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Video Project Rubric

1. Project must adhere to all contest rules listed.

2. Project must be viewable in a standard web browser.
3. Project must be posted on the Internet and viewable on an HISD
computer. The url must be provided. If the project cannot be fully
executed from the Internet, then the project will not be judged.
4. The full names of students, phone numbers, and addresses may not be
listed in the project.
5. All graphic files or other content belonging to any other source, other
than the individual or team members, must be properly documented.
6. Students may use any software or equipment to create the project.
7. The project must not exceed 3 minutes in length.
8. No script is required.
9. Project should include “live action”.

Judging Criteria

1. Project must be appropriate for school and public presentations.

2. Entries will be judged on the following rubric based on:

Subject knowledge
Graphical design

More weight is given to the categories of graphical design and

subject knowledge.
Video Project Rubric
0-1.5 2.0-4.5 5.0-8.5 9-10 Total
Organization of Shows little or no Some logical The sequence of Logical, intuitive and
Content organization of the sequence of scenes scenes and is interesting sequence of
(10 points) content. and action is evident logical. Storyline is scenes and action. Clear
but is not easy to evident in much of beginning, middle, and end.
follow. the content.
0-4.5 5.0-9.5 10.0-16.0 16.5-20
Originality The work is a The work is an While based on an The product shows
(20 points) minimal collection extensive collection extensive collection significant evidence of
or rehash of other and rehash of other of other people’s originality and inventiveness.
people’s ideas, people’s ideas, ideas, products, The majority of the content
products, images products, images images and and many of the ideas are
and inventions. No and inventions. inventions, the work fresh, original, and inventive.
evidence of new There is little extends beyond that
thought. evidence of new collection to offer
thought or new insights.
0-1.5 2-4.5 5-8.5 9-10
Copyright and Sources have not Some sources have Most sources are All sources are properly cited
Documentation been properly cited not been properly properly cited according to MLA style;
(10 points) and permissions cited and all Permissions to use any
have not been permissions have not graphics from commercial
received. been received. web pages on other sources
have been received, printed,
and saved for future
0-9.5 10-19.5 20-30 30.5-40
Subject Subject knowledge Some subject Subject knowledge is Subject knowledge is evident
Knowledge is not evident. knowledge is evident in much of throughout (more than
(relevance to a Information is evident. Some the product. required). All information is
book or books confusing, incorrect information is Information is clear, clear, appropriate, and
from the Name or flawed. confusing, incorrect appropriate, and correct.
That Book List) or flawed. correct.
(40 points)
0-4.5 5.0-9.5 10.0-16.0 16.5-20
Graphical Most shots are Better use of More variation in Many different takes, camera
Design taken from one camera angles, takes, camera angles, sound effects, and
(20 points) camera angle and angles, sound careful use of zoom provided
the zoom was not
sound effects, and effects, and careful more variety. Focus was
well used. Poor more careful use of use of zoom excellent throughout and
quality audio and zoom. Better audio provided more audio quality was loud and
video components. and video quality. variety. Good audio clear at all times.
and video quality
throughout the

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