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Professionalism in the Workplace

What You Need to Know to

Survive the Office Experience
Your Body Language in the Workplace
- Your behavior tells a lot about you
- How you present yourself
- Your body language
- Your eyes, your smile
- Personal hygiene
First Impressions
- That first impression can set the tone
- That initial first handshake being
warm, firm and friendly
- Asking “May I help you?” with a
pleasant smile
- Being calm, cool and collected in the
face of a disgruntled customer
Professionalism is Viewed Through
the Customer’s Eyes
- How you present yourself
- Showing confidence
- Your demeanor
- How you verbally express yourself
Establishing a Relationship
with a Client:
- Sensitive to their needs
- Give the client your full attention
- Smile
- Show interest
- Offer encouragement
Be Respectful of Clients:
- What are their needs
- What do they expect to gain from you
- Be patient
Professional Courtesies
- Be discreet
- No inappropriate remarks
- No inappropriate personal
- No offering money or gifts
- Keep information given in confidence
to yourself
Co-Workers Perspective
- Be trustworthy
- Be competent
- Be supportive
- Be respectful
- Be accountable
Team Player
- Mutual respect
- Respect each other’s ideas
- Open communication
- Flexibility
Mutual Respect
- Respect is the basis for all personal
- Everyone deserves respect
- Everyone is equally important
- Everyone’s job is as important
everyone else’s.
Respect Each Other’s Ideas
- Consider each employee’s input
- New ideas promote new growth
- Give consideration to new ways of
doing things
Open Communication
- Communicate with each other
concerning issues directly with that
- Offer praise for a job well done;
- Offer encouragement as needed
- Be tactful with corrective feedback
- Be helpful
Qualities and Characteristics
of a Professional
- Can be trusted
- Respects other’s rights
- Considerate of others
- Displays integrity - Courteous
-- Empathetic - Dependable
- Cooperative
- Committed
Personal Attributes
- Be Ambitious
- Be Hard Working
- Be Self Motivating
- Be A Team Player
Do Your Best
- Grow where you are planted
- Excel in your position
- Always strive for excellence

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