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MineSight® Interactive

Planner – Haulage
MineSight® Interactive Planner
– Haulage
• What is MineSight® Interactive Planner –
• What does MineSight® Interactive Planner
– Haulage do?
• How does MineSight® Interactive Planner
–Haulage benefit the mine planner?
MineSight® Interactive Planner
– Haulage
• MineSight® Interactive Planner – Haulage
Design Approach
• MineSight® Interactive Planner – Haulage
Interface Layout
MineSight® Interactive Planner
– Haulage
• MineSight® Interactive Planner – Haulage
is a mine planning tool that:
– Is accessible in both MineSight®-3D and
MineSight® Interactive Planner
– Provides haulage equipment requirements
estimates for short-range mine plans
– Provides cycle time data for other MineSight®
planning and scheduling applications
MineSight® Interactive Planner
– Haulage Capability
• Models haulage route networks in three
dimensional space as sets of:
– Location nodes and dump lifts
– Haulage route segments
• Calculates round trip travel times for each route
segment based on:
– Haulage route segment length and elevation profiles
– Haulage equipment speed tables by ramp grade and
load state
MineSight® Interactive Planner
– Haulage Capability
• Connects material cut geometries to the haulage
route network
• Routes each atomic material class contained in
a cut to an appropriate dumping destination
• Selects the most timely routes through the
network from the cut to the dumping destinations
• Calculates cycle time for each route based on
travel time combined other cycle time elements
– spotting, loading, dumping, and waiting
MineSight® Interactive Planner
– Haulage Capability
• Estimates the number of trucks required to
move the material in the planning period
based on:
– Tonnage
– Net Operating Hours
– Mechanical Availability
– Utilization
• Creates route profiles for drive diagrams
and external processing.
MineSight® Interactive Planner
– Haulage Benefits
• Haulage route networks are modeled with
geometry using MineSight®-3D. They can
be easily modified and reused for
subsequent planning exercises.
• Travel time data is generated from
haulage network geometry and equipment
capability parameters segment by
segment for a variety of planning and
scheduling tasks
MineSight® Interactive Planner
– Haulage Benefits
• The tool generates cycle times for haulage
route profiles generated by the application
from the network model based on:
– Shortest path – shortest cycle time through
– Material Routing Tables – dumping
destination are “mapped” to material classes
MineSight® Interactive Planner
– Haulage Benefits
• Provides the net operating hours for the
haulage equipment per planning period
• Provides an estimate of the amount of
haulage equipment required to move the
planned tonnage during the planning
MineSight® Interactive Planner
– Haulage Design Approach
• Haulage Networks of locations and route
segments are modeled as a geometry object
consisting of points and polylines in three-
dimensional space
• Haulage Network object and data attributes are
stored in the Attributed Geometry Database
• User interface panels accessed from the Tools
menu within MineSight®-3D enable geometry to
be quickly digitized and attributed
• Material cuts will be attachable to a node in the
network though an interface
MineSight® Interactive Planner
– Haulage Design Approach
• Dumps / lifts will be “mapped” to each atomic
material classification in MSIP
• User will be able to accept or override material
routing generated by the application
• Cycle time calculations will be based on:
– Shortest Path algorithms
– Haulage equipment speed versus grade tables
– Assuming truck fleets are homogeneously
MineSight® Interactive Planner
– Haulage Route Network
MineSight® Interactive Planner
– Setting up the IPH database
• Data is stored in new database and used
in conjunction with the AGDM.
• Access.
• SQL Server.
– Enterprise Manager.
– Query analyzer.
– Sql_server_IPH_setup.sql.
• Setup ODBC connection.
MineSight® Interactive Planner
– Setting up the IPH database
MineSight® Interactive Planner
– Setting up the IPH database
MineSight® Interactive Planner
– Setting up the haulage network
• Create roads and nodes.
– Each road must end at a node.
– Element attribution is used if present.
MineSight® Interactive Planner
– Setting up the haulage network
MineSight® Interactive Planner
– Setting up the haulage network
MineSight® Interactive Planner
- Start tool
MineSight® Interactive Planner
- Start tool
• Choose our ODBC connection.
• Select or create our plan.
– Creating a new plan.
• Choose create plan.
• Name the plan.
• Create or associate a geomview.
MineSight® Interactive Planner
- Start tool
MineSight® Interactive Planner
- Initial setup
MineSight® Interactive Planner
- Initial setup
MineSight® Interactive Planner
- Initial setup
MineSight® Interactive Planner
- Importing network
MineSight® Interactive Planner
- Importing network
MineSight® Interactive Planner
- Importing network
MineSight® Interactive Planner
- Importing network
MineSight® Interactive Planner
- After importing network
• Ensure routes attach to nodes you wanted
them too.
• Assign node types to all nodes.
• Toggle availability if you don’t want it used
in this run.
• Use the divide option to split it up out of pit
routes if desired.
MineSight® Interactive Planner
- After importing network
• Name any unnamed roads or nodes.
• Create lifts for destinations.
MineSight® Interactive Planner
- Destination type mapping
MineSight® Interactive Planner
- Destination type mapping
MineSight® Interactive Planner
- Setup reporting defaults
MineSight® Interactive Planner
- Generate cycletime file
MineSight® Interactive Planner
- Cycletime file
MineSight® Interactive Planner
- Material routing report
MineSight® Interactive Planner
- Material routing report
MineSight® Interactive Planner
- Material routing report
MineSight® Interactive
Planner – Haulage

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