7th Class History Notes Chapter Wise Objectives

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1 During Babur’s era ___________ was a strong Rajput ruler. Rana Sanga
2 Battle of Chaunsa was fought in ___________. 1528
3 Humayun got help from ___________ to regain his rule. Shah
Tash asp
4 Islam Shah ruled from ___________ to ___________. 1545, 1554
5 Nur Jahan’s real name was ___________. Mehr-un-Nisa
6 Taj Mahal was built in ___________. Agra
7 Two known scholars of Shahjahan’s time were and Hameed
___________. Lahori, Inayat
8 Aurangzeb was also known as . Alamgir
9 Aurangzeb died in in 1707. Ahmad nagar
10 Akbarnamah and Ain-i-Akbari were written by . Abu Fazal
11 Abdul Hamid Lahori wrote . Pashahnamah
12 The chief justice was known as the . Qazi-ul-
13 Chief of province who was called Sip h S l r or Nazim was Subedar
14 The blind bard of Agra, who wrote numerous verses in Brij Bhasa Surdas
was also known as .
15 After the war of successi n, the victor among sons Three
was Bahadur Shah.
16 Farrukhsiyar was dep sed by who placed on the Saiyed
throne Rafiul-Darajat. brothers
17 Jahandar Shah’s all-po erful minister was . Zulfiqar Khan
18 After Mir Jaffar came as Subehdar of the Bengal. Mir Qasim
19 Tipu Sultan as b rn in AD. 1750
20 Ahmed shah Abdali was invited by to save Muslims Shah wali
from the Marhattas. Ullah
21 The head of Marathas is called . Peshwa
22 Under the Doctrine of the princes were denied the Feroz Shah
long-cherished right of adoption.
23 Syed Ahmed Shaheed was born in ___________. 29
24 The English agreed to help Raghunath Rao under Treaty of Surat
___________ in March7,1775.

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1. Indo Pak subcontinent was ruled by ___________ since 712 AD.

a) Indians b) Hindus
c) Muslims d) Afghans
2. Babar conquered India in.
a) 1526 b) 1528
c) 1530 d) 1536
3. After victory of ___________ against Humayn, Sher Shah became
emperor of India.
a) Chaunsa b) Panipat
c) Kanwaha d) Qandhar
4. Sher shah was succeeded by in 1545.
a) Kamran b) Islam Shah
c) Askari d) Hindal
5. The smallest administrative unit under Sher Shah was ___________.
a) Sarkar b) Subah
c) Pargana d) Teh il
6. Akbar was the grandson of .
a) Humayun b) J h ngir
c) Babar d) Sh h Jahan
7. Akbar completed his new city Fateh Pur Sikri in ___________.
a) 1548 b) 1538
c) 1568 ) 1578
8. Jahangir’s tomb is in .
a) Delhi b) Lahore
c) Multan d) Ahmad Nagar
9. Moti Masjid was bui t by .
a) Akbar b) Jahangir
c) Hamayun d) Shah jahan
10. Sivaji Contributed towards the rise of .
a) Marhattas b) Todarmal
c) Bairam Khan d) Sultan Sikandar Adil
11. Surwar iyah Silsilla was founded by .
a) Sheikh Abdul Qadir(RA)
b) Bahuddin Naqishband(RA)
c) Sheikh Bahauddin Zikariya(RA)
d) Data Gang Bukhsh(RA)
12. Sheikh Ahmed Sirhandi was commonly known as ___________.
a) Imam b) Sufi-e-Sain
c) Mujaddaid Alif-e-sani d) Hakeem-ul-Ummat
13. Aine-e-Akbari was written by ___________.
a) Abdul Fazal b) Khafi Khan
c) Bairam Khan d) Akbar
14. Hamayun Nama was written by ___________.
a) Nur Jahan b) Gulbadan Begum
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c) Mumtaz Mehal d) Humayoun
15. After the emperor ___________ was most powerful office holder.
a) Wazir b) Diwan-i-Ala
c) Chief Sardar d) Kotwal
16. Bahadur Shah faced numerous ____________ during his reign.
a) Problems b) Wars
c) Sikhs d) Marhattas

17. Jahandar Shah raised ___________ to the status of queen

a) Nur Jahan b) Mumtaz Mahal
c) Lal Kunwar d) Razi Sultana
18. The grandson of Bahadur Shah was
a) Farrukhsiyar b) Jahangir
c) Akbar d) Hamayun
19. In ___________ Kalhoras were descendants f family of pirs.
a) Sindh b) Delhi
c) Punjab d) Hyderabad
20. Nawab Siraj-ud-Daula of in Pla ey in 1757.
a) Delhi b) Bengal
c) Lahore d) Hyderabad
21. Ahmad Shah Abdali was a King of:
a) Iran b) India
c) Uzbekistan ) Afghanistan
22. Ahmad Shah is famous in the In ian history because he:
a) was king of India b) invaded India five times
c) was born in India d) was friend of Shah Wali Ullah
23. Whose death made the c nquest of India easier to British.
a) Bahadur Shah Zafar b) Shah Wali Ullah
c) Syed Ahmad d) Tipu Sultan
24. Ranjeet Singh as Ki g of:
a) Panjab b) Kabul
c) KPK d) Dehli

1 Babur’s father was Umar Sheikh Mirza. F
2 Babur had five sons F
3 Sher Shah was a bad ruler. F
4 Shah tahmasp helped SherShah to fight against Humayun F
5 Humayun was never able to reconquer his lost empire. F
6 Akbar was 13 years old when he ascended the throne. T
7 Infallibility decree was issued by Jahangir. F
8 Tuzk-e-Jahangir was written by Aurangzeb. F
9 Akbar moved capital from Agra to Delhi. F
10 Taj Mahal is known as one of the “Seven Wonders of the Wolrd”. T
11 Shufi organized themselves into Silsilas and established Khanqas. T
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12 Bhakti movement was a Hindu religious movement. T
13 Sikhism was founded on teachings of Guru Nanak Dev. T
14 Mughals did not patronize education under their rules. T
15 Jahangir built Akbar’s tomb in Sikandara. T
16 Bahadur Shah’s reign lasted less than five years. F
17 Saiyid Brothers were known as Kingmakers. T
18 Tuzk-e-Jahangiri was written by Aurangzeb. F
19 Rafi-ud-Darajat was the 6 Mughal emeror F
20 Founder of Oudh was saardar Khan. T
21 Aziz-ud-Din was the second son of Jahandar Shah. F
22 Ahmad Shah Abdali attacked India on the request of Shah Wali Ullah in T
23 Myusore was a real Thorn in the eyes of British. T
24 Syed Ahmad met Shahdat at Peshawar. F
25 The battle of Buxar was fought between British a d the triple alliance of T
Nawab Mir Qasim, Emperor Shah Alam 11 a d Shuja-ud-Daula.
26 Lord Wellesley became the Governor General of I dia in 1777. F

Panipat 1526
Rana Sangha Rajput leader
Ibrahim Lodhi Sultan of Delhi
Sher Shah 1540
Humayun Hamida Bano
Shahjahan Golden Age
Din-i-illehai Akbar
Takht-e-Taus Peacock Throne
Mariam Zamani Jahangir
Nur Jahan Taj Mahal
Raja ManSingh Poet
Nizamiya System of education Malik Nizamuddin Farhang
Biju Ba ra Musician
Sovereign head Emperor
Di an-i-Ala Finance minister
Nazam ul Mulk Hyderabad
Agha Shah Muammd Multan
Murshid Quli Khan Bengal
Voyager Vasco da Gama
Lord Clive Batle of plassey

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