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1. Indus Valley Civilization was at its climax in about ___________.

a) 150+0 B.C. b) 2500 B.C. c) 1000 A.C.
2. Mohenjodaro was discovered by ___________.
a) Department of Archaeology
b) Department of History
c) Department of Mining
3. The widest street in Mohenjodaro is ___________ in widhth
a) 10 feet b) 25 feet c) 33 feet
4. The chief insignia of the Indus Valley Civilization was ___________.
a) Elephant b) Horse c) Bull
5. The home of the Arya was in .
a) China b) Centeral Asia c) Turkey
6. In caste system, Hindu Society was divided classes.
a) Three b) Four c) Five
7. The religion of the Vedic period was the wor hip of ___________.
a) Nature b) Fire c) Shiva
8. Buddha left his home at the age of years.
a) 29 b) 30 c) 40
9. Mahavira was born at .
a) Delhi b) Vaisa i c) Gaya
10. Alexander crossed the river in order to attach Porus.
a) Indus b) R vi c) Jhelum
11. The Prime Minister of Ch n gupta Mayrya was .
a) Chankya b) Bindusara c) Seleukos
12. The capital of Kanishka was at .
a) Lahore b) Pataliputra c) Peshawar
13. The Guptas Patro ized .
a) Budhism b) Jainism c) Hinduism
14. ___________ tried to murder Harsha.
a) Bralimans b) Rajputs c) Huns
d) D uble click left mouse button at My Computer icon.
15. The slip sent by the king Ceylon was plunderd at ___________.
a) Lahore b) Debal c) Makran
16. Sultan Mahmud invaded South Asia times.
a) 10 b) 17 c) 15
17. Sultan Mahmud conquered Somnath in the year ___________.
a) 1026 b) 1126 c) 1130
18. The second battle of Tarian was fought in the year ___________.
a) 1092 b) 1192 c) 1292
19. Muhammad Ghauri was murdered by a ___________.
a) Rajput b) Khokhar c) Hindu Raja
20. Iltutmish was awarded investiture by Khalifa of ___________.
a) Madinah b) Baghdad c) Turkey

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21. Razia Sultana was nominated as heir-apparent by ___________.
a) Aibak b) Iltutmish c) Balban
22. Nasiruddin Mahmud’s capable minister was ___________.
a) Qabacha b) Bakhtia c) Balban
23. Prince ___________ son of Balban was killed by the Mongols.
a) Muhammad b) Kai-Khusrau c) Kaiqubad
24. The Khiljis were ___________by race.
a) Turks b) Afghans c) Mughals
25. Alauddin’s first expedition to Devagiri took place in ___________.
a) 1294 b) 1394 c) 1494
26. Ghiasauddin Tughalaq dief of accident at
a) Jaunpur b) Afghanpur c) D lhi
27. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq ascended the throne in ___________.
a) 1320 b) 1225 c) 1350
28. Feroze shah constructed canal from the river .
a) Ganges b) Jamna c) Chenab
29. The city of Jaunpur was founded by .
a) Jauna Khan b) Feroze Tughlaq c) Amir Timur
30. Amir Timur invaded South Asia in the ye r .
a) 1298 b) 1398 c) 1498
31. The city of Agra was founded by .
a) Skiandar Lodhi b) Akbar c) Shahjahan
32. The city of Agra was foun ed by .
a) Bengal b) Sin h c) Deccan
33. The battle of Talikota w s fought in the year .
a) 1465 b) 1565 c) 1575
34. Hazrat Ali Hajveri was the author of .
a) Fawaid-ul-Fuad b) Kashful Mahjub c) Taj-ul-Massir
35. Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti came to South Asia in the days of
a) Mahmud b) Prithvi Raj c) Balban
36. Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya stayed at .
a) Delhi b) Ajmer c) Lahore
37. Shaihk Bahauddin Zakariyaa died in .
a) 1336 b) 1265 c) 1266
38. Albaruni wrote .
a) Kitab-ul-Hin b) Futuh-us-Salatain c) Tabaqat
39. Darul Ulum Ferozi was established at ___________.
a) Delhi b) Jaunpur c) Uch
40. Qutab Minar was built by ___________.
a) Aibak b) Alauddin c) Feroze Tughlaq
41. Aariz-i-Mumalik was incharge of ___________.
a) Finance Department b) Religious affairs c) Military Department
42. The duties of police department were performed by ___________.
a) Muhtasib b) Kotwal c) Sadr

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1 About 5000 years ago, the Indus valley was the centre of urban F
2 Mohenjodaro and Harappa do not belong to the same age. F
3 Hose was brought by the Aryans. T
4 Seals bearing figures of bull were used in business dealings. T
5 The Aryans knew the use of iron. T
6 Vedas are three in number. F
7 Truth flashed on the mind of Buddha under a banyan tree. T
8 The city of Taxila was the capital of Gandhara region. T
9 Asoka was converted to Jainism. T
10 The Kashatriyas were the trading people. F
11 When Muhammad Bin Qasim conquered Sindh, he was only 20 years F
12 Muhammad Bin Qasim was recalled by Hajjaj. F
13 Sultan Mahmud was aborn in 971 A.D. T
14 The temple of Somnath was in Bengal. F
15 Muhammad ghauri was the founder of Mu lim empire in South Asia. T
16 ‘LakhBakhsh’ was the tiutle of Iltutmish. F
17 Jalauddin of Khwarizm defeated Chingiz Kh n. F
18 Razia Sultana married Malik Altunia. T
19 Nasiruddin Mahmud earned his bread by copying verses from the Holy T
20 Balban used to laugh aloud in his ‘Darbar’. F
21 Feroz Khilji was a mild m n. T
22 Under Alaudin Khilji, the Deccan was conquered by Malik Kafur. T
23 Devagiri is situated in Ma wa. F
24 Wine-drinking was allowed by Alauddin Khilji. F
25 Mubarak Khilji as a successful rular. F
26 Muhammad Bin Tughlaq was a scholar. T
27 People accepted the token currency of Muhammad Bin Tughlaq. T
28 Feroze Tughlaq was a great warrior. F
29 Amir Timur conquered the whole of south Asia. F
30 Sikan ar Lo hi used to check market rates. F
31 Ten Sufi orders were introduced in South Asia. F
32 Hazrat Ali Hujveri was born at Ghazni. T
33 Baba Farid was disciple of Khwaja Bakhtiar Kaki. T
34 Sayyad Ghaus Gilani founded Suhrawardia order in South Asia. F
35 The original name of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar was Shaikh Usman. T
36 Qazi Minhaj Siraj wrote Futuh-us-Salatin. F
37 Amir Khusrau was a great musician. T
38 Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque was built by Feroze Tughlaq. T
39 The Vazir was incharge of military department. F
40 Zia Barni was the author of Tarikh-i-Feroze Shahi. T
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Town Planning Sewerage
Mohenjodaro Sindh
Punjab Harrappa
Durga Devi Hinduism
Seal Bull
Mahyana Gujjar Dynasty
Samudragupta Horse Sacrifice
Kanauj Harsha
Buddha Sarnath
Macedonia Alexander
Peshawar Kanishka
Kalinga Asoka
Brahmanabad Muhammad Bin Qasim
Sultan Mahmud Nagarkot
Bengal Bakhtiar Khalji
Fidausi Sh hn ma
Muhammad Ghauri Khokh r
Bhakkar Q b cha
Aibak Lakh Bakhsh
Prince Muhammad Mongol
Jalaluddin Khwarizm Iltutmish
Yaqut Razia Sultana
Malik Chhajju Feroz Khilji
Zafar Khan Mongol
Warangal Malik Kafur
Nagarkot Feroze Tughlaq
Khizar Khan Timur
Panipat Ibrahim Lodhi
Harihar Vijayanagar
Transfer of Capital Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
Hazrat Ali Hujveri Kashful Mahjub
1235 Khwaja Bakhtair Kaki
Pakpatan Baba Farid
Albiruni Kitab-ul-Hind
Fa aid-ul-Faud Amir Hasan Dihlivi
Aalim Andpati Fatawa Tatar Khan
Hauz Shamsi Iltutmish
Wakil-i-Dar Royal Household
Muhtasib Morals
Sultan Abbasid Caliph

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