Review Material Set B

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1. The father was allowed to visit his baby soon after birth noticed the white cheesy material all over the baby’s body. You
would explain this is;
a. Molding c. Milia
b. Vernix caseosa d. Lanugo
2. You would expect the baby to have his first stool or meconium within;
a. 8-10 hours c. 2 days
b. 24 hours d. 5 days
3. The most developed sense of the newborn is;
a. Vision c. Taste
b. Touch d. Hearing
4. The respiratory system of the NB is characterized by the following;
a. Respirations are thoracic c. Respiratory rate is 50 to 80 breaths/min
b. Respirations are abdominal and diaphragmatic d. Respirations are quiet and deep
5. The proportion of the infant’s head to its total length;
a. ½ c. ¼
b. 1/3 d. 1/8
6. You would expect that social smile to begin in infants at about;
a. Time of birth c. 20-24 weeks
b. 4-8 weeks d. 30-36 weeks
7. Which of the following is not included in the Apgar score?
a. Weight c. Respiratory effort
b. Color d. Muscle tone
8. All of the following are considered in the evaluation of prematurity; Except;
a. Birth weight c. Skin color
b. Length of gestation d. Body length
9. An infant with respiratory distress will show all of the following; Except;
a. RR 30-40 c. Expiratory grunt
b. Cyanosis d. Flaring of the nostrils
10. As a part of the initial evaluation of the newborn, you count the baby’s cord vessels. Normally these are;
a. 2 vessels, 1 vein and 1 artery c. 3 vessels, one artery and 2 veins
b. 3 vessels, 1 vein and 2 arteries d. 4 vessels, 2 arteries and 2 veins
11. In performing gestational age scoring, you should recognize that the characteristic of a preterm infant is the presence of;
a. Plantar creases covering the entire sole c. Square window wrist
b. Testes both descended with rugae covering d. Ear cartilage is firm
12. As you are moving to the nursery, you jarred the bassinet of a newborn; you noticed that he assumed an embracing
position. What action you should do?
a. Check the baby’s diaper if he passed out stool
b. Report your findings to the doctor
c. Review the baby’s birth record for the type of anesthesia used during delivery
d. Recognize that it is a normal response
13. A mother decided to breastfeed her baby. You should expect that the baby’s stool will be generally;
a. Golden yellow in color, mushy, occurs frequent
b. Greenish yellow in color pasty, occurs less frequent
c. Greenish in color, watery in consistency
d. Brownish to greenish in color, firm in consistency
14. A child is 2 ½ years old. You should expect her to have;
a. 6 deciduous and 2 permanent teeth c. 12 deciduous
b. 16 deciduous and 2 permanent teeth d. 20 deciduous
15. A 12 month old child has approximately how many deciduous teeth;
a. 2 c. 10
b. 6 d. 16
16. Fetal circulation differ from NB circulation; which among is true in the fetal circulation?
a. Exchange of gases in the lungs
b. Exchange of gases in the placenta
c. Umbilical arteries carry oxygenated blood
d. Foramen ovale is the opening between the pulmonary and aorta
17. The following is true of the human milk, Except;
a. Human milk contains more protein than cow’s milk
b. Human milk contains more carbohydrates than cow’s milk
c. Human milk is more easily digested
d. Human milk is deficient in iron content
18. Vitamin k is injected to the newborn to;
a. Reduce possibility of hemorrhage in the baby c. Increase baby’s resistance to infections
b. Prevent jaundice in the NB d. Help conjugate bilirubin
19. Which of the following is not true of the physiologic jaundice in NB?
a. It appears within 24 hours and last about 6-7 days
b. It occurs 55 to 70% of all NB
c. Etiologic factor is liver immaturity
d. It appears in the 2nd and 3rd day and disappears on the 6th or 7th day
20. Breast feed babies are delivered to have longer periods of physiologic jaundice because of the presence of which substance
which suppresses the action of hepatic enzyme?
a. Protoporphyrim c. Pregnanediol
b. Prolactin d. Glucoronyl transferase
21. At the age of 6 months, the infant;
a. Triples her BW c. Has 6 teeth
b. Doubles her BW d. Drinks from cup
22. Fear of strangers reach its height at;
a. 6 months c. 8 months
b. 7 months d. 10 months
23. A 10 month old infant can;
a. Pull himself to standing position’ c. Ready for peek-a-boo
b. Bring thumb and index finger together in a d. All of the above
pincer grasp
24. A baby is 7 lbs. at birth, what is his weight at 1 year?
a. 18 lbs. c. 21 lbs.
b. 10 lbs. d. 25 lbs.
25. If you are teaching the mother about infant feeding, you should discuss which of these reflexes?
a. Plantar grasp c. Rooting
b. Tonic neck d. more
26. the best indication that a newborn’s intestinal tract is patent;
a. you are able to insert rectal thermometer
b. you are able to insert a rectal tube
c. you are able to insert your little finger
d. you are able to confirm the passage of meconium
27. Which of the following is not a part of the young child’s response to hospitalization?
a. Denial c. Guilt
b. Protest d. Despair
28. A breastfed infant weighed 3.4 kgs. At birth. At 4 days old, he now weighs 3.2 kgs. Which is the most appropriate action that
you would take?
a. Notify the physician for this is abnormal
b. Tell the mother that the feeding is inadequate
c. Monitor the baby closely during each feeding
d. Reassure the mother that most babies lose this much weight
29. When milk from the mammary glands is carried to the nipples of the mother, this is known as;
a. After pains c. Let-down reflex
b. Rooting reflex d. Sucking reflex
30. Milk ejection is primarily regulated by;
a. Estrogen c. Prolactin
b. Oxytocin d. Progesterone
31. The following are characteristics of caput succedaneum; Except;
a. It is an edema of the scalp c. It needs no treatment
b. It subsides 48-72 hours d. It indicates injury to the brain
32. In assessing the newborn, all manifestations are normal; Except;
a. Pulse: 140 bpm c. Hb: 10 gm/dl
b. RR: 45/min d. Abdominal breathing
33. Negativism and ritualistic behavior are normal characteristics of;
a. Preschooler c. Infant
b. Toddler d. Adolescent
34. A mother asked about the soft spot on her baby’s head. You should explain that the anterior fontanel closes by the;
a. 12th -18th month and posterior by the 3rd month c. 12th month and posterior by 5th month
rd th
b. 3 month and posterior at 12 -18 month th
d. 4th month and posterior at 4th month
35. A baby’s cord falls off by;
a. 6-10 days c. 2-4 days
b. 3-5 days d. 1-3 days
36. After the cord falls off, healing usually takes about;
a. A week c. 2 weeks
b. A month d. 3 weeks
37. Should the NB becomes jaundiced in 2nd -3rd day after birth, you would suspect that it was due to;
a. Destruction of excess red blood cells with production of more bilirubin that immature liver can handle
b. Immature heat-regulating mechanism
c. Poor peripheral circulation
d. None of the above
38. The normal newborn weight loss is about;
a. 2-3% of the birth weight c. 10-15% of the birth weight
b. 5-10% of the birth weight d. 15-20% of the birth weight
39. When the object is placed in the newborn hand, he will take hold of it momentarily; this is a result of;
a. Moro reflex c. Grasp reflex
b. Dancing reflex d. Rooting reflex
40. The reflex that implies the search of food in infants;
a. Moro c. Swallowing
b. Sucking d. Rooting
41. The reflex that elicited as a response to loud noise;
a. Moro c. Gag
b. Babinski d. Yawning
42. The absence of what reflex is the most important for you to report;
a. Moro c. Gag
b. Babinski d. Tonic neck
43. In lifting the NB from the bassinet, which of these points is most essential;
a. They have well developed cervical and lumbar spine
b. They cry when they are incompatible
c. They have very little control of their heads
d. They show preference of fetal position
44. The first teeth to erupt in an infant are;
a. Upper central incisors c. Upper lateral incisors
b. Lower central incisors d. Lower lateral incisors
45. Which developmental task is expected during infancy;
a. Sense of trust c. Sense of industry
b. Sense of autonomy d. Sense of initiative
46. A mother approached you about her son’s negativism; your best response to inform her that;
a. toddler’s say no but doesn’t mean it
b. Ignore him
c. This is manifested as the child begins to work towards independence
d. Child is constantly told “no-no” by parents
47. A child at 3 years is expected of what developmental task?
a. Sense of trust c. Sense of initiative
b. Sense of independence d. Sense of industry
48. The NB is placed in a Trendelenburg position under a droplight. This actions are taken in order to;
a. Increase circulation to the brain and provide warmth
b. Promote drainage of mucus secretions and prevent heat loss
c. Provide in monitoring vital signs
d. Provide for temporary isolation
49. The major energy source for the heat production in the NB is;
a. Norepinephrine secretion c. Subcutaneous tissue
b. Steroid secretion d. Brown fats
50. Of the following characteristics of the NB, which does not contribute to the tendency to lose heat very rapidly?
a. Large body surface in comparison to body c. Presence of vernix caseosa
weight d. Immature CNS regulatory centers
b. Inability to shiver
51. Opthalmia Neonatorum in the NB occurs as a consequence of contact with which of the following;
a. Monilia c. Streptococcus
b. Gonococcus d. Syphilis
52. Vitamin K is injected to the NB because he lacks;
a. Enzymes in the liver c. Glycogen stones in the liver
b. Antidiuretic hormones in his kidneys d. Bacterial flora in the colon
53. The best site to inject Vitamin K in the NB is;
a. Anterior thigh c. Deltoid
b. Gluteal d. Subscapular
54. In your initial assessment of the NB, which should you not include;
a. Physical appearance c. Gestational age
b. Neurological reflexes d. Healing of the stump
55. If the moro reflex appears to be diminished or absent within the first 24 hours, you know that;
a. This is normal c. This information is not important
b. This is a critical indication of long term damage d. This information is important to physician only
56. For which of the following data is unnecessary to notify the pediatrician as you evaluate the newborn at the end of the first
24 hours;
a. Failure to pass out meconium c. The appearance of jaundice
b. Failure to void d. Taking one ounce of formula feeding
57. The normal hemoglobin concentration in infant is;
a. 20-22 gm./100 ml c. 11-13 mg/100 ml
b. 9-11 gm/100 ml d. 17-18 gm/100 ml
58. A NB heart rate is 80 in 1 minute after birth, on an Apgar score, you give the rating of;
a. 4 c. 1
b. 2 d. 0
59. The mother of a 3 moth old infant is concerned because the infant does not sit by herself; which statement best reflects
average sitting ability;
a. Most babies sit steadily by 4 months; she is normal
b. Most babies sit steadily by 3 months; she is slightly delayed
c. Sitting ability and the age of first tooth eruption is correlated
d. Most babies do not seat steadily until 8 months, she is normal
60. In a 2 year old child, the standard against which you measure language is;
a. He should say 20 nouns, 4 pronouns
b. He should count out loud up to 20
c. He should say two words plus mama and dada
d. He should speak 2 word sentence
61. At 28 weeks of age; a normal baby should be able to;
1. Roll over 3. Sit with support
2. Reach for and grab large objects 4. Utter repetitive vowel sounds

a. 1 and 2 c. 2 and 4
b. 3 and 4 d. All of the above
62. The primary task to be accomplished between 12 to 15 months of age is to;
a. Use a spoon c. Walk
b. Give up the bottle d. Say simple words
63. Which of the following foods is favorable to introduce first?
a. Chocolate c. Rice cereal
b. Egg white d. Beef
64. Which of the following is not normal in a NB few hours after birth;
a. Persistent, high pitch cry c. Tar like stools
b. Slight cyanosis of the extremities d. Attitude of general flexion
65. If the NB has Mongolian spots, explain to the mother that these;
a. Will tend to be permanent at birth c. Indicate mental retardation
b. Will usually disappear in due time d. Indicate congenital syphilis
66. Small, whitish pinpoint spots in the nose of a NB is called;
a. Lanugo c. White heads
b. Milia d. Mongolian spots
67. An activity appropriate for a toddler that would best hasten the development of autonomy is;
a. Feed him lunch c. Let him pull a walking duck toy
b. Read him a story d. Have him watch a puppet show on tv
68. A 2 year old child is engaging a breath holding when he cannot have his way. A time honored way to handle such temper
tantrums is;
a. Appear to ignore them
b. Distract him with his favorite toy when he begins breath holding
c. Promise him a special activity if he will stop
d. Imitate his behavior by holding your breath
69. When toilet training a toddler, what is the best instruction you would give to the mother regarding toilet training;
a. All children should be toilet trained by age 2
b. Children remain dry during night time before daytime
c. Training a child to be bowel trained is faster than urine trained
d. Toilet training is a long 12 months process
70. A NB has cleft lip and cleft palate. Preoperatively, the immediate need that you will consider is;
a. Prevention of pneumonia c. Nutrition
b. Prevention of oral infection d. Oliguria
71. In assessing a NB with congenital heart defect, the chief concern is often that the infant;
a. Is over weight c. Seems to have difficulty in feeding
b. Always seems hungry d. Appears pale
72. In a 2 year old child having Wilm’s tumor, you need to know that the first sign is;
a. Weight loss c. Abdominal mass
b. Chronic cough d. Oliguria
73. In a baby born with tracheoesophageal fistula, which findings during pregnancy would have you to suspect this might be
a. A difficult 2nd stage of labor c. Bleeding at 32 weeks of pregnancy
b. Polyhydramnios d. Oliguria
74. A food that you would emphasize to a mother to be in the supplementary feeding of the infant is;
a. Egg white c. Egg yolk
b. Pork d. Milk
75. A baby has been found to have patent ductus arteriosus, which is;
a. A narrowing of pulmonary artery
b. An abdominal opening between the right and left ventricles
c. A connection between pulmonary artery and the aorta
d. An enlarged aorta and pulmonary artery
76. When taking the vital signs of a child with Coarctation of the aorta, you can expect to observe;
a. Weak, thready radial pulse c. Bounding femoral pulse
b. Higher BP to the upper extremities d. Chest retractions
77. Colic in the infant is caused by;
a. Inadequate peristalsis resulting to constipation
b. A mechanism of the GIT to secrete foreign materials
c. Paroxysmal abdominal pain due to accumulation of gas
d. An allergic response to feeding
78. When teaching a parent on how to avoid accident when caring for a 6 month old, you should;
a. Sit up by himself c. Roll over
b. Stand while holding on to furniture d. Walk with help
79. Which of the following statement is true about sudden death syndrome (SIDS)?
a. SIDS can be prevented d. Most death in SIDS occur during the first 2
b. The most common response of parents is guilt weeks of life
c. SIDS is caused by genetic abnormalities
80. Outstanding manifestations of a child with Tetralogy of Fallot are;
a. Cyanosis, fatigue, clubbing of the ends of the fingers
b. Fatigue, cyanosis and hyperactivity
c. Overweight, cyanosis and rapid growth and development
d. Fatigue, anemia and clubbing of fingers
81. The most distinctive manifestation of croup is;
a. Moist cough c. Fever
b. Inspiratory stridor d. Nasal congestion
82. Bronchiolitis is a common respiratory illness caused by;
a. Viral agents c. Allergic reactions
b. Bacteria d. Environmental conditions
83. Which of the following may indicate possible pyloric stenosis;
a. Spitting up after feeding c. Absence of stools
b. Vomiting blood d. Projectile vomiting
84. Language and speech development is fostered by speaking to the 18 month old child
a. Baby talk c. Clear and simple
b. With rich vocabulary d. Long sentences
85. Accident rate is high in toddler because;
a. Parents tend to neglect their children at this age
b. They don’t understand their parents warning
c. Their curiosity and increase mobility lead them to danger
d. They are ritualistic
86. The immediate measure to contraindicate in case of poisoning is;
a. Identify the poison c. Induce vomiting
b. Call a doctor d. Administer medications
87. The most common finding in esophageal atresia is;
a. Cyanosis c. Excessive salivation
b. Vomiting d. Coughing
88. Which of the following structure is the O2 highest
a. Umbilical vein c. Left atrium
b. Inferior vena cava d. Umbilical arteries
89. In performing a developmental assessment of an 8 month old infant, the most important behavior suggestive of
hydrocephalus is;
a. Absence of moro reflex c. Not able to stand up alone
b. Babinski response d. Inability to sit with support
90. Signs of increasing intracranial pressure in hydrocephalus includes;
a. Bulging fontanel, sunset eyes, projectile vomiting not associated with feeding
b. Depressed fontanel, bulging eyes
c. Dilated scalp veins, depressed fontanel and sunken eyeballs
d. High pitched cry, sunken fontanels and bulging eyes
91. The gluteal muscles are not generally used in giving IM injections to infants because;
a. The area is more painful than the other site of injection
b. Infants are able to change position when placed in their abdomen
c. Infants have underdeveloped muscle mass in this area
d. Infants associates this area as punishment
92. The most important clinical indication of the degree of dehydration in infants is;
a. Sunken fontanel c. Decreased urine output
b. Weight loss d. Dry skin
93. The progressive increase in skill and capacity of function best describe;
a. Maturation c. Specialization
b. Development d. Growth
94. This congenital anomaly of the heart favors squatting position and the shape of the heart is boot shape;
a. Coarctation of aorta c. Tetralogy of Fallot
b. Pulmonary stenosis d. Patent ductus arteriosus
95. Which are appropriate toys for infants;
a. Large piece puzzles, books c. Rattles, mobiles, soft toys
b. Ball, molding clay d. Mirror, push-pull toys
96. Considering the toddler’s developmental level, when should you take the vital signs;
a. When he is asking questions c. When he is quiet
b. When he is playing d. Anytime
97. The most appropriate toy for a toddles is;
a. Finger paint c. Pet dog
b. Blocks d. Carpenter set
98. Negativism and ritualistic behavior are normal characteristic of a child who is developing;
a. Sense of trust c. Sense of autonomy
b. Sense of initiative d. Sense of industry
99. Which of the following would you not expect a normal full term to manifest;
a. Flexed position c. Fingernails
b. Coordinated movement d. Eyebrows
100.You expect that during the first week of life, the NB will sleep until about;
a. 10 hours of 24
b. 20 hours of 24
c. 8 hours of 24
d. 12 hours of 24

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