to enjoy a fairly harmonious relationship?

d)Can timing marriage to minute-second best auspice yield infinite happiness ever after?

e)Is there any? Ever after.

f)Is there anything I can do?

g)Is there anything anyone can do for people (flora, fauna...) going together well?

h)Did anyone get together well with anybody ~ perhaps within some remote Vedic times?

i)Was Lord Krishna happy with his own harems?

j)Is there something we don't really want to know?

k)Can anything spawn mere harmony during prolonged periods of time – such as within a

precession cycle perhaps?

Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsana uvaca

1.As you know, we are living within a golden age of harmony and understanding?

2.? Since some nincompoop proclaimed Age of Aquarian. Don't you believe in human

kindness? Of course you do: nothing can be so bad: accidents don't happen: everybody knows


3.What is your best timing before your relationship breaks apart? Starting from e.g. now,

alright: roughly – half a year at best – and that would be record, indeed: since there are

innumerable unreasons to break apart from midnight to noon today already.

4.Can world leaders agree? You must be kidding: never happened and never will.

5.Hoping for denuclearization in midst of Saturn-Pluto aspect and Niku Apocalypse? FYI:
Russian nuclear submarine (Eris in Cetus) just blew itself for 4 of July as predicted.

6.If you think anything will just be fine, you are well-meant dangerous delusional something:

just as they want you to be: silent nonperson aper zombie parrot patient naïve xerox docile

gullible sheeple asinine adamant default mind repeater whoever cipher nobody relayer

blueprint callow naif ape credulous nonentity unwary faceless apparatchik biomass nono

fleeceable green copycat.

7.Piscean, Aquarian and Capricornian averages are not especially benevolent at all.

8.All three aforementioned averages are utterly dull; dead merciless while completely

disinterested in any benefit towards any worthless race, the lest “human” and much lesser you.

9.We know you are worried sick and about since an alleged age of harmony happened in 1914

therefore before Hiroshima when you started worrying about your Japanese brothers. The

universe does not give a damn: so why would you? The Aquarian average being similarly twin

as dull as any other, expect nothing when it triggers in 700 years from now. People ditched by

“society” into some Vietnamese jungle or French trench could not give a damn about your

alleged Age of Aquarian – and some of them statistically could well be astronomers.
10.Going together well is mathematically impossible; thus so many songs about love in the

past: the present tattooed degeneration desisted from it along with décor already.

11.Considering the fragile frame of the present degenerations to be futurities to better not, the

time-frame of “relationship” will reduce itself to seconds: what was lifetime once due to lores,

tradition and Self-respect of family and God: minutes will real-feel like aeons.

12.To be noted that “relationship” is quite new in a concept as majority flat-earth biomass don't

dig concept: while rich princesses escape their wealthy palaces for what was western life once:

only to find themselves proxclimate to Croydonian pram-stab areas.

13.Even with an unlikely as impossible perfect static natal synastry, the next minute offers

myriads of ways not to concur, go together well or even not going together at all: only the most

unqualified as dangerously naïve would blind you with promises of eternal bliss within a

clearly dysfunctional reality. There are ways to better this and that, miracle it all, but they are

not based on any promises or premises towards delusional matter-of-facts such as universal

love and that sort of new wage crap. New wage served them well as it serves them now in order

to blind you from seeing what was really going on: wars, bankruptcy, cancer, divorce and dope.
What can possibly go wrong? #divorce #CancerCure #RTRRT #synastry

Noticed sinister amusement in the question?

“Venus in Hydra will naturally suck upon Mars in Cetus.”

a) “Everything will be alright.” is shameless lie.

b) Amusement comes from this one representing discontinuity in a returning series as we

elaborated on the subject on too many an occasion for people to understand even if they

wanted to: nothing will ever change (in) default mind and perhaps it should not:

happiness is not having to explain even when there is will to do so.

c) Since all to many things can and will go wrong as timely as possible, that in itself

resumes it all, bu here are some details in the unlikely case that someone is either willing

to help or merely wants to profit i some or many ways and the alike.

d) The illusion of all going according to plan is merely that: in illusion: nothing does, not

even said plan does.

e) No need for but there are some 555 directions or mathematical – sphere geometry

mostly – formulae that is methods to this madness – call it karma, astrology or life.

f) All 555 methods will calculate whatever did, is and will go wrong.

g) A tertiary lunar direction of LILIT VERA will show how and when menstruation cycle

goes wrong. This is merely 1/555 therefore one single method as used within say a

minute of her time where all 555 methods either converge or diverge on whatever goes

wrong every minute: yet people don't seem to notice it: besides, it is not popular to blow

whistles every minute or so.

h) We gave you six months tops in a relationship but that is among saints: that is tolerant

losers: discord will surely happen minute after minute in mostly all or plainly all.

i) The mathematical complexity of dynamic synastry warrants conflicts every second,

whether betwixt “persons”, nations, states or otherwise entities, corporations and even

aliens: horoscope from other planets, systems or spacecraft exhibit selfsame – if not

worse – lack of even possibility of temporary compatibility.

j) Jung was naïve at this or that, but most naïve as concern synastry, indeed.

k) Even with an illusion of perfect static synastry in an aspectarian, one can trash natal –

even relationship – horrorscopes right from the very start since nothing happens as natal.

l) Most horoscopes are at best doomed to one night stand, especially when squares activate

e.g. Venus and Mars. Also: Venus in Hydra will naturally suck upon Mars in Cetus.

m) Many things go wrong all of the time – all at once – in different places or converging.

n) Right now we have Pluto with Saturn – with Niku Apocalypse – and is getting worse.

o) Improvements can be made with RTRRT and thus in perusing precise timing (e.g.

secondary angular directions of the ascendant, Cruithne, Earth Moons...)...

p) Cancer can be and is recurring in a disease, fortunately easy to predict and avert

(RTRRT, Academic Zodiac). Anyone can predict next cancer by memory much as

marriage and basically everything; in perusing more o less selfsame simple methods.

q) Again, everything does happen all of the time, whether in the real skies or through a

considerable number of directions.

r) One should of course avoid major bad aspects even in static synastry. Often, your killer

will be described as benign by all-appeasing cookbooks.

s) There re many killer aspects, one of them happening now in real sky.

t) Afflictions should be avoided when possible. We have described worst aspects

elsewhere, but let us underline Venus – Neptune aspectarians once again in synastries.

u) Treason will happen for sure all through relationships' own lifetimes – both short and

long. Treason happens all the time much as Venus Neptune afflictions do happen right

now within, versus and betwixt most horoscopes: by “now”, we mean this very minute

right now.

v) Of course, someone with NE5LILIT VERA 90 8NE (Venus square Neptune) fr a natal

aspect: will be constantly prone to treason. Any precise aspect, “good” or bad; will
trigger around the 30 year of life and later (such as 60, but also 15, 45 and alike; also

according to horoscopes).

w) Albeit Venus can be fishy in Cetus, volatile ($VIX) in Pegasus or too damn spiritual in

Orion or Crater; said aspectarian should be fairly easy to produce and monitor.

x) Treason is but one of the things as continuously plaguing relationship.

y) Horoscopes are sensitive to breakup: happens all the time – at least as perfect occasion

for – even on daily basis. These calculi being somehow difficult to perform by memory

in a beginner, some training is needed.

z) An amateur is nevertheless able to calculate synastry by memory upon first contact.

Butchers, shoeshine boys and florists perform calculi by memory for their clients while

serving them, so everybody knows next marriage day, hour and minute. An amateur

should also set people on guard against bad aspects like JUMA VENE PLSA URMO...
Can by any chance two people (or nations, banks, perchance alien

solar systems) go together well? #synastry #RTRRT #Astrology #Relationship #Parenting

a) Is there a chance in a trillion that husband and wife can go together well?

b) Michelle: my belle?

c) What – if anything – does it take to enjoy a fairly harmonious relationship?

d) Can timing marriage to minute second best auspice yield infinite happiness ever after?

e) Is there any? Aver after.

f) Is there anything I can do?

g) Is there anything anyone can do for people (flora, fauna...) going together well?

h) Did anyone get together well with anybody perhaps within some remote Vedic times?

i) Was Lord Krishna happy with his harems?

j) Is there something we don't really want to know?

k) Can anything spawn mere harmony during prolonged periods of time – such as

precession cycle perhaps?

1. As you know, we are living within a golden age of harmony and understanding?

2. ? Since some nincompoop proclaimed Age of Aquarian. Don't you believe in human

kindness? Of course you do: nothing can be so bad: accidents don't happen: everybody

knows it.

3. What is your best timing before your relationship breaks apart? Starting from e.g. now,

alright: roughly – at best – half a year – and that would be record, indeed: since there are

innumerable unreasons to break apart from midnight to noon already today.

4. Can world leaders agree? You must be kidding: never happened and never will.
5. Hoping for denuclearization in midst of Saturn-Pluto aspect and Niku Apocalypse?

6. If you think anything will just be fine, you are well-meant dangerous delusional

something: just as they want you to be: silent patient.

7. Piscean, Aquarian and Capricornian averages are not especially benevolent at all.

8. All three aforementioned averages are dull, merciless while completely disinterested in

any benefit towards any race, lest human and much lesser you.

9. We know you are worried sick and about since an alleged age of harmony happened in

1914 therefore before Hiroshima when you started worrying about your Japanese

brothers. The universe does not give a damn: so why would you? The Aquarian average

being similarly twin as dull as any other, expect nothing when it triggers in 700 years

from now. People ditched by “society” into some Vietnamese jungle or French trench

could not give a damn about your alleged Age of Aquarian – and some of them

statistically could be astronomers.

10. Going together well is mathematically impossible; thus so many songs about love in the

past: the present tattooed degeneration desisted from it along with décor already.

11. Considering the fragile frame of the present degenerations to be futurities to better not,

the time-frame of “relationship” will reduce itself to seconds: what was lifetime once

due to lores, tradition and Self-respect of family and God: minutes will real-feel like


12. To be noted that “relationship” is quite new in a concept as majority flat-earth biomass

don't dig concept: while rich princesses escape their wealthy palaces for what was

western life once: only to find themselves proxclimate to Croydonian pram-stab areas.
The great averages as they happen – twice.

Copyright © 2019 by Klaudio Zic all rights reserved.

Pisces I


(You float here)

Pisces II

Aquarius I

Capricornus I

Aquarius II

Capricornus II

Thus all “recent” averages to be happen twice. The average of Aquarius happens in 700 years

from now: don’t worry – it is a dull linear period where nothing special is scheduled to happen

at all.
When does something special happen, (now and) then?

The exceptional ages are marked with these zodiacal/ascendants (as follows):

Corvus, Crater, Sextans, Hydra, Monoceros (Unicorn), Canis Minor (Fox), Auriga, Orion,

Eridanus, Cetus, Pegasus, Aquila, Serpens Cauda, Scutum, Ophiuchus, Serpens Caput...

Some of them being zodiacal ascendants like Cetus, Hydra or Ophiuchus; others either merely

zodiacal or respectively ascending at present epoch (meaning at east).

What is exceptional in/to this age? We are in the Age of Pegasus or ERA PEGASI after AEON

CETI, under the spells of Scutum, Hydra and ERA ERIDANI; among other exceptional

influences. Jupiter is on its way to the Stargate of Hell just past Ophiuchus – its present


FED and Aussie (aver)ages may be marked by e.g. Pavo and/or any southern stations from

Musca to Tucana.
⛎ #Ophiuchus #ascendant
#GetYours! #16ascendants #AcademicZodiac #1008planets #Ofiuco #USA #Astrology

� #SerpensCauda #USA ��

🦅 #Aquila

� #Cetus

� #Eridanus

� #Orion #Copper

� #Unicorn

🦅 #Fox

� #Hydra

� #Sextans

� #SerpensCaput

Everything you know about astrology is wrong.

© 2019 by Klaudio Zic all rights reserved.

1.How wrong? As in terribly wrong, 90 degrees wrong or just 100% wrong fullstops?

2.Wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong. But what is wrong? Everything! The faux skies as

postulated by whatever goes by astrology do not even exist. Never did. Nobody has ever seen

12 signs rising at east: in fact whatever rises at east forms quite another set of ascendants from

those wrongly assumed as such. The Sun does not rise at east. And there never were 12 signs of

the zodiac.

3.But you knew it already. They first made you think that you are sort of unique under your Sun

sign – which by the way is least perused element in Astrology – then gave you not only one but

several wrong Sun-signs in order to double or triple profit by selling contradiction, dichotomy

and trichotomy. That is not your Sun sign, and even if it were, trash it since least important –

apart from dangerous - element within any horoscope ever: moreover standing for faux ego.

4.You may sit and wait in order to see e.g. Aries rising at east. Good luck with that. Hasn’t been

there for quite a while. Selfsame goes for Gemini, Cancer, Libra and strung along


5.They made you think that there is an Indian or “Vedic” (as in they could not care less about

Vedas or something) – even “sidereal” Mars vs “tropical” Mars: the simple truth is so obvious
that a crooked mind can not bear its simplicity: there is one Mars only (surprise!) which is both

sidereal and tropical. Besides, sidereal astrology does not exist at all (apart from Academic

Zodiac) whilst vomitable tropical nonsensei is apex of asinine stupidity.

6.Humanity is not given to noticing things; it leans towards belief in e.g. hollow earth, average

of Aquarius and flat Earth: at least 1/3rd of humanity believes Earth is flat: it is called

tradition, religion thus untouchable asinine stupidity one is not supposed to touch upon: since

nothing can be done in respect to masses as indoctrinated towards a wide range of plain

idiocies formidably beyond wildest belief. One reason why such belief can not be changed is

because it has been canonized into unchangeable (sic) dogma.

7.Luckily, the Vedas offer a rather fair as pertinent description – with mathematical-physical

data - of the solar system and beyond material world – astral lokas are best explored by

Prahlada Maharaj.

8.Moreover the Chinese at least had a precise cosmographic system – offering minute precision

– much as the Egyptian or even Mayans did offer – and one should never forget original

mankind such as aborigine Navajos, Cherokees, Hopi and many other valid cosmologies.

9.Pharaohdoxically, the only one to be terribly wrong is modern computerized man. Surely,

Persians and Greek made some progress as well as mistakes.

10.Already at Krishna’s own epoch, Gemini quit the ascendant, rising no more at east since.

Asinine stupidity wants it ascending when it is clearly visible at north. This makes 90 degrees

of error (sic) #QuarterSky or #GeminiShift

11.The scary result is that no-one you know has a Gemini ascendant.

12.The list of non-ascendants is long. No one you know has an Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Libra,

Scorpius, Sagittarius or Capricornus as ascendant at all; with Taurine Ascendants being quite

rare, indeed.
13.Someone assumed to be “cold Capricorn (ascendant)” may rediscover oneself as deep (cetacean)

Cetus or even Pisces.

14.How is it even possible to obtain 90 degrees of error? One starts with mathematical model –

default being NASA integration model – then distorts it for commercial purposes. There are

even commercial telescopes telling you that Spica Virginia (Alpha Virgo) is in Libra.

15.How is it possible that no-one noticed Gemini shift over 5000 years or so? Inanity extends

for 11000 years without any problem at all. People believe in things convenient, not real.

16.Gemini shift is – you guessed it – but one in a myriad example of general as well as pseudo-

astro-nomi-logical ? Bug ? Syndrome? Glitch? How can 90 degrees even qualify as an error?

17.Someone would notice: someone would inform you. Unlikely, and even in letting a needle’s

eye probability, he would be barred from approaching you. In the desperately unlikely case that

he would reach you, “your own mind” would refuse to believe in science, since it pertains to

the Devil (default mind, the mind of this world).

18.“And in the darkness bind them.” No need formanacles: they are there for good already.

19.So what are observatories doing in this or that respect? The IAU? Formally, something; in

praxis: nothing: they bar you from information: you don’t and are not supposed to ask for

information at all: good pup. Mutt? Capito?

20.The result of superstition is that zodiacs in commercial gyration fail by 7 (seven) signs.

21.The list of inanities is endless. It is e.g. easy for anyone to predict your next marriage in

seconds. That requires no brains at all: year, month: day; minute-second with the help of some

extra-math. The day of any event requires no brains, pen or paper at all: it is less than a minute

calculus that a toddler can perform by memory whilst e.g. serving clients.

22.On occasion a shoeshine boy can accidentally predict death unto an astrologer – not

knowing he is shoeshining one.

#Trump #2020shift #Biden #Illuminati #MayDay #Apocalypse #2019shift
#Armageddon #2025shift #Pegasus $VIX #NYSE #Libya #Colombo #Maduro $REIT #KamiKaze

a) Mars is in angular maximum “opposition” with Jupiter on May 5th when solar aspect
with Witchallow is due.
b) Halloween vis-a-vis marks yet another Illuminati Witchallow.
c) The Sun is in Virgo for Halloween. It is still in Libra for Sai Baba's birthday
November 23rd as shared with Maduro. Does Sai Baba love Led Zeppelin as well?
Upcoming report from stairway top.
d) May 4th often marks focal Illuminati May Day date.
e) May 1st officially opens kamikaze massacre season that will last until Valentine 2020.
f) As Saturn approaches Pluto, minor and major massacres do happen.
g) Tekton is with Orcus in Sextans, accounting for major wars like Libyan as well as
h) ||:|:: marks the worst aspect in the book. See Aspectarian. The path to hell as paved...
i) Mars “conjunct” in angular minimum with Chaos in zodiacal Auriga enhances the
flow of illegal aliens according to Kalergi plan.
j) Both Kalergi and Saudi have natal Moon in Auriga.
k) Illuminati May Day is focal for kamikaze massacre aspect Saturn Pluto – curfew will
last until Valentine 2020.
l) Jupiter in Ophiuchus is legally sweeping a recent saturnine passage 1929-1987.
m) Niku apocalypse: spiraling upwards through Serpens Caput and Unuk-al-Hai, the star
of the Devil and recent kamikaze massacres.
n) Pholus sits on the cusp of USA ascendant in Serpens Cauda.
o) Venus (VIDE SVPRA #2017shift) returns into Pegasus for #2025shift
p) Lilith in zodiacal Corvus underlines BoE's natal corvine Moon.
q) Both Juno galax and Apophis 911 are in Orion.
r) Praamzius hovers below Diamond Planet.
#FED rate cut #Trump #2020shift hike Powell #ECB #Draghi #Trump2020 #RTRRT #1008planets #Ophiuchus

#Trading #NYSE #ZodiacFix #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #QuarterSky #GeminiShift #NASA #Astrology #Astronomy #precession #FX $VIX

a) Chinese markets are sensitive to the longest zodiacal ascendant - Hydra.

b) The latest grand Chinese market crash happened as predicted with Venus in Hydra.

c) American markets are tested under Saturn in Ophiuchus (1929, 1987, a while ago).

d) Huawei prospers with Venus in Scutum (2014).

e) Markets prediction basically peruses the selfsame principles as simple marriage prediction.

f) These principles are so simple that even and especially a toddler can embrace them in minutes.

g) All these principles being laid down, the rest is mere refinement.

h) One can e.g. predict the minute-second of a certain event - decades before it happens.

i) Every baby can be assigned minute-second time of marriage even before it was born.

j) Predicting and even changing the future is normal in a human being.

k) “The King will hunt at 7 AM, bagging a tigress, three deer and 22 fowl; returns at sundown.”

l) Shao Yung e.g. predicted the exact hour that a vase - of his own purchase - will break.

m) Predicting (by memory) the year of next marriage; even hour and minute is sheer normality.

n) The ancients predicted from (the real visible as observable) astronomic skies.

o) In His own epoch, Lord Krishna noticed that Gemini was ascendant no more.

p) Gemini thus never rose at east since Lord Krishna's own epoch is not ascendant.

q) General superstition that is based on fictitious skies can not predict anything.

r) While real skies render minute predictions, superstition fails by over 90 degrees or years.

s) Gemini is not there it is 90 degrees to the north - for those few of you willing to look.

t) Often a prediction requires two numbers or planets and a few seconds of simple math.

u) At the Academic Zodiac, we delineated 1008 planets.

The ascendant is Fox or Canis Minor – we are coming to why is that important in this case of

lightweight home exorcism.

2001 SQ73 2003 UW2
C/2012 S1 ISON

Leo 2000 SN331

Cyllarus Galactic Equator
2004 DJ71 2000 CR105 Undina 2002 XW93
Isis 2003 WL7
2003 UY292 Gemini
Varuna 2000 GM137
2005 VD (MPO368899) C
1999 XX143
2006 VW139 199
Horus C/2010 X1 (Elenin)
Osiris Praamzius (MPO386597)
Nemo Sila-Nunam Cybele 2003
2002 RN109
Cancer 1994 TA "Pylenor"
Ecliptic 2002 VR130 Ecliptic


2000 JZ15
2003 AZ84 Juno
1996 PW
2013 FZ27 Sextans2002 AW197
2013 FY27 Canis Minor
2002 VE95
Thereus Orion

Orcus E 2002 VG131

2002 TK301


Galactic EquatorCanis
Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiume Invernale 2019 13:09:29 90° 00' 00" Single star
14° 26' 44" E 2019/04/17 Ecliptic Lon: 127.6047° Multiple star
45° 19' 38" N JD 2458590.97 Ecliptic Lat: -08.1432° Variable star

Actually Kalki's triune ascendant(s) and even 666's ascendant Hydra is near!
And this is said exorcism – we see one banishes “bags” or exorcises three giant foxy demons.

Obviously the Greek were aware of these demons much as old Chinese. The proliferation of

idiocy through communism makes one “believe” in materialistic theories – namely falling prey

to occult forces at work. See also on Jericho genocide.

#Brexit starts with ditched Moon 🌓 (people) who are of course lured, goaded as betrayed right from
the very incipient start. site guide #RTRRT #AcademicZodiac #KlaudioZic
#Trading #Metals SITE MAPS

You will find site maps galore on the site. A note: used to be biggeri, changes wiped out significant
portions… Also: catalogs and services; these abound… Some things you’ll hardly find: the 13 (or 12)
signs rising at east – they never do; pentagrams etc. are quite futile in Instant Magick.


O5 or Oberon 5 (Alberon, Oberon V…) is the root of Instant Magick Real Time Reality Rendering
Tools. Other popular devices are Cascade, the PCS or Personal Cosmic Secretary, Wish Wheel…


Of all commodities, metals are well spoken of from copper to platinum, palladium to silver and gold.


Brexit starts with ditched Moon (people) who are of course lured, goaded as betrayed right from the
very start.


USA has Serpens Cauda ascendant, recently hit by jovial vibes – thus legal processes galore – after it
entered saturnine reptilian recession with (1929-1987-2017) ⛎ Saturn in Ophiuchus.


The southern skies completely differ from those on the northern hemisphere. Also: a corvine Moon as
observed from Madrid does not necessarily equal Moon in Corvus in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Old Egypt enjoyed vast diversity across its own eastern skies where the ascendant set presented itself
variegated – almost thrice in size (and number) in comparison to the present ascendant set.
i 45000 PDF. Some 10000 were taken down in October 2011…
#LunarNewYear #16suns 🦆🦆 #22odiac #YearOfThePig
#Horoscope #16ascendants #AcademicZodiac Taurine #Trading #GeminiShift #FX #CancerCure
#precession #NASA #Astronomy #Astrology #RTRRT #KlaudioZic


Everybody has heard of Venezuela crisis, but not many will know that Maduro shares Libra
Sun with Sai Baba. Namely, on November 23rd, the Sun is in Libra.


That people generally have no idea (and could not care less) where insignificant (or so they
thought) things (like their own natal Sun) are can be taken for granted: give them anything
quick “understandable”; nigh symmetrical – add a few colors – and they will literally swallow
anything on the fly.


People “think” that the Moon shares selfsame zodiac with the Sun, but the Sun never enters
biblical Auriga, although New Moon can happen in 911 Orion below.


Every planet has its own separate trajectory thus zodiac. The Venusian zodiac e.g. has nothing
much to do with the lunar Zodiac as Venus never enters Corvus much as the Moon is unable to
enter Pegasus.

Pizza cut zodiac, flavor aid, Capricorn does good ths year: Mercury retrograde. Libra
ascendant: they never ask whether these things really exist. Is the solar system flat? Who cares?
The app told me I am slim.


So, beginning with elementary solar positions, one peels toxic illusions one by one until it
becomes evident that not a single word of what was said of zodiacs was ever true. Believe it or
not, nobody did any research on the zodiac – or ascendant sets for that matter – until we
published our ten-minutes research online since 1972.

TAROT 🦆🦆 #22odiac

A tarot memo can help memorizing the number of standard zodiacal stations plus ascendant set
for the modern epoch. Thus there are 22 🦆🦆 or “double duck” zodiacal stations along with 16
ascendants which in fact do not cover for the 16 solar stations at all.


The ascendant set changes – very slowly – over time and precession. The next ascendant set
will e.g. have Delphinus and thus zodiacal Pegasus rising at east.


So, you want to know which one of the 16 your true natal ascendant is? We can tell you for
starters which ones are surely not at all. Aries does not rise at east. Taurus is rare – see on
Taurine Trading – Gemini does not ascend at east since Krishna’s own epoch. Cancer, Libra,
Scorpius, Sagittarius and Capricornus do not rise at east. So if one told you you were a “cold
Capricorn” (fishy, at best) ascendant – belay that – you probably own a proud cetacean
ascendant within this watery part of the sky as presided with Aquarius whose twin averages are
due in 700 years from now.


Superstition is not merely toxic: it is life-threatening as dangerous: people will have wrong
organ cut-out on account of some village authorities – e.g. on account of a “Scorpio ascendant”
that was never there at all. The “12 signs” that allegedly rise at east is already superstition
enough in order to ruin your financial life, health and well-being.


Once superstition sets in – childish mind holds fast onto it – as asininely adamant – will kill
when told otherwise – basically, people don’t trust any real skies at all – for them 90 degrees of
error on an observable sky (such as in the case of an alleged “Gemini ascendant”) are merely
mambo-jumbo as default mind runs with the pack.


The superstitious zodiac spawns seven (7) signs of error at Xmas time. Usually, one sign is
assumed betwixt so-called eastern vs western zodiac, where people safely assume that there can
be several zodiacs of which none is scientific but merely (a dangerous word as follows)


Being non-linear as introducing constellations previously unknown to mankind, the ascendant

set can not be linearly ascribed flat 90-degrees such as in the case of Gemini. The ascendant
sets namely has nothing to do with the zodiacal stations, whose number is fixed.
#2019shift predictions $PALL #Palladium $VIX $SPY #Blockchain $GLD #Divination
#Trading #Parenting #Marriage #1008questions #Bitcoin #CancerCure #RTRRT #IChing #FX


Both of us don't have time. You are probably not readily in possession of 1008 questions while
we have no unfathoming time for your as yet inextant questions. Often there is one question
only while the next 108 of them do pertain to remote times when people had time even for each
other and – well – inquisitive spirit: the present not exactly favoringi philosophersii.

E-MAIL PayPal PayPal


Even in investing one grand in an informative publication, is there time for timely inspection?
This is an epoch of general briefing: often multi-medial or pictorial (emoji) hints serve as one-
second “info” e.g. downtrend vs uptrend graph will oft do.


For those who have time with study, we have published briefing on all major indices, stocks
and financial institutions and it does not bode well for 2019 – generally speaking. Crash dates
(sic) are marked with big red xxX-es; PDFs about with comments. The breaking points
generally seem to form (amass) towards end of February, April-May and 911 > October.
i See on Hypatia (and Theon): science and philosophy were often not appreciated at all by the impeaching mob.
ii Philo-sophia is Zen EX DVCIS or love and knowledge of one’s true self – therefore no solar cult implied at all – solar
cults excluded here – sophia is jnana. The current epoch or times O TEMPORA O MORES is about dichotomy,
confusion and instant karma – a pledge, an oath or dignity disappear as words out of use.
#YearOfThePig The piggy new Moon presents itself below Brexit

“ditched” Moon “in the moat” - the twin turrets as bracketing said position.

::|||| the piglet represents the heaviest thus most material element - last to reach heaven's gates

but liable to bestow luck on those who do not even dream to aspire towards paradise.

The march of the twelve (or more) jovial intelligences ends with the Stargate of Hell, thus

Jupiter in Ophiuchus.

More? Yes, Jupiter normally enters Cetus (2012), apart from e.g. Ophiuchus, Orion and...

The Year of the Pig has caught Jupiter in midst of Ophiuchus. The Chinese 12-years cycle is in

fact based on Jupiter, thus jovial intelligences in theurgy (magick).

We see Jupiter ascending in the chart. Actually, the ascendant is selfsame as USA ascendant in

Serpens Cauda. Ophiuchus is ascendant as well while Sagittarius is not capable of ascending at

east for the present epoch.

So this is the year of the USA.

The second house of taurine earnings looks propitious for China.

Hopefully both USA and China prosper along with the rest of the world!
Global #Astrology AEON Compact 1588-2034 #2025shift #Venus in #Pegasus #2024shift
#Moon in Auriga #Saudi #Kalergi #2022shift #Jupiter in #Cetus #2023shift #Trump #2020shift #Reelection #USA
#UN #2030shift #EU #SharkTank #RealEstate #Crude #AI #Sustainable #NWO #Illuminati #May #Brexit #NWO



2034 Jupiter in Cetus

2032 Uranus in Gemini

2030 Neptune in Cetus

2029 Neptune in Cetus

2028 Neptune in Cetus

2025 Uranus in Taurus

2025 Venus in Pegasus

2024 Moon in Auriga

2023 Jupiter in Cetus

2023 Moon in Auriga

2023 Pluto in Capricornus

2022 Jupiter in Cetus

2019 Jupiter in Ophiuchus

2018 Saturn in Ophiuchus

2017 Venus in Pegasus

2015 Venus in Hydra

2014 Venus in Scutum

2013 Uranus in Cetus

2012 Jupiter in Cetus

2011 Jupiter in Cetus

2010 Moon in Corvus

2007 Venus in Hydra

2006 Jupiter in Ophiuchus

2005 Mars in Cetus

1588 Saturn Pleiades

1077 Venus in Pegasus

🐻 $VIX 🐂 ♉ #2019shift 🐷 #RTRRT ♋#CancerCure 🚑 #QuarterSky ♊
#GeminiShift 📐 #MarketCrash #recession ⛎ #Ophiuchus 🐉 #Ofiuco 🐲 #Astrology


The Chinese market nose-dive happened precisely as predicted: with the entry of Venus into
Hydra – to minute second.


Planetary positions such as Venus in Hydra can be calculated to minute-second. Stochastic or

candle analyses can help, but do not reflect the complexity of influences on the market at all.


Saturn was in Ophiuchus in the years 1929 – 1987 – 2017. It spends approximately three years
within that constellation. Since Ophiuchus is bordering on the USA ascendant in Serpens
Cauda, this transit affects the US markets.


What you may know as astrology is ridiculously mangled mockery of your good sense by now:
astrology became superstition over time to a hilarious error margin, which e.g. in the case if
Gemini is ninety 90 degrees or three signs or #QuarterSky


People seem rather impervious to positive intent, thus most of them have a fixed (default)
future. The rest of us have (even volatile) futurities. Amazingly, even with a given a five-
minute challenge like #RTRRT – they seem to depend on traditionally inert “values” while
substantially doing nothing to change e.g. a predicted cancer in the(it own) future. You may
want to make a difference while giving it a try. After all, any future trouble or joy deserves five
minutes of your precious taurine trading time.


Sick to the back teeth, popular superstition produces bankruptcy, cancer and even having the
wrong (Scorpio) organ cut-out on pseudo-astrological advice. There are two types of fraudulent
people on the market. The first is them “programmers” - actually people who mangle (tweak, as
it were) the original NASA (integrator) model in order to fit the Procrustean model that is
popular superstition. After damage has been done – again; ninety 90 degrees in the case of
Gemini – a host of naive but also deliberately evil people – that pose as “astrologers” - hold to
the model while parroting inanities to no end at all. These are not able to predict noon, the least
to guess one’s own Sun-sign. The main cheats – meaning infamous swindlers on global level –
have all been served death hour – being unable to predict New Moon by 20 hours margin. If
they don’ti know their own Sun-sign, can not tell the day when a lunar phase happens and have
no idea of ascendants, zodiacs or astronomy whatsoever, on what is their influence based? The
phenomenon is called “default mind” – as “people” don’t really ever think at all – they copycat.


Mystified by all that buzz? Use a sharper pencil: do predict to minute second but also change
any inconvenient futurity – replacing it with a plausible event – preemptively – by sheer intent.
i Don’t want to!

Ophiuchus is one of the 22 or 26 zodiacal stations; also: one of the 16 eastern ascendants or
guardian angels. It is e.g. the ascendant of the USA.

Ascendant in Ophiuchus 8H

Moon in Ophiuchus 9H

Mercury in Ophiuchus 10H

Venus in Ophiuchus 11H

Sun in Ophiuchus


Mars in Ophiuchus 13H

Jupiter in Ophiuchus 14H

Saturn in Ophiuchus 15H

Uranus in Ophiuchus 16H

Neptune in Ophiuchus 17H

Pluto in Ophiuchus 18H

Eris in Ophiuchus


Quaoar in Ophiuchus 20H

Ixion in Ophiuchus 21H

Pholus in Ophiuchus 22H

Comets in Ophiuchus 23H

Planets in Ophiuchus 24H

#Starot #AEONews #1622 #RTRRT #AcademicZodiac #26fact #16fact #22fact #Aeon

Ophiuchus Jupiter 25H

Ophiuchus Mars 26H

Ophiuchus Sun


Ophiuchus Venus 28H

Ophiuchus Mercury 29H

Ophiuchus Moon 30H

Ophiuchus Ascendant 31H

“Both countries” for those familiar with ascendants.
#2019shift #Horoscope everyone needs one #RTRRT
#KlaudioZic #Astrology #AcademicZodiac #16suns ⛎ #Ophiuchus #16ascendants #1008planets
#ZodiacFix #CancerCure #ZodiacShift #Ofiuco #2025shift #apocalypse #Australia #Latina #NASA
#precession #astronomy

Nobody knows one’s own Sun sign whilst the ascendant does not even take a wild guess.

While India at least tried to make it look sidereal, vast Chinese wisdom was lost under Marxist
government. Chinese precision was impressive: the King will bag three tigers by 05:11 PM…
While Egypt barely survives through Coptic culture, Mayan wisdom probably withers away.
Yet e.g. Mayans simply must have noticed e.g. Venus entry into Pegasus or Hydra: thus being
able to predict (Chinese) market crash or apocalypse 2025.

The most ridiculous superstition of all is the western (allegedly tropical) one, but is gets worse
in Australia, thus New Zealand and South America where northern hemisphere superstition gets
asininely copied (as if Greenwich ever knew any zodiacs at all).

We can tell you which ascendants you are not. Aries (never rose at east since Christ), probably
Taurus (taurinei are rare), Gemini (never rose at east since Krishna), Cancer, Libra, Scorpio,
Sagittarius and Capricorn: you can not possibly have these because they simply do not rise at
east at allii.

You cannot possibly entrust your life to people who don’t (and asininely don’t want to) know
their own Sun sign: nobody does: Venezuelan Maduro shares natal Sun in Libra with Sai Baba
(as they were both born on November 23rd): the Sun is in Virgo for Halloween: nobody really
knows these simple facts at all. Putting trust in charlatans led to having the wrong (such as
alleged Scorpio) organ cut-out; divorce with bankruptcy and worse.

A bad horoscope does not pertain to you and is detrimental both in spiritual and material sense.

Convinced yet? Get your report by e-mail starting

with 77$
Get your service catalogs here and here

Get 108 (or even 1008) answers to your questions plus magic #RTRRT tuition via e-mail.

Adding some immaculate timing to your future-changing (#RTRRT) session can help
discreating bad moments while introducing plausible adventures.

Our credentials are simple: we invented the zodiac (ascendant sets, 1008 planets and RTRRT)
in perhaps ten minutes as set online since 1972.

The zodiac has 22 (Tarot) constellations along with 16 ascendants. Planetary zodiacs differ:
lunar is not selfsame as solar or venusian. Our house system has been tested in outer space.
i Taurine Trading Ascendants.
ii For the current epoch.
🙃 Are you stupid❓ ⛎#Ophiuchus #ZodiacFix #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #GeminiShift #QuarterSky #1008planets
#16suns #AcademicZodiac #16ascendants #RTRRT #precession #NASA #Astronomy #Astrology #22odiac #Tarot #Illuminati #NWO


People do stupid things – either from time to time or all of the time. The original meaning of
said word “stupid” is “provoking damage”. The one that we are encompassing within this brief
assay has been global, deadly and lasted since the beginning of humanity – well – at least 7000
years or so. Thus, even Lord Krishna could have been exposed to it!


The unreason behind Our Lord Jesus Christ’s (who has a place within this article as follows)
crucifixion was default mind; the true devil, accuser of brethren and thirteenth apostle


Is Ophiuchus the thirteenth thus fatal station of the zodiac? No, of course: things up there are
not so simple at all; popular speculation apart. There are 22 zodiacal signs along with
(presently) 16 ascendants of which nobody, last of all astro people know anything about.


Causing damage or loss is called being stupid. When an alleged expert(s are everywhere
mushrooming overnight, alright?) determines (with the usual adamant self-assuredness of the
stupid) that this or that organ must be cut out (not at all as confined to the illuminated age of
Paracelsus), he or she has “no doubt” whether e.g. Scorpius (standardly misspelled as Scorpio)
was rising at birth. Said she or he never saw the sky: if said non-person would: she or he would
immediately seize an important truth: Scorpius is not rising at east at all. What else is not?

Would you be surprised that more than half of the zodiac is not (rising at east)? So, is your
“sign” rising at east? Probably not (your sign) at all. While Taurus (Taurine Ascendants in
Trading) is rising at east for a brief period – minutes in fact, Aries never rose at east since Our
Lord Jesus Christ was born with the last faint little star of uterine Aries, thus Lamb of God.
Aries was sacrificed when the precession of the ascendants had a shift: even today in observing
the Moon entering Cetus thrice before eventually crossing into faint Aries, we can not help
comparing said voyage with Jonah’s own.


The reason for that is that stupidity along with lucrative malice extends to (alleged) charting
and programming as well: man will do anything to get ahead: as prevarication comes natural.
E.g. it takes not huge IQ in order to asininely “conclude” that Aquarius is a watery constellation
(sign): aqua thus aquas are English words alright. Their fing did come by water – from Venice.
That is to say that BRVTVS TROIANVS PAFLAGVS REX was probably of some kind of
Trojan origin – no need for big wit – it’s in the name. Much as e.g. it takes no big thinker in
order to “conclude” that there is one Mars, not two or three. And yet, people “think” otherwise.
People of course don;t really think – something else is doing thinking for them – and that
something else is fixed that is default mind – the mind of the world.


Apart from Aries and Gemini; Cancer, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius and Capricornus do not rise
at east for the current epoch: you can’t see them at east; but if you e,g, expect Gemini to rise at
east (according to your pseudo-astrological program or tables) turn to the left (if on northern
hemisphere) and you will behold it at north. That is called #QuarterSky or 90 degrees of error.

If you were plant, desert animal or “primitive native Indian”, would you consider an idiot one
who clearly sees the full moon rising over the canyon yet checks upon his cell phone app in
order to conclude that said Moon will “rise in 20 minutes”. Proof that a nautilus or tiny plant
have more zodiacal knowledge (even over precession) than humans do. Some humans, of
course: a Navajo can not be fooled: he knows that Rabbit’s Paws (constellation) does not rise at
east, not exactly now (it did, it will). He has no stupid app – can not possibly be fooled by


We have seen through numerous examples that the eyes are not connected to that part of the
self that would conclude: the exemplar fellow sees the Moon but “thinks” it has not ascended
as yet – because his (trusted) “program” (app) tells him so. Conversely no Boy Scout has even
recorded Orion ascendant no matter how big it rose over the eastern horizon over some summer
bonfire retreat. The eyes see, brain is functioning but “person” disconnects facts: as it slavishly
relies on default mind that is bone-solid tradition.
⛽ #Economy 🛢 🐢 #Brexit #2020shift 🗽 #Trump #China 🐲
♀ #MAGA 🦄 #Libya #2025shift 🦄 #OPEC #ARAMCO 🧕 🏿♀ #Venezuela


The Big Three credit-rating companies are quite unable to predict noon. They are not unlike
your “astrologers” who can’t tell their own Sun-sign. That is, when market crashes they are
surprised as any other stochastic bloke. The battle of charts is jousting dummies. Neither
Standard & Poor's (S&P) nor Moody's or god-forbid Fitch Group have any idea of how to
predict market: they can of course “estimate” according to “charts”.


China is sensitive to the longest draconian ascendant of all: Hydra. The 666 point rose on the
last Chinese markets crash – as predicted – to minute second. Therefore, Venus in Hydra is
reliable an omen as it forebode market crash decades before it actually happened.


1929, 1987 – 2019 – you name it. Saturn remains in Ophiuchus for three years, bringing the
USA economy down through its rattlesnake ascendant in Serpens Cauda.


Lords are people. The House of Lords pertains to – is - people - as ditched where the Moon
passes over Eris during its cetacean voyage towards Cetus III. This time the Moon crosses
Cetus twice instead of thrice as in the previous occasions. The original Brexit Moon is “in the
moat” as ditched in midst of Capricornus depression. Eris in Cetus is secondary but strongly
indicative hub of the Aeon of Cetus.

We live within the Aeon of Cetus – the Sun being in Cetus for spring equinox. The current
actual peaks and lows are determined by Venus in Scutum, Hydra and Pegasus. What are the
economic projections for this year and those ahead?


The market is at war. Tariff wars will tend to ultimately massacre stocks. Let us but introduce
the hub aspect for this year. It is known as necromancer (not a pun to Mario Draghi as
macromancer). As Saturn approaches Pluto, war in Libya is but one of the concerns. The
portents of this kamikaze aspect are death, massacre with world war. It is namely the selfsame
aspect that predicts death to minute second for every human being.


Illuminati May Day is not the only kamikaze hub around as global massacres hazard spreads fat
across the whole of this year and into 2020. To be noted that the astronomical angular
minimum has nothing much to do with pseudo-astrological miscalculi. All through these tragic
times, orbs betwixt comets, stars and 1008 planets can enlarge quite a bit, e.g. Algol albeit for
above Mars gets enhanced in influence in war, and so does Eris in Cetus II.


Make Astrology great again! #1008shift #RTRRT #AcademicZodiac

🐻 $VIX 🐂⚕♉ #2019shift 🐷 #RTRRT ♋#CancerCure 👩 #QuarterSky ♊
#GeminiShift #MarketCrash #recession ⛎


The Chinese market nose-dive happened precisely as predicted: with the entry of Venus into
Hydra – to minute second.


Planetary positions such as Venus in Hydra can be calculated to minute-second. Stochastic or

candle analyses can help, but do not reflect the complexity of influences on the market at all.


Saturn was in Ophiuchus in the years 1929 – 1987 – 2017. It spends approximately three years
within that constellation. Since Ophiuchus is bordering on the USA ascendant in Serpens
Cauda, this transit affects the US markets.


What you may know as astrology is ridiculously mangled mockery of your good sense by now:
astrology became superstition over time to a hilarious error margin, which e.g. in the case if
Gemini is ninety 90 degrees or three signs or #QuarterSky

People seem rather impervious to positive intent, thus most of them have a fixed (default)
future. The rest of us have (even volatile) futurities. Amazingly, even with a given a five-
minute challenge like #RTRRT – they seem to depend on traditionally inert “values” while
substantially doing nothing to change e.g. a predicted cancer in the(it own) future. You may
want to make a difference while giving it a try. After all, any future trouble or joy deserves five
minutes of your precious taurine trading time.


Sick to the back teeth, popular superstition produces bankruptcy, cancer and even having the
wrong (Scorpio) organ cut-out on pseudo-astrological advice. There are two types of fraudulent
people on the market. The first is them “programmers” - actually people who mangle (tweak, as
it were) the original NASA (integrator) model in order to fit the Procrustean model that is
popular superstition. After damage has been done – again; ninety 90 degrees in the case of
Gemini – a host of naive but also deliberately evil people – that pose as “astrologers” - hold to
the model while parroting inanities to no end at all. These are not able to predict noon, the least
to guess one’s own Sun-sign. The main cheats – meaning infamous swindlers on global level –
have all been served death hour – being unable to predict New Moon by 20 hours margin. If
they don’ti know their own Sun-sign, can not tell the day when a lunar phase happens and have
no idea of ascendants, zodiacs or astronomy whatsoever, on what is their influence based? The
phenomenon is called “default mind” – as “people” don’t really ever think at all – they copycat.


Mystified by all that buzz? Use a sharper pencil: do predict to minute second but also change
any inconvenient futurity – replacing it with a plausible event – preemptively – by sheer intent.
i Don’t want to!

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