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File Name Inward Inspection BPP Number

Transaction code QA32 Status Complete

Inward Inspection

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17.01.2018 Abhijit Dusane 1

File Name Inward Inspection BPP Number

Transaction code QA32 Status Complete

Quality Process for Inward inspection will start after factory receipt.
Inspection Lot will be generated and material will be blocked Quality inspection.

Inward Inspection:

Transaction Code: QA32

 We will have selection menu to find specific Inspection lot as per plant, material, date etc.
 Select Inspection Lot Origin 01 for inward inspection.

 After putting all required entries click on or tap F8.

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File Name Inward Inspection BPP Number

Transaction code QA32 Status Complete

 All incomplete lots for inward inspection will be displayed.

 Extreme right column is for the status of Inspection lot.

 Primary statuses are
 CRTD= Created. It means inspection lot is incomplete; you can't process for it.
 PASG= Plan/specification assigned. It means Inspection plan is there but not assigned.
 SPRQ= Stock Posting Required
 REL = Released. It means you can start process of inspection.
 CALC= Sample Calculated
 INSP= Inspection Active. Inspection process is started and Some Results has been recorded.
 SPST= Stock Posting Started. Some or all lot has been posted and it is passed through quality

From here Inspection Process will start.

These all tabs will be for each process:

1. Change inspection lot : When our inspection lot have status as CRTD.
We will click on Change Inspection Lot and assign inspection plan to it as per shown in
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File Name Inward Inspection BPP Number

Transaction code QA32 Status Complete

Click on


assign inspection lot

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File Name Inward Inspection BPP Number

Transaction code QA32 Status Complete

Your inspection plan will be assigned.

Note: This activity will be done only when Inspection Lot have status as CRTD. If it REL just
process for next activity which is result recording.

2. RESULT RECORDING: In this process we maintain all entries for material about its
characteristics. We record results against material.
Click on for recording the result against material. Following screen will appear.

1 2 3

a. These are all characteristics for the material which we maintained in the inspection plan.
b. This box Show inspected sample i.e. inspection sample.
c. In this tab, we will record our result. Click on result box and press F4.
d. Select required result from appeared options.
For e.g. Okay or Not Okay or not as per drawing

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Transaction code QA32 Status Complete

e. Then press ENTER. Results will be saved and valuation of result will be done our
f. In this manner, enter results for every characteristic.
MIC with name Visual insp., Dimension check and Functional check will be printed on
our MIIR report.

3. Defect Recording:
When we reject any characteristics, we need to create a defect for specific rejected

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Transaction code QA32 Status Complete

When you records result with red cross i.e. not okay.

Defect recording screen will be appeared.

1 2

a) Click on Drop down or press F4 so defect list will appear.

b) Select required defect from the list of SKIND: QM - Visual, SKIND: QM- Electronics, SKIND: QM
Mechanical. Expand any of this defect type.
c) Select any defect from the extended defect type.

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Transaction code QA32 Status Complete


e) Tick in the required box click on .

f) If you have pending MIC for result recording then ENTER it or click on and record results
for further MIC's.

After recording all results and defects; save the result recording window with CTRL+S.

Till now we have recorded results and defects.

To generate NCR for observed defects, we will create Notification.

4. Create NCR/ Notification:

a) Go to

b) System will show all the recorded defects.

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Transaction code QA32 Status Complete


d) Select randomly any one defect. System will take all defects in the Notification tab.

e) Go to ACTIVATE Notification. Screen will appear. Select priority (Not mandatory) and ENTER.

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Transaction code QA32 Status Complete

f) Go to . Notification will screen appear.

g) Enter your NCR no. in the field .

h) Select SUBJECT from TABs

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File Name Inward Inspection BPP Number

Transaction code QA32 Status Complete

i) Write your Observation in brief in Long Description box.

j) Scroll down and enter quantity concern in field of quantity:

k) Select ITEM tab.

l) All the recorded defects will be fetched here.

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Transaction code QA32 Status Complete

m) Select Defect location from 1000 SKIND. Press F4 or click on drop down.

n) Select any defect code item. Go to CAUSES in Sub-TABs.

o) Select code for Cause from the drop down list and enter.

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File Name Inward Inspection BPP Number

Transaction code QA32 Status Complete

p) Click on Excel Word file will open. Write Root cause analysis in word file. You can write root
cause analysis for other defects also in the same Word file (Recommended).
Go back

q) After recording all cause for defects: go to TASK at

r) Select TASK code from the drop down list. Select Task of codes 1000, 2000 and 3000 only.

s) Task code text will be your proposed action plan in NCR.

t) Select Task Processor as VU User responsible if causes and corrective action taken by SEMIKRON

. Select user in the responsible column.

u) Select Task processor as VENDOR if and corrective action taken by SEMIKRON and corrective

action taken by Vendor . Select enter Vendor no in the

responsible column.

v) Select TAB of Activities

w) Select corrective action from the activity code from the Group SKIND-CA (Strictly recommended)
and Press ENTER. Long text tab will appear. Click on , word file will open; write down the
corrective action taken by SEMIKRONs or VENDOR.

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File Name Inward Inspection BPP Number

Transaction code QA32 Status Complete

x) Select GOTO Partner from task bar menu.

y) Select Role of user in function column and select user from PARTNER column.

z) Release Notification by clicking on green flag . Go back to change Defect

screen and save it.

To find out Notification No. go to change defect again and click on process notification. In the

Notification you can see notification tab no.

 To complete Notification we have to close all task related to it.

 Go to Transaction code QM12

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File Name Inward Inspection BPP Number

Transaction code QA32 Status Complete

 Enter Notification no. in highlighted field and execute .

 All tasks will be displayed. Select any task and click on TASK.

Process Task screen will appear.

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Transaction code QA32 Status Complete

 Enter remarks for e.g. satisfactory in the Task text (Highlighted).

 Click on Green flag to release (start activity) and click on next flag to complete the
activity. Save it.
 Click on . Click on to complete notification (Not mandatory). Complete
notification when you want to.

 From all our entries in notification will be fetched in the NCR report.
 So to take print of NCR; Go to transaction ZNCR.

 Input your notification no. and execute .

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File Name Inward Inspection BPP Number

Transaction code QA32 Status Complete

5. Usage Decision:

At this stage all quality inspection process finished. Now we will clear the material from
quality inspection and we give decision according to our inspection result.

In the Usage decision activity, we post material to its storage location and clear the
inspection lot by giving usage decision code.
a) Go to the transaction code QA32.
b) Select inspection lot and click on .
c) Usage decision screen will appear

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File Name Inward Inspection BPP Number

Transaction code QA32 Status Complete

d) Select Inspection lot Stock tab

e) Put accepted Qty in "To unrestricted use" and select desired storage location. Then
save it. You will return to QA32 transaction screen.

f) If you some rejected quantity also, then go to same option of "Usage decision"
g) Put your rejected qty in same "To unrestricted use". But this select storage location
as "ZRET"

h) Now, select Characteristics tab.

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Transaction code QA32 Status Complete

i) Give your Usage Decision Code from the drop down list.

Select UD code from the code group only "SK1000"(Strictly mandatory).

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Transaction code QA32 Status Complete

In this way we finished all SAP data entries for inward inspection.

6. Documentation:

 We have taken document of NCR report.

 For each delivery challan/MIGO document we make document of "Material
Inward Inspection Report" and "Dimension List".
 On the basis of our result recording, Inspection Lot posting and Usage
decision, we will make report of "Material Inward Inspection Report".
 To take printout of report use transaction code ZMIR. Input your material
document no. and execute (F8).
 Print screen will displayed

Select output device as LP01 or SKP.

Use 'Print Preview' for taking PDF and 'Print' for taking printout directly.

1. You can't take generate MIIR if you haven't take Usage decision for any material in the
MIGO/Delivery Challan no.
2. If you forgot to record result for visual, functional, dimensional characteristics, then it won't
be reflect in MIIR.

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