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Accounting for Corporation  It has the powers, attributes

and properties expressly

The corporation code of the Philippines,
authorized by law, or incident
Sec 2
to its existence
Corporation is an artificial being
Advantages of a Corporation (BL2AST)
created by operation of law, having the
right of succession and the powers,  Board of Directors Centralized
attributes and properties expressly Decisions
authorized by law or incident to its  Limited Liability
existence.  Legal Capacity
Attributes of a Corporation  Acquire more funds
 Succession
 A corporation is an artificial  Transfer of ownership even
being with a personality separate without the consent of the other
and apart from its individual owner.
shareholders or members
 It is created by operation of Disadvantages of a Corporation
law. It cannot come into
existence by mere agreement of  Management and control have
the parties as in the case of been separated from
business partnerships. ownership
Corporation requires special  Uniting of incompatible and
authority or grant from the state, conflicting elements in one
either by a special incorporation company
law that directly creates the
 Costly of formation
corporation or by means of a
 Complicated in formation
general corporation law.
 Control of majority, minority
 It enjoys the right of
wishes are subservient
succession. A corporation has
 Heavier taxation
the capacity of continued
existence subject to the period Classes of Corporation
stated in the Articles of
Incorporation. The death, Section 3 of the corporation code
withdrawal, insolvency or classified private corporatio into:
incapacity of the individual
1. Stock Corporation- corporations
shareholders or members will not
which have capital divided into shares
dissolve the corporation. The
and are authorized to distribute to the
transfer of ownership of shares of
holders of such shares dividends or
stock does not dissolve the
allotments of the surplus profits on the  In addition, shares issued without
basis of the shares held par value are deemed fully paid.
 Banks, trust companies,
2. Non-stock corporation- Corporation
insurance companies, public
where no part of its income is
utilities and Bldg & Loan
distributable as dividends to its
associations are not permitted to
members, trustees or officers. Any profit
issue no-par value shares
that a non-stock corporation may obtain
as an incident to its operation shall, Ordinary Share (Common Stock)
whenever necessary or proper, be used
for the furtherance of the purpose or  Represent the residual corporate
purposes for which the corporation was interest that bears the ultimate
organized risk of loss and receives the
benefit of success
Classes of Share  Ordinary shareholders are
guaranteed neither dividends nor
Par value Share
assets upon dissolution but they
 Shares which has a specific generally control the
amount fixed in the articles of management of the corporation
incorporation & appearing on the and tend to profit most if the
certificate of stock corporation is successful
 The “par value” is the minimum  These are shares entitled the
issue price of the shares holder to an equal pro-rata
 Section 6 of the code state that division of profits without any
preference shares may be issued preference
only as par value shares.  The corporation code prohibits
the issuance of only preference
No par value share shares without ordinary shares
 Shares that has no value  Ordinary shareholders, generally,
appearing on the face of the enjoy the same rights with no
certificate of stock. preference over the other
 A no-par value share may have a
stated value which may be fixed  The following are the four basic
in the articles of incorporation or rights of ordinary shareholders:
by the board of directors or the o Right to attend and vote in
shareholders shareholders meeting
o Right to purchase additional
 Minimum stated value of a no-par
shares (pre-emptive right or stock
value share is five pesos (P 5.00)
per share
o Right to share in the corporate
profits( right to dividends)
o Right to share in the net assets of A stock which is convertible or
the corporation upon liquidation changeable from one class to another
Preference Share (Preference Stock)
Minimum Subscription and Paid in
 Are shares that give the holders Capital
thereof certain preference over
other shareholders. Such At the time of incorporation, at least 25%
preference may include priority of the authorized capital stock (share
claims over: capital) as stated in the articles of
o Dividends incorporation must be subscribed and at
o Net assets in the event of 25% of the total subscription must be
liquidation paid upon subscription. In NO CASE
 In exchange for such SHALL THE PAID-IN CAPITAL BE
preferences, shareholders LESS THAN P5,000. These requirement
sacrifice certain inherent rights of are mandatory. SEC shall not accept the
ordinary shareholders such: articles of incorporation of any stock
o Voting rights corporation unless accompanied by a
o Opportunity to managed sworn statement of the treasurer that the
o One purpose of issuing paid in capital and minimum subscription
preference share is to broaden has been complied with. (see images for
investor appeal thereby illustration)
increasing the corporation’s
Corporate Books and Records
opportunity to generate equity
financing 1. Minute book- it contains the
minutes of the meetings of the
Promotion shares
Those issued to promoters as 2. Stock and transfer book- it is a
compensation in promoting the record of the names of
incorporation of a corporation, or for shareholders, instalments paid
services rendered in launching or and unpaid by shareholders and
promoting the welfare of the corporation dates of payment, any transfer of
stock and dates thereof, by whom
Treasury shares and to whom made
A stock that has been issued by the 3. Books of accounts- these
corporation as fully paid and later represents the record of all
reacquired but not retired business transactions. The books
of accounts normally include the
Convertible shares journal and the ledger
4. Subscription book- it is a book
of printed blank subscription
5. Shareholders ledger- it is a minimum capital amount of paid-
ledger which details the number in capital which must be remain in
of shares issued to each the corporation for the protection
shareholders of corporate creditors.
6. Subscribers ledger- it is a  The amount of legal capital is
subsidiary ledger for the determined as follows:
subscription receivable account. o In case of par value, legal capital
It reports the individual is the aggregate par value of all
subscriptions of the subscribers issued and subscribed shares
7. Stock certificate book- it is a o In case of no-par value shares,
book of printer blank certificates legal capital is the total
of stock. consideration received by the
corporation for the issuance of its
The owner’s equity section of a
shares to the shareholders
corporation’s statement of financial
including the excess of issue
position is called shareholder’s equity.
price over the stated value
It has two major components
Share Premium
 Share capital (contributed or
 It is the portion of the paid-in
paid-in capital) – reflects the
capital representing amounts paid
amount of resources received by
by shareholders in excess of par.
a corporation as a result of
It may also results from
investment by shareholders,
transactions involving treasury
donations or other capital
stocks, retirement shares,
donated capital, share dividends
 Retained earnings and any other “gain” on the
(accumulated profit or loss) - is corporation’s own stock
the amount of capital transactions.
accumulated and retained
through the profitable operations Authorized Share Capital
of the business
 The number of authorized shares
Legal Capital indicates the maximum number of
shares the corporation can issue
 Capital contributed by as specified in the article of
shareholders comes from the incorporation.
sale of shares of stock. The share
 The maximum number of shares
of stock issued are generally
when multiplied by the par value
referred to as share capital. Legal
of the shares will yield the
capital is that portion of the
authorized capital stock
contributed capital or the
 Note any amendments in the not retired and are therefore,
authorized capital stock that will awaiting to be reissued at a later
increase or decrease capital date
stock should require prior  Entity own shares that were
approval from SEC previously issued but are
subsequently reacquired but not
Issued Share Capital retired.
 These are shares which have  Under the corporation code, an
been sold and paid for in full entity may reacquire its
 Issued shares may include previously issued shares only if it
treasury shares has sufficient unrestricted
 It is credited when the total par retained earnings. (see images
value of shares issued are fully for illustration)
collected. Accounting for Issuance of Share
 It is debited only when the issued Capital
shares are retired, redeemed or
cancelled by the corporation.  The entry to record the issuance
of share capital depends on
Subscribed Share Capital whether the stock is with or
without par value.
 It is the portion of the authorized
share capital that has been  When shares with par value are
subscribed but not yet fully paid. sold, the proceeds should be
credited to the share capital
 It is credited for the total par
account to the extent of the par
value of the shares subscribed
value of the shares, with any
 It is debited for the total par value
excess being reflected as share
of the fully collected subscription.
Outstanding Share Capital Cash xx
Share Capital xx
 These are issued shares, which Share Premium xx
are in the hands of the  When shares of no-par value are
shareholders. sold, the proceeds should be
 The number of outstanding credited to the share capital
shares will equal the difference Cash xx
between the issued shares and Share Capital xx
the treasury shares  If the no-par stock has a stated
Treasury Stock value, the excess proceeds over
the stated value may alternatively
 These are issued shares be credited to share premium or
acquired by the corporation but APIC
Cash xx credited to the ordinary shares account
Additional Paid in Capital xx to the extent of the par value
 Section 65 of the corporation
Without Par
code prohibits the original issue
of share capital for a Morning star travel is a domestic
consideration less than the par or corporation engaged in the business of
stated value organizing tour packages for asean and
 The par value is no indication of european visitors to the philippines. The
its market value; hence it is company has two classes of shares:
merely indicates the amount per preference and no-par ordinary shares
share to be entered in the share
capital account Assume that 5,000 ordinary shares were
issued for 85,000
Cash 85,000
With Par Ordinary shares 85,000
Narsan holdings is authorized to issue Assume that morning star travel no-par
1,000,000 shares divided into 10,000 ordinary shares have a stated value of
shares, with a par value of 100 per 20 and the company issued 5,000
share. The company issued on cash shares at 25 per share
basis 2,000 shares at par
Cash 125,000
Cash 200,000 Ordinary shares 125,000
Ordinary shares 200,000
Or alternatively
The amount of 200,000 invested in the
corporation is called paid-in capital or Cash 125,000
contributed capital. The credit to Ordinary shares 100,000
ordinary shares increases the share Share premium 25,000
capital of the corporation
Subscription of Shares
Suppose the 2,000 shares were sold at
 There are times when a
150 per share
corporation sells its shares
Cash 300,000 directly to investors on a
Ordinary shares 200,000 subscription basis.
Share premium 100,000  The subscription contract is a
legally binding contract which
This sale of shares increases the provides for the number of shares
corporation’s contributed capital by subscribed, the subscription
P300,000. When the shares with par price, terms of payment and other
value are sold, the proceeds should be contractual condition
 A subscriber becomes the the board of directors, in such
shareholder upon subscription case, the subscribed share
but the stock certificate capital are declared deliquent
evidencing ownership evidencing  The usual remedy is to dispose of
ownership are not issued unless these shares in a public auction
full collection of the subscription for the account of the deliquent
There are two methods of accounting for
POGI corporation is a quality car care share capital authorization and issuance
center. Assume that 5,000 shares of namely :
P10 par value ordinary shares of the
company were sold on subscription at  Journal entry method
P12 per share on Sept 1, 2019 to  Memorandum method
GANDA. Subscription installments of
P24,000 and P36,000 will be due on Illustration
Sept 16 and 30 respectively. MACHO corporation was authorized to
Sept 1 Subscription Receivable 60,000 issue P400,000 ordinary shares divided
Subs. Ordinary share 50,000 into 4,000 shares with a par value of
Share premium 10,000 P100 per share. On August 13, 2019 the
Sept 16 Cash 24,000 company received subscription for 1,000
Subscription receivable 24,000 shares at par from various individuals.
As at September 20, 2019, 600 of the
Sept 30 Cash 36,000
subscribed shares have been fully paid
Subscription receivable 36,000
Subs. Ordinary share 50,000 and the stock certificates issued
Ordinary share 50,000 correspondingly. Next day the company
issued 400 shares at par for cash (see
 Subscription receivable is a images for the answer)
shareholder’s equity account.
 It is presented in the statement of Treasury Shares
financial position as a deduction
 These are shares of stocks which
from the related subscribed
have been issued and fully paid
ordinary shares
for, but subsequently reacquired
 However, when it is collected
by the issuing corporation either
within one year, this may be
by purchase, redemption,
shown as a current asset
donation or other lawful means
 There are instances when a
 Such share may again be
subscriber fails to settle the
disposed of for a reasonable
subscription in full on the date
specified in the subscription
contract or in the “call” made by
 Treasury stock is not asset Below cost. Assume that the 1,500
because the corporation may not treasury shares were reissued at P1,500
own shares of itself per share
 It is reported as a deduction from
Cash 2,250,00
the total shareholders equity
Retained earnings 750,000
Illustration Treasury stock 3,000,000

Plantation EcoResort is a world class The excess of the cost over reissue
destination in Indang Cavite. The price of P750,000 should be debited to
operations have been succesful. To share premium to the extent of its
consolidate control over the enterprise balance. In the absence of any balance,
and thus avoid a corporate takeover by the loss is debited to retained earnings
outsiders, the board of directors decided
Retirement of Treasury Stock
to minimize outstanding shares by
purchasing 1,500 shares with a par  The shares purchased may be
value of P1,000 for P 2,000 subsequently retired.
 The ordinary shares account is
Treasury stock 3,000,000
Cash 3,000,000 reduced by its par value.
 The number of shares issued is
Reissuance of Treasury stock reduced by the stock retired
 The treasury stock account is
At cost. Assume that the treasury stock
credited at cost
were subsequently reissued at cost.
 Retirement may result in a gain or
Cash 3,000,000 loss
Treasury stock 3,000,000
Continuance of Illustration
Above cost. Assume that all treasury
Assume that plantation EcoResort
shares were reissued at P2,500 per
purchased the treasury shares for P750
per share.
Cash 3,750,000
Ordinary shares 1,500,000
Treasury stock 3,000,000
Share Premium 375,000
Share Premium- treasury 750,000
Treasury stock 1,125,000
Treasury stock is always debited for the
Observe that there is a gain on
cost of the shares purchased or credited
retirement if the cost of treasury shares
for the cost of the shares reissued.
is less than the par value
There is no reference to par value. The
excess over cost of P750,000 is not Assume that a total of 10,000 shares
regarded as gain but as a component of have been issued at P1,500 per share
share premium prior to the purchase of treasury shares.
Plantation EcoResort purchased 1,500 loss on retirement of treasury
treasury shares for P2,000 per share, stocks
these were not reissued and were o debits or credits for prior period
ultimately retired errors
 debit balance in the retained
Ordinary shares 1,500,000
earnings account resulting from
Share Premium 750,000
accumulated loss is called
Retained earnings 750,000
Treasury stock 3,000,000
 retained earnings may be
The loss on retirement of P1,500,00 restricted or appropriated and
should be debited to the following unrestricted or unappropriated
accounts in order given o unrestricted retained earnings are
free and can be declared as
 Share premium of original dividends
issuance o restricted retained earnings may
 Share premium of treasury stock be legal, contractual or voluntary
 Retained earning
Dividends in General
Retained Earnings
 Retained earnings is not a cash
 It represents the component of fund waiting to be distributed as
the shareholder's equity arising dividends.
from the retention of assets  Instead it is an owner's equity
generated from the profit-directed account representing claim on all
activities of the corporation assets in general and not on any
 At the end of an accounting asset in particular
period, the income summary  The corporation may have a large
account of a corporation is closed balance of retained earnings but
to the retained earnings account may not have cash to pay a cash
 the retained earnings is credited dividend
with corporation profit and  Shareholders are not guaranteed
debited with the loss dividends and dividends do not
 In general, the basic source of become a liability of the
retained earnings is profit while corporation UNTIL THE BOARD
dividends declaration reduce OF DIRECTORS has formally
retained earnings declared a dividend distribution
 other less common situations that  Dividends may take the form of
cause increases or decreases in cash, property or additional
retained earnings are as follows: shares
o debits resulting from reissuance  As a general rule, dividends
of treasury stocks below cost and should be based on the total
subscription and not on issuance. Dividend Payable xx
Subscribers are entitled to Cash/property/sharecapital xx
receive dividends even though
they are not fully settled their Cash Dividends
account.  Majority of dividends distributed
Three Important Dates by the corporations
 In declaring cash dividends, a
DATE OF DECLARATION company must have both an
appropriate amount of retained
 The board of directors will adopt
earnings and the necessary
a resolution declaring that a
amount of cash
dividend is to be paid.
 Dividends on par value shares
 The resolution will specify the
are stated as a percentage of the
amount, type and date of
par value
payment of this dividend. it will
 Dividends on no-par value shares
also set a date of record.
are stated at a certain amount per
 Cash dividends are declared
solely by the board of directors
 When the BOD declares a cash
while share dividends will
necessitate the concurrence of at
Retained earnings xx
least two-thirds of the outstanding
Cash dividend payable xx
 an entry is made Pogi corporation declared a cash
Retained earnings xx dividend of P12 per share of ordinary
Dividends payable xx shares on July 1. The dividends are
payable on August 1 to shareholders of
Date of record
record on July 21. The company has
 A list of shareholders entitled to 100,000 ordinary shares issued of which
the declared dividends is 7,000 shares are held in treasury. The
prepared at the date of record. entries to record the dividend
 If an investor buys a share of declaration and payment are as follows:
stock after this date, he will not Retained earnings 1,116,000
receive the dividend. the share is Cash Dividend Payable 1,116,000
said to be traded ex-dividend
 No entry is necessary  Cash dividends payable are
reported as current liabilities in
Date of payment the statement of financial position
 The corporation settles its liability  All issued and fully paid shares,
on this date. and all subscribed par value
 An entry is made:
shares are entitled to dividends Retained Earnings 950,000
when declared Property Div. Payable 950,000
 The subscribed MUST BE PAR
Property Div. Payable 950,000
VALUE SHARES. No par value
Investment in equity security 500,000
shares are considered legally
Gain on Distribution of Div. 450,000
issued only when fully paid
 Unissued shares, subscribed no- Share Dividends
par shares and treasury shares
are not entitled to dividends  A corporation may distribute to
shareholders additional shares of
Property Dividends the company’s own share as
share dividends.
 A distribution to shareholders that
 Share dividends or bonus issue
is payable in non-cash assets is
are fundamentally different from
generally referred to as property
cash or property dividend
dividends or dividends in kind
 This type of dividend do not
 Per IFRIC 11, an entity shall
transfer assets to the
measure a liability to distribute
non-cash assets as a dividend to
 It affects only the accounts within
its owners at the FV of the Assets
to be distributed the shareholders equity account
 Because retained earnings are
JABEE Industries based on Pulilan, decreased while share capital
Bulacan has 5,000 shares investment in increases, total shareholders
another entity accounted for as equity is unchanged.
nonmarketable equity investments. The  From the shareholders point of
carrying amount of this investment is view, a share dividend does not
P500,000. On Dec 1, 2019 this growing change their percentage of
food company declared as property interests in the corporation,
dividends this investment to all it although total outstanding shares
outstanding par value shares to be have increased.
distributed on Dec 15, 2014. The fair
market value of the investment at the Siobe a japanese fastfood chain is
declaration date was P950,000. There blessed with years of profitable
was no change in fair value on operations for its commitment to serve
settlement date affordable and healthy japanese food
favorites. The shareholders equity of the
The entries to record the dividend company before declaration of a 10%
declaration and distribution are as share dividend is as follows:
Ordinary shares, P50 par, 20,000
shares issued and outstanding1,000,000
Share Premium 200,000 to ordinary shares with a
TOTAL SHARE CAPITAL 1,200,000 corresponding debit to retained
RETAINED EARNINGS 650,000 earnings.
TOTAL SHE 1,850,000
Assume instead Siobe declared a 20%
The declaration of a 10% share dividend share dividend on its 20,000 issued and
will require the issuance of an additional outstanding P50 par value shares. The
2,000 shares. Assume that the company Company will issue additional 4,000
is traded at PSE and the stock market shares due to the share dividend. The
price is P110. entries will be:

The entries will be: Retained Earnings 200,000

Shares Distributable 200,000
Retained Earnings 220,000
Shares distributable 100,000 Shares Distributable 200,000
Share Premium 120,000 Ordinary shares 200,000

Shares Distributable 100,000 The account titles used to record a large

Ordinary shares 100,000 share dividend are the same as those
for small share dividends.
When the share is distributed, only the
components of the shareholders’ equity Note though that the balance in the
changes; retained earnings decreased account- Share Premium remained the
by P220,000 and share capital same; this is because large share
increased by 220,000 dividends are recorded at par value.

The receipt of a share dividend does not Liquidating Dividend

alter the relative position of a
shareholder. If a 10% share dividend is  These are not distribution of
distributed, all shareholders increase earnings but rather returns of
their proportionate holdings by 10% and capital to the investing
the total share outstanding is increased shareholders. This type of
by the same proportion. No profit is dividend can be legally paid only
realized by the shareholders. under either of the following
Large Dividend o When the corporation is under
 If the share dividend is 20% or o When the corporation is engaged
more of the previously in the exploration of natural
outstanding shares such that the resources
effect is to reduce materially the
market value per share, then only
the par or stated value is credited
Intangible Assets  The cost of the intangible asset
can be measured reliably.
 Governed by PAS 38.
 Judgment is based on external
 An identifiable nonmonetary evidence.
asset without physical substance.
 Controlled by the entity as a Initial Measurement
result of past event and from
PAS 38, paragraph 4 provides that an
which future economic benefits
intangible asset shall be measured
are expected to flow to the entity.
initially at cost.
Separate Acquisition
It is identifiable when:
 Comprises of:
 It is separable - it is capable of o Purchase price
being separated from the entity o Import duties and
and be sold, transferred, nonrefundable purchase taxes
licensed, rented or exchanged. o Directly attributable costs of
 It arises from contractual or other preparing the asset for the
legal rights intended use.
 Directly attributable costs include:
Control o Cost of employee benefits
The entity must be able to enjoy future arising directly from bringing
economic benefits from the asset and the asset to its working
prevent other from enjoying the same condition.
benefits. o Professional fees arising
directly from bringing the
Future Economic Benefits asset to its working condition.
o Cost of testing whether the
Includes revenues, cost savings
asset is functioning properly.
For example, the use of intellectual  If payment is deferred, the cash
property in a production process or the price equivalent is the cost.
legal right to use a new technology, may o Cash price equivalent – total
reduce future production costs rather payments = interest expense
than increase future revenue. over the credit period.
 Examples of cost that are not
Recognition of Intangible Assets included but expensed immediately:
o Cost of introducing a new
 It is probable that future
product or service, including
economic benefits attributable to
costs of advertising and
the asset will flow to the entity.
promotional activities.
o Costs of conducting business o Import licenses or quotes or
in a new location or with a rights to access restricted
new class of customer, resources
including costs of staff  Such assets may be initially
training. recorded at either:
o Administration and other o Fair value
general overhead costs. o Nominal amount or zero plus any
o Costs incurred while an asset expenditure that is directly
capable of operating in a attributable to preparing the asset
manner intended by for its intended use.
management has yet to be
brought into use. Acquisition by Exchange
o Initial operating losses. Intangible assets may be acquired in
Acquisition as Part of Business exchange for a nonmonetary asset or a
Combination combination of monetary asset and
nonmonetary asset; with commercial
 Based on fair value on the date of substance, often measured at fair
acquisition. value.
 If there is an active market, the
If the exchange transaction lacks
quoted price of an identical asset
commercial substance or when the cash
provides reliable evidence of fair
flows of the asset received do not differ
significantly from the cash flows of the
o If there is none, then that of a
asset transferred, then it is measured at
similar asset may provide
carrying amount of the asset given
 If there is no active market, the
quoted price for an identical or Internally Generated Intangible Asset
similar asset may be available.
 Based on unobservable input  The cost of an internally
usually developed by the entity generated intangible asset
using the best available comprises all directly attributable
information. costs necessary to create,
produce and prepare the asset to
Acquisition by Government Grant be capable of operating it in the
manner intended by
 When a government transfers or
allocates to an entity intangible
 The following expenditures are
assets such as:
not components of the cost of an
o Airport land rights
internally generated intangible
o Licenses to operate radio or
television stations
o Selling, administrative and other Any subsequent expenditure on an
general overhead, unless this intangible asset shall be recognized
expenditure can be directly as expense.
attributed to preparing the asset
for use. It is because most of the subsequent
o Clearly identified inefficiencies expenditure are likely to maintain
and initial operating losses only the expected future economic
incurred before an asset achieves benefits embodied.
planned performance. However, there are subsequent
o Expenditure on training staff to expenditures that may be capitalized
operate the asset. if the following criteria are met:
 PAS 38, paragraph 63 provides
that internally generated brands,  It is probable that future
mastheads, publishing titles, economic benefits attributable
customer lists and items similar in specifically to the subsequent
substance shall not be expenditure will flow to the
recognized as intangible assets. entity.
They shall be components of  The subsequent expenditure
internally generated goodwill and can be measured reliably.
shall be expensed when incurred.
Only rarely will a subsequent
Recognition of an Expense expenditure on an intangible asset
results to an addition to the cost of
Expenditures that are expensed when the intangible asset.
Unidentifiable Intangible Assets
 Start up costs
o Organizational costs such as It cannot be sold, transferred, licensed,
legal and secretarial costs; rented or exchanged separately. It is
preopening costs for new facility inherent in a continuing business and
and preoperating costs for can only be identified with the entity as a
commencing new operation or whole.
launching new product.
Such is the case of goodwill.
 Training Costs
 Advertising and promotional costs Subsequent Measurement:
 Business relocation or 1. Cost Model - At cost less any
reorganization costs accumulated amortization and any
accumulated impairment loss.
Subsequent Expenditures 2. Revaluation Model - At revalued
amount less any subsequent
amortization and any subsequent If such patterns cannot be determined
accumulated impairment loss. reliably, straight line method of
amortization shall be used.
Revalued amount is the fair value at the
date of revaluation and is determined by Impairment of Intangible Assets
reference to an active market.
Intangible assets with finite useful life
Amortization of Intangible Assets are tested for impairment whenever
there is an indication of impairment at
 It is the systematic allocation of the end of the reporting period.
the amortizable amount of an
intangible asset over the useful Intangible assets with indefinite life are
life. tested annually and whenever there is
 Amortization shall begin when the an indication of impairment.
asset is available for use,
Impairment loss is recognized if the
meaning, when the asset is in the
recoverable amount is less than the
location and condition for the
carrying amount.
intended use.
 It will cease when the intangible Recoverable amount is the higher
asset is derecognized or when between fair value less cost of disposal
the asset is classified as “held for and value in use
Derecognition of Intangible Assets
1. Paragraph 37 – those intangible
assets with limited or finite life are  On disposal of the asset
amortized over their useful life.  When no future economic
benefits are expected from its use
2. Paragraph 107 and 108 – those with and disposal.
indefinite life are not amortized but are  Gains and losses shall be
tested for impairment at least annually determined as net disposal
and whenever there is an indication that proceeds – carrying amount of
the intangible asset may be impaired. the asset.
Amortization Method Disclosures
It shall reflect the pattern in which the  Useful lives are indefinite or finite,
future economic benefits from the asset and if finite, the useful lives or the
are expected to be consumed by the amortization rate
entity.  The amortization method
 The gross carrying amount and
any accumulated amortization at
the beginning of the period
 The line item in the income
statement which any amortization
of intangible asset is included
 Additions, separately showing
those internally generated, those
acquired separately and those
acquired through business
 Intangible assets classified as
held for sale in accordance with Method 1 – Purchase of “average
PFRS 5 excess earnings”

Goodwill Average earnings 1,000,000

Goodwill arises when earnings exceed Normal earnings

normal earnings by reason of good
(7,500,000 x .12) (900,000)
name, capable staff and personnel, high
credit standing, reputation for fair Average excess earnings 100,000
dealings, reputation for superior
products favorable location and a list of Goodwill
regular customers.
(100,000 x 5) 500,000
Developed Goodwill - goodwill that is Method 2 – Capitalization of “average
generated internally therefore is not excess earnings”
Purchased Goodwill - goodwill that has The goodwill is measured at the average
been paid for. It arises when a business excess earnings capitalized at 25%
is purchased. Thus, it is recognized as
an asset. Average excess earnings 100,000

Measurement of Goodwill Divide by capitalization rate ÷ .25

1. Residual Approach Goodwill 400,000
Goodwill is measured by comparing the Method 3 – Capitalization of “average
purchase price for the entity with the net earnings”
tangible and identifiable assets. Net
assets should be measured at fair value. The goodwill is measured at average
earnings capitalized at 10%
Goodwill is the excess of the purchase
price over the fair value of net tangible Average earnings 1,000,000
and identifiable assets. (see book for the
Capitalization rate ÷ .1
Net assets,  Import duties
including goodwill 10,000,000  Nonrefundable purchase taxes
Less: net assets (7,500,000)  Any directly attributable cost of
excluding goodwill preparing the asset for the
intended use.
Goodwill 2,500,000
If internally developed, the cost normally
Method 4 – Present Value Method
includes the licensing and other related
If the average excess earnings of legal fees in securing the patent rights
P100,000 are expected to received
*All related research and development
annually in 5 years, the goodwill
costs shall be expensed as incurred.
assuming a discount rate of 12%
*From the time that a patent application
Average excess earnings 100,000
has been made, any engineering and
Multiply by the PV of OA annuity consulting costs to develop the parent
of 1 for 5 years at 12% 3.605 and cost of design charges required by
the patent authority shall be capitalized
Goodwill 360,500 as patent cost.
Negative Goodwill This is because the patent is now
If the purchase price or consideration technically and commercially feasible.
transferred for the entity is less than the Cost of Litigation
net fair value of the identifiable assets
acquired and liabilities assumed, the Legal fees and other costs of
difference is negative goodwill. successfully prosecuting or defending a
patent shall be expensed.
PFRS 3, paragraph 34 provides that
such negative goodwill is recognized in If unsuccessful, the legal costs and the
profit or loss as “gain on bargain remaining cost of the patent shall be
purchase” written off as a loss.

Patent Amortization

A patent is an exclusive right granted for The original cost shall be amortized over
an invention, which is a product or a the legal life or useful life, whichever is
process that provides, in general, a new shorter.
way of doing something, or offers a new
If there’s a competitive patent acquired
technical solution to a problem.
to protect an original patent, the cost of
If acquired through purchase: the competitive patent shall be
amortized over the remaining useful life
 Purchase price of the old patent.
If a related patent is acquired to extend Legal life of the trademark is 10 years
the life of the old patent, the cost of the and may be renewed for periods of 10
related patent and any unamortized cost year each.
of the old patent shall be amortized over
the extended life. This is the reason why trademarks can
be considered intangible assets with an
* If there is no extension of life, the new indefinite useful life.
patent shall be amortized over its own
life, and the cost of the old patent is to Copyright
be amortized over the remainder of its It is an exclusive right granted by the
life. government to the author, composer or
If the patent is acquired by an entity artist enabling the grantee to publish,
from an original patentee, the cost shall sell or otherwise benefit from the literary,
be amortized over the remaining legal musical or artistic work.
life or useful life, whichever is shorter. Cost
Trademark The cost assigned to copyright consists
It is a symbol, sign, slogan or name of all expenses incurred in the
used to mark a product to distinguish it production of the work including those
from other products. required to establish or obtain the right.

Cost If a patent is purchased, the cost

includes the cash paid plus directly
If acquired through purchase: attributable cost.

 Purchase price plus costs directly For internally generated copyright, the
attributable to acquisition. cost of an acquired copyright should be
amortized over the useful life.
If internally developed, the cost includes
expenditures required to establish it, Amortization
including filing fees, registry fees and
Under the Intellectual Property Code of
other expenses incurred in securing the
the Philippines, the term of protection for
trademark such as design cost of the
copyright is during the life of the author
and for 50 years after death.
RA No. 8293 or the Intellectual Property
Under US GAAP, it is a contract-based
Code of the Philippines provides legal
intangible asset and may be between
protection for a trademark.
the government and private entities or
between private entities and individuals.
Between Government and Private Leasehold
A leasehold is the right acquired by the
The latter is permitted to use public lessee by virtue of a contract of lease to
property in performing the services: use the specific property owner by the
lessor for a definite period of time in
Examples: consideration for a certain sum of
 The use of public water for money in the form of rent.
interisland shipping Amortization
 Use of public land for telephone
and electric lines The cost of leasehold shall be amortized
 Use of streets and highways for a over the life of the lease.
bus line.
If the cost of the leasehold is not very
Between Private Entities substantial, it is charged outright to
The franchisee acquires the right to use
the trademark, patent and process of the Leasehold Improvements
They are alterations or modifications on
Cost the leased property made by the lessee.
Examples are walks, pavements,
It includes the lump sum payment for the landscaping, driveways and other
acquisition of the franchisee plus directly structures made on a leased land or
attributable costs necessary for the leased building.
intended use (initial franchise fee)
Legally, the these revert to the lessor
If the franchise agreement requires the upon termination of the lease contract.
franchisee to make periodic payment to Thus, if the lessee constructs a new
the franchisor, such payment is building on a leased land, the lessee
considered as outright expense (periodic has the right to use such facilities during
franchise fee) the life of the lease but such
improvements become the property of
the lessor when the lease contract
With a definite period – the cost of the expires.
franchise shall be amortized over the
useful life or definite period whichever is
shorter. The cost of the leasehold improvements
shall be depreciated over the lease term
With indefinitely or perpetually – shall
or useful life of the improvements,
not be amortized but tested for
whichever is shorter.
impairment at least annually.
Undertaken to discover new knowledge
that will be useful in developing the new
Residual value is ignored because product or may result to a significant
legally the improvements become the improvement of the existing product.
property of the lessor upon termination
of the lease. Examples:

Renewal Option  Laboratory research aimed in

obtaining new knowledge
If the option to renew is offered but is
 Searching for application of
too uncertain, the leasehold
research finding
improvements are depreciated over the
 Conceptual formulation and
original lease term or the useful life of
design of possible product or
the improvements, whichever is shorter.
process alternative
If the option is highly probable or certain,  Testing in search for product or
the leasehold improvements are process alternative
allocated over the extended lease term
Development Cost
or the useful life of the leasehold
improvements, whichever is shorter. Development is the application of
research findings or other knowledge to
Research and Development
a plan or design for the production of
PAS 38, paragraph 52 provides that to new or substantially improved material,
assess whether an internally generated devise, product, process, system or
intangible asset meets the criteria for service prior to the commencement of
recognition, an entity classifies the commercial production.
generation of the asset into a research
phase and a development phase.
 Design, construction and testing
Paragraph 53, If the entity cannot
of preproduction prototype and
distinguish the phases, the expenditure
is treated as if it were incurred in the model.
research phase only.  Design of tools, jigs, molds and
dies involving new technology.
Research  Design, construction and
operation of a pilot plant that is
It is the original and planned
not of a scale economically
investigation undertaken with the
feasible to the entity for
prospect of gaining scientific or technical
commercial production.
knowledge and understanding.
 Design, construction and testing
of a chosen alternative for new or
improved product or process.
Activities not R&D This is due to the uncertainty of the
success of the project. Generation of
Activities that related to commercial future economic benefits cannot be
production do not result to R&D Costs assured.
Examples: Development Cost
 Engineering follow through in The cost may qualify as intangible asset
an early phase of commercial if and only if it demonstrates all of the
production. following criteria:
 Quality control during
commercial production  Technical feasibility of completing
including routine testing the intangible asset (completion
 Trouble shooting breakdown of a prototype)
during production.  Intention to complete and use or
 Routine on-going effort to sell it.
refine, enrich or improve  Ability to use or sell the asset
quality of an existing product.  Existence of a market for
 Adaptation of an existing probable future economic
capability to a particular benefits
requirement or customer  Availability of resources or
need. funding to complete the
 Periodic design changes to development cost
existing products.  Ability to measure reliably the
 Routine design of tools, jigs, expenditure attributable to the
molds and dies. intangible asset during its
 Activitiy, including design and development.
construction engineering
Acquired in-process R&D
related to construction,
relocation, rearrangement or An in-process r& d project acquired
start-up of facilities and separately or in a business combination
equipment is recognized as an asst at cost, even if
a component is research.
Accounting for R&D Costs
Subsequent expenditures may be
Research Cost
expensed or capitalized depending on
PAS 38, paragraph 54 states that the criteria it qualifies.
expenditure on research or on the
research phase shall be recognized as
expense when incurred. Stipulated that expenditures for r & d
which have alternative future use, either
in additional research project or for
productive purposes, can be capitalized.

Costs incurred for materials, equipment

and intangible asset related to research
and development which have alternative
future use can be capitalized.

Subsequently, the following should be

charged to r and d expense

 Cost of materials used

 Depreciation of equipment used
in r&d
 Amortization of intangible assset
used in r&d

Internally Developed Computer


Cost incurred in creating computer

software product shall be charged as
expense when incurred until a technical
feasibility has been established for the

Technical feasibility has been

established when an entity has
produced either a detailed program
design of the software or a working

After technological feasibility has been

established, capitalizable software costs

 the cost of coding and testing

 and the cost to produce the
product masters.

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