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Blueprint on how to beat Optic:

1. First pick Aatrox

2. Somehow they will pick Poppy top against it
3. Dhokla will get smashed
4. Give your Aatrox plate money thanks to herald
5. You now have a fed Aatrox
6. ???
7. Ez win
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[–]HickGoneWild 77 points 7 hours ago
Trade Dhokla for Solo since EF aren't using him and suddenly
optic get a lot better
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[–]paidaterra 1 point 43 minutes ago
Solo would destroy Optic environment, because hes toxic as
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[–]Aishateeler 30 points 7 hours ago
If you could take the best parts of GGS and opt you could
probably have a team that could take a single game off liquid in
a bo5
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[–]HickGoneWild 18 points 7 hours ago
I mean a threat to top 4 in the LCS. Nobody is beating liquid
unless C9 pulls off some meme magic.
A team of Hauntzer, Meteos, Froggen, Arrow, and Huhi would be
pretty good though.
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[–]JayceOnly 9 points 6 hours ago
Crown is better than froggen and there's an import slot open.
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[–]NotMeShootHim 6 points 5 hours ago
I’m not sure if you are counting froggen as an import because I
believe he still is from missing spilts
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[–]Snulzebeerd 2 points 5 hours ago
Crown is not better than froggen in an english speaking team
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[–]plsendmylife111 [score hidden] 53 minutes ago
Crown is better individually, but way less communication.
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[–]RexZShadow 6 points 6 hours ago
Honestly get SSumday form 100T, find a up and new decent
botlane GG. Like Ssumday/Meteos/Crown top side is insane that
that alone can get them top 4 easily.
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[–]nephtus 3 points 6 hours ago
On the upside, once you are about to lose you can get a clutch
stopwatch buy and have them look dumb when they try to dive
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[–]AniviaKid32 1 point 6 hours ago
but ez didn't win
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[–]ThisShock 252 points 6 hours ago*
Aatrox is more than S tier in NA LCS
FBI is pretty good
Dhokla looking good in previous games on Aatrox says a lot
about just how insane the champion is
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[–]Ssumday_is_love 135 points 6 hours ago
FBI is a LOT better than Deftly
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[–]negativefeedbackloop 42 points 6 hours ago
especially in team fight positioning
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[–]nans22ji 47 points 6 hours ago
Ya, he actually auto attacks champions.
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[–]spyson 24 points 6 hours ago
He seems to be growing more confidence with every game,
trading Deftly must have been that extra boost for him to know
he got the starting position.
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[–]4THOT 53 points 6 hours ago*
People wrote off FBI after he got fucked by Double and JJ and
just assumed he was trash after he got ass blasted. I still think
he shows a lot of promise.
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[–]SterbenVII I <3 Ssumday 21 points 6 hours ago
That’s just reddit shitters. The only possible advantages that
Deftly could have over FBI are laning and Draven. However,
FBI’s a much better team fighter. Deftly is so useless out of
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[–]AaronDeath 6 points 4 hours ago
And heimer
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[–]FlynnlYY 5 points 6 hours ago
And everyone flamed me when I said that it's just nerves and
adjustment to a completely new team environment, new
support (hes only had 1 support his entire pro career
previously) and playing on a big stage . Fbi will be top 3 adc in
na mark my words
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[–]SorakaWithAids 4 points 4 hours ago
FBI only shits the bed on Varus (bad for his playstyle
"repositioner"), its not nerves tbh, every other game he pops off
hard, so I never understood the hate.
my boi is next up
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[–]imVidzzz 27 points 6 hours ago
Hauntzer was up 7k gold over Dhokla. That would be a big
difference if it was between teams, god damn
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[–]RexZShadow 9 points 6 hours ago
Pretty sure Impact was up 7k gold over Dhokla yesterday too.
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[–]spyson 9 points 6 hours ago
If I'm Optic, I'm looking to acquire Solo or Kumo in the off
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[–]Fencing_fenrir 26 points 7 hours ago
Aatrox is fucking busted. Unreal how he’s let through P/B as
often as he is.
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[–]ThisShock 35 points 7 hours ago
His priority fell off a cliff in Korea and he's 0-3 in LEC right now
but somehow it seems he has gotten even scarier in NA? Not
sure, it's odd.
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[–]duknighto 15 points 7 hours ago
Aatrox changes were indeed a nerf when he's behind because
before, just being in range of the teamfight and threatening a
reset + revive were enough to be useful even if you inted early.
But on the flipside, he's now even more disgusting when he's
ahead and the skill differences in NA lead to fed Aatroxes which
can literally 1v5.
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[–]leif_sony_ericcson 23 points 7 hours ago
I don't think it's the skill differences between NA top laners, but
rather that they don't punish the Aatrox pick at all and they
refuse to draft actual counterpicks against him.
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[–]duknighto 4 points 7 hours ago
Yeah, that's also a big part of it.
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[–]cadaada 5 points 7 hours ago
not even that, just look at yesterday games. Two games were
should have ended but the team didnt knew how to close it. In
optic case, corki could deal no damage after aatrox came back
and draven is trash was useless that game.
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[–]DarienisHeisenberg 3 points 7 hours ago
I would say one reason is that NA teams seem to be shit at
splitting and opening the map. There is no real split pushing. In
the end both teams group around the baron and the aatrox
dives into the back line
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[–]oblivoos 10 points 7 hours ago
Clearly you don't watch academy, aatrox got his shit pushed in
by full AD leblanc
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[–]ThisShock 31 points 7 hours ago
Academy LMAO
Watching NA is already fiesta enough my dude I can't go 1 level
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[–]oblivoos 27 points 7 hours ago
you should
C9A played a full pirate comp before the full ad sheen leblanc
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[–]ThisShock 5 points 7 hours ago
I might watch for C9A games since they've always come off as a
team that would probably be top 5 or 6 in LCS but watching the
rest seems like a stretch.
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[–]oblivoos 10 points 7 hours ago
well C9A basically consists of LCS players by now, but otherwise
yeah it's usually a fiesta
but can it really be worse than the TSM vs echo fox game
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[–]HickGoneWild 5 points 7 hours ago
Trade Dhokla for Solo since EF don't want to use him and all of
a sudden Optic are a much bigger threat in the LCS.
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[–]ContentDetective 2 points 6 hours ago
Why hate on Dhokla? He had a bad lane matchup vs an op
champion, and aatrox got snowballed by rift herald / turret
pressure. Impossible to recover at that point. Dhokla did pretty
decently in the teamfights, though.
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[–]ThisShock 5 points 6 hours ago
Why hate on Dhokla?
He's probably one of the worst top laners I've ever seen in LCS.
He's no Lep, that man is an actual legend, but Dhokla can play
like 1-2 champions at most to a pro level.
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[–]Averdian 56 points 6 hours ago
Past 20 minutes Froggen basically gave FBI all the cs in mid,
very happy he was able to perform so well with a lot of
resources given cough Deftly cough
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[–]AniviaKid32 39 points 6 hours ago
lol and people call him a selfish resource heavy player

he actually has one of the lowest gold share percentages among

midlaners this season
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[–]Averdian 37 points 6 hours ago
Froggen's always been one of the most gold-efficient players.
He has a lower gold share than Bjergsen, but simultaneously a
higher dmg share and higher DPM.
Contractz also said in a recent interview that Froggen was one
of the most selfless players he ever played with.
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[–]RandomLoLJournalist 25 points 6 hours ago
He also has the highest KP of all mid laners, and the highest
DPM as well, but people still talk as if he doesn't roam and
doesn't do anything with the huge amount of gold that he gets.
Dude is smurfing so far.
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[–]Guidancee 11 points 4 hours ago
almost like people has been saying it for years but people look
over the stats and just see froggen on the controlmage farming
creeps like in season 2. :)
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[–]Jetzu 106 points 6 hours ago*
Yesterday everyone on here was acting like "imagine GGS with
Arrow/Big", Meteos is also considered better than Contractz -
today they smash bot lane 3v3 and FBI play great in the
lategame. I really like the FBI/Huhi bot lane, sad to see people
calling them garbage after losing to DoubleJJ last week.
Good to see my boi Froggen winning.
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[–]Averdian 39 points 6 hours ago
It's always a weird feeling seeing Froggen winning in a game
where he didn't do much
Yeah, sucks that my boy didn't pop off, but it also feels so good
when his team plays this well
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[–]dell_arness2 19 points 6 hours ago
I prefer it tbh, nice to see him have some help.
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[–]Averdian 14 points 6 hours ago
Yeah, it feels great, but I do also love myself some Froggen 1v9
action. Luckily we got plenty of that this year already
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[–]EGK20 17 points 6 hours ago
We got plenty of that for years* lol.
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[–]AniviaKid32 15 points 6 hours ago
optic just had a million cc this comp and threw everything at
him every fight while fbi went untouched
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[–]Averdian 8 points 6 hours ago
Yeah, that was really weird to see when GGS actively gave the
midlane cs to FBI, which did cause Froggen to fall behind but
gave FBI the resources to carry
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[–]DuVega 2 points 2 hours ago
I think it was pretty smart since Vel'Koz doesn't need 6 items to
do his job. 1 Q and a few ticks of R are enough to shred anyone
on the enemy team, especially because of his inbuilt true
damage. Kaisa on the other hand can definitely make use of the
5th and 6th item.
Also at one point Crown was up over 100 cs but you just can't
side lane as Vel'Koz the same way a Corki can.
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[–]ContentDetective 22 points 7 hours ago
Arrow + Big is good though. FBI and Huhi did well this game,
but even though they were losing Arrow had a huge impact
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[–]spladox 18 points 7 hours ago
Tbh, Big was garbage on rakan imo. I think phreak mentioned
this is his first rakan game of the split.
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[–]ContentDetective 3 points 7 hours ago
Yea Big is not a good rakan, but typically he performs pretty
well. His nautilus is nice.
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[–]Ssumday_is_love 2 points 7 hours ago
I watched Effort on Rakan today, it´s like night and day
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[–]Jetzu 4 points 7 hours ago
Yeah, I know Arrow/Big is good, but I also think FBI and Huhi
are good, with a lot of room to grow - they're both new on that
kind of stage (FBI as a player, Huhi as a support) and people
been shitting on them last week pretty hard.
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[–]Ssumday_is_love 6 points 7 hours ago
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[–]Bt25 5 points 7 hours ago
From "FBI OPEN BOT" to "FBI OPEN UP". What a glorious
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[–]DudeToManz 60 points 7 hours ago
This man walks behind your girl and slaps her ass claiming he's
a Female Body Inspector. What do you do?
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[–]17spirit 20 points 7 hours ago
that's his girl now
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[–]Alexij Vi 3 points 6 hours ago
FBI! Open up.
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[–]hippogang 16 points 7 hours ago
Big absolutely useless on Rakan.
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[–]m0bilize 116 points 7 hours ago*
I love watching Aatrox 1 v 3 drain tank the backline while
getting hit by Executioner Ezreal and IE Void Staff Corki :)
EDIT: Look at the item difference :)
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[–]Alibobaly 46 points 7 hours ago
Just fucking once can we get a patch where he isn't broken? I'm
seriously wondering if the balance team even cares because
since his rework over a year ago he has been OP.
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[–]Homicidal_HotS 16 points 7 hours ago
Just before he got changed so that his ult only revived off kills
he wasn't op tho. Wasn't FP/FB in competitive and didn't have a
good solo queue winrate
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[–]SterbenVII I <3 Ssumday 1 point 7 hours ago
I think he gets his old revive back + scaling health/armor and
mr stats but healing gets completely gutted. Q also gets a nerf
in terms of scaling. The revive gives him some viability in pro
I can’t think up of a better balance fix for Aatrox at this point
because of his kit.
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[–]Orimasuta 4 points 6 hours ago
I'm seriously wondering if the balance team even cares
If they didn't care, they wouldn't constantly be changing him.
Problem is they've made a champ which is too hard to balance
without either making it OP or shit. Funny thing is, people were
saying Aatrox was gonna become completely irrelevant after
they removed the revive on his ult.
Blueprint on how to beat Optic:
1. First pick Aatrox
2. Somehow they will pick Poppy top against it
3. Dhokla will get smashed
4. Give your Aatrox plate money thanks to herald
5. You now have a fed Aatrox
6. ???
7. Ez win
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[–]HickGoneWild 77 points 7 hours ago
Trade Dhokla for Solo since EF aren't using him and suddenly
optic get a lot better
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[–]paidaterra 1 point 43 minutes ago
Solo would destroy Optic environment, because hes toxic as
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[–]Aishateeler 30 points 7 hours ago
If you could take the best parts of GGS and opt you could
probably have a team that could take a single game off liquid in
a bo5
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[–]HickGoneWild 18 points 7 hours ago
I mean a threat to top 4 in the LCS. Nobody is beating liquid
unless C9 pulls off some meme magic.
A team of Hauntzer, Meteos, Froggen, Arrow, and Huhi would be
pretty good though.
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[–]JayceOnly 9 points 6 hours ago
Crown is better than froggen and there's an import slot open.
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[–]NotMeShootHim 6 points 5 hours ago
I’m not sure if you are counting froggen as an import because I
believe he still is from missing spilts
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[–]Snulzebeerd 2 points 5 hours ago
Crown is not better than froggen in an english speaking team
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[–]plsendmylife111 [score hidden] 53 minutes ago
Crown is better individually, but way less communication.
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[–]RexZShadow 6 points 6 hours ago
Honestly get SSumday form 100T, find a up and new decent
botlane GG. Like Ssumday/Meteos/Crown top side is insane that
that alone can get them top 4 easily.
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[–]nephtus 3 points 6 hours ago
On the upside, once you are about to lose you can get a clutch
stopwatch buy and have them look dumb when they try to dive
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[–]AniviaKid32 1 point 6 hours ago
but ez didn't win
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[–]ThisShock 252 points 6 hours ago*
Aatrox is more than S tier in NA LCS
FBI is pretty good
Dhokla looking good in previous games on Aatrox says a lot
about just how insane the champion is
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[–]Ssumday_is_love 135 points 6 hours ago
FBI is a LOT better than Deftly
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[–]negativefeedbackloop 42 points 6 hours ago
especially in team fight positioning
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[–]nans22ji 47 points 6 hours ago
Ya, he actually auto attacks champions.
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[–]spyson 24 points 6 hours ago
He seems to be growing more confidence with every game,
trading Deftly must have been that extra boost for him to know
he got the starting position.
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[–]4THOT 53 points 6 hours ago*
People wrote off FBI after he got fucked by Double and JJ and
just assumed he was trash after he got ass blasted. I still think
he shows a lot of promise.
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[–]SterbenVII I <3 Ssumday 21 points 6 hours ago
That’s just reddit shitters. The only possible advantages that
Deftly could have over FBI are laning and Draven. However,
FBI’s a much better team fighter. Deftly is so useless out of
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[–]AaronDeath 6 points 4 hours ago
And heimer
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[–]FlynnlYY 5 points 6 hours ago
And everyone flamed me when I said that it's just nerves and
adjustment to a completely new team environment, new
support (hes only had 1 support his entire pro career
previously) and playing on a big stage . Fbi will be top 3 adc in
na mark my words
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[–]SorakaWithAids 4 points 4 hours ago
FBI only shits the bed on Varus (bad for his playstyle
"repositioner"), its not nerves tbh, every other game he pops off
hard, so I never understood the hate.
my boi is next up
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[–]imVidzzz 27 points 6 hours ago
Hauntzer was up 7k gold over Dhokla. That would be a big
difference if it was between teams, god damn
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[–]RexZShadow 9 points 6 hours ago
Pretty sure Impact was up 7k gold over Dhokla yesterday too.
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[–]spyson 9 points 6 hours ago
If I'm Optic, I'm looking to acquire Solo or Kumo in the off
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[–]Fencing_fenrir 26 points 7 hours ago
Aatrox is fucking busted. Unreal how he’s let through P/B as
often as he is.
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[–]ThisShock 35 points 7 hours ago
His priority fell off a cliff in Korea and he's 0-3 in LEC right now
but somehow it seems he has gotten even scarier in NA? Not
sure, it's odd.
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[–]duknighto 15 points 7 hours ago
Aatrox changes were indeed a nerf when he's behind because
before, just being in range of the teamfight and threatening a
reset + revive were enough to be useful even if you inted early.
But on the flipside, he's now even more disgusting when he's
ahead and the skill differences in NA lead to fed Aatroxes which
can literally 1v5.
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[–]leif_sony_ericcson 23 points 7 hours ago
I don't think it's the skill differences between NA top laners, but
rather that they don't punish the Aatrox pick at all and they
refuse to draft actual counterpicks against him.
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[–]duknighto 4 points 7 hours ago
Yeah, that's also a big part of it.
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[–]cadaada 5 points 7 hours ago
not even that, just look at yesterday games. Two games were
should have ended but the team didnt knew how to close it. In
optic case, corki could deal no damage after aatrox came back
and draven is trash was useless that game.
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[–]DarienisHeisenberg 3 points 7 hours ago
I would say one reason is that NA teams seem to be shit at
splitting and opening the map. There is no real split pushing. In
the end both teams group around the baron and the aatrox
dives into the back line
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[–]oblivoos 10 points 7 hours ago
Clearly you don't watch academy, aatrox got his shit pushed in
by full AD leblanc
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[–]ThisShock 31 points 7 hours ago
Academy LMAO
Watching NA is already fiesta enough my dude I can't go 1 level
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[–]oblivoos 27 points 7 hours ago
you should
C9A played a full pirate comp before the full ad sheen leblanc
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[–]ThisShock 5 points 7 hours ago
I might watch for C9A games since they've always come off as a
team that would probably be top 5 or 6 in LCS but watching the
rest seems like a stretch.
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[–]oblivoos 10 points 7 hours ago
well C9A basically consists of LCS players by now, but otherwise
yeah it's usually a fiesta
but can it really be worse than the TSM vs echo fox game
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[–]HickGoneWild 5 points 7 hours ago
Trade Dhokla for Solo since EF don't want to use him and all of
a sudden Optic are a much bigger threat in the LCS.
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[–]ContentDetective 2 points 6 hours ago
Why hate on Dhokla? He had a bad lane matchup vs an op
champion, and aatrox got snowballed by rift herald / turret
pressure. Impossible to recover at that point. Dhokla did pretty
decently in the teamfights, though.
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[–]ThisShock 5 points 6 hours ago
Why hate on Dhokla?
He's probably one of the worst top laners I've ever seen in LCS.
He's no Lep, that man is an actual legend, but Dhokla can play
like 1-2 champions at most to a pro level.
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[–]Averdian 56 points 6 hours ago
Past 20 minutes Froggen basically gave FBI all the cs in mid,
very happy he was able to perform so well with a lot of
resources given cough Deftly cough
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[–]AniviaKid32 39 points 6 hours ago
lol and people call him a selfish resource heavy player

he actually has one of the lowest gold share percentages among

midlaners this season
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[–]Averdian 37 points 6 hours ago
Froggen's always been one of the most gold-efficient players.
He has a lower gold share than Bjergsen, but simultaneously a
higher dmg share and higher DPM.
Contractz also said in a recent interview that Froggen was one
of the most selfless players he ever played with.
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[–]RandomLoLJournalist 25 points 6 hours ago
He also has the highest KP of all mid laners, and the highest
DPM as well, but people still talk as if he doesn't roam and
doesn't do anything with the huge amount of gold that he gets.
Dude is smurfing so far.
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[–]Guidancee 11 points 4 hours ago
almost like people has been saying it for years but people look
over the stats and just see froggen on the controlmage farming
creeps like in season 2. :)
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[–]Jetzu 106 points 6 hours ago*
Yesterday everyone on here was acting like "imagine GGS with
Arrow/Big", Meteos is also considered better than Contractz -
today they smash bot lane 3v3 and FBI play great in the
lategame. I really like the FBI/Huhi bot lane, sad to see people
calling them garbage after losing to DoubleJJ last week.
Good to see my boi Froggen winning.
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[–]Averdian 39 points 6 hours ago
It's always a weird feeling seeing Froggen winning in a game
where he didn't do much
Yeah, sucks that my boy didn't pop off, but it also feels so good
when his team plays this well
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[–]dell_arness2 19 points 6 hours ago
I prefer it tbh, nice to see him have some help.
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[–]Averdian 14 points 6 hours ago
Yeah, it feels great, but I do also love myself some Froggen 1v9
action. Luckily we got plenty of that this year already
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[–]EGK20 17 points 6 hours ago
We got plenty of that for years* lol.
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[–]AniviaKid32 15 points 6 hours ago
optic just had a million cc this comp and threw everything at
him every fight while fbi went untouched
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[–]Averdian 8 points 6 hours ago
Yeah, that was really weird to see when GGS actively gave the
midlane cs to FBI, which did cause Froggen to fall behind but
gave FBI the resources to carry
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[–]DuVega 2 points 2 hours ago
I think it was pretty smart since Vel'Koz doesn't need 6 items to
do his job. 1 Q and a few ticks of R are enough to shred anyone
on the enemy team, especially because of his inbuilt true
damage. Kaisa on the other hand can definitely make use of the
5th and 6th item.
Also at one point Crown was up over 100 cs but you just can't
side lane as Vel'Koz the same way a Corki can.
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[–]ContentDetective 22 points 7 hours ago
Arrow + Big is good though. FBI and Huhi did well this game,
but even though they were losing Arrow had a huge impact
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[–]spladox 18 points 7 hours ago
Tbh, Big was garbage on rakan imo. I think phreak mentioned
this is his first rakan game of the split.
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[–]ContentDetective 3 points 7 hours ago
Yea Big is not a good rakan, but typically he performs pretty
well. His nautilus is nice.
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[–]Ssumday_is_love 2 points 7 hours ago
I watched Effort on Rakan today, it´s like night and day
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[–]Jetzu 4 points 7 hours ago
Yeah, I know Arrow/Big is good, but I also think FBI and Huhi
are good, with a lot of room to grow - they're both new on that
kind of stage (FBI as a player, Huhi as a support) and people
been shitting on them last week pretty hard.
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[–]Ssumday_is_love 6 points 7 hours ago
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[–]Bt25 5 points 7 hours ago
From "FBI OPEN BOT" to "FBI OPEN UP". What a glorious
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[–]DudeToManz 60 points 7 hours ago
This man walks behind your girl and slaps her ass claiming he's
a Female Body Inspector. What do you do?
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[–]17spirit 20 points 7 hours ago
that's his girl now
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[–]Alexij Vi 3 points 6 hours ago
FBI! Open up.
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[–]hippogang 16 points 7 hours ago
Big absolutely useless on Rakan.
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[–]m0bilize 116 points 7 hours ago*
I love watching Aatrox 1 v 3 drain tank the backline while
getting hit by Executioner Ezreal and IE Void Staff Corki :)
EDIT: Look at the item difference :)
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[–]Alibobaly 46 points 7 hours ago
Just fucking once can we get a patch where he isn't broken? I'm
seriously wondering if the balance team even cares because
since his rework over a year ago he has been OP.
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[–]Homicidal_HotS 16 points 7 hours ago
Just before he got changed so that his ult only revived off kills
he wasn't op tho. Wasn't FP/FB in competitive and didn't have a
good solo queue winrate
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[–]SterbenVII I <3 Ssumday 1 point 7 hours ago
I think he gets his old revive back + scaling health/armor and
mr stats but healing gets completely gutted. Q also gets a nerf
in terms of scaling. The revive gives him some viability in pro
I can’t think up of a better balance fix for Aatrox at this point
because of his kit.
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[–]Orimasuta 4 points 6 hours ago
I'm seriously wondering if the balance team even cares
If they didn't care, they wouldn't constantly be changing him.
Problem is they've made a champ which is too hard to balance
without either making it OP or shit. Funny thing is, people were
saying Aatrox was gonna become completely irrelevant after
they removed the revive on his ult.
Blueprint on how to beat Optic:
1. First pick Aatrox
2. Somehow they will pick Poppy top against it
3. Dhokla will get smashed
4. Give your Aatrox plate money thanks to herald
5. You now have a fed Aatrox
6. ???
7. Ez win
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[–]HickGoneWild 77 points 7 hours ago
Trade Dhokla for Solo since EF aren't using him and suddenly
optic get a lot better
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[–]paidaterra 1 point 43 minutes ago
Solo would destroy Optic environment, because hes toxic as
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[–]Aishateeler 30 points 7 hours ago
If you could take the best parts of GGS and opt you could
probably have a team that could take a single game off liquid in
a bo5
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[–]HickGoneWild 18 points 7 hours ago
I mean a threat to top 4 in the LCS. Nobody is beating liquid
unless C9 pulls off some meme magic.
A team of Hauntzer, Meteos, Froggen, Arrow, and Huhi would be
pretty good though.
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[–]JayceOnly 9 points 6 hours ago
Crown is better than froggen and there's an import slot open.
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[–]NotMeShootHim 6 points 5 hours ago
I’m not sure if you are counting froggen as an import because I
believe he still is from missing spilts
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[–]Snulzebeerd 2 points 5 hours ago
Crown is not better than froggen in an english speaking team
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[–]plsendmylife111 [score hidden] 53 minutes ago
Crown is better individually, but way less communication.
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[–]RexZShadow 6 points 6 hours ago
Honestly get SSumday form 100T, find a up and new decent
botlane GG. Like Ssumday/Meteos/Crown top side is insane that
that alone can get them top 4 easily.
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[–]nephtus 3 points 6 hours ago
On the upside, once you are about to lose you can get a clutch
stopwatch buy and have them look dumb when they try to dive
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[–]AniviaKid32 1 point 6 hours ago
but ez didn't win
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[–]ThisShock 252 points 6 hours ago*
Aatrox is more than S tier in NA LCS
FBI is pretty good
Dhokla looking good in previous games on Aatrox says a lot
about just how insane the champion is
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[–]Ssumday_is_love 135 points 6 hours ago
FBI is a LOT better than Deftly
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[–]negativefeedbackloop 42 points 6 hours ago
especially in team fight positioning
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[–]nans22ji 47 points 6 hours ago
Ya, he actually auto attacks champions.
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[–]spyson 24 points 6 hours ago
He seems to be growing more confidence with every game,
trading Deftly must have been that extra boost for him to know
he got the starting position.
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[–]4THOT 53 points 6 hours ago*
People wrote off FBI after he got fucked by Double and JJ and
just assumed he was trash after he got ass blasted. I still think
he shows a lot of promise.
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[–]SterbenVII I <3 Ssumday 21 points 6 hours ago
That’s just reddit shitters. The only possible advantages that
Deftly could have over FBI are laning and Draven. However,
FBI’s a much better team fighter. Deftly is so useless out of
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[–]AaronDeath 6 points 4 hours ago
And heimer
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[–]FlynnlYY 5 points 6 hours ago
And everyone flamed me when I said that it's just nerves and
adjustment to a completely new team environment, new
support (hes only had 1 support his entire pro career
previously) and playing on a big stage . Fbi will be top 3 adc in
na mark my words
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[–]SorakaWithAids 4 points 4 hours ago
FBI only shits the bed on Varus (bad for his playstyle
"repositioner"), its not nerves tbh, every other game he pops off
hard, so I never understood the hate.
my boi is next up
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[–]imVidzzz 27 points 6 hours ago
Hauntzer was up 7k gold over Dhokla. That would be a big
difference if it was between teams, god damn
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[–]RexZShadow 9 points 6 hours ago
Pretty sure Impact was up 7k gold over Dhokla yesterday too.
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[–]spyson 9 points 6 hours ago
If I'm Optic, I'm looking to acquire Solo or Kumo in the off
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[–]Fencing_fenrir 26 points 7 hours ago
Aatrox is fucking busted. Unreal how he’s let through P/B as
often as he is.
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[–]ThisShock 35 points 7 hours ago
His priority fell off a cliff in Korea and he's 0-3 in LEC right now
but somehow it seems he has gotten even scarier in NA? Not
sure, it's odd.
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[–]duknighto 15 points 7 hours ago
Aatrox changes were indeed a nerf when he's behind because
before, just being in range of the teamfight and threatening a
reset + revive were enough to be useful even if you inted early.
But on the flipside, he's now even more disgusting when he's
ahead and the skill differences in NA lead to fed Aatroxes which
can literally 1v5.
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[–]leif_sony_ericcson 23 points 7 hours ago
I don't think it's the skill differences between NA top laners, but
rather that they don't punish the Aatrox pick at all and they
refuse to draft actual counterpicks against him.
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[–]duknighto 4 points 7 hours ago
Yeah, that's also a big part of it.
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[–]cadaada 5 points 7 hours ago
not even that, just look at yesterday games. Two games were
should have ended but the team didnt knew how to close it. In
optic case, corki could deal no damage after aatrox came back
and draven is trash was useless that game.
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[–]DarienisHeisenberg 3 points 7 hours ago
I would say one reason is that NA teams seem to be shit at
splitting and opening the map. There is no real split pushing. In
the end both teams group around the baron and the aatrox
dives into the back line
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[–]oblivoos 10 points 7 hours ago
Clearly you don't watch academy, aatrox got his shit pushed in
by full AD leblanc
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[–]ThisShock 31 points 7 hours ago
Academy LMAO
Watching NA is already fiesta enough my dude I can't go 1 level
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[–]oblivoos 27 points 7 hours ago
you should
C9A played a full pirate comp before the full ad sheen leblanc
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[–]ThisShock 5 points 7 hours ago
I might watch for C9A games since they've always come off as a
team that would probably be top 5 or 6 in LCS but watching the
rest seems like a stretch.
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[–]oblivoos 10 points 7 hours ago
well C9A basically consists of LCS players by now, but otherwise
yeah it's usually a fiesta
but can it really be worse than the TSM vs echo fox game
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[–]HickGoneWild 5 points 7 hours ago
Trade Dhokla for Solo since EF don't want to use him and all of
a sudden Optic are a much bigger threat in the LCS.
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[–]ContentDetective 2 points 6 hours ago
Why hate on Dhokla? He had a bad lane matchup vs an op
champion, and aatrox got snowballed by rift herald / turret
pressure. Impossible to recover at that point. Dhokla did pretty
decently in the teamfights, though.
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[–]ThisShock 5 points 6 hours ago
Why hate on Dhokla?
He's probably one of the worst top laners I've ever seen in LCS.
He's no Lep, that man is an actual legend, but Dhokla can play
like 1-2 champions at most to a pro level.
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[–]Averdian 56 points 6 hours ago
Past 20 minutes Froggen basically gave FBI all the cs in mid,
very happy he was able to perform so well with a lot of
resources given cough Deftly cough
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[–]AniviaKid32 39 points 6 hours ago
lol and people call him a selfish resource heavy player

he actually has one of the lowest gold share percentages among

midlaners this season
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[–]Averdian 37 points 6 hours ago
Froggen's always been one of the most gold-efficient players.
He has a lower gold share than Bjergsen, but simultaneously a
higher dmg share and higher DPM.
Contractz also said in a recent interview that Froggen was one
of the most selfless players he ever played with.
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[–]RandomLoLJournalist 25 points 6 hours ago
He also has the highest KP of all mid laners, and the highest
DPM as well, but people still talk as if he doesn't roam and
doesn't do anything with the huge amount of gold that he gets.
Dude is smurfing so far.
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[–]Guidancee 11 points 4 hours ago
almost like people has been saying it for years but people look
over the stats and just see froggen on the controlmage farming
creeps like in season 2. :)
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[–]Jetzu 106 points 6 hours ago*
Yesterday everyone on here was acting like "imagine GGS with
Arrow/Big", Meteos is also considered better than Contractz -
today they smash bot lane 3v3 and FBI play great in the
lategame. I really like the FBI/Huhi bot lane, sad to see people
calling them garbage after losing to DoubleJJ last week.
Good to see my boi Froggen winning.
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[–]Averdian 39 points 6 hours ago
It's always a weird feeling seeing Froggen winning in a game
where he didn't do much
Yeah, sucks that my boy didn't pop off, but it also feels so good
when his team plays this well
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[–]dell_arness2 19 points 6 hours ago
I prefer it tbh, nice to see him have some help.
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[–]Averdian 14 points 6 hours ago
Yeah, it feels great, but I do also love myself some Froggen 1v9
action. Luckily we got plenty of that this year already
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[–]EGK20 17 points 6 hours ago
We got plenty of that for years* lol.
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[–]AniviaKid32 15 points 6 hours ago
optic just had a million cc this comp and threw everything at
him every fight while fbi went untouched
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[–]Averdian 8 points 6 hours ago
Yeah, that was really weird to see when GGS actively gave the
midlane cs to FBI, which did cause Froggen to fall behind but
gave FBI the resources to carry
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[–]DuVega 2 points 2 hours ago
I think it was pretty smart since Vel'Koz doesn't need 6 items to
do his job. 1 Q and a few ticks of R are enough to shred anyone
on the enemy team, especially because of his inbuilt true
damage. Kaisa on the other hand can definitely make use of the
5th and 6th item.
Also at one point Crown was up over 100 cs but you just can't
side lane as Vel'Koz the same way a Corki can.
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[–]ContentDetective 22 points 7 hours ago
Arrow + Big is good though. FBI and Huhi did well this game,
but even though they were losing Arrow had a huge impact
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[–]spladox 18 points 7 hours ago
Tbh, Big was garbage on rakan imo. I think phreak mentioned
this is his first rakan game of the split.
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[–]ContentDetective 3 points 7 hours ago
Yea Big is not a good rakan, but typically he performs pretty
well. His nautilus is nice.
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[–]Ssumday_is_love 2 points 7 hours ago
I watched Effort on Rakan today, it´s like night and day
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[–]Jetzu 4 points 7 hours ago
Yeah, I know Arrow/Big is good, but I also think FBI and Huhi
are good, with a lot of room to grow - they're both new on that
kind of stage (FBI as a player, Huhi as a support) and people
been shitting on them last week pretty hard.
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[–]Ssumday_is_love 6 points 7 hours ago
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[–]Bt25 5 points 7 hours ago
From "FBI OPEN BOT" to "FBI OPEN UP". What a glorious
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[–]DudeToManz 60 points 7 hours ago
This man walks behind your girl and slaps her ass claiming he's
a Female Body Inspector. What do you do?
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[–]17spirit 20 points 7 hours ago
that's his girl now
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[–]Alexij Vi 3 points 6 hours ago
FBI! Open up.
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[–]hippogang 16 points 7 hours ago
Big absolutely useless on Rakan.
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[–]m0bilize 116 points 7 hours ago*
I love watching Aatrox 1 v 3 drain tank the backline while
getting hit by Executioner Ezreal and IE Void Staff Corki :)
EDIT: Look at the item difference :)
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[–]Alibobaly 46 points 7 hours ago
Just fucking once can we get a patch where he isn't broken? I'm
seriously wondering if the balance team even cares because
since his rework over a year ago he has been OP.
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[–]Homicidal_HotS 16 points 7 hours ago
Just before he got changed so that his ult only revived off kills
he wasn't op tho. Wasn't FP/FB in competitive and didn't have a
good solo queue winrate
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[–]SterbenVII I <3 Ssumday 1 point 7 hours ago
I think he gets his old revive back + scaling health/armor and
mr stats but healing gets completely gutted. Q also gets a nerf
in terms of scaling. The revive gives him some viability in pro
I can’t think up of a better balance fix for Aatrox at this point
because of his kit.
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[–]Orimasuta 4 points 6 hours ago
I'm seriously wondering if the balance team even cares
If they didn't care, they wouldn't constantly be changing him.
Problem is they've made a champ which is too hard to balance
without either making it OP or shit. Funny thing is, people were
saying Aatrox was gonna become completely irrelevant after
they removed the revive on his ult.
Blueprint on how to beat Optic:
1. First pick Aatrox
2. Somehow they will pick Poppy top against it
3. Dhokla will get smashed
4. Give your Aatrox plate money thanks to herald
5. You now have a fed Aatrox
6. ???
7. Ez win
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[–]HickGoneWild 77 points 7 hours ago
Trade Dhokla for Solo since EF aren't using him and suddenly
optic get a lot better
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[–]paidaterra 1 point 43 minutes ago
Solo would destroy Optic environment, because hes toxic as
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[–]Aishateeler 30 points 7 hours ago
If you could take the best parts of GGS and opt you could
probably have a team that could take a single game off liquid in
a bo5
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[–]HickGoneWild 18 points 7 hours ago
I mean a threat to top 4 in the LCS. Nobody is beating liquid
unless C9 pulls off some meme magic.
A team of Hauntzer, Meteos, Froggen, Arrow, and Huhi would be
pretty good though.
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[–]JayceOnly 9 points 6 hours ago
Crown is better than froggen and there's an import slot open.
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[–]NotMeShootHim 6 points 5 hours ago
I’m not sure if you are counting froggen as an import because I
believe he still is from missing spilts
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[–]Snulzebeerd 2 points 5 hours ago
Crown is not better than froggen in an english speaking team
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[–]plsendmylife111 [score hidden] 53 minutes ago
Crown is better individually, but way less communication.
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[–]RexZShadow 6 points 6 hours ago
Honestly get SSumday form 100T, find a up and new decent
botlane GG. Like Ssumday/Meteos/Crown top side is insane that
that alone can get them top 4 easily.
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[–]nephtus 3 points 6 hours ago
On the upside, once you are about to lose you can get a clutch
stopwatch buy and have them look dumb when they try to dive
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[–]AniviaKid32 1 point 6 hours ago
but ez didn't win
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[–]ThisShock 252 points 6 hours ago*
Aatrox is more than S tier in NA LCS
FBI is pretty good
Dhokla looking good in previous games on Aatrox says a lot
about just how insane the champion is
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[–]Ssumday_is_love 135 points 6 hours ago
FBI is a LOT better than Deftly
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[–]negativefeedbackloop 42 points 6 hours ago
especially in team fight positioning
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[–]nans22ji 47 points 6 hours ago
Ya, he actually auto attacks champions.
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[–]spyson 24 points 6 hours ago
He seems to be growing more confidence with every game,
trading Deftly must have been that extra boost for him to know
he got the starting position.
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[–]4THOT 53 points 6 hours ago*
People wrote off FBI after he got fucked by Double and JJ and
just assumed he was trash after he got ass blasted. I still think
he shows a lot of promise.
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[–]SterbenVII I <3 Ssumday 21 points 6 hours ago
That’s just reddit shitters. The only possible advantages that
Deftly could have over FBI are laning and Draven. However,
FBI’s a much better team fighter. Deftly is so useless out of
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[–]AaronDeath 6 points 4 hours ago
And heimer
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[–]FlynnlYY 5 points 6 hours ago
And everyone flamed me when I said that it's just nerves and
adjustment to a completely new team environment, new
support (hes only had 1 support his entire pro career
previously) and playing on a big stage . Fbi will be top 3 adc in
na mark my words
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[–]SorakaWithAids 4 points 4 hours ago
FBI only shits the bed on Varus (bad for his playstyle
"repositioner"), its not nerves tbh, every other game he pops off
hard, so I never understood the hate.
my boi is next up
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[–]imVidzzz 27 points 6 hours ago
Hauntzer was up 7k gold over Dhokla. That would be a big
difference if it was between teams, god damn
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[–]RexZShadow 9 points 6 hours ago
Pretty sure Impact was up 7k gold over Dhokla yesterday too.
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[–]spyson 9 points 6 hours ago
If I'm Optic, I'm looking to acquire Solo or Kumo in the off
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[–]Fencing_fenrir 26 points 7 hours ago
Aatrox is fucking busted. Unreal how he’s let through P/B as
often as he is.
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[–]ThisShock 35 points 7 hours ago
His priority fell off a cliff in Korea and he's 0-3 in LEC right now
but somehow it seems he has gotten even scarier in NA? Not
sure, it's odd.
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[–]duknighto 15 points 7 hours ago
Aatrox changes were indeed a nerf when he's behind because
before, just being in range of the teamfight and threatening a
reset + revive were enough to be useful even if you inted early.
But on the flipside, he's now even more disgusting when he's
ahead and the skill differences in NA lead to fed Aatroxes which
can literally 1v5.
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[–]leif_sony_ericcson 23 points 7 hours ago
I don't think it's the skill differences between NA top laners, but
rather that they don't punish the Aatrox pick at all and they
refuse to draft actual counterpicks against him.
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[–]duknighto 4 points 7 hours ago
Yeah, that's also a big part of it.
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[–]cadaada 5 points 7 hours ago
not even that, just look at yesterday games. Two games were
should have ended but the team didnt knew how to close it. In
optic case, corki could deal no damage after aatrox came back
and draven is trash was useless that game.
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[–]DarienisHeisenberg 3 points 7 hours ago
I would say one reason is that NA teams seem to be shit at
splitting and opening the map. There is no real split pushing. In
the end both teams group around the baron and the aatrox
dives into the back line
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[–]oblivoos 10 points 7 hours ago
Clearly you don't watch academy, aatrox got his shit pushed in
by full AD leblanc
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[–]ThisShock 31 points 7 hours ago
Academy LMAO
Watching NA is already fiesta enough my dude I can't go 1 level
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[–]oblivoos 27 points 7 hours ago
you should
C9A played a full pirate comp before the full ad sheen leblanc
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[–]ThisShock 5 points 7 hours ago
I might watch for C9A games since they've always come off as a
team that would probably be top 5 or 6 in LCS but watching the
rest seems like a stretch.
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[–]oblivoos 10 points 7 hours ago
well C9A basically consists of LCS players by now, but otherwise
yeah it's usually a fiesta
but can it really be worse than the TSM vs echo fox game
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[–]HickGoneWild 5 points 7 hours ago
Trade Dhokla for Solo since EF don't want to use him and all of
a sudden Optic are a much bigger threat in the LCS.
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[–]ContentDetective 2 points 6 hours ago
Why hate on Dhokla? He had a bad lane matchup vs an op
champion, and aatrox got snowballed by rift herald / turret
pressure. Impossible to recover at that point. Dhokla did pretty
decently in the teamfights, though.
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[–]ThisShock 5 points 6 hours ago
Why hate on Dhokla?
He's probably one of the worst top laners I've ever seen in LCS.
He's no Lep, that man is an actual legend, but Dhokla can play
like 1-2 champions at most to a pro level.
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[–]Averdian 56 points 6 hours ago
Past 20 minutes Froggen basically gave FBI all the cs in mid,
very happy he was able to perform so well with a lot of
resources given cough Deftly cough
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[–]AniviaKid32 39 points 6 hours ago
lol and people call him a selfish resource heavy player

he actually has one of the lowest gold share percentages among

midlaners this season
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[–]Averdian 37 points 6 hours ago
Froggen's always been one of the most gold-efficient players.
He has a lower gold share than Bjergsen, but simultaneously a
higher dmg share and higher DPM.
Contractz also said in a recent interview that Froggen was one
of the most selfless players he ever played with.
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[–]RandomLoLJournalist 25 points 6 hours ago
He also has the highest KP of all mid laners, and the highest
DPM as well, but people still talk as if he doesn't roam and
doesn't do anything with the huge amount of gold that he gets.
Dude is smurfing so far.
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[–]Guidancee 11 points 4 hours ago
almost like people has been saying it for years but people look
over the stats and just see froggen on the controlmage farming
creeps like in season 2. :)
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[–]Jetzu 106 points 6 hours ago*
Yesterday everyone on here was acting like "imagine GGS with
Arrow/Big", Meteos is also considered better than Contractz -
today they smash bot lane 3v3 and FBI play great in the
lategame. I really like the FBI/Huhi bot lane, sad to see people
calling them garbage after losing to DoubleJJ last week.
Good to see my boi Froggen winning.
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[–]Averdian 39 points 6 hours ago
It's always a weird feeling seeing Froggen winning in a game
where he didn't do much
Yeah, sucks that my boy didn't pop off, but it also feels so good
when his team plays this well
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[–]dell_arness2 19 points 6 hours ago
I prefer it tbh, nice to see him have some help.
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[–]Averdian 14 points 6 hours ago
Yeah, it feels great, but I do also love myself some Froggen 1v9
action. Luckily we got plenty of that this year already
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[–]EGK20 17 points 6 hours ago
We got plenty of that for years* lol.
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[–]AniviaKid32 15 points 6 hours ago
optic just had a million cc this comp and threw everything at
him every fight while fbi went untouched
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[–]Averdian 8 points 6 hours ago
Yeah, that was really weird to see when GGS actively gave the
midlane cs to FBI, which did cause Froggen to fall behind but
gave FBI the resources to carry
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[–]DuVega 2 points 2 hours ago
I think it was pretty smart since Vel'Koz doesn't need 6 items to
do his job. 1 Q and a few ticks of R are enough to shred anyone
on the enemy team, especially because of his inbuilt true
damage. Kaisa on the other hand can definitely make use of the
5th and 6th item.
Also at one point Crown was up over 100 cs but you just can't
side lane as Vel'Koz the same way a Corki can.
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[–]ContentDetective 22 points 7 hours ago
Arrow + Big is good though. FBI and Huhi did well this game,
but even though they were losing Arrow had a huge impact
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[–]spladox 18 points 7 hours ago
Tbh, Big was garbage on rakan imo. I think phreak mentioned
this is his first rakan game of the split.
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[–]ContentDetective 3 points 7 hours ago
Yea Big is not a good rakan, but typically he performs pretty
well. His nautilus is nice.
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[–]Ssumday_is_love 2 points 7 hours ago
I watched Effort on Rakan today, it´s like night and day
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[–]Jetzu 4 points 7 hours ago
Yeah, I know Arrow/Big is good, but I also think FBI and Huhi
are good, with a lot of room to grow - they're both new on that
kind of stage (FBI as a player, Huhi as a support) and people
been shitting on them last week pretty hard.
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[–]Ssumday_is_love 6 points 7 hours ago
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[–]Bt25 5 points 7 hours ago
From "FBI OPEN BOT" to "FBI OPEN UP". What a glorious
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[–]DudeToManz 60 points 7 hours ago
This man walks behind your girl and slaps her ass claiming he's
a Female Body Inspector. What do you do?
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[–]17spirit 20 points 7 hours ago
that's his girl now
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[–]Alexij Vi 3 points 6 hours ago
FBI! Open up.
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[–]hippogang 16 points 7 hours ago
Big absolutely useless on Rakan.
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[–]m0bilize 116 points 7 hours ago*
I love watching Aatrox 1 v 3 drain tank the backline while
getting hit by Executioner Ezreal and IE Void Staff Corki :)
EDIT: Look at the item difference :)
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[–]Alibobaly 46 points 7 hours ago
Just fucking once can we get a patch where he isn't broken? I'm
seriously wondering if the balance team even cares because
since his rework over a year ago he has been OP.
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[–]Homicidal_HotS 16 points 7 hours ago
Just before he got changed so that his ult only revived off kills
he wasn't op tho. Wasn't FP/FB in competitive and didn't have a
good solo queue winrate
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[–]SterbenVII I <3 Ssumday 1 point 7 hours ago
I think he gets his old revive back + scaling health/armor and
mr stats but healing gets completely gutted. Q also gets a nerf
in terms of scaling. The revive gives him some viability in pro
I can’t think up of a better balance fix for Aatrox at this point
because of his kit.
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[–]Orimasuta 4 points 6 hours ago
I'm seriously wondering if the balance team even cares
If they didn't care, they wouldn't constantly be changing him.
Problem is they've made a champ which is too hard to balance
without either making it OP or shit. Funny thing is, people were
saying Aatrox was gonna become completely irrelevant after
they removed the revive on his ult.

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