Structural Design of An Adaptive Wing TR PDF

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Structural Design of an Adaptive Wing Trailing Edge for

Enhanced Cruise Performance

R. Pecoraa1, A. Conciliob2, I. Diminob3, F. Amorosoa4, M. Ciminellob5
University of Naples “Federico II”
Via Claudio, 21 -80125- Napoli (NA), ITALY
CIRA – The Italian Aerosace Research Center
Via Maiorise -84081- Capua (CE), ITALY

Aircraft wings are usually optimized for a specific design point. However, since they
operate in a wide variety of flight regimes, some of these have conflicting impacts on aircraft
design process, as a single configuration may be efficient in one instance but perform poorly
in others. In principle, stiff, hardly deformable aircraft structures preclude any adaptation
to changing conditions. Alternatively, morphing wings could provide adaptive capabilities to
maximize aircraft performance in any flight operation.
Inside SARISTU, specific research activities were carried out on the technological
development of an Adaptive Trailing Edge Device (ATED) implementing airfoil camber
morphing for the maximization of the wing aerodynamic performance during cruise, with
the ultimate goal to reduce fuel consumption. Wing shape is changed to compensate weight
losses following fuel burning, to keep L/D ratio (or simply drag, D) to its optimal value.
ATED camber adaptations are predicted to lead to significant benefits in fuel consumption,
estimated from 3 to 5%, depending on a number of initial and boundary conditions.
This paper is focused on the design process adopted for the definition and verification of
ATED primary structure; fast and reliable elementary methods combined with rational
design criteria and advanced FE analyses were adopted to assess the architectural concept
and the embedded actuation mechanisms. Structural design was carried out in compliance
with the very demanding requirements posed by the implementation of the device on large
Aeroplanes (EASA CS25 category).

A/C = Aircraft = Morphing angle
ATED = Adaptive Trailing Edge Device max = Maximum Von Mises stress
Cp = pressure coefficient tU
= Material ultimate strength
DOF(s) = Degree(s) of Freedom (failure in tension)
FBG = Fiber Bragg Grating tY
= Material yield strength (in tension)
FE(M/A) = Finite Element (Model/Analysis)
GRS = Global reference system
LL = Limit Load
MAC = Mean Aerodynamic Chord
Si,j = Consecutive cross sections of ATED device
SM = Safety Margin
UL = Ultimate Load

Senior Researcher, Ph.D., Industrial Engineering Department – Aerospace Division,
Senior Researcher, Ph.D., Smart Structures Department (Head),
Senior Researcher, Ph.D., Smart Structures Department,
Senior Researcher, Ph.D., Industrial Engineering Department – Aerospace Division,
Senior Researcher, Ph.D., Smart Structures Department,

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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