The ICD 10 Vs 11

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Running head: UNIT 6 ASSIGNMENT 1 1

Unit 6 Assignment 1 - ICD-10 and ICD-11

Joann Charies

18SUNS HITT2327: Vendor Specific HITT Systems WEB

Midland College

ICD-11 versus ICD-10

The ICD-11 encompasses diseases, medical conditions, mental health disorders, etc. and is

utilized for insurance purposes, for the statistical tracing of diseases and as a global health

categorization tool that can be employed in different countries and different languages. ICD-11 is

a revised version is different from ICD-10 in terms of approach to categorization, coding

structure, international usage, digital readiness and user-friendliness (Cuncic, 2019).

In terms of coding structure, ICD-11 has a more sophisticated structure than ICD-10. A fine level

of detail is present for coding for diseases. The coding structure is more simple and specific as

compared to ICD-10.

In terms of international applicability, it offers 43 languages for use in coding. Thus, the revised

system provides a common coding language that can be used by healthcare professionals which

will assist in international use and comparison.

It is electronic and user-friendly for a global audience. It is consistent with the latest research and

helps in recovery from illnesses. This new dimension helps to overcome artificial co-morbidity,

which refers to a person being diagnosed with multiple illnesses while the symptoms all

represent the same disease. To help with this approach, the new system includes two new

chapters and a new set of categories.

ICD-11 in terms of interoperability

ICD11 has been designed to improve the ease and accuracy of coding from both classification

and IT perspective through a wide variety of features which include


 An assessment of implementation and training tool for coding diagnostic terms in both

ICD-10 and ICD-11 in multiple languages

 Web services for the whole search and coding functionality in software

 Online services that facilitate the use of ICD11 without need for a local software

 Offline services with the same functionality as web services to download for use on a

network or local computers. Regularly scheduled updates can be accomplished through


 Output tooling to develop files in a user-friendly format, for example, comma separated

value, transition tables to view disease classification in ICD-10 format

 Notification settings to advise of changes implemented (WHO, 2019)

ICD11-CM as billers

ICD codes have great financial importance as they can be employed to assess where it is best to

invest with limited resources. In countries such as the USA, ICD-11 CM codes serve the basis

for health insurance billing and thus are essentially coupled with healthcare finances.


Cuncic, A. (2019). Overview of the ICD-11 for Mental Health. Very well mind. Retrieved from

WHO (2019). ICD-11 Implementation or Transition Guide. Retrieved from


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