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Emerald Airlines

Sale prices* between this city and:

Vancouver $375
Los Angeles $350
San Francisco $225
Tokyo $600
Seoul $725
Honolulu $525
*Prices are good until june 30 and are for one-way economy class tickets. Round-trip
tickets are twice the one way fare
Sale does not apply to business and first class tickets. Make your reservation by visiting our
website. All major credit cards are accepted. Tickets can also be reserved by calling 1-800-555-
9942. A 5% surcharge applies to allreservation made by phone.

16. You will be imposed a 5% surcharge if you make your reservation...

A. By using credits cards D. By visiting the company's office
B. By using a telephone E. By visiting the company's website
C. By paying in advance

17. What is on sale ?

A. All classes of ticket. D. Economy class ticket only.
B. Executive class tickets. E. Business and first class tickets.
C. Business class ticket only

To : All company personnel

From : Milton freeman, Office manager
Date : September 22, 2011

The photocopier has broken again. This is the third time this month. We are all frustated by the
loss of valuabletime this causes, not to mention the cost of the reapirs. Part of the problem results
from attempts at repair made by persons who don't completely understand the operation of the
machine. Even a simple problem like a paperjam can become exacerbated if not dealt with
properly. In order to avoid problems in the future, please observe the following guidelines :
1. If you are unsure how to operate the photocopy machine, please ask sally garfield, my
assistant, to show you how to use it.
2. If you have any problem at all with the photocopy machine, do not attempt to fix it
3. Please report all problems with the photocopy machine to Ms. Garfield. She has been
trained to fix most common problems with the machine and is always ready to assist you with all
photocopier issues.
4. Do not call a repairperson yourself. This is the responsibility of Ms. Garfield.
Thank you fo your patience and cooperation.

18. What is the memo about?

A. Photocopier issues. - D. Unskilled photocopier tisers.
B. How to repair a photocopier. E. Guidelines how to operate a photocopier.
C. A photocopier's problems.

19. What should people do when the photocopier breakD. Call a repairperson.
A. Fix it. E. Send a memo to the office manager.
B. Leave it.
C. Tell Sally Garfield.

D. A.
Text 3
The following text is for questions 20 to 21.


In order to show the company's appreciation for the hard work of all our employees, we have started
an Employee of the Month program. The Employee of the Month will be chosen according to his or
her efficiency and dedication to work. The Employee of the Month will receive an award as well as
free lunches in the company's cafeteria and a parking space near the front door. The name of the first
Employee of the Month will be announced at the end of this week.
20. What is the
announcement about? D. An employee
A. Dedicated of the Month program.
employees. E. An award for a
B. Company's dedicated employee.
C. Company's
D. New office at
21. What will the the front door.
winner get? E. An award, free
A. Appreciation lunches, and a parking
and higher salary.
space. -
B. Sum of
money, certificates,
and a free trip.
C. Promotion in
the company's
Text 4
The following text is for questions 22 to 24.

Tutankhamen was a king of ancient egypt. Tutankhamen began ruling in 1316 B.C. When he was
nine years until his death in 1325 B.C. He is believed to be the youngest pharaoh to have ruled.

The tomb which is known mysterious has many corridors that anyone can get lost in one of the
corridors. There is a series of hieroglyphics dated around 1325 B.C. Close to the entrance to the ante-
chamber there is alot more hieroglyphics about tutankhamen's life. It is the burial procession of
Tutankhamen, and it was a very grand procession.

At the entrance door, the mummy's curse is written on the door. A plaster wall blocked this entrance,
and it was covered with debris from another digging, but Howard Carter and Lord Caemarvon
chiselet their way into the chamber. It took them approximately four days to get through.

Inside the antechamber, were trumpets throne and even statues of the boy king himself. The
antechamber was filled with many wonderful things. They were put here to fool robbers that these rs
old. He ruled for nine were what they wanted, but these weren't the things the boy king wanted to
take with him to the next life. The things which were to be taken were put in the treasury in the
annexes behind other walls. Here in the annexes are all his servants belonging of which they wished
to take with them to their next life. Howards and his friend succeeded in getting into treasury which
was located behind the walls.

Believe it or not, the discovery of the treasury had made carter and his friend being cursed by the
king. Carter's new pet canary was dead. It was killed by a king Cobra which sometimes represented
Tutankhamen. Within weeks, Caemarvon was dead, due to mosquito bite on his left cheek in exactly
the same spot where Tutankhamen had a scar. At the exact moment he died, all the lights in Cairo
went out for no reason. Back in England, Caemarvon's dog collapsed dead. Two of Carter's friends
died after visiting the site. But Carter still remained alive. He spent another ten years clearing the
content until he died natural causes in 1933

A doctor in 1962 thout he had solved the mystery of the curse. He said that deadly bacteria had been
sealed into the tomb and stayed there until it was discovered. But the doctor could not continue his
research as he died too, not long after his announcing of his theory
22. How many people died concerning with the discovery of Tutankhamen's tomb?
A. 3 D. 6
B. 4 E. 7
C. 5

23. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To tell the reader the efficacy of Tutankhamen's curse.
B. To give information about Tutankhamen's tomb.
C. To persuade people to come to Tutankhamen's tomb.
D. To explain to the reader why people died.
E. To report the solution of the mystery of the clue.

24. ". . the burial procession of Tutankhamen, and it was a very grand procession."
The underlined word is synonymous with ... .
A. pleasant
B. beautiful
C. generous
D. expensive
E. impressive —
Text 5
The following text is for questions 25 to 26.

Dear Ali,
It was good to hear from you after all this time. I had thought that you had forgotten about all of us
here since moving to Samarinda.
I'm really happy to know that you will be coming back to visit us soon. I am sure you will be pleasantly
surprised when you do. Pasir Putih has changed tremendously since you left. As you know, the beach
was a dumping ground for picnickers. The whole place was filthy and there was garbage scattered
everywhere. It was almost impossible to find a spot clean enough to lay the mats and unpack the food.
Now things are different. Picnic spots have been prepared and designated for the public. There are ample
rubbish bins and "No Littering" signs have been put up everywhere. Any offenders caught in the act are
heavily fined. Trees have been planted at strategic places to provide shade. The old wooden food stalls
have been demolished and new brick ones built in their place with clean, running water.
Besides this, the pollution in the sea has been reduced considerably. For many years, the waters off
Pasir Putih have been unfit for swimming. Now, the sea and beach are much cleaner. There are public
changing rooms and showers which are clean and convenient.
I am looking forward to seeing you. Do let me know when you are planning to visit and I will make
sure that I am free at the time.

25. What is the letter mainly about?

A. Life in Pasir Putih now.
B. Sumulang's visit to Pasir Putih.
C. Sumulang's opinion of today's Pasir Putih.
D. The improvements that have taken place in Pasir Putih.
E. Sumulang's plan to visit Samarinda.

26. The word designated means.... (paragraph 3)

A. completed
B. separated
C. allocated -
D. Built
E. Reserved
Text 6

Two mules were on the same path. The first, who worked for a miller, was loaded with oats.
The other was owned by a banker and was carrying a chest full of golden coins.
Because of this it trotted along very proudly, full of itself.
But on hearing the clinking, some robbers realized that it was carrying a treasure.
As they stole it, they beat the mule badly with sticks.
'You see,' explained the first mule. 'Being rich and important has its drawbacks.'

Paket 01: Bahasa Inggris 9

27. Which of the following is the most suitable title for-the text?
A. The Two Mules and the Robbers . - D. Unlucky mules.
A. A Miller and Banker. E. Bank Robbers.
B. The Proud Mules.

28. "Because of this it trotted along very proudly, full of

itself." The underlined word means . . . .
A. ran - D. jogged
B. moved E. m arched
C. turned

29. What lesson do we learn from the text?

A. Too much is not good.
B. Riches alone make no man happy. -
C. Everyone makes mistakes once a while.
D. What is easily obtained is also easily lost.
E. You will always have consequences for your actions.

Text 7
The following text is for questions 30 to 32.

The circuit tester pen is used for testing circuits, fi nding a fault in a circuit and to
tell which wires are dead and which one are alive. The circuit tester pen looks
similar to a screwdriver but is held like a pen. A circuit is made up of a source
of energy, for example a battery with one capable leading off from the positive
terminal and another cable which leads off from the negative terminal and there
is an application at the end for example a light bulb, a pump, motor, etc.
If you have a big circuit board and it isn't working you know it must be
one.of the wires or else it's the application. The way you'd fi nd out would be to
clip the alligator clip (which is on the end of the wire leading from the circuit
tester pen) to some part of the circuit which you know should have the electric
current passing through. When the tip of the tester has been placed to another
part of the circuit, a neon light will immediately light up if the wires both alive.
After you've gone through all of the wires and all of them are alive, then it must
be the application that has the fault. So it proves that the circuit tester pen is really
for illuminating faults.

30. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. A light bulb shows where the fault is.
B. Battery is used as a source of energy.
C. The circuit tester pen is used for testing circuits.
D. A circuit tester pen looks similar to a screwdriver.
E. A circuit tester pen tells what the cause of the fault.

31. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To explain to the reader how a circuit tester pen works. -
B. To persuade the reader to use a circuit tester pen.
C. To inform the reader what a circuit tester pen is.
D. To tell how the circuit tester pen finds the fault.
E. To describe what a circuit tester pen looks.

32. -"So it proves that the circuit tester pen is really for illuminating faults". (Paragraph-
2) The underlined word means . . . .
A. establishing D. clarifying –
B. resonating E. purifying
C. confusing

Text 8
The following text is for questions 33 to 35.

Irrigation is a system that provides water to cultivate plants. This water management has been
done by human since ancient times. But, like every other thing, irrigation has its advantages and
Irrigation has been a very beneficial process for farmers, especially those in dry countries.
Without irrigation there could not be farming in dry regions. Huge areas of rich land which are now
covered with productive farms and support prosperous communities would still be wasteland and
desert, a land of cactus and sagebrush, coyotes and jack rabbits.
The chief problem is caused by continuous irrigation. Nearly all irrigation water, whether it is
from the ground or from a river, contains a little bit of salt. Where drainage is bad, the water can
reach the root level, and the concentrated salt can make plant growth almost impossible.
This problem has happened in some irrigated areas such as along the Murray River, where
the land is now seriously affected by salinity from the flood-and-furrow areas of the Riverina and
northern Victoria. Such land may eventually be of limited use for agriculture. These are only some of
the many problems caused by irrigation. Other problems are not as major as those already
mentioned but are enough to cause problems. Any changes even if it is only minor can change the
rivers behavior causing floods and other problems.
In Australia agriculture makes a large part of overseas profit, 57% of Australia's export is agriculture
products. To grow crops, there must be irrigation to wet the land. So irrigation brings a lot of good effects.

33. The main idea of the third paragraph is . . . .

A. continuous irrigation causes problems
B. irrigation makes plants do not grow well
C. the water used for irrigation contains salt
D. bad drainage causes the salt concentrated
E.the water used for irrigation is from wells and

34, The communicative purpose of the text is to inform the reader that . . . .
A. salt is harmful to plants
B. bad drainage causes flood
C. salinity makes the soil fertile
D. irrigation may cause problems, instead of its benefit
E. continuous irrigation inundate farm fields

35. "Such land may eventually be of limited use for agriculture." (Paragraph
4) The underlined word means . . . .
A. finally – D. straightly
B. probably E. ceaselessly
C. eternally

Text 9
The following text is for questions 36 to 38.
School life can sometimes be tedious and boring. However, I am very lucky to be in a class where
I have a friend, whom have been with me since Grade 1.
My friend, Rudy, is the one that first comes to mind when you think of jokes in class for Rudy can
always be counted upon to liven up our lessons. A short, plump boy with a very tanned complexion
and wild hair that sticks out like a bush.
Sadly, our class "Butet" is not an artist. In fact, our art teacher always shakes her head in disbelief
at the unrecognizable drawing that he produces. However, though he is not a comedian, he behaves
like the famous comedian. Everyone agrees that he looks like Butet, the famous comedian. Thus, he
is called by this nickname. He has a very strange squeaky voice and he can use his voice to imitate
all sorts of sounds. His favorite imitation is that of chalk squeaking on the blackboard. It sounds just
like the real thing, making all the girls scream. Not surprisingly, "Butet" has been banned from making
his chalk imitation in class. However, he has many other imitations in his repertoire and can be relied
on coming up with something outstanding at dull times of the day.

36. What does the text mainly about?

A. The appearance of Butet, the famous comedian.
B. The description of the writer's friend, Rudy.
A. Butet's habit.
B. The description of the writer's school life.
C. The way how Rudy always imitates many sounds.

37. Why does everyone call him Butet?

A. Because his appearance looks like Butet, the comedian.
B. Because he is in favor of Butet, the comedian.
C. Because he likes to make jokes.
D. Because he likes to imitate many sounds, like Butet.
E. Because he is the son of Butet, the comedian.

38. What sound does he make frequently in class?

• —
A. The sound of squeaky animal.
A. The sound of screaming girl.
B. The sound of the art teacher's voice.
C. The sound of chalk squeaking on the blackboard.
D. The sound of broken blackboard.

Text 10
The following text is for questions 39 to 41.
NASA Wants to Go 'Fishing' for Comets Using a High-Tech Space Harpoon
The US space agency is developing a high-tech harpoon that could one day pierce a comet and take
samples for scientists on earth to study for clues about how the universe formed.

The idea takes a concept developed by the European Space Agency and adds a sample chamber to the
spear so it can capture dust from a fast-moving, ice-spewing comet by hovering near it and launching the
space harpoon.
A spacecraft would rendezvous with a comet, "then fire a harpoon to rapidly acquire samples from
specific locations with surgical precision while hovering above the target," NASA said in a statement
this week, describing the research.
"Using this 'standoff' technique would allow samples to be collected even from areas that are much too rugged
or dangerous to permit the landing and safe operation of a spacecraft," it said.
"A spacecraft wouldn't actually land on a comet; it would have to attach itself somehow, probably with
some kind of harpoon," said Joseph Nuth, a comet expert at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and
lead scientist on the project.
"So we figured if you have to use a harpoon anyway, you might as well get it to collect your sample.
In 2016 NASA will launch its Origins-Spectral Interpretation-Resource Identification-Security-Regolith
Explorer, or OSIRIS-REx, on a mission to collect samples from an asteroid using a robotic arm.

"The next step is to return a sample from the subsurface because it contains the most primitive and
pristine material," said NASA's Donald Wegel, lead engineer on the harpoon project.
The team is working out designs using a crossbow to fire a harpoon into sand, ice and rock salt to gauge
how much explosive powder is needed and what the best tip shape may be.
"We're not sure what we'll encounter on the comet — the surface could be soft and fluffy, mostly made up of
dust, or it could be ice mixed with pebbles, or even solid rock," said Wegel.
"Most likely, there will be areas with different compositions, so we need to design a harpoon that's
capable of penetrating a reasonable range of materials."

39. The news report is about . . . .

A. landing a spacecraft on a comet
B. designing a crossbow to fire a harpoon
C. using a robotic arm to collect samples from an asteroid
D. the development of a high-tech harpoon that could pierce a comet
E. Launching Origins-Spectral Interpretation Resource Identification Security-Regolith Explorer

40. Which of the following information don't you agree with?

A. The surface of the comet might be soft and fluffy.
B. NASA is planning to actually land a spacecraft on a comet .
C. A sample chamber should be called to the spear to capture dust from a comet.
D: The team wants to learn how much explosive powder is needed to file clic
licupuun. E. A harpoon designed should be capable to penetrate a reasonable range of

41. The- main purpose of the NASA to get some dust from a comet is to know . . . .
A. how the universe is formed
B. why the sample should be returned
C. what the surface of a comet looks like
D. the possibility of landing a spacecraft on comet
E. whether using a robotic arm can meet their target
Text 11
The following text is for questions 42 to 44.

The biggest film to come out of Kazakhstan is a decade aims to get the country's younger generation
excited about its ancestry and history.
Myn Bala (meaning "a thousand boys" in Kazakh), tells the tale of 18th century Kazakh legend Sartay
with a budget of just US$10 million.
An orphaned young warrior who faces battle, betrayal and first-time love, Sartay has to really troops
to fight fearsome Mongol warriors known as the Dzhungars, who are descended from Gengis Khan.
"The main thing for me is that the young generation should know the cost that our ancestors paid
for our current independence and our freedom," the film's director Akan Sartayev told Reuters at the
Kazakh film studios in Almaty.
Exploring the history of the world's ninth largest country, Myn Bala was shot in more than eight
different locations around the Tien-Shan mountain that form the southern edge of the Kazakh Steppe.
The changeable weather of the mountains proved even more challenging than the feat of directing
battle scenes with up to a thousand people, Satayev said.
Meticulous research went into creating a film which depicts the battle of Anyrakay in 1729, where
the Kazakh finally defeat the Dzhungars and take control of their land for the first time in their history.
"Cinema is a myth-making industries and although we focus on the accuracy of the historical
background the main thing for us is the legend – Sartay, the legendary hero," said Ermek Amanshayev,
head of Kazakh film which funded the project, and the man usually associated with saving the local
films industry in the post-Soviet era.
"Robin Hood lives in Sherwood Forest and Sartay lives in the Steppe,. cn he is a J<inci of acplic \uUll1
Recreating the early 18th century involved historians from Kazakhstan, China and Mongolia, creating
sets that reflected the past and costumes including furs, armor and weaponry that were sourced from
around the globe.
"We made sure we didn't have nails for example because they didn't have nails at that time," said
Kuat Tleubayev, the film's art director.

"The focus was that nothing should look new, it should look as if it came from that time."

42. The text is about . . . .

A. Sartay, the Steppe Robin Hood
B. a biography of Amyrakay
C. a film review of a legendary hero
D. fearsome Mongol warriors
E. a film depicting the Kazakh historians

43. What is the aim of Ermek Amanshayev creating the film?

A. To remind the country's younger generation to respect their ancestors and history.
B. To tell the younger generations that the film cost a lot of money.
C. To gather historians from Kazakhstan, China and Mongolia.
D. To describe how to the Kazakh defeated their enemy.
A. To persuade the people to see the film.

44. "... Sartay has to really troops to fight fearsome Mongol warriors ." (Paragraph
3) The underlined word means . . . .
A. inspiring
B. terrifying
C. distressing
D. disgusting
E. frightening

Paket 01: Bahasa Inggris 15

Text 12
The following text is for questions 45 to 46.

Global warming has become such a big problem due to the increase of greenhouse gases
especially carbon dioxide. These gases can stay in the atmosphere for years ranging from decades to
hundreds and thousands of years. The earth is in grave danger because of the global warming.
In general, temperature changes of a few degrees seem to be sufficient to begin to melt the polar
ice caps. When polar ice caps melt, it will raise sea levels and threaten low-lying areas with beach
erosion and coastal flooding. Places like Shanghai, Texas, Florida, and the Ntakiivc Lila fie less
six feet above present water levels will be flooded. Melting ice caps will throw the global ecosystem
out of balance as they will make the ocean less salty. The changing landscapes in the Arctic circle
will affect native people, wildlife, and plants. It will endanger some species of animals.
Moreover, global warming will increase the occurrence of droughts and heat waves. While some
areas of the earth will become wetter, other areas will suffer serious droughts and heat waves. Africa
will receive the worst of it as water shortage is already at an alarming state in Africa. At the same
time, hurricanes will happen more frequently and become stronger in some places as the temperature
of oceans rises.
To reduce the risk of greenhouse effect, one thing we can do is to reduce the use of fossil fuel.

45. What is the text about?

A. The impacts of global warming . — D. Heat waves.
B. The increase of greenhouse gases. E. .Natural disasters.
C. The changing landscapes.

46. The effects of global warming are as follows,

EXCEPT... A. droughts and heat waves will
occur more often beach erosion and coastal
- -- - - - C . t he re w i l l b e s ho rt ag e of w at er i n A fr i c a
D. hurricanes will happen less frequently
E. flood
47. Rearrange the following jumbled sentences to make a meaningful paragraph.
1. Despite its antiquity, certain aspects of its construction make the Tomb one of the truly Great
wonders of the world.
2. The ancient Egyptians were sun worshipers and great astronomers, so computations for the great
Pyramid were based on astronomical observation.
3. The Great Pyramids of Giza, a monument of wisdom and prophecy, was built as a tomb for
Pharaoh Cheops in 2720 BC.
4. Was this superstructure made by ordinary beings, or one built by a race for superior to any known today?
5. The four sides of the Pyramid are aligned almost exactly on true North, South, West, and East. The
correct arrangement of sentences above is
A. 1, 4, 3, 2, 5
B. 3, 1, 5, 2, 4 —
C. 2, 3, 5, 1, 4

Cloze Procedure

Choose the most suitable word to fill in the blanks.

Ghosts are often thought of as ordinary apparitions. However, some people have told of incidents where
they met harmless apparitions. Mrs. Wang was a ...(48)... woman. One day, she was sleeping hardly when
she ...(49)... awoke to see an elderly woman with grey hair standing before her and smiling. Graduall y. the
before (er eyes. Strangely enough, Mrs. Wang did not feel frightened but very
calm and relaxed. She saw the apparition only once, but is certain it was not an image.

48. A. mad D. nervous

B. tired E. helpless
A. angry

49. A. slowly D. qui ckly

B. hastily E. suddenly
C. briskly

50. A. went D. haunted

B. cried E. expanded
A. faded —

Pembahasan :

20. Cause the announcement mention about the "employee of the month program"

21. The announcement tells us that the winner get an award, free lunches, and a parking
22. Three people died, Carter, Caemarvon, and a doctor

23. To give information about tutankhamen's tomb, about the reason why the explorer died.

24. Grand means something outrageous, something big, astonishing. So the closes synonymous is

25. The letter mainly talk about what sumulang's opinion about pasir putih that he visited .

26. Designated means to locate something or put something into somewhere so the closest meaning is

27. The story told us about the two mules that robbed, so the appropriate title for the text is "The Two
Mules and the Robbers"

28. Trotted means to run or to walk away, so the underlined word means ran.

29. Riches alone makes no man happy.

30. The paragraph tell us about the use of the circuit tester pen

31. The text purpose is to explain how the circuit tester pen works

32. Iluminating means to make something clear, so the underlined word means clarifying

33. The third paragraph tell us that the continous irrigation can causes problems

34. To tell the reader tat irrigion can cause problem rather than getting a benefit.

35. Eventually may means finally cause it can mean something that goes final.

36. The text tells us about Rudy the writer's friend

37. Cause Rudy likes to immitate many sounds, such as butet

38. He frequently makes the sound of chalk squeaking on the blackboard

39. The report said something about a harpoon that could pierce a comet.

40. Nasa doesnt plan to actually land a spacecraft on a comet, they just want to know the possibility to
land on one by collecting some dust from a comet.

41. They want to know the possibility of landing a spaceship on comet by researching the dust they

42. The text tells us about the legendary hero

43. The real purpose of this film is to show the younger generation, about its ancestor and history

44. Fearsome means the same as scare so frightening is the meaning of fearsome

45. The impacts of global warming by the human is told here.

46. In fact the hurricane will happen a lot more.

47. The perfect arrangement is 3, 1, 5, 2, 4

48. Mrs. Wang was a nervous woman

49. One day, she was sleeping hardly when she suddenly awoke ..

50. Gradually, the apparition faded before her eyes.

Synonym and antonym

Verb :

1. Show : Display, hide

2. Receive : Acquire, give

3. Cover : conceal, reveal

4. Come : arrive, leave

5. Hearing : apprehend, ignore

6. Stole : lurk, bare

7. Realized : envision, neglect

8. Carry : bring, put

9. Beat : bash, protect

10. Plan : prepare, forget

Adjective :

1. Full : abundant, empty

2. Rich : loaded, poor

3. Important : valuable, trivial

4. Clean : flawless, dirty

5. Strategic : crucial, unimportant

6. Tremendous : huge, small

7. Filthy : dirty ,clean

8. Impossible : impassable, possible

9. Enough : plenty ,insufficient

10. Convenient : acceptable, awkward

Conditional sentence:

1. If the weather changes, they wont be able to direct the battle scene

2. If the spacecraft rendezvouz with a comet, the fire harpoon will be shot

3. If there are areas with different compositions we need to design a harpoon.

4. If the river behaviour changes, it will cause flood.

5. If you expose your gold, someone might stole it.

1. If butet imitates the chalk squeak, the girls would scream

2. If we could pierce a comet we could get a samples fr scientists

3. If irigation is used, we would get a lot of good effect

4. If there is fault, the tester pen would illuminated it

5. If she is choosen as the employee of the month she would receive an award.

1. The bactery could have spread if the door was opened

2. If they had had nails at that time we would've made sure that we had nails at that time we would've
made sure that we had nails for example.

3. If our ancestor hadn't paid so much cost, we wouldn't have had our freedom

4. If butet had drew it, i wouldnt have recognized it

5. The mystery of curse could have been cleared if te doctor was still alive

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