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As Philadelphia grew from a small town into a city in the first half of the eighteenth century,

(Ketika Philadelphia tumbuh dari kota kecil menjadi kota di awal abad ke-18)

Into = menjadi, grew = tumbuh, the first half = bagian pertama & as = ketika

it became an increasingly important marketing center for a vast and growing agricultural hinterland
(ini menjadi pusat pemasaran yang semakin penting untuk daerah pertanian yang luas dan terus berkembang)

Increasingly = semakin, marketing = pemasaran, center = pusat, hinterland = pedalaman & vast = sangat luat

Market days saw the crowded city even more crowded, as fanners from within a radius of 24 or more kilometers
brought their sheep, cows, pigs, vegetables, cider, and other products for direct sale to the townspeople.
(Pasar hari melihat kota yang ramai bahkan lebih ramai, karena spanduk dari dalam radius 24 atau lebih kilometer
membawa domba, sapi, babi, sayuran, sari buah apel, dan produk lainnya untuk dijual langsung ke penduduk

Crowded = ramai, even = bahkan, as = karena, fanners = spanduk, within = dalam & cider = sari buah apel

The High Street Market was continuously enlarged throughout the period until 1736, when it reached from Front
Street to Third
(jalanan pasar yang tinggi terus diperbesar sepanjang periode hingga 1736, ketika mencapai dari Front Street ke

Enlarged = diperbesar, throughout = sepanjang, reached = mencapai

By 1745 New Market was opened on Second Street between Pine and Cedar. The next year the Callowhill Market
began operation.
(pada 1745 Pasar Baru dibuka di Second Street antara Pine dan Cedar. Tahun berikutnya Pasar Callowhill mulai

Along with market days, the institution of twice yearly fairs persisted in Philadelphia even after similar trading
days had been discontinued in other colonial cities.
(Seiring dengan hari-hari pasar, lembaga pameran dua kali tahunan bertahan di Philadelphia bahkan setelah hari-
hari perdagangan yang sama telah dihentikan di kota-kota kolonial lainnya.)

Along = seiring , the institution = lembaga, fairs = pameran, persisted = bertahan

The fairs provided a means of bringing handmade goods from outlying places to would-be buyers in the city.
Linens and stockings from German town, for example, were popular items
(Pameran ini menyediakan sarana untuk membawa barang-barang buatan tangan dari tempat-tempat terpencil ke
calon pembeli di kota. Seprai dan kaus kaki dari kota Jerman, misalnya, adalah barang populer)

Provided = menyediakan, means = sarana, bringing = membawa, outlying = terpencil, would-be = calon pembeli,
Linens = spray & stockings = kaos kaki

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