Ray Tracing in The Ionosphere: John M. Kelso

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RADIO SCIENCE, Vol. 3 (New Series), No.

1, January 1968

Ray Tracing in the Ionosphere

John M. Kelso
ITT Electro-Physics Laboratories, Inc., Hyattsville, Md. 20781, U.S.A.
(Received August 9, 1967)

The problems of tracing rays in the ionosphere for radio propagation, primarily for high frequencies
(3 to 30 MHz) and above, are discussed. The limitations on "classical" geometrical optics are de-
scribed, and their applications to ionospheric problems are indicated.
Some "simplified" processes of ray tracing, which apply well at the earth's surface, but not in
the ionosphere itself, are first presented. Next, ray-tracing methods which apply in an isotropic iono-
sphere, when the effects of the earth's magnetic field is negligible, are discussed. The results are then
extended to more general cases of an isotropic medium, and, finally, to an anisotropic medium (such
as the ionosphere in the presence of the earth's magnetic field).
Certain special problems which must be considered in ray-tracing studies are described next;
and, finally, a few of the important areas for the application of ray tracing are noted.

1. Introduction been used for ionospheric problems. However, within

the past decade or so, the increasing availability of
All students of elementary physics are introduced high-speed digital computers has greatly stimulated
to the concept of representing the direction of energy the development and application of ray-tracing proc-
flow of light in terms of rays, and to the use of Snell's esses by permitting extensive use of voluminous and
law to compute changes in the ray direction as the complex calculations which earlier -could be done only
light crosses the boundary surface between two media in rare cases and at the expense of much time and
of differing refractive index. The application of such labor. The present paper attempts to review the funda-
techniques to a medium in which the refractive index mental background to ray-tracing methods to describe
changes continuously is, perhaps, slightly less well the major classes of available methods- from elemen-
known, but not because the idea is new. For several tary to complex types, to take note of important prob-
hundred years (at least back to the time of Newton), lem areas in undertaking and applying ray tracing,
astronomers have corrected their observations for and to note briefly some of the applications for which
the effects of atmospheric refraction using ray-trac- ray tracing is used.
ing methods. The objective of the present paper is to
review the use of similar procedures, and their exten- 2. Geometrical Optics and Ray Tracing
sions, in studying radio transmission in the ionosphere.
The use of ray tracing is generally confined to con- 2.1. General Conditions on Validity of Geometrical
ditions contained within the limitations imposed on Optics
geometrical optics; however, there are at least two
special conditions in which ray-tracing procedures If one examines the basis of radio-wave propagation
can be shown to give acceptable results, even when in the ionosphere from a position of considerable
geometrical optics is not properly applicable. Both generality, the foundation for ray tracing seems to
the limitations on geometrical optics and the special rest upon an almost unending sequence of approxi-
cases when ray tracing can be performed outside these mations. Fortunately, however, it can be shown that
limitations are discussed in a later section. For iono- for frequencies in the HF spectrum (and, of'course,
spheric problems, ray tracing can be used to deter- at higher frequencies), these approximations are gen-
mine such basic parameters as the direction of energy erally well founded. The applications to lower fre-
flow; the phase path, group path, and actual path quencies (less than 3 MHz) must be examined with
lengths; and the integrated absorption. From these care. For examples of applications at very low fre-
basic data, many other derived quantities can then quencies, see Yabroff (1961) and Kimura (1966).
be determined, as will be discussed later. Fiirsterling (1942) derived equations for vertical
Since the first years of ionospheric research, more propagation of a radio wave in an inhomogeneous,
than 40 years ago, certain forms of ray tracing have anisotropic, and dispersive ionosphere. These relations
2 John M. Kelso

were expressed as a pair of coupled, second-order Therefore, we confine our attention to "classical
differential equations (or, equivalently, as a single geometrical optics," and illustrate the basic limita-
fourth-order, or four first-order, differential equa- tions by consideration of the eikonal equation for an
tions). The extension to oblique incidence was given isotropic medium.
by Heading and Whipple (1954); an excellent discus- We start by noting that if the complex refractive
sion of these two cases is provided by Budden (1961). index n were constant, the solution of (1) could be
According to these coupled differential equations, written as a plane wave, in the form,
the classical ordinary and extraordinary modes do not
propagate independently, but instead, they are E=A exp [-jk0 n(r·n)], (2)
coupled; that is, energy from one mode is fed into the
other in a very complicated manner. 1 Fortunately, in where j = V- l, A =constant, r is a vector defin-
the high frequency range, and at higher frequencies, ing the point where the field is to be evaluated, and
this effect is generally negligible, and the two modes n is a unit vector perpendicular to the wavefront in
can be generally treated as if they satisfy two inde- the direction of motion of the planes of constant phase.
pendent differential equations of the form: When n varies slowly with position, the constants
A and n(r · n) of (2) are replaced by functions of posi-
n= n(x, y, z) (1) tion in the form,

where E is the electric field, k0 = w/ c = 2n"/'A.0 , w = 27Tf, E=u(x, y, z) exp [-jkoS(x, y, z)]. (3)
f =frequency, c =velocity of light in a vacuum,
Ao =vacuum wavelength, and n is the complex refrac- The phase function S is termed the "eikonal func-
tive index for the mode in question. The validity of tion"; the wavefronts are given by the surfaces on
the differential equation, (1) depends on' negligibility which S =constant and the rays are the orthogonal
of a "coupling parameter," tjs. The necessary condi- trajectories to these surfaces, i.e., the rays are in the
tions are discussed in detail by Budden (1961), but direction of S (generally true only for an isotropic
for frequencies above 2 MHz, the conditions reduce medium). The substitution of E from (3) into (1) leads to:
basically to a slow variation of electron density with
distance in the direction of propagation. u[n 2 -I'VSI 2 J
As a wave equation, (1) can be solved analytically
only in very special cases, and numerically in greater + (1/ka)'V2 u- (jfko)[u'V 2S+2('Vu) · ('vS)] =0. (4)
generality, but at the expense of great effort. It is,
therefore, necessary to seek still more tractable rela-
tions involving further approximat~ens. If we now apply the conditions,
. The following discussion of the limitations of geo-
metrical optics is intended only to acquaint the reader
with some of the principles involved. In particular, our
attention is confined to "classical" geometrical optics and note that the amplitude factor u cannot be every-
as expressed in the equivalent forms of the eikonal where zero, we obtain,
equation, Fermat's principle, Snell's law, or Hamil-
tonian optics, and is restricted to the case of an iso- (6)
tropic medium. An excellent, and much more extensive
discussion, is given by Bremmer (1958), who. also con- which is the "equation of the eikonal." This equation
siders higher-order approximations, especially as is one of several equivalent formulations of the basic
applied to the calculation of field intensities. The expressions for geometrical optics; other formulations
reader will also find it informative to consult Born and are'those of Snell's law, Fermat's principle, and Ham-
Wolf (1965). An even broader view would be obtained ilton's equations of characteristics. See Budden (1961)
by consideration of the generalized geometrical optics for detailed discussions of the relation among these
begun in the 1940's by Luneburg {1966) and extended formulations. As noted, the applicability of (6) depends
in the very informative book by Kline and Kay (1965). upon the two conditions of (5).
However, an attempt here to provide even a sketchy The first of these two conditions is violated in any
summary of these more general treatments would region containing point sources, or even strong dis-
carry the discussion well beyond what is needed for tributed sources (see the well-known Poisson's equa-
the purposes of the ray-tracing processes in this special tion). At a shadow boundary, across a caustic surface,
issue. and at a focal point, the amplitude changes rapidly,
i.e., 'Vu is large, so that the second condition is vio-
lated. It can also be shown (see Stratton (1941)) that
the validity of (6) also requires that the fractional
• This is n~t the most general possible form for expressing ionospheric propagation since
1 change of refractive index in the direction of a ray
Itdoes not tnclude the even more general combination of electromagnetic theory and
hydrodynamics that is included in hydromagnetics (magnetohydrodynamics); however, it is
must be small in a distance of A.o/27T.
more than adequate for the conditions of interest here. All of the above conditions must be satisfied if the
Roy Tracing in the Ionosphere 3

normal methods of ray tracing are to be applicable. One of these arises in the neighborhood of the shadow
Fortunately, this is usually true for most conditions region (caustic surface) formed by the lower boundary
of interest in the HF and higher frequency spectral of the ray family whenever a skip distance exists.
ranges; however, several exceptions are discussed The appearance of such a shadow region is clearly il-
below. The extension of ray-tracing methods -t-o cases lustrated in the sample ray tracing shown in figure l.
of lower frequencies in ionospheric propagation is (The rays are traced for a frequency of 12 MHz in an
sometimes valid, but must always be approached with ionosphere that is almost parabolic in profile; the regu-
care. larly spaced "tick" mar_ks correspond to intervals of
The wave amplitude may be studied by following group delay time of 0.25 ms.) Another caustic surface
the procedures used by Bremmer (1958). First, the of interest is formed by the envelope of ray apogees.
result in (6) may be considered as the definition of the As noted above, the ray amplitude changes discon-
eikonal S, so that (6) is exact rathP.r than approximate. tinously across a caustic surface; hence, the condi-
Then, since the first term of (4) is zero, we are left tions of (5) do not hold. Although it is not unreasonable
with to attempt to represent the rays geometrically along
such a surface, it is not possible to compute the ampli-
u\7 25+2(\lu) · (V'S) + (j/k 0 )\72 u=O. (7) tude along the surface by means of simple geometrical
As the frequency is increased, the factor (1/ko) becomes A still higher order violation of the conditions of (5)
small. In the limit, the third term of (7) vanishes. Ac- is made at focal points, which can be considered as
co_rding to the equation of the eikonal, the quantity cusps of caust~c surfaces.
( V'S) /n is a unit vector. Therefore the scalar product Bremmer (1949, 1958) has computed the amplitudes
(Vu) · (V'S) may be replaced by ndu/ds, where du/ds in the vicinity of two such focal points, using higher
is a directional derivative along the direction of V'S, order saddle-point approximations. The first case is
i.e., the ray direction. Then (7) can be written in the vicinity of the skip distance, where the high
and low rays produce a focal point. The second case
is for antipodal focusing. Budden (1961) also con-
d (log u)
(8) siders the field intensity in the neighborhood of a
dS caustic, and in particular, discusses the caustic formed
by the envelope of ray apogees. Brekhovskikh (1960)
This differential equation, together with the equation discusses the amplitude variations of fields near
of the eikonal makes it possible to compute the varia- caustics in a wave guide. As shown by these treat-
tions of the amplitude u that result from geometrical ments, the amplitude undergoes rapid oscillations
spreading. This procedure was applied in a ray-trac- with position across the caustic surface. The regions
ing study by Grossi and Langworthy (1966). where horizon focusing is predicted might call for
similar treatment, but the problem here is compli-
2 ..2. HF Problems for Which Ray Tracing Is Invalid cated by the fact that true horizon rays can be pro-
duced in the HF spectrum only be elevated antennas,
There are several important conditions in HF prop- which therefore introduce further problems of the
agation in which geometrical optics is no longer valid. diffraction at the region of tangency to the horizon.


FIGURE l. Family of rays in a quasi-parabolic ionosphere computed for a frequency of 12 MHz.

Gruup-delay ii1<:rements uf 0.25 ms are marked nn each ray.
4 John M. Kelso

One further problem area exists at or near the region geometry is obvious, but their value is much en-
of vertical incidence reflection. Since (in simple ap- hanced by the simple relation to group-propagation
proximations) the condition for reflection is the time (or the group-path length) as specified by the
vanishing of the refractive index, it is clear that the theorem of Breit and Tuve (1926). In a horizontally
fractional change of refractive index in a distance of stratified ionosphere, this theorem states that the
A.0 /27r becomes infinite. Fortunately, more exact treat- group-path length along the triangular path to the ap-
ments show that elementary methods can still give parent reflection point is equal to that along the true-
acceptable accuracy, despite this violation of geo- ray path. In a curved ionosphere the results must be
metrical optics; see, for example, Hartree (1931) and corrected by a small factor evaluated approximately
Rydbeck (1942). by Smith (1938, 1939).
The presence of absorption (i.e., a complex value When the calculations are to be based on ionogram
of refractive index) means that the methods above are data, the use of standard transmission curves, which
not fully applicable. However, Epstein (1930) has shown can be placed as overlays on the ionograms, provide
that in the presence of modest absorption, the ray a very convenient method for obtaining the relation-
directions can be computed adequately from calcula- ships among frequency, vertical-radiation angle, propa-
tions neglecting the magnetic field. gation distance, and group-path length. Such trans·
Finally, Titheridge (1959) has shown that the virtual mission curves, originally developed by Smith, are
heights in an absorbing ionospheric layer can, under correct in principle only for a specific ionospheric
some circumstances, be calculated more accurately layer, but the present standard curves have been ad-
by a simple theory ignoring the absorption than by an justed empirically to yield useful results over a wide
apparently more accurate technique that includes the range of conditions.
absorption. Another simple procedure for using ionogram data
is through application of the well-known theorem of
Martyn (1935), in which oblique-incidence delay time
and absorption are obtained from vertical incidence
3. "Simplified" Methods for Ray Tracing values at a transformed frequency.
This section notes briefly rapid methods for obtain-
ing some of the information desired in ray tracing. 4. General Ray-Tracing Methods
They are denoted as "simplified" because they do
not describe correctly the ray structure i.f!. the iono- This section provides a brief description of a number
sphere, although they are valid for the regions below of the basic ray-tracing methods that are available.
the ionosphere, and properly represent a number of Since many of these methods are discussed in general
propagation parameters, such as ground distance, references on ionospheric propagation, such as
radiation angle, and group path. Budden (1961) and Kelso (1964), and since some are
The. most obvious method is the treatment of also treated in considerable detail in other papers in
the ionosphere as a discrete, horizontal, mirror re- this issue, the descriptions will be kept relatively
flector, usually at a fixed height. A single mirror height brief, but are assembled here to provide the reader
can give results valid over a modest range of vertical- with a unified summary of a number of techniques.
radiation angles. The use of such methods can be Methods applicable when the earth's magnetic field
aided · by simple nomographic techniques, . such as can be neglected (isotropic media) are presented first,
those provided by Laitenen and Haydon (1962). It is, and then those extensions that permit the inclusion
of course, not necessary that the mirror be horizontal. of the magnetic field are discussed.
Croft and Fenwick (1963) considered the effect of
tilting such a mirror reflector, both about an axis along 4. 1. Without Magnetic Field
the direction of propagation and about an axis normal
to the plane of propagation, and provided a number of In the absence of a magnetic field, the ray and the
charts from which values can be read. Since the ap- wave normal are parallel; in the presence of a mag-
parent height of reflection varies somewhat with netic field this parallelism is no longer generally true.
radiation angle (very rapid variations arise in some Basically, then, the principal restriction on the present
cases), it would be desirable to allow the height of discussion is that the methods described here do not
the mirror (still assumed horizontal) to vary with make provisions for noncoincidence of the ray and
radiation angle (i.e., with distance from the point of the wave-normal directions. Another difference that
transmission). usually applies is the simpler form for the refractive
The use of more complete ray-tracing methods index in the absence of the magnetic field: however,
allows one to compute the locus of such mirror posi- there are occasions where it is useful to calculate
tions, called the "reflectix" by Lejay and Lepechnisky propagation parameters using a refractive index which
(1950). Croft (1967a) has provided a recent demon- includes the magnetic-field effects, but with the ray
stration of the use of the reflectix. direction established by a method appropriate to an
The utility of such methods for findin~ the ray isotropic medium. An example of such a case arises
Roy Tracing in the Ionosphere 5

in some calculations of Faraday rotation, mentioned point vertically below reflection; thus, this case
in a later section. actually corresponds to an upward reflection.
If the quantity JLr is plotted as a function of r as
A further subdivision of the methods is based upon
shown in figure 2, and the vertical line corresponding
whether or not the method is restricted to spherically
to JLr sin 80 = constant is superimposed, it is clear
symmetric ionospheres. The simpler, spherically sym-
from table 1 that a ray reaching the points G' and E'
metric cases will be considered first.
would be reflected upwards, and a ray reaching F'
would be reflected downwards. Thus, the figure shows
4. 1.·1. Use of the Radius of Curvature that a ray launched horizontally atE' curves upward
We first discuss a technique that does not actually until it is reflected at a height F', whereupon it de-
provide ray tracings, but which yields a very con- scends, to be reflected back upwards again at E'.
venient qualitative description of the overall ray Thus, if a mechanism for launching this ray exists,
characteristics. Following the general lines of a deriva- the ray would be trapped, and continue to propagate
tion given by Born and Wolf (1965), it can be shown until horizontal variations of the ionosphere or ab-
that the radius of curvature p of a ray in a general sorption mechanisms removed it.
(within the limits of ray theory) isotropic ionosphere
can be written as
TABLE L Reflection conditions
Condition Implication
where JJ. is the refractive index, t is the unit tangent
vector to the ray at the point of interest, and s is the 1r (p.r) < 0 Downward reflection (p < r)
arc length of the ray. At reflection, the ray must be
tangent to a surface JL =constant; thus dJLI ds = 0. 1r tp.r)=O Concentric circle (p = r)
o< 1; twl < p. Upward reflection (ray concave downward) (p > r)

1 l
-=-I'V JL I
p JL
(at reflection). (10) 1r (p.r)= p. Straight ray (or inflection point) (p=m)

p.<d;(p.r) Upward reflection (ray concave upward) (0 .=s;; p EO co)

For the case of reflection in a spheripally symmetric
medium where JL is a function of r (the radial distance)
only, the expression (10) becomes still simpler, re-
sulting in an expression given by Bremmer (1949). If the vertical line JLr sin ()=constant is moved left
First, we note that I'V JLI becomes dJL/dr in a spherically toward the vertical line JLr= 0, it is seen that the point
stratified medium. Applying the well-known Bouguer's E' descends in height until E' drops below the surface
rule, 'which is the expression of Snell's law in a spheri- of the earth. This would correspond to a mode which
cally stratified medium, i.e., is transmitted from the earth, propagates upward to
some height h, is reflected downward, strikes the earth.
JLr sin 8 = constant (ll) If the earth's surface did not reflect the ray, it would
continue until it was tangent to a sphere which passed
where () is the angle between the ray direction and the through the point E .
local vertical, the condition at "reflection" is that By pursuing such considerations, one can obtain
. sin 8= 1, and we have JLr= constant at reflection. general estimates of the type of propagation modes
Then at a position where the ray is reflected either which can exist in a spherically stratified ionosphere
upwards, or downwards, we have JLr= constant, and having a specified variation of JL with radial distance r
(10) can be written Suc4 considerations have been pursued by Woyk
(12) Results equivalent to those in table l have been pre-
sented in an interesting graphical form by Croft (l967a).

Thus, at the point of reflection we have the condi- 4.1.2. Analytic Solutions (Exact and Approximate) ·
tions listed in table l. The conditions for a ray obeying Snell's law (or
At first glance, it might seem that the condition for the equivalent relation of Bouguer's rule) in a spheri-
reflection downward is simply that the rays must have cally stratified ionosphere are readily obtained from
a downward curvature. However, further considera- the geometry shown in figure 3. Here, at the point P,
tion will indicate that a downward curvature with a the ray makes an angle () from the vertical. In polar
radius of curvature greater than the radial distance r coordinates (since the ray is confined to a plane, it
corresponds to a ray whose height above the earth is possible to replace spherical coordinates by a polar
increases as the ground position moves away' from the system), it is clear from the figure that
6 John M. Kelso





FIGURE 3. Sketch defining coordinates for ray calculations
(A) in a spherically stratified ionosphere.

I rd</J
tan 8=--·
I dr
I Then, solving this differential equation for </J, and intro-
I ducing Bouguer's rule, f.LT sin 8 = f.L 0 T0 sin 80 , where
I the subscript "o" denotes an initial condition, we may
I write for the angular displacement <P of the ray from its
initial position

i 1-
</J= r sin
0 80

r0 n 2
r- ,:Z,-2_ sin~
· (13)

Corresponding equations can readily be written for
z the phase path, P = f J.Lds, and the group path= P'
= f 0/J.L)ds (for the special case of zero magnetic
field), as indicated by Budden (1961) and Kelso (1964).
An analytic solution for ray tracing in a spherically
symmetric ionosphere is obtained whenever the radial
variation of refractive-index J.L(r) permits the integra-
tion of (13).
For vertical-incidence propagation, analytical re-
sults can be obtained for the phase path and group
IL r - path using a number of simple forms of ionospheric
height variation, including a linear layer, parabolic
layer (concave upwards or downwards), cosine layer,
and other simple forms. Corresponding oblique-inci-
FIGURE 2. (a) Electron density as a function of height for a
two-layer ionosphere; (b) corresponding plot of f.Lr as a dence results can be obtained directly from the
function of height. theorem of Breit and Tuve (1926).
Ray Tracing in the Ionosphere 7

Similarly, the ray can be traced through these simple fine-structure which would not permit a more or less
layers when the layer is horizontally (plane) stratified. "microscopic" inspection of variations. By this, it is
Since there is little present need for the restriction to meant that some processes may show small discon-
horizontal stratification, specific reference lists are tinuities in output parameters (such as ground range)
omitted, but the interested reader can refer to Budden when the input quantities (frequency, vertical-radiation
or Kelso. The remaining discussions of this section angle) are varied slightly; in other cases, the effects
will be based on a curved earth and ionosphere. may be continuous, but not monotonic. This makes it
An approximate solution of (13) was provided by difficult to study effects involving differences (such as
Fiirsterling and Lassen (1933) for a parabolic variation phase differences to obtain doppler shifts) or differen-
of electron density with height; the approximation tiation (say, the derivative of range as a function of
was obtained by noting that the quantity r/r,., where vertical-radiation angle, for use in computing focusing).
re =radius of the earth, differs only slightly from unity. In such problems, analytic solutions can be very
The electron density is given by valuable.

N=Nm [1 (r- rmf]

., ' (14) 4.1.3. Numerical Quadrature
y;;, Another approach to the ray tracing is to use numeri-
cal quadrature techniques to evaluate the integral in
where N is the electron density, Nm is the maximum (9). An important application of this technique was
value of N, rm is the height at which N=Nm, and Ym is made by Jaeger (1948), who provided numerical results
the semi-thickness of the layer. appropriate to a spherically stratified Chapman layer.
More recently, Muldrew (1959) has defined a layer, In general, the direct evaluation of (13), and the
which has very nearly a linear variation of electron corresponding integrals for phase path and group
density with height, in a form permitting an exact path, would be an obvious step, except for the difficulty
evaluation of (13). Similarly, de Voogt (1953) defined that the integrand of (13) becomes infinite at the point
a layer having a very nearly parabolic variation w1th of reflection, when the denominator vanishes. As far
height that is similarly subject to exact evaluation. as the present author is aware, no general application
This layer defined by de Voogt is the subject of a of such numerical integration has yet been made for
separate paper in this issue by Croft and Hoogasian ionospheric propagation, but Blake (1968) describes
(1968). . such a process for application to radar propagation
The parabolic layer and the very similar layer defined in the troposphere. However, for the tropospheric
by de Voogt are of special importanc'e because they case considered by Blake, ray reflection is not involved, .
clearly provide at least a zero-order fit to the overall and the integrand becomes singular only in one special
ionospheric structure, having the particularly impor- case.
tant property of exhibiting a maximum of electron In the ionospheric case, the singularity in the inte-
density. In particular, the simple Chapman layer grand can be removed by the following pair of trans--
(see Chapman, 1931) can be very well approximated formations,
by a parabolic layer in the region of the maximum
electron density. For many years, the parabolic layer
q =~r sin()o
was the most convenient analytical representation of
the iQnosphere. Many basic properties of ionospheric
propagation were investigated through calculations
based on the parabolic layer. u=sin- 1 [K~~q) +q2r 12
• (15)
It is about as easy to use the exact expressions
corresponding to the quasi-linear layer of Muldrew
The value N=N(q) is the electron density, f is the
or the quasi-parabolic layer of de Voogt when using • frequency, and K is a constant such that the refractive
a high-speed digital computer as it is to use the
approximate expressions for the parabolic layer. index is given by JL= Y1- (KN/fl). Then (13) be-
Thus, fairly general ray-tracing methods could be comes
based on such layers. In the main, however, the most
important present use of layers leading to analytical
solutions is probably as a test of approximate, but cp=- 2 Ju sin udu (16)
more flexible, methods of ray tracing. Such use is
made by Inston and Curtis (1968) in the present issue. ~r~2: +2qr
A second important use for exact solutions occurs
when it is desired to study the effect of very small Soine very preliminary tests involving (16) have been
changes in the parameters, for example in computing made for a quasi-parabolic ionosphere of the type
the doppler shifts of a moving target by the difference described earlier. The ground ranges computed in
in phase path at successive vehicle positions. The this way agree with the exact analytical results to
outputs of some approximate methods have a basic within a small fraction of a kilometer. It therefore
8 John M. Kelso

appears that numerical integration of (16) can form An alternative procedure currently under investiga-
the basis for a convenient ray-tracing method applica- tion by Kolesar (private communication) achieves a
ble to spherically stratified ionospheres of rather similar objective by establishing the thickness of the
arbitrary vertical structure. next shell as a function of the ray angle from the
4 ..1..4. Ray Tracing Through Homogeneous Shells
vertical. The thicknesses of the shells are reduced as
the ray approaches a horizontal orientation. In both
An obvious technique for computing propagation Croft's and Kolesar's methods,. the ray is carried
of a ray in the ionosphere is to trace the ray through a through the lower ionosphere, where the refraction
succession of homogeneous shells in each of which effects are slight, in large v·ertical steps, but reduce
the ray travels along a straight line. It is common the vertical steps in the reflection region where the
to set up the relations for ray propagation on the basis rays approach a horizontal position.
of finite strata before passing to the limit of vanishing The condition for reflection requires special treat-
thickness (for example, see Smart, 1931). It is clear ment. The simplest approach would be to follow the
that at least a rough approximation to the ray tracing passage of the ray through successive shells, until the
can be obtained by retaining the shells, and not passing ray reaches an interface where Snell's law cannot offer
to the continuous limit. Formerly, however, when a real angle of refraction. Then, a mirror reflection at
numerical results could be obtained only at the the interface could be used. However, the height of
expense of tedious arithematic on a desk calculator, reflection would remain constant for small ranges of
such procedures could be used only in relatively frequency or radiation angle, and then, change dis-
rare cases where the importance of obtaining the continuously. Similar discontinuities would appear
results outweighed the difficulty of the computations. in other ray-tracing parameters, such as ground range
The availability of high-speed digital computers has and group path. Therefore, unless the shells are very
changed the situation dramatically, since such com- thin, this simple procedure will not give satisfactory
puters are well-suited to making repetitive calculations results.
through a large number of such homogeneous strata. Another possibility is to replace the last shell which
Such a method has been applied for som~ time to the ray can enter by a continuously varying layer, such
tropospheric problems (see Millman, 1959). as a linear variation.
Probably the most extensive use of these calculation A third, and perhaps the most satisfactory, solution
procedures for ionospheric problems has been made is to use a semi-empirical relation that assigns a new
by Croft, who developed several basic methods for upper boundary for the last shell at some height de-
computing ray propagation in homogeneous shells. pending on the amount by which the ray angle at
The first, and most obvious method, uses Snell's law incidence on the interface just passed would have to
(or the equivalent Bouguer'~ rule) to ~ompute the be changed; first, to permit its entry into the next
passage of a ray through a succession of a large number higher shell, and second, to prevent its entry into the
(from dozens to hundreds) of pre-specified, homo- shell it presently occupies. The new shell boundary
geneous shells. Using this method, it is relatively easy can then be set at a height proportional to the position
to calculate the ray path, the phase path, the group of the ray angle between to two extreme angles just
path, and the absorption in an ionosphere that varies noted, to permit mirror reflection at the new boundary.
with height in a rather arbitrary manner. Croft has Either of these last two procedures, or a number of
not yet published these procedures in the open litera- variants of them, will yield smooth variations of the
ture, but the earlier stages of the work were described ray-tracing parameters with angle of incidence or
in a report, Croft and Gregory (1963). . frequency.
One difficulty with this process is that the pre- The shell procedure provides a method for intro-
specifications of the shell thicknesses means that ducing the effects of horizontal variations. A particular
there is no convenient way to differentiate between shell must be treated as homogeneous (to permit a
the rather coarse steps actaally needed when the ray straight ray segment) only in the region containing
climbs steeply, and the very thin steps required in the ray segment. In another region of the same shell,
the region of ray apogee (reflection) where the ray a different value of refractive index can be assigned.
makes a long horizontal excursion. There are at least This procedure does not, of itself, properly represent
two basically different methods for making better the. effects of horizontal variations, since one can see
allowances for these two ray conditions. One, also that Bouguer's rule applies continuously within a nar-
due to Croft (private communication), defines the row region enclosing a particular ray. Then, at the
overall vertical variations of the layer in some general earth's surface, where p.= 1 and r= re (earth radius),_
form such as interpolation in a table of stored values. the vertical angle for the downcoming ray must be
In the tracing operation, the thickness of an individual exactly equal to that for the upgoing ray.
homogeneous shell is defined by projecting the ray Kolesar (private communication) is currently in-
forward by some pre-specified distance in the direction vestigating a more general variation in which Snell's
specified by Snell's law. At the end of this distance, law is applied across a boundary tilted along the
a new shell boundary is defined, and Snell's law is surfaces of constant electron density. In its present
reapplied. stage of development, the method provides !J.Seful
Roy Tracing in the Ionosphere 9

results, but it is not yet clear how its accuracy com- exhausting effort at the time they were first presented,
pares with other methods using equivalent amounts they are not treated further here. However, this
of computation time. disregard of them should not be taken as a casual
dismissal since they were heroic efforts for their time.
4.1.5. Analog Computation
The next method to be noted is that of Poeverlein
The relative ease with which ray propagation in an (1948, 1949, and 1950), which again is not recom-
isotropic medium can be expressed as a set of dif- mended for current use, but which supplies some
ferential equations makes the use of analog computers interesting knowledge of special effects. In a plane-
attractive for certain purposes not requiring precise stratified ionosphere, Poeverlein made use of the rela-
results. An extensive investigation of such possibilities tion that f-L sin ()=constant (Snell's law in such a
for tropospheric propagation was carried out by Wong medium) to provide a graphical technique for following
(for example, see Wong, 1958, 1966). Also, the paper the course of a ray. Using this method, he displayed
by Inst9n and Curtis (1968) discusses computation on the rather interesting horizontal deviations of the
an analog computer as a means for obtaining very ordinary and extraordinary rays in vertical propagation.
rapidly an approximate representation of the ray He also showed that the ordinary ray in oblique propa-
structure which aids in the application of more gation could exhibit a surprising cusp-like effect in
accurate, but slower, digital computations. the reflection region.
Generally speaking, however, the greater flexibility Following are some methods more suited for present-
and accuracy obtainable by digital methods would day use with available digital computation facilities.
appear to limit the use of analog methods.
4.2.2. Spherical Strata
4.1.6. Numerical Integration of DiHerential Equations
Lawrence and Posakony (1961) prepared a ray-
There are a number of ways in which the mathe- tracing program (including the magnetic field) for use
matics of ray tracing can be put into the form of in propagation measurements involving earth satellites.
differential equations, which can be sotved numeri- This method, a spherical-shell procedure, used an
cally. The paper by lnston and Curtis (1968) describes iterative technique to eliminate the difficulty caused by
one such procedure. Another method may be derived the dependence of the refractive index on the previous
from the very general equations of Haselgrove (1955), ray history~ The method, as described in the cited
but the generality of those relations places it more reference, does not make provisions for a reflected ray,
properly in the discussion of methods which include but it is described so completely that it could be
the earth's magnetic field. readily implemented by those interested in the higher
Typically, methods based on numerical- integration frequency regime where reflections do not occur.
of differential equations make it relatively easy, in 4.2.3. Integration of DiHerential Equations
principle at least, to permit rather arbitrary variations The most general method for ray tracing in the
of the medium properties in two or even three dimen- ionosphere is that presented by Haselgrove (1955,
sions. Two problem areas, that of supplying the input 1957), and Haselgrove and Haselgrove (1960). This
data· and that of finding an efficient manner of dis- method, based on Hamiltonian optics, uses a set of
playing the outputs, are discussed in a later section. six first-order differential equations, and permits
Additional problems arise when the electron density the inclusion of arbitrary spatial variations (to within
contains discontinuous derivatives, as discussed in a the limits of geometrical optics) of the ionospheric elec-
later section. tron density and geomagnetic field. Two additional
differential equations permit the calculation of group
4.2. With Magnetic Field path and absorption. Obviously, a variety of simplifica-
tions would permit more rapid computations of special
4.2.1. Various Early Developments
cases, such as propagation in an isotropic medium,
As noted above, the inclusion of the earth's magnetic or a spherically stratified medium.
field means that the medium is anisotropic, and implies An extensive discussion of the Haselgrove method
that the ray direction does not generally coincide with is given by Brandstatter (1963), and Jones (1968)
the wave-normal direction. Since the refractive index presents the results of a particular implementation of
depends upon the direction of the wave normal, which this technique in this issue of Radio Science.
in turn is not fully known without knowledge of the
previous history of the ray, it is obvious that the
presence of the magnetic field poses serious problems. 5. Special Problems of Ray Tracing
Budden and Daniell (1965) presented an interesting
procedure for finding the refractive index, given the There are a number of problems connected with ray
ray direction, but the method is difficult to use. tracing, not all of which are immediately obvious.
Early methods for including the effects of the mag- These are the concern of the present section.
netic field were developed by Booker (1936, 1938, 1949) The first such problem concerns the ionospheric
and Millington (1951, 1954), but since these methods data available for introduction into ray-tracing calcula-
could be applied only to special cases with rather tions. This problem is not mentioned as one which
10 John M. Kelso

could be missed by any reasonably intelligent observer; ray tracing is subject to abrupt changes as the integra-
however, the question of what to do about it does tion passes a region where the derivative changes
indeed merit some discussion. suddenly.
First, it is clear that our knowledge of the instan- The problems of disposing of the output are nearly
taneous state of the ionosphere in any region can never as vexing. A digital computer can generate a large
be complete. Does this mean that it is never useful to quantity of data in the course of tracing a single ray.
work toward ray-tracing methods which are more What are the best forms in which to store and present
accurate than our knowledge of the ionosphere? the data? An obvious step is to plot the ray trajectories,
This author must take the position that such is not perhaps with additional marks indicating the way in
the case. There are many instances for which useful which some parameter (e.g., the group delay) varies
results can he obtained from this fine-structure of along the ray; this approach was illustrated in figure l.
the ray-tracing results, while the overall characteris- The use of the reflectrix can store a great quantity
tics are no better than the ionospheric inputs. Exam- of the information, as was shown by Croft (1967a).
ples of this were given in an earlier section. Since the purposes of various ray-tracing tasks are
A further point might be made that the ionospheric different, it is clear that a number of convenient ways
uncertainties are large enough so that it would be a of presentation and storage are needed. It is to be
pity if the mathematical errors in ray tracing added hoped that they will be forthcoming before the world
to the limits imposed by our ignorance of the physical is buried under computer printouts.
It must be recognized, however, that the availability
of ray-tracing techniques which make provisions for
two- or three-dimensional ionospheric variations does 6. Applications of Ray Tracing
indeed put a premium in the current capability to
•define a reasonable ionospheric input to the ray-tracing For those who have already expended substantial
process. -· efforts on the use of ray tracing, the value of such
One difficulty arises in some of the frequently efforts must surely be clear. However, those who have
used methods for defining the vertical variations of not had occasion to apply such techniques might
ionospheric electron density using "true-height anal- reasonably wonder what they can gain by doing so.
ysis" techniques. Some such processes ·define in- A number of examples are included in this special
dividually the electron densities at a series of heights. issue, and a few additional comments may be in order.
Without some further provision for smoothing, it is Among the problems particularly amenable to solu-
possible that the use of the results from such true- tion by ray-tracing techniques are those involving
height analyses could lead to the input of an ionosphere transmissions between the ground and an earth
whose vertical gradient of electron density changes satellite. This particular utility is grounded in two
discontinuously. The fact that such changes in gradient basic facts; first, the frequencies involved in such
produce anomalous variations of virtual reflection · transmissions are usually sufficiently high so that there
height is rather well known (see Kelso, 1954, for an is no doubt as to the validity of ray-tracing methods,
illustration of the effect of a simple inflection of the and, second, the accuracy necessary to utilize the
profile). The theorems of Breit and Tuve (1926) and resulting measurements is often sufficient to require
Martyn (1935) also show that such effects in the virtual a detailed ray-tracing treatment. Among such measure-
heights of reflection can readily produce irregularities ments are those related to the determination of iono-
in oblique ray tracing. spheric properties, based on the effects of Faraday
rotation or doppler shift. The literature concerning
One method for deriving the vertical electron- such observations is very larg~, but the interested
density profile from ionosonde records, developed reader may gain access to it by consulting Mass (1963).
by Titheridge (1959), takes special pains to produce The processes of ray tracing are of great utility in a
a continuous representation of the vertical profile variety of other problems of radio propagation. The
of electron density with height, and, in fact, manages computation of the spatial distribution of field strength
to preserve the continuities of the vertical derivative from a given transmitter and ionospheric conditions
of the electron density. For the purposes of accurate is an obvious candidate for such calculations. Several
ray tracing, the ionospheric inputs should be derived techniques for using such a method have been intro-
from a method which preserves such important duced, but a truly useful one will require a 'better
properties. understanding of the processes for including realistic
In fact, the continuity of the vertical and hori- ionosphere data. However, in a number of special
zontal derivatives of electron density are of especial cases, the introduction of ray-tracing methods can be
importance in methods based on numerical inte- of considerable assistance in signal intensity calcula-
gration of differential equationg. sin~e those meth- tions. An effect directly amendable to solutions based
ods usually require the introduction of horizontal on ray tracing is the change in signal intensity due to
and vertical derivatives of refractive index. If sucli focusing or defocusing. These effects are readily
derivatives are not continuous, the entire process of determined by computing the area over which the
Ray Tracing in the Ionosphere 11

energy in a transmitted solid angle is spread upon Booker, H. G. (1938), Propagation of wave packets incident obliquely
reception at a given position. Calculations of this upon a stratified doubly refracting ionosphere, Phil. Trans. Roy.
Soc. 237, No. 781, 411-451.
type for a simple ionosphere were carried out analyti- Booker, H. G. (1949), Application of the magneto-IOnic theory to
cally more than 30 years ago by Forsterling and Lassen radio waves incident obliquely upon a horizontally-stratified
(1933); a similar approach was later pursued exten· ionosphere, J. Geophys. Res. 54, No. 3, 243-274.
sively hy Rawer (1948, 1952). In a recent paper, Croft Born, M. and E. Wolf (1965), Principles of Optics, 3rd rev. ed.
(Pergamon Press, London and New York).
(1967a) applies computer ray tracing to demonstrate Brandstatter, J. J. (1963), An Introduction to Waves, Rays and
the focusing effects produced by the ionization in the Radiation in Plasma Media (McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New
region between ionospheric layers. York, N.Y.).
The interpretation of oblique, swept-frequency iono- Breit, G., and M. A. Tuve (1926), A test of the existence of the con-
ducting layer, Phys. Rev. 28, No.3, 554-573.
grams may be aided greatly by using ray tracing Brekhovskikh, L. M. (1960), Waves in Layere'd Media (Academic
methods to transform vertical ionograms into the Press Inc., New York, N.Y.).
corresponding oblique form. Such a process is not Bremmer, H. (1949), Terrestrial Radio Waves (Elsevier PubL Co.,
new, of course; Appleton and Beynon (1940) discussed Amsterdam).
Bremmer, H. (1958), Propagation of electromagnetic waves, Hand·
a variety of methods for computing the oblique iono- buch der Physik 16 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin).
gram, including the use of Martyn's theorem of Smith's Budden, K. G. (1961), Radio Waves in the Ionosphere (Cambridge
transmission curves (both discussed in an earlier Univ. Press, London).
section) and analytic calculations (ray tracing) based Budden, K. G., and G. J. Daniell (1965), Rays in magnetoionic theory,
on a parabolic layer whose parameters were deter- J. Atmosph. Terr. Phys. 27, No. 3, 395-415.
Chapman, S. (1931), The absorption and dissociative or ionizing
mined from the vertical ionogram. The use of computer effect of monochromatic radiation in an atmosphere on a rotating
ray tracing permits the rapid processing of large earth, Proc. Phys. Soc. London 43, No. 1, 26-45.
quantities of such information, and can provide greater Croft, T. A. (l967a), HF radio focusing caused by the electron dis-
accuracy, at least in the sense of establishing the tribution between ionospheric layers, J. Geophys. Res. 72, No.9,
differences between modes, if not in the absolute Croft, T. A. (l967b), Computation of HF ground backscatter ampli-
values assigned to either. Kopka and MoHer (1968) tude, Radio Sci. 2 (New Series), No. 7, 739-746.
show the extension of such considerations to the case Croft, T. A., and R. B. Fenwick (1963), Chart for determining the
of ionospheres with horizontal variations. effects of ionospheric tilts using an idealized model, J. Res. NBS
67D (Radio Prop.}, No.6, 735-745.
The problem of computing the amplitude of ground
Croft, T. A., and L. Gregory (1963), A fast, versatile, ray-tracing
backscatter resulting from transmissions (rom a pulse program for IBM 7090 digital computers, Tech. Rept. No. 82,
transmitter operating in the HF spectrum are con- Stanford Electronics Lab., Stanford, Calif.
sidered in the paper by Surtees (1968); such processes Croft, T. A., and H. Hoogasian (1968), Exact ray calculations in a
have been treated previously by Shearman (1956), quasi-parabolic ionosphere, Radio Sci. 3 (New Series), No. 1,
Phillips (1960), Croft (1967b), and others. de Voogt, A. H. (1953), The calculation of the path of a radio-ray in a
given ionosphere, Proc. IRE 41, No.9, 1183-1186.
Epstein, P. S. (1930), Geometrical optics in absorbing media, Proc.
Nat. Acad. Soc. 16, 37-45.
Fiirsterling, K. (1942), Uber die Ausbreitung elektromagnetischer
The author is much indebted to many members of Wellen in einem magnetisierten Medium bei senkrechter Inzidenz,
the ITT Electro-Physics Laboratories for their con- Hochfrequenz. U. Elektroakust, 59, No. 1, 1Q-22.
tributions to the information presented in this paper. Forsterling, K., and H. Lassen (1933), Kurtzwellenausbreitung in der
In particular he acknowledges the contributions made Atmosphare, Hochfrequenz. U. Elektroakust 42, 158-178.
by J~ D. Kolesar, who has been responsible for anum- Grossi, M. D., and B. M. Langworthy (1966), Geometric optics in-
vestigation of HF and VHF guided propagation in the ionospheric
ber of ray-tracing deveiopments under the author's whispering gallery, Radio Sci. I (New Series}, No. 8, 877-886.
guidance, and who was of considerable assistance in Hartree, D. R. (1931), Optical and equivalent paths in a stratified
the preparation of this paper, including the tests of medium, treated from a wave standpoint, Proc. Roy. Soc. Ser. A.
the numerical-integration ray-tracing procedure 131, No. 817, 428-450. ·
Haselgrove, J. (1955), Ray theory and a new method for ray tracing,
described in the text. Proc. Camb. Conf. Phys. Ionosphere, 355-364 (The Physical
The preparation of this report was supported by the Society, London).
Office of Naval Research under contract Nonr- Haselgrove, J. (1957), Oblique ray paths in the ionosphere, Proc.
Phys. Soc. London Ser. B. 70, No. 7, 653-662.
4204(00). Haselgrove, J., and C. B. Haselgrove (1960), Twisted ray paths in
the ionosphere, Proc. Phys. Soc. London 75, No. 3, 357-363.
Heading, J., and R. T. P. Whipple (1952), The oblique reRection of
7. References long wireless waves from the ionosphere at places where the
earth's magnetic field is regarded as vertical, Phil. Trans. A.
Appleton, E. V., and W. J. G. Beynon (1940), The application of 244,469.
ionospheric data 10 radio communication problems, Pt I, Proc. Inston, H. H., and A. R. Curtis (1968), A ray tracing program applied
Phys. Soc. London 52, No. 202, 518-533. to the computation of frequency deviations in a high-frequency
Blake, L. V. (1968), Ray height computation for a continuous non· signal, Radio Sci. 3 (New Series), No. 1, 27-32.
linear atmospheric refractive index profile, Radio Sci. 3 (New Jaeger, J. C. (1948), Equivalent path and absorption for oblique
Series), No. 1, 85-92. incidence on a curved ionospheric region, Proc. Phys. Soc. London
Booker, H. G. (1936), Oblique propagation of electromagnetic waves 61, No. 343, 78-86.
in a slowly-varying non-isotropic medium, Proc. Roy. Soc. 155, Jones, R. M. (1968), A three-dimensional ray-tracing computer
No. 885, 235-251. program, Radio Sci. 3 (New Series), No. 1, 93-94.
12 John M. Kelso

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