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Diesel fuel Six types of fuels used in today's Vehicles

Diesel fuel is used in the diesel engines found in most freight trucks, trains, buses, By Lee Morgan
boats, and farm and construction vehicles, and in some cars and small trucks. Diesel
fuel is also used in diesel engine generators to generate electricity, such as in remote Some fuels produce more pollutants than others.
villages in Alaska, among other locations around the word. Many industrial facilities, Today's vehicles run on a variety of fuels, some of which you probably aren't aware
large buildings, institutional facilities, hospitals, and electric utilities have diesel of. While it's true than the vast majority of vehicles run on gasoline, the technology to
generators for backup and emergency power supply. burn other fuels to meet our transportation needs does exist, with specific advantages
Diesel fuel is a type of distillate fuel. On average, about 12 gallons to 13 gallons of and disadvantages for each.
distillate are produced from each 42-gallon barrel of crude oil in U.S. refineries, with Gasoline
the majority sold as diesel fuel.
Gasoline or petrol is the most common fuel used in cars today. This specialized fossil
Before 2015, diesel fuel sold in the United States contained high quantities of sulfur. fuel is designed for four-stroke engines like the ones found in common cars. Gasoline
Sulfur in diesel fuel produces air pollution emissions that are harmful to human allows for quick starting, fast acceleration, easy combustion and quiet operation,
health. In 2006, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued requirements to according to the University of Michigan website on fossil fuels.
reduce the sulfur content of diesel fuel. The requirements phased in over time,
beginning with diesel fuel sold for vehicles used on roadways and eventually
covering all diesel fuel. Most of the diesel fuel now sold in the United States for use
The hydrocarbons contained in gasoline and its production of carbon dioxide when
in vehicles is ultra-low sulfur distillate/diesel, which has a sulfur content of 15 parts
burned contributes to pollution, smog and global warming. Although it is the most
per million or less.
readily available fuel, it is considered to be a temporary source of fuel because of its cost, environmental effects and limited resources.


Diesel fuel is widely used in transport vehicles such as tractor-trailer trucks, buses,
boats and trains. This fossil fuel is also non-renewable, like gasoline. Although it
contributes less carbon dioxide to the environment, diesel creates more organic
compounds and nitrous oxide that cause smog.
Energy Center website. CNG filling stations are in place is select areas in the country,
primarily in California.
Diesel vehicles tend to last longer than gasoline vehicles, and they have 30 percent
better fuel efficiency than the average gasoline vehicle, according to the Petrol Prices

Ethanol is a bio-fuel alternative to gasoline that's made from the conversion of sugar
Liquefied Petroleum cane, corn, barley and other natural products. Ethanol has become popular as a fuel
source because in most cases it's one of the only fuels that can fuel a gasoline engine
Liquefied petroleum, better known as propane, is a clean fuel alternative to gasoline without modifications. Many car models can run on 100 percent ethanol, but it is
that is used in common vehicles on a limited basis. You'll find hybrid cars in the more commonly used as an additive.
United Kingdom that have been designed to use propane, but generally the only way
to get a propane vehicle in the United States is to have a gas engine converted.

Some states have mandated the addition of ethanol to help cut down on the emissions
and contamination caused by pure gasoline components. E10, which is gasoline
Liquefied petroleum produces fewer toxins when burned and does not contribute to mixed with 10 percent ethanol, is available at most gas stations in America today.
smog in the same way that diesel and gasoline do. Propane is also less expensive than Some places use even higher concentrations.

Compressed Natural Gas
Bio-diesel is a diesel substitute made from sugar beet, rapeseed or palm oil.
Gas and diesel engines can be converted to run on compressed natural gas, or CNG. Individuals sometimes make this substance by collecting used oil from restaurant
CNG is a clear, odorless and non-corrosive gas that can be used in liquid or gas form fryers.
to run a combustion engine.

Bio-diesel burns much cleaner than standard gas or diesel and produces far less
Vehicles fitted with a CNG fuel system can be expected to produce 80 percent less carbon dioxide emissions when used. However, continued production of this
ozone-forming emissions than gasoline burning cars, according to the Consumer substance may result in excessive deforestation.
TYPES OF FUELS USED IN VEHICLES Diesel fuel is widely used in transport tractor-trailer trucks and buses. Some
advantages of diesel include:
August 7, 2017 1:59 pm Published by waspystruckstop

 Less Pollution – Although diesel fuel is non-renewable, the exhaust contains
Advantages of Gasoline
less carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, which contributes to smog and
 Quick Starting – Because it is highly-combustible, vehicles powered by pollution in the environment.
gasoline usually start up more quickly than other vehicles.  Higher Efficiency – Vehicles which use diesel fuel operate at 30% higher
 Fast Acceleration – Gasoline accelerates much better than other fuels. efficiency than gas-powered vehicles.
 Quiet Combustion and Operation – While the exhaust does contribute to  Longer Vehicle Life – Because they operate much cleaner, diesel vehicles
hydrocarbons in the atmosphere, it is highly-favored for its quiet combustion usually last longer than gasoline vehicles.
and operation, particularly desired in passenger vehicles. Off-Road Diesel
 Powerful Energy Source – Vehicles that run on gasoline or diesel can be run
24/7, without the need for recharging, and are able to travel longer and run Off-road diesel is used to power equipment and vehicles that do not operate on U.S.
faster than other sources of energy. highways and roads. It is used for the following purposes:

Disadvantages of Gasoline

Carbon Pollution – The primary problem with gasoline is the fact that the  Agriculture – Farmers use it to operate tractors, harvesters, and plows in their
hydrocarbons contained in gasoline produce carbon dioxide. This is known to fields.
contribute to pollution and global warming.  Construction – Construction companies use it to operate their off-road diesel
equipment such as backhoes, bulldozers, cranes, and forklifts.
Price Fluctuation – Because the price of gasoline is determined by supply and
 Transportation – Off-road diesel is often used in for marine vessels, some
demand and fluctuations in oil prices, there are frequent and sometimes wide
aircraft, and carnival rides.
variations in price. Waspy’s Truck Stop contacts its suppliers on a daily basis and has
 Residential – Sometimes off-road diesel is pumped into heating oil tanks and
a large tank capacity so that we can provide the lowest possible price of gasoline.
used to heat homes with an oil furnace.
Propane Fuel
Propane is also known as liquefied petroleum. While it is used in some hybrid cars in
Great Britain, it is only used in gas engine converted cars in the U.S.

Bio-diesel is a substitute for diesel fuel, which is often made from sugar beet,
 Less Pollution – Propane produces fewer toxic chemicals than gasoline and rapeseed or palm oil. Here are some advantages of using bio-diesel.
diesel and results in less smog and pollution.
 Less Pollution – Bio-diesel burns much cleaner and emits less carbon dioxide
 Cheaper than Gasoline – Usually propane in less expensive than diesel or
than diesel.
 Increased Recycling – Some people have made bio-diesel by recycling
Compressed Natural Gas leftover oil from restaurant deep fryers.
 One disadvantage of bio-diesel is that some scientists fear that growing crops
Either a gas or diesel engine can be converted to run on compressed natural gas, or
for bio-fuels will lead to deforestation. This increases the likelihood of forests
CNG. It can be used in liquid or gas form to run a combustion engine.
being cut down, and may compete with water and other natural resources for
growing food.

 Non-Corrosive – CNG is a clear, odorless and non-corrosive gas and causes

less wear on a combustion engine. Kerosene
 Least Pollution – Vehicles running on a CNG system produce 80% less
carbon emissions than those that burn gasoline. Kerosene is a combustible hydrocarbon liquid that is used as fuel in older lamps and
 Select Availability – Places to obtain CNG are very limited in the US and are heating units. It is in the C12 to C15 range of hydrocarbons created when crude oil is
located primarily in California. refined. It is often died blue to differentiate it from water. Although it cannot be
mixed with water, it can be mixed with petroleum solvents.
Ethanol is a bio-fuel alternative for gasoline. It is made by converting sugar cane,
corn, barley, and other natural products into fuel. While some cars can run on 100%
ethanol, most use an additive. Some states require the use of at least 10% ethanol in
gasoline (E10) in order to cut down gasoline carbon dioxide emissions. Ethanol is
available in a wide number of concentrations. The higher the concentration of ethanol
in fuel, the lower the carbon emissions.

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