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Republic of the Philippines

Region 02
Division of Quirino

Diffun National High School

Diffun Quirino

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade-9

Technology and Livelihood Education
Home Economics (Cookery)

At the end of the period/discussion the students are expected to:
a. identify the components of sandwich;
b. classify the ingredients of sandwich according to its components;
c. value the importance in choosing a good quality of ingredients;
d. perform/prepare a sandwich.


Topic: Components of Sandwich
References: LM-COOKERY G-9 pages 149-150
Materials: ingredients, tools, laptop, power point presentation, pictures

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminaries
a. Prayer
May we all stand and feel the presence of the Lord

b. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning ma’am!
How are you today? We are good/fine ma’am

c. Checking of attendance
Secretary who are absent today? No one ma’am
Nice! It’s good to be hear that your complete

d. Review of the past lesson

Last meeting we discussed about the two types of
sandwich. What are those two types of sandwich? The two types of sandwich are the Hot and Cold Sandwich
Kindly give an example of Hot Sandwich. Hamburger Sandwich ma’am
Very good!
How about the cold sandwich? What is the best
example of it? Clubhouse sandwich ma’am
B. Motivation
Class! All together kindly read what are posted in
front. Structure or Base
Moistening Agent
Thank you!
Inside the box there are different kinds of ingredients
of a sandwich. I need 10 representative students to pick
one ingredient and try to classify whether structure,
moistening agent or fillings to be posted in front.
(they are all done) Yes ma’am

Based on what posted in front the pork, ham, buns,

rolls etc.... what is your idea about our topic today?

Very good! Ingredients of sandwich ma’am/components of sandwich

C. Lesson Proper
Our topic today is all about the components of
sandwich. What is the first component of sandwich?
The first component of sandwich is the structure or base
Very good! ma’am.
Kindly read the definition of the first component.
Structure or base is the part upon which the other
Thank you! ingredients are placed.
The base normally consists of some form of bread or
dough product that is whole or sliced and that acts as the
carrier of the other ingredients.
Let’s check your answers under structure or base.

Now what is the second component of sandwich?

The next component of sandwich is the moistening agent
Thank you! ma’am.
Who wants to read the definition of it?
Moistening agent is meant to bind the sandwich providing
Thank you! an improvement of both flavour and texture.
In some cases, the moistening agent acts as the
protective layer between the filling and the structure.
Based on the definition itself, what ingredients do you
know that act as moistening agent?
Very good! What else? Mayonnaise ma’am
Yes! and many different kinds of spreads Butter ma’am
Let’s check your answer under moistening agent.

And what is the last component of sandwich?

Very good! Kindly read the definition of filling. The last component of the sandwich is the filling ma’am.
Filling is the main event and can consist of one or more
Thank you! It is stated there that filling is the main ingredients that are stacked, layered or folded.
event so, why filling is the main event?
The filling is the main event because it is the high light of
a sandwich.
Very good!
Bear in mind class that the varieties of fillings are
endless and should be carefully selected in keeping with
the rest of components.
The filling can be hot or cold and sometimes both.
What kind of fillings do you know?
Very good! Meat, poultry, fish and cured meat ma’am.
Now let’s check your answers under the filling.

D. Generalization
Ok class! What are again the three components of
The three components of sandwich are the structure or
Very good! base, moistening agent and fillings ma’am.
What component of sandwich is the main event?
Precisely! The filling is the main event ma’am.
How about the component that binds the sandwich?
Very good! The moistening agent ma’am
And what component of sandwich that acts as carrier
of other ingredients?
Correct! The structure or base ma’am

E. Valuing
Why do we need to choose a good quality of
ingredients for sandwich?
We need to choose a good quality of ingredients so that
Very good! our sandwiches are hearty and delicious.

IV. Evaluation
I have here some ingredients of a sandwich and I let
you prepare a sandwich. I will give to you the procedure
as your guide in preparing sandwich and later on you will
classify the ingredients used in the sandwich. Get it class?

Ok! And now I will divide you into two groups. Yes ma’am
Before you start I will present first the rubrics in
evaluating your performance.

5pts 4pts 3pts

Creativity, plating Very Attractive Less attractive
& appearance (5 attractive
Presentation Logically Organized Less organized
(5 points) organized
Safety work Highly self- Highly self- Highly self-
habits motivated motivated and motivated and
(5 points) and observes observes most observes all safety
sometimes safety measures at all
some safety measures most times
measure of the time
Time management Done work Done work at Exceeds in given
(5 points) before the exact time time
I’ll give you 5 minutes to do the given task. given time
Total: 20%
The students are done.

All of you had a good presentation. Good job class!

Surf internet with the following types of
a. Yeast bread
b. Buns and rolls
c. Flat breads
d. Wraps
e. Quick breads

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