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Indian J Pediatr (April 2013) 80(4):326–333

DOI 10.1007/s12098-013-0987-x

Approach to a Child with Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding

Sunit Singhi & Puneet Jain & M. Jayashree & Sadhna Lal

Received: 12 August 2012 / Accepted: 4 February 2013 / Published online: 17 March 2013
# Dr. K C Chaudhuri Foundation 2013

Abstract Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) is a poten- Introduction

tially life threatening medical emergency requiring an appro-
priate diagnostic and therapeutic approach. Therefore, the Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is usually defined as bleeding
primary focus in a child with UGIB is resuscitation and from a site proximal to the ligament of Treitz at the level of
stabilization followed by a diagnostic evaluation. The differ- duodeno-jejunal flexure. Hematemesis is the cardinal sign
ential diagnosis of UGIB in children is determined by age and (vomiting of blood or coffee ground-like material) though
severity of bleed. In infants and toddlers mucosal bleed (gas- some children may present with malena (black, tarry stools).
tritis and stress ulcers) is a common cause. In children above Hematochezia (passage of bright red blood in stools) is usu-
2 y variceal bleeding due to Extra-Hepatic Portal Venous ally a feature of lower gastrointestinal bleeding (GIB), but
Obstruction (EHPVO) is the commonest cause of significant some infants with UGIB can sometimes present with passage
UGIB in developing countries as against peptic ulcer in the of bright red blood from the rectum because of rapid gastro-
developed countries. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is the intestinal transit in a briskly bleeding child.
most accurate and useful diagnostic tool to evaluate UGIB in
children. Parenteral vitamin K (infants, 1–2 mg/dose; chil-
dren, 5–10 mg) and parenteral Proton Pump Inhibitors Etiology
(PPI’s), should be administered empirically in case of a
major UGIB. Octreotide infusion is useful in control of The etiology of UGIB varies with age but considerable over-
significant UGIB due to variceal hemorrhage. A tempo- lap exists between the different age groups [1]. Rate and extent
rarily placed, Sengstaken-Blakemore tube can be life of bleeding is chiefly governed by the etiology of UGIB. In
saving if pharmacologic/ endoscopic methods fail to India portal hypertension has been reported to be the com-
control variceal bleeding. Therapy in patients having monest cause (95 %) in contrast to the developed countries
mucosal bleed is directed at neutralization and/or pre- where non-variceal causes like peptic ulcer, esophagitis bleed-
vention of gastric acid release; High dose Proton Pump ing are common (66 %). Extra-hepatic portal vein obstruction
Inhibitors (PPIs, Pantoprazole) are more efficacious than (EHPVO) was the most common cause of variceal bleed in
H2 receptor antagonists for this purpose. Indian children [2, 3] (Table 1). While evaluating a child with
upper GI bleed it is important to keep the specific etiologies at
Keywords Upper gastrointestinal bleeding . Endoscopy . different ages in mind (Table 2).
Variceal bleed . Octreotide

UGIB is rare in the first mo of life, but if seen must be

S. Singhi (*) : P. Jain : M. Jayashree distinguished from swallowed maternal blood. Hemorrhagic
Department of Pediatrics Advanced Pediatrics Centre, disease of the newborn due to vitamin K deficiency should be
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research,
Chandigarh 160012, India
considered in neonates not given vitamin K prophylaxis at
e-mail: birth. Maternal idiopathic thrombocytopenia and maternal
NSAID use can also cause bleeding in the newborn. Other
S. Lal causes include stress gastritis or ulcers, vascular anomalies,
Department of Gastroenterology,
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research,
coagulopathy caused by infection, liver failure, or a congenital
Chandigarh 160012, India coagulation factor deficiency.
Indian J Pediatr (April 2013) 80(4):326–333 327

Table 1 Causes of UGIB among Indian children presenting to a the setting of trauma, liver biopsy, and acute/chronic pancrea-
hospital (adapted from reference 2 & 3)
titis. Henoch-Schönlein purpura and vasculitis such as poly-
Cause Yachha et al. 1996 Mittal et al. 1994 arteritis nodosa are rarer causes of UGIB in this age group.

Varices 95 % 39.4 %
Esophagitis - 23.7 % Key Issues
Gastritis 1.3 % 7.2 %
Gastric ulcer - 1.2 % Initial Assessment and Stabilization
Duodenal ulcer - 0.42 %
Esophageal ulcer - 0.42 % As for any other emergency the first priority should be to
Henoch Schönlein purpura 1.3 % - assess the airway, breathing and circulation of a patient
ITP 1.3 % - presenting with UGIB. The most important aspect of the
Gastroduodenal artery 1.3 % - evaluation is to determine the degree and rapidity of blood
aneurysm loss. Orthostatic changes in blood pressure (more than
Unknown - 27.5 %
10 mm of Hg) suggest a moderate bleed (15–20 % of blood
loss) and warrant a more aggressive approach to manage-
Infants and Toddlers ment. Presence of signs of shock (tachycardia, prolonged
capillary refill time, cold-clammy skin, supine hypotension)
Stress ulcers and gastritis in a sick infant or toddler, peptic ulcers, indicates severe bleed of more than 25–30 % of blood loss
variceal bleeding in children with portal hypertension and vas- and a need for immediate volume expansion and stabiliza-
cular malformations can cause major bleeds in this age group. tion before proceeding to a diagnostic algorithm (Fig. 1).
Reflux esophagitis, esophageal or gastrointestinal foreign body, Once the patient is stable the following issues should be
communicating duplication cysts, NSAIDS and corrosive injury addressed before more elaborate diagnostic workup:
can cause non life threatening bleeds. History of a choking
episode, even if it was transient or occurred days or even weeks 1. Whether actual blood or ingested substances
before the bleeding episode, is an important clue for a foreign The first consideration in evaluating children who have
body. new-onset “bleeding” is to determine whether the material
passed is actual blood. A number of substances may
Older Children and Adolescents simulate bright red blood (food coloring, colored gelatin
or children’s drinks, red candy, beets, tomato skins, rifam-
Causes of UGIB in older children and adolescents are similar pin, phenytoin, antibiotic syrups) or malena (bismuth or
to those seen in adults. Varices, peptic ulcers, Dieulafoy’s iron preparations, charcoal, spinach, blueberries, grapes,
lesions and vascular malformations can cause major bleeds. licorice). For detecting blood in vomitus or nasogastric
Reflux esophagitis, Drug induced gastritis, Mallory Weiss aspirate, the Gastroccult® test is more accurate [4]. The
tears, communicating duplication cysts, stromal tumors, lym- test uses Gastroccult slides, sealed in special wrapper, and
phomas (rarely), Crohn’s disease and portal hypertensive gas- stored at room temperature (15–30 °C). One drop of
tropathy can cause minor bleeds. Haemobilia or bleeding from gastric sample is placed to the occult blood test area of
the pancreas (splenic artery aneurysm) should be considered in the slide and two drops of Gastroccult Developer is applied

Table 2 Age wise distribution

of etiology of UGIB in children Age group Well appearing Ill appearing
(Adapted from reference 1)
Neonates Swallowed maternal blood Hemorrhagic gastritis
Hemorrhagic disease of newborn Necrotizing enterocolitis
Drugs- heparin, indomethacin Gastric stress ulcers
Thrombocytopenia, platelet dusfunction Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Infants Reflux esophagitis Hemorrhagic gastritis
Reactive gastritis Gastric stress ulcers
Arteriovenous malformation
Children Mallory-Weiss tear Esophageal varices ( liver disease)
Reflux esophagitis Hemorrhagic gastritis
Reactive gastritis Stress ulcers
328 Indian J Pediatr (April 2013) 80(4):326–333

Assess airway , breathing and circulation :

If signs of shock, orthostatic changes in
blood pressure, impaired responsiveness

Maintain airway, start oxygen, support breathing and circulation

Insert 2 large bore I.V. cannula
Blood for group and cross match, Hematocrit/coagulogram
Monitoring of vitals, oximetry
Volume replacement by crystalloids, start blood as soon as possible
Correct coagulopathy-vitamin K, + fresh frozen plasma/platelets
Nasogastric tube placement – for lavage and monitoring of ongoing bleed
Acid suppression therapy

Suspect Variceal Bleed Suspect Mucosal Bleed/Ulcer

Features suggestive of portal (History of drug intake,
hypertension, chronic liver disease abdominal pain, dysphagia, etc)
(splenomegaly, hepatomegaly)

Acid suppression therapy- High dose PPIs

Start Octreotide infusion,
Pediatric Gastroenterology consult
Controlled Not controlled
Controlled Not controlled
- Elective Endoscopy Endoscopy
- Continue PPIs
Emergency Endoscopic - Test and treat Ulcer found
sclerotherapy(EST) H. pylori

Endoscopic Management
Not controlled Injection therapy
sclerotherapy (EST) or
variceal ligation (EVL)
Mechanical hemostasis-
Balloon tamponade
Continue PPIs- Test and treat
H. pylori

Planned Controlled Not controlled

Not controlled No Ulcer/Lesion

TIPSS (Cirrhotics) or
Devascularisation / Shunt Surgical/ Intervention
Surgery Radiologist consult

Fig. 1 Algorithmic approach to management of a patient with significant acute upper GI bleed

directly over the sample. The test is read within 60 s. functional, blue color will appear in the positive area, and
The development of any trace of blue color in the occult the negative area will remain colorless.
blood test area is regarded as a positive for occult blood. 2. In a neonate- whether it is patient’s own blood or
Simultaneously, functionality of test should be tested. For swallowed blood
this, one drop of Gastroccult Developer is added between This is often applicable for neonates. The Apt-
the positive and negative Performance Monitor areas and Downey Test is used to differentiate between swallowed
results interpreted within 10 s. If the slide and developer are maternal blood and patient’s blood.
Indian J Pediatr (April 2013) 80(4):326–333 329

3. Is there a pulmonary, oral or ENT source of bleed? and palpation of abdomen for localized tenderness and
Bleeding from these sources may mimic GI bleed organomegaly.
especially when the blood is swallowed. It may be seen
in conjunction with epistaxis, sore throat or may follow & The presence of hepatosplenomegaly and prominent
dental procedures or tonsillectomy. Hence these areas abdominal vessels and a protruding abdomen may indi-
must be explored to rule out in cases of doubt. cate portal hypertension and bleeding from esophageal
4. Level of bleeding varices,
Vomiting of bright red or coffee ground vomitus is & Epigastric tenderness might suggest acute gastritis or
the classic presentation of upper GI bleeding. Bloody peptic ulcer disease.
diarrhea and bright red blood mixed or coating normal & Vascular malformations like hemangiomas and telangi-
stool are the classic presentations of lower GI bleeding. ectases should also be noted.
However, hematochezia, malena, or occult GI blood & Clinical evidences of bleeding diathesis like petechiae,
loss could represent upper or lower GI bleeding. In case echymoses, purpura etc. should also be noted.
of acute-onset hematochezia or malena, the level of & Stigmata of chronic liver disease
bleeding can be confirmed by passage of a nasogastric
tube. Presence of blood in the stomach and clearing of Investigations
nasogastric aspirate with lavage are diagnostic of UGIB.
In an emergency setting only a few laboratory tests are
essential in the beginning to evaluate UGIB. These include
Diagnostic Evaluation complete blood count, prothrombin time (PT) and partial
thromboplastin time (PTT), liver function tests and blood
Focused History grouping and cross matching if there is significant bleed.
Testing for H. pylori (urea breath test, stool antigen and
History is directed at finding the likely source and cause of serological tests) is indicated in a patient with a probability
bleed. It should include the following: of peptic ulcer. Additional laboratory evaluation depends on
the result of the initial evaluation, the patient’s response to
& Recent or recurrent epistaxis: it raises the possibility of a treatment, and clinical suspicion of a particular diagnosis.
nasopharyngeal source of bleeding.
& Recent onset of jaundice and/or change in stool color: Radiographic Studies
may suggest underlying liver disease.
& History of easy bruising or bleeding: may suggests Abdominal ultrasound is useful in patients where extra
a disorder of coagulation, platelet dysfunction, or hepatic portal hypertension, portal hypertension due to liver
thrombocytopenia. disease, hemobilia, splenic artery aneurysm or large vascu-
& History of any co-morbid illnesses: Personal or family lar anomalies are suspected. Doppler blood flow can identi-
history of liver, kidney or heart disease, or coagulation fy evidence of cirrhosis and portal blood flow dynamics.
& Epigastric pain, food pain relationship, may be an indi- Endoscopy
cator of gastritis, esophagitis or ulcer disease.
& Details of recent medications ingested as well as an Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is the gold standard for
‘over the counter’ or ‘alternative’ drug history is impor- diagnosis and treatment of UGIB. It is the procedure of
tant to assess potential contributions from medications choice for all patients with UGIB. In the hands of skilled
that may induce ulceration (such as NSAIDs and corti- endoscopist, this procedure now can diagnose the etiology
costeroids). Even short-term use of ibuprofen can cause in 85– 90 % of cases. It is indicated to identify the site of the
gastric ulcers and hematemesis. bleeding, to diagnose the specific cause of the bleeding, and
& History of previous bleeding episodes can point to to initiate therapeutic interventions when indicated. In case
EHPVO, vascular malformations and duplication cysts. the endoscopic appearance suggests esophagitis, gastritis or
duodenitis a biopsy should be obtained; in suspected peptic
Physical Examination ulcer disease antral biopsies for H. pylori work up (histo-
logical examination, rapid urease test, and culture) should be
Focused physical examination, besides assessing the sever- taken. Though there is no definite time frame given, in all
ity of bleed, should include a good inspection of skin (for cases of major upper GI bleed, an early endoscopy (within
petechiae and echymoses, and vascular malformations) and first 24 h) is recommended by most of the reviews [5].
mucous membranes of the nose and throat (for bleeding), Endoscopy is contraindicated in hemodynamically unstable
330 Indian J Pediatr (April 2013) 80(4):326–333

patients; it should be considered only after stabilization Resuscitation and Stabilization

because early endoscopy (<6 h after presentation) in such
patients has not improved outcomes. Children presenting with symptoms and signs of upper GI
bleeding require prompt recognition during triage so that
CT Angiography timely resuscitation can be initiated and hemodynamic sta-
bility restored.
CT angiography may help to delineate vascular malforma-
tions beyond the duodenum, in areas not accessed by routine Airway Treatment should begin with airway protection. In-
upper GI endoscope. tubation is indicated in obtunded patients or in those with
uncontrolled massive hemetemesis to prevent aspiration and
Nuclear Scintigraphy to facilitate upper endoscopy if it is necessary for bleeding
In patients with persistent bleeding in whom endoscopy fails
to identify a bleeding site, radioisotope-tagged red blood Breathing Supplemental oxygen should be provided to all
cell scans using technetium 99 m-sulfur colloid may be patients. The adequacy of the breathing efforts must be
capable of detecting the site of bleeding. This modality is assessed and supported if needed.
useful only if the rate of bleeding exceeds 0.1 ml/min.
However, this modality has significant false localization Circulation Patients are assessed for hypovolemia and
and false-negative rates [1]. shock to determine requirements for fluid infusion and
transfusion of packed erythrocytes. Large bore venous ac-
Angiography cess should be obtained to restore blood volume. Preferably
2 cannulae should be in place: one for fluid/blood resusci-
Celiac/ Superior mesenteric artery angiography is used se- tation and the second for sampling and drugs. Peripheral
lectively in children with non variceal massive bleeding, venous access may be difficult in a child with hypovolemic
e.g., from a peptic ulcer, that obscures endoscopic evalua- shock due to peripheral vasoconstriction, therefore intraos-
tion and therapy. It is also very useful in Hemobilia, splenic seus access should be considered for large volume resusci-
artery aneurysms and some types of vascular malformations. tation. Subsequently central venous access may be
Bleeding must be more than 0.5 ml/min to be detected by required. Fluid resuscitation should begin with crystalloids
angiography [6]. Angiography is not only helpful in making (20 ml/ kg) while the blood is being arranged. The rate of
the diagnosis but also facilitates embolic coil/fibric/glue blood transfusion is determined by the severity of the
occlusion of the arterial branches supplying the lesion in hypovolemia, continuing active bleeding, and presence of
case of vascular malformation. co-morbidities. Blood transfusion is not needed in a
Some newer investigations are available in a few centres for hemodynamically stable patient that has a hematocrit
the evaluation of upper GI bleed from obscure areas beyond the above 24 % at presentation. Over transfusion (volume
duodenum (Capsule Endoscopy/ Double Balloon Enteroscopy) overexpansion) should be avoided especially in variceal
and in the liver or pancreas (Endosonography) in older children. bleed. Hematocrit should not exceed 30 %. This can
increase the portal venous pressure and aggravate the
Reassessment and Monitoring Vitals should be monitored
The initial steps in management of severe acute GI Bleed every 10 min –15 min till the child is stabilized and then
include assessment, resuscitation, re-evaluation, identifica- hourly for 24 h after stoppage of bleeding or stabilization.
tion of the cause and source of bleeding, and commencing
appropriate treatment (Fig. 1). This requires a multidisci- Nasogastric Aspiration
plinary approach. Early consultation from pediatric gastro-
enterologist is recommended for patients who have active Nasogastric aspiration and saline lavage are indicated in all
ongoing bleed. The Interventional Radiologist and the Pe- patients with UGIB to confirm the presence of intragastric
diatric Surgeon must be kept in the picture in case of the blood; to determine the rate of gross bleeding; to check for
failure/non-feasibility of endoscopic therapy, massive bleed- ongoing or recurrent bleeding; to clear gastric field for endo-
ing, recurrent bleeding, bleeding associated with significant scopic visualization; to prevent aspiration of gastric contents;
abdominal pain. Care in the Pediatric Intensive Care setting to prevent hepatic encephalopathy in patients of cirrhosis.
can be life saving in the early part of the management before Lavage with iced or cooled solutions has not shown any
specific therapy can be instituted. recognized advantage over room temperature solutions.
Indian J Pediatr (April 2013) 80(4):326–333 331

Some observers believe that solutions at 32 °C may interfere which has been found to be as effective as Octreotide in
with local coagulation mechanisms [7]. adults. Experience with Terlipressin in children is limited
though it is expected to be equally effective. An advantage
Correction of Coagulopathies is intermittent 4–6 hourly dosing.
Somatostatin is also used for control of active bleed, in a
Parenteral vitamin K should be administered empirically dose of 250 mcg/kg IV bolus followed by 250 mcg/kg/h
even when results of coagulogram are pending (infants, continuous infusion. In case of response, the infusion can be
1–2 mg/dose; children, 5–10 mg/ dose). Coagulopathy maintained for 2 to 5 d, while frequently monitoring for
with an international normalized ratio (INR) higher than hyperglycemia [1]. Side effects include abdominal discom-
1.5 or abnormal partial thromboplastin time (PTT) should fort, flushing, nausea, bradycardia, steatorrhoea and
be corrected with fresh frozen plasma (10 ml/kg initially); dyspepsia.
cryoprecipitates may be tried in the face of severe coa-
gulopathy especially if volume of fluid has to be restrict- Prokinetic Agents Erythromycin has been used as a prokinetic
ed; Factor VIIa has little additional advantage, even in agent to clear the stomach of blood prior to emergent endos-
chronic liver disease, and is not routinely recommended; copy. Metoclopramide has also been used to act as a prokinetic
Platelets transfusion is also not recommended unless there for similar reasons besides acting as a ‘pharmacologic tampo-
is active bleeding with low platelet counts. All these nade’ – it increases the lower esophageal sphincter tone.
products should be included in the calculated resuscitation
fluids. Mucosal Bleeds

Pharmacotherapy Mucosal bleeding is most common type of upper GI bleed in

critically ill children. Therapy in these groups of patients is
Variceal Bleed directed at neutralizing and/or preventing the release of acid.
The various agents used include:
Pharmacological therapy has the advantages of being gen-
erally applicable and capable of being initiated as soon as a Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) are more efficacious
diagnosis of variceal hemorrhage is suspected. A meta- than H2 receptor antagonists. Pantoprazole is used for
analysis comparing emergency sclerotherapy and pharma- control of active bleed. Dosage in children are: for body
cological treatment shows a similar efficacy with fewer side weight <40 kg: 0.5 to 1 mg/kg per day IV once daily;
effects with the latter thereby suggesting that pharmacolog- >40 kg: 20 to 40 mg once daily (maximum,
ical therapy should be considered first-line treatment of 40 mg/d). These can be started empirically as it is
variceal bleeding [8]. important to raise the gastroduodenal pH to maintain
Octreotide is a somatostatin analog that decreases splanch- clot stability. High dose PPI infusion has been found
nic blood flow and has fewer hemodynamic adverse effects to decrease the need for endoscopic therapy.
than vasopressin. Pediatric studies have shown that it controls
UBIG in up to 70 % of children [9]. It is the drug of choice for H2 Receptor Antagonists are used for control of active
variceal bleeds and initiated as a bolus injection of 1 mcg/kg bleed and prevention of rebleeds. E.g. Ranitidine can be
(up to a maximum of 50 mcg) followed by continuous infu- used as either continuous or bolus infusion; in the
sion of 1 mcg/kg per h, which may be increased hourly by former 1 mg/kg is given initially followed by infusion
1 mcg/kg per h up to 4 mcg/ kg per h [1]. Infusion should be of 2 to 4 mg/kg per day while in the latter 3 to 5 mg/kg
continued for at least 24–48 h after the bleeding has stopped to per day is divided into every 8 hourly infusions.
prevent recurrence. The major adverse effect of octreotide is
hyperglycemia. Treatment for H. pylori infection with a H2 blockers or
PPIs plus any two antibiotics (mainly nitromidazoles-
Vasopressin and Terlipressin Vasopressin use has largely metronidazole/tinidazole, macrolides- clarithromycin,
been replaced by octreotide and now by Terlipressin. The amoxicillin and beta-lactames) for 10–14 d is recom-
usual dose is 0.002 to 0.005 units/kg per min for 12 h, and mended in patients with peptic ulcer disease positive for
then tapered over 24 to 48 h (maximum, 0.2 units/min) [1]. H. pylori or with no identifiable cause. American Col-
Its use is limited by the side effects of vasoconstriction. lege of Gastroenterology recommends four specific
Nitroglycerin has also been used to decrease portal pressure drug regimens that use above referred combination of
and, when used in conjunction with vasopressin, may ame- three medications [10] or Bismuth- containing quadru-
liorate some of its untoward effects. Vasopressin has been ple therapy Bismuth subsalicylate, metronidazole, tet-
replaced by its longer acting and safer analogue Terlipressin racycline all in 4 daily doses, and ranitidine or PPI
332 Indian J Pediatr (April 2013) 80(4):326–333

twice a day for 10–14 d. These combinations are sinusoidal portal hypertension), selective or non-selective
expected to cure 70 % to 85 % of infections [10]. surgically created portosystemic shunts, and nonshunt
procedures aimed at interrupting and ligating varices
Endoscopic Techniques directly (devascularization) [13]. Non variceal bleed can
be tackled by transcatheter embolization by an interven-
Variceal Bleed tion radiologist. If this is not technically feasible or
expertise is unavailable, surgical ligation / resection can
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy should be performed as be resorted to.
soon as possible after initial stabilization. Endoscopic ther-
apy should be done if variceal source of hemorrhage is
confirmed. A meta-analysis has shown that endoscopic var- Key Points
iceal ligation (EVL) is superior to sclerotherapy in the initial
control of bleeding. However EVL cannot be performed in
& Upper GI bleeding is often a medical emergency.
infants and toddlers due to the large size of available devi-
& Specific etiologies at different ages should be kept in
ces; EST is the mainstay of therapy in this group. Combi-
mind while assessing pediatric patients.
nation of pharmacological and endoscopic therapy is the
& Variceal bleed is the most common cause of significant
most rational approach in the treatment of acute variceal
upper GI bleeding in children.
hemorrhage [11]. Endoscopic injection of ‘tissue glue’ is
& Immediate stabilization should be given priority before
effective for controlling bleeding gastric varices. Argon
proceeding to diagnostic algorithm.
Plasma Coagulation can be used for bleeding portal hyper-
& Upper GI endoscopy is the gold standard for diagnosis
tensive gastropathy lesions, e.g., GAVE- Gastric Antral
and treatment of UGIB.
Vascular Ectasias.
& Therapy in patients with mucosal bleeds is directed at
neutralization and/or prevention of the gastric acid re-
Non Variceal Ulcer Bleeds
lease. Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) are more effica-
cious than H2 receptor antagonists.
In case of peptic ulcers with stigmata indicating high risk
& Octreotide and terlipressin are useful in control of sig-
of rebleed (spurting or oozing vessel in ulcer base/
nificant UGIB especially due to variceal hemorrhage.
adherent clot), any of the following endoscopic therapy
& Refractory variceal hemorrhage or non-variceal hemor-
may be given: Injection therapy with adrenaline and
rhage requires multidisciplinary approach.
saline, mechanical hemostasis (Endoclip Devices) with
or without adrenaline, or thermocoagulation with or with-
out adrenaline.
Conflict of Interest None.
Balloon Tamponade

In patients with variceal bleed who continue to bleed despite Role of Funding Source None.
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