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1.An examination wherein an informal interview of the subject is undertaken between 20 to 30 minutes.
a. Post test interrogation c. Actual interrogation
b. Pre test interview d. Lie detection test

2. Which among the following is not a required qualification for a polygraph examiner.
a. Criminology graduate c. Technical know how
b. Honesty d. Integrity and morals

3. Which among the foregoing is not in the conduct of a polygraph examination?

a. Pre-test interview c. Post-test interview
b..Intrumental test d. Psychological test

4. Which among the following is not included in recording the psycho physiological response of the subject.
a. Use of water therapy c. WAT/Word Association Test
b. PSE/ Psychological Stress Evaluator d. Polygraph machine

5. A person who is capable of detecting deception with the use of instrumentation or mechanical device.
a. Interrogator c. Medico –legal officer
b. Detective d. Polygraph examiner

6. Which among the following statement is not among the limitations of the Polygraph?
a. It is only as accurate as the examiner is competent. c. It is an aid and not a substitute for investigation
b. It is admissible as evidence d. It is a scientific diagnostic instrument which records

7. An invaluable aid in investigation, it refers to the instrumentation in the detection of crime or a scientific police method.
a. Photography c. Lie detection
b. Chemistry d. Medicine

8. Questions in connection the matter under investigation.

a. Relevant c. Control
b. Supplementary d. Irrelevant

9. Refers to query having no bearing or weight to the case under investigation.

a. Relevant c. Control
b. Supplementary d. Irrelevant

10. A test usually administered as part of the standard test to draw a better conclusion.
a. Relevant c. Control
b. Supplementary d. Irrelevant

11. This measures, detects and graphically displays voice modulation.

a. Word association test c. Truth serum
b. Psychological stress evaluator d. Water therapy

12. In this examination stimulus and non- stimulus words are read to the subject who in turn is instructed to answer as quickly as
a. Words association test c. Truth serum
b. Psychological stress evaluation d. Water

13. A test conducted wherein the subject is instructed not to produce verbal response.
a. Peak of tension c. Narrative
b. Silent answer d. Guild complex
14. Using the psychological stress evaluator, a lying subject or when a person is under stress, the frequencies.
a. Tends to disappear c. Increases
b. Rises d. Stops

15. This test is not concerned with the answer whether it be yes or no, what is relevant is the time of response in relation to delay
the answer.
a. Word association test c. Truth serum
b. Psychological stress evaluator d. Water therapy

16. A test undertaken when the subject is not aware of the detail of the offense for which he is under scrutiny.
a. Guilt complex c. Peak of tension
b. Silent answer d. Narrative

17. When response and control questions are consistently similar this is administered.
a. Guilt complex c. Peak of tension
b. Silent answer d. Narrative

18. This test uses hyoscine hydrobromide drug administered hypedermically which produces a state of delirium.
a. Hypnotism c. Narco- synthesis
b. Narco- analysis d. Administration of truth serum

19. It is based on the maxim “ in vino vertas “, meaning in wine there is truth.
a. Hypnotism c. Intoxication with the use of alcoholic beverage
b. Narco –analysis d. Administration of truth serum

20. In this examination, psychiatric sodium penthotal is administered.

a. Hypnotism c. Intoxication with the use of alcoholic beverage
b. Narco- analysis d.Administration of truth serum

21. Most common and scientific method of detecting deception.

a. Polygraphy c. Truth serum
b. Polygraph d. Interrogation

22. Devised an instrument capable of continuously recording pulse rate, respiration and blood pressure.
a. William Marston c. John Larson
b. Angelo Mosso d. Sticker

23. Psychological response to any demand.

a. Reaction c. Pressure
b. Stress d. All of the above

24. For male subjects, what is the amount of air pressure is to be utilized in the system on cardio or vent.
a. 30 mm c. 90 mm.
b. 60 mm d. 120 mm

25. A subject must have at least how many hours of sleep considered fit for polygraph examination.
a. 5. c. 7
b. 6 d. 8

26. Type of question related to subject is answerable by NO.

a. Relevant question c. General question
b. Irrelevant question d. Immaterial question

27. A question know to the subject and is answerable by YES.

a. Relevant question c. General question
b. Irrelevant question d. Immaterial question

28. An act of discovery, indicative of the fact that something is hidden or obscure.
a. Fear c. Detection
b. Deception d. Reaction

29. An inhibition of a previous activity of an effector organ or organism as a result of stimulation.

a. Response c. Stimuli
b. Reaction d. Fear

30. Refers to an emotional response to a specific danger, which appears to go beyond a person’s defensive power.
a. Response c. Stimuli
b. Reaction d. Fear

31. This component drives the chart paper under the recording pen simultaneously at the rate of 6 to 12 inches per minute.
a. Cadiosphygmograph c. Galvanograph
b. Sphygmomanometer d. Pneumograph

32. Part of the galvanograph attached to the left fingers of the subject.
a. Finger electrode plate c. Rubber convoluted tube
b. Diacritic notch d. Keymography

33. This component record changes of the subject’s blood pressure and pulse rate.
a. Cardiospygmograph c. Galvanograph
b. Sphygmomanometer d. Pneumograph

34. It records the subject’s skin resistance to a small amount of electrictcity.

a. Cardisphygmograph c. Galvanograph
b. Sphygmomanometer d. Pneumograph

35. This component records the changes in the breathing of the subject
a. Cardisphygmograph c. Galvanograph
b. Sphygmomanometer d. Pneumograph

36.Kind of lie wherein a person assumes another identity to deceive others.

a. Black lie c. Red lie
b. White lie d. Yellow

37. Deviation from normal tracing of the subject in the relevant question.
a. Reaction c. Specific response
b. Normal response d. Positive response

38. Chart tracing of subject when irrelevant questions were answered.

a. Reaction c. Specific response
b. Normal response d. Positive response

39. Normal time interval for pre test interview .

a. 20 to 30 minutes c. 60 to 90 minutes
b. 30 to 60 minutes d. 90 to 120 minutes

40. The primary objective of post test interview.

a. To thank the subject c. To make the subject calm
b. To obtain confession d. To explain polygraph test procedures.

41. The purpose of pretest interview.

a. To prepare subject for polygraph test c.To make the subject calm
b. To obtain confession d. To explain polygraph test procedures

42. Test undertaken when both relevant and control questions are similar in degree and consistency.
a. Guilt complex test c. Peak of tension
b. Silent answer d. None of the above

43. Refers to question to ascertain the subject’s normal pattern of response.

a. Relevant questions c. Supplementary questions
b. Irrelevant questions d. Control questions

44. The number of basic tracing in a modern polygraph.

a. 3 c. 5
b. 4 d. 6

45. Did you hide senator Lacson in your beach resort? Is an example of interrogation in lie detection which is:
a. Control question c. Relevant question
b. Irrelevant question d. Leading question

46. Developed the systolic blood pressure method for detecting deception.
a. William Marston c. John Larson
b. Harold Burtt d. Leonard Keeler
47. He noted that respiratory and systolic blood pressure changes were signs of deception.
a. William Marston c. Leonard keeler
b. Harold Burrt d. John Larson
48. Italia scientist who used hydrosphygmograph produre for persons charged with the commission of a crime.
a. Angelo Mosso c. Lombroso
b. Veraguth d. Vittorio Benussi

49. Pioneer who first used the term psycholgalvanic skin reflex.
a. Angelo Mosso c. Lombroso
b. Veraguth d. Vittorio Benussi

50.Who first incorporated the galvanograph with measurement, respiration component and blood pressure.
a. Harold Burtt c. Leonarde Keeler
b. Hans Gross d. John Larson

51. A primitive practice of detecting deception whereby controversies are settle by means of duel, the victor will be spared from
the consequences and the loser will be pronounced guilty.
a. Ordeal c. Combat
b. Trial by combat d. None of these

52. Practiced even by the Roman Catholic Church in 1150 AD this Indian practice of ordeal based on the premise that a person
conscious of their crime and fearful of punishment from God would feel a suffocating sensation on their throat thus preventing
them from swallowing the object of the ordeal.
a. Bread chewing ordeal c. Rice chewing ordeal
b. Cheese chewing ordeal d. All of these

53. A form of trial undertaken when the accused is asked to fast for twelve hours and then asked to swallow a amount of rice
and drink a dark colored water, if this acts as an emetic the accused rejects all the rice, he is then pronounced innocent.
a. Red hot iron ordeal c. Red water ordeal
b. Rice chewing ordeal d. Balance ordeal

54. Practiced in the early 600 B.C this is undertaken by determining the veracity of the statement of the accused by placing him
on a scale of balance and in the other scale a counter balance. He is then asked to go down while exhortation on the scale is
given, when the accused is placed on scale and found to be lighter than before he is acquitted.
a. Boiling water ordeal c. Donkey’s Tail ordeal
b. Balance ordeal d. Red hot iron ordeal.

55. Prevalently practiced in Africa, this test of deception is undertaken by asking those persons suspected of committing a crime
to place their right blisters would be determined as the one guilty of the crime.
a. Boiling water ordeal c. Donkey’s tail ordeal
b. Balance ordeal d. Red hot iron ordeal

56. The polygraph examination enjoys general acceptance among varied authorities, except the court because it possess a high
degree of reliability. The results is estimated to be more than _ % accurate.
a. 70 c. 80
b. 75 d. 90

57. The best indication of deception in polygraph examinations is the simultaneous specific responses in the _ tracings.
a. 2 c. 4
b. 3 d. None of these

58. If a yes answer is given by the subject, the examiner marks this on the chart.
a. x c. +
b. xx d. –

59. Conducted immediately after the completion of the first test while blood pressure cuff is still deflated. This is used to stimulate
lying subjects into specific responses to the subsequent relevant questions and to afford the lying subjects an opportunity to try
to distort the Polygraph examination tracing which would eventually result in exposing his deception.
a. Silent Answer Test b. Mixed Questions Test
b. Card Test c. guilt Complex Test
60. As part of customary test procedures, the polygraph examiner should prepare a list of not more than___questions to be
asked in a planned sequence.
a. 10 c. 15
b. 12 d. 20

61. Laboratory studies of polygraph testing that simulate actual field examinations. Typical components of field examinations are
replicated. The goal of such studies is to test the validity of various polygraph techniques under controlled conditions.
a. analog studies c. Polygraph study
b. Studies d. Polygraphy

62. Polygraph tests conducted at irregular times with randomly or otherwise selected personnel to ask questions for internal
security purposes.
a. Checking c. Assessment
b. periodic checking d. Evaluation

63. Term used to describe individual differences in autonomic arousal.

a. Autonomic c. Autonomic lability
b. Automatic d. Autonomy

64. The number of guilty (or innocent) subjects as a percentage of the total.
a. Basic rate c. Respondents
b. Crime rate d. Base rate

65. The readings on a polygraph chart that form a point of comparison for the physiological responses to the polygraph
a. baseline c. Pen lines
b. Reading d. Graphs

66. Information that pertains to national security and by definition, cannot be disclosed to others without clearance.
a. Confidential c. Secret
b. classified information d. Restricted

67. Components of a polygraph test procedure, including “proper" examiner attitude and relationship with subjects, that attempt
to ensure accuracy.
a. Medical Components c. Clinical Components
b. Physical Components d. Psychological Components

68. The extent to which a test or procedure measures what it is designed to measure.
a. Validity c. Reliability
b. Accuracy d. Construct Validity

69. A polygraph question technique that incorporates control questions which are designed to be arousing for nondeceptive
subjects and less arousing for deceptive subjects than the relevant questions.
a. Control question technique c. Irrelevant question technique
b. Relevant question technique d. Question technique

70. Efforts of an organization to stop outside groups from gaining information about itself.
a. Intelligence test c. Counter measures
b. Counterintelligence d. Intelligence

71. Examinations given to personnel who already have access to classified information.
a. Physical Examination c. counterintelligence screening examinations
b. Screening d. Medical Examination

72. A physiological measure that has been shown to be related to physiological arousal. It is measured as the electrical
resistance of the skin through the use of electrodes attached to the fingertips.
a. Response c. Electro response
b. Subject response d. Electrodermal response

73. The established generalizability of a study to particular subject populations and settings.
a. External validity c. Validity
b. Internal validity d. Reliability

74. An erroneous decision that an individual is not deceptive when she or he is actually deceptive.
a. True positive c. Positive
b. False negative d. Negative

75. An erroneous decision that a person is being deceptive when he or she is actually being truthful.
a. False negative c. False positive
b. Positive d. Negative
76. Actual techniques used by polygraph examiners.
a. Preliminary test c. Test
b. Confirmatory test d. Field test

77. The extent to which results of previous investigations can be used in evaluation of present investigations.
a. Generalizability c. Re Investigation
b. Interrogation d. Re Evaluation

78. The establishment of actual guilt or innocence. In a field study it is based on a criterion independent of the polygraph test
(e.g., confession, judicial outcome, panel decision).
a. Truth c. Report
b. Ground truth d. Resolution
79. Outcome of an examination in which it cannot be determined from the subject’s responses whether he or she is deceptive or
a. Conclusive c. Inconclusive
b. Reliable d. Admissible

80. An occurrence which affects validity of polygraph testing because individual character traits or situational factors might result
in unexpected physiological responses.
a. Objection c. Interaction
b. Reaction d. Technicalities

81. The degree to which a study has controlled for extraneous variables which may be related to the study outcome.
a. Internal validity c. Validity
b. External validity d. Reliability

82. Neutral questions designed to assess the subject’s baseline physiological response to questioning and to provide a rest
between relevant questions.
a. Relevant questions c. Initial Interview
b. Irrelevant questions d. Control questions

83. The assignment of numbers to polygraph chart responses.

a. Numbering c. numerical scoring
b. Tabulation d. Graphing

84. Responses related to increases in anxiety. Those measured in polygraph examinations include electrodermal response,
blood pressure, and respiration rate.
a. Physical arousal c. Physiological arousal
b. Mental arousal d. Physical arousal

85. A continuous graph on which a subject’s physiological responses are registered.

a. Charts c. Poly chart
b. Graphs d. Polygraph chart

86. An index which measures the proportional reduction in the probability of error in predicting one category (in this case,
deception) when the second category (in this case, polygraph examination results) is known.
a. Predictive association c. Predictive validity
b. Predictive validity d. Predictive association

87. The accuracy with which criterion scores obtained in the future can be estimated from test data obtained in the present.
a. Validity c. Relativity
b. Predictive validity d. Reliability
88. The use of polygraph testing to question employee applicants.
a. Screening c. Preemployment screening
b. Interview d. Background check

89. The first portion of the polygraph testing procedure in which subjects are informed about the examination and their rights. In
some pretest interviews, examiners also make observations about subjects’ behavior to assist in determinations of
deceptiveness or nondeceptiveness.
a. Interview c. Post test interview
b. Post Investigation d. Pretest interview

90. A psychiatric diagnostic category signifying a character style prone to criminal activity and amoral, manipulative behavior.
a. Psychopathy c. Psychiatry
b. Psychology d. Criminology
91. A procedure used to obtain representative samples from a population. In complete random sampling, each subject in the
population must have an equal chance of being selected and the selection or nonelection of one subject cannot influence the
selection or nonselelction of another.
a. Sampling c. Selective
b. Random sampling d. Random

92. An examination technique that utilizes two types of questions: relevant questions and neutral questions intended to assess
the subject’s baseline response.
a. Irrelevant technique c. Relevant/irrelevant technique
b. Relevant technique d. Questioning technique

93. Polygraph test questions about the topic or topics under investigation.
a. Control questions c. Irrelevant questions
b. Neutral questions d. Relevant questions

94. The degree to which a test yields repeatable results. It is also refers to consistency across examiners/scorers.
a. Admissibility c. Reliability
b. Acceptability d. Conclusiveness

95. Classified information above the top secret level.

a. Sensitive Compartmented Information c. Confidential
b. Sensitive information d. Restricted

96. The process in and by which individuals learn the ways, ideas, beliefs, values, patterns, and norms of a particular culture and
adapts them as a part of their own personalities.
a. Research c. Principles
b. Socialization d. Ideology

97. A measure of the extent to which an observed situation reflects the “true" situation.
a. Validity c. Acceptability
b. Reliability d. Admissibility

98.Component of lie detector which records the pulse rate, amplitude and changes of blood pressure is
a. Galvanograph c. Cardiosphygmograph
b. Kymograph d. Pneumograph
99.Questioned asked in a polygraph test are prepared by
a. Investigator handling the case c. Victim
b. Polygraph examiner d. Witnesses

100.Self-incriminating statement falling short of an acknowledgement of guilt is

d. Confession c. Interview
b. Admission d. Interrogation
Review Question on Polygraphy ( 100 Questions )

Encircle the litter of the correct answer

1. What is referred to as the attachment of the cardio-sphymograph

a. stomach b. micro lens c. blood pressure cuff d.barrometer

2. What part of the female body is corrugated bellows fastened

a. stomach b. breast c. belly d. forearm

3. What part of the detector record skin resistance?

a. pheumograph b. spymograph c. mamograph d.galvanograph

4. What part of the body is the blood pressure cuff wrapped on?
a. wrist b. both wrist c. thighs of both legs d. upper arm

5. The polygraph detects lies through which method?

a. Maps b. Arrows c. Tracing d. Numbers

6. What instrument records dermal response?

a. spygmomanomerter b. kymograph
c. galvanograph d. mamograph

7. With what is the air pressure in the blood pressure pulse cuff
a. pressure dial b. graphs c. pumps d. beats

8. With what kind or responds must questions during a lie detector test be
a. yes only b. yes and why c. yes and no d. no or else

9. What artery is located between the elbow and shoulder?

a. Radial b. pulmonary c. brancial d. carotid

10. Where must be lie detector conducted?

a. in a call, open space c. in an open quiet room
b. in a private, quiet room d. in a dark private room

11. Polygraphs run automatically at what rate (in inches per minute)
a. 6-14 b. 6-12 c. 8-16 d. 12-16

12. How can the subject be conditioned or erased out of nervousness

before the conduction of a lie detector test?
a. by flattering the subject c. by prolonging the pre-test interview
b. by indirect questioning d. by trial test
13. Blood pressure changes are induced by what kind un observed
a. Psychological b. emotional c. muscular d. mental

14. Who was the first person to developed the continuous method of
recording changes In the blood pressure and pulse rate, as well as the
first person to use more than one recording to detect deception?
a. Cesare Lombroso c. Dr. John Larson
b. Dr. William Marston d. Dr. Leoaerde keeler

15. If the dichotic notch appears at the pulse beet or near it, what does
this indicate about the pressure?
a. too high proper recording c. adequate for proper recording
b. dermal nitrate test d. too low for proper recording

16. What kind of a question is designed to detect and evaluate outside

issues which may suppress to relevant questions?
a. guilt complex question c. symptomatic question
b. sacrifice relevant question d. sky question

17. What kind of question is designed to produce a response the innocent

subject and serve as a basis for evaluating the subject perceptual set?
a. compound question c. guilt question
b. control question d. variable question

18. Which of the following is NOT a polygraph notion of myth about a lie
a. it rings a bell c. it flashes a light
b. a and c d.the technology for the device was handed down by aliens

19. Which of the following is a polygraph machine?

a. stoelting polygraph c. holograph
b. kymograph d.heidelberg galvanograph

20. Typical polygraph machine has how many parts?

a. five b. four c. three d. eight

21. The kymograph moves at a uniform rate of how many inches per
a. 6-12 b. 10-12 c. 4-8 d. 2-6

22. What device records a subject pulse wave amplitude an relative blood
pressure changes and variation there from?
a. Cardio graph c. Pheumoograph
b. Galvan graph d. Cardio spymograph
23. What kind of question should be formulated from purposes of
polygraph examination?
a. those that call for positive response
b. narrative style
c. elaborative subject matter
d. those answerable by yes or no

24. Which of the following is among the major sections of the polygraph?
a. Kymograph
b. Alarm
c. Spymograph
d. Cardio spymograph

25. What is the attachment of the cardio spymograph section?

a. blood pressure cuff
b. hand cuff
c. micro lens
d. barometer

26. Which among the following is the three major sections of the
polygraph machine?
a. pump blood assembly
b. spymograph
c. pneumograph
d. dermatogram

27. What do you call the corrugated rubber bellows which are fasten on
the abdomen (if the subject is male) or above the breast ( if female)
a. pneumograph tube
b. spymograph tube
c. corrugated tube
d. glass tube

28. Which of the following is a major section of the polygraph machine?

a. stethoscope
b. galvanograph
c. onoscop
d. kymograph

29. Which device provide for the recoding variation in the flow or passage
of an imperceptible amount of electrical current through the hand.
a. kymograph
b. spymograph
c. galvanometer
d. onoscope
30. Where on the subject should the corrugation rubber bellows (plus the
beaded chain) be fastened?
a. abdomen of chest
b. waistline
c. hips
d. neck

31. On what is the blood pressure cuff wrapped?

a. either leg
b. upper arm
c. thigh of either leg
d. foot or either leg

32. What is the normal heart rate among adult male?

a. 90-95 beats per minute
b. 70-75 beats per minute
c. 50-55 beats per minute
d. 40-65 beats per minute

33. The polygraph is an instrument design to male several of which?

a. notes
b. letters
c. records
d. tracing

34. What kind of subject is qualified to take polygraph test?

a. competent
b. idiot or moron
c. abnormal
d. good, A-1 condition

35. Which is NOT factor of instrumental interrogation?

a. subject mental process
b. subjects physiological changes
c. suitable instrument
d. subjects belief in aliens

36. In 1915, this pioneer in lie detection publish accounts of his research
or respiration changes as symptoms of deception, who was he?
a. William Marston
b. John A. Larson
c. Cesar Lombroso
d. Harold A. Burt
37. Who invented a polygraph machine in 1926 capable of recording blood
pressure, pulse rate, respiration changes as well as electro dermal
a. William Marston
b. John A. Larson
c. Cesar Lombroso
d. Harold A. Burt

38. The polygraph test is a greater aid in what process?

a. investigation
b. testimony in court
c. examination
d. conviction

39. What is considered a science if lie detection?

a. galvanograph
b. polygraph
c. kymograph
d. photography

40. What is the part of the body is the blood pressure cuff attach?
a. wrist
b. thighs
c. upper arm
d. fingers

41. The primary responsibility of the polygraph examiner is toward the

a. subject who voluntarily submitted for examination
b. investigator who is painstakingly gathering evidence
c. court who will ensure that the subject will be given a fair trial
d. police organization where he owes his job

42. In polygraph chart interpretation, the best indication of deception is the

a. changes in the blood pressure, respiration and electro-dermal response
b. failure if subject to answer the questions truthfully
c. simultaneous specific responses in the tracings
d. when the subject voluntarily agreed to undergo examination

43. The cardio tracing that may indicate the presence of deception is
a. specific response
b. degree of reaction
c. time interval in answering
d. increase or decrease in blood pressure

44. The galvanic tracing is normally found at the

a. bottom of the chart
b. middle of the chart
c. in between the cardio and pneumo tracings
d. anywhere I the graph

45. The subject verbally agreed to undergo polygraph examination, if you

where the examiner what will you do?
a. allow him to undergo examination since he consented
b. not allow him unless he will confer with his counsel
c. allow him unless he will sign a written consent

46. Rejection of polygraph exam is base on

a. inaccuracy of the instrument
b. failure to mention his rights
c. fallibility of the examiner and subject
d. failure to obtain written consent

47. The examiner rendered his conclusive opinion based on one

examination. This is
a. correct as long as his expert
b. correct as long as the exam properly conducted
c. not correct since he should administer two or more charts
d. not correct if without the written consent of the subject

48. The following are the reasons why the test is not admissible in court,
a. examiner is incompetent
b. no standard instrument use
c. different questions use
d. no written consent of the subject

49. The court, in admitting the result of exam give almost conclusive
weight to the
a. examiners opinion
b. testimony of the subject
c. physical evidences supporting the result
d. all of the above

50. The purpose of taking statement of written consent from the subject is
a. have legal bases that know human rights violation is committed
b. serve as documentation purposes
c. prove the honesty and fairness of examiner
d. all of the above

51. The main objective of polygraph examination is

a. verify statement of the subject
b. eliminate innocent suspects
c. locate fruits of the crime
d. obtain additional investigative lead

52. The polygraph machine is very reliable in determining facts. This

statement is
a. true
b. false
c. it depends if the subject is telling the truth
d. it depends in the examiner

53. As an established rule, the accuracy of the result of any polygraph

examination largely depends on
a. truthfulness of the subject
b. subject is in the proper condition
c. when both parties agrees on its introduction together with the court
d. all of his rights will be observed

54. The phase of the polygraph examination where in the subject will be
inform of his rights and his written consent will also be taken
a. actual polygraph examination
b. pre-test interview
c. post test interview
d. initial interview

55. When is the result of the polygraph examination becomes conclusive

a. if the examiner is qualified and competent
b. if the subject is the proper condition
c. it can not become conclusive because it is opinionated
d. it is conclusive because it is based on facts

56. Before conducting any polygraph examination, you must consider the
following, except
a. examiner must consult the investigator in case
b. the presence of a written request for the examination
c. find out if the subject is guilty or not
d. all of the above

57. In asking a subject who is involve in the killing of the person, which
question is correct
a. did you murder pedro?
b. who is your companion in killing pedro?
c. did you kill pedro and where did you place his body?
d. did you kill pedro?
58. A question design to stimulate the guilty subject and focus his
attention on the probability of incriminating proof
a. knowledge question
b. evidence connecting questions
c. primary control question
d. relevant question

59. all of the following conditions render the result of the examination
admissible in court except,
a. when both parties and subject make a written stipulation
b. the opposing party can cross examine the examiner
c. the subject is in fact guilty as charged
d. admissibility of the test result is subject to the discretion of the judge

60. Pneumatic connection for the pump use to inflate subject cuff
a. cuff
b. mechanical cardio switch
c. pump
d. pen lifter

61. Raises or lowers pens to three position

a. cuff
b. mechanical cardio switch
c. pump
d. pen lifter

62. Reads operating pressure of cardio changes

a. multi-function module
b. chart drive roller lever
c. sphygmomanometer dial
d. cardio-switch

63. If the result of the examination will be accepted as a court evidence,

this serves as
a. a corroborative evidence
b. an evidence to convict the subject
c. a testimonial evidence
d. physical evidence

64. During the polygraph examination, the response of the subject must
only be
a. true or false
b. yes or no
c. I do, farther
d. yes or no, farther
65. The polygraph detects responses through which method?
a. maps
b. tracings
c. arrows
d. markings

66. A condusive place for the conduct of examination.

a. inside the police office
b. inside the jail
c. in a private, quite room
d. inside the room of the subject

67. At present, the polygraph is a big help in what process?

a. investigation of cases
b. testimony in court
c. examination of suspects
d. conviction of offenders

68. For an effective interview/interrogation, the investigator should be a

part actor, part salesman and what else?
a. doctor
b. criminologist
c. manager
d. psychologist

69. Generally, the interview should take what step for the subject to trust
a. introduction and shaking hands
b. ask about his family
c. listen carefully of what he say
d. give the cp number of your beautiful sister

70. One of the reasons why a polygraph usually fails is because the
subject is unsuitable and or the examiner is
a. not prepared
b. nervous himself
c. faced with unreliable machine
d. surrounded by poor environment

71. Which of the following is a common but wrong notion about the
polygraph machine?
a. capable of detecting lies
b. is not capable of drawing out conclusions
c. sensitive machine that needs interpretation
d. makes graph containing reliable info
72. What instrument records electro-dermal response?
a. sphygmomanometer
b. galvanograph
c. kymograph
d. mamograph

73. What artery is located between the elbow and shoulder?

a. radial
b. pulmonary
c. brachial
d. carotid

74. What phase can the subject be conditioned or erased out of

nervousness before the conduct of polygraph?
a. initial interview
b. post test
c. pre-test
d. actual examination

75. The pneumo 1 records the

a. abdominal breathing
b. thoracic breathing
c. GSR
d. blood pressure

76. The examiner must always do this to facilitate evaluation and

interpretation of the test charts;
a. informing the subjects of his rights
b. establish rapport to the subject
c. chart marking
d. machine marking

77. The examiner will try to elicit admission or confession from his subject,
this is under what phase of examination?
a. post test
b. actual examination
c. initial interview
d. pre test interview

78. Which of the following should be included in chart markings?

a. age of the subject
b. guilt of the subject
c. type of question and answer
d. internal response of the subject
79. The purpose of the pre-test interview is to
a. find out if the subject really committed the crime
b. find out his personal background
c. condition subject psychologically
d. internal response of the subject

80. Test questions to be administered during the examination formulated

by the
a. subject
b. examiner
c. investigator
d. subject and examiner

81. The success of any polygraph test greatly depends on the

a. skill of the examiner
b. facts given by the examiner
c. rapport between the examiner and the subject
d. knowledge of the examiner to interpret the chart

82. Which of the following best signifies that the polygraph examiner is
technically qualified to administer examination?
a. complete knowledge of the instrument
b. sincere desire to be a polygraph examiner
c. must be impartial seeker of truth
d. his primary obligation to his subject

83. Which statement is not true about a polygraph machine?

a. it does not detect lies
b. it does not determine facts
c. it records internal response
d. a substitute for an investigation

84. Symptoms observable to a subject like nervousness. Fear, anger and

excitement are
a. always reliable criteria for detecting deception
b. not always reliable for detecting deception
c. manifested from a guilty subject
d. not used in deception detection

85. Outside interference during polygraph examination must be avoided,

the examination room , for this mus be
a. well-ventilated
b. well-lighted
c. must be not decorate
d. must be 90% sound proof
86. He was credited for devising the GRS component as a polygraph part
a. John Reid
b. John Larson
c. Leonard keeler
d. Luigi Galvani

87. He assembled an instrument capable of recording simultaneous

physiological changes as blood pressure, pulse and respiration
a. Cesare Lombroso
b. Vittorio Benussi
c. William Marston
d. John Larson

88. The first person to use scientific instrument for the purpose of
detecting lies
a. Cesare Lombroso
b. Vittorio Benussi
c. William Marston
d. Harold Burt

89. Vittorio Benussi found out the changes of ___ can be used as indicator
of deception
a. respiration
b. blood pressure
c. perspiration
d. skin resistance

90. He found out that during his experiment that the presence or absence
of blood pressure and pulse rate changes can be used as indication of
a. Cesare Lombroso
b. Vittorio Benussi
c. William Marston
d. Harold Burt

91. He was responsible in making research on sphygmomanometer’s

usefulness in detecting lies
a. Cesare Lombroso
b. Vittorio Benussi
c. John Reid
d. William Marston

92. This was derived from two Greek words “poly” which means many or
more and “graphos” means writing
a. polygraphy
b. polygraph
c. polygraph macine
d. polygraph examination

93. When will lying constitute a criminal offense?

a. if it is intentionally done
b. if it is benefits the communication
c. when it violets a law
d. when examiner found the subject lying

94. Trial by combat originated in

a. India
b. Africa
c. Netherlands
d. Philippines

95. All the following are ancient methods of detecting deception except
a. boiling water ordeal
b. polygraph examination
c. ordeal of the balance
d. trial by combat

96. Which of the following can be best applied to a first time or emotional
a. interrogation technique
b. observation method
c. hypnotism
d. polygraph test

97. It refers to any person who is undergoing polygraph examination

a. subject
b. victim
c. witness
d. suspect

98. It is exhibited by the subject to a particular question which is a

deviation from the norm
a. general response
b. specific response
c. internal response
d. please response

99. A method of deception detection introduce by Francis Galton which is

done by giving the subject list of selected stimulus words with instruction
to respond with the very first word that may come to subject’s mind
a. hypnotism
b. truth serum
c. word-association test
d. polygraph examination

100. When a person lies to maintain harmony of friendship or office, this is

a. white lie or benign lie
b. pathological lie
c. red lie
d. malicious lie

1. c 11. d 21. a 31. b 41. a 51. b 61. d 71. a 81. c 91. d

2. b 12. d 22. d 32. a 42. c 52. b 62. c 72. b 82. a 92. d
3. d 13. b 23. d 33. c 43. d 53. c 63. b 73. c 83. d 93. c
4. d 14. c 24. d 34. d 44. c 54. b 64. b 74. c 84. b 94. a
5. c 15. c 25. a 35. d 45. d 55. c 65. b 75. b 85. c 95. c
6. c 16. a 26. c 36. d 46. a 56. c 66. c 76. c 86. c 96. c
7. c 17. b 27. c 37. b 47. c 57. d 67. a 77. a 87. c 97. a
8. c 18. b 28. d 38. a 48. d 58. b 68. d 78. c 88. a 98. b
9. a 19. a 29. c 39. b 49. c 59. c 69. a 79. b 89. a 99. c
10. b 20. b 30. a 40. c 50. d 60. c 70. a 80. b 90. a 100. a

1. B 11. B 21.A 31.B 41.A 51.B 61.A 71.C 81.A 91.B

2. A 12.A 22.C 32.A 42.A 52.C 62.B 72.D 82.B 92.C

3. D 13.B 23.B 33.A 43.B 53.C 63.C 73.A 83.C 93.D

4. A 14.A 24.B 34.C 44.B 54.B 64.D 74.B 84.C 94.C

5. D 15.A 25.A 35.D 45.C 55.A 65.A 75.C 85.D 95.A

6. B 16.C 26.A 36.A 46.A 56.C 66.B 76.D 86.A 96.B

7. C 17.A 27.C 37.C 47.B 57.B 67.C 77.A 87.B 97.A

8. A 18.D 28.C 38.B 48.C 58.C 68.D 78.B 88.C 98.C

9. D 19.C 29.A 39.A 49.B 59.B 69.A 79.C 89.D 99.B

10. B 20.B 30.D 40.C 50.C 60.B 70.B 80.C 90.A 100.B

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