Malaya, July 29, 2019, Romualdez Al Systems Go For Rody's Priority Bills PDF

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Business Insight

Monday, Juty 29,20119

Romualdez: AIJ svstems

go for Rody's priodty bills
BY WEI{DEII VIGIUA erare President Duterte's prioriry
qreasures. The plenary has already
THE House of Representatives elected ourcolleagues to dre maiot
under the leadership of Speaker positions," said malority leader
Alan Peter Cavetano will now he Martin Romualdez.
able to work on President duterte,s The House last rveek elected the
legisiative priorities after Glling up chairmen of eight major commit-
key posrsons.
'Tfe are now organized to delib- See ROMUALDEZ > Page 83

ROMUALDEZ optimistic that we can approve

about a dozen of
the President's
ers (OFWs); disaster resilience
(DDR) and of v/ater resources
oor funding concens over these
proposals," he said.
tees led bytlle des panel, which ptiodry measwes in record time," Romualdez said also included
is headed by Romualdez. Romualdez said. The President earlier issued a.n in the House lisr of priority. mea-
The apptoptiations panel is Romualdez noted tlat
Section executive order @O) ameod;"g sures are the proposed Naiional
chaired by Davao City Rep. isi&o 48 of the Horrse rules provide thar the SSL by modi$ing the sdary Land Act; Coconut Lery Fund;
Ungab; accounts. Tagaytay City "In case of bills or resolutions that schedulE to au*rotize a fourth pay TRABAHO bill; alcohol taxes;
Rep. Abraham "Bambol" Tolen- are identified as priodty measutes increase since the law was sigoed property valuation; capital income
tino; constitutional amen&nents, of the House, which were previ- by fotmer President Aquino in tax; mandatory ROTC for Grades
Cagyao de Oro City Rep. Rufus ously 6led in the immediately pre- 2076. 11 ard 121, goveroment rightsiz-
Rodriguez; energy, Marinduque ceding Congress and have already Finance Sectetary Carlos ing bill; energizing micrq small
Rep. Lord Allan Velasco; legislative been approved on 3rd reading, thl Dominguez has said the gor,.em- a:ed medium enterpdses; a::d the
ftanchise, Palawan Rep. Franz Aj- same maybe disposed of as matters ment "can affotd' another increase National Transport Act and the
ratez; public wotks and highuzys, already rcpoted upon tlre approval after the founh one that Duterte Nuclea! Regulatory Commission
Romblon Rep. Iran&o Madtona; of majodty of the Members of the approved this yeat which wete mefltioned io the
and ways and meaos, Albay Rep. committee pfesent, there being a Villafuerte, a former vice chair Ptesident's 2018 SONA.
Joey Salceda. quorum." of the committee on appropria- The other pdority measures
The eiection of the committee Once constituted, he said the tions, said the chamber would oudined by the President in his
chairmen came aftel the appoint- committees may meet fof just one also put on the ftont-butner the 2019 SONA were: suspeosion
ment of l4 depury speakers led by session and immediately refet the
presidential son Davao Ciry Rep.
Ptesident's SONA proposals on of excise tax on fuel; additional
committee reports for plenary the creation of the three new benefits fot solo paients; health
Paolo Duterte. deliberation- departments which Dominguez workers in all barangays; expan-
Romualdez said the House vrill 'Afiet plenary deliberations, the said would not cost the govern- sion of Malasakit Centets; posa-
try to would approve "in record House may el.en pull a sutprise and ment a lot. ponement of barangay and SK
time" about a third of the 26 approve these measwes on third "fte House of Represenatives, elections to October 2022;Mzgna
priority measutes oudined in the reading by the last week of August undet the leadership of Speaker Catta fot Barangays; Depattment
President's fourth State-of-the- or eady September," he added. (Alan Peter) Cayetano, would of Overeas Filipinos; Fite Pro-
Natioa Ad&ess (SONA). Deputy Speaker Luis Raymond make a big push for the immediate tection Modernization Ptogram;
He said the committee reports "Ltay" Villafrrerte of Camatines consideution of the nevr salary National Defense Act; Uniformdd
orr these measures may reach ple- Sur said among the pdority bills hike and the creation of three Personrrel Sepantion Retirement
naty deliberations as eady as the are the proposa.l for a new Salary new depattments-as endorsed Pension Bill; National Acaderny
6rst week of August. Standard.ization l-aw (SSL) ro clear by President Duterte in his 4th- of Spotts for High School Stu-
"Iifith the innovations that the way to anotlertpay i+crease SONA-mote so now that the dents; amendments to Laod Bank
we are planning to implement in and the creations of the depart- head of the state economic tearn chatter; and developmeht of
committee deliberations, I am ments of overseas Filipino work- has neither raised any obiection to renewable energy sources, .

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