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Question 1: A project has gone out of control, and the project manager is

trying to bring it back under control. There have been a number of changes to
the project scope. Some of these changes resulted in further changes,
causing project cost to spiral upward and causing the project to go out of
schedule. This is known as:

A. Scope creep
B. Scope jump
C. Project creep
D. Scope control

Correct Choice A
Scope creep is the term used to refer to uncontrolled changes in a project's scope.
Scope creep can be a project manager's nightmare if not properly managed.
[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 168]

Question 2: You have completed a milestone in your software development

project, and you are now verifying that the product meets the specifications
outlined in the project management plan. In which process group is this

A. Closing
B. Monitor and Controlling
C. Executing
D. Planning

Correct Choice B
Verifying that a product meets specifications relates to the Validate Scope process,
which belongs to the monitoring and controlling

Question 3: The key difference between Validate Scope and Control Quality is:

A. Validate Scope is concerned with meeting the quality standards specified.

B. Validate Scope is concerned with the acceptance of deliverables.
C. Validate Scope does not apply in projects that have been cancelled.
D. Validate Scope can never be performed in parallel with Control Quality.

Correct Choice B
Validate Scope differs from Control Quality in that Validate Scope is primarily
concerned with the acceptance of the deliverables, whereas Control Quality is
primarily concerned with meeting the quality requirements specified for the
deliverables. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 131]
Question 4: Visiting a construction site to ensure the completed work is the
same work specified in the requirements is:

A. Milestone
B. Scope validation
C. Variance Analysis
D. Requirements traceability

Correct Choice B
Inspection is a scope validation technique that includes activities (such as
measuring, examining, and verifying) to determine whether work and deliverables
meet requirements and product acceptance criteria. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 163]

Question 5: A first-time project manager wanted to have a "perfect project."

This manager informed the customer that this project would not accept
change requests of any kind and that the scope would need to be defined
precisely at the very start of the project. The customer agreed to this request.
What would your comment on this situation be?

A. The is a good example of how the project management team can decide what is
and what is not necessary for the project. Not allowing changes is a good way of
ensuring that the project meets requirements as detailed in the project scope.
B. This is unrealistic and impractical. Change is inevitable and rather than look at a
'no change' project, it would be more in the project interests to plan for a robust
change control process.
C. This indicates that the project manager is very aggressive and is likely to take the
project to successful completion. Since he has announced the 'no change
requests' policy, the customer manager can no longer request changes.
D. This is unrealistic and impractical. The project manager should not have
announced his intentions to the customer. He should have had an unofficial
policy of rejecting all change requests.

Correct Choice B
The correct response is that this is unrealistic and impractical. Change is
inevitable. Rather than insist on a "no change" project, it would be more in the
project's interest to plan for a robust change control process capable of handling
any new changes. Mandating that there will be no changes will be ineffective.
[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 168]
Question 6: What is the MAIN reason for controlling the project scope?

A. To enable scope creep

B. To prevent changes from affecting the project
C. To ensure timely closure of the project
D. Preventing scope creep

Correct Choice D
The main reason for controlling the project scope is to deal with the impact of
changes on the project. This is done by managing approved changes and
disregarding rejected changes. This reduces the risk of scope creep on the project.
[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 168]

Question 7: Which of the following best describes the Validate Scope


A. Validating that the project quality requirements are met

B. Controlling changes to the scope of the project
C. Obtaining the stakeholders' formal acceptance of the project deliverables
D. Validating that all of the project's objectives are met
Correct Choice C
Scope Validation involves obtaining the stakeholders' formal acceptance of
project deliverables. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 163]

Question 8: The Validate Scope process outputs include:

a. Influencing the factors that create project scope changes

b. Documenting the completed deliverables that have been accepted
c. Obtaining the stakeholders’ formal acceptance of the completed project scope
d. Monitoring specific project results to determine whether they comply with relevant
quality standards

Correct Choice B
A) is the purpose of Control Scope; C) is the purpose of Validate Scope; and D)
is the purpose of Control Quality.
Question 9: You have been assigned to a project that is in trouble. After
talking with the customer, you find that there were over 50 requests for scope
changes, and the customer is frustrated that the previous project manager
only implemented 5 changes that weren't of importance to the project's
success. Upon further review, you determine that no formal change control
process was implemented and therefore the customer's expectation had been
that the 50 changes were going to be completed. This is an example of:

a. Chaos
b. Scope creep
c. A poor performing project manager
d. An out-of-control customer

Correct Choice B
Scope creep is the uncontrolled expansion to product or project scope without
adjustments to time, cost, or resources.

Question 10: Your project is nearing completion and you have scheduled a
deliverable review meeting with your customer for next week. The objective of
the meeting will be to verify that each project deliverable has been completed
satisfactorily and has been accepted by the customer. This is an example of
the _________ process.

a. Validate Scope
b. Scope Identification
c. Task Inspection
d. Management by Objectives

Correct Choice A
B) scope identification is a planning process; C) inspection is the tool and technique
used within the Validate Scope process; D) management by objectives is a system
of managerial leadership.

Question 11: You are managing a project that is on schedule with sixty work
packages completed. One day a stakeholder tells you that she has found a
critical product defect that had not been discovered when the initial project
plan and charter were developed. To solve this problem you should:

a. Do nothing because it wasn't part of the initial scope

b. Re-baseline the project after the change request is submitted and approved
c. Communicate the error to senior management
d. Update the project schedule and budget to reflect the necessary changes

Correct Choice B
Change requests are outputs of the Control Scope process.
Question 12: A good scope change control system would define:

a. The procedures by which the project scope and product scope can be changed
b. How requests for improvements can be submitted to the project team
c. The procedures by which ONLY the product scope can be changed
d. How to more completely detail the project scope to eliminate the risk of any
scope changes

Correct Choice A
Changes are inevitable. Having a good change control process that addresses both
project and product scope will ensure manageability of the process.

Question 13: You are a project manager in a large software development

organization. It is a primary objective in your company to deliver quality
products, with a low rate of errors and a high product acceptance rate by your
customers. The company has made significant investments in a robust system
to support these corporate objectives and goals. When developing contracts
for software development projects, it is standard that the customer is required
to follow rigorously defined processes for user acceptance testing which must
be conducted each time a module is completed. The customer is also required
to notify the project manager, in writing, that the software module was tested
and whether it was acceptable or not. This user acceptance testing, and the
resulting notification is part of which process?
A. Control Scope
B. Collect Requirements
C. Validate Scope
D. Perform Quality Assurance
Correct Choice: C
Validate Scope is the process of formalizing acceptance of the completed project
deliverables. The key benefit of this process is that it brings objectivity to the
acceptance process and increases the chance of final product, service, or result
acceptance by validating each deliverable. The verified deliverables obtained
from the Control Quality process are reviewed with the customer or sponsor to
ensure that they are completed satisfactorily and have received formal
acceptance of the deliverables by the customer or sponsor.

Reference: PMBOK Guide - Sixth Edition, page 163

This question describes an inspection of the deliverable by the customer (i.e.,
testing). The process of accepting deliverables (Validate Scope) should include
written notification that the deliverable has been either accepted or rejected.
Question 14: In your project, while doing scope verification of the product,
the customer points out that a particular work component performed by a
team member is not as per specification. You review the project WBS and
confirm that the customer is correct. What would be your NEXT step?
A. Put the particular requirement through the change control process
B. Call a meeting of your project team to discuss this requirement
C. Escalate the issue to your project sponsor
D. Review the requirement and talk with the team member who implemented the
Correct Choice: D
The best option is to first review the requirement, contained in the project WBS,
with the particular team member who has implemented the requirement. Either
the team member has not done the work properly or there might have been lack
of clarity in defining the requirement in the WBS.

Option 1: This should be done only after the requirement has been evaluated
with the team member.
Option 2: There is no need to call a meeting of all team members. Discuss the
matter with the team member who has actually implemented the requirement.
Option 3: It is premature to escalate the issue to the project sponsor. First, you
should evaluate why it went wrong.

Question 15: As a project manager, you are aware that changes are bound
to occur during projects. While monitoring and controlling change on your
projects, you use the term scope creep. What does the term refer to?
A. Uncontrolled expansion to product or project scope without adjustments to
time, cost, and resources
B. Controlled expansion to product or project scope without adjustments to time,
cost, and resources
C. Manageable expansion to product or project scope without adjustments to
time, cost, and resources
D. Unmanageable expansion to product or project scope with adjustments to
time, cost, and resources
Correct Choice: A
Uncontrolled expansion to product or project scope without adjustments to time,
cost, and resources is referred to as scope creep.
Question 16: During the Validate Scope process, you formalize acceptance
of the project deliverables and keep the project focused on the business
need for which it was undertaken. This should be done:
A. At the beginning of the project
B. At the end of the project
C. When required by the project sponsor
D. After getting verified deliverables from the Control Quality process
Correct Choice: D
Verified deliverables are project deliverables that are completed and checked for
correctness through the Control Quality process.

Reference: PMBOK Guide - Sixth Edition, page 165.

Validate Scope is the process of formalizing acceptance of the completed project

deliverables. This should be done after getting individual deliverables from the
Control Quality process. Verified deliverables are an input to the Validate Scope

Question 17: As a project manager, you are responsible for managing

changes to the project scope. If, at the end of the project, a customer wants
a major change in the scope of work, you should:
A. Reject the change
B. Make the required change
C. Escalate the matter to senior management
D. Let the customer know about the impact of the change
Correct Choice: D
If there is a major change to the project, the project manager should try to
influence the change to minimize the impact on the project. Usually the project
manager is advised to do the following:

1. Evaluate the impact of the change within the team.

2. Help the customer (or person requesting the change) understand the impact of
the change.
3. If changes are in fact required, then open a change control and get the request
approved. Obviously, you will have to inform the management and the change
control board about the impact of the changes.
4. If the change control board approves changes, then make appropriate
changes in the project plan.
Question 18: You are the project manager for a business process
improvement project for a strategic business process. A key resource on the
project, William, has been asked by the CEO to work on another project for the
next two weeks. William is scheduled to start work on key deliverables in two
weeks. Your response to this request should be:

a. Communicate to the CEO that William is not available because he is critical to

the success of the project
b. Ask William to turn down the CEO's project because it may take too long
c. Identify the issue as a risk and add two weeks to the project as a contingency
d. Make the CEO aware of the resource dependency on the upcoming project and
keep the schedule the same

Correct Choice D
A) may be a career-limiting move; B) may be a career-limiting move for William
and he may be resentful; C) identification as a risk is a good thing, but at this
time there may not be any need to add schedule contingency even though you
may want to look at some resource contingency; D) it appears that the schedule
won't have to be impacted, but you'll want to keep an eye on the progress of the
CEO's project.

Question 19: A control tool that tracks the work that remains to be completed
in the iteration backlog is called:

a. Trend analysis
b. Performance reviews
c. Earned value analysis
d. Burndown chart

Correct Choice D
A) trend analysis examines project performance over time; B) performance
reviews measure, compare, and analyze schedule performance against the
schedule baseline; C) earned value analysis assesses the magnitude of variation
to the original schedule baseline.
Question 20: Tim is the project manager for a shopping mall construction
project which is in its fourth month of execution. According to the project
contract, Tim can only issue project invoices when the project is 25%, 50%,
75% and 100% complete in terms of the approved project schedule. Recently
the 25% milestone has been reached and Tim is ready to issue his first
invoice. According to the contract, the project must be completed in 12
months. What is the project's SPI?

A. 0.25
B. 0.75
C. 0.33
D. 1.33

Correct Choice B
Since the 25% schedule milestone has been achieved, the project's earned
schedule (ES) is 25%. Further the project is in its third month of execution so the
actual time is 33.33% (i.e. 4 months / 12 months). SPI = ES/AT = 25% / 33.33%
= 0.75. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 233] [Project Schedule Management]

Question 21: Due to the unexpected release of a similar product from a

competitor, the Widgets International executive team has stepped up the
pressure on the product team to release the Widget product three months
earlier. The project manager uses what technique to shorten the schedule but
maintain the project scope?

A. Schedule compression
B. Rolling wave planning
C. Schedule network analysis
D. Schedule management planning

Correct Choice A
Schedule compression is the technique of shortening the project schedule
duration without reducing scope. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 215] [Project
Schedule Management]
Question 22: Jack is the project manager of a project that is halfway through
its execution. He is currently looking at the work schedule. He adjusts a few of
the schedule milestones and imposes date constraints for some of the work
packages. This relates to which of the following processes?

A. Control Quality
B. Develop Schedule
C. Control Scope
D. Control Schedule

Correct Choice D
The project is halfway through the execution. Since the project manager is
adjusting the project plans, this needs to be a process from the monitoring and
controlling process group. Jack is currently performing the Control Schedule
process as he is adjusting the project schedule. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 222]

Question 23: As the project manager of a project, you had estimated certain
activity durations before acquiring all project team members. On acquisition,
you find that their actual competency levels are much lower than what you
anticipated. In such a case, you will:

A. Make no changes to the schedule

B. Ask the project team members to meet the original schedule by putting in
overtime, if required
C. Make changes to activity duration and schedule incorporating the changed
competency levels
D. Inform the customer that the project is behind schedule

Correct Choice C
The appropriate action is to make changes to the project schedule and activity
durations depending on the actual competency of the team. Asking the project
team members to work overtime or informing the customer that the project is late
are too drastic in nature given the stage of the project. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page
222] [Project Schedule Management]
Question 24: Predicting future performance based on historical events is
called ___________.

A. Historical analysis
B. Trend analysis
C. Parametric analysis
D. Pareto analysis

Correct Choice B
Trend analysis is an analytical technique that uses mathematical models to
forecast future outcomes based on historical results. It is a method of
determining the variance from a baseline of a parameter. It uses prior progress
reporting periods' data to project how much that parameter's variance from
baseline might be at some future point in the project if no changes are made in
executing the project. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 111] [Project Schedule

Question 25: Which process is MOST responsible for managing changes to

the schedule components of the Project Management Plan?

A. Control Schedule
B. Create WBS
C. Develop Project Management Plan
D. Develop Schedule

Correct Choice A
The Control Schedule is the process of managing the changes to the schedule
baseline to achieve the project management plan. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 222]
[Project Schedule Management]
Question 26: A project was estimated to cost $200,000 with a timeline of 10
months. Due to a shipment delay, the schedule was slightly delayed. However,
this was made up by shipping the first batch of materials for the project by air.
The net result was that there was some additional cost in the project. At the
end of the second month, the Project Manager reviews the project and finds
that the project is 20% complete and Actual Costs are $50,000. The Estimate to
Complete (ETC) for the project would now be:

A. $160,000
B. $210,000
C. $250,000
D. $200,000

Correct Choice A
The budget at completion (BAC) = $200,000 (given). The Actual Cost (AC) =
$50,000 (given). The Earned value (EV) = (2/10) * 200,000 since 20% of the
project is complete; i.e., 2 months out of 10. Hence, Earned Value (EV) =
$40,000. This is an instance of an atypical situation in the project. Late arrival of
materials does not mean that all subsequent material will arrive late. Hence, the
calculation used for EAC is EAC = AC + BAC - EV = 50,000 + 200,000 - 40,000 =
$210,000. Since ETC = EAC - AC = 210,000 - 50,000 = $160,000. [PMBOK 6th
edition, Page 267]

Question 27: What does it mean if the Earned Value is equal to Actual Cost?

A. Schedule Variance Index is 1

B. Project is on budget and on schedule
C. There is no cost variance
D. There is no schedule variance

Correct Choice C
CV = EV - AC. If the EV is equal to the AC, then there is no cost variance on the
project. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 262

Question 28: If you are managing changes to the project's cost baseline,
which process are you using?

A. Negotiate Costs
B. Estimate Costs
C. Control Costs
D. Determine Budget

Correct Choice C
Control Costs is the process of managing the project's costs and the changes
that threaten the bottom line. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 257]
Question 29: If the project's current total earned value (EV) is $100,000 and the
actual amount spent (AC) is $95,000, what is the cost variance of the project?

A. The cost variance is $1.05

B. The cost variance is $5,000
C. The cost variance is $0.95
D. The cost variance is $-5,000

Correct Choice B
The cost variance (CV) equals EV - AC. In this case, the CV = $5,000. [PMBOK
6th edition, Page 267

Question 30: You are a project manager who is in charge of an important

project for your company. The project is 40 percent complete after three
months and has cost $350,000. The budget for the project is $950,000 and is
scheduled to last eight months. How is the project performing?

A. The project is behind schedule and over budget.

B. The project is ahead of schedule and under budget.
C. The project is behind schedule and under budget.
D. The project is ahead of schedule and over budget.

Correct Choice B
CPI=EV/AC. CPI = (950000*40%)/350000 = 380000/350000 = 1.09 (under
budget). SPI=EV/PV. SPI = 380000/(950000*0.375) = 380000/356,250 = 1.07
(ahead of schedule). [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 267] [Project Cost Management]

Question 31: You are the Project Manager for JT's Lumber Yard. You are trying
to forecast estimates for the final phase of the project you are currently
working on. Based on the performance of the project to date, which formula
can be used to estimate the total value of the project when completed,
assuming similar variances will not occur?


B. SV = EV - PV
D. EAC = AC + BAC - EV

Correct Choice D –
The formula EAC = AC + BAC - EV is used to determine the total value of the
project when completed, assuming similar variances will not occur for the
uncompleted project activities. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 267] [Project Cost
Question 32: You are the project manager for Wicked Fast Cars Corp. You are
working on a project for the Human Resources department that is scheduled
to take one year. After three months into the project, you calculate the EV at
$35,000 and the PV at $45,000. Which option below represents the value for
the SV?

A. ($10,000)
B. 1.29
C. 0.78
D. $10,000

Correct Choice A
SV = Earned Value (EV) - Planned Value (PV). SV = $35,000-$45,000 SV = -
$10,000. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 267] [Project Cost Management]

Question 33: 20 percent of the work was completed in a project. At this stage,
the project manager determined that the budget at completion (BAC) was no
longer viable and developed a forecasted estimate at completion (EAC). What
index can the project manager use to look at the calculated projection of cost
performance that must be achieved on the remaining work?

A. Schedule Performance Index (SPI)

B. Cost Performance Index (CPI)
C. Cost Variance (CV)
D. To-Complete Performance Index (TCPI)

Correct Choice D
The to-complete performance index (TCPI) is the calculated projection of cost
performance that must be achieved on the remaining work to meet a specified goal
such as the BAC or EAC. It is defined as the work remaining divided by the funds
remaining. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 266] [Project Cost Management]

Question 34: As part of earned value management (EVM), a project manager is

calculating the to-complete performance index (TCPI) based on EAC. The data
he has is as follows: The budget at completion for the project is $100,000. The
earned value for the project is $25,000. The actual costs to date are $40,000,
and the estimate at completion is $115,000. What is the TCPI that he will get?

A. 1.1
B. 0.9
C. 1
D. 0

Correct Choice C - TCPI based on EAC = (BAC - EV)/(EAC - AC) = (100000 -

25000)/(115000 - 40000) = 75000/75000 = 1. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 266]
[Project Cost Management]
Question 35: The Budget at Completion (BAC) for a project is $50,000. The
Actual Costs (AC) to date are $10,000. The Earned Value (EV) is $7,000. At this
stage, the project management team did a manual bottom-up summation of
costs and forecast an Estimate to Complete (ETC) of $50,000. What is the
Estimate at Completion (EAC) for the project?

A. $57,000
B. $40,000
C. $60,000
D. $53,000

Correct Choice C
When a bottom-up manual forecasting has been done for the ETC, the
calculation for EAC is EAC = AC + bottom-up ETC. Hence, EAC = 10,000 +
50,000 = $60,000. Note that the BAC is no longer viable at this stage. [PMBOK
6th edition, Page 267] [Project Cost Management]

Question36: In the earned value management technique, the cost performance

baseline is:

A. Cost Measurement Baseline (CMB)

B. Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB)
C. Performance Base Value (PBV)
D. Actual Baseline (AB)

Correct Choice B
The cost performance baseline is an authorized time-phased budget at
completion (BAC). It is used to measure, monitor, and control overall cost
performance on the project. In the earned value management technique, the cost
performance baseline is referred to as the performance measurement baseline
(PMB). [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 254] [Project Cost Management]

Question 37: The Actual Cost (AC) is the total cost actually incurred and
recorded in accomplishing work performed for an activity or work breakdown
structure component. What is the upper limit for the AC?

A. 50 percent over and above the Planned Value (PV)

B. The Actual Cost (AC) is limited to the Planned Value (PV).
C. 100 percent over and above the Planned Value (PV)
D. There is no upper limit for the Actual Cost (AC).

Correct Choice D
There is no limit to the Actual Cost (AC). Whatever is spent to achieve the
Earned Value (EV) is measured as the Actual Cost. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page
261] [Project Cost Management]
Question 38: Rick, a project manager, is updating the status of his project.
Based on the performance indices, he expects the project to finish a month
earlier than the planned finish date. However, he expects the project to exceed
the budgeted costs. What can you say about the schedule performance index
(SPI) of the project?

A. The SPI is less than 1.0.

B. The SPI equals the CPI.
C. The SPI is greater than 1.0.
D. The SPI is equal to 1.0.

Correct Choice C
A project that is ahead of schedule will have a SPI value greater than 1.0, since it
indicates that more work was completed than was planned. [PMBOK 6th edition,
Page 263] [Project Cost Management]

Question 39: Variance Analysis is an important tool used in the Control Costs
process. Which of the following statements regarding variances is correct?

A. The percentage range of acceptable variances will tend to increase as more work
is accomplished.
B. The percentage range of acceptable variances will tend to decrease as more
work is accomplished.
C. The percentage range of acceptable variances is high at the start of a project,
tends to decrease in the middle of a project, and then tends to increase as the
project nears completion.
D. The percentage range of acceptable variances is a constant all through the

Correct Choice B –
Variances assess the magnitude of variation from the original cost baseline. The
percentage range of acceptable variances will tend to decrease as more work is
accomplished and the project nears completion. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 262]
[Project Cost Management]
Question 40: During the course of the project, the project management team
developed a forecast for the estimate at completion (EAC) based on the
project performance. Which of the following statements about EAC is correct?

A. The EAC forecast based on the Bottom-up estimate to complete (ETC) requires
a new estimate.
B. The EAC forecast is best estimated using the estimate to complete (ETC) work
performed considering both SPI and CPI factors.
C. The EAC forecast is best estimated using the estimate to complete (ETC) work
performed at the present CPI.
D. The EAC forecast is best estimated using the estimate to complete (ETC) work
performed at the budgeted rate.

Correct Choice A
The EAC forecast that is based on the bottom-up estimate to complete (ETC)
requires a new estimate. There is no best method for EAC calculation as it varies
from situation to situation. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 264] [Project Cost

Question 41: The Earned Value Management methodology can be used to:

A. Forecast future performance based on current performance

B. Calculate the number of days left in the project
C. Calculate the value provided to the customer
D. Calculate the profitability of the project

Correct Choice A
The Earned Value Management methodology can be used to forecast future
performance based on current performance. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 261 -
265] Project Cost Management

Question 42: Which of the following methods of forecasting EAC and ETC is
the most accurate?

A. ETC based on CPI

B. ETC based on BAC
C. ETC based on CPI and SPI
D. ETC based on new estimate

Correct Choice D
The bottom-up ETC gives the most accurate results. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page
264] [Project Cost Management]
Question 43: The formula for Cost Variance is:


Correct Choice A
CV equals earned value (EV) minus actual cost (AC). [PMBOK 6th edition, P 262]

Question 44: Which of the following indicates the required cost performance
in order to complete the project on budget?


Correct Choice A
The To-Complete Performance Index (TCPI) indicates the required cost
performance in order to complete the project on budget. [PMBOK 6th edition, P 266]

Question 45: The most recent analysis of Microcorp's new fabrication facility
renovation project shows a CPI value of less than 1.0. What does this

A. The cost has overrun estimates.

B. The cost has underrun estimates.
C. The project is running ahead of schedule.
D. The schedule has slipped.

Correct Choice A
A CPI value of less than 1.0 indicates a cost overrun of the estimates. A CPI value
greater than 1.0 indicates a cost underrun of the estimates. [PMBOK 6th ed, P 263]

Question 46: A project manager presented earned value analysis data in a

tabular format in a performance report. Another way the project manager
could have presented the earned value analysis data is with:
A. A linear graph
B. An S-curve
C. A logarithmic curve
D. An Epsilon graph

Correct Choice B - The correct response is S-curve. Both S-curves and tabular
formats can be used to represent earned value analysis data. [PMBOK 6th edition,
Pages 263, 264]
Question 47: Bill is the project manager of a software project that was
originally estimated to be completed in 12 months. Two months into the
project, it is discovered that the original estimating assumptions were
fundamentally flawed. The Estimate at Completion (EAC) in such a project will

A. EAC = AC + Bottom-up ETC

C. EAC = AC + [BAC - EV]/CPI
D. EAC = AC + BAC - EV

Correct Choice A
The correct response is: EAC = AC + Bottom-up ETC, where AC stands for the
Actual Cost and ETC stands for the Estimate to Complete. ETC based on a new
estimate must be used because the original assumptions were fundamentally
flawed. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 267]

Question 48: How would you calculate your EAC if the ETC work is performed
at the budgeted rate?

C. EAC = AC + BAC - EV

Correct Choice C
If the remaining project work is expected to be performed at the budgeted rate, then
the formula for EAC is AC + (BAC - EV), where AC is the Actual Cost, BAC is the
Budget at Completion, and EV is the Earned Value. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 267]

Question 49: Your project data shows that, at some point in the time during
execution, the earned value (EV) was $10,000 and the actual cost (AC) was
$7,500. The cost variance (CV) at that point was:

a. There is insufficient data to make a determination

b. –$2,500
c. 1.333
d. $2,500

Correct Choice D
CV = EV – AC; CV = $10,000 – $7,500 = $2,500; when doing the calculations,
always start with EV; C) is the CPI.
Question 50: In the below table for a software development project, which task
has been completed?

a. Requirements
b. Development
c. Testing
d. Training

Task Requirements Design Development Testing Training

PV 200 500 850 400 150
AC 150 540 750 300 150
EV 200 490 250 200 100

Correct Choice A
For requirements, the SV = EV – PV = 200 – 200 = 0. Zero SV means that a task is

Question 51: You are the project manager on a construction project that is
50% complete. At this point, the CPI is 1.12. Total earned value to date is
$6,300,000, and the original budget was $12,600,000. What is the actual cost?

A. $6,300,000
B. $12,600,000
C. $7,056,000
D. $5,625,000
Correct Choice D
CPI = EV ÷ AC, so AC = EV ÷ CPI; if CPI = 1.12, then AC = $6,300,000 ÷ 1.12 =

Question 52: Of the four tools and techniques for the Control Costs process,
which one integrates cost and schedule information as a key element of its

A. Performance reviews
B. Forecasting
C. To-complete performance index
D. Earned value management

Correct Choice D
Earned value management integrates schedule and cost performance with the
baseline plan and actual costs.
Question 53: After the fifth month on her project, a project manager found that
the cumulative actual expenditures totaled $120,000. The planned
expenditures for this length of time were $100,000. The work completed to
date has been budgeted for $102,000. How is the project doing?

A. It is over budget and behind schedule

B. It is in trouble
C. It is over budget and ahead of schedule
D. It is under budget and ahead of schedule

Correct Choice C
EV = $102,000

PV = $100,000

AC = $120,000

CV = $102,000 – $120,000 = <$18,000>

SV = $102,000 – $100,000 = $2,000

Question 54:A project manager reassesses the estimate at completion for his
project. Calculating the EAC by adding the remaining project budget (modified
by a performance factor) to the actual cost to date is used most often when

A. Current variances are viewed as atypical ones

B. Original estimating assumptions are no longer reliable because conditions are changing
C. Current variances are viewed as typical of future variances
D. Original estimating assumptions are considered to be fundamentally flawed

Correct Choice C
Since the project manager is using a remaining budget modified by a performance
factor, he is assuming future work will reflect current performance.
Question 55: The value of work actually accomplished is also known as
A. Planned Value
B. Earned Value
C. Actual Cost
D. Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled (BCWS)
Correct Choice: B
Refer table 7-1, PMBOK Guide .

Also, please refer to PMBOK? Guide - Sixth Edition, page 267 (figure 7-1).

Question 56: You are the project manager for a project where your team must
travel to the work site by foot. The walk is 100 miles, and is the first task on
the project schedule. The total amount budgeted for this task is $4,000. If the
team is scheduled to walk 20 miles per day, they should reach the work site at
the end of day 5. At the end of the second day, you realize the team has only
traveled 30 miles, and you have spent $2,000. Based on this, what is the SPI
for your project, and the projected TCPI.
A. 0.8, 1.4
B. 0.75, 1.4
C. 0.75, 1.2
D. Cannot be determined with the given information
Correct Choice: B

BAC = $4,000
AC = $2,000
PV = $1,600 ($4,000 / 5 days = $800 / day x 2 days = $1,600)
EV = $1,200 ($4,000 / 100 = $40 / mile; 30 miles x $40 / mile)

SPI = EV/PV = $1,200 / $1,600 = 0.75 (or 30 miles / 40 miles = 0.75)

TCPI = (BAC - EV) / (BAC - AC) = ($4,000-$1,200) / ($4,000-2,000) = $2,800 /

$2,000 = 1.4
Question 57: In your project, you have reasons to believe that the current
variances occurred because of extraneous factors, and you do not expect
similar variances to occur in future. What should be the estimate at
completion (EAC) for your project? BAC = $300,000; AC = $100,000; EV =
$150,000; CPI = 1.5

A. $250,000
B. $220,000
C. $280,000
D. $200,000

Correct Choice: A
Since current variances are atypical, Estimate at Completion, EAC = AC + BAC - EV
= $100,000 + $300,000 - $150,000 = $250,000

Also refer to PMBOK? Guide - Sixth Edition, page 267 (table 7-1).

Question 58: Which of the following is an example of a chart, used on agile

projects, that tracks the work that remains to be completed in the iteration

A. Histogram
B. Control chart
C. Burndown chart
D. Scatter diagrams
Correct Choice C
An iteration burndown chart tracks the work that remains to be completed in the
iteration backlog. The rest of the choices quality management tools. [PMBOK 6th
edition, Page 226]

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