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Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Southampton – SO17 1BJ, Southampton, UK

T +44 73 80406841 • B
• ORCID: 0000-0003-0220-2063

Research Interests
Galactic nuclei: dust structure & evolution, accretion & jet structure, spectral energy
distributions, gas kinematics & black hole masses
Infrared observations: high-spatial resolution, mid-infrared, ground-based meth-
ods, dust & PAH emission

2018–present Marie-Curie Fellow, Dep. of Physics & Astronomy, University of Southampton, UK.
2017–2018 Visiting Scientist, Dep. of Physics & Astronomy, University of Southampton, UK.
2014–2018 Fellow, Santiago/Paranal, European Southern Observatory, Chile.
2012–2014 Postdoctoral Researcher, Infrared group, Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie,
Supervisor: Prof. G. Weigelt.

2009–2012 PhD in Astrophysics (magna cum laude), Mid-infrared properties of local active
galactic nuclei, Institut für Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik (ITAP), Christian-
Albrechts-Universität (CAU) Kiel, Supervised by: Prof. W.J. Duschl.
2007–2008 Diploma in Astrophysics (corresponds to master’s degree), The Inner Region of
Accretion Disks around Black Holes, ITAP, CAU Kiel, Supervised by: Prof. W.J.

Granted Fellowships & Studentships

2018–2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, H2020, 793499, DUSTDEVILS.
2014–2018 ESO Fellowship, ESO, Santiago, Chile.
Jan.–Mar. 2011 DGDF Short Term Studentship, An Atlas of OH lines at R∼100000, ESO, Vitacura,
Santiago de Chile, Supervised by: Dr. Alain Smette & Dr. Jonathan Smoker.
2009– 2011 ESO Studentship, ESO, Santiago, Chile, Supervised by: Dr. Alain Smette.
Jul.–Sep. 2006 DESY Summer Student, ILC Group, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, Supervised by: Dr.
Jenny List.

Key achievements
2016–2019 Observational proof of dominance of polar dust emission in AGN on tens to hundreds
of parsec scale (Asmus et al. 2016, 2019)
2014-2016 Substantial role in recommissioning and operations training of the VLT imager and
spectrometer for the mid infrared (VISIR) at ESO, Chile
2012–2014 Creation of the largest SubArcSecond resolution Mid-InfraRed Atlas of Local
Active galactic nuclei (SASMIRALA;
sasmirala/q/cone/form; Asmus et al. 2014)
2009–present PI of 31 approved observing programmes on VLT/VLTI and Gemini (> 800 hours)

Major Collaborations
2016–present Circinus Multiwavelength Campaign with M. Stalevski, K. Tristram, L. Burtscher, M.
Kishimoto, D. Ilic & F. Vogt (2 refereed publications)
2016–present The BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey (BASS),
2016–present Galactic Activity, Torus and Outflow Survey (GATOS),
2008–present AGN High Angular Resolution Studies with S. Hönig, P. Gandhi & A. Smette (5 refer-
eed publications)

Teaching Experience
Sep. 2018 Lecturer at International School of Astrophysics on “The current and future observing
facilities: A guided Tour”
2018–present Lecturer at DISCnet school, Liphook, UK
2011–2012 Leading of exercise groups in mathematical methods of physics, under-grad

Student Supervision
2018–present Co-supervision of PhD student Claire Greenwell
2017–present Co-supervision of PhD student James Leftley

Invited talks & Conference Organisation

Mar. 2020 SOC member of ESO Workshop on thermal-IR Astronomy, Garching, Germany
Nov. 2018 Invited talk at “Lorentz Center Workshop: “The next Generation of Thermal-IR As-
tronomy”, Leiden, Netherlands
Jun. 2018 SOC member of conference: “Cosmic dust: origin, applications and implications”,
Copenhagen, Denmark
Feb. 2017 Invited talk at “Bilateral Workshop on AGN & Galaxies”, Kavli Institute, Beijing, China
Sep. 2015 Invited talk at conference “Torus 2015”, Winchester, UK

Other Scientific Responsibilities

2018–present TAC member for Subaru Observatory
2017–present Referee for the Astrophysical Journal (ApJ)
2016–present Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS)
2016 Reviewer for ALMA CONICYT applications, Chile
2015–2017 ESO Fellow representative in Chile
2014–2017 Organizer of the AGN research group Santiago.
2014–2017 VLT imager and spectrometer for the mid infrared (VISIR) instrument fellow
2013–2014 Co-organizer of the in-house lunch colloquium at MPIfR, Bonn
2010–2011 Organizer of the student meetings at ESO, Vitacura, Santiago de Chile.

Computer Skills
Data Handling Esorex/Reflex, Topcat, Aladin, DS9, Qfitsview, Matlab

Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Southampton – SO17 1BJ,

Southampton, UK
T +44 73 80406841 • B
Publication Statistics
All: Number: 54 — Citations: 846 — H-Index: 14
Refereed: Number: 26 — Citations: 806 — H-Index: 13
1st author, Number: 5 — Citations: 328

Refereed Publications
• D. Asmus, C.L. Greenwell, P. Gandhi, P.G. Boormann, et al.: “Local AGN Survey (LASr): I. Galaxy
sample, infrared colour selection and predictions for AGN within 100 Mpc", subm. Dec 2019 to MNRAS.
Online available:
• J.H. Leftley, S.F. Hönig, D. Asmus, et al.: “Parsec-scale Dusty Winds in Active Galactic Nuclei: Evi-
dence for Radiation Pressure Driving", ApJ, in press, 2019. Online available: https://ui.adsabs.
• D. Asmus: “New evidence for the ubiquity of prominent polar dust emission in AGN on tens of parsec
scales", MNRAS, 489, 2177, 2019. Online available:
• A. Mehner, W.J. de Wit, D. Asmus, et al.: “Mid-infrared evolution of η Car from 1968 to 2018", A&A,
630L, 6, 2019. Online available:
• J.A. Fernández-Ontiveros, N. López-Gonzaga, M.A. Prieto, J.A. Acosta-Pulido, E. Lopez-Rodriguez,
D. Asmus, K.R.W. Tristram: “A compact jet at the infrared heart of the prototypical low-luminosity AGN
in NGC 1052", MNRAS, 485, 5377, 2019. Online available:
• D. Jewitt, D. Asmus, B. Yang, L. Jing: “High-resolution Thermal Infrared Imaging of 3200 Phaethon",
AJ, 157, 193, 2019. Online available:
• M. Stalevski, K.R.W. Tristram, D. Asmus: “Dissecting the active galactic nucleus in Circinus - II. A
thin dusty disc and a polar outflow on parsec scales", MNRAS, 484, 3334, 2019. Online available:
• M. Stalevski, D. Asmus, K.R.W. Tristram: “Peculiar mid-infrared morphology of active galactic nucleus
in Circinus", PoBeo, 98, 203, 2018. Online available:
• J.H. Leftley, K.R.W. Tristram, S.F. Hönig, M. Kishimoto, D. Asmus, et al.:“New Evidence for the Dusty
Wind Model: Polar Dust and a Hot Core in the Type-1 Seyfert ESO 323-G77", ApJ, 862, 17, 2018.
Online available:
• A. Alonso-Herrero, M. Pereira-Santaella, S. García-Burillo, R.I. Davies, F. Combes, D. Asmus, et
al.:“Resolving the Nuclear Obscuring Disk in the Compton-thick Seyfert Galaxy NGC 5643 with ALMA ",
ApJ, 859, 144, 2018. Online available:
• M. Stalevski, D. Asmus, K.R.W. Tristram: “Dissecting the active galactic nucleus in Circinus – I. Pecu-
liar mid-IR morphology explained by a dusty hollow cone”, MNRAS, in press., 2017. Online available:
• C. Ricci, et al.:“BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey. V. X-Ray Properties of the Swift/BAT 70-month AGN
Catalog", ApJS, 233, 17, 2017. Online available:

Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Southampton – SO17 1BJ,

Southampton, UK
T +44 73 80406841 • B
• A. Mehner, D. Baade, J.H. Groh, T. Rivinius, F. J. Hambsch, E.S. Bartlett, D. Asmus, C. Agliozzo,
T. Szeifert, O. Stahl: “Spectroscopic and photometric oscillatory envelope variability during the S
Doradus outburst of the Luminous Blue Variable R71”, A&A, 608, 114, 2017. Online available:
• J.J. Jensen, S.F. Hönig, S. Rakshit, A. Alonso-Herrero, D. Asmus, P. Gandhi, M. Kishimoto, A. Smette,
K.R.W. Tristram: “PAH features within few hundred parsecs of active galactic nuclei”, MNRAS, 470, 307,
Sep. 2017. Online available:
• N. López-Gonzaga, D. Asmus, F..E. Bauer, K.R.W. Tristram, L. Burtscher, A. Marinucci, G. Matt,
F.A. Harrison: “NGC 1068: No change in the mid-IR torus structure despite X-ray variability”, A&A, 602,
78, Jun 2017. Online available:
• A. Annuar, D.M. Alexander, P. Gandhi, G.B. Lansbury, D. Asmus, et al.: “A New Compton-thick AGN in
our Cosmic Backyard: Unveiling the Buried Nucleus in NGC 1448 with NuSTAR”, ApJ, 836, 165, Feb
2017. Online available:
• C. Ricci, R. J. Assef, D. Stern, R. Nikutta, D.M. Alexander, D. Asmus, et al.: “NuSTAR observations of
WISE J1036+0449, a Galaxy at z∼ 1 obscured by hot dust”, ApJ, 835, 105, Jan 2017. Online available:
• D. Asmus, S.F. Hönig, P. Gandhi: “The subarcsecond mid-infrared view of local active galactic nuclei:
III. Polar dust emission”, ApJ, 822, 109, May 2016. Online available: http://adsabs.harvard.
• D. Asmus, P. Gandhi, S.F. Hönig, A. Smette, W.J. Duschl: “The subarcsecond mid-infrared view of
local active galactic nuclei: II. The mid-infrared-X-ray correlation”, MNRAS, 454, 766, Nov. 2015.
Online available:
• P. Gandhi, S. Yamada, C. Ricci, D. Asmus, R.F. Mushotzky, Y. Ueda, Y. Terashima, V. La Parola:“A
Compton thick AGN in the barred spiral NGC 4785”, MNRAS, 449, 1845, Feb. 2015. Online available:
• D. Asmus, S.F. Hönig, P. Gandhi, A. Smette, W.J. Duschl: “The subarcsecond mid-infrared view of
local active galactic nuclei: I. The N- and Q-band imaging atlas”, MNRAS, 439, 1648, Feb. 2014.
Online available:
• S.F. Hönig, P. Gandhi, D. Asmus, R.F. Mushotzky, R. Antonucci, Y. Ueda, K. Ichikawa: “What obscures
low-X-ray-scattering active galactic nuclei”, MNRAS, 438, 647, Feb. 2014. Online available: http:
• S.F. Hönig, M. Kishimoto, K. Tristram, A. Prieto, P. Gandhi, D. Asmus, S. Antonucci, L. Burtscher,
W. Duschl, G. Weigelt: “Dust in the Polar Region as a Major Contributor to the Infrared Emission of
Active Galactic Nuclei”, ApJ, 771, 87, July 2013. Online available: http://adsabs.harvard.
• A. Palau, I. de Gregorio-Monsalvo, Ò. Morata, D. Stamatellos, N. Huélamo, C. Eiroa, A. Bayo,
M. Morales-Calderón, H. Bouy, Á. Ribas, D. Asmus, D. Barrado: “A search for pre-substellar cores and
proto-brown dwarf candidates in Taurus: multiwavelength analysis in the B213-L1495 clouds”, MNRAS,
424, 2778, Aug. 2012. Online available:
• D. Asmus, P. Gandhi, A. Smette, S.F. Hönig, W.J. Duschl: “Mid-infrared properties of nearby low-
luminosity AGN at high angular resolution”, A&A, 536, 36, Sept. 2011. Online available: http:
• S.F. Hönig, M. Kishimoto, P. Gandhi, A. Smette, D. Asmus, W. Duschl, M. Polletta, and G. Weigelt:
“The dusty heart of nearby active galaxies. I. High-spatial resolution mid-IR spectro-photometry of
Seyfert galaxies”, A&A, 515, 23, June 2010. Online available:

Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Southampton – SO17 1BJ,

Southampton, UK
T +44 73 80406841 • B
• H. Baumgartner, D. Asmus, V. Golubnychiy, P. Ludwig, H. Kählert, M. Bonitz: “Ground states of fi-
nite spherical Yukawa crystals”, NJPh, 10, 3019, Sept. 2008. Online available: http://adsabs.

Selected non-refereed Publications

• D.M. Russell, C.M. Baglio, J. Bright, R. Fender, T. Al Qaissieh, A. Palado, A. Gabuya, D. Asmus, et
al.: “A bright mid-infrared excess in MAXI J1820+070", ATel, 11533, 2018. Online available: https:
• D. Muna, M. Alexander, A. Allen, R. Ashley, D. Asmus, et al.: “The Astropy Problem”, eprint
arXiv:1610.03159, Oct. 2016, Online available:
• F. Kerber, H. U. Käufl, K. R. W. Tristram, D. Asmus, et al.: “VISIR upgrade overview: all’s well that
ends well”, SPIE, 9908, Aug. 2016. Online available:
• M. E. van den Ancker, D. Asmus, C. Hummel, H. U. Käufl, F. Kerber, A. Smette, J. Taylor, K. R. W. Tris-
tram, J. Vinther, B. Wolff: “Investigating the effect of atmospheric turbulence on mid-IR data qual-
ity with VISIR”, SPIE, 9910, Jul. 2016. Online available:
• D. Asmus, S. F. Hönig, P. Gandhi: “The predominance of dust in the polar region of AGN”, Active
Galactic Nuclei: what’s in a name? Proceedings of a conference held 27 June - 1 July, 2016 in Garch-
ing. Online available:
• D. Asmus, M. van den Ancker, V. Ivanov, H. U. Käufl, F. Kerber, B. Leibundgut, A. Mehner, Y. Momany,
E. Pantin, K. R. W. Tristram: “Science Verification for the VISIR Upgrade”, The Messenger, 164, 14,
Jun. 2016. Online available:
• D. Asmus: “Do low-luminosity AGN differ? – The mid-infrared perspective”, Proc. TORUS2015, Uni-
versity of Southampton, Winchester, Sep. 2016. Online available: http://adsabs.harvard.
• H. U. Käufl, F. Kerber, D. Asmus, P. Baksai, N. Di Lieto, et al.: “The Return of the Mid-infrared to
the VLT: News from the VISIR Upgrade”, The Messenger, 159, 15, Mar. 2015. Online available:
• D. Asmus, S. F. Hönig, P. Gandhi, A. Smette, W. J. Duschl: “The sharpest view of the local AGN
population at mid-infrared wavelengths”, Multiwavelength AGN Surveys and Studies, Proceedings of
the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, 304, 225, Jul. 2014. Online available: http:
• D. Asmus, P. Gandhi, S. F. Hönig, A. Smette: “The largest mid-infrared atlas of active galactic nuclei
at sub-arcsecond spatial scales”, Torus Workshop, 2012, San Antonio, Dez. 2012. Online available:
• D. Asmus, S. Hoenig, P. Gandhi, A. Smette, “Nuclear mid-infrared properties of nearby low-luminosity
AGN,” JPhCS, 372, 2034, Jul. 2012. Online available:
• P. Gandhi, D. Asmus, S. Hoenig, A. Smette, “Resolved mid-IR emission as an isotropic probe in AGN
at high & low powers,” Aug. 2011, p. 209. Online available:
• D. Asmus and W. J. Duschl, “Where do Accretion Disks Around Black Holes End?” in Accretion and
Ejection in AGN: a Global View, ASPC, 427, 104, Oct. 2010. Online available: http://adsabs.
• M. Bonitz, D. Asmus, V. Golubnichiy, H. Baumgartner, and P. Ludwig, “Structural transitions in spherical
3D screened Coulomb crystals,” APS Meeting Abstracts, 8022P, Nov. 2007. Online available: http:

Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Southampton – SO17 1BJ,

Southampton, UK
T +44 73 80406841 • B

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