Vincent A. Sahipa, Raistlin Lance Arreglado Davao City National High School, F. Torres., Davao City

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The Effect Of Internet Usage To The Academic Performance Of Students

Vincent A. Sahipa, Raistlin Lance Arreglado

Davao City National High School,F. Torres., Davao City

The internet, one of man’s greatest invention. As of 2017 more than half of the world’s
population has access to the internet. The internet is like a web of information that is connected to
all kinds of informations. It can be used by students and adults alike for searching informations. The
internet is widespread even in several schools worldwide.It truly has a lot of advantages but, like
everything else it also has disadvantages.The internet is also used for entertainment and other
distractions that can affect a student’s academic performance. The researchers will provide a
survey form about internet usage of the paticipants.Then the researchers will collect and analyze
the data from the surveys. From the data, we have found out that the longer a student uses the
internet, the lower his/her average score would be. Based on our study, we have concluded that
internet usage can negatively affect the academic performance of students. The research is
offcourse imperfect and recommendations are made based on the results and conclusion of the

Keywords : Internet, Researchers

According to an article created by

Entrepreneur, from January 2016 to January
In the year of 2017, there were 7.53
2017 the number of internet users have
billion people living on earth as stated by the
Increased by 13 million or 27%.According to a
World Bank Organization. According to the
survey conducted by Research gate, majority of
International Telecommunications Union, about
students in college and highschool prefer the
48% of the population have access to the
use of the internet for research purposes rather
Internet. About 43.9% of these internet users are
than using a book. Even in the Philippines,
found in Asia and Pacific.
several schools recieve Computers to be used
by student.

Even with its multiple advantages, the

internet also have several disadvantages. Many

students use the internet as a source of

entertainment rather than information. Several

even get too engrossed in social media that their Figure 1. The Survey

academic performance drop significantly. PHASE 1:There will be 25 participants

The researchers want to see if these from both 4th grade and 6th grade. The

studies are indeed correct, if internet usage participants will be given a survey all about their

can affect the academic performance of internet usage during weekdays and weekends,

students We want to see if there is a correlation prefered source for assignments, and also the

between the first variable (Internet use) and the highest average grade they have recieved for

second variable (Academic performance). their current grade level.

The importance of this study is to show people

the effect of internet usage to the academic

performance of student.


Research Design
Figure 2. Analysis
The Correlational survey design is a
PHASE 2: The surveys from both 4th
standard design used in studies that include
and 6th grade will be collected.The data will be
variables in the life of the participants that can’t
analyzed and will be used to find the
be controlled or manipulated by the researchers.
correlationship of the the two variables
The goal is to find a correlationship between

These variables.

For this study, Participants from 4th

and 6th grade are given a survey about their

internet usage and academic performance.

of internet usage while the 6th graders on the
Results and Duscussion
otherhand have a majority of the participants

Table 1: Hours of Internet Usage (Weekdays) having 7-9 hours of internet usage.

Hours Of Fourth Sixth Based on the survey we can say that

Internet Use Grade Grade
internet usage can affect the academic
1-3 11 6
4-6 14 17
performances of elementary students. This can
7-9 2
10-12 be derived
from the fact that the amount of students that

recieved high average grades decreases when

Table 2: Hours of Internet Usage (Weekends)
the internet usage increases (comparison
Hours Of Fourth Sixth
Internet Use Grade Grade between 4th grade and 6th grade)
1-3 4 2
4-6 12 10
. As we can observe from the results,

Table 3: Highest Average Grade Recieved In Internet usage can affect the academic
Current Grade Level
performance of students.By itself it can lower
Average Fourth Sixth
the average grade recieved by the student
Grade Grade Grade
but, internet usage is only one of the variables
81-85 2
86-90 16 13 that affects the academic performance of
91-95 9 9
96-100 2 1 students. While higher internet usage does

lower the average grade recieved, other

According to the information gathered
variables also affects the caliber of the
from the survey, Internet usage can affect on the
rise or fall of the average grades of students.
average grade elementary students have
Based on the results the higher the internet
recieved. It also indicates that there is an
usage, the lower the academic performance,
indirect correlation between internet usage and
therfore we concluded that internet usage can
academic performance. According to the
affect the academic performance of students
result,4th graders have low internet usage with
the majority of the participants having 4-6 hours
RECOMMENDATIONS Reyes, R. (2018). Normalization of computers in

schools in the Philippines.

Based on the research we have Retrieved From

conducted, our results and conclusion,

we can give the following recommendations

to future researchers: Entrepreneur Philippines (2017) Percentage of

1. Broader selection of participants Internet users in the Philippines

(more grade levels considered) Retrieved From

2. A more specific survey to find

more information.

3. Consideration of other variables Research Gate (2018) Students using

that affects academic performance The internet. Retrieved From


World Bank Data(2017). Population of Earth

Retrieved from

International Telecommunication Union (2017)

Percentage of internet users world wide

Retrieved from

Web Foundation Organization (2017)

Percentage of internet users in Asia

Retrieved from

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