English III 90121 Act. 2: Writing Assignment

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English III 90121

Act. 2 : Writing Assignment

Presented by


Código :1118815359



Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

CEAD Puerto Colombia
Activities to develop

Part 1: After checking the Unit 1 Topic 2: Modal Verbs, write 1

sentence using each one of the modal verbs regarding your duties and
rights at home: can – could – may - must - should - ought to – have
to – need to- had better - would.

 I must make my bed every day.


 I should buy a car. (Yo deberia comprar un libro)

 You must eat your breakfast. (Tú debes comer tu desayuno)
 He may read that book.( Él podría leer ese libro)
 We can study tomorrow. (deberíamos estudiar mañana)
 You would dance with Maria. (Deberías bailar con Maria)
 Yesterday you could go with her.( Ayer tu pudiste ir con ella)
 Helen ought to be more careful. (Helen debería tener más cuidado.)
 I have to buy a house. (tengo que comprar una casa)
 I need to go to the bathroom (Necesito ir al baño)
 You had better see a doctor. (Es mejor que veas a un doctor)

Part 2: According to the topic Past Progressive (Unit 1: Topic 3), each
student must write 5 things you were doing a few hours ago and 5
things you were not:

Example: I was visiting my parents two hours ago.

I was not watching my favorite TV show


5 things you were not:

1. I wasn’t fixing the machine. (Yo no estaba arreglando la máquina)

2. I wasn’t watching my favorite Movie.(Yo no estaba viendo mi pelicula favorita)
3. I wasn’t having my dance lesson. (Yo no estaba tomando mi lección de baile)
4. I wasn’t eating my favorite pizza(Yo no estaba comiendo mi pizza favorita).
5. I wasn’t singing my favorite song (yo no estaba cantando mi cancion favorita)

5 things you were doing a few hours ago:

1. I was working (Yo estaba trabajando)

2. I was eating(Yo estaba comiendo)
3. I was speaking with my mom (Yo estab hablando con mi mama)
4. I was waving to the neighbor (Yo estaba saludando a la vecina)
5. I was walking in the park ( Yo estaba caminando en el parque)

Part 3: Write a text about how you imagine your city in fifty years.
Use at least two pictures related to your text. You should write four

Example: Ibague will have a modern public service of flying buses.

 Paragraph 1: Introduction
 Paragraph 2: Public transport
 Paragraph 3: Health services
 Paragraph 4: Economy

Each paragraph must have minimum four (4) sentences and

maximum six (6) sentences. It must have a title, from 230 words to
250 and it is necessary to use and highlight the following topics:
 Modal verbs
 Future
 Phrasal verbs

Paragraph 1. Introduction

Hello my name is ANYERINA and I currently live

in SOLEDAD a city located in the department of
Atlántico in Colombia and below is described as
I think it will be my city in 50 years

Paragraph 2: Public transport

On the subject of transport, my city will develop important

Projects like the light rail that will generate a great
Infrastructure, mobility and urban growth impact ADD UP TO
of more than 90 percent of coverage.

Paragraph 3: Health services

In the subject of Health, my city in these next 50 years will develop many projects for the welfare of
the community such as the construction of the Juan Domínguez Romero II hospital and the renovation
of the current care center, the six Child Development Centers and the execution of a Security plan for
this population.

Paragraph 4: Economy

In order to promote the development of Soledad and decent living conditions for its inhabitants, the
Mayor's Office presented the draft agreement to the City Council to establish a policy of labor,
employment and income generation for the municipality.
The initiative will defend skilled and unskilled labor, especially in the areas of influence of companies
and infrastructure works contracted by the municipal administration, for which it establishes that
companies based in Soledad, and contractors, will have to count for a minimum of 30% of the
workforce or the personnel that you hire for its operation and for the execution of works.

Part 4: Students must comment about two partners’ contributions

and make corrections if necessary.


Activity 2 - Unit 1 and 2: Writing Assignment

by ROSANA CARRENO - Friday, July 12, 2019, 11:03 AM

Buenos días estimada tutora y compañeros,

a continuación les comparto el desarrollo de la actividad 1 y 2.

ACTIVITY 1 Modal verbs

Write 1 sentence using each of the modal verbs regarding their duties and rights at

I can get up later on Saturdays. Yo puedo levantarme más tarde los sábados.
I can not eat in bed, because it gets dirty. No puedo comer en la cama, porque se

I must leave the kitchen clean before going to sleep. Debo dejar la cocina limpia
antes de irme a dormir.

I can go to the Gym every day. Puedo ir al Gym todos los días

I must take the girl to school. Debo llevar a la niña al colegio.

I should go to the park tomorrow with my daughter. Debería ir mañana al parque

con mi hija.

I must have lunch served at 1 pm. Debo tener el almuerzo servido a la 1 pm.

I could make a pineapple juice instead of a soda. Podría preparar un jugo de piña en
vez de gaseosa.

I can not take milk. Yo no puedo tomar lacteos.

I should drive more carefully, Debería conducir con más cuidado.

ACTIVITY 2 According to the theme Progress Past (Unit 1: Topic


5 Things I was doing a few hours ago.

I went to the gym at 5 am. Fui al gym a las 5 am.

I changed my daughter to take her to the garden. Cambié a mi hija para llevarla al

I took my daughter to the garden. Llevé a mi hija al jardín.

Take my pet to do your needs . Lleve a mi mascota a hacer sus necesidades

I had breakfast with my husband. Desayuné con mi esposo.

5 Things I was not doing a few hours ago.

1. I did not sleep late. No dormí hasta tarde.
2. I was not connected to the internet. No estaba conectada al internet.
3. I did not see the 7am news. No ví el noticiero de las 7am
4. I was not visiting my brothers. No estaba visitando a mis hermanos.
5. It was not to the pool. No estaba en la piscina.

Quedo atenta a sugerencias, gracias


Rosana Carreño

Re: Activity 2 - Unit 1 and 2: Writing Assignment

by ROSANA CARRENO - Monday, July 15, 2019, 12:53 PM

Buenas tardes estimada tutora y compañeros,

a continuación les comparto el desarrollo de la actividad # 3. Adjunto archivo con el

texto y sus imágenes.

Paragraph 1. Introduction

When I was younger I could move faster in the city, the weather was better, now we
must drive slowly because there are many traffic jams.

In the present work I will propose an idea of future mobility, which can be a solution
to this situation.

Paragraph 2 public transport

The City of Barranquilla will have a public subway train service.

It is necessary to make the investment because the City continues to grow and
transportation is not enough, we are about to collapse.
This system of ferreous transport, must be an effective and economic for the
citizenship, it can be a good option to improve the living conditions of the

Paragraph 3. Health services.

Health services will improve with the entry of this mobility system.

I do not agree with the fact that many ambulances can not reach the clinic in time
for traffic, it will be an efficient project for all, it will not be successful if we do not
contribute ideas as young citizens.

Paragraph 4 Economy

We may have to pay an additional fee, but it will be necessary to improve the
mobility and economy of young people, their access will be more comfortable, we
must not forget that we must think of a stable future for all of us.


Rosana Carreño

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