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Jason Blaha's Ice Cream Fitness 5x5 Novice


A potent and proven novice muscle and strength building

program from Jason Blaha & Ice Cream Fitness.
Testimonials continue to pour in touting its effectiveness.

Workout Summary

Main Goal Build Muscle

Workout Type Full Body

Training Level Beginner

Program Duration 12 weeks

Days Per Week 3

Time Per Workout 90 minutes

Equipment Required Barbell, Cables, EZ Bar

Target Gender Male & Female

Recommended Supplements Whey Protein, Creatine, Fish Oil

Author Jason Blaha

Workout PDF Download Workout

Workout Description
For more information on Jason Blaha and Ice Cream Fitness, please visit the
Juggernaut Fitness Youtube or Facebook fan page.

I would like to thank Muscle & Strength for hosting my Ice Cream Fitness (ICF) 5x5
novice program which I put out for free. Since I released it a year ago hundreds of
people have contacted me about their results. Please watch the video I break down
the full progression and methodology behind the program:

The program is to be conducted 3 days per week alternating workout A&B on non-
consecutive days. For example:

Week One

Day 1 - Workout A
Day 2 - Rest
Day 3 - Workout B
Day 4 - Rest
Day 5 - Workout A
Days 6 & 7 - Rest

Week Two

Day 1 - Workout B
Day 2 - Rest
Day 3 - Workout A
Day 4 - Rest
Day 5 - Workout B
Days 6 & 7 - Rest

ICF Workout A
Novice Program

Exercise Sets Reps

Squats 5 5
Bench Press 5 5
Bent Over Row 5 5
Barbell Shrugs 3 8
Tricep Extensions 3 8
Straight Bar or Incline Curls 3 8
Hyperextensions with plate 2 10
Cable Crunches 3 10

ICF Workout B
Novice Program
Exercise Sets Reps
Squats 5 5
Deadlift 1 5
Standing Press 5 5
Bent Over Row (10% lighter than Workout A) 5 5
Close Grip Bench Press 3 8
Straight Bar or Incline Curls 3 8
Cable Crunches 3 10

ICF 5x5 Novice Program FAQ

One of my fans created a detailed FAQ based upon half a dozen videos in which I
answered specific questions. Some of the FAQ are based upon statements I made
on another forum.

If you notice a common question or concern that is not posted below, feel free to
reply in the comments section below and I will add it.

Again, original credit goes to iBeastMode207 for taking the time to write the original
I have questions...
Watch the video. 99.9% of all of your questions can be answered by actually taking
the time to watch the video on this page.

I don't have enough time to do this program

If you can't take the time to do this you are simply not worth the gains the program
can offer you. Common time for the workout is around 1.5 hours.

Can I change anything?

Unless you are unable to do this program for medical reasons: do not alter the
program. You are a novice, and quite simply you don't know what you're doing. If you
did you wouldn't be looking for a workout.

If you want to go changing everything to fit what you believe will give you better
results, go post it in the workout programs forum so everyone can refer you right
back to a proven program that works, such as this one.

I have bad knees

If you have bad knees, do box squats. Otherwise, unless you are medically unable
you should squat.

Can I add more deadlifts?

Deadlifts are 1x5 for a reason. They are taxing on your CNS and if you mess around
you will get hurt. So don't be the tough guy who wants to do 5x5 deadlifts, because
you will fail miserably.

Do the reps and sets as they are laid out in the program.

I don't like squats and deadlifts

Don't ask if you can ditch squats or deadlifts because "you don't like them". They're
essential, so just do them.

Can I add calf work?

Supplemental calf work is acceptable, but you don't need it. If you want to do the
extra work, feel free.

Can I add side lateral raises?

Side lateral raises are also acceptable, but Jason suggests doing face pulls instead.

Can I add extra ab work?

Additional ab work is acceptable. Doing ab work on off days instead is also
acceptable. You can also substitute in other ab exercises if you do not have access
to a cable station for cable crunches.
How should I lift when cutting?
The cutting version is 3x5 for main lifts, 2x8 for accessory lifts. Also, you only
progress every other session, not every session. Example Workout B: deadlift 200,
next workout B: deadlift 200, next workout B: deadlift 205.

Can I add cardio?

With a good diet, you do not need to do cardio. Most people here don't even bother
as it will not make you magically lose weight. Diet is what affects weight. You will
receive all the same benefits from this program (As well as any high-intensity weight
training program) as you would receive from "cardio."

Any advice on tracking calories?

For tracking calories, Myfitnesspal is a pretty solid app. To calculate your TDEE
(calorie needs determination) click here.

What if I add weight and fail?

If you fail a rep/set/whatever, you repeat that weight during the next workout. If you
fail the next workout, you lower your weight by 10% and continue to use that until
progress. Reset weights get rounded down.

Do I need accessory work?

You do not need to add any extra accessory work, you are a novice. Your entire body
is lagging right now. You fix your overall body before moving to intermediate level
workouts. Then you can focus on specific body parts and weaknesses.

What if I stall?
If you are not progressing and stall for a while, you may need to deload. 

Any substitutions for hyperextensions?

Hyperextension can be substituted with good mornings or cable pull throughs.

Any substitutions for close grip bench press?

CGBP/Dips are a matter of preference, Jason just prefers CGBP.

What about rest between sets?

Break times between sets are 3-5 minutes for the 5x5 sets and 1-2 minutes for the
3x8 sets.

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About The Author

Jason Blaha
Jason Blaha is a well respected YouTube celebrity, mastermind of Ice
Cream Fitness, and holder of more inter-planetary titles than any
bodybuilder or powerlifter in recorded history.
View all by Jason Blaha »

+ Post Comment

Posted Wed, 07/17/2019 - 21:15 LIKE 0

Can I train MMA the same days and also on the rest days while training this program?


Posted Sun, 07/07/2019 - 10:35 LIKE 0

Waldo Mannaz
I find it good, but want some ideas on increasing intensity. As soon as I started I had problems
with cable crunches.
I'll trade curls for chins, cgbp for dips or weighted.
I feel like adding variety to the back work too.


Posted Mon, 07/01/2019 - 20:58 LIKE 1

I was just wondering if it is ok as part of the program to carry out other activities on rest days
such as boxing.


Posted Thu, 06/20/2019 - 10:23 LIKE 0

should you reduce break between 5x5 to 1-2 min. when losing weight with this program?


Posted Tue, 04/16/2019 - 14:11 LIKE 3

I'm using MyFitnessPal to track calories and I also have it connected to my Fitbit to track
exercise (calories burned). Unfortunately it appears MyFitnessPal only gives me credit for the
calories burned associated with steps taken as opposed to exercise. I can manually enter
calories burned for exercise. Any idea how many calories are burned for workout A and workout
B? (Or how to calculate them?)


Posted Sun, 03/31/2019 - 11:39 LIKE 2

A question please answer me
May I have another workout instead of squat. Because I have an injury in my back.
Thank you in advance


Posted Sat, 03/09/2019 - 08:32 LIKE 4

When I start cutting, do I immediately switch to 3x5 and 2x8 or should I keep 5x5 and 3x8 for
awhile and build down. Thanks


Posted Fri, 03/01/2019 - 12:52 LIKE 1

My ceiling is too low in my home gym to do standing overhead presses? Is it sufficient to do
sitting overhead presses? Or are there any other variations I can do to substitute this?


Posted Mon, 02/25/2019 - 17:19 LIKE 0

Can i add in incline bench some times


Posted Fri, 02/22/2019 - 02:16 LIKE 1

Connor pletkin
I was wondering if you should increase the weight by 5 pounds each workout or each total week.
15 pounds in a week seems like a lot


Posted Mon, 02/18/2019 - 15:48 LIKE 0

Kevin Rajeev Jos

how about trap bar deadlifts 2x5?


Posted Fri, 02/08/2019 - 15:32 LIKE 0

Hi,is that novice workout plan?
Maybe PHUL plan better for someone who been training 2 year or more?? Thanks


Posted Wed, 02/06/2019 - 05:45 LIKE 0

Only one set for deadlift, is this a mistake ?


Posted Thu, 01/24/2019 - 19:39 LIKE 0

How do i warm up? Do i have to do it for every single exercise?


Posted Fri, 01/25/2019 - 09:36 LIKE 1

Hi Chris,
Start here:

Posted Tue, 12/25/2018 - 16:49 LIKE 3

How do you recommend getting back lost muscle after not boing to the gym for a while. Haven’t
gone for 6 months and I lost an incredible amount of weight. How long do you think it’ll take to
get that strength back?


Posted Sun, 01/13/2019 - 17:52 LIKE 3

I don't know


Posted Sat, 12/22/2018 - 17:00 LIKE 1

God day,
I have a question, where is leg muscles workout. I have notices that most of the concentration is
on upper body.


Posted Wed, 04/03/2019 - 18:52 LIKE 4

Bob Joe
Dude you are doing 5x5 squats 3 days a week. Wtf are u talking about


Posted Sat, 11/24/2018 - 17:52 LIKE 3

I have a question about what should I do in the resting time between reps for the same exercise
should I set idle and do nothing or what ?


Posted Fri, 11/16/2018 - 12:22 LIKE 1

What do you mean by warm up before deadlifts? Is it stretching because i don't know how to
warm up with weights


Posted Tue, 12/18/2018 - 04:48 LIKE 1

Warm up with lower weights, etc before 3 plates 1x5, warm up with 5 reps with one plate, 2
reps with 2 plates


Posted Thu, 11/15/2018 - 00:11 LIKE 0

Continuing the last question...I squat with 100kg for five reps, so on the monday's first week
should i do 100kgx5 ,and then on wendnesday i should go for 102x5, and friday 104x5?
increasing 2 kg literally every training session or only the ''A'' session?


Posted Fri, 11/16/2018 - 10:58 LIKE 1

Hi Gustavo,
Only increase on the "A" session and when capable of doing so. Don't jeopardize form to
move up in weight. So long as you increase over time, you'll get results.
Hope this helps!


Posted Thu, 11/15/2018 - 00:04 LIKE 3

Hey Jason im doing your program and im on the second week.Should I increase weight every
training session? I mean, if i start squatting with 100x5 ,should i end the week with 106x5? Also i
am noticing that my squat is improving but my bench isn't , what should i do? Thanks man nice


Posted Wed, 11/14/2018 - 15:10 LIKE 2

What do I do after the 12 weeks of this program?


Posted Fri, 11/16/2018 - 10:59 LIKE 0

Hi Joost,
You can continue with another phase of this program or give PHUL a shot:
Hope this helps!

Posted Sun, 11/18/2018 - 04:16 LIKE 0

What is the other phase of this program?


Posted Tue, 11/13/2018 - 07:36 LIKE 0

Gorg Stovin
Could I do a Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday split? And how should I lift when cutting?


Posted Tue, 11/13/2018 - 10:54 LIKE 1

Hi Grog,
Yep, that is fine. For cutting, the sets are dropped to 3 x 5 (mentioned in the text of the
Hope this helps!


Posted Sun, 11/11/2018 - 17:27 LIKE 0

Also can I do 3x5 on deadlifts if my deadlift is rlly weak?thanks for the help


Posted Mon, 11/12/2018 - 11:23 LIKE 1

Hi Kevin,
That should be fine.


Posted Sun, 11/11/2018 - 17:06 LIKE 0

Hey if I’m still pretty new to lifting about 6 months In can I still do the 5x5 while eating a
maintenance and recomping since I’m not too strong yet and still new to lifting


Posted Mon, 11/12/2018 - 11:25 LIKE 1

Hi Kevin,
In another mesocycle or you can sub them in for plank and dumbbell shrug.
Hope this helps!


Posted Tue, 11/20/2018 - 17:31 LIKE 1

Sorry but can u say that Again i don’t undertsand your response to my question?


Posted Fri, 11/09/2018 - 03:57 LIKE 1

I am really thankful for your answer Josh. It's really motivating.
I have another question, is it okay to shuffle the exercises in the same work out or the arrangement is a
must ?
Because, for example, it felt easier for my to do the shoulder press and increase my weight in it before
doing the deadlift.


Posted Fri, 11/09/2018 - 14:08 LIKE 0

Hi Hasan,
That should be fine, however be sure to perform your strength based movements prior to
accessory work.
Hope this helps!


Posted Thu, 11/08/2018 - 21:52 LIKE 1

How can i know what weight to use for each exercise, i started with some recomended weights
but i want to know how to calculate them


Posted Wed, 11/07/2018 - 07:27 LIKE 3

After one month doing this program I can say that I am becoming stronger. Starting from 10 KG
all the way into 50 KG in squat is pretty amazing. However, I am a bit lacking in isolation
exercises such as biceps, triceps and shoulders.
I am still unable to go beyond 15 KG in exercises includes straight bar I tried to use alternatives
including dumbbells but results still the same. I can barely lift 30 LBS dumbbell in incline curls. Is
this normal or I am doing something wrong?


Posted Wed, 11/07/2018 - 16:45 LIKE 3

Hi Hasan,
Yes, it is normal for the smaller muscle groups (such as the biceps and triceps) to lag in
comparison of much larger muscle groups.
Stick with it though. Being able to move more weight with the larger muscle groups will
eventually lead to smaller muscle groups getting stronger as well.
Hope this helps!


Posted Mon, 11/05/2018 - 12:16 LIKE 1

What should my macros and calories be if i’m 120 lbs?


Posted Sun, 11/11/2018 - 17:26 LIKE 2

2280 for bulking and 1800 for cutting depends how active u are also


Posted Sun, 11/04/2018 - 09:34 LIKE 2

Casey Drogin
I've been doing this workout for 1 month. I'm definitely getting stronger, but 3 days a week feels
a bit too light for me. Would it be alright to switch over to a 4-day split like PHUL?


Posted Mon, 11/05/2018 - 08:36 LIKE 1

Hi Casey,
Sure! PHUL would be a solid program to transition into following this program.
Hope this helps!

Posted Thu, 11/01/2018 - 20:49 LIKE 1

What are recommended starting weight for each excercise


Posted Sun, 10/28/2018 - 15:22 LIKE 1

Hi I am very sore still should I still workout?


Posted Mon, 10/29/2018 - 09:11 LIKE 1

Hi Drake,
Depends how sore - it won't hurt to hold off until you're fully recovered.
You could do something light (like walking, yoga, stretching or a combo) to help circulate
some blood flow to help possibly recover faster.
Hope this helps!


Posted Sun, 10/28/2018 - 00:04 LIKE 2

Yesterday was my first day after a long time, and today I am very sore. Should I still go on


Posted Mon, 10/29/2018 - 09:16 LIKE 1

Hi Rehab,
You can give yourself some additional days to recover if you feel it is necessary to do so.
Hope this helps!


Posted Tue, 10/23/2018 - 22:25 LIKE 3

Hello, if I have worked out before consistently and non consistently,(Like I did this program
before for like 5 months properly) but I am still very weak, and I haven't gone to the gym or eaten
properly for months now, am I a beginner? I lost like 20 lbs over the last 2 months just because
of malnutrition. My bench is barely 150lbs now and squat and deadlift are terrible now. I decided
to get back into the gym, and do this program. Will I still recieve the same gains as if I was
beginning if I am not strong enough yet? I started very low.


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