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Years ago, cca 2011 (ERA ERIDANI MMXI) people (meaning gamers, hip-hoppers, toddlers

and the alike) “discovered” Ophiuchus. They were immediately silenced by Devil in default

mind whilst whoever (a modest professor) divulged – received death threats by selfsame

toddlers, adolescents; zombie soldiers of the inane abominable.

a) Ophiuchus is the tallest zodiacal ascendant, Hydra being the longest one, besides Cetus.

b) Both Cetus and Ophiuchus have been divided into three sections, as respectively vertical

vs horizontal. The Moon enters Ophiuchus once only but it perchance enters Cetus


c) These are but some simple facts that said modest professor could not know at all: if

astronomers seldom notice, how could their counterparts in deep swamp? Plestered out

of even default mind proper, they e.g. assign Chiron to Nostradamus in associating Italy

with Notre Dame (sic) or Polar star to eastern horizon: dangerous madmen, indeed: but

in the mad world – no one will ever notice as inanities amass to infinity.

d) If one can ascribe Italy to Notre Dame and Chiron (an insignificant burnt comet) to

Nostradamus, then polar stars do rise at east: if after 5000 years no one noticed Gemini

was not rising at east, then nobody will ever observe north at all: why bother? It is only

90 degrees of shift.

e) No matter observable Gemini at north, one believes Gemini is rising at east. Belief is

such a strong thing. In yachting, one must believe in zephyr, clear skies and tropical

romance whilst sailing Titamic unto an iceberg: such is the power of adamant belief.

f) Blind faith is essential to superstition: one must bellieve that Tarot is a card deck.

g) The 22 zodiacal stations plus 16 ascendant do indeed perfectly match the atouts plus

elementary (I Ching if you like) permutations (aka court cards).


Everything you know about astrology is wrong.

© 2019 by Klaudio Zic all rights reserved.

1.How wrong? As in terribly wrong, 90 degrees wrong or just 100% wrong fullstops?

2.Wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong. But what is wrong? Everything! The faux skies as

postulated by whatever goes by astrology do not even exist. Never did. Nobody has ever seen

12 signs rising at east: in fact whatever rises at east forms quite another set of ascendants from

those wrongly assumed as such. The Sun does not rise at east. And there never were 12 signs of

the zodiac.

3.But you knew it already. They first made you think that you are sort of unique under your Sun

sign – which by the way is least perused element in Astrology – then gave you not only one but

several wrong Sun-signs in order to double or triple profit by selling contradiction, dichotomy

and trichotomy. That is not your Sun sign, and even if it were, trash it since least important –

apart from dangerous - element within any horoscope ever: moreover standing for faux ego.

4.You may sit and wait in order to see e.g. Aries rising at east. Good luck with that. Hasn’t been

there for quite a while. Selfsame goes for Gemini, Cancer, Libra and strung along


5.They made you think that there is an Indian or “Vedic” (as in they could not care less about

Vedas or something) – even “sidereal” Mars vs “tropical” Mars: the simple truth is so obvious
that a crooked mind can not bear its simplicity: there is one Mars only (surprise!) which is both

sidereal and tropical. Besides, sidereal astrology does not exist at all (apart from Academic

Zodiac) whilst vomitable tropical nonsensei is apex of asinine stupidity.

6.Humanity is not given to noticing things; it leans towards belief in e.g. hollow earth, average

of Aquarius and flat Earth: at least 1/3rd of humanity believes Earth is flat: it is called

tradition, religion thus untouchable asinine stupidity one is not supposed to touch upon: since

nothing can be done in respect to masses as indoctrinated towards a wide range of plain

idiocies formidably beyond wildest belief. One reason why such belief can not be changed is

because it has been canonized into unchangeable (sic) dogma.

7.Luckily, the Vedas offer a rather fair as pertinent description – with mathematical-physical

data - of the solar system and beyond material world – astral lokas are best explored by

Prahlada Maharaj.

8.Moreover the Chinese at least had a precise cosmographic system – offering minute precision

– much as the Egyptian or even Mayans did offer – and one should never forget original

mankind such as aborigine Navajos, Cherokees, Hopi and many other valid cosmologies.

9.Pharaohdoxically, the only one to be terribly wrong is modern computerized man. Surely,

Persians and Greek made some progress as well as mistakes.

10.Already at Krishna’s own epoch, Gemini quit the ascendant, rising no more at east since.

Asinine stupidity wants it ascending when it is clearly visible at north. This makes 90 degrees

of error (sic) #QuarterSky or #GeminiShift

11.The scary result is that no-one you know has a Gemini ascendant.

12.The list of non-ascendants is long. No one you know has an Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Libra,

Scorpius, Sagittarius or Capricornus as ascendant at all; with Taurine Ascendants being quite

rare, indeed.
13.Someone assumed to be “cold Capricorn (ascendant)” may rediscover oneself as deep (cetacean)

Cetus or even Pisces.

14.How is it even possible to obtain 90 degrees of error? One starts with mathematical model –

default being NASA integration model – then distorts it for commercial purposes. There are

even commercial telescopes telling you that Spica Virginia (Alpha Virgo) is in Libra.

15.How is it possible that no-one noticed Gemini shift over 5000 years or so? Inanity extends

for 11000 years without any problem at all. People believe in things convenient, not real.

16.Gemini shift is – you guessed it – but one in a myriad example of general as well as pseudo-

astro-nomi-logical ? Bug ? Syndrome? Glitch? How can 90 degrees even qualify as an error?

17.Someone would notice: someone would inform you. Unlikely, and even in letting a needle’s

eye probability, he would be barred from approaching you. In the desperately unlikely case that

he would reach you, “your own mind” would refuse to believe in science, since it pertains to

the Devil (default mind, the mind of this world).

18.“And in the darkness bind them.” No need formanacles: they are there for good already.

19.So what are observatories doing in this or that respect? The IAU? Formally, something; in

praxis: nothing: they bar you from information: you don’t and are not supposed to ask for

information at all: good pup. Mutt? Capito?

20.The result of superstition is that zodiacs in commercial gyration fail by 7 (seven) signs.

21.The list of inanities is endless. It is e.g. easy for anyone to predict your next marriage in

seconds. That requires no brains at all: year, month: day; minute-second with the help of some

extra-math. The day of any event requires no brains, pen or paper at all: it is less than a minute

calculus that a toddler can perform by memory whilst e.g. serving clients.

22.On occasion a shoeshine boy can accidentally predict death unto an astrologer – not

knowing he is shoeshining one.

#FED rate cut #Trump #2020shift hike Powell #ECB #Draghi #Trump2020 #RTRRT #1008planets #Ophiuchus

#Trading #NYSE #ZodiacFix #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #QuarterSky #GeminiShift #NASA #Astrology #Astronomy #precession #FX $VIX

a) Chinese markets are sensitive to the longest zodiacal ascendant - Hydra.

b) The latest grand Chinese market crash happened as predicted with Venus in Hydra.

c) American markets are tested under Saturn in Ophiuchus (1929, 1987, a while ago).

d) Huawei prospers with Venus in Scutum (2014).

e) Markets prediction basically peruses the selfsame principles as simple marriage prediction.

f) These principles are so simple that even and especially a toddler can embrace them in minutes.

g) All these principles being laid down, the rest is mere refinement.

h) One can e.g. predict the minute-second of a certain event - decades before it happens.

i) Every baby can be assigned minute-second time of marriage even before it was born.

j) Predicting and even changing the future is normal in a human being.

k) “The King will hunt at 7 AM, bagging a tigress, three deer and 22 fowl; returns at sundown.”

l) Shao Yung e.g. predicted the exact hour that a vase - of his own purchase - will break.

m) Predicting (by memory) the year of next marriage; even hour and minute is sheer normality.

n) The ancients predicted from (the real visible as observable) astronomic skies.

o) In His own epoch, Lord Krishna noticed that Gemini was ascendant no more.

p) Gemini thus never rose at east since Lord Krishna's own epoch is not ascendant.

q) General superstition that is based on fictitious skies can not predict anything.

r) While real skies render minute predictions, superstition fails by over 90 degrees or years.

s) Gemini is not there it is 90 degrees to the north - for those few of you willing to look.

t) Often a prediction requires two numbers or planets and a few seconds of simple math.

u) At the Academic Zodiac, we delineated 1008 planets.

Sai Baba in the Age of Pegasus #2017shift #2025shift #Avatar #Cetus

It was announced that Sai Baba, the Avatar of Truth, will return as Pegasus in the year 2017.

This already happened (sic) with Venus entering Pegasus in said year. It will return to its bullish

position in the year 2025. Thus, the Age of Pegasus soars in the wake of the Aeon of Cetus II

[ ERA CETI SECVNDA MAXIMA MMXII ] that miscalculi have an early Mayan apocalypse.

Another major bullish investment recently happened (in China) with Venus in Scutum, just

before (China again). Apparently, Huawei profits from its timely investments unawares. These

peaks and lows were published in abundant advance (decades before crash or bull happened as

predicted) as minutely calculated. This means that the investor, trader or layman is informed to

the minute second about either market crash or taurine (Taurine Ascendants) opportunity.

Venus rules major peak zodiacal areas; eras, ages and eons within the twin averages of Pisces

(we head towards the second dull Piscean average), Aquarius and Capricornus. The first Age of

Aquarius happens in 700 years from now, not when your local junkie tells you. Average is an

alleged “age” where nothing exceptional is really bound to happen – people are as dull in the

Age of Aquarius II as they will be in ERA CAPRICORNI. At present, the Sun is conjunct

cetacean stars for spring equinox, thus ERA CETI. Pisces, Aquarius and Capricornus both

come as twin ages, namely – here is the sequence.

Pisces I
Cetus II (AEON)

Pisces II

Aquarius I

Capricornus I

Aquarius II

Capricornus II

Namely the constellation of Aquarius enters that of Capricornus – see on turreted vs ditched

planetary positions (in midst of Capricornus=Aquarius II).

Learn how to predict and change future. Tuition guide.

You can predict and change any futurity in minutes, even seconds – by memory – like stroll in

the park. All you need is already with you – with a little practice… Tips as follow…

1.Find out your true Sun-sign from the choice of 16 zodiacal positions.

2.The Sun can be in Cetus, Orion, Sextans and Ophiuchus.

3.Sai Baba and Maduro share selfsame Sun in Libra on November 23rd.

4.The Sun is in Virgo for Halloween (Witchallow) as opposed to Illuminati May Day.

5.Venus is typically in Crater, Hydra, Pegasus, Cetus, Orion, Sextans, Ophiuchus…

6.The Moon likes to span through Cetus I II II, Auriga, Fox, Corvus…

7.It takes 20 minute average in a normal person in order to learn how to predict e.g. (next)

marriage/date with exceptional accuracy – year, month, day – then hour, minute, second.

8.Prediction is simple matter of e.g. subtracting a few numbers from raw data.

9.A peripatetic Astrologer walks while making predictions and so does future-changer.

10.Future-changing is often applied after accurate prediction.

11.Marriage prediction often requires two numbers only.

12.A novice can thus predict marriage unto whole village in minutes.

13.Timing marriage often involves dynamic synastry.

14.One e.g. meets a girl and automatically directions (“progresses”) horoscope(s).

15.Synastry may direct the A+B/2 formula in space+time.

16.Most astrology is done by memory. However in order to know minute second…

17.Next marriage (or date, etc) gets easily determined by memory up to year, month…

18.Sometimes it is hard to determine day by memory. Depends on case.

19.Some exceptional cases may be very hard to deal with.

20.E.g. Moon in the first house as opposed by all or most planets (in Cetus) square Neptune at

Nadir does not bode well. 1992 QB1 at the descendant is ill omen (911 with Eris in Cetus). Of

course a horoscope is rather a dynamic than “natal” thing.

21.Venus with LILIT VERA (observed Cassini Lilith) on the 5th cusp squared with Neptune 8th

cusp may produce several marriages, utter dissatisfaction along with zero fealty.

22.The worst aspect in the book is not Venus square Neptune (serial betrayal) but Mars 180

Jupiter ||:|:: The Marriageable Maiden (see Aspectarian and also on recent Ram X


23.Directions are techniques in predictions – some 555 of them as cataloged – quite a few in

normal perusal.

24.A novice will peruse primary direction.

25.No computer is needed – it would in fact thwart intelligent analysis.

26.You will not need cell phone device for this adventurity.

27.For extra-precise to-the-minute-second calculi, ephemerids are perused.

28.Ascendant, Cruithne and lunar ephemerids come handy in wedding calculi.

29.One can thus predict marriage since baby’s birth to hour-minute-second.

30.HMS is normal prediction although often the day of the event is precision enough.

31.Future-changing generally falls under #RTRRT category.

32.Sun sign is big ego, thus least important in any Astrology. Learn to ignore it.

33.You will nevertheless need Sun-sign for cardiac and gold market calculi.

34.Now you are the only one on your block, country, continent to know Sun-sign.

35.The Moon or lunar position is trickier by far and ascendant is mystery.

36.Use the search form in order to fetch solar, lunar and ascendant ephemerids.
37.Now you probably know your lunar sign and try and figure out ascendant.

38.Lunar zodiac includes Fox (Canis Minor), Auriga, Corvus, Orion, Ophiuchus…

39.E.g. Kalergi and Saudi boast Moon in Auriga while 911 happened under Orion auspices.

40.Simply type e.g. “Moon Orion” in the search form and you are there for good.

41.By now you probably know your solar and lunar zodiacal positions.

42.The solar zodiac has nothing much to do with the lunar one.

43.The Sun never enters Auriga or Corvus.

44.Sextans is a special solar zodiacal ascendant position e.g. with New Moon in Sextans.

45.Cetus, Orion and Ophiuchus are normal zodiacal ascendants for all planets.

46.Kalki has three (triune) ascendants: Fox, Unicorn and Hydra.

47.There are 67 horoscope signs, where we include Eris and Pluto zodiacs.

48.Every planet has its own zodiac.

49.1008 planets have been promptly delineated.

50.As 22 and 16 are Tarot-compatible, the Tarot is the Zodiacs.

51.There are 22 zodiacal stations along with 16 ascendants.

52.Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius,Capricornus do not rise at east.

53.Taurine ascendants are extremely rare as perused on the stock market.

54.Gemini is ninety-degrees at north when “astrological” programs miscalculate it at east.

55.Gemini has been last seen at east before Krishna’s own epoch thus long long ago.

56.For thousands of years Gemini never ascended or rose at east.

57.There is no such thing as Gemini ascendant.

58.No -one you know has a “Scorpio” ascendant.

59.The ascendant of the USA is Serpens Cauda.

60.People wrongly labeled as “cold Capricorn” are in fact cetacean having Cetus ascendant.
61.We live in the AEON CETI or Age of Cetus betwixt twin Piscean eras.

62.Pisces, Aquarius and Capricornus are averages, meaning dull periods.

63.Crater, Hydra, Auriga, Eridanus, Corvus, Pegasus and Scutum mark exceptional times.

64.The Aeon of Cetus cuts Piscean era in two around year 2012.

65.2025 marks the 7th (known) Pegasean era (ERA PEGASI) with Venus in Pegasus.

66.Venus was in Pegasus in the year #2017shift

67.Pisces, Aquarius and Capricornus are averages happen twice.

68.The Moon enters Cetus thrice.

69.Death is predicted by minute. #CancerCure #RTRRT requires seconds.

70.Divination is available in its original “ask 1008 questions” form.

71.Standard 1008 pages horoscope is classified.

Someone wrote it down for them. #Astrology #1008planets #RTRRT

Some boring generalizer, an apex of asinine stupidity. It is called cookbooks.

They eventually memorized standard inanities that will be parroted unto your xeroxed default

posterity as well in order to cripple their progress.

They equip you with faux Sun sign (no big deal), ascendant (big deal, since ascendant is

guardian angel) and zodiacs that never existed n any real skies at all.

One author gloriously informs you that data are wrong but that is what people want: tradition.

Then he proceeds to South Seas Bubble: you need real data for that: but said ancient author

does not venture into any analyses at all. Why risk? People buy anything anyway. They are

easily fooled into thinking someone actually cares.

What are standard inanities? Alas, too many to enumerate: let’s take a hilarious walk through:

1)Mercury retrograde. They explain it all by Mercury retrograde. A retrograde planet is three

times stronger than a direct one: like a dog barking around selfsame tree. The strong points in

your horoscope are in fact retrograde planets. They stand there as statement. Idiots treat them as

trash. Primitive mind has probably “retro” as something backwards, whilst completely

forgetting that a so-called retrograde in fact doubles its forward push (twice). You back up,

evade and kick!

2)So, Aquarius is an airy sign? Aqua or aquas :::|:| is an English word meaning water. It is

called water-bearer but pertains to air. You must be rather inane in order to swallow such

nonsensei. The watery part of the skies include (Salacia in) Pegasus flying above cetacean

(Cetus is one of the largest zodiacal ascendants and ruler of this Aeon) waters, Capricornus

which is (clearly) watery demon, uterine faint Aries (glyph is womb), Pisces Austrinus,

Eridanus (deepest zodiacal ascendant), Pisces, Aquarius…

3)When a planet enters Aquarius in midst of Capricornus it is thus called “ditched” or in the

moat (as in “vs turreted”) or (as originally delineated) trapped. E.g. Brexit Moon was originally

trapped (in the moat betwixt twin towers), then cetacean (in Cetus III) and so on: this ditto

original prediction remaining Brexit will never happen. Or hardly, indeed.

4)75 degrees aspect – oh come on – 108 – alleged “programs” abound with alleged aspects

along with alleged houses merely for the crook to sound intellectually asinine. Semi-quadrile!

5)These “programs” are quite unable to calculate conjunction, opposition or new Moon.

6)They are unable to tell you everything so Nostradamus had semi-quintile with Chiron...

7)Te list of inanities would require folio volumes the size of Alexandrian library.

8)The less they know the more self-importantly asinine they make it sound.

9)Among 1008 planets Chiron – a deprecated burnt comet of some sort as dubbed by a castrate.

10)Castrate for the castrate. Wounded healer, muahhahha... You wish. Asinine stupidity has no

cure at all.

11)Perhaps the greatest mis-assumption is that the Sun somehow always rises at east.

12)The primitive mind must think omniverse is orderly circle or disk-world or pizza-cut

collection of colorful “signs” which merrily work together: Capricornus which is clearly watery

monster conveniently climbs into earth sign while even more clearly watery Aquarius becomes

airy sign just because it fits someone's idiotic convenience – conversely the zodiac would be
determined by the Sun (the zodiac is determined by everything else but the Sun, which can be

omitted from any analysis) with planets orderly following suit (they don't).

13)This is two-dimensional nonsensei. Venus, the Moon and the rest (not to speak of Eris, Pluto

and the 1008 planets) simply never follow any Sun at all. There is nothing like two-dimensional

“orderly” solar system from cookbooks and kindergarten imagery.

14)The Sun is not in Aries for string equinox – not that it matters much – it is in Cetus.

15)The peak of the Aeon of Cetus just happened with Jupiter and Uranus in Cetus.

16)Saying that there are 12 equal signs would be like having two or three (arch)angels only.

17)Just because you know nothing, that does not give you the right to preach.

18)Now if Greenwich has no idea of zodiacs – not even elementary lunar zodiac - or even

ascendant sets – imagine Australia fancying they are on the northern hemisphere, thus entitled

to parrot all the idiocies as booked by London area already: tons of trees cut in order to print

crap. Unable to determine ascendant, lunar position and Sun sign, they took to writing.

19)The result is that in the Aussie idiot's “mind” the USA has Polar Star ascending at east. The

best is that no one seems to notice such monolith inanities, much as nobody noticed that e.g.

Gemini never rose at east for the past 7000 years. The southern skies differ from norther ones:

any toddler knows this. Meaning if “astrologers” on the northern hemisphere are all mad, those

in the southern one must be raving mad: and “Polar Star rising at east” proves it.

20)The asstrolloger will knowingly assert that the Sun is where it is surely not, then

knowledgeably proceed across a well-paved parrot-path to ever-repeating daily inanities.

21)Usually they are knowledgeable of events that took place already. If they did not predict it –

since they can not predict noon – then perhaps someone else did – typically Nostradamus – he

didn't. He failed the year of his own death by one (year): not a bad result in a total amateur but

one would expect more from an Astrologist. But taking into account that he was magus rather
than astrologer, everything is possible: also, minor errors can and do lead towards e.g. one

degree of +- shift in calculi. There are 555 types of calculi and at the time not every direction

was at disposal of Nostradamus who perhaps did not dabble too much into sphere trigonometry.

22)Non-extant or ridiculously tiny planetoids have been given precedence over clearly huge

frozen potatoes – rocks in outer space – the #1008planets

23)Much attention is given to degree, as if there were such thing as zero Aries or 29 Scorpius.

24)Scorpius shares one of the thinnest ecliptic crossings in the whole of the zodiac: the Sun e.g.

spends six days – a week at best in Scorpius.

25)The Sun is in Virgo for Halloween. It is in Libra for Maduro's and Sai Baba's birthday

November 23rd.

26)Failing to calculate ascendant is fatal in e.g. demon evocation or god-forbid invocation.

27)Surely many a medieval wannabe has produced chaos immense even in good intention.

28)An asstrolloger who does not even presume to predict is better than one who does.

29)Some crazy females tried to predict with transits and solar return!

30)While solar return is sheer inanity, transits are perused only after directions have been

calculated – in fact transits are directions, one among 555 directions as least important of all. Site and Lodge(s) news. #Illuminati #NWO #Thelema #Astrology

#Horoscope #RTRRT #Magick #AcademicZodiac #1008planets #Armageddon #Apocalypse

1)1008 & 222 pp formats are not available - any more – namely Inner Lodge being closed as

accomplished, there is no need for 1008 pages' horoscopes. Inner lodge(s) being closed, there is

no need for outers; therefore 222 pages horoscopes being quite obsolete.

2)There is no new NEMO or MAGISTER TEMPLI. Kalki was the last one. Lodges are closed.

3)The 1008 Tarot Deck is unavailable to anyone, (ex) inner members including. No planetary

sigil (out of 1008) has ever been made public.

4)All 555 directions have been removed from the site.

5)1857 (research material; PDF & media files) publications have been removed from the site.

6)Most adjacent sites have been $ sudo rm -fr public_html removed.

7)Scribd is requested to remove all PDF s – we have been first test users.

8)All “social media” accounts are or are being closed.

9)No (further) communication or explanation is available or needed.

10)Go on in believing selfsame “traditional” (even in the USA? Candid white) lies you have

been told over and over again while passing them unto “posterity” as “tradition” requires.

11)You don’t get to (go to) hell which is reserved (but) for high initiates (only).
#Brexit starts with ditched Moon 🌓 (people) who are of course lured, goaded as betrayed right from
the very incipient start. site guide #RTRRT #AcademicZodiac #KlaudioZic
#Trading #Metals SITE MAPS

You will find site maps galore on the site. A note: used to be biggeri, changes wiped out significant
portions… Also: catalogs and services; these abound… Some things you’ll hardly find: the 13 (or 12)
signs rising at east – they never do; pentagrams etc. are quite futile in Instant Magick.


O5 or Oberon 5 (Alberon, Oberon V…) is the root of Instant Magick Real Time Reality Rendering
Tools. Other popular devices are Cascade, the PCS or Personal Cosmic Secretary, Wish Wheel…


Of all commodities, metals are well spoken of from copper to platinum, palladium to silver and gold.


Brexit starts with ditched Moon (people) who are of course lured, goaded as betrayed right from the
very start.


USA has Serpens Cauda ascendant, recently hit by jovial vibes – thus legal processes galore – after it
entered saturnine reptilian recession with (1929-1987-2017) ⛎ Saturn in Ophiuchus.


The southern skies completely differ from those on the northern hemisphere. Also: a corvine Moon as
observed from Madrid does not necessarily equal Moon in Corvus in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Old Egypt enjoyed vast diversity across its own eastern skies where the ascendant set presented itself
variegated – almost thrice in size (and number) in comparison to the present ascendant set.
i 45000 PDF. Some 10000 were taken down in October 2011…
When #Nibiru cometh #Mayan #Apocalypse #2025shift #Armageddon #War

Out of touch with reality ~ an assay on real skies ~ Astrology=Astronomy

Cosmic Catwalks #Astrology #Horoscope #Ophiuchus #Astronomy

1.Year 2025 marks the reentrance of Venus into Pegasus. What does it mean?

2.Is Astrology valid in a predictive science? It is, alright; but only as astronomy proper.

3.Example: Gemini was last seen as eastern ascendant by Krishna: it never rose as ascendant

since. Modern “programs” fail 90 degrees: no such thing as Gemini ascendant. You can go on

and believe what you want: your alleged program is wrong: when it miscalculates Gemini at

east, it is visible at north: but in order to believe, you will simply turn your head while

pretending it is either impossible or preposterous, since true to the point. This effect that ruins

many lives is called default mind or “tradition” - gross errors must become even larger in order

for humanity to parrot upon itself on and on forever – no matter, etc…

4.Neither India nor “the West” produces adequate astrological chart output.

5.India never took notice of the precession of the ascendant sets, whilst said West is completely

lost to anything even vaguely resembling Astrology proper: westerners noticed absolutely

nothing, and don’t want to: superstition being lucrative sheeple food.

6.Western horrorscopes being largely offmark, we must assume that there was or even is at

least some intelligent life even on this God-forsaken planet? In fact there is, but not where or

how you’d expect at all. The most pragmatically precise predictions were made by the Chinese:

e.g “The King hunts at 6 AM, returns at 16:22 bagging a tigress, three deer and 15 fowl.”

7.That said, we turn to the Egyptians whose galactic interests we can only try and fathom.
8.We are a primitive race. The allegedly Zen-like invention of the iPhone actually contributed

to uniform stupidity as people spat on Steve’s grave or even cursed him from said iPhone itself.

9.The Egyptians, on the other hand, had variegated versatility along with cosmic opportunity:

what was fairly common to Prahlada Maharaj was cosmic catwalk as usual to them Egyptians.

10.The Mayan civilization must have been aware of e.g. Venus in Hydra: thus said priests were

quite able or at least invited into prediction on global scale. Year 2025 marks the reentrance of

Venus into Pegasus. What does it mean?

11.Why so-called astrology is out of touch with reality?

12.The dumbass skies are frozen: they don’t understand precession at all.

13.Their ephemerides and “programs” fake an non-extant sky. This alleged sky exists in their

heads only.

14.Apparently it does not matter for a human being whether one is lost – out of mark –

deceived as far as everybody else is in the selfsame swamp. They like to wade together through

quite unnecessary seas of excrement. They rattle parrot gossip etc, immediately picking up fake


15.Facts don’t apply to humankind. E.g. with polar bear population growing, they lucratively

passed starving bears images in order for culpable innocent children to suffer from guilt over an

non-extant climate change.

16.They discharge all evil on innocent children: all kind of filth, especially on white children.

17.They never had interest in skies at all, some even ritually show their buttocks to them skies.

18.Astrology or what goes by that name was mainly mass-superstition as based on faux ego

that is the wrong position of the Sun – this is alas true for east and west alike.

19.The importance of the Sun is accordingly largely exaggerated.

20.The Sun does not determine the zodiac at all.

21.The Sun does not rise at east, except from twin short instances.

22.The ecliptic does not determine precessed ascendant set.

23.There are but slight changes in the (Sun’s “alignment to”) ecliptic as well.

24.There is nothing, never was and never will be as “12 rising signs” in the eastern sky.

25.What you get is endless nonsensical asinine babble, since “persons” who assume to dabble

in Astrology can not even predict Full Moon, equinox or noon.

26.They learn to depend on inane “programs” along with a dungheap of pseudo-astrological

cookbook material: anything goes. The lured as goaded client will learn absolutely nothing

since alleged astrologer could not even fathom one’s own Sun sign: ascendant and lunar

position being quite out of anybody's league. Client and astrologist understand each other very

well as they both like to be deceived, whatever saves them from facing their existential void.

27.Various “systems” that more or less reflect mathematical imperfections were imposed upon

the unsuspecting human average: thus e.g. “house systems” would break at Oslo’s latitude


28.The Cartesian house system operates in outer space, alien solar systems, above Himalayas,

comets, under some alien ocean, within the Marianna depths as well as in your Oslo bedroom.

29.At least 1/3rd of “humanity believes” Earth to be flat. No iPhone will help here since evil

and genocide have easily been extolled as “religion”. One does not need a manual in order to

stab around and yet, having your blood on their hand as prescribed gives legitimacy to

slaughter since and before Jericho: all according to holy tradition: harlot and spies kept safe:

even extolled as root of a messianic dynastree alleged.

30.What can you do with people who traditionally believe this or that? Nothing would be an as

cautious as pragmatic answer: there is nothing to do: at least 1/3rd of humanity is dangerous to

the rest who is sometimes even worse-off for whatever unreason among many. There will be no
more deluge? Who knows? All those alleged prophets in predicting absolutely nothing

nevertheless enforced a day of omniversal rage |::||| which as Nibiru comes unexpectedly thus

unpredicted; predicting the unpredictable being business as usual.

Q: So, what about the age of Aquarius?

A: Ah that happened long ago.

Q: Ago?

A: Hippies, that kind of stuff.

Q: They say it will happen in 700 years.

A: They don’t know.

Q: They are astronomers.

A: They attended no Woodstock.

Q: NASA says.

A: Those ABC gangs know nothing. Earth is flat.

Q: Is Earth flat?

A: Probably: what’s it to you?

Q: ?

A: I mean who cares?

Q: ?

A: Ask your astrologer.

Q: I am one. (I invented the zodiac).

A: Why ask?

Q: Why not?

A: Yeah, whatever.
#GeminiShift #ZodiacShift #ZodiacFix #AcademicZodiac
#KlaudioZic #NASA #Astronomy #precession #16ascendants #1008planets #16SunSigns

Disoriented means without east – eastless – not knowing where east is. So-called astrologers
not only fail at Sun-sign – which is fairly irrelevant by the way – but also at ascendant: the zodiac as
they imagine does not of course exist at all and it surely never rose at east.

Gemini never rose at east since Krishna's own epoch and yet they insist that it does. So when
Gemini is clearly seen at north, they pretend to “calculate” it at east.

Nobody really observed orient – thus oriented oneself for the past 7000 years or so. Nowadays
they don't even vigil at the telescope since all stuff got automated. The few who do don't care
about horizon at all.

Superstition being about profit, they not only don't know but also don't want to. One sincere
professor but mentioned Ophiuchus and was lynched online.

Amazingly, they don't want to predict markets either, so things like 1929 or 1987 with Saturn
in Ophiuchus (at USA ascendant Serpens Cauda) happen now. Not unlike UK, the USA never
had one single astrologer; otherwise they would know their own ascendant, which they don't.

By the way, neither Scorpius nor Sagittarius ever rose at east for the past 500 years or so. Go
figure. Or don't. Your fate is not in your hands, so why bother?
Basic #Astrology Real Natal and Actual Skies #AcademicZodiac

1)Astrology is prediction as we can all calculate lives by memory: marriage, kids, stock


2)The Sun standing for faux ego is useful merely in cardiac and gold market calculi.

3)Analysis starts and often ends in minutes as e.g. next marriage (timing: a frequent issue, or

divorce) is readily visible from the horoscope. Often we need but raw data such as two or three

planets only in order to determine romance timing, parenting, divorce, death, #CancerCure…

4)Any toddler can learn how to and immediately as accurately predict any events in less than

20 minutes. While “astrologers” can’t even tell their own Sun-sign (to which they attach

ridiculous self-importance) in the real world: florist, butcher and shoeshine boy divine for their

customers while serving them.

5)Said customer will be served with e.g. next marriage (or romantic) date in seconds.

6)Most peripatetic Astrology is performed by memory (by heart) meaning while strolling

around – typically in crossing the bridges of Venice, both in formal and informal intercourse

with neophyte.

7)Prediction can assist Future-Changing initiation as both essentially require minutes or hours.

8)Even an idiot (provenly) can learn how to predict in half-an-hour. If one is fairly satisfied

with year, month and approximately even day of forthcoming (or past) event, no further

elaboration is needed. By elaboration we mean hour, minute and second of said event; as e.g.

checked with Cruithne, lunar or ascendant ephemerids. To be noted that “astrologers” have no

idea of ascendant or lunar positions – axillary Earth moons including. Precise timing can even

be done with the help of Eris or Pluto (as a matter of fact all 1008 planets cooperate towards
minute result): an example would be a marriage as predicted to the minute – 5 years ahead of

the event – we received a telephone call and recalled it was Pluto that gave us precise timing.

9)The only ones quite unable to predict are “astrologers” - self-important low-intelligence


10)Parrots will parrot anything, providing it’s simple enough – like omniverse is simple;

Prahlada Maharaj. But parrots do think. Astrologers don’t. They can’t. Nothing to think with.

11)An example. One trusted thus dangerous fool has “determined” that the ascendant of the

USA is the polar star. The polar star never rises at east, but these people don’t know such

elementary things. Apparently their own public knows even less. Oh, and by the way: they

“think” that Sydney, Australia is London as there are no hemispheres or Tucana in “Australian


12)No Pavo for USA FED Eris. Tucana, Chameleon and Musca thus being banned from Aussie

skies, the blind who lead the blind can parrot Greenwich which knows nothing of zodiacs itself:

or worse – some cookbook that says nothing thus never disturbs anyone. No car crash, divorce

or abortion within those cookbooks – just pleasant lullabies of nothing to say at all.

13)There are 555 directions.

14)Directions are predictive methods, mainly sphere trigonometry formulae as perused in

accurate prediction, where minute-second means what it says. Marriage is e.g. predicted to

minute second a decade before it happens or right from incipient natal data of a new born baby.
Is your 😎 Sun in 🐳 #Cetus 📐 #Sextans 🏹 #Orion or ⛎ #Ophiuchus?

Is your ♀ Venus in #Crater #Scutum #Sextans #Pegasus #Ophiuchus #Cetus #Orion or #Hydra?

Is your 🌝 Moon in #Auriga #Corvus #Ophiuchus #Cetus #Sextans or #Orion?

🐉 #Hydra = your ascendant

📐 #Sextans = your #ascendant

🐲 #SerpensCaput = your ascendant

⛎ #Ophiuchus = your #USA ascendant #Ofiuco =

🐍 #SerpensCauda = your #USA ascendant

🦅 #Aquila = your #USA ascendant

🐳 #Cetus = your #ascendant

📈 #Eridanus = your ascendant

🏹 #Orion = your ascendant

🦄 #Unicorn = your ascendant

🦊 #Fox = your ascendant

Basic #Astrology for the beginner #Tarot #1008planets #2025shift

1)There are 22 zodiacal signs.

2)There are 16 ascendants.

3)The 22 zodiacal and 16 ascending signs are compatible with the Tarot and I Ching.

4)There are 67 horoscope signs.

5)There are 1008 delineated planets within your own daily horoscope.

6)There are 16 Sun signs.

7)Not knowing your own Sun-sign is good for you, since it represents faux ego.

8)Sun-signs are helpful only as concern gold market analysis and cardiac arrest.

9)“Astrologers” have absolutely no idea of Sun-signs, ascendants, lunar positions or zodiacs.

10)These raksasa demons superimpose their own misery upon the needy – you.

11)Knowing your ascendant, lunar sign and cardinal points is rather vital in most cases.

12)The ascendant is usually called (main) guardian angel (HGA).

13)Ascendants are observable at east. E.g. Gemini is never eastern at all.

14)All Earth moons are important in analyses: starting from Cruithne (as presently ascending in zodiacal Cetus

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What about some true skies within your own horoscopes?






Search and you will find!

There are two types: pre-Academic Zodiac and ex-working versions of said Scientific Zodiac.

There were innumerable working versions namely N1, M, R, G, P1, N2, X, P2 and so on;

where e.g. N stands for Neptunian, P Plutonian, X for Erisiani, M magnetic, G galactic or galax

and so forth.

The predecessors of this zodiac or zodiacs do not exist albeit glorious efforts pertain to galactic

Egyptian mysteries, the Chinese stellar research, Navajo wisdom and probably Mayan priests.

Nechepso, Enoch, Petosiris (not to speak of Hypatia, Ptolemy or even Nostradamus) had a

rather vague idea of the zodiac – at best a philosophic one.

A few brave astronomers attempted at defining the zodiac, screening their research from the

academic world, in shame perhaps. These attempts – however glorious – sunk into oblivion.

Albeit publicly having astrology as topic, the IAU is quite disinterested in zodiacs: all men are

as humanity can barely fake a yawning interest at anything truly important.

Gemini rose at east before Krishna’s own epoch, meaning it was never seen at east for

thousands of years. Bo today the error that is discrepancy betwixt popular superstition and real

skies is 90 degrees or more. Thus, when your program says Gemini eastern (faux ascendant),
look towards north in order to observe it there. But you will not do it since humanity never kept

check on stellar positions since Egyptian horoskopein.

With thrice the number of eastern ascendants, the Egyptian civilization kept variegated

approach to galactic missions, much as Prahlada Maharaj would like them to. Sadly, an

occasional royal synastry appeared to be vague around 38000 BC as there must have been

differences betwixt inner therefore occult priesthood and mere royal diviners.
i Discordian. Eris holds record in Terabytes as concern (still available) research material with early delineation. All 1008
planets were promptly delineated before their own naming (designation).
#Financial #Zodiac #2020shift #Politics

(a) Saturn is in Ophiuchus 1929-1987-present. USA ascendant is Serpens Cauda.

(b) Chinese market crash happens with Venus in Hydra – to the minute second.
(c) Taurus is most rare as auspicious in an ascendant. See on Taurine Ascendants.
(d) The BoE – Bank of England – has Moon in Corvus – see on Corvine Moons.
(e) Venus is in Pegasus 2017-2025 thus Age of Pegasus.
(f) Profit from early 2014 investments due to bullish Venus in Scutum.
(g) Financial cornucopiae miracles happen with Venus in Crater.

🕴 Welcome to |:|||| What can 🐽 you 👃 snoop 🐶 here? #2020shift

(a) 16 ascendants.
(b) 1008 planets.
(c) 22 zodiacal signs.
(d) 67 horoscope signs.
(e) 16 Sun-signs.
🕴 Welcome to #GeminiShift #ZodiacShift #QuarterSky #precession #NASA #ZodiacFix
#Astronomy #1008planets #Abstract #16ascendants #22odiac #16SunSigns


a) Signs don't exist.

b) What is visible thus observable as accountable are constellations.
c) Signs are purely fictitious partitioning of an imagined diskworld.
d) Since they are not there, people easily “believe” in e.g. Gemini ascendant.
e) Gemini is in fact visible at north when your “program” wants it at east.
f) Nobody noticed 90 degrees of “error” because they are all “believers”.
g) Aries has nothing to account for since there is no such thing as zero Aries.
h) The Sun is in Cetus for spring equinox.
i) Planets and the Moon are in Cetus as we write this on Illuminati May Day.
j) Cruithne is with our primary Moon in Cetus.
k) Aries does not rise at east and neither Libra does.
l) Capricornus does not rise at east and nether Cancer does.
m) None of the so-called “cardinal” constellations has anything cardinal.
n) The cardinal constellations are not even ascendants.
o) No one you know has a cardinal ascendant.
p) There is no such thing as cold (since watery?) Capricornus ascendant.
q) Said alleged Capricornus will at best turn out to be cetacean (Cetus).
r) People get bullied for capricornian coldness on account of superstition.
s) Entertainers vomiting rivers of nonsensei could not even guess their own Sun-sign given
13 attempts.
t) The zodiac is a complex three-dimensional affair.
u) The Sun has nothing (much) to do with the zodiac or planetary zodiacs.
v) E.g. the Sun does not enter Auriga, the Moon does.
w) Thus Auriga (and Corvus) is/are part of the lunar zodiac.
x) Every planet has its own (planetary) zodiac.
Snoop around: search for your favorite #Sextans |:|||| love stock $VIX metal $GLD sex exchange #NYSE USA commodity ||||:| #NYMEX #Hydra #Orion #Cetus AEON #Pegasus #Scutum planet year
#2020shift #Corvus #BoE corvine #Healing #PCS #CancerCure #Abundance #Prosperity #1008planets centaur ||| Abstracts #MarketCrash dwarf planet UK Eris event Sun sign #16SunSigns Aspectarian
Example standard horoscope layouts #1008planets #AcademicZodiac

2001 SQ73 2004 PY42

C/2012 S1 ISON 2003 UW292 Asbolus 2002 PN34
Horizon 2002 TC302
Cyllarus 2003 QD112
Barcelona 2002 XW93 2003 VS2
Gemini Phaedra 2002 PQ152
2000 GM137 Chaos Hephaistos Aries 2002 KY14
NE 2005 VD 2002 QX47
Altjira Sphinx
1996 TP66 Amun (MPO2014 UM33
Mercury Heracles
2003 KQ20 Ptah HathorPandora
C/2010 X1 Deimos
(Elenin) 2003 TG58PhaethonSun1998 QE2
Lameia 2006 RH120 20041992 QB1
2001 UR163
Venus Umbriel 1
Talos 2018 VG18 Farout
2004 XY60 2005 T
Ecliptic 1994 TA "Pylenor" Echeclus Ecliptic
2002 VR130 Moon
Taurus Khufu
Scheila 1995 SN55
Mors-Somnus (MPO418759)
1996 XR190
RX33 2003 QN112 2004 2002 Lempo
VN112 UX25 (MPO 39866)
Ubasti V
2000 JZ15 2003 CP20
2007 TG422 Sedna Aten
2013 RF98
2002 VE95Orion Cacus 2012 VP113 2003 QC1
Canis Minor G!kunll'homdima 2007 UK126
2002 VG131
Equator 2009 YE7 2014 UZ224 2014 UZ224
2005 RO43
Galactic Equator Horizon
Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiumestate2019 07:10:48 90° 00' 00" Single star
14° 26' 44" E 2019/06/02 Ecliptic Lon: 071.0746° Multiple star
45° 19' 38" N JD 2458636.72 Ecliptic Lat: -07.2969° Variable star

Guess the ascendant? Eridanus, Orion or even Taurus? It's Orion, alright, since Taurine

Ascendants happen before Eridanus.

Galactic Equator Horizon

Aquila 2000 FZ53

Ophiuchus Serpens
2011 KT19 Niku

2002 DH5
Equator Varda W
2015 KH162
2002 MS4
Scutum Equator

Pholus 2002 GB32

2015 BZ509 (MPO435420)
1999 HD12
Quaoar Libra
Capricornus 2002 GZ32
Hylonome 2011 WU92
Ceres 200
2014 MU69 Ultima Thule
C/2004 Q2 (Machholz)
Pluto Dione
Rhea Ganymede
Europa Deucalion
2004 YH32 (M
Ecliptic 2001 XA255 Sagittarius
2001 BL41 2002 KX14 Ecliptic
P/2013 P5 2004 PR107
P/Shoemaker-Levy 9
Chariklo 2004 CJ392007 JJ43
2005 VJ119
Ixion 19962002
SW 2004 GV9

2003 CO1

Horizon Galactic Equator
Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiumestate2019 07:10:48 90° 00' 00" Single star
14° 26' 44" E 2019/06/02 Ecliptic Lon: 263.5746° Multiple star
45° 19' 38" N JD 2458636.72 Ecliptic Lat: +09.7969° Variable star

Jupiter in Ophiuchus.
Main standard dwarf planets.
Some main centaurs and dwarf planets.
Niku apocalypse detail. VIDE SVPRA.
Dark Planets, Devil's Rose, HPMHC... e.g. Pholus North Node, LILIT VERA (Cassini Lilith)...
#Sustainable #Zodiac #Academic #Astrology #Abstract #67horoscope #2025shift #NASA
#22odiac #Astronomy #16SunSigns #Orion #Cetus #Sextans #AcademicZodiac #16ascendants #GeminiShift
#1008planets #ZodiacFix #Ophiuchus #Horoscope #ZodiacShift #Ofiuco #RTRRT #MarketCrash #Trading #NYSE #FX


We invented the Academic Zodiac; founded LONDONIVM, while changing your own future forever. #RTRRT

Copyright © 2019 by Klaudio Zic all rights reserved.


Getting to know one’s own *TRUE* Sun-sign is mostly irrelevant, but ascendant and lunar
positions do determine your life. As errors made by popular entertaining industry stretch far
beyond 90 degrees #QuarterSky exposing miscalculi as demoniac attack on your true identity:
original natal skies hosting your personal angel guardians and more.

a) Maduro and Sai Baba do share selfsame Sun-sign, namely the Sun is (still) in Libra (sic)
on November 23rd (every year+-).
b) If that comes as a bit of surprise, what about Sun in Virgo for Halloween?
c) You heard about (Jupiter being presently in) Ophiuchus but how about Sun in Orion,
Sextans or Cetus?
d) Entertainment industry misses your zodiacal signs by up to seven (7) “signs or more.
e) Gemini was last seen at east by Lord Krishna: it never rose as eastern ascendant since.
f) “Programs” that (deliberately) miscalculate “Gemini ascendant” at east have nothing to
do with your natal or any skies at all. Gemini is in fact clearly visible at north when
said “programs” want them at east. Humanity was never interested in observation.
Horoskopein means one who observes east. Ever since the decline of great civilizations,
the primitive hunted down the naturally intelligent. The Navajo zodiac e.g. is spotless
since primitive peoples never learned how or why to prevaricate.
g) White man is OK with over 90 degrees of error since modern whites and alas Hindus or
even Chinese are run on default mind.
h) Modern whites rely on technology, so when they see e,g, a full Moon rising over the
horizon, they check. Any tablet app will do. They then deduce that an already visible
Moon will rise in half an hour. Nautili, desert squirrels or so-called primitive Indians
rely on common sense. Animals, flora or original peoples have no need to distort things
out of shape, thus their predictions are exact as reflected even by their observable
physical shape: nautilus being but an example.
i) The USA ascendant being Serpens Cauda, it responds to saturnine influences there.
1929 and 1987 (much as now) are but some of the most prominent examples of excellent
prediction in financial context.
j) Often a self-proclaimed or popular “prophet” making vague statements lacking accurate
description, location and timing is at best talented raconteur.
k) The latest e.g. Chinese market crash was calculated as published a decade in advance
given the entrance of Venus into Hydra. Said event was of course predicted as it
occurred to minute second.
#RTRRT #AcademicZodiac #2020shift #ZodiacShift #1008planets #QuarterSky #ZodiacFix


a) There are #22zodiac al stations.

b) Every planet has its own specific planetary zodiac e.g. Moon in Auriga vs Venus in Crater.
c) #16ascendants rise at est for the current epoch.
d) Every horoscope features #1008planets
e) There are 67 horoscope signs with Eris and Pluto enlarging the zodiac.
f) There are 16 Sun signs.
Global #Astrology Compact 1588-2034 #2025shift #Venus in #Pegasus #2024shift
#Moon in Auriga #2023shift #Trump #2020shift #Reelection #Saudi #Kalergi #USA #UN #2030shift #EU
#SharkTank #RealEstate #Crude #AI #Sustainable #NWO #Illuminati #May #Brexit



2034 Jupiter in Cetus

2032 Uranus in Gemini

2030 Neptune in Cetus

2029 Neptune in Cetus

2028 Neptune in Cetus

2025 Uranus in Taurus

2025 Venus in Pegasus

2024 Moon in Auriga

2023 Jupiter in Cetus

2023 Moon in Auriga

2022 Jupiter in Cetus

2019 Jupiter in Ophiuchus

2018 Saturn in Ophiuchus

2017 Venus in Pegasus

2015 Venus in Hydra

2014 Venus in Scutum

2013 Uranus in Cetus

2012 Jupiter in Cetus

2011 Jupiter in Cetus

2010 Moon in Corvus

2007 Venus in Hydra

2006 Jupiter in Ophiuchus

2005 Mars in Cetus

1588 Saturn Pleiades

1077 Venus in Pegasus

#Bullish or #Bearish #Astrology #Aussie #Trading #Huawei #Scutum

#ReverseZodiac #1008planets #ZodiacShift #ZodiacFix #GeminiShift #AcademicZodiac #FX

a)After delineating #1008planets, establishing omniversal Cartesian house system and

publishing ascendant sets for various epoch of interest, one can only return to the very basics;

only to find out that default mind never changed an iota.

b)Well, that was expected: stupid being lucrative, people are being served faux (but plausible)

ascendants and Sun signs by other people who could not predict noon but know how to parrot

nonsensei AD NAVSEAM.

c)As always, the majority is wrong: in our case it has been terribly wrong for the past 11000

years and no one noticed. Of course, at the incipient, only qualified shamans (skryers, Prahlada

Maharaj, Enoch, Petosiris, Hypatia, Indra, Nechepso, priests, astronomers, diviners,

astronomers, mathematicians, wise men, rishi, guru, angels, prophets, geometers) dealt with

planetary positions. Later on, everybody did. They would find e.g. an old ephemeris (make it

“steal” in an euphemism) – sell it on the market – and it kept telling the wrong positions ever

after – since positions change – even the position of the Sun changes.

d)Last year’s lunar ephemerids are not this year’s at all. Ditto not even the Sun may be in Cetus

II for spring equinox as we dive into the second Piscean average.

e)Average being dull in an uninteresting period, we designate twin averages as Pisces I & II,

Aquarius I & II and Capricornus I & II.

f)The interesting (also most indicative whether as bullish or bearish) ages, eras and/or aeons;

however, pertain to zodiacal Cetus I, II & III (e.g. present Aeon of Cetus II), Crater (like in

Parzeval’s quest for the Holy Grail), Coma Berenices (P2 Zodiac), Serpens Caput (Niku

Apocalypse now), Hydra (Chinese market crash, Antichrist, Palden Dorje), Scutum (Huawei),
Pegasus, Taurine Ascendants, Eridanus, Auriga, Corvus, Serpens Cauda, Aquarius, Delphinus,

Equuleus, Bootes… and so on – even in including such delicacies as Pavo (FED),

Camelopardalis or Tucana (Aussie trading tips).

#GeminiShift #ILLVMINATI #ZodiacFix #AcademicZodiac #1008planets
#ZodiacShift #QuarterSky #NWO #22odiac #16ascendants #RTRRT #Trading #16SunSigns #16suns

1)111 stands for NEMO, MAGISTER TEMPLI, ox-goaded, ox-god AL speaks, samadhi, lack

of default-mind (one minus “the mind of the world”), ILLVMINATI… therefore initiation as

often misunderstood by a Tarot “card” dubbed “the Fool”…

2)The real fool (raving madman) is default mind, the mind of the world: a blind program as

enforced – even in “education”. EX DVCIS is quite the opposite of doing what you were told.

3)Or thinking that you do the thinking which you definitively do not: people do what they are

told, nothing else even not seldom so. Scholion: there is no chance that you actually come to

terms with your own mind which will be occulted for ever from you as also everybody else.

4)IS it you that does the thinking? Try and switch it off. In driving car, one can stop it at will,

yes? It proves one is in control of said vehicle. But you are not in any control of “your own”

mind: you can’t stop it. You would not even “think” or want to stop it because it does not want

you and is not yours at all. What you experience as mind is a collective install. Installation is of

course forcibly done at an early (even prenatal) stage. From then (age three is rapidly

condescending to two, one, zero and minus) on, default mind will think itself, giving “you” (not

even the real you, got it?) the impression that it is “you” that does the thinking; where there is

no you and surely no thinking at all, mere apparently random carousel, looping algorithm: cell.

5)Man can not access one’s own original mind. People don’t even know that they have (or had;

meaning some 11000 year ago under the sea along with the Marici if lucky enough: the proper

word is not “have” at all) one. Because they do not have one. People don’t even get to be

informed that they don;t have any mind at all. Of course, default mind will tell you this is

preposterous, impossible and soothe into your assigned cell, mind-shackles that collective one-

mind-ofr all is. You will sleep and forget about this in seconds. Giving it too much propaganda
would not be demoniac: we don't want martyrs to tell us where stars are: after all, at last 1/3rd

of “humanity” has this planet flat by default, yes? They simply peruse one as perused by all.

Proofs abound. How does default mind deal with proofs?

6)Default mind is skipper: it simply skips over inconvenient: go away, you do not exist.

7)To think is dangerous. No one does. One adjusts as to think like everybody else. One shall

never think or get to do any independent motion at all: default mind does not allow for

independence. Many proofs today: social media censorship, Asange, algorithms, people banned

from apparently having a divers opinion, espionage; after Internet was replaced with Google,

everything went contrary to moral norm.

8)If by “think” we refer to accessing chosen noumena within Thesairon Eidolon, then there you

have it. Good provisional definition as any.

9)For now we refered to (in lack of better expressions) independent thinking. But what does

NEMO do? NEMO does nothing, being no-one, an illuminated one – Tao itself, non-dual.

10)Try and think not for a sec. Not so easy, but anglers and Zen “people” do succeed in it.

11)Non-thinking is the gateway to original mind, which has nothing to do with cheap catalogs.

12)Binary catalogs, in fact. Dos and do-nots. Nuts and donuts. What is and what is not.

13)What is is Gemini as observable at north when (your fellow) madmen fancy it at east.

14)“Humanity” is so raving mad that no one noticed Gemini was never rising at east since

Krishna’s own time: they are so good at pretending that they will never look.

15)You can point at 90 degree of difference but default mind will generously skip over any

controversy, along with clear and present proofs, even eyesight itself, in order to return to

default slavery: a “safe” cell for everyone.

#Astrology for beginners #Ophiuchus #16SunSigns #Ofiuco


1.Ophiuchus is a zodiacal ascendant. Jupiter is e.g. ascending at east in Ophiuchus right now.

2.If you want to know your own horoscope, astrology = future and thus avert/change any bad

events while implementing desirable futurities, do the following.

3.Forget “12” people. 12 ascendants “zodiac signs” don’t exist, never did and never will.

4.That done, let us recoil at basics. In order to predict in minutes: all you require is a few

planets (Sun as omitted by default) and some basic math like +-/2 (arithmetics).

5.As you will instantly see for yourself, only an idiot would require a computer in order to

determine e.g. next marriage day. (And quite some may be even incapable of computing such

easy calculi as these).

6.Dating, marriage and parenting being the simplest of all calculi, you will often need two

numbers (that is planets) only as involved in simple 1st grade math (that is if you are illiterate

by age 6). Notably, a 3-year old infant can predict your next marriage (year, month and even


7.Get the basics from the site e.g. “20 Minutes Astrology”…
22 zodiac signs
16 ascendants
67 horoscope signs
1008 planets
16 Sun signs
Cartesian house system
RTRRT future-changing



There are 22 zodiacal stations, also known as the Academic Zodiac; which is the sum of all
main planetary zodiacs plus lunar.


At the current epoch, we observe 16 ascendants rising at east.


These constellations are not ascendants, e.g. Gemini has not been rising at east since Krishna:
Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius and Capricornus are not ascendants. For
(rare) Taurus see on Taurine Ascendants.


Eris brings in new constellations much more than Pluto ever did.


We promptly delineated 1008 planets since their incipient finding and designation.

16 BIS

Planets normally cross through zodiacal ascendants Cetus, Orion, Sextans and Ophiuchus.

As tested across omniverse. Works everywhere; including comets, under some alien ocean or
above Himalayas.


Ditto; O5, PCS, Cascade, Wish Wheel...

666 Heil #Hydra #RTRRT #1008planets #AcademicZodiac #16ascendants
#Thelema #magick #Masonry #Illuminati #NWO #Gamer #ritual #ObamaCare #CancerCure #FX

1.666 self-proclaimed magus played along with his own ascendant in Cairo 1904 or so he

thought. At the time, there was no one capable or willing to calculate ascendant unto anyone

else, people (and baby-Masons) being obsessed with an inextant set of 12.

2.The asinine do extend diplomas unto more or less equally asinine. Prior to Cefalu’, 666 got

hos own from the dictator (on MI5 payroll), in Florence; therefore near to Masonic capital,


3.Crowley’s natal ascendant being Hydra, he emulated an alleged evocation, if not invocation

of ditto a bis alleged guardian angel under the dubious if not fatal auspices of Alphard, the

darkened heart of the solitary snake. In other words, he – much as humanity at large – had not

even faint an idea what he was doing. The blundered not only leads the blunderer, he also

teaches. He who does not know – teacheth.

4.One is free pacing around and along one’s own cage, but not too free especially around the

borders as one may stir or provoke other gamers just like him.

5.Said cage is not his own at all: it is granted on leasing, hired – temporarily assigned at a cost.

6.The cost is life or what remains of it.

7.Caricornus is a watery monster that precedes the water-bearer in the watery part of the sky

which includes Piscis Austrinus, Cetus, (little faint) uterine Aries along with ditto Aquarius.

8.Crowley extolled Capricornus extending it to Himalayan heights on account of said clearly

watery elementary demon representing earthly auspices.

9.Neighboring water-bearer assumed airy auspices. In terms of asinine, we are speaking of

Oxford grade of asininity – learned fools who actually paid dearly for their schooling plus

40000 quids for Water-bearer to be airy.

10.The question all along is: can it possibly get more asinine (than that)? Yes we can.
May 21 2019 Solar Fire v9.0.17 Page 1

Eclipse Report
Search Date Range: From Jan 1 2019 To Jan 1 2026
Eclipse Types: All Solar Eclipses, All Lunar Eclipses, and All Saros Numbers
Times reported are exact Lunar Phase (full or new moon)

S/L Type Date Time Position Saros Saros # Gamm Magnitu Duration SD Total SD Parti
(UT) (vdB) (J/B) (Umbral) (Min:Sec (Hr:Min) (Hr:Min)
Solar Partial Jan 6 2019 0:56:47 am 15°‰23'42'' 122 2 South 1.142 0.715 0:00
Lunar Total Jan 21 2019 6:54:13 am 01°„53'41'' 134 0.369 1.201 0:31 0:39
Solar Total Jul 2 2019 8:37:26 pm 10°ƒ40'47'' 127 3 North -0.646 1.046 0:33
Lunar Partial Jul 16 2019 8:00:29 pm 23°‰14'22'' 139 0.643 0.658 0:00 0:29
Solar Annular Dec 26 2019 3:40:05 am 04°‰02'54'' 132 3 South 0.413 0.97 0:39
Lunar Appulse Jan 10 2020 5:34:12 pm 18°ƒ57'28'' 144 1.073 0.111 0:00 0:00
Lunar Appulse Jun 5 2020 5:27:22 pm 14°ˆ31'37'' 111 1.24 0.399 0:00 0:00
Solar Annular Jun 21 2020 4:53:02 am 00°ƒ17'05'' 137 4 North 0.121 0.994 0:38
Lunar Appulse Jul 5 2020 6:32:41 am 14°‰38'53'' 149 1.364 0.638 0:00 0:00
Lunar Appulse Nov 30 2020 10:20:03 am 09°‚03'26'' 116 1.131 0.257 0:00 0:00
Solar Total Dec 14 2020 6:02:25 pm 23°ˆ12'44'' 142 4 South -0.294 1.025 0:10
Lunar Total May 26 2021 11:31:36 am 05°ˆ37'05'' 121 0.477 1.016 0:09 0:34
Solar Annular Jun 10 2021 9:43:05 am 19°‚44'20'' 147 5 North 0.915 0.943 0:51
Lunar Partial Nov 19 2021 9:58:04 am 27°Ý44'29'' 126 0.455 0.979 0:00 0:45
Solar Total Dec 4 2021 5:59:58 am 12°ˆ17'41'' 152 5 South -0.953 1.037 0:54
Solar Partial Apr 30 2022 9:38:29 pm 10°Ý31'14'' 119 6 North -1.19 0.639 0:00
Lunar Total May 16 2022 5:55:53 am 26°‡20'54'' 131 0.253 1.419 0:43 0:44
Solar Partial Oct 25 2022 9:53:42 am 01°‡57'49'' 124 6 South 1.07 0.861 0:00
Lunar Total Nov 8 2022 11:21:50 am 16°Ý11'27'' 136 0.257 1.364 0:43 0:50
Solar Hybrid Apr 20 2023 3:03:40 am 29°Ü47'23'' 129 7 North -0.395 1.013 0:16
Lunar Appulse May 5 2023 4:04:36 pm 14°‡08'11'' 141 1.035 0.041 0:00 0:00
Solar Annular Oct 14 2023 7:34:08 pm 21°†11'39'' 134 7 South 0.375 0.952 0:17
Lunar Partial Oct 28 2023 6:43:42 pm 04°Ý09'42'' 146 0.947 0.127 0:00 0:40
Lunar Appulse Mar 25 2024 8:29:52 am 05°†51'34'' 113 1.061 0.128 0:00 0:00
Solar Total Apr 8 2024 7:49:10 pm 19°Ü27'39'' 139 8 North 0.343 1.057 0:28
Lunar Partial Sep 18 2024 3:57:57 am 26°‹33'44'' 118 0.979 0.091 0:00 0:32
Solar Annular Oct 2 2024 8:18:39 pm 10°†07'28'' 144 8 South -0.351 0.933 7:25
Lunar Total Mar 14 2025 8:23:43 am 24°…41'29'' 123 0.348 1.183 0:33 1:49
Solar Partial Mar 29 2025 10:09:06 am 08°Ü58'05'' 149 9 North 1.041 0.936 0:00
Lunar Total Sep 7 2025 4:34:32 pm 14°‹26'47'' 128 0.275 1.368 0:41 1:45
Solar Partial Sep 21 2025 9:05:08 pm 29°…08'03'' 154 9 South -1.065 0.853 0:00
67 #horoscope signs #16SunSigns #1008planets #16ascendants

1)The number of horoscope signs is 67.

2)Aries is not an ascendant: you know no-one having this ascendant. Gemini is not an

ascendant. Krishna already never saw Gemini rising at east. It has not beem ascending at east

since. Thus, Gemini ascendant is hoax. It’s a stupidity.

3)Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius and Capricornus are not

4)There are 16 solar positions. #16SunSigns

5)The zodiac is not determined by the Sun only (or at all): it was determined without solar

positions which are included in planetary zodiacs anyway.

6)You may “believe” in 12 signs rising at east: they are not (there; at all).

7)The omniversal Cartesian house system has been tested in outer space. Normal house

systems crash already below Oslo, Norway. We landed horoscopes on comets, asteroids and

alien solar systems. Horoscopes work under an alien sea much as over Lhasa, Tibet.

8)The number of ascendants for the current epoch is 16. #16ascendants

9)12 (13) ascendants being hoax, we invite anyone to prove that Gemini is rising at east, since

it will be seen at north when the “program” shows it “at east” #QuarterSky #GeminiShift


10)Of course – superstition counts on #sheeple, not proofs. Crooks don’t have to prove

anything or god-forbid calculate. Soothing nonsensei won’t help said asstrolloger who will

(unless he/she is on our calculated list) “unexpectedly die”: his peers will at best “send Reiki”

and prayers.
11)Nothing stops superstition (in default mind) since it does not depend on observable skies,

rational data or scientific proof: just low IQ or distraction at least: as people don;t usually have

time to investigate themselves at all.

12)Investigate? Any Boy Scout had the opportunity to observe glorious (and huge!) Orion

rising at east. Anyone would conclude that Orion is eastern ascendant: yes?

13)Default mind (is superstition plus reverse hard guano pyramid apex of the asinine) stops

inspection. The voladero does not want you to inspect. You have no time for it.

14)You can learn how to predict in 20 minutes but you don’t have time (or arithmetics) for such

a simple asset.

15)How does one predict? Basic math. By memory.

16)An event (typically next marriage) is easily predicted as to year, month and even day.

17)Secondary angular direction, Earth moons’ ephemerids, minute lunar ephemerids, ascendant

ephemerids are some of the tools enabling to minute-second prediction.

18)Want to know when your new born baby will marry – to-the-minute? Done.

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