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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information contact:

July 29, 2019 Jan Jarrett

717-697-2111 (o)
717-503-1647 (c)


Groups requested Rep. Perry move his town hall to larger venue
to accommodate interested citizens

WHERE: Hummelstown Fire Company, 249-251 East Main Street, Hummelstown

WHEN: 5:00 p.m.
VISUALS: Signs featuring questions attendees want to ask the Congressman, signs with zip
codes to identify attendees as constituents

July 29, 2019 (Camp Hill). Indivisible groups from across the 10 Congressional District today

announced plans to hold a peaceful “Hear Our Voices” protest at Rep. Scott Perry’s July 30
town hall meeting at the Hummelstown Fire Hall. The protest is prompted after Perry’s failure
to move his town hall to another venue as requested when large numbers of constituents were
unable to register for tickets even though they responded within 30 minutes of receiving the
meeting notice. Many added their names to the wait list, but in addition, we believe a peaceful
demonstration is the only way to hold Perry accountable for his positions as our Congressman.

“We have waited more than two years for Perry to hold another town hall meeting,” said
Marlene Kanuck, president of Hershey Indivisible Team. “More than 500 people attended his
last one in March 2017 so we expected he would offer a larger venue, like a school auditorium.
Using the Hummelstown Fire Company, which can hold only 200, seems like an effort to limit
the voices of constituents.”

“As our Congressman, Rep. Perry is accountable to us for his votes in Congress,” said Marta
Peck, co-founder of Indivisible YORK. “Among a great many questions we have are these: why
does he support taking health care insurance away from tens of thousands of his constituents
and won’t protect those with pre-existing conditions; why he failed to protect our democracy
from Russian interference in our elections; and why he voted against raising the minimum wage
so thousands of working families in his district could afford both rent and food. I don’t know
who Rep. Perry thinks he’s representing in Washington. It sure isn’t the voters in the 10 .”

“Rep. Perry now says he plans many more small town halls to hear from constituents, so we
urge him today to announce his town hall schedule for the remainder of the year,” said Susan
Roller, a member of Capital Region Indivisible’s leadership team. “We know he can do that
because there is the entire month of August as well as three more recess periods this year, and
Congress has published its 2019 schedule, giving him many opportunities to schedule them.
This will prove Rep. Perry is truly interested in hearing from more, not fewer, of his


Indivisible groups are all-volunteer citizen engagement groups dedicated to civic education and participation,
and share true American values of justice, fairness, equality, opportunity, and compassion.

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