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Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 74e84

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GHG mitigation potential of solar industrial process heating in

producing cotton based textiles in India
Ashish K. Sharma*, Chandan Sharma, Subhash C. Mullick, Tara C. Kandpal
Center for Energy Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, HauzKhas, New Delhi 110016, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A preliminary attempt to estimate the potential of solar process heating in producing cotton based
Received 24 October 2016 textiles in India as well as the amount of greenhouse gases likely to be mitigated consequently has been
Received in revised form made. To begin with, all the processes involved in the production of cotton based textiles (yarn and cloth)
13 December 2016
that require thermal energy have been identified. Also an assessment of availability of solar radiation as
Accepted 30 December 2016
well as the ambient conditions at various locations with clusters of cotton based textile units in the
Available online 31 December 2016
country has been made. Subsequently, the solar collector area required for meeting the process heating
demand has been estimated. Further, corresponding useful thermal energy delivery of solar industrial
Solar industrial process heating
process heating systems at identified locations has been estimated. The process heating potential in term
Cotton based textiles production in India of useful thermal energy requirements in cotton based textile production is estimated at 191 PJ annually.
Useful energy delivery The estimated values of annual solar fractions for the identified locations with clusters of cotton based
GHG mitigation potential textile units range between 0.22 and 0.32 for systems without storage and in between 0.20 and 0.60 for
SIPH system having provision of thermal storage for collection of energy that would otherwise be
dumped. Solar process heating in cotton based textile industry in India have a potential to mitigate 2457
e7648 thousand tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions annually depending on the location and the pro-
vision of a storage component or otherwise.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction weaving (power looms, hand looms, hosiery) and processing units
(Table 1).
Textile industry contributes 14% to overall industrial produc- Energy has a significant share in the overall cost of textile pro-
tion and 4% to the gross domestic product of India (CCPL, 2015). duction (Orzuk, 2005). In textile industry, energy is used in both
Cotton, synthetic and blended fibers are the major raw materials electrical and thermal forms. Electricity is used for lighting, air
of textile industry in India. About 70% of the overall textile pro- conditioning and operating motor drives; whereas, thermal energy
duction in India is from cotton, though other fibers such as silk, is used for process heating applications such as dyeing, bleaching,
jute, wool etc. are also being used in limited amounts (CITI, 2015; and other finishing operations of textile production. A substantial
CCPL, 2015). Production of cotton textiles from raw cotton (fiber) fraction of energy demand in the textile production is for process
to processed cloth involves a series of operations. These operations heating and most of it is required at low and intermediate tem-
(spinning, weaving, and processing) are either carried out in peratures between 50- 200  C (Kalogirou, 2003). With use of state
composite mills or individual production units. Composite mills of the art solar collector technologies, solar energy can be efficiently
are the production units where spinning, weaving and processing harnessed to provide heat at these temperatures (Appendix A).
are carried out in the same premises. State wise breakup of cotton Several studies aiming to assess the process heating potential of
yarn production in both composite and spinning mills in India is solar energy in the textile industry have been reported in the
presented in Table 1 (CITI, 2015). On the other hand, fabric and literature (Adel et al., 2001; Claudia et al., 2008; Lauterbach et al.,
cloth production is mainly takes place in small and medium size 2012; Fuller, 2011). Case studies and details of the solar energy
systems for process heating in textile processing were discussed by
(Gupta, 1989). In this study performances of solar energy based
systems such as solar Kier, solar fabric dryer, solar water heater and
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.K. Sharma).
solar ovens have been determined. The study indicates that the
0959-6526/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.K. Sharma et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 74e84 75

Table 1 mentioned initiatives, one of the critical requirements is having

Production of cotton based textiles (yarn and cloth) in India (2012). proper information about realistic potential of solar process heating
State/UT Cotton Yarn (million kg per annum) in India and also about niche locations in the country where initial
Composite mills Spinning mills Total production
interventions can be made. It is also important to undertake a
comparative evaluation of commercially available solar thermal
Andhra Pradesh 0 166 166
technologies so as to provide useful information for making an
D and Nagar Haveli 13 52 65
Gujarat 9 150 159 appropriate choice. Textile industry is also included in the scope of
Haryana 0 100 100 above mentioned programs of Government of India.
Himachal Pradesh 0 82 82 It is with thus background that preliminary attempt to esti-
Karnataka 0 46 46
mate the potential of solar process heating for textile industry in
Kerala 0 26 26
Madhya Pradesh 6 195 201 India is undertaken in this study. Also corresponding estimates of
Maharashtra 12 242 254 using solar process heating in terms of reduction in the GHG
Punjab 40 408 448 emissions in textile industry in India has been made in this paper.
Rajasthan 2 106 108 It may be noted that cotton is the predominant raw material
Tamil Nadu 50 1317 1367
(fiber) used in the textile industry in India. Approximately 70% of
Others 4 100 104
Total 136 2990 3126 yarn and nearly 50% of cloth production in India is based on
Annual production of cotton based cloths (million m2) cotton (CITI, 2015). Therefore, in the present study of GHG
Production units Power looms Hand looms Hosiery emissions mitigation potential of solar industrial process heating
12,027 6021 10,798
(SIPH) in textile industry in India only cotton based textile pro-
duction has been considered.

small textile processing units in India can benefit substantially from 2. Processes involved and typical energy use in cotton based
solar energy use due to relatively lower daily energy requirements. textile production
Feasibility of integration of high temperature solar energy in a
textile factory of Prato was assessed by Ennio et al. (2011). In this Manufacturing of cotton based textile (yarn, fabric and cloth)
study a model of the parabolic trough based solar process heating involves a series of operations. These include (i) spinning (where
plant (without storage) was developed and estimations for useful raw fiber (cotton) is turned into yarn), (ii) the weaving process
energy delivery have been made. Estimated results suggested that (where the yarn is woven into fabric and (iii) Processing. Detail of
solar process heating in the selected factory can save 40 to 50 the processes (Fig. 1) involves in the production of raw material
percent of natural gas annually. In the context of India, studies (fiber) to finished cloth is described in the following paragraphs.
regarding the process heating potential of solar energy in the in-
dustrial sector also include the textile industry (ABPS, 2011; GIZ, 2.1. Spinning
2011). For example, to meet the hot water demand of textile in-
dustry in India a solar collector area requirement of 97,144 m2 has Spinning is a process which convert raw fiber into yarn or
been estimated (ABPS, 2011). In the study of GIZ, it has been esti- thread. In a spinning mill the fibers are prepared and twisted to
mated that solar process heating in textile industry in India can form the yarn. Electricity is the major type of energy used in
replace 386 kilotons of oil equivalent (ktoe) of fossil fuels annually. spinning mills, though in the production of dyed yarn, substantial
It is worth mentioning that, studies carried out in the context of amount of process heat in form of hot water is also required for
textile industry in India were mainly focused on low temperature sizing and dyeing processes.
(50e100  C) applications such as hot water generation and boiler
feed water heating. However, in textile industry, thermal energy at 2.2. Weaving
higher temperatures may also be required for various applications.
Use of solar energy based system with integration of existing Weaving is the most common method used for producing fab-
conventional systems has also been reported in the literature rics from yarns. The process is carried out on a loom (power loom,
(Hafner et al., 2014). Therefore, considering the use of solar energy shuttle loom handloom etc.) which interlaces lengthwise yarns and
for meeting the entire thermal energy requirement of textile in- convert them into a fabric. Electricity is the primary source of en-
dustry (50e150  C), need for a substantial change in the estimation ergy utilized in the weaving operation. Un-processed woven fabric
potential may be observed. Also in the reported studies on the that comes out of weaving operation is called grey fabric that is
estimation of SIPH potential of textile industry, performance of further processed before finally being traded in the market.
solar collectors at different locations has not been internalized in
the approach used for estimating the potential. Some attempts of 2.3. Processing
integrating solar process heating systems in textile industry have
also been reported in the literature. Use of these solar concentrators Processing or sometimes called as wet processing or chemical
for providing process heat has also been reported in the literature processing refers to the series of processes that convert the woven
(Bhosale et al., 2008; Garcia et al., 2015; Sharma et al., 2016a,b). fabric into a usable material that is finished fabric or cloth. Finishing
Government of India with support from several multilateral and is the major energy consuming operation because it uses a large
other internal agencies such as United Nation Development Pro- amount of thermal energy. In a typical composite textile mill 80% of
gram (UNDP), United Nation Industrial Development Organization overall energy is utilized in the finishing operation. Processes such
(UNIDO) and Global Environment Facility (GEF) etc. has initiated an as de-sizing, dyeing, bleaching mercerizing final finishing, drying
ambitious program for enhanced solar energy utilization in the etc. require heat in the range of 40e140  C (Hasanbeigi and Prince,
industrial sector of the country. While the program with UNDP 2012). Steam and hot water are the main heat transfer media those
aims at promoting use of concentrating solar collector’s technolo- are directly or indirectly being used. The major processes involved
gies for meeting the process heating demand in the industries. The in the wet processing operation of cotton fabrics or cloth are pre-
initiative with UNIDO essentially focuses on providing support sented in Fig. 1 with each of them briefly described in the following
measures for the same. For the desired success in the above paragraphs.
76 A.K. Sharma et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 74e84

Raw Material
Blowing Carding Combing Drawing
(Cotton fiber)

De-sizing Weaving Yarn Dyeing

Scouring Bleaching Dyeing Finishing

Fig. 1. A schematic of processes involved in the production of cotton based textiles.

2.3.1. De-sizing heat-setting, napping, embossing, pressing, calendaring and the

The size is removed for preparing fabric for dyeing and finishing. application of chemicals that change the character of the fabric. The
This process is called de-sizing. de-sizing is carried out by treating term finishing is also sometimes used to refer collectively to all
the fabric in the solution of acid, such as acid, alkali or oxidizing processing operations mentioned above. Finishing plants are
agents at temperatures up to 90  C and then rinsing them with thermal energy intensive, requiring large quantities of hot water
fresh water. ranging from 40  C to 100  C and steam.

2.3.2. Scouring 2.4. Typical thermal energy use in cotton based textile production
Scouring is an alkaline treatment that removes fats and waxes,
and solubilizes materials from cotton fiber. Scouring gives fabrics a Energy use in textile production depends on various factors such
high and even wettability to be bleached successfully. Scouring as the form of the product being processed, the machine type, the
process use steam and detergents such as highly alkaline chemicals specific process type, the state of the final product, etc. As described
and caustic soda to remove oils and minerals. High temperatures in the section 1, thermal energy is consumed in spinning (condi-
between 90  C and 110  C and long retention times up to 12 h are tioning and dying of yarn) and processing operations of cloth
used to ensure thorough saturation and cleaning. In most cases production. In composite textile mills substantial amount of elec-
scouring is followed by washing to remove impurities. tricity and process heat is required. Therefore, most of the com-
posite mills in India have their own cogeneration plants for meeting
2.3.3. Bleaching the energy demand (BEE, 2014). Also, due to strict guidelines of
Bleaching is a chemical treatment employed for the removal of Indian government to reduce the fossil fuel consumption other
natural coloring matter from the fabric. Cotton fabrics are normally ones are also gradually shifting to cogeneration. Thermal energy
bleached with hydrogen peroxide before dying. This process is consumption in fabric processing is 70e80% of the total energy
carried out to improve the ground colour of the fabric and to pro- consumption (Hasanbeigi, 2010). Specific thermal energy con-
vide uniform base for subsequent processes. Bleaching process is sumption in spinning and processing operations of cotton based
carried out at wide range of temperatures. Cotton based fabrics are textiles (yarn and fabric processing) is presented in Table 2.
bleached at 80e95  C in bath processes. The bleaching time is Thermal energy requirement of spinning and processing of
generally between 2 and 5 h. In a pressurized high temperature fabrics, mostly met with the low and intermediate pressure water
apparatus cotton fabric can also be bleached at temperatures of and steam boilers. Specifications of boilers being used in some of
110e130  C in only 1e2 h. the existing textile processing units in India are presented in
Table 3. In case of process heating in textile individual spinning and
2.3.4. Dyeing fabric processing units in India mostly the use of petroleum prod-
A treatment of cotton fabric with a strong caustic alkaline so- ucts (furnace, oil, high speed diesel and LPG) and biomass feed
lution in order to improve the luster, hand and to increase its luster stocks such as wood, rice husk, and nutshell have been reported
and affinity for dyes is known as mercerizing. The fabric is (ABPS, 2011).
immersed in a cold sodium hydroxide solution, and is later
neutralized in acid. The process causes a permanent swelling of the 3. Methodology adopted for potential estimation
fabric and thus increases its luster. Mercerizing requires tempera-
tures in the range of 60  Ce70  C. After mercerizing dyeing is car- The methodology used (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3.) in this study for esti-
ried out. It is the process of coloring fabrics with either natural or mating the GHG emissions mitigation potential of solar process
synthetic dyes. Dyeing requires temperatures in the range of heating in cotton based textile industry in India involves (a) esti-
70  Ce90  C. mation of the annual thermal energy requirements of yarn and
fabric (cloth) processing (i.e. gross SIPH potential) (b) identification
2.3.5. Finishing of locations with cluster of cotton based individual spinning mills
All the processes through which the cotton fabric is passed after and processing units in the country and checking of solar resource
scouring bleaching, and dyeing called finishing. Finishing includes availability at these locations, (c) performance assessment of solar
A.K. Sharma et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 74e84 77

Table 2
Thermal energy use in yarn production and fabric processing operations of cotton based textile production.

Operation Range of specific thermal energy consumption (MJ/kg) Average thermal energy consumption (MJ/kg) Heat transfer medium Reference

Yarn Production 4.50e5.60 5.05 Hot water (LNBL, 2005)

4.55e5.66 5.10 Hot water (IPCC, 2007)
Fabric processing 52.5e67.5 60.0 Steam (Hasanbeigi, 2010)
45.75e62.7 54.2 Steam (UNIDO, 2009)
54e63 58.5 Steam (IPCC, 2007)

Table 3
Details of boilers used in textile industry in India.

Capacity (kg/h) Pressure (bar) Operating Temp. ( C) Reference

3000 10.54 177 (BEE, 2011)

2000 10.00 180
600 10.00 180 (BEE, 2014)
200 10.00 180 (BEE, 2010)
6000 10.50 182 (BEE, 2013)
8000 10.00 180 (BEE, 2013)

Fig. 3. A schematic of the methodology adopted for estimating the performance of

SIPH systems and the GHG emissions mitigation potential of solar process heating in
the production of cotton textiles.

Fig. 2. A schematic of methodology adopted in the study for SIPH potential estimation. these units in the year of 2012 (Table 1) and average thermal energy
requirement of cotton processing (Table 2), annual thermal energy
requirement of cotton based fabric processing in the country
process heating systems at representative locations and (d) esti- (ATERcf,p) can be estimated as
mation of GHG mitigation potential of solar process heating. Brief
description of each one of the above mentioned steps is presented
h   i  
in the following paragraphs. ATERcf;p ¼ Cf ðAPCCh:l: Þ þ APCCpl: þ ðAPCChos: Þ  STERcf;p
3.1. Estimation of the useful thermal energy requirement in cotton
yarn and fabric processing with APCCh.l representing the annual production of cotton based
cloth(in million m2) in handloom units, APCC,p.l. The annual pro-
Annual useful thermal energy requirement of yarn produced duction of cotton cloths in power loom units, APCC,hos.. The annual
from cotton (excluding composite mills) is estimated by using the production of cotton cloth in the hosiery units in India, STERcf,p the
average thermal energy requirements of spinning operation specific thermal energy requirement for processing of cotton fabric
(Table 2) and production data of cotton yarn as listed in Table 1. to cloth (MJ/kg) and Cf the conversion factor used for converting m2
Annual thermal energy requirement (MJ) of cotton yarn pro- of cotton fabric to their corresponding mass in kilograms (0.1 kg per
duction in the country (ATERyp) can be estimated as m2 of cloth, in this study). In principle, annual thermal energy re-
quirements in yarn and fabric production also represent the gross
ATERyp ¼ STERyp ðAPCYi Þ (1) potential of solar industrial process heating in the cotton based
i¼1 textile production in India.
A certain amount of cotton yarn produced from spinning mills
with APCYi representing the annual production of cotton yarn(in may not be undergoes for dyeing operation, and could have differed
kilograms) in the ith state of the country, and STERyp the specific specific thermal energy requirement. Since, data regarding the
thermal energy requirement of yarn production in(MJ/kg). share of dyed and un-dyed cotton yarn has not been available so in
Cotton cloth in India is produced in hand looms, power looms the present analysis, it has been assumed that the entire amount of
and hosiery units. Therefore using the amount of cloth produced in cotton yarn produced in the spinning mills undergoes through
78 A.K. Sharma et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 74e84

dyeing process. Similarly, specific thermal energy consumption of operating conditions (temperature and pressure) can be estimated
cotton cloth that is produced in power loom, handlooms and ho- as
siery units may also vary. Although, in the present analysis due to
unavailability of detailed data, it has been assumed that cotton PHRh
ASCf ¼ (3)
cloth produced in handlooms, power looms and hosiery units un- ðhc ÞðGHId Þ
dergo through a processing operation with the same amount of
specific thermal energy consumption. As mentioned earlier, com- where PHRh represents the rate of process heat requirement
posite textile mills in India have cogeneration plants for meeting (kWth), GHId the chosen design value of GHI assumed to be incident
the electric and thermal energy requirements. Since cogeneration on the aperture of the solar collector (W/m2). hC the thermal effi-
itself is an advance and efficient mode of energy utilization, also the ciency of solar energy utilization of solar collector at required
same operates at higher temperatures, therefore use of solar based conditions of process heating and chosen value of design GHI. In
process heating systems in these units has not been included in the case of solar concentrator based systems that can only make use of
estimation of SIPH potential. direct component of incident solar radiation, the required collector
area can be determined by using equation (3) with the GHId
3.2. Assessment of solar resource availability at some representative replaced with the design value of direct normal irradiance (DNId).
locations with clusters of cotton based textile units At the design value of GHI the SIPH system (using FPC or ETC)
would produce its nominal (rated) thermal output. Similarly, at the
State wise locations with clusters of cotton based textile mills design value of DNI a solar concentrator based SIPH system would
(spinning and processing) have been identified and the corre- deliver its nominal output. Whenever the intensity of available
sponding data regarding the annual cumulative values of Global solar radiation is less than the chosen value of GHId or DNId, the
Horizontal Irradiance (GHI), Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI), annual output of the SIPH system would be less than its nominal value,
average ambient temperature (Ta) and annual average wind speed thus necessitating the use of an auxiliary backup or have a provi-
at these locations has been obtained from the weather data source sion of thermal storage. On the other hand, if the available insola-
of the software (Meteonorm (2014). Data for these representative tion (GHI or DNI) is more than the design value, the SIPH system
locations with clusters of cotton based textile mills is presented in will produce more output than its nominal capacity. In such a case,
Appendix B. the extra amount of thermal energy collected can either be stored
for use during off - sunshine hours or during time of the day when
3.3. Estimation of useful energy delivery and solar fraction of SIPH insolation is less than the corresponding design value or it would
systems have to dumped.
In the present study, two types of SIPH systems i.e. (i) Systems
Performance of any solar process heating system mainly de- without any provision for thermal storage and, (ii) systems with
pends on (a) operating temperatures of the process, (b) perfor- provision of thermal energy storage have been considered and
mance characteristics of solar collector being used and (c) analysed. In a system having no provision of storage n, an auxiliary
availability of solar radiation (DNI in case of concentrator based backup is expected to supplement the energy delivered by the solar
systems and GHI in case of stationary collectors) and climatic energy based system when the insolation is below the design value
conditions (e.g. ambient temperature, wind speed) at the location of GHI or DNI. On the other hand, for hours with higher insolation
of use. In spinning mills, where yarn is produced, hot water at lower (above GHId or DNId) the excess energy produced by the solar en-
temperatures is required. Solar energy can be efficiently harnessed ergy system is assumed will have to be dumped In systems with
to provide the same with use of flat plate collector (FPC) and provision of thermal storage, any excess energy produced by the
evacuated tube collector (ETC) (Muneer et al., 2008). Therefore, in solar energy system would be stored. In this study, it has been
the present analysis, SIPH systems based on these collector tech- assumed that the excess amount of thermal energy will be stored in
nologies have been considered to meet the process heat re- insulated water tank or steam accumulators. A schematic diagram
quirements of yarn production. Further, at each identified location of the selected system is presented in Fig. 4. It may be noted that
with clusters of textile mills, performance of these technologies (in there would be losses from the thermal energy storage systems and
terms of useful energy delivery and solar fraction) for delivering the same need to taken into account while estimating the annual
process heat at required temperatures has been assessed. amount of useful thermal energy delivered by the solar energy
In case of fabric processing, hot water/steam is required at based industrial process heating system. In the present analysis
relatively higher temperatures and pressures as compared to that losses associated with direct storage of thermal energy as pres-
required yarn production. In this case, based on the specifications of surized hot water have been considered and internalized in esti-
a typical boiler being used in the textile processing unit (Table 3) a mating the potential. The effects of designing the systems for
solar processing, heating system that can provide an outlet tem- different design values of insolation on the outputs of both types of
perature of 180  C and a pressure of 10.55 bar has been modelled. SIPH systems (based on stationary and concentrator solar collec-
Two solar concentrator technologies (Arun 160 parabolic dish, and tors) have been studied for systems without and with provision of
parabolic trough) have been considered to supply the required thermal energy storage.
process heat. A schematic diagram depicting the approach followed for esti-
Further, at each representative location with clusters of textile mating the useful thermal energy delivery from solar industrial
mills estimates for the performance of SIPH system in terms of process heating systems in textile industry is presented in Fig. 3.
useful energy delivery and solar fraction have been made. Specifi- Having obtained the required collector area for a chosen design
cations of process heat requirement, of steam and hot water gen- value of Insolation (GHId or DNId) the next step is to estimate the
eration systems and design parameters of SIPH systems such as annual energy likely to be delivered by the system at different lo-
operating temperatures, performance equations of the collectors cations. For this purpose, hourly values of the corresponding
etc. being considered here in the present analysis are listed in the insolation and ambient temperature at each identified location
Table 4. were obtained using Meteonorm 7.1 (Meteonorm, 2014). A Pro-
The area of solar collector field (ASCf) required to meet the gramme was developed using Microsoft Excel that uses the hourly
process heating demand at a given location for pre-defined data of solar resource and ambient temperature, characteristics of
A.K. Sharma et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 74e84 79

Table 4
Values of input parameters used in the analysis.

Parameter Symbol (s) Unit Value Reference

(A) Parameters for estimating the useful thermal energy requirement of cotton based textiles production
Annual production of cotton yarn APCY Million kg 2990 (CII, 2013)
Annual production of cotton cloth in hand looms APCCh.l. Million m2 6021
Annual production of cotton cloth in power looms APCCp.l. Million m 12,027
Annual production of cotton cloth in hosiery units APCChos. Million m 10,798
Specific thermal energy requirement of cotton yarn production STERyp MJ/kg 6 (Hasanbeigi, 2010)
Specific thermal energy requirement of cotton fabric processing STERcf,p MJ/kg 60 (LNBL, 2005)
conversion factor used for converting m2 of cotton fabric to the kilogram unit Cf Factor 0.1
(B) Parameters for estimating the collector area requirement and useful energy delivery of SIPH System
FPC and ETC based SIPH systems (for cotton yarn production)

Intel Temperature Ti C 15

Outlet Temperature To C 80
Efficiency Equations: Flat plate collector(FPC) h¼0.732e3.411*(TmTa/I0.294*(TiTa)2/I (FPC, 2013)
Evacuated Tube Collector (ETC) h¼0.62e0.395*(TmTa/Ie0.002*(TiTa)2/I (ETC, 2014)
Concentrator based SIPH systems (for cotton fabric processing)

Intel temperature Ti C 50 (BEE, 2014)

Outlet temperature To C 180

Mean fluid temperature Tm C 115
Efficiency of thermal energy storage 70 (ETSAP, 2013)

Average ambient temperature Ta C As per the location
Efficiency Equations: Arun 160 h ¼ 0.65e0.40*(TmTa)/I (Bhosale et al., 2008)
Parabolic Trough h¼0.71e0.3581*(TmTa/Ie0.0019*(TmTa)2/I (PTC, 2014)
(C) Parameters for estimating the GHG emissions mitigation potential
Calorific value of furnace oil CV MJ/kg 39.6 (CEA, 2005)
Carbon fraction in furnace oil CF Fraction 0.84
Efficiency of fuel utilization hf Fraction 0.70 (UNEP, 2006)
Emission factors of furnace oil CH4 and N2O EFij,oxec Fraction 0.03,0.02 (DOE, 2014)
Global warming potentials (GWP) relative to CO2 CO2 1 (IPCC, 2007)
CH4 21
N2O 310

Fig. 4. Schematics of SIPH systems (with and without provision for thermal storage).

solar collector and the temperature required for process heating for the overall energy use while thermal energy requirements are
determining the hourly values of useful thermal energy produced relatively lower and the same are met with the use of electric
by the system. By taking into account the amount of energy likely to heaters or oil/wood fired boilers. The fabric processing units
be dumped or stored in the systems with provision of storage, the generally depend on biomass/oil fired boilers to meet their thermal
estimate for the total annual amount of useful thermal energy likely energy demand. In the present study an attempt to analyze the fuel
to be delivered have been obtained. This exercise is repeated for all mix of various textile clusters in India (BEE, 2010; BEE, 2014). It has
locations considered in the study. The solar fraction for each loca- been observed that majority of textile processing units use furnace
tion has been estimated and an average value of the same (SFa) has oil or biomass based boilers. However, authentic data regarding
been used for estimating the greenhouse gases mitigation potential their share in satisfying the thermal energy requirement is not
of SIPH systems in the next subsection. available. Therefore, in this study, three different scenarios for the
combinations of biomass and furnace oil use in cotton based textile
industry have been considered.
3.4. GHG mitigation potential of SIPH in cotton based textile
Being a carbon neutral source, in the estimation of GHG miti-
production in India
gation potential the use of biomass has not been internalized. In
addition to the amount of CO2 emissions mitigated, other GHG
The gross amount of GHG emissions likely to be mitigated
emissions (CH4, N2O) that are likely to be mitigated with the
resulting from the use of solar energy for process heating in a
replacement of fossil fuels by harnessing solar energy for industrial
cotton based textile industry would depend upon (i) the type and
process heating have also been estimated.
(ii) the amount(s) of fuel(s) substituted. As mentioned in Section 2,
The annual gross amount (in thousand tonnes) of CO2 emissions
in spinning mills the electricity consumption has a major share in
80 A.K. Sharma et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 74e84

mitigated (ACM) with the use of SIPH in cotton based textile in- existing reported production and thermal energy use of cotton yarn
dustry is estimated using the following expression production (equation (2)) have been presented in Table 5. Thus, in
   principle, a total of 18.20 PJ of thermal energy can be supplied with
44 X  ðCFi Þ Fco;i the use of solar energy for meeting the process heating demand of
ACM ¼ ATERc;tp ðSFa Þ Fphd;i (4)
12 ðhi Þ ðCVi Þ cotton yarn production in India. The states in which large potential
of SIPH is estimated include Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka,
where Fphd,i represents the fraction of process heating demand met Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Haryana, Rajasthan and Tamilnadu.
by ith fuel, SFa the average solar fraction provided by the SIPH Annual thermal energy requirements in the processing of cotton
system at any location, CVi the calorific Value of ith fuel (MJ/kg), CFi based fabrics (that is produced in the handlooms power looms and
the carbon fraction in ith fuel, Fco,i the fraction of carbon oxidized in hosiery units) have also been presented in the Table 5. The annual
the combustion of ith fuel and, hI the efficiency of utilization of thermal energy requirement for process heating in all three types of
ithfuel in the boiler. It is worth mentioning that in this study only cotton based production units is estimated at 173 PJ. Thus, the total
two fuels have been considered that are being saved with the use of annual thermal energy requirement, including the process heating
SIPH- furnace oil and biomass. The other GHG emissions (CH4 and demand for yarn production is estimated at 191 PJ. This is the gross
N2O) mitigated with the adoption of the solar industrial process potential of SIPH in the cotton based textile production in India and
heating in cotton based textile industry in India are estimated using SIPH systems can, in principle, be designed to satisfy this demand.
the following expression Estimated values of collector area requirements, and corre-
sponding values of solar fractions (with respect to useful energy
  ðCV Þ  EF !
X   i ijoxec
delivery) of the SIPH systems corresponding to three chosen values
Eij ¼ ATERc;t;p ðSFa Þ Fphd;i (5) of GHId (500 W/m2, 700 W/m2 and 900 W/m2) at some of the
i selected locations with clusters of cotton based textile mills are
presented in Table 6. In case of cotton yarn production, FPC and ETC
where Eij (tonnes) represents the amount of emissions of jth gas
based SIPH systems with and without provision of thermal energy
(methane or nitrous oxide, from ith fuel, EFij, oxec the emission
storage have been considered. In case of systems without storage, at
factor for jth gas for ith fuel.
a design GHI value of 500 W/m2, the solar fraction of SIPH systems
It is worth mentioning that, the net annual amount of GHG
is higher (0.30 for FPC and 0.32 for ETC based system) whereas, at a
emissions mitigated would depend upon the annual equivalent of
design GHI value of 900 W/m2 the corresponding solar fractions are
the GHG emissions embodied in the manufacturing of SIPH sys-
found to be 0.22 and 0.24 respectively. As expected, at lower values
tems. In the present study the same has not been taken into
of deign GHI, a significant fraction of useful thermal provided by the
solar collectors would be in excess and hence would have to be
dumped in the absence of a storage system. However, in the case of
SIPH system with thermal energy storage, the excess amount of
4. Results and discussion
energy is stored and even with accounting for the losses from the
storage, higher values of solar fractions (0.23e0.56) for all values of
Using the approach presented in section 3, an attempt to esti-
design insolation have been estimated. It has also been observed
mate the potential of SIPH in the cotton based textile industry in
that between two collector technologies (FPC and ETC) considered
India and the corresponding potential for mitigation of GHG
for meeting the process heating demand for yarn production, the
emissions has been made. The values of various input parameters
performance of SIPH systems based on evacuated tube collectors is
used in the estimation of potential of SIPH and of corresponding
relatively better.
GHG mitigation potential are listed in Table 4.
In concentrator based SIPH systems, solar fractions of SIPH
Estimates of annual thermal energy requirements based on

Table 5
Estimates of gross SIPH potential in cotton based textile production in India (excluding composite mills).

(a) Yarn production

State/UT Annual production of cotton yarn (million kg/annnum) Annual useful thermal energy requirement (ATERyp) (GJ/annum)

Andhra Pradesh 166 1,010,940

Dadra and Nagar Haveli 52 316,680
Gujarat 150 913,500
Haryana 100 609,000
Himachal Pradesh 82 499,380
Karnataka 46 280,140
Kerala 26 158,340
Madhya Pradesh 195 1,187,550
Maharashtra 242 1,473,780
Punjab 408 2,484,720
Rajasthan 106 645,540
Tamilnadu 1317 8,020,530
Others 100 609,000
Total 2990 18,209,100

(b) Thermal energy requirement for fabric processing in India

Production units Annual production of cotton cloths (million kg/annnum) Annual useful thermal energy requirement (ATERcf,p) (TJ/annum)

Power looms 602 36,126

Hand looms 1203 72,162
Hosiery 1080 64,788
Total 2885 173,076
A.K. Sharma et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 74e84 81

Table 6 Table 7
Performance of SIPH systems in production of cotton yarn at selected locations. Performance of SIPH systems in cotton fabric processing at selected locations.

Location Collector area (m2) Solar Fraction Solar Fraction Location Collector area for Solar Fraction Solar Fraction
for GHId(W/m2) (without storage) (with storage) for design DNI (W/m2) (without storage) (with storage) for
value of for GHId (W/m2) GHId (W/m2) value of for Design DNI Design DNI (W/
value of value of (W/m2) value of m2) value of

500 700 900 500 700 900 500 700 900 500 700 900 500 700 900 500 700 900

Flat plate collector based SIPH System Arun 160 Dish based SIPH System
Secunderabad 2883 1841 1353 0.3 0.25 0.21 0.52 0.31 0.21 Secunderabad 1423 1017 791 0.28 0.24 0.2 0.43 0.26 0.20
Guntur 2883 1842 1354 0.31 0.25 0.21 0.51 0.31 0.21 Guntur 1423 1017 791 0.3 0.24 0.2 0.42 0.26 0.20
Solapur 2871 1838 1351 0.32 0.25 0.21 0.55 0.31 0.21 Solapur 1423 1016 790 0.3 0.26 0.22 0.47 0.29 0.22
Erode 3041 1830 1347 0.31 0.27 0.22 0.59 0.34 0.23 Erode 1424 1017 791 0.29 0.27 0.23 0.50 0.31 0.24
Sangali 2899 1849 1357 0.32 0.28 0.23 0.55 0.36 0.24 Sangali 1425 1018 792 0.3 0.25 0.22 0.46 0.28 0.22
Salem 2945 1868 1367 0.31 0.26 0.22 0.58 0.33 0.22 Salem 1424 1017 791 0.3 0.26 0.22 0.49 0.30 0.23
Karur 2902 1850 1358 0.32 0.27 0.23 0.58 0.35 0.23 Karur 1422 1016 790 0.28 0.27 0.23 0.49 0.30 0.23
Madurai 2841 1825 1344 0.32 0.28 0.23 0.57 0.35 0.24 Madurai 1423 1016 791 0.32 0.25 0.21 0.47 0.29 0.22
Surat 2870 1837 1351 0.31 0.27 0.22 0.58 0.35 0.23 Surat 1424 1017 791 0.32 0.28 0.24 0.51 0.31 0.24
Bhavnagar 2904 1851 1359 0.33 0.28 0.23 0.58 0.35 0.24 Bhavnagar 1424 1017 791 0.31 0.28 0.24 0.51 0.32 0.24
Ahmadabad 2901 1850 1358 0.33 0.28 0.23 0.55 0.35 0.24 Ahmadabad 1424 1017 791 0.31 0.27 0.23 0.48 0.30 0.23
Ludhiana 2894 1847 1356 0.32 0.27 0.22 0.50 0.34 0.23 Ludhiana 1426 1018 792 0.33 0.26 0.21 0.44 0.28 0.21
Panipat 2969 1877 1372 0.31 0.26 0.2 0.57 0.30 0.21 Panipat 1426 1018 792 0.33 0.29 0.24 0.52 0.32 0.25
Pali 2969 1877 1372 0.32 0.27 0.22 0.57 0.34 0.23 Pali 1424 1017 791 0.33 0.29 0.24 0.51 0.32 0.24
Bhilwara 2918 1857 1362 0.31 0.28 0.23 0.53 0.35 0.23 Bhilwara 1425 1018 792 0.29 0.25 0.21 0.44 0.28 0.21
Bellary 2941 1866 1349 0.33 0.26 0.21 0.59 0.32 0.21 Bellary 1424 1017 791 0.31 0.27 0.23 0.50 0.31 0.24
Mysore 2890 1845 1355 0.30 0.28 0.23 0.58 0.36 0.24 Mysore 1428 1020 793 0.28 0.25 0.22 0.49 0.30 0.23
Average Solar Fraction (SFa) 0.32 0.26 0.22 0.56 0.34 0.23 Average Solar Fraction (SFa) 0.30 0.26 0.22 0.48 0.30 0.23
Evacuated tubular collector based SIPH System Parabolic trough based SIPH system
Secunderabad 2786 1928 1473 0.33 0.27 0.22 0.55 0.32 0.22 Secunderabad 1325 947 736 0.23 0.2 0.17 0.36 0.23 0.17
Guntur 2789 1928 1473 0.32 0.27 0.23 0.56 0.32 0.23 Guntur 1325 946 736 0.24 0.2 0.17 0.36 0.23 0.17
Solapur 2786 1927 1472 0.32 0.27 0.22 0.56 0.31 0.23 Solapur 1324 946 736 0.21 0.16 0.13 0.24 0.16 0.13
Erode 2781 1924 1471 0.33 0.29 0.24 0.58 0.34 0.24 Erode 1326 947 737 0.26 0.23 0.2 0.44 0.28 0.20
Sangali 2794 1930 1475 0.34 0.30 0.25 0.65 0.36 0.25 Sangali 1328 949 738 0.2 0.16 0.12 0.23 0.16 0.12
Salem 2806 1936 1478 0.33 0.28 0.24 0.61 0.33 0.24 Salem 1326 947 737 0.25 0.23 0.19 0.62 0.27 0.20
Karur 2794 1931 1475 0.34 0.29 0.25 0.64 0.36 0.25 Karur 1324 945 735 0.26 0.23 0.2 0.42 0.27 0.20
Madurai 2774 1923 1470 0.34 0.30 0.25 0.64 0.36 0.25 Madurai 1325 946 736 0.24 0.21 0.18 0.40 0.26 0.15
Surat 2785 1926 1472 0.34 0.29 0.24 0.62 0.35 0.25 Surat 1326 947 737 0.28 0.25 0.21 0.45 0.29 0.21
Bhavnagar 2795 1931 1475 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.64 0.35 0.25 Bhavnagar 1326 947 737 0.29 0.25 0.21 0.46 0.29 0.22
Ahmadabad 2794 1930 1475 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.65 0.35 0.25 Ahmadabad 1326 947 737 0.28 0.24 0.2 0.42 0.27 0.20
Ludhiana 2792 1929 1474 0.34 0.29 0.24 0.61 0.34 0.24 Ludhiana 1329 949 738 0.21 0.15 0.12 0.22 0.15 0.12
Panipat 2812 1939 1480 0.33 0.27 0.22 0.56 0.31 0.22 Panipat 1329 949 738 0.29 0.26 0.21 0.45 0.29 0.21
Pali 2812 1939 1480 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.62 0.35 0.25 Pali 1327 948 737 0.24 0.18 0.14 0.27 0.18 0.14
Bhilwara 2799 1933 1476 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.57 0.35 0.25 Bhilwara 1328 948 738 0.26 0.22 0.18 0.39 0.25 0.19
Bellary 2805 1936 1478 0.33 0.28 0.23 0.64 0.32 0.23 Bellary 1326 947 736 0.26 0.23 0.2 0.43 0.28 0.20
Mysore 2791 1929 1474 0.34 0.30 0.25 0.65 0.36 0.25 Mysore 1331 951 740 0.25 0.22 0.19 0.44 0.28 0.20
Average Solar Fraction (SFa) 0.30 0.26 0.22 0.48 0.30 0.23 Average Solar Fraction (SFa) 0.25 0.21 0.18 0.39 0.24 0.18

systems (with and without provisions of thermal energy storage) mitigated with the use of solar industrial process heating systems
were estimated in the range of 0.22e0.48 and 0.18e0.39 for Arun in cotton based textile production in India for the three scenarios
Dish 160 and parabolic trough based system, respectively (Table 7). considered for the fuel mix used for process heating in cotton
It has been observed that performance of SIPH systems based on based textile industry. Even with a substantial share of the process
Arun Dish 160 is relatively better than the system based on para- heating demand assumed to be met with carbon neutral biomass,
bolic trough solar collector. These results indicate that with the use the annual GHG emissions mitigation potential is significantly
of SIPH systems, (without storage) approximately 30% of the pro- large thus meriting careful attention of policy makers for taking
cess heating demand of cotton based textile production can be met initiatives towards promoting SIPH in textile industry. Also adop-
annually and with the provision of thermal energy storage at for a tion of SIPH in cotton based textile industry has the potential of
lower value of design insolation (500 W/m2) almost 60% of the saving furnace oil consumption in the range of 617e1440 tonnes
process heating demand can be met with the SIPH system. As ex- annually, depending upon the share of process heating demand
pected, for systems designed for higher values of design insolation met with the furnace oil. Therefore, solar process heating in cotton
(900 W/m2) an addition of storage does not result in any substantial based textile industry in India has a potential to mitigate
increase in the solar fraction. . The SIPH potential estimated using 2457e7648 thousand tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions annu-
the average value of the solar fraction (SFa) estimated for the ETC ally depending on the location and the provision of a storage
and Arun 160 dish based SIPH systems (Tables 6 and 7) is presented component or otherwise. It may be also noted that in the overall
in Table 8. The estimates confirm a large potential for harnessing GHG emissions mitigation potential the share of N2O is also
solar energy to meet the process heating demand in cotton based significantly large.
textile industry. While in cotton yarn production the annual SIPH
potential is estimated varies in the range 4e10 PJ depending on
5. Concluding remarks
whether the excess energy is dumped or is stored in an appropri-
ately sized storage system. The estimates of corresponding values
Cotton based textile production (yarn and cloth) in India has a
for SIPH in fabric processing vary in range 38e83 PJ.
large potential for solar process heating to meet its thermal energy
Table 9 presents the estimates of GHG emissions likely to be
demand. Annual solar process heating potential, in terms of useful
82 A.K. Sharma et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 74e84

Table 8
Estimates of annual useful thermal energy delivered by solar process heating systems.

Yarn production (ETC based SIPH system)

State Annual useful thermal energy delivered (GJ) without Annual useful thermal energy delivered (GJ) with thermal
thermal storage at design insolation (W/m2) value of storage at design insolation (W/m2) value of

500 700 900 500 700 900

Andhra Pradesh 323,501 262,844 222,407 566,126 343,720 232,516

Dadra and Nagar Haveli 101,338 82,337 69,670 177,341 107,671 72,836
Gujarat 292,320 237,510 200,970 511,560 310,590 210,105
Haryana 194,880 158,340 133,980 341,040 207,060 140,070
Himachal Pradesh 159,802 129,839 109,864 279,653 169,789 114,857
Karnataka 89,645 72,836 61,631 156,878 95,248 64,432.2
Kerala 50,669 41,168 34,835 88,670 53,836 36,418
Madhya Pradesh 380,016 308,763 261,261 665,028 403,767 273,136
Maharashtra 471,610 383,183 324,232 825,317 501,085 338,969
Punjab 795,110 646,027 546,638 1,391,443 844,805 571,485
Rajasthan 206,573 167,840 142,019 361,502 219,484 148,474
Tamilnadu 2,566,570 2,085,338 1,764,517 4,491,497 2,726,980 1,844,721
Others 194,880 158,340 133,980 341,040 207,060 140,070
Total 5,826,912 4,734,366 4,006,002 10,197,096 6,191,094 4,188,093
Fabric processing (Arun 160 Dish based SIPH system)
Hand looms 10,837,800 9,392,760 7,947,720 17,340,480 10,837,800 8,308,980
Power looms 21,648,600 18,762,120 15,875,640 34,637,760 21,648,600 16,597,260
Hosiery Units 19,436,400 16,844,880 14,253,360 31,098,240 19,436,400 14,901,240
Total 51,922,800 44,999,760 38,076,720 83,076,480 51,922,800 39,807,480

Table 9
Annual GHG emissions mitigation potential of SIPH in the production of cotton based textiles in India.

Scenario Fuel mix (%) Operation Annual GHG emissions mitigation potential (thousand tonnes)

Without thermal storage with the design value of With provision of thermal storage with the design
insolation as 700 W/m2 value of insolation as 700 W/m2

Furnace oil Biomass CO2 CH4 N2O Total CO2, equivalent CO2 CH4 N2O Total CO2, equivalent

I 70 30 Yarn production 226 0.58 0.49 390 273 0.70 1.31 471
Fabric Processing 3092 7.90 6.68 5332 4162 10.64 12.40 7177
Total 3318 8.48 7.17 5722 4435 11.34 13.71 7648
II 50 50 Yarn production 161 0.41 0.35 278 201 0.51 0.43 347
Fabric processing 2209 5.65 4.77 3809 2973 7.60 6.42 5127
Total 2370 6.06 5.12 4087 3174 8.11 6.85 5474
III 30 70 Yarn production 97 0.25 0.21 167 97 0.25 0.21 167
Fabric processing 1325 3.39 2.86 2285 1784 4.56 3.85 3076
Total 1425 3.64 3.08 2457 1881 4.81 4.06 3243

energy requirement, has been estimated at 191 PJ. The annual SIPH as the amount of GHG emissions likely to be mitigated, the same
potential reduces to 173 PJ if the process heat requirement is needs to be carefully decided for each location and each specific
restricted to the fabric processing only. In both cases, with and process heating requirement. The process heating requirement
without provision of thermal energy storage (yarn production and for yarn production can be met with relatively more mature and
fabric processing) the solar energy based process heating systems lower cost solar collector technologies (i.e. FPC and ETC) while for
are estimated to meet 20e60% of the total process heating demand fabric processing operations require solar concentrators that are
annually. relatively costlier and yet to attain large scale commercial
The estimates presented in this paper are based on the maturity.
assumption of the availability of adequate space (roofs and/or Adoption of SIPH in cotton based textile industry has the po-
open space) for installation of solar collectors. However, prior to tential of saving furnace oil consumption in the range of
installation of SIPH systems in the cotton based textile industry, 617e1440 tonnes depending upon the share of process heating
detailed site specific survey would be necessary. Moreover, this demand met with the furnace oil. Also from the perspective of
study considered merely four types of solar collector technolo- mitigation of greenhouse gases from the cotton based textile in-
gies. Several other solar collector designs (mainly concentrating dustry, the SIPH appears to be highly attractive as an annual
type) such as Compound Parabolic Concentrator, Scheffler Dish, mitigation in the range of 2457e7648 thousand tonnes of
and Linear Fresnel reflector may also be used for this purpose. greenhouse gas emissions is possible depending on the location
Also the values of available GHI, DNI and other climatic parame- and the provision of a storage component or otherwise. The re-
ters depend upon the location. As a consequence, the choice of sults of this study are directly relevant for the initiatives taken by
design DNI or GHI as well as the performance of the SIPH system the Government of India under its National Solar Mission in
may also vary at different locations. Since the chosen value of identifying suitable locations in the country and also for assessing
design insolation (GHI or DNI as applicable) directly affects the the contribution that can be expected from the solar energy based
solar collection area, the useful thermal energy delivered as well process heating systems.
A.K. Sharma et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 74e84 83

Appendix A

Table A1
Details of solar collectors with operating temperature and possible use in SIPH

Solar collector Operating temperature Example of matching industrial processes

( C)

Flat plate 30e100 Heat treatment in food processing, washing, cleaning, in milk processing, blanching, dying in textile
Evacuated tube 50e100 Drying, degreasing in textiles boiler feed water heating in industries Pasteurization and sterilization in milk
Compound parabolic 60e240 distillation, drying in pharmaceutical and chemical baking of paints and drying in automobile
Parabolic trough 60e300 Paper drying in paper industry plastic pallets drying of glass fibres pasteurization of milk,
Arun 160 up to 300 evaporation and tickling in pharmaceutical, tempering drying in food processing and beverages
Linear Fresnel reflector (LFR) up to 300 Paper drying in paper industry plastic pallets drying of glass fibres pasteurization of milk, textile processing

Appendix B

Table B1
Solar radiation and other climatic variables at identified locations with clusters of cotton based textile units in India.

Location Latitude ( N) Longitude ( E) GHI (kWh/m2/annum) DNI (kWh/m2/annum Ta ( C) Wind speed (m/s)

Secunderabad 17.45 78.5 1891 1548 27.4 3.21

Guntur 1638 80.44 1877 1528 27.7 2.45
Solapur 17.68 75.92 1981 1682 28.1 2.15
Erode 11.35 77.73 2082 1847 27.1 3.67
Sangali 16.86 74.56 1969 1716 26.1 3.53
Salem 11.65 78.16 2067 1841 27.0 2.53
Karur 10.95 78.08 2066 1794 26.1 3.57
Madurai 9.90 78.10 2024 1747 27.0 3.54
Surat 21.17 72.83 2069 2005 28.3 3.12
Bhavnagar 21.76 72.15 2073 2032 27.7 3.54
Ahmadabad 23.03 72.58 1994 1837 27.0 3.12
Ludhiana 30.91 75.85 1866 1669 27.3 3.69
Panipat 29.39 76.97 2057 2184 27.2 2.55
Pali 25.77 73.3 2043 2144 25.6 3.12
Bhilwara 25.35 74.67 1901 1864 26.1 2.89
Bellary 15.15 76.91 2082 1897 27.3 3.18
Mysore 20.27 73.02 2017 2017 24.4 3.97

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