Thomas Awkner Floats

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What is the significance of the title?

The significance of the title is foreshadowing the story, suggest and hints at oppression of Thomas
Awkner. This also tells us about how he was looked down upon and at the end he comes to a
realisation and starts coming to the top(float).

What is the story about?

Thomas’ mission to Melbourne with the manila envelope carries on a tradition of “running family
errands” (p.52) - a duty entrusted to him because at the Awkers’ belief in his “apparent idiocy”
(p.53)Thomas enjoyed the importance of his errands.
However, when he began to wonder about the contents of the envelopes, with which he was
entrusted, Thomas began to have fears about the possible dangers he might encounter. He worked
hard to cultivate inertia as a barrier against family intrigue and mysterious goings on in the
asbestos house. Inside the national gallery, where he is to meet Uncle Dubbo, Thomas is first seized
with the desire to lie and look at the ceiling, then with the urge to question his uncle about the
family and their activities.

What concepts arise from this story?

One of the concepts in the story “Thomas Awkner Floats” is self realisation. This theme is explored
throughout the story as Thomas Awkner was always told what to do in his family and never had a
voice for himself but at the end he comes to a self realisation that he has his own voice and believe
what he wanted too. They were a dodgy/shady family.

Describe the structure. Give examples

The narrative structure of the short story, “Thomas Awkner Floats”, consists of a chronological
order and formation. It begins with both the setting and protagonist being established in the
opening sentence, then a further depth into context and emotions can be demonstrated through
the use of a flashback. “Earliest memory was of the day the swing on the back veranda propelled
him across the yard and into the fence” (p52.). The recurring use of reveries in which the
protagonist allow the audience to understand the contemplative demeanour in which he endures.
“reminded him of Fremantle where he was born”(p57.). “The old church. He remembered”(p58).
- Third pov.

Which narrative viewpoint is presented and what effect does it create?

Narrative viewpoint present in ‘Thomas Awkner Floats’ is third person perspective and omniscient.
The author purposefully chooses to write in third perspective as it is more objective and restrict
personal attachment to the character from the audience. The effect of it in the story it allows the
author more freedom to write and allows the author the chance to reveal to the audience what the
character Thomas won’t reveal to himself which is evident through “His schooling was not superb.
He had no friends.”(p54.)

How does Winton establish and maintain the setting? Give examples
Tim Winton establishes setting through the main character Thomas, as the story progresses the
changing/travel of place from one to another allows new setting to be established. There are
several setting established in the story as the story contains flashbacks. First setting established is
the airplane. “The fasten seatbelts sign chimed on and off. The thirty seats ahead of him were
occupied… engaged in informal celebration, creating a disconcertingly visual babble.” (p52.). The
construction of the busy atmosphere assist in maintaining the setting and the progression of the
story (the conversation held). Another setting established was the airport terminal.”So many
escalators and shops and purposeful people and it was difficult to make headway”(p55.). The short
sentences and chaotic atmosphere established the setting however not in depth as Thomas moves
to the gallery → not maintained.
- Setting reflects the inner turmoil.
Flashback - Fremantle, the setting of Melbourne reminded Thomas of his childhood town. “Houses
standing shoulder to shoulder, old man walking in narrow streets.” Personification provides a clear
image of both towns (as both should be similar because it reminded Thomas of Fremantle).

How has Winton crafted the characters? Give examples.

Thomas Awkner fear of flying arouses memories of childhood mishaps while in the present, his
palms sweat and he has trouble speaking. His difficulty is so great that fellow passengers mistake
him for a member of the deaf society party on board the aircraft travelling across the continent.
Was only seen as a delivery boy by his family, shunned, left alone.
- Could only see acceptance of them through the delivery
- Never needed to exert himself

Describe and comment on the relationships explored.

The relationships explored are between Thomas and his father. The relationship between Thomas
and his father is complex as throughout the story is evident that his father is negligent of Thomas.
Thomas father was physically never there and wasn’t a constant figure in his life.”he was flying. His
father had never flown; that fact made him feel sophisticated.”(p53.). Tone of boastfulness, he
wasn’t good enough, felt like disappointment to his father therefore doing something he knew his
father has never done made him feel a sense of accomplished or better.
“His father was a memory associated with endlessly smouldering incinerator behind the back
shed.” (p.53) Showcase that there was no real emotional attachment or memory with his father all
he remembered was him constantly working.
”He found himself along with his mother.”(p54).
What concepts and questions arise from your reading of this text?
In the reading of “Thomas Awkner Floats”, concepts that can be recognised in this text are the
desire for truth, impulsive audacity and the process of self-actualisation. These notions can be
configured within the development of the protagonist throughout the text. The inevitable result of
this self-discovery follows as the character liberates himself from the constraints of his criminal
family with an act of defiance. Eg. jump in fountain
- What did his family do?

How have purpose, audience and context combined to assist your understanding or engagement
with the text?
- Purpose is displayed to the audience the struggle to find a sense of self and own identity. →
Thomas being unable to belong or sense of isolation from his family.
- Predominantly alone
- “He never questioned the prolonged absences of his brothers and his uncle Dubbo.” (p54.)
- “He found himself alone with his mother.” (p.54)
“You’ll sink like a stone” / “Thomas Awkner Floated” - Juxtaposition shows end to finding approval.
Symbolism: the physical journey is symbolic for the emotional journey Thomas is going through; to
satisfy and make his uncle proud to standing up and disobeying.”Uncle Dubbo paced, fists in his
- Always been below the radar, for the first time he floats
- Never made himself prominent → transition

Young adult - as it usually during the late teen years is when individuals try to find their place in the
world and belonging. This audience age bracket is easily relatable to Thomas and his

- Thomas Awkner goes across the continent (Australia) to deliver a envelope to his Uncle -
Thomas doesn’t know what is in the envelope
- “What was in the envelope? What did it mean? Why fly across Australia to deliver in a
public place?” (p.54). “He never questioned the prolonged absences of his brothers and his
uncle Dubbo.” (p54.) → which showcase that Thomas is often left out the loop also he is
determined for approval he doesn’t question anything.
- “Uncle Dubbo appeared out of nowhere to attend the cremation service.” - further
reinforce the idea he is isolated from his family
- Scission in Thomas and his family - communication; never seems to know what the family is
about. → Questions but never answered/neither does he questions.
- Dipping into the water; baptism and new birth.
- Questions he never care to ask - “What was Uncle Dubbo really like? What did he do all
these years. He could barely remember them.” (p.58)

Evaluate the worth of the text in the context of this unit

The text is valuable in the aspect that it allows the audience to question the protagonist’s

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