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Book Review

Title : Solusi Hidup Ajaib ala Rasulullah

Writer : Lutfil Kirom Az-Zumaro
Publisher/Edition/Year : SABIL/1/2012
Number of Page : 202
Best Quote in the Book : “Siapa saja yang mampu meredam amarah,
padahal ia mampu untuk
melampiaskannya, maka Allah menyeru di
hadapan semua makhluk pada hari kiamat
nanti, sehingga ia bebas memiliki bidadari
mana yang dia suka. (HR. Abu Daud dan
Tirmidzi )” (Page 35)
Solusi Hidup Ajaib ala Rasulullah SAW is a book
that describes how the Prophet Muhammad acts in daily
activites according Quran, Sunnah, and Hadith that
authentically understood by companions of the Prophet.
This book is the first edition that sir Lutfil have written,
with 202 pages that will give us useful information for our
Solusi Hidup Ajaib ala Rasulullah SAW is very recommended book for
every Moslem, because according to Michael Hart, Prophet Muhammad is the most
influential person in the world. Prophet have a great balance in religion things and
world things, which is lead him to became a succesful person. Of course we wanted
to be success in the world and in the hereafter like him that’s why this book is very
This book affected me in many ways, like example, i learned that Prophet
Muhammad can easily forgiving people. He always hold his anger because anger can
only brings problem and destruction. Prophet also told us to put honesty before
everything and he never hesitate to make a decision. I’am still practicing his
behaviour in my daily activities, and i will become succesful moslem like him too
What makes this book better than the other book is because this book helped
me to learn the behaviour of Prophet Muhammad. In this book we will learn the
Prophet Muhammad’s behaviour in difference scopes such as in self-improvement
scope, leadership scope, menage scope, sociality scope, and business world scope.
And this book has little box in almost every page that consists of main idea,
summary, and hadith in the paragraph.
I think there are no weakness in this book, because this book well-written by
the writer. Good job Sir Lutfil Kirom Az-Zumaro.
Overall this book easy to read and easy to understand. Really nice book.

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