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Physics Revision SPM 2010- Hot Exam Tips

Question 1

A ball is falling from the top of the building. If the height of the building is 250 m. What is the
final velocity before it reaches the ground?

Question 2

Given the pulley system below

Find the acceleration?

Question 3

Define the meaning of conservation of momentum?

Question 4

A car of 500 kg, traveling at 30 m/s rear ends another car of 600 kg, traveling at 20 m/s. in the
same direction The collision is great enough that the two cars stick together after they collide.
How fast will both cars be going after the collision?

Exam Tips
It is hard to find a good Physic teacher in Malaysia. There are abundance of Math and Add Math
tutors but this is not the case for Physic teacher. Learning Math is all about practice. The more
you practice the better you get but as for physic, this subject is all about concept learning. It takes
more than practice to master the concept. Students need to be very critical to solve physics

How to learn effectively

Read your physic text book thoroughly. Understand the experiment. Understand how the
equations are derived. Do not memorized the equation but learn how the equations are derived.
Apply principles before applying the formula
Given the ball is drop from a height of 20m. Find the final velocity before it reaches to the

Principle involve: Principle conservation of momentum. Potential Energy = Kinetic Energy

mgh=0.5mv^2 …. cont

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