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Antibacterial nanosized silver substituted hydroxyapatite:

Synthesis and characterization

N. Rameshbabu,1 T.S. Sampath Kumar,1 T.G. Prabhakar,2 V.S. Sastry,3 K.V.G.K. Murty,4 K. Prasad Rao1
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai 600036, India
Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Madras Veterinary College, Tamilnadu Veterinary and
Animal Sciences University, Chennai 600007, India
Materials Science Division, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam 603102, India
AU-KBC Research Centre, M.I.T. Campus of Anna University, Chennai 600044, India

Received 25 February 2005; revised 22 May 2006; accepted 5 June 2006

Published online 9 October 2006 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/jbm.a.30958

Abstract: The silver (0.5–3 at %) substituted nanosize vary with the amount of silver in the sintered AgHA pel-
hydroxyapatites (AgHAs) were synthesized by microwave lets, for both the bacteria, after 24 h of inoculation. Osteo-
processing. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) peaks are very blast cell attachment in varying density was noticed on
broad, indicating that the AgHAs were of nanosize (30 nm). AgHA samples with 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5% silver substitution.
Transmission electron microscopy analysis shows needle- However, osteoblast spreading was significantly greater
like morphology of AgHA, having length 60–70 nm and on 0.5% AgHA compared to 1.0 or 1.5% substituted
width 15–20 nm. The AgHA phase was stable up to AgHA samples. Thus, the low amount of AgHA has a
7008C without any secondary phases. The antibacterial potential of minimizing the risk of bacterial contamina-
effect of AgHA against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus tion, without compromising the bioactivity, and is ex-
aureus was observed by spread plate method, even for pected to display greater biological efficacy in terms of
low concentration of silver ions (0.5%) with 1  105 cells/ osseointegration. Ó 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed
mL of respective bacterial culture, after a 48 h incubation Mater Res 80A: 581–591, 2007
period. However, some colonies of E. coli were seen with
a high dose of 1  108 cells/mL after 24 h. The zone of Key words: hydroxyapatite; nanoparticle; microwave pro-
inhibition by disc diffusion test method was found to cessing; antibacterial; osteoblast

INTRODUCTION ical devices.3 Silver and silver-based compounds are

highly antimicrobial by virtue of their antiseptic
The biomaterial-centered infection is one of the properties to as many as 16 kinds of bacteria, includ-
main causes of revision surgery.1 The presence of ing Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.4 An
implant materials inside the body will interfere with antimicrobial agent is an agent that has antiviral,
the host defense mechanism and influence the clini- antibacterial, and/or antifungal properties. Antivi-
cal dose of antibiotics that is needed to protect rals and antifungals are capable of killing or sup-
against infection. The concentration of antibiotic pressing the replication of viruses and fungi, res-
loaded in implant materials should be high enough pectively. Antibacterials may be bacteriostatic or
to prevent bacterial infections at the biomaterial tis- bactericidal. Bacteriostat inhibits the growth of mi-
sue interface.2 However, the antibiotic released from croorganisms, while bactericide kills the microor-
the implant materials in the serum levels should be ganisms. Silver-based antimicrobials capture much
below the threshold required for systemic toxicity, attention, because of the low toxicity of the active
so that no side effects are expected. The use of silver Ag ion to human cells,5,6 as well as being a long last-
has recently become one of the preferred methods to ing biocide with high thermal stability and low vola-
confer microbial resiliency on biomaterials and med- tility. Bioactive glass doped with 3 wt % Ag2O con-
ferred antimicrobial properties of the glass, without
Correspondence to: T.S.S. Kumar; e-mail: compromising the glass bioactivity.3
Hydroxyapatite [HA, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2] has been
' 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. extensively used as an implant material, because of

its similarity with human bone composition and MATERIALS AND METHODS
thereby its ability to form a strong bond to the
human hard tissue.7 However proteins, amino acids, Synthesis
and other organic substances are adsorbed easily on
HA, which in turn favors the adsorption and replica- Analytical grade calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2, E. Merck,
tion of the bacteria in HA. Silver-loaded HA powder Germany], diammonium hydrogen phosphate [DAP,
has shown antibacterial effects, both in nutrient-rich (NH4)2HPO4, E. Merck], and silver nitrate [Ag(NO)3, S.R.L.,
and poor environments.8 The substitution of Agþ India] were used for the preparation of silver substi-
(1.28 Å) ions takes place for Ca2þ (0.99 Å) preferen- tuted hydroxyapatite (AgHA) nanoparticles. The selected
tially in the Ca(1) site of HA, and this leads to an precursor materials will maintain the necessary pH condi-
increase in the lattice parameters linearly with the tions (pH >> 9.0) for the synthesis without any ammonium
amount of silver added in the range of atomic ratio hydroxide addition, which is generally added to maintain
Ag/(AgþCa) between 0 and 0.055.9 The silver con- the pH condition for the synthesis of HA with other precur-
taining HA coating prepared through ion exchange sor materials. A total of eight compositions were prepared
with different silver contents of x ¼ 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3,
reaction in solution also exhibited excellent antimi-
0.4, 0.5, and 0.6, to check the extent of silver substitution for
crobial activity.2,10 The metallic silver has been used calcium in the HA [Ca10xAgx(PO4)6(OH)2]. These composi-
to reinforce the sintered HA pellets by taking the tions can be further referred to as 0.5AgHA, 1.0AgHA,
advantage of the ductility of the silver, according to 1.5AgHA, 2AgHA, 3AgHA, 4AgHA, 5AgHA, and 6AgHA,
the crack-bridging mechanism operated by the elas- according to their silver content with HA. The amount of
toplastic stretching of unbroken silver ligaments the reactants was calculated based on the calcium þ silver:
along the crack wake.11 However, the extent of silver phosphorus molar ratio of 10:6. The silver nitrate was first
substitution for calcium and its effect on the struc- dissolved in deionized distilled water (0.25M solution), and
tural stability of the nano HA has not been clearly it was added to 0.3M calcium hydroxide suspension in
established. deionized distilled water under stirring conditions. The
In recent years, much attention has been paid to 0.3M DAP solution was added to the silver nitrate dis-
solved calcium hydroxide aqueous suspension for 5 min
the synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials
under vigorous stirring conditions. The amount of silver ni-
because of their interesting properties, which mainly trate and calcium hydroxide has been varied, in order to
come from the high surface/volume ratio. Nanocrys- increase silver content from 0.5AgHA to 6AgHA. However,
talline HA has proved to be of greater biological effi- calcium þ silver:phosphorus molar ratio of 10:6 has been
cacy in terms of osteoblast adhesion, proliferation, maintained in all the compositions. For comparison, nano-
osseointegration, and formation of new bone on its sized pure HA was also prepared with calcium:phosphorus
surface.12 Recently, nanocrystalline silver has shown molar ratio of 10:6. However, silver nitrate was not used for
excellent antimicrobial activity compared to other pure HA preparation, keeping the remaining procedure
available silver antimicrobial agents such as silver being the same. For all preparations, the precursor solution
nitrate or silver sulfadiazine, not only due to the in an uncovered glass beaker was immediately subjected to
rapid release of silver cation (Agþ), but also due to the microwave irradiation for about 30 min in a domestic
microwave oven (BPL India, 2.45 GHz, 800 W power). The
the release of other silver species such as Ag0 as
crystallization of AgHA and its aging occurs under the
well.13 Nanosized HA is densified with minimal or microwave irradiation in a short time of about 30 min.
no sintering additives at substantially lower temper- Microwave irradiation time was optimized based on the lit-
atures and demonstrates improved strength and erature17 and the author’s experience in the synthesis of
fracture toughness compared to micron-sized HA.14 nanosized HA using Ca(OH)2 and DAP as calcium and
The microwave synthesis is a fast, simple, and effi- phosphorus precursors.19 The precipitate was thoroughly
cient method to prepare nanosized materials,15 with washed with distilled water to remove impurity ions (NH4þ,
narrow particle size distribution due to fast homoge- NO3). The product obtained after filtration was oven-dried
nous nucleation.16 Microwave plays an important at 908C for overnight, and the flakes were powdered using
role in reactions in aqueous media and has been an agate mortar and pestle. Roughly, about 25 g of AgHA
used for preparing HA in 25 min.17 Precipitation of was prepared in each batch. The characterization was carried
out for the powder in the oven-dried condition (further
nanosized HA and calcium phosphate nanowhiskers
referred to as synthesized condition). A small amount of
using microwave irradiation has been recently re- powder of each composition was heat-treated at 9008C for
ported.18 The objective of the present study was to 2 h in box furnace at a ramp speed of 108C/min and fur-
synthesize nanosized silver substituted HA (AgHA) nace-cooled (further referred as heat-treated condition).
using microwaves and to demonstrate its usefulness
as a new bactericidal material against two important
bacteria, gram negative E. coli and gram positive Compaction
S. aureus. The effect of Ag substitution in HA to func-
tion satisfactorily as a bone substitute material will Compacts were produced by pressing uniaxially 0.6 g of
also be evaluated by osteoblast cell culture method. AgHA powder, in a 12-mm diameter stainless steel die, at

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


200 MPa. The powder compacts were sintered in a box biotic sensitivity test). Mueller–Hinton agar was cast into
furnace at 9008C for 2 h at a ramp speed of 108C/min, and the petri plates, and the plates containing the nutrient me-
furnace-cooled (further referred as sintered pellets). dium were evenly inoculated with the test organisms of
E. coli and S. aureus separately. The AgHA disc specimens
with different Ag concentrations, sintered at 9008C for 2 h,
Characterization were planted onto the agar plates. All the plates were
incubated at 378C for 24 h and were examined for a zone
The AgHA powder samples were characterized by X- of inhibition of bacterial growth around the discs.
ray powder diffraction (XRD) method (Shimadzu, XD-D1
diffractometer, Japan), with Cu Ka radiation (l ¼ 0.154056
nm) for phase analysis, crystal size measurement, and cell Cell adhesion test
parameter calculation. Data were collected over the 2y
range of 20–608, using a step size of 0.028 and step time of To study the biocompatibility of the AgHA samples, an
2 s. The average crystallite size of the samples was calcu- in vitro cell adhesion test was performed on AgHA (0.5, 1,
lated by using the Scherrer’s formula. The cell parameters and 1.5AgHA) samples, using well-characterized human
of AgHA samples were calculated by least-squares fit osteoblast cell line (HOS, National Centre for Cell Science,
method. The input data were 2y-values and corresponding Pune, India). These cells were cultured in MEM supple-
indices (hkl) of the diffraction lines in the range from 208 mented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), streptomycin
2y to 608 2y, with relative intensities above 5. The func- (S, 100 mg per mL), and penicillin (P, 100 mL per mL),
tional groups present in HA were ascertained by Fourier under standard cell culture conditions (sterile chamber
transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR, Perkin Elmer, Spec- maintained at 378C and a humidified environment: 5%
trum One, USA) over the region 450–4000 cm1 in pellet CO2/95% air). All substrates were autoclaved for steriliza-
form for the powder samples of 1 mg mixed with spectro- tion purposes at 1208C for 30 min. The sintered pellets
scopic grade KBr (Merck) of 200 mg. Spectra were were placed in each well of the 24-well tissue culture plate,
recorded at 4 cm1 resolution, averaging 80 scans. The before seeding with 1  104 cells/well (3500 cells/cm2), in
powder size and morphology were examined using a DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS and 1% P/S. HOS
transmission electron microscopy (TEM, Philips, CM12 cells seeded on conditioned material (tissue culture poly-
STEM, Netherlands). For TEM analysis, the powder sam- styrene) were used as a test control. The cells were then
ple was ultrasonically dispersed in ethanol to form very allowed to adhere in standard cell culture conditions for
dilute suspensions, and then few drops were deposited on 24 h at 378C in a humidified atmosphere of 95% air and
the carbon-coated copper grids. The AgHA sintered pellets 5% carbon dioxide. After the prescribed time (24 h), non-
were also analyzed for crystallite size with a atomic force adherent cells were removed by rinsing three times with
microscope (AFM, Digital Instruments, Nanoscope IV, phosphate buffered saline (PBS), while adherent cells were
USA) in a contact mode, with a silicon nitride probe. fixed with 3% glutaraldehyde. Cell-seeded AgHA samples
were processed for scanning electron microscopy analysis
(SEM, Hitachi, S2400, Japan) by dehydrating through a se-
Antibacterial assessment ries of ethanol concentrations (30%, 55%, 70%, 100% (v/v)
in distilled water), followed by isoamylacetate and critical
Depending on the application, the HA can be used in point drying. Dried scaffolds were sputter-coated with
the powder form as well as the sintered compacts, and so gold, prior to analysis.
the antibacterial action of AgHA was studied for both the
powder and pellet forms. The E. coli (strain 025) and
S. aureus (Cowan strain) bacteria were used for the present RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
study (Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences Uni-
versity, Chennai, India). Antibacterial action of AgHA
powder was studied by the spread plate method. One The XRD patterns of the AgHA samples in as-syn-
milligram of each AgHA (0.5, 1.0, and 1.5AgHA) was thesized condition are shown in Figure 1. The XRD
mixed individually with 1 mL of phosphate buffer solution peaks were markedly broader, which suggested that
(pH 7.4), containing 1  105 cells/mL E. coli and S. aureus AgHA particles were nanosized. All the patterns are
separately, in flat-bottom test tubes. Each tube was shaken found to be nearly similar and correspond to the
at 200 rpm, at 308C, for 24 h. One hundred microliters of hexagonal HA crystal (JCPDS 9-432). However, the
shaken AgHA solutions were placed into petri plates in samples with silver content x  0.4 clearly shows
duplicate and 15 mL of molten tryptose soy agar was over- the presence of silver phosphate (Ag3PO4, JCPDS 6-
laid onto the inoculum, spread evenly in clockwise–anti- 505) peak at 2y * 36.68. The peak broadening of the
clockwise directions, and left undisturbed for the agar to
XRD reflection was used to estimate the average
solidify. These plates after solidification were incubated at
crystallite size in a direction perpendicular to the
378C for 24 and 48 h. The colony formation was examined
and photographed. These tests were also done at higher crystallographic plane, based on Scherrer’s formula
bacterial concentration of 1  108 cells/mL of E. coli and Xs ¼ Kl/b cosy, where Xs is the average crystallite
S. aureus. Antibacterial action of AgHA pellets were size (nm); K is the shape factor (K ¼ 0.9); l is the
studied by the disc diffusion test method (commonly wavelength of the X-rays (l ¼ 0.154056 nm for Cu
known as the Kirby–Bauer disc diffusion method or anti- Ka radiation); b is the broadening of the diffraction
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a

Figure 1. The XRD patterns of the 0.5AgHA (a), 1.0AgHA Figure 2. The XRD patterns of the 0.5AgHA (a), 1.0AgHA
(b), 1.5AgHA (c), 2AgHA (d), 3AgHA (e), 4AgHA (f), (b), 1.5AgHA (c), 2AgHA (d), 3AgHA (e), 4AgHA (f),
5AgHA (g), 6AgHA (h) samples in as synthesized condi- 5AgHA (g), 6AgHA (h) samples in 9008C heat-treated con-
tion. ‘‘*’’ marked peaks are Ag3PO4 and all others are HA dition. HA peaks are indexed and ‘‘*’’ marked peaks are
peaks. b-TCP and ‘‘þ’’ marked peaks are Ag.

peak measured at half of its maximum intensity (in 4-783) was observed for all the 9008C heat-treated
radians), and y is the Bragg’s diffraction angle (8). samples. To elucidate further the role of Ag substitu-
The diffraction peak at 25.98 was chosen for calcula- tion in lowering the thermal stability of HA, both
tion of the crystallite size; since it is sharper and iso- 0.5AgHA and 1.5AgHA samples were heated to 700,
lated from others. This peak assigns to (002) Miller’s 750, and 8008C for 4 h and furnace-cooled to room
plane family and shows the crystal growth along the temperature in air. The XRD pattern of the 7008C
c-axis of the HA crystalline structure. The estimated heated samples of 0.5AgHA and 1.5AgHA (Fig. 3) is
crystallite sizes were listed in Table I. found to be without any impurity phases. Presence
The thermal stability of the AgHA samples were of metallic silver was observed in both the AgHA
studied by heating a small amount of the sample to samples heated to 8008C (Fig. 3). In Table II, the var-
9008C for 2 h and cooling in air to room tempera- ious phases observed along with AgHA samples in
ture. The XRD patterns of the 9008C heat-treated as-synthesized condition as well as at selected heat-
samples are shown in Figure 2. All the heat-treated treated conditions (700, 750, and 8008C for 4 h and
samples show marked improvement in crystallinity, 9008C for 2 h) are summarized. Since there are no
with the separation of (211) and (112) diffraction impurity phases in 0.5AgHA, 1.0AgHA, 1.5AgHA,
peaks. The presence of b-TCP phase (JCPDS 9-169) 2AgHA, and 3AgHA powders in as-synthesis condi-
was noticed for AgHA samples with x  0.15. The tion and Ag3PO4 impurity phase has been observed
heat-treated AgHA samples with x ¼ 0.05 and 0.10 in 4AgHA, 5AgHA, and 6AgHA powders in as-syn-
are also free of calcium oxide phase, characterized thesis condition, the XRD results, thus, indicate sil-
typically by peak at 2y of *37.58. However, the me- ver substitution for calcium in HA below 4 at %.
tallic silver with a XRD peak at 2y * 38.18 (JCPDS The XRD results also indicate that the AgHA phase

Crystal Size and Unit Cell Parameters of the HA Phase in AgHA Samples
Cell Parameters
Xs(002) in Xs(002) of Xs(002) of Pellets (As-Synthesis Condition)
As-Synthesis Powders at 9008C at 9008C for
Sample Condition (nm) for 2 h (nm) 2 h (nm) a-Axis (Å) c-Axis (Å)
0.5AgHA 30 56 50 9.393 6.879
1.0AgHA 32 50 49 9.398 6.882
1.5AgHA 31 53 49 9.403 6.887
2AgHA 31 51 51 9.410 6.891
3AgHA 31 52 50 9.419 6.899

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


of the HA, may also influence the substitution.

Hence, the smaller amount of silver substitution in
nanosize AgHA was synthesized in the present
study. Although the Ca10xAgx(PO4)6(OH)2x&x sa-
mples were prepared by wet synthesis, the role of
silver in the thermal stability of HA was not
reported.9 The vacancy at the hydroxyl site due to
charge imbalance caused by Agþ for Ca2þ ions
seems to lower the thermal stability of the AgHA
The TEM morphology of the HA and 0.5, 2, and
5AgHA samples in as-synthesized condition is
shown in Figure 4(a–d). All the particles were found
to be of nanosize. The HA and 0.5AgHA particles
were of nanosize with needle-like morphology, with
width ranging from 15 to 20 nm and length around
60–70 nm, the size comparable to that of bone apa-
tite.20 They were a bit thinner and longer (aspect ra-
tio * 4), with more irregular and less clear contour.
In addition, the particles showed high tendency to
agglomerate. The 2AgHA and 5AgHA particles are
also of needle-like morphology with particle size
(70 nm length and 15–20 nm width), without being
much dependent on the amount of silver content.
The 5AgHA particles were more regular with clear
contours and less agglomeration. This may be due to
the effect of surrounding silver phosphate phase.
Figure 3. The XRD patterns of the 700, 750, and 8008C Both the XRD and TEM results show that the AgHA
heated 0.5AgHA and 1.5AgHA samples. particle synthesized by microwave processing was
nanosized and has a narrow size distribution. This is
was stable up to 7008C without any secondary phase because, microwave irradiation of the reaction mix-
formation. The nanosized pure HA prepared by tures results in rapid heating, particularly those con-
microwave processing using calcium hydroxide and taining microwave active polar molecules such as
DAP was thermally stable at 9008C.19 water, acetonitrile, CH2Cl2, ethanol, and DMF.21 As
The cell parameters of AgHA samples, calculated a consequence, the precipitation of particles from
by least-squares fit method, were found to increase such solutions tends to be rapid and nearly simulta-
with the amount of silver substitution, as shown in neous. This leads to very small particle sizes and
Table I. The increase in the cell parameters may be narrow particle size distributions, in the final prod-
due to the substitutions of larger size Agþ (1.28 Å) ucts.16 The TEM morphology of the 9008C heat-
ions for Ca2þ (0.99 Å) ions. The amount of silver treated HA and 1.5AgHA powder samples are
substituted was found to be less compared to the shown in Figure 5(a,b). The powder morphology of
value of 0.55 reported.9 As silver is a noble element, the heat-treated samples has been completely
apart from the Agþ size effect, polarizabilty, charge, changed from needle to plate shape and results in
and chemical nature of silver, as well as crystal size an increase in particle size (80–100 nm).

List of Phases Present in AgHA Powder Samples in As-Synthesized Condition and Heat-Treated Conditions
Sample As-Synthesis Condition 9008C 7008C 7508C 8008C

0.5AgHA HA HA, Ag HA HA HA, Ag

1.0AgHA HA HA, Ag – – –
1.5AgHA HA HA, Ag, bTCP HA HA, bTCP HA, bTCP, Ag
2AgHA HA HA, Ag, bTCP – – –
3AgHA HA HA, Ag, bTCP – – –
4AgHA HA, Ag3PO4 HA, Ag, bTCP – – –
5AgHA HA, Ag3PO4 HA, Ag, bTCP – – –
6AgHA HA, Ag3PO4 HA, Ag, bTCP – – –

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


Figure 4. The TEM morphology of the HA (a), 0.5 AgHA (b), 2 AgHA (c) and 5 AgHA (d) samples in as synthesized condition.

The XRD patterns of the sintered pellets are and 1.5AgHA sintered pellets are shown in Figure
shown in Figure 6. The b-TCP and metallic silver 7(a–c). The grain sizes of the sintered pellets are in
phases were observed in AgHA sintered pellets, the range of 80–100 nm, as observed by the AFM
with x  1.5. In sintered pellets, the relative inten- images [Fig. 7(a–c)]. Instrumental broadening and
sities of the peaks are different compared to pow- the broadening due to strain, which were not taken
ders heated at same temperature and time because into account for crystallite size measurement by
of preferred orientation. The relative intensity of the XRD using Scherrer’s formula, might be the reason
diffraction peak, at 25.98 assigns to (002) Miller’s for the smaller average crystallite sizes in XRD, com-
plane, chosen for calculation of the crystallite size pared to AFM images. However, the TEM confirmed
was less in sintered pellets compared to the heat- that the powders in as-synthesized condition are of
treated powders. In 0.5AgHA and 1.0AgHA sintered nanosize (60–70 nm length and 15–20 nm width) as
pellets, the silver peak was not observed, compared shown in Figure 4.
to powders. The preferred orientation of peaks in sin- The FTIR spectroscopy further details the silver
tered pellets compared to powders and the very low substitution in HA and the impurity phase forma-
intensity of the silver peaks even in 0.5AgHA and tion. Figures 8 and 9 show the FTIR spectra of the
1.0AgHA heat-treated powders might be the reason oven-dried and 9008C heated AgHA powders, re-
for the disappearance of the silver peaks in 0.5AgHA spectively. The characteristic bands for HA are
and 1.0AgHA pellets. The average grain size of the exhibited in both the spectra: 900–1200 cm1 for
sintered pellets measured by Scherrer’s formula was phosphate bending and stretching, 602 cm1 for
50 nm. The AFM images of the 0.5AgHA, 1.0AgHA, phosphate bending, 632 and 3571 cm1 for vibra-

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


the increase in the intensities of the hydroxyl bands

at 632 and 3571 cm1 and the phosphate band at
962 cm1, as shown in Figure 9. These results are
coincident with the XRD results, as shown in Figures 1
and 2. Even though the XRD patterns of the AgHA
samples, with x ˜ 4, show the presence of Ag3PO4
in as-synthesized condition, the vibration band cor-
responding to the silver phosphate (bulk Ag3PO4
frequency 975 cm1 and nano Ag3PO4 frequency
1017 cm1)23 was not observed in FTIR spectrum.
The intense phosphate band of HA (1034 cm1) might
be responsible for totally obscuring the Ag3PO4 band.
The absorption bands at 1421 and 1455 cm1 of oven-
dried samples are attributed to the carbonate substi-
tution for the phosphate ions in the HA lattice. The
carbonate ion may have come from a reaction
between carbon dioxide and high solution pH. Since
carbonate containing HA is well known to have a bet-
ter bioactivity due to its similarity in the chemical
composition of biological apatite in natural bone, the
nanosized HA obtained in the present study is
expected to demonstrate good biocompatibility.
The XRD and FTIR analysis of AgHA samples
indicate incorporation of low concentration of silver
in the HA lattice in as-synthesized condition. So the
bactericidal study by spread plate method and the
osteoblast cell culture study were carried out for
AgHA samples, with silver content x ¼ 0.05, 0.10,
and 0.15, to characterize the effect of Ag substitution
in HA. The spread plate results of AgHA samples
after 24 and 48 h with 105 cells/mL of E. coli and
S. aureus are examined. The AgHA samples showed
complete inhibition of the growth of both the bacte-

Figure 5. The TEM morphology of the HA (a) and

1.5AgHA (b) powders heated at 9008C for 2h.

tional and stretching modes of hydroxyl vibrations.22

In addition, two broad bands are observed at 1630
and 3400 cm1 in oven-dried samples, corresponding
to the bending and stretching modes of the H2O
molecules,22 which decreased drastically with heat-
ing to 9008C. In addition, the characteristic bands
corresponding to b-TCP phase was observed at 988
Figure 6. The XRD patterns of the 0.5AgHA (a), 1.0AgHA
and 1123 cm1 for the 9008C heated AgHA powders, (b), 1.5AgHA (c), 2AgHA (d), 3AgHA (e), 5AgHA (f) pellets
with silver content x  0.15. The increase of crystal- sintered at 9008C for 2 h. HA peaks are indexed and ‘‘*’’
linity of the heated (9008C) samples was noticed by marked peaks are b-TCP and ‘‘þ’’ marked peaks are Ag.

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


Figure 8. The FTIR spectra of the 0.5AgHA (a), 1.0AgHA

(b), 1.5AgHA (c), 2AgHA (d), 4AgHA (e), 5AgHA (f),
6AgHA (g) samples in as synthesized condition.

0.10. The numbers of E. coli colonies were found to

decrease with increasing silver content, and when
x ¼ 0.15, there is no colony formation (Fig. 11). All
three samples (0.5, 1.0, and 1.5AgHA) showed com-
plete inhibition of S. aureus at high cell concentration
(108 cells/mL), as shown in Figure 11. The bacterial
concentration used in this study, namely, 108 cells,
may be much higher than the realistic value encoun-
tered by the biomaterials at surgical sites. For exam-
ple, 103 cells of methicillin-resistant S. aureus bacteria
in surgical sites containing biomaterials in a spinal
implant model have shown 100% infection rates.24

Figure 7. The AFM images of 0.5AgHA (a), 1.0AgHA (b),

1.5AgHA (c) pellets sintered at 9008C for 2 h. [Color figure
can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

ria under the present incubation conditions at 24 h

and even after 48 h (Fig. 10). However, when the cell
concentration was increased to 108 cell/mL, E. coli Figure 9. The FTIR spectra of the 0.5AgHA (a), 1.0AgHA
colonies were seen after 24 h in the plates with (b), 1.5AgHA (c), 2AgHA (d), 4AgHA (e), 5AgHA (f),
AgHA samples, with silver content x ¼ 0.05 and 6AgHA (g) samples in 9008C heat-treated condition.

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


Figure 10. The spread plate results of 0.5AgHA (a), 1.0AgHA (b) and 1.5AgHA (c) samples after 48 h with 105 cells/mL
of E. coli (1) and S. aureus (2). [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at www.interscience.]

Figure 11. The spread plate results of 0.5AgHA (a), 1.0AgHA (b) and 1.5AgHA (c) samples after 24 h with 108 cells/mL
of E. coli (1) and S. aureus (2). [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at www.interscience.]

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


Figure 12. Disc diffusion test results of sintered pellets: Figure 13. Disc diffusion test results of sintered pellets:
pure HA (a), 1.0AgHA (b), 2AgHA (c), 4AgHA (d), pure HA (a), 0.5AgHA (b), 1.0AgHA (c), 2AgHA (d),
5AgHA (e), and 6AgHA (f) in E. coli. [Color figure can be 4AgHA (e), 5AgHA (f), and 6AgHA (g) in S. aureus. [Color
viewed in the online issue, which is available at www. figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available] at]

The direct effect of silver ions leaching out of the rately, after 24 h of inoculation. The AgHA samples
AgHA samples in the culture media was studied by with silver content x > 0.2 shows the zone of inhibi-
the disc test method, with Mueller–Hinton agar me- tion, which increases with the increased silver con-
dium containing E. coli and S. aureus bacteria sepa- tent in the sample as shown in Figures 12 and 13 for

Figure 14. SEM photographs of osteoblast cell attachment on tissue culture plate (a), 0.5AgHA (b), 1.0AgHA (c), and
1.5AgHA (d) pellets.

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


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Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a

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