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A Research Study
Presented to the
Faculty of the Compostela National High School
Cebu Province

Write your
track and
In Partial Fulfilment group no.
of the Requirements for
GAS (1) 12
Group 6

Quiño, Merben ( LEADER FIRST) ______________ Group
FAMILY NAME FIRST - _______________ Members
ALPHABETICAL ORDER _______________

MARCH 2019

Title Page

Chapter I


Conceptual Framework........................................................................................................3

Statement of Purpose...........................................................................................................7

Significance of Study...........................................................................................................7

Scope and Limitation............................................................................................................

Definition of Terms............................................................................................................. 8

Review of Related Literature...............................................................................................9

Chapter II
Research Methodology
Design............................................................................. ...................................................18

Environment............................................................ ..........................................................18

Respondents .......................................................................................................................19

Sampling Technique............................................................. .............................................20

Instruments........................................................................ .................................................20

Data Gathering Procedure..................................................................................................20

Data Analysis.....................................................................................................................22
Chapter I


Introduction/ Rationale of the Study

The rationale renders an exposition of the situation that has made the study necessary.
The first paragraph of the introduction is the most important part of the paper. It provides a
“narrative hook” to the reader (Creswell, 2007). The narrative hook causes the reader to pay
attention and elicits an emotional or attitudinal response from the reader. It also causes the reader
to continue reading.
This rationale’s main purpose is to present the justification of the study. The researchers
may cite the: (1) reasons why they have chosen the topic; and/or (2) cite the problematic
situation, which prompted the researchers to conduct the study from the macro to micro levels,
that is, globally, regionally, nationally, and locally, to zero-in on the local setting of the study.
Discussions claimed should be with legal basis relevant to the study. The researchers may
present pertinent statistical data that could support the claims. The presentations should be
emphatic and explosive. It should create an impact on the reader of the research. It should prod
the reader to go on and find out what good is there in the research study.
The following are the guide questions to help articulate the Rationale:
(1) What is the study all about?
(2) What is the National and international literature saying about the study?
(3) What is the research gap ( what is unknown); and
(4) How will this study address the research gap (unknown)?
Therefore, the last paragraph of the rationale is the purpose statement. It states the
purpose of the researcher in order to address the gap or problem stated in the “situationer” or
research gap and cites the reasons for conducting the study






Conceptual or Theoretical Framework

Should point out the theory/theories used in the study. Provide a discussion of the
theory and operationalize the discussion of the theory as used in the study. The researcher
should also provide a schematic representation (figure) of the variables in the study with
the theory/theories included.

Key concepts should be defined conceptually.

If no theory is found to back-up the study, models and philosophies may be used.
In qualitative studies identification of the theory will come at the end of data

Statement of Purpose

The Problem Statement renders a statement of the central problem of the study. This is a
general statement of the problem. A recommended wording of the Problem Statement is
presented below:
For Quantitative Research.

Research questions in quantitative research are specific queries the researcher

wants to answer in addressing the research problem. In some cases, they are direct
recordings of the statement of purpose, phased interrogatively. It specifically: (1)
identifies the key elements to be studied; and (2) guides the design and methodology. It is
carefully constructed and refined.
The PICO or PIO model is recommended in drafting the specific research
questions.Population: Who is the population of interest? Intervention: What is the
planned intervention? Comparison: Who is the comparison group; or what is the
comparison condition? Outcome: What is the outcome of interest?

For Qualitative Research.

Specific research questions for qualitative research are only commencing points
used for grounding data collection. It must be drafted in such a way that it does not
prohibit discovery. It is sufficiently flexible and can be altered anytime in the research
process. Grounded theory asks process questions, Phenomenology asks meaning
questions, and Ethnography asks descriptive questions about culture.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the culture-based health care practices among well
and ill Cebuanos. This study will be conducted in the Province of Cebu for the year 2008.
Specifically, the study attempts to answer the following questions:
1. How are the lived experiences of Cebuanos in the use of culture-based health care practiced
in the;
1.1. urban area; and
1.2. rural area?
2. How are the culture-based health care practices provided by the Tambalans in the:
2.1. urban area; and
2.2. rural area?

Specific problems should contain the following:

 Profiling of respondents (for undergrad studies, can also be optional)

 Descriptive, comparative, or correlational statements.
 The last statement of the problem should pertain to the output question.
Statement of Null Hypothesis

 The Hypothesis states the researcher’s conjectures or “educated guess”

pertaining todifferences or relationships. The hypothesis is stated in null form
requires that hypotheses be expressed as an expected absence of a
relationship. This means that it needs to be subjected statistically. The null
hypothesis represents the formal statement of absence until proven with
significant relationships after doing the appropriate statistical test. Null
hypothesis are not required for plain descriptive quantitative study and
qualitative study.

Significance of the Study

 Should provide significance to the profession

 Should point out the specific group of persons who will benefit from the study. To
include future researchers.

 Impact of the research on the community where the research occur. Is there
involvement of the community in decision about the conduct of the study.

 Should provide a clear statement to which findings are linked.


 The first step is to determine the key terms or phrases used in the study. The
researchers need to determine first its conceptual definition before defining them
operationally. Conceptual definitions are taken from books, encyclopedias,
periodicals, magazine and journals. After determining its conceptual definition,
the researchers define the key terms and phrases operationally. Operational
definition is how these key terms or phrases are: (1) taken to mean in the study;
(2) used in the study; or (3) measured in the study. Terms to be defined should be
arranged alphabetically.


 Provide an introduction.
 Should be at least 15 – 20 pages.
 Can be from primary or secondary sources.
 Authors should be acknowledged in every end of the paragragh.
 Should be up-to-date and based on primary sources.
 Should provide a sound basis for the new study.
 The review should provide a state-of-the-art synthesis of evidence on the problem.

Related Literature

 An introductory statement should be made before presenting the related literature.

Conceptual literature cited should be taken from books, news papers or magazines. The
conceptual literature should be logically presented according to variables or phenomenon.
Statements copied verbatim from original sources should be typed single space inset. It is
advised that long citations should be paraphrased. In this case, the researchers should
restate the author’s thoughts in his or her own words. Citations should be documented
properly following the APA format. The researchers must provide a critique for every
abstracted literature. This should focus on the quality of the data and not based on
personal opinion. Read and evaluate the relevance of the literature to your topic. After
selection, organize the literature into a coherent picture of studies and documents on your
topic. Write a review be developing summaries of the literature. Sort literature and
studies according to topical areas or “families of studies”. Provide a topic side heading
for each group. Literature can also be presented in sequence from the oldest to the recent
or vice versa. To find out the relevance of the literature, the following questions may be
used to guide the researcher:
Topic relevance: Is the literature on the same topic as your proposed study?
Individual and site relevance: Does the literature examine the same
individuals and site you want to study?
Problem relevance: Does the literature examine the same research problem as
you propose in your study?

Related Studies
 An introductory statement should be made before presenting the Related Studies.
This should be taken from published or unpublished thesis, journals and other
research study materials. This must be arranged logically by variables or by
phenomenon. The arrangement should be based on the paradigm. There is a need
to cite those studies which are relevant to the study. In presenting the related
studies, the researchers need to cite the methodology, the participants, the data
analysis procedure, and the major findings. There is a need to use the researchers
own words in presenting the review. Citations should be documented properly
following the APA format. The researchers must provide a critique for every
abstracted related study. This should focus on the quality of the data, quality of
the used methodology and not based on personal opinion.
Overall Summary

 The researchers need to cite first the similarities of the related literature
and study with the researchers own study. Then, cite the aspects where
they differ. After which, cite the aspects that make the study original or
novel. Similarities and differences should be compared even to their
minor details.



Chapter II


Introduce the chapter first.


A research method refers to the design for data collection and data analysis. The
major research design is quantitative and qualitative study. It should be discussed or
presented on how the design helps in data gathering.
For quantitative study, it could be non-experimental or experimental. For
nonexperimental study, it could be descriptive correlational, univariate descriptive, retrospective,
prospective nonexperimental, natural experiment, path analytic study, or comparative. For
experimental study it could be true experiment (post-test only, pretest-posttest, factorial,
randomized block, crossover, wait-list), quasi-experiment (nonequivalent control group
beforeafter, time series, time series nonequivalent control group design, time series with multiple
institutions of treatment, time series with intensified treatment, time series with withdrawn and
reinstituted treatment), and pre-experiment (nonequivalent control group after-only, one group
before-after). The specific design features must be presented, find a book or any resources.


 Discuss the place where the study is conducted.

 If the study is qualitative or non experimental, the research environment should be
 presented with its locale. The research environment presents a profile, historical
account, vision, mission, and the feature of the participants being studied. Present
the practices, lifeways, educational statistics, health statistics, as the case may be.
 The research locale only refers to the place or locale of the study. If the study is
experimental, we only present the research locale without the research
Respondents or Informants (for qualitative designs)
 For quantitative studies, a table may be provided to summarize the total number
of respondents.
 For qualitative studies, a table may be provided to summarize the total number of
informants and key informants.
 Should provide for the exclusion (not included in the study) and inclusion
(included in the study) criteria.
 Include what are the responsibilities of the participants and their expected
duration of participation in the study.

Sampling Technique

o The sampling should be specified and explained as to how it is used in the study.
It should be the appropriate sampling method and technique for the study.
o The total population should be provided and the derived sampling size in figures.
o Acknowledge if Slovin’s formula is used. (useful only if respondents are 1000 or
o One must provide a justification for the sample size. Should be adequate and

Discuss if the tool used is:

 If a standard questionnaire, just acknowledge the questionaires’author.

 If an adaptation from the previous study – if so, please acknowledge the
author and title of the study.
 If researcher-made – Make sure that pre-testing was done or that the
research tool was content validated by three experts. Cite also relevant
sources where the tool was derived. For reliability test use Chronbach
 There may be a need to translate the questionnaire, make sure that the
translated questionnaire also appears in the appendices.
Statistical Treatment of Data (DATA ANALYSIS)

 Enumerate all the statistical treatment used in the study.

 Describe each statistical treatment as to how it is used in the study
 Parametric interpretations are placed at the last end.

Analysis of Qualitative Data (For qualitative designs only)

 Discuss the type of data analysis for qualitative studies used in the study.
Criteria for Trustworthiness (For qualitative designs only)

 Explain here that the study was able to satisfy the criteria set for trustworthiness.
These are credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability.

Data Gathering Procedures

 Discuss step by step procedure from the start in making the title onwards.
 Discuss from the time of asking permission to conduct the study up to the time that data
are being analysed and interpreted.
 Please include how participant data will be summarized (i.e. tabular form, graphical or in
paragraphs as in the case of qualitative studies.
 Provide a discussion on the private investigator’s/researcher’s qualification like relevant
certifications to ascertain capability to manage study related risks.
 Provide a discussion of the suitability of the site to make sure the adequacy of qualified
staff and infrastructure.
 Provide a discussion on specimen handling (Numbering the questionnaires and compiling
for quantitative studies. Destroying the recordings for qualitative studies).
 Provide a discussion of the length/extent of human involvement in the study.

Ethical Issues

Discuss the following here:

 Conflict of interest arising from financial, familial or proprietary

consideration of the private investigator sponsor, or the study site.
 Use of informed consents and the process. Discuss the principle of
respect for persons, how and when it will be done. In the case of special
populations, like minors and those not legally capacitated to give consent,
discuss how and when the consent is done and who will give consent in
their behalf.
 Authorization to Access Private Information – This is applicable only
when accessing patient information which can be incorporated in the
consent form or a separate form should be used. The person concerned
should sign the authorization of which it shall include (1) who will receive
the information, (2) what type of information will be disclosed, and (3)
What further disclosures the researcher anticipates.
 Privacy and confidentiality. Provide measures or guarantees to protect
privacy and confidentiality of the participant information as indicated by
data collection methods including data protection plans. Like anonymity
of the respondents, assigning numbers to respondents or informants. And
that information will be kept with strict confidentiality.)
 Ensuring confidentiality:
 Obtain identifying information (i.e. name, address) from
participants only when essential;
 Assign an identification number to each participant and attach the
ID number rather than other identifiers to the actual data;
 Maintain identifying information in a locked file;
 Restrict access to identifying information to only a few people on a
need-to-know basis;
 Enter no identifying information onto computer files;
 Destroy identifying information as quickly as practical;
 Make research personnel sign confidentiality pledges if they have
access to data or identifying information;
 Report research information in the aggregate; if information for an
individual is reported, disguise the person’s identity, such as
through the use of a fictitious name.
 Debriefing, Communications and Referrals. Should include that the
researcher should be gracious and polite and should phrase questions
tactfully, and should be sensitive to cultural and linguistic diversity. May
use the following techniques:
 Debriefing sessions – after data collection is completed this is done
to permit participants to ask questions or air complaints.
 Communication – communicate with participants after study is
completed to let them know that their participation was
appreciated. Either by mailing them a summary or advising them
of an appropriate website).
 Referrals – to appropriate health, social, or psychological services
when necessary. Like when studying about stress, participants with
high level of stress should be referred to a psychologist.
 Conflict of interest. .
 Institutions may be in conflict of interest, for example, when they
(a) sponsor a research project; (b) manage the intellectual property
that forms the basis of a research project or stand to benefit from
intellectual property resulting from the research; (c) hold equity in
companies and/or receive major donations; or (d) have conflicting
roles carried out by one institutional official (e.g., a vice-president
who is responsible for the promotion of research activity and
funding and also for oversight of research).
 If with vulnerable populations, discuss their involvement and impact on
informed consent. (examples: children, elderly, ethnic and racial minority
groups, the homeless, prisoners, people with incurable disease, people
who are politically powerless or junior members of a hierarchial group).


- APA format

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