Story of Abraham (SCRIPT)

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N: A long time in the land of Canaan, there lived a good and noble man named
Abraham. He was an important man because God picked his family to play a part
in the plan to rescue the whole world. In order to set this plan in motion, God
made a covenant with him. A covenant is like a big promise that lasts forever &
God’s covenant with Abraham was a special one. One cold night, God told
Abraham to look up at the sky...
G: How many stars do you see?
N: Abraham gazed up into the cloudless sky which was lit up in every direction
with thousands of stars. As far as he could see. He knew that he could not count
them if you tried. So he answered…
A: I don’t know. There are too many to count.
N: God already knew how many stars there were but he was using it as an
example to show Abraham just how big of a promise he was making.
G: I am going to give you more children in your family than there are stars in the
N: Abraham was very surprised to hear this. He loved the thought of having a
huge family. But there is a problem. He and his wife, Sarah weren’t able to have
any children & now they’re too old. It seemed impossible but Abraham chose to
trust God and believe his promise. And 10 years later, Abraham and Sarah had a
son named Isaac. Abraham loved God with all of his heart and he was so thankful
for the blessings that God had given to him. However, God was about to put that
love to test. In the days of Abraham, one of the ways that people showed their
love and thankfulness was by bringing sacrifices to God. A sacrifice is like a gift.
It’s something that you give to God to show him that you are willing to obey him
even when it costs you something. Usually, people would sacrifice an animal like a
lamb or a goat. But when Isaac reached 25 years old. God asked Abraham for a
different kind of sacrifice. God said to him…
G: “This year when you bring me your sacrifice, instead of killing an animal &
giving it to me, I want you to give me your only son, Isaac.”
N: Abraham was shocked…
A: No, not Isaac! How can I possibly kill him? How can I give his life away?
N: But Abraham remembered God’s promise. God told him…
G: I will make you the father of many nations.
N: Abraham knew that it could not happen without a son so he decided to trust
God even though he did not know how it would work out. The next morning,
Abraham got up early, together with his two followers and gathered the supplies
that they would need for the sacrifice and the journey of the mountain. He
rounded up Isaac, carrying woods in his back and kissed Sarah goodbye. And they
began the 3 day journey to mount Moriah. Isaac had been on these trips of
Abraham several times and along the way he realized that something was
I: Father, we forgot to bring something for the sacrifice.
A: Don’t worry son, God will provide for us the sacrifice.
N: Abraham was quiet the rest of the trip and Isaac could tell that something was
not right. At the sight of the mountain, he ordered his 2 followers to wait for their
return. When they reached the top, Isaac began helping his father built an altar
out of stoves. After they had finished placing the firewood on top of the altar.
Abraham sat down with Isaac to explain what God was asking him to do. But fears
filling his eyes, Abraham said…
A: Son, I love you so much. You are a gift from God to us and he has asked me to
offer you as a sacrifice to him. As much as it hurts me, I am going to put my trust
in our God.
N: Isaac did not fully understand, but he trusted his father as much as his father
trusted God, so he agreed. Abraham wept as he tied up his precious son and laid
him on the altar they just built together. He reached for his knife in tears and
raised it in the air. More than anything he wanted to cut his son free, but he knew
what he had to do. He took one last look in his son and said…
A: I love you my boy.
N: With that he reached out the knife above Isaac with his hand shaking and his
heart hurting. He was willing to obey God and take the life of his only son.
Suddenly, he heard a loud voice from heaven saying…
G: Stop!
N: Abraham froze. He knew that voice, it was God!
G: I don’t want you to kill the boy. I want him to live. I now know that you love me
because you were willing to sacrifice your only son.
N: Abraham fell to his knees and thanked God, grateful that he would not lose his
A: Thank you! Thank you oh, God!
N: Abraham cut loose his son and gave him the biggest hug a father has ever
given to his son. Just then, they saw a ram whose horns are caught in some
branches. Isaac remembered what Abraham had told him on the way up the
I: Look father, God provided an animal for the sacrifice just like you said he would.
N: They sacrificed the animal and went on their way home. He thanked God for
his goodness and hug Isaac and then he knew more than ever that he could trust
God with everything. When they reached home, Isaac told her mother, Sarah
about what had happen. Sarah grew angry of Abraham for what he did.
S: You monster! You try to murder our own son? How can you ever do this to our
A: Oh Sarah, let me explain..
S: About what? About that you really meant to murder Isaac?
N: To continue our discussion, we will learn about the insight of Kierkegaard in his
ethical expression and about Abraham’s religious expression.
Narrator : Jenna Guanzon | God : Shayne Galo | Abraham : Leah Lameza

Sarah: Julienne Libang | Isaac : Bea De Leon | Followers: Chesca Tresvalles & Shayne Galo

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