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ANRV392-LS05-11 ARI 24 September 2009 19:10

REVIEWS Further The New Legal Pluralism
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by ARIZONA STATE UNIV. on 10/11/10. For personal use only.

Annu. Rev. Law Soc. Sci. 2009. 5:225–42 Key Words

First published online as a Review in Advance on international, transnational, globalization, governance
August 10, 2009

The Annual Review of Law and Social Science is Abstract

online at
Scholars studying interactions among multiple communities have often
This article’s doi: used the term legal pluralism to describe the inevitable intermingling of
normative systems that results from these interactions. In recent years,
Copyright  c 2009 by Annual Reviews. a new application of pluralist insights has emerged in the international
All rights reserved
and transnational realm. This review aims to survey and help define
1550-3585/09/1201-0225$20.00 this emerging field of global legal pluralism. I begin by briefly describ-
ing sites for pluralism research, both old and new. Then I discuss how
pluralism has come to be seen as an attractive analytical framework for
those interested in studying law on the world stage. Finally, I identify
advantages of a pluralist approach and respond to criticisms, and I sug-
gest ways in which pluralism can help both in reframing old conceptual
debates and in generating useful normative insights for designing pro-
cedural mechanisms, institutions, and discursive practices for managing
hybrid legal/cultural spaces.

ANRV392-LS05-11 ARI 24 September 2009 19:10

INTRODUCTION research was born in the decades following the

collapse of the bipolar Cold War order in 1989.
We live in a world of multiple, overlap-
During this period, it became clear that a single-
ping normative communities. Some of those
minded focus on state-to-state relations or uni-
communities—such as federal, state, and mu-
versal overarching norms was inadequate to
nicipal governments—are formal legal entities
describe the reality of the emerging global legal
often wielding coercive force in the service
system, with its web of jurisdictional assertions
of a bureaucratically administered set of legal
by state, international, and nonstate norma-
norms. Others, however, are nonstate commu-
tive communities (e.g., Teubner 1997). As one
nities created through religious, tribal, ethnic,
commenter puts it:
or other affiliations. Scholars studying interac-
tions among these multiple communities have
often used the term legal pluralism to describe The nation-state and the interstate system are
the inevitable intermingling of these normative the central political forms of the capitalist
Annu. Rev. Law. Soc. Sci. 2009.5:225-242. Downloaded from

systems.1 world system, and they will probably remain

The study of plural normative systems has so for the foreseeable future. What has hap-
pened, however, is that they have become an
by ARIZONA STATE UNIV. on 10/11/10. For personal use only.

arisen from a variety of different scholarly tradi-

tions. Perhaps the earliest analyses of the clashes inherently contested terrain, and this is the
between state and nonstate authority were those central new fact on which the analysis must
penned by lawyers, philosophers, and theolo- focus: the state and the interstate system as
gians interested in the respective realms of complex social fields in which state and non-
church and state authority (see, e.g., Figgis state, local and global social relations inter-
1913). Likewise, historians studying the regu- act, merge and conflict in dynamic and even
latory role of nonstate entities such as jockey volatile combinations (de Sousa Santos 2002,
clubs and stock exchanges noted that these en- p. 94).
tities often wield more power than does formal
state law (see, e.g., Maitland 1936). Anthropol- Legal pluralism provided a useful alterna-
ogists used the idea of legal pluralism to concep- tive framework because pluralism had always
tualize the relationship between colonial and in- sought to identify hybrid legal spaces, where
digenous legal systems (see, e.g., Pospisil 1981). multiple normative systems occupied the same
And social norms theorists (see, e.g., Ellickson social field. And although pluralists had often
1991) and scholars in behavioral law and eco- focused on clashes within one geographical
nomics (see, e.g., Jolls et al. 1998) have become area—where formal bureaucracies encountered
interested in varieties of informal law that of- indigenous ethnic, tribal, institutional, or reli-
ten regulate behavior as much as or more than gious norms—the pluralist framework proved
official governmental pronouncements. highly adaptive to analysis of the hybrid legal
In recent years, a new application of pluralist spaces created by a different set of overlapping
insights has emerged in the international and jurisdictional assertions (state versus state, state
transnational realm. This new legal pluralism versus international body, state versus nonstate
entity) in the global arena.2
This review aims to survey and help define
The history of legal pluralism is a matter of some de- this emerging field of global legal pluralism.
bate. Some associate the term with legal anthropology (see,
e.g., Tamanaha 1993, Merry 1988), whereas others (see,
e.g., F. Benda-Beckmann 1997) trace the use of the term
to lawyers (Hooker 1975). Still others see legal plural- In that sense, we might more accurately refer to the global
ism as deriving from church/state conflicts-of-law analy- legal system as a multiscalar legal system. For example,
sis (see, e.g., Galanter 1981, p. 28). For discussions of the Osofsky (2007) has argued that the term multiscalar more ac-
history of legal pluralism, see Griffiths 1986; Merry 1988; curately captures the variety of normative communities with
Vanderlinden 1989; de Sousa Santos 1987; Benda-Beckmann input at different levels of the legal hierarchy than does the
1997; Tamanaha 1993, 2008. word global.

226 Berman
ANRV392-LS05-11 ARI 24 September 2009 19:10

I begin by briefly describing sites for plural- in Europe likewise had at least three systems
ism research, both old and new. Then I discuss of statutory law—Roman law, canon law, and
how pluralism has come to be seen as an attrac- Germanic Lombard law—alongside statutes
tive analytical framework for those interested of municipalities and independent states
in studying law on the world stage. Finally, I (Ullmann 1969, p. 71). Combine this with a
identify advantages of a pluralist approach and robust set of legal regimes that depended on
respond to criticisms, and I suggest ways in personal religious, ethnic, or commercial affil-
which pluralism can help both in reframing old iation (Morrall 1980), and one has a daunting
conceptual debates and in generating useful web of legal systems. Indeed, seen against this
normative insights for designing procedural backdrop, it is clear that legal pluralism was long
mechanisms, institutions, and discursive prac- the obvious norm, not something that needed
tices for managing hybrid legal/cultural spaces. to be “unearthed” by scholars.
The success of state-building and its
Annu. Rev. Law. Soc. Sci. 2009.5:225-242. Downloaded from

surrounding ideology in the seventeenth

CHANGING SITES and eighteenth centuries has undoubtedly
OF LEGAL PLURALISM rendered legal pluralism less visible, although
by ARIZONA STATE UNIV. on 10/11/10. For personal use only.

As noted above, theorists of pluralism start it is perhaps no less vibrant. Thus, Eugen
from the premise that people belong to (or Ehrlich’s classic depiction of “living law” in
feel affiliated with) multiple groups and under- rural Austria documented the ways in which
stand themselves to be bound by the norms local customary law continued its influence
of these multiple groups. Such groups can, (or even dominance) despite sweeping claims
of course, include familiar political affiliations of state authority (Ehrlich 1936). Meanwhile,
such as nation-states, counties, towns, and so canon law and other spiritual codes continued
on. But many community affiliations, such as to exist in uneasy relationship with the state
those held by transnational or subnational eth- legal system (Weisbrod 1980, Galanter 1981).
nic groups, religious institutions, trade orga- In the twentieth century, anthropologically
nizations, unions, Internet chat groups, and a oriented legal pluralists focused on the overlap-
myriad of other “norm-generating communi- ping normative systems created during the pro-
ties” (Cover 1983, p. 43), may at various times cess of colonization (Merry 1988, pp. 869–72).
exert tremendous power over our actions even Early studies of indigenous law among tribes
though they are not part of an official state- and villages in colonized societies noted the
based system. Indeed, as scholars of legal plu- simultaneous existence of both local law and
ralism have long noted, “not all the phenomena European law (Malinowski 1926). Indeed,
related to law and not all that are law-like have British colonial law actually incorporated
their source in the government” (Moore 1986, Hindu, Muslim, and Christian personal law
p. 15). into its administrative framework (Merry 2007).
Just as importantly, legal pluralists have This early pluralist scholarship focused on the
studied those situations in which two or more hierarchical coexistence of what were imag-
state and nonstate normative systems occupy ined to be quite separate legal systems, layered
the same social field and must negotiate the one on top of the other. Thus, for example,
resulting hybrid legal space (see, e.g., Merry when Leopold Pospisil (1981) documented the
1988, 2007; Moore 1973; Weisbrod 2002; way in which Kapauku Papuans responded to
Engel 1980; Tamanaha 2000; Benda-Beckmann the imposition of Dutch law, it was relatively
2002; Benda-Beckmann 2001; Galanter 1981; easy to identify the two distinct legal fields be-
Griffiths 1986). Such spaces were, of course, the cause Dutch law and Kapauku law were ex-
norm before the rise of the modern state system. tremely different. As a result, Pospisil could
For example, the Roman Empire allowed local readily describe the degree of penetration of
laws to remain in force, and the medieval period Dutch law, the areas in which the Kapauku had • The New Legal Pluralism 227

ANRV392-LS05-11 ARI 24 September 2009 19:10

appropriated and transformed Dutch law, and legal centralism,” the exclusive positivist focus
the areas in which negotiations between the two on state law and its system of lawyers, courts,
legal systems formed part of a broader political and prisons (Griffiths 1986, p. 2). Instead, plu-
struggle. Despite the somewhat reductionist ralists turned to documenting “forms of social
cast of the model, these pioneering studies es- regulation that draw on the symbols of the law,
tablished the key insights of legal pluralism: a to a greater or lesser extent, but that operate
recognition that multiple normative orders ex- in its shadows, its parking lots, and even down
ist and a focus on the dialectical interaction the street in mediation offices” (Merry 1988,
between and among these normative orders p. 874).
(Merry 1988, p. 873). Meanwhile, scholars drawing more from po-
In the 1970s and 1980s, anthropological litical theory than from anthropology have long
scholars of pluralism complicated the picture focused on the fact that, prior to the rise of the
in three significant ways. First, they questioned state system, much lawmaking took place in au-
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the hierarchical model of one legal system sim- tonomous institutions and within smaller units
ply dominating the other and instead argued such as cities and guilds, while large geographic
that plural systems are often semiautonomous, areas remained largely unregulated [Ehrlich
by ARIZONA STATE UNIV. on 10/11/10. For personal use only.

operating within the framework of other legal 1936 (1962), von Gierke 1934, von Gierke &
fields but not entirely governed by them (Moore Heiman 1977]. And, like the anthropologists,
1973, Kidder 1979). As Sally Engle Merry re- these researchers observed a wide range of non-
counts, this was an extraordinarily powerful state lawmaking even in modern nation-states:
conceptual move because it placed “at the cen- in tribal or ethnic enclaves (Weyrauch & Bell
ter of investigation the relationship between the 1993), religious organizations (Weisbrod 1980),
official legal system and other forms of ordering corporate bylaws, social customs (Fuller 1968),
that connect with but are in some ways separate private regulatory bodies, and various groups,
from and dependent on it” (Merry 1988, p. 873). associations, and nonstate institutions (Laski
Second, scholars began to conceptualize the in- 1919, Ellickson 1991, Macaulay 1963). As these
teraction between legal systems as bidirectional, studies make clear, “private, closely knit, ho-
with each influencing (and helping to consti- mogenous microsocieties can create their own
tute) the other (Fitzpatrick 1984). This was a norms that at times trump state law and at
distinct shift from the early studies, which had other times fill lacuna[e] in state regulation,
tended only to investigate ways in which state but nonetheless operate autonomously” (Levit
law penetrated and changed indigenous systems 2005, p. 184).
and not the other way round. Third, scholars More recently, a new group of legal plu-
defined the idea of a legal system sufficiently ralists has emerged under the rubric of social
broadly to include many types of nonofficial norms theory. Interestingly, however, these
normative ordering, and they therefore argued scholars rarely refer to the anthropologists
that such legal subgroups operate not only in and political theorists who have long explored
colonial societies, but in advanced industrial- pluralism, perhaps because social norms theory
ized settings as well (Merry 1988, pp. 870–71). has emerged as a branch of behavioral law and
Of course, finding nonstate forms of norma- economics. The study of social norms, in its
tive ordering is sometimes more difficult out- broadest formulation, focuses on the variety of
side the colonial context because there is no “rules and standards that define the limits of
obvious indigenous system, and the less formal acceptable behavior”; such social norms “may
ordering structures tend to “blend more read- be the product of custom and usage, organiza-
ily into the landscape” (Merry 1988, p. 873). tional affiliations, consensual undertakings and
Thus, pluralists argued that, in order to see individual conscience” ( Jones 1994, p. 545). In
nonstate law, scholars would first need to re- addition, “norm entrepreneurs,” defined as in-
ject what John Griffiths called “the ideology of dividuals or groups that try to influence popular

228 Berman
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opinion in order to inculcate a social norm, legal authority, although those effects are some-
may consciously try to mobilize social pressure times deemed binding, are sometimes consid-
to sustain or create social norms (Nadelmann ered merely persuasive, and often fall some-
1990, Finnemore & Sikkink 1998). And while where between the two. Finally, nonstate legal
some pluralists think that this broader category (or quasi-legal) norms continue to add to the
of social norms dilutes legal pluralism’s historic pluralism of the global arena. Given increased
focus on more stable religious, ethnic, or tribal migration and global communication, it is not
groupings (Tamanaha 1993, Dane 1991), social surprising that people feel ties to, and act based
norms theory has the benefit of including on affiliations with, multiple communities in
larger transnational communities that may addition to their territorial ones. Such com-
be based on long-term rhetorical persuasion munities may be ethnic, religious, or epistemic,
rather than on face-to-face interaction. In- transnational, subnational, or international, and
deed, social norms theory tends to emphasize the norms asserted by such communities fre-
Annu. Rev. Law. Soc. Sci. 2009.5:225-242. Downloaded from

the process whereby norms are internalized quently challenge territorially based authority.
through guilt, self-bereavement, a sense of These nonstate legal regimes often influence
duty, and a desire for esteem, or simply by (or are incorporated into) state or international
by ARIZONA STATE UNIV. on 10/11/10. For personal use only.

slowly altering categories of thought and the regimes (Levit 2005, Weisbrod 1999).
set of taken-for-granted ideas that constitute Interestingly, for a long time social scien-
one’s sense of the way things are.3 tists paid little attention to these various forms
In part because legal pluralists of all stripes of global legal pluralism, perhaps for the same
have seen themselves in opposition to so-called reason as international relations realists: They
legal centralists, who focus on formal state law, did not see international law as “real” law wor-
there has historically been little space within thy of study. Thus, just as realist scholars treated
the pluralist literature for examining state-to- international law merely as an epiphenomenon
state relations. Yet jurisdictional overlap of a of political power, social scientists—with some
sort that is very familiar to scholars of plural- exceptions, of course—saw no formal mecha-
ism is now a staple of the global legal arena. nisms of coercive enforcement and therefore
The growth of global communications tech- tended to train their gaze on domestic impo-
nologies, the rise of multinational corporate en- sition of (and resistance to) normative orders.
tities with no significant territorial center of In addition, some social scientists may have re-
gravity, and the mobility of capital and peo- flexively resisted the claims of international law,
ple across borders mean that many jurisdictions viewing such claims as hegemonic impositions
will feel effects of activities around the globe, of Western norms onto indigenous communi-
which will inevitably lead to multiple assertions ties. Accordingly, global legal pluralism has at-
of legal authority over the same act, without re- tracted legal scholars at least as much as it has
gard to territorial location. In addition, nation- attracted social scientists. It is to this new body
states must also often share legal authority with of scholarship that this review now turns.
one or more international and regional courts,
tribunals, and regulatory entities. Indeed, the
Project on International Courts and Tribunals THE RISE OF GLOBAL
( has identified ap- LEGAL PLURALISM
proximately 125 international institutions, all Those who study international public and
issuing decisions that have some effect on state private law have not, historically, paid much
attention to legal pluralism [although there
have certainly been exceptions (e.g., Kingsbury
See studies of legal consciousness (e.g., Ewick & Silbey 1998)]. This is because the emphasis tradition-
1998) and of the way in which legal consciousness research
can inform our understanding of how international law can ally has been on state-to-state relations. Indeed,
be effective even without coercive sanctions (Berman 2006). international law has generally emphasized • The New Legal Pluralism 229

ANRV392-LS05-11 ARI 24 September 2009 19:10

bilateral and multilateral treaties between and increasing attention to the important—though
among states, the activities of the United sometimes inchoate—processes of interna-
Nations, the pronouncements of international tional norm development (Berman 2005,
tribunals, and (somewhat more controversially) pp. 488–89). Such processes inevitably lead
the norms that states had obeyed long enough scholars to consider overlapping transnational
that such norms could be deemed customary. jurisdictional assertions by nation-states, as
This was a legal universe with two guiding prin- well as norms articulated by international bod-
ciples. First, law was deemed to reside only ies, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs),
in the acts of official, state-sanctioned entities. multinational corporations and industry
Second, law was seen as an exclusive function groups, indigenous communities, transnational
of state sovereignty.4 terrorists, networks of activists, and so on.
Both principles, however, have eroded over In this consideration, U.S. scholars of global
time. The rise of a conception of international legal pluralism have hearkened back to the in-
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human rights in the post–World War II era sights of Robert Cover. Like other legal plural-
transformed individuals into international ists, Cover refused to privilege the legitimacy
law stakeholders possessing their own entitle- or authority of state lawmaking as compared to
by ARIZONA STATE UNIV. on 10/11/10. For personal use only.

ments against the state. But even apart from other normative communities. Thus, he argued
individual empowerment, scholars have more that “all collective behavior entailing systematic
recently come to recognize the myriad ways understandings of our commitments to future
in which the prerogatives of nation-states are worlds [can lay] equal claim to the word ‘law’”
cabined by transnational and international (Cover 1992, p. 176). This formulation deliber-
actors. Whereas F.A. Mann (1984, p. 20) could ately denies the nation-state any special status
confidently state in 1984 that “laws extend so as a lawgiver. According to Cover, although
far as, but no further than the sovereignty of
the State which puts them into force,” many the status of such “official” behavior and
international law scholars have argued, at least “official” norms is not denied the dignity of
since the end of the Cold War, that such a nar- “law” . . . it must share the dignity with thou-
row view of how law operates transnationally is sands of other social understandings. In each
inadequate. Thus, the past 20 years have seen case the question of what is law and for whom
is a question of fact about what certain com-
munities believe and with what commitments
Of course, this is an oversimplified vision of international to those beliefs (Cover 1992, p. 176).
law. Nonstate sources—including the idea of natural law
itself—have long played a key role in the development of in- Of course, Cover was not blind to the fact
ternational legal principles. Indeed, prior to Bentham, these
nonstate sources, including the universal common law of jus that some lawgivers wield the power of coer-
gentium, were arguably far more important than the norms cive violence. Indeed, Cover frequently sought
generated by states (Koh 1997, p. 2604). For example, during to make judges more aware of the violence
the Middle Ages, treaties—which are usually viewed today as
the positive law of state interaction—were deemed subject to they do, going so far as to say that judges
the overarching jurisdiction of the church because they were are inevitably “people of violence.” Cover ar-
sealed by oaths. Even later, no less a theorist than Vattel, gued that “[b]ecause of the violence they com-
while repudiating natural law’s religious underpinnings, con-
tinued to ground international law in the laws of nature (de mand, judges characteristically do not create
Vattel 1797). In the nineteenth century, although positivism law, but kill it. Theirs is the jurispathic office”
reigned both in the United States and abroad, transnational (Cover 1983, p. 53). In this vision, judges use
nonstate actors nevertheless played important roles. Natural
law principles continue to undergird many international law the force of the state to crush competing legal
doctrines, such as jus cogens norms ( Janis 2003). Thus, the conceptions pushed by alternative normative
focus on nonstate norm generation is not a new phenomenon, communities.
but I argue that it is reemerging as a significant branch of
scholarship within international law and that it may even call At the same time, Cover’s vision opens up the
for a reclassification of international law itself. possibility of creative alternatives because he

230 Berman
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located within legal forms a space for resistance, The importance of multiple jurisdictional
contestation, and adaptation. For example, in assertions is a key part of Cover’s (1981) es-
his one foray into international law, he acknowl- say, “The Uses of Jurisdictional Redundancy.”
edged that the Nuremberg War Crimes trials Although this essay was focused on the variety
were a form of victors’ justice (Cover 1992, of official law pronouncers in the U.S. federal
pp. 196–97). However, he then argued that, system, Cover celebrated the benefits that ac-
once the legal form of having trials for crimes crue from having multiple overlapping jurisdic-
against humanity was created, this form could tional assertions. Such benefits included greater
be appropriated by other normative communi- possibility for error correction, a more robust
ties and used against the powerful. Thus, he de- field for norm articulation, and a larger space
scribed the trial of the Vietnam War organized for creative innovation. And though Cover ac-
by Bertrand Russell and Jean-Paul Sartre as an knowledged that it might seem perverse “to
attempt to appropriate the Nuremberg form. seek out a messy and indeterminate end to con-
Annu. Rev. Law. Soc. Sci. 2009.5:225-242. Downloaded from

Moreover, Cover acknowledged the impact of flicts which may be tied neatly together by a
legal enunciations, whether state based or not, single authoritative verdict,” he nevertheless ar-
on legal consciousness. He therefore defended gued that we should “embrace” a system “that
by ARIZONA STATE UNIV. on 10/11/10. For personal use only.

the Nuremberg trials based on “the capacity of permits tensions and conflicts of the social or-
the event to project a new legal meaning into the der” to be played out in the jurisdictional struc-
future.” Such legal meaning was then available ture of the system (1981, p. 682). Thus, Cover’s
for others to use and build upon in subsequent pluralism, though here focused on U.S. feder-
iterations. alism, can be said to embrace the creative pos-
Finally, Cover identified jurisdictional poli- sibilities inherent in multiple overlapping ju-
tics as an important locus for the clash of norma- risdictions asserted by both state and nonstate
tive visions. According to Cover, law is “a bridge entities in whatever context they arise.
in normative space” that “connects the world- Although Cover, like other legal pluralists,
that-is . . . with worlds-that-might-be” (Cover focused primarily on domestic legal processes,
1992, p. 176). Indeed, he made clear that it is his insights have proved to be inspirational to
in the assertion of jurisdiction itself that these succeeding generations of scholars considering
norm-generating communities seize the lan- the role that plural sources of norms can play
guage of law and articulate visions of future in the international and transnational sphere.
worlds. If jurisdiction is, literally, the ability to For example, in the 1990s Harold Hongju Koh
speak as a community, then, he suggested, we tackled the perennial question of why states
can begin to develop a “natural law of jurisdic- obey international law even in the absence (usu-
tion” (Cover 1983, p. 58), in which communi- ally) of obviously coercive sanctions. In a se-
ties claim the authority to use the language of ries of influential articles, Koh (1996, 1997,
law based on a right or entitlement that is sep- 1998, 1999) identified what he called “transna-
arate from the particular sovereignties of the tional legal process,” which emphasizes itera-
present moment. Such jurisdictional assertions tive practices of states that are spurred by norm
are significant because, even though they lack entrepreneurs both inside and outside govern-
coercive power, they open a space for the ar- ments and that become habitual over time. Sig-
ticulation of legal norms that are often subse- nificantly, the major innovation of Koh’s vision
quently incorporated into official legal regimes. was that it wedded a process-based focus on
Indeed, once we recognize that the state does norm articulation to a Cover-like embrace of
not hold a monopoly on the articulation and the potentially jurisgenerative power of inter-
exercise of legal norms, then we can see law as national and transnational legal norms. Cover
a terrain of engagement, where various com- had defined jurisgenerative processes as those
munities debate different visions of alternative in which interpretive “communities do create
futures. law and do give meaning to law through their • The New Legal Pluralism 231

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narratives and precepts” (Cover 1983, p. 40). a monolithic entity, but rather a collection of
Koh invoked this jurisgenerative role of inter- interests. Similarly, local norms are always con-
national and transnational law in multiple ar- tested, even within their communities (Sunder
ticles. Thus, by deploying Cover’s pluralism, 2003), and local actors may well invoke non-
transnational legal process emerged as a way local norms for strategic or political advantage
to explain the impact of international law even (Merry & Stern 2005) or “vernacularize” them
when it was not backed by obvious coercive for a local audience (Merry & Goodale 2007). In
power. addition, local actors deploying or resisting na-
Building further on Koh’s approach has re- tional or international norms may well subvert
quired scholars to delve deeper into legal plu- or transform them, and the resulting transfor-
ralism and to take its insights even more firmly mation is sure to seep back up so that, over
to heart. Although Koh’s transnational legal time, the international norm is transformed as
process framework ushered in an influential well (Rajagopal 2003, 2005; de Sousa Santos &
Annu. Rev. Law. Soc. Sci. 2009.5:225-242. Downloaded from

perspective on international law, that frame- Rodriguez Garavito 2005). And on and on.
work is now being expanded in significant ways, Thus, the local, the national, and the in-
reflecting an ever-deepening pluralist orienta- ternational are all constantly shifting concepts
by ARIZONA STATE UNIV. on 10/11/10. For personal use only.

tion. In the following subsections, I briefly de- (Benhabib 2008, p. 74). Accordingly, scholars of
scribe some of the sites of study for a plural- global legal pluralism study the back and forth
ist approach. This new scholarship, as I have of the feedback loops: How do local actors ac-
argued elsewhere (Berman 2005), begins to cess the power of NGOs? How do global scripts
turn the focus of inquiry from international get replayed in local contexts? How are gov-
law—traditionally conceived as state-to-state ernmental and foundation funding decisions
interactions—to law and globalization, a more made, and how do funding priorities affect the
multivalent study. projects undertaken around the world? How
are global norms deployed locally? Are local
concerns strategically transformed by elected
The Multidirectional Interaction elites at the national and international level?
of Local, National, and International How do UN bureaucracies foster the creation
Norms of a cadre of local actors who are more aligned
Both international law triumphalists and inter- with other UN officials than with those in their
national law critics tend to share a top-down vi- home countries? What role do Western univer-
sion of international law. From this perspective, sities play in the creation of national and local
international norms are imposed on nation- norms given that many local elites are educated
states or local actors, and the challenge (or the abroad? Only through a more fine-grained, nu-
fear) is the degree to which various popula- anced understanding of the way legal norms
tions imbibe the international norm. Even the are passed on from one group to the other and
transnational legal process paradigm, although then transformed before spreading back again
it acknowledges an important role for nonstate can scholars begin to approach the multifaceted
norm entrepreneurs, tends to focus ultimately ways in which legal norms develop.
on the ways in which state actors internal-
ize international norms, thereby emphasizing a
top-down model. Nonstate International Lawmaking
This top-down conception, however, A more pluralist account of international law
captures only part of the picture of how law also recognizes the wide variety of nonstate
operates globally. After all, nation-state bureau- actors engaged in the establishment of norms
cracies may imbibe institutional roles from one that operate internationally and transnation-
another (Goodman & Jinks 2004). Moreover, ally. For example, as Levit (2005) has noted in
the so-called international community is not the context of transnational trade finance, rules

232 Berman
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embodied in various informal standards, pro- Investment Disputes between States and Na-
cedures, and agreements that bind banks and tionals of Other States permits private creditors
credit agencies have the force of law even with- to sue debtor states in an international forum.
out any official governmental involvement. She Similarly, the Convention on the International
also points out that more formal lawmaking Sale of Goods allows transacting parties to
institutions such as the World Trade Organi- opt out of any nation-state law and instead to
zation (WTO) have, over time, appropriated choose a sort of merchant law reminiscent of
these norms into their official legal instruments. the feudal era’s lex mercatoria (Gillette 2004).
In some circumstances, official legal actors Accordingly, a more comprehensive concep-
may delegate lawmaking authority to nonstate tion of the global legal order must attend to
entities or recognize the efficacy of nonstate the jurisdictional assertions and articulations of
norms. For example, commercial litigation, legal (or quasi-legal) norms by nonsovereign
particularly in the international arena, increas- communities. Such jurisdictional assertions are
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ingly takes place before nonstate arbitral panels significant because, although they often lack
(Dezalay & Garth 1996). Likewise, nongovern- state-backed coercive power, they may in fact
mental standard-setting bodies, from Under- carry real coercive force, and even when they do
by ARIZONA STATE UNIV. on 10/11/10. For personal use only.

writers Laboratories, Inc. (which tests electrical not have any coercive force at all they may open
and other equipment) to the Motion Picture As- a space for the articulation of legal norms that
sociation of America (which rates the content of are often subsequently incorporated into offi-
films) to the Internet Corporation for Assigned cial legal regimes. Thus, as Cover recognized,
Names and Numbers (which administers the law is not simply a mechanism of state control;
Internet domain-name system), construct de- it is also a locus for various communities to ad-
tailed normative systems with the effect of law. vance alternative visions.
Meanwhile, regulation of much financial mar-
ket activity is left to private authorities such as
stock markets or trade associations like the Na- Dialectical Legal Interactions
tional Association of Securities Dealers. These As noted above, some scholars of international
international trade-association groups and their law fail to find real law there because they
private standard-setting bodies wield tremen- are looking for hierarchically based commands
dous influence in creating voluntary standards backed by coercive power. In contrast, those
that become industry norms. who take a pluralist approach understand that
The proliferation of international tribunals interactions among various tribunals and reg-
also, of course, creates the opportunity for plu- ulatory authorities are more likely to take on a
ral norm creation. Thus, commentators have dialectical quality that is neither the direct hier-
noted the increasing role of WTO appellate tri- archical review traditionally undertaken by ap-
bunals in creating an international common law pellate courts nor simply the dialogue that often
of trade (Bhala 1998/1999), as well as the new occurs under the doctrine of comity (Ahdieh
prominence of other specialized trade courts 2004). In the international context, for exam-
developed in connection with free trade agree- ple, we may see treaty-based courts exert an
ments (Ahdieh 2004). Moreover, although only important influence even as national courts re-
state parties can be formal litigants in the WTO tain formal independence, much as U.S. fed-
dispute-resolution process, free trade panels eral courts exercising habeas corpus jurisdiction
permit private parties to challenge domestic may well influence state court interpretations of
governmental regulations directly. In addi- U.S. constitutional norms in criminal cases. In
tion, a number of international conventions, turn, the decisions of national courts may also
although signed by state parties, empower pri- come to influence international tribunals.
vate actors to develop international norms. For This dialectical relationship, if it emerges,
example, the Convention on the Settlement of will exist without an official hierarchical • The New Legal Pluralism 233

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relationship based on coercive power. For ex- the person who posts the content be required
ample, in 2003 a North American Free Trade to conform her activities to the norms of the
Agreement (NAFTA) panel determined that most restrictive community of readers? Al-
a particular Mississippi state appellate proce- ternatively, will the restrictive community of
dure violated international norms of due pro- readers, which has adopted a norm regarding
cess and constituted an unfair trade practice. Internet content, be subjected to the proscribed
In future Mississippi cases concerning the same material regardless of its wishes? The answers
procedure, the state court will therefore face a to these questions depend both on whether the
form of choice-of-law decision, with the state community of readers asserts the jurisdictional
court determining what weight to give the authority to impose its norms on the foreign
NAFTA tribunal action. Likewise, within the content provider and whether the home coun-
European Union, we see a similar dialectical try of the content provider chooses to recog-
dance between the European Court of Hu- nize the norms imposed (Berman 2002). Cross-
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man Rights and the various state constitutional border environmental (Sands 2001, Osofsky
courts (Krisch 2008). And of course court-to- 2007, Osofsky & Levit 2008) and trade regula-
court dialectical regulation is only the tip of tion (Ahdieh 2004, Trujillo 2007) raises similar
by ARIZONA STATE UNIV. on 10/11/10. For personal use only.

the iceberg, as transnational and intersystemic issues.

regulation (both within and among states) takes Just as local communities affected by dis-
on a similar dialectical dynamic (Ahdieh 2006, tant corporate activity may seek to assert juris-
Burke-White 2004). diction over those allegedly causing the harm,
corporations may seek to avoid local jurisdic-
tion by invoking the competing jurisdiction of
Conflicts of Law international tribunals. For example, as noted
More than 15 years ago, German theorist above, under NAFTA and other similar agree-
Gunther Teubner (1993) called for the creation ments special panels can pass judgment on the
of an “intersystemic conflicts law” derived not due process provided in local legal proceed-
just from collisions among the nation-states of ings. Although these panels cannot directly re-
public international law, but from what he de- view or overturn local judgments, they can levy
scribed as “collisions between distinct global fines against the federal government signato-
social sectors.” Since then, the web of intersys- ries to the agreement, thereby undermining
temic lawmaking Teubner described has only the impact of the local judgment. Meanwhile,
grown more complex. In a world of extrater- in the realm of human rights, criminal defen-
ritorial and nonterritorial effects, local popula- dants convicted in state courts in the United
tions increasingly attempt to assert dominion States have proceeded (through their govern-
(or, in legal terms, jurisdiction) over territori- ments) to the International Court of Justice
ally distant acts or actors. At the same time, (ICJ) to argue that they were denied the right
nonlocal actors invoke the jurisdiction of in- to contact their consulate, as required by treaty.
ternational or transnational tribunals in order Again, although the ICJ judgments are tech-
to avoid the consequences of local legal pro- nically unenforceable in the United States, at
ceedings. In both circumstances, battles over least one state court followed the ICJ’s com-
globalization are often fought on the terrain of mand anyway (Berman 2008). In a similar vein,
conflict of laws. the very creation of a commission of inquiry
For example, online communication creates (Dickinson 2003) or the mere assertion of ju-
the possibility (and perhaps even the likeli- risdiction in one place over an alleged human
hood) that content posted online by a person rights abuser elsewhere (Burke-White 2008)
in one physical location will violate the law in can spur activity in the abuser’s home commu-
some other physical location. This poses an nity, thereby sparking greater possibilities for
inevitable problem of extraterritoriality. Will enforcement.

234 Berman
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In each of these circumstances, we see a di- course, within a single, relatively homogenous
alectical dance arising from the fact that multi- country, the idea of one state enforcing another
ple communities are asserting jurisdiction over state’s judgment does not seem so significant be-
the same activities. Such dances are likely to cause the variations from state to state are likely
become the norm as a variety of communities to be relatively minor. In contrast, transnational
claim an interest in regulating distant behavior recognition of judgments is more controversial.
having extraterritorial effects or as parties claim Yet, although the decision to enforce a
a community affiliation beyond the local. Thus, judgment surely is less automatic when the
there is an increasing global instantiation of the judgment at issue is rendered by a foreign
jurisdictional redundancy Cover celebrated in (or international) tribunal, many of the same
the domestic realm (Resnik 2006; 2008a,b,c). principles are still relevant. Thus, courts could
All of these extraterritorial jurisdictional as- acknowledge the importance of participating
sertions inevitably increase the pressure on in an interlocking legal system, where litigants
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choice-of-law doctrines as well. For example, cannot simply avoid unpleasant judgments by
Chander (2001) has observed that many mem- relocating. Moreover, deference to other law-
bers of the Indian-American diaspora purchase making bodies has long-term reciprocal bene-
by ARIZONA STATE UNIV. on 10/11/10. For personal use only.

bonds issued by their home country. The pur- fits. Particularly when the parties have no signif-
chase of these bonds obviously reflects the en- icant affiliation with the enforcing community,
during tie these members of the Indian dias- there is little reason for a court to insist on
pora have to their homeland. Thus, one might following domestic public policies in the face of
argue that, even when the bonds are purchased such competing conflicts values and therefore
in the United States, the purchases should be deny enforcement. And although the doctrine
governed by Indian, rather than U.S., securities of comity has long been used to capture these
laws because the bond sale reflects a substan- values, thinking of the issue as a matter of judg-
tive (and voluntary) tie between the purchasers ment recognition (instead of comity) may dis-
and the Indian government. Likewise, multina- courage courts from reflexively invoking public
tional copyright disputes could be adjudicated policy to avoid unpopular foreign judgments.
through the application of hybrid legal norms In any event, it is clear that, in a world of
drawn from a variety of relevant countries plural normative assertions, one crucial ques-
(Dinwoodie 2000). tion will be whether a community’s articulation
Meanwhile, a fluidly plural system makes it of norms is sufficiently persuasive to convince
more likely that authorities in one territorial those wielding coercive power to enforce such
location will be asked to enforce a judgment norms. For example, if a community purports
issued elsewhere. Or, particularly in multieth- to adjudicate a dispute, its judgment is not nec-
nic states, there may be a variety of conflict- essarily self-executing, particularly if the losing
ing adjudicatory authorities within the same party is territorially distant. Thus, some en-
state, and the question becomes whether the tity with police power must enforce the judg-
different authorities will at least recognize one ment. Accordingly, the question becomes not
another’s judgments, even without recognizing whether a community can assert jurisdiction,
each other’s legitimacy (Baylis 2007). The cri- but whether other communities are willing to
teria for making these sorts of enforcement de- give deference to the judgment rendered and
cisions are uncertain and likely to change over enforce it as if it were their own. Indeed, as
time. Within the United States, the Constitu- Cover himself acknowledged (1992, p. 187),
tion’s Full Faith and Credit Clause (Article IV, even at the moment that a community daringly
Section 1) requires that a valid judgment is- asserts its own legal jurisdiction, it is immedi-
sued by one state be enforced by every other ately forced to acknowledge that its invention
state even if the judgment being enforced would is limited by the willingness of others to accept
be illegal if issued by the rendering state. Of the judgment as normatively legitimate. Such • The New Legal Pluralism 235

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jurisdictional politics form an inevitable part of articulated, deployed, changed, and resisted in
a global system less defined by Westphalian de- thousands of different local settings. Such stud-
lineations of authority based on clear territorial ies focus on the extent to which such norms have
boundaries. real impact on the ground. Therefore, a plural-
ist approach provides an important alternative
The Disaggregation of the State both to traditional doctrinal international law
and to rational choice and realist models of law’s
One of the reasons that it is so important to
conceive of law beyond the state level is that the
state itself is increasingly delegating authority
to private actors who exist in a shadowy world ADVANTAGES OF A PLURALIST
of quasi-public/quasi-private authority. The is- APPROACH AND RESPONSES
sue of private parties exercising forms of gov- TO CRITICISMS
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ernmentally authorized power has long been a

As discussed above, legal pluralism can help
subject of U.S. constitutional law jurisprudence
international law find a more comprehensive
and scholarship, but international law schol-
framework for conceptualizing the clash of
by ARIZONA STATE UNIV. on 10/11/10. For personal use only.

ars are only just beginning to consider such is-

normative communities in the modern world.
sues. Thus, for example, Singer (2003) notes
Consider, for example, Sally Falk Moore’s idea
that many military activities—including com-
of the “semiautonomous social field,” which she
bat, surveillance, training, and interrogation
describes as one that
functions—are increasingly being contracted
out to private companies. Yet both domestic and
can generate rules and customs and symbols
international accountability mechanisms have
internally, but that . . . is also vulnerable to
historically been premised on such roles be-
rules and decisions and other forces emanat-
ing played by governmental actors. Meanwhile,
ing from the larger world by which it is sur-
the literature on privatization in the domestic
rounded. The semiautonomous social field has
context often focuses on the U.S. constitutional
rule-making capacities, and the means to in-
doctrines of “state action” or nondelegation of
duce or coerce compliance; but it is simulta-
congressional authority to administrative agen-
neously set in a larger social matrix which can,
cies. Neither of these analytical frameworks is
and does, affect and invade it, sometimes at
precisely applicable to the international context
the invitation of persons inside it, sometimes
(Dickinson 2010). Likewise, studies of transna-
at its own instance (Moore 1973, p. 720).
tional regulatory networks, intersystemic reg-
ulation, and the role of NGOs and industry
Notice that, following Moore’s idea, we can
standards in shaping norms reflect the growing
conceive of a legal system as both autonomous
disaggregation of state-based governance mod-
and permeable; outside norms affect the system
els. Thus, over the coming decades, a plural-
but do not dominate it fully. The framework
ist approach to international law will undoubt-
thus captures a dialectical and iterative inter-
edly explore the many ramifications of this new
play that we see among normative communities
trend in governance.
in the international system, an interplay that
Obviously, this quick survey does not even rigidly territorialist or positivist visions of legal
begin to describe the range of inquiries opened authority do not address.
up, or illuminated, by a global legal plural- Even more fundamentally, legal pluralists
ist framework. But perhaps most fundamen- have observed ways in which state law and other
tally, no matter what the particular object of normative orders mutually constitute one an-
study may be, a pluralist account encourages a other. Thus, for example, the family and its le-
more microempirical analysis of how transna- gal order are obviously shaped by the state, but
tional, international, and nonstate norms are the state in turn is shaped by the family and its

236 Berman
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legal order because each is part of the other commitments, not their formal status. Thus, we
(Fitzpatrick 1984). And although pluralists can resist positivist reductionism and set nation-
historically focused primarily on the state’s rela- state law within a broader context. Moreover, an
tionship to internal nonstate law within its bor- emphasis on social norms allows us to see more
ders, the framework is equally cogent in study- readily how nonstate legal orders can have sig-
ing external dialectical interactions both with nificant impact on the world. After all, if a state-
other states and with various international or ment of norms is ultimately internalized by a
transnational legal communities. Indeed, recent population, that statement will have important
international law scholarship emphasizes ways binding force, often even more so than a for-
in which states are changed simply by the fact mal law backed by state sanction. Accordingly,
that they are part of an international network of by taking pluralism seriously we can more easily
states (Goodman & Jinks 2004). Such an insight understand how the contest over norms creates
echoes pluralism’s coconstitutive approach. legitimacy over time, and we can put to rest
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In addition, pluralism offers possibilities for the idea that norms not associated with nation-
thinking about spaces of resistance to state law. states necessarily lack significance. Indeed, le-
Indeed, by recognizing at least the semiauton- gal pluralists refuse to focus solely on who has
by ARIZONA STATE UNIV. on 10/11/10. For personal use only.

omy of conflicting legal orders, pluralism nec- the formal authority to articulate norms or the
essarily examines limits to the ideological power coercive power to enforce them. Instead, they
of state legal pronouncements. Pluralists do not aim to study empirically which statements of
deny the significance of state law and coercive authority tend to be treated as binding in actual
power, of course, but they do try to identify practice and by whom.
places where state law does not penetrate or Of course, there are differences among
penetrates only partially, and where alternative forms of ordering, particularly given that some
forms of ordering persist to provide opportuni- legal forms have coercive state power behind
ties for resistance, contestation, and alternative them while others do not. Also, disparities in
vision. Such an approach encourages interna- political and economic power strongly affect
tional law scholars to treat the multiple sites of how much influence any particular normative
normative authority in the global legal system as community is likely to have. But even those
a set of inevitable interactions to be managed, differences are not completely determinative.
not as a problem to be solved. And again, al- After all, even if formal legal institutions have a
though pluralists historically studied only non- near monopoly on legitimate use of force, there
state alternatives to state power, the interna- are many other forms of effective coercion and
tional law context adds state-to-state relations inducement wielded by nonstate actors (Weber
and their overlapping jurisdictional assertions 1954). In addition, official legal rules that are
to the mix, providing yet another set of pos- contrary to prevailing customary or community
sible alternative normative communities to the norms often have little or no real-world effect,
web of pluralist interactions. at least not without the willingness (or capa-
Finally, pluralism frees scholars from need- bility) of coercive bodies to exercise sustained
ing an essentialist definition of law. For ex- force to impose such rules. Thus, obedience to
ample, with legal pluralism as our analytical norms frequently reflects sociopolitical reality
frame, we can get beyond the endless debates more than the status of those norms as law. As a
both about whether international law is law at result, “[d]efining the essence of law or custom
all and whether it has any real effect. Indeed, is less valuable than situating these concepts in
the whole debate about law versus nonlaw is particular sets of relations between particular
largely irrelevant in a pluralist context because legal orders, in particular historical contexts”
the key questions involve the normative com- (Merry 1988, p. 889).
mitments of a community and the interactions In any event, the important point is that
among normative orders that give rise to such scholars studying the global legal scene need • The New Legal Pluralism 237

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not rehash long and ultimately fruitless de- Likewise, a sovereigntist rejection of foreign,
bates (both in philosophy and in anthropol- international, or nonstate influence and author-
ogy) about what constitutes law. They can in- ity is unlikely to be fully successful in a world
stead take a nonessentialist position: treating as of global interaction and cross-border activity.
law that which people view as law (Tamanaha Indeed, seen from the point of view of U.S. his-
2000). This formulation turns the what-is-law torical practice, “sovereigntists have a dismal
question into a descriptive inquiry concern- track record, in that American law is constantly
ing which social norms are recognized as au- being made and remade through exchanges,
thoritative sources of obligation and by whom. some frank and some implicit, with normative
Indeed, the question of what constitutes law is views from abroad. Laws, like people, migrate.
itself revealed as a terrain of contestation among Legal borders, like physical ones, are perme-
multiple actors (Nader 2002). able, and seepage is everywhere” (Resnik 2008a,
Interestingly, global legal pluralism has been pp. 63–64). Accordingly, instead of bemoaning
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criticized both by committed international law either the fragmentation of law or the messi-
proponents and by committed nation-state ness of jurisdictional overlaps, we should ac-
sovereigntists. For those who have worked for cept them as necessary consequences of the fact
by ARIZONA STATE UNIV. on 10/11/10. For personal use only.

decades trying to convince governments, policy that communities can be neither homogenized
makers, and populations to treat international into a single universal collective nor hermeti-
legal rules as authoritative and hierarchically cally sealed off from one another.
binding positive law, a pluralist framework More normatively, we can go further and
may seem to undermine their efforts (e.g., consider the possibility that this jurisdictional
Koskenniemi 2006). Even those less committed messiness may, in the end, provide impor-
to international norms and institutions as a tant systemic benefits by fostering dialogue
philosophical matter may nevertheless seek among multiple constituencies, authorities, lev-
universal harmonization of norms in order to els of government, and nonstate communi-
simplify the seeming chaos of pluralism (e.g., ties (Berman 2007). In addition, jurisdictional
Bhagwati 1996, pp. 32–34). Sovereigntists, for redundancy allows alternative ports of entry
their part, seek to draw clear lines of demar- for strategic actors who might otherwise be
cation between spheres of authority and worry, silenced. Thus, following the insights of le-
on both a practical and a philosophical level, gal pluralism, we may view normative conflict
about the influence of norms not adopted by a among multiple, overlapping legal systems as
governmental unit within a polity [e.g., Posner not only unavoidable but sometimes even de-
& Sunstein 2006, p. 133 (citing articles)]. sirable, both as a source of alternative ideas and
In response to these concerns, pluralists of- as a site for discussion about community def-
fer answers that are both descriptive and nor- inition and creative innovation. Accordingly,
mative. As a descriptive matter, pluralists argue instead of trying to stifle legal conflict either
that legal fragmentation and the contest among through a reimposition of territorialist pre-
plural sources of norms are not realities that a rogative or through universalist harmonization
hierarchically situated actor can choose to per- schemes, communities might seek (and increas-
mit or reject; pluralism is simply a fact because ingly are creating) a wide variety of procedu-
multiple communities assert norms that have ral mechanisms and institutions for managing,
impact. Thus, regardless of what international without eliminating, pluralism. Such mecha-
law proponents say, there will always be re- nisms and institutions may help mediate con-
sistance to universal norms because there are flicts by recognizing that multiple communi-
multiple communities with different normative ties may legitimately wish to assert their norms
commitments. As a result, although harmoniza- over a given act or actor, seeking ways of rec-
tion regimes are certainly important and influ- onciling competing norms, and deferring to
ential, they will never occupy the entire field. other approaches if possible. Moreover, when

238 Berman
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deference is impossible (because some instances for conceptualizing the multiple conflicting ju-
of legal pluralism are repressive, violent, and/or risdictional assertions (both state and nonstate)
profoundly illiberal), procedures for managing that characterize the global legal arena. By
pluralism can at least require an explanation. studying the many local settings in which the
Although it is beyond the scope of this re- norms of multiple communities—geographical,
view to engage in a more detailed discussion of ethnic, national, and epistemic—become oper-
the many such procedural mechanisms and in- ative, scholars can gain a far more nuanced un-
stitutions for managing pluralism currently in derstanding of the international and transna-
place,5 the crucial antecedent point is that, al- tional legal terrain. This is a world in which
though people may never reach agreement on claims to coercive power, abstract notions of
norms, they may at least acquiesce in proce- legitimacy, and arguments about legal author-
dures that take pluralism seriously, rather than ity are only part of an ongoing conversation,
ignoring it through assertions of territorially not the final determining factors. It is a world
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based power or dissolving it through universal- in which jurisgenerative practices flower, creat-
ist imperatives. Processes for managing plural- ing opportunities for contestation and creative
ism seek to preserve the spaces of opportunity adaptation. And although we may not like all the
by ARIZONA STATE UNIV. on 10/11/10. For personal use only.

for contestation and local variation that legal norms being articulated at any given moment,
pluralists have long documented, and therefore it will do no good to ignore them or to insist on
a focus on pluralism may be both normatively their lack of authority. In a plural world, law is
preferable and more practical precisely because an ongoing process of articulation, adaptation,
agreement on substantive norms is so difficult. rearticulation, absorption, resistance, deploy-
ment, and on and on. It is a process that never
ends, and international law scholars would do
CONCLUSION well to study the multiplicity and engage in the
Although legal pluralism (and pluralist schol- conversation, rather than impose a top-down
arship) is clearly not new, only in recent years framework that cannot help but distort the as-
has pluralism come to be used as a framework tonishing variety of law on the ground.

The author is not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that might
be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

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Annual Review of
Law and Social

Contents Volume 5, 2009

Morality in the Law: The Psychological Foundations of Citizens’

Annu. Rev. Law. Soc. Sci. 2009.5:225-242. Downloaded from

Desires to Punish Transgressions

John M. Darley p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
by ARIZONA STATE UNIV. on 10/11/10. For personal use only.

Experimental Law and Economics

Rachel Croson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p25
The Challenge of Empirical Research on Business Compliance
in Regulatory Capitalism
Christine Parker and Vibeke Nielsen p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p45
Welfare, Workfare, and Citizenship in the Developed World
Joel F. Handler p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p71
Willpower and Legal Policy
Lee Anne Fennell p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p91
More Religion, Less Crime? Science, Felonies, and the
Three Faith Factors
John J. DiIulio, Jr. p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 115
The Political Economy of Prosecution
Sanford C. Gordon and Gregory A. Huber p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 135
Lineups and Eyewitness Identification
Amy-May Leach, Brian L. Cutler, and Lori Van Wallendael p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 157
Punitive Damages
Neil Vidmar and Matthew W. Wolfe p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 179
Does the Process of Constitution-Making Matter?
Tom Ginsburg, Zachary Elkins, and Justin Blount p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 201
The New Legal Pluralism
Paul Schiff Berman p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 225
Global Legal Pluralism
Ralf Michaels p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 243
Recursivity of Global Normmaking: A Sociolegal Agenda
Terence C. Halliday p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 263

AR392-FM ARI 30 September 2009 19:8

Rethinking Sovereignty in International Law

Antony Anghie p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 291
Does Torture Work? A Sociolegal Assessment of the Practice
in Historical and Global Perspective
Lisa Hajjar p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 311
The Empirical Study of Terrorism: Social and Legal Research
Gary LaFree and Gary Ackerman p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 347
Public Support for Civil Liberties Pre- and Post-9/11
John L. Sullivan and Henriët Hendriks p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 375
Annu. Rev. Law. Soc. Sci. 2009.5:225-242. Downloaded from

The Expanding Purview of Cultural Properties and Their Politics

Rosemary J. Coombe p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 393
by ARIZONA STATE UNIV. on 10/11/10. For personal use only.


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 1–5 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 413

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 1–5 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 415


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